
Saint Mary of the Annunciation

Priest Celebrants & Mass IntentionsSaturday, April 12

5:30pm Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)+John Brennan

Sunday, April 139:00am Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)

+Reba Bridwell9:30am Fr. Patrick Allen (St. Mary)

11:15am Bishop Guglielmone (Cathedral)Pro Populo

6:00pm Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)+Bishop David B. Thompson

Monday, April 147:00am Bishop Guglielmone, (St. Mary)

+Patricia Milner12:05pm Fr. Patrick Allen (Cathedral)

The Tecklenburg FamilyTuesday, April 15

7:00am Msgr. Brovey, (St. Mary)11:00am Chrism Mass (Cathedral)Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone

Wednesday, April 167:00am Msgr. Brovey, (St. Mary)

12:05pm Bishop Guglielmone (Cathedral)Special Intention

Thursday, April 177:00pm The Lord’s Supper Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)

+Bishop David B. ThompsonFriday, April 18

7:00am The Lord’s Passion Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)Special Intention

Saturday, April 198:30pm The Great Easter Vigil (Cathedral)

Bishop Robert E. GuglielmoneSpecial Intention

Sunday, April 208:00am Easter Mass (St. Mary)

8:00am Sung Mass Msgr. Brovey (Cathedral)Special Intention

10:00am Easter Mass (St. Mary)10:00am Solemn High Mass With Cathedral Choir

Monsignor Brovey (Cathedral)Special Intention

10:00am Easter Mass in Cathdral Center HallFr. Jeffrey Kirby (Cathedral)

Special Intention12:15pm Sung Mass Fr. Kirby (Cathedral)

Special Intention

No 7:00am Masses at St. Mary April 21 thru April 25

Monday, April 14,7:00am - Mass at St. Marys

12:05pm - Mass at the CathedralTuesday, April 15

7:00am - Mass at St. Marys11:00am - Chrism Mass at the Cathedral

Wednesday April 167:00am - Mass at St. Marys

12:05pm - Mass at the CathedralHoly Thursday, April 17

7:00pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper at the Cathedral7:00pm - Anglican Use Ordinariate Mass of the Lord’s

Supper at St. MarysGood Friday, April 18

12:00pm - St. Mary Live Stations of the Cross at St. Marys

3:00pm - Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at the Cathedral

3:00pm - Anglican Ordinariate Use Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at St. Marys

Holy Saturday, April 198:30pm - The Great Easter Vigil Mass at the

CathedralEaster Sunday, April 20

8:00am & 10:00am - Easter Masses at St. Mary12:00pm - Anglican Ordinariate Use Easter Mass at

St. Mary

Please Pray for:Lilian Andrews

Jim BradyMargaret Mary Brandt

Betty Young BurrisLorraine Emanuel

Patty EmerickJan Giuffreda

Holly Gorman Richardine Grant

Ed GreenRachel Pardieck Hazelwood

Annabelle HeilGoleta KincerAidan Lane

Johnny MarshallJudy McDowellAnne Mosley

Capt. Andrew Nicholson, USMC

Heather RileyPauline Sottile

Margaret Mary SpragueJeff Todd

Owen Weldon

April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

St. Mary of the AnnunciationApril 13, 2014

St. Mary’s Parish News Vacation Church Camp

June 16th thru 20th, 2014 - 8:45am until1 11:30amRegistration opens on May 1st

and the deadline is May17th.Ages K4-3rd grade.

Fees are $15 per child with a Family cap of $50

Help the Seafarers’ Ministry by donating your old magazines and books. Bring your donations to the parish hall or call Paul Rosenblum at (843)822-3572 for pickup. We are also interested in any donations of prayer cards, rosaries, religious medals, or other religious items that you would like to give so that we can pass them on. Thank you for all of your past and continued support. Our Lady, Stella Maris, pray for us.

Bishop England Summer Camps: For Bishop England Summer Sports Camp Information go to:

Women’s Emmaus Retreat: Do you sense a call to deepen your relationship with Christ? If so, please prayerfully consider attending the May 16-18 Women’s Emmaus Retreat sponsored by St. Benedict parish at Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island. The cost of $165 includes lodging and meals. Please contact Anne Medio (343-7038, [email protected]) or Amy McCarthy (534-6508) for additional information and registration.

Important Phone NumbersMonsignor Steven L. Brovey, Administrator843-724-8395 [email protected] Priests: Father Patrick AllenDeacon Jerome Remkiewicz843-937-8518 [email protected]: Sharon Emma843-724-8395 Ext. 236 [email protected]. of Christian Formation & Evang.: Mr. Dan Lord

Come to the Feast of Divine Mercy!

You are all invited to come and join the Apostles of Divine Mercy in celebrating this great day of Mercy and the decree by Pope Francis that

Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II will canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday.Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy, which begins on Good Friday, April 18th. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom he said: “These souls cause me more suffering than an others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives.”During the solemn Novena leading to divine Mercy Sunday, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy should be offered each day for the day’s intentions.Please join us on April 27th, at 3:00 pm (Cathedral of St. John the Baptist) when we will celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy with a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament and will conclude with Benediction.“MY DAUGHTER, TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT MY INCONCEIVABLE MERCY, I DESIRE THAT THE FEAST OF MERCY BE A REFUGE AND SHELTER FOR ALL SOULS, AND ESPECIALLY FOR POOR SINNERS. ON THAT DAY THE VERY DEPTHS OF MY TENDER MERCY ARE OPEN.A Plenary Indulgence, granted under the usual conditions (Sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of the Pope) to the faithful who, on Divine Mercy Sunday, in any Catholic Church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even venial sin, take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy.

A priest will be availabe to hear confessions.

Read more about the Divine Mercy Devotion, Novena and the plenary indulgence at

Saint Mary of the Annunciation

St. Mary of the AnnunciationApril 13, 2014

Charleston Catholic School News

We have begun the fourth quarter at The Charleston Catholic School.

It’s not too late to order a brick for our patio area at The Charleston Catholic School. Each brick costs $100 and can be personally engraved. For more information you can contact CCS at 577-4495. Thank you in advance for your support.

If you would like to schedule a tour or want more information about CCS you can contact Jeannie Fanjoy at 577-4495.

Lucis ViaCatholic Young Adults Group (ages 18-35)Check out our web site to learn about local Bible studies, charities, and social events!Ignite your Faith. Get plugged in.

For questions, please contact Richard White at 505-307-1974 or [email protected]

Our Lady of Mercy Motherhouse Help Wanted:

The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy in Charleston, South Carolina is seeking a Director of Finances. Responsibilities include financial planning, budgeting, accounting, investments, payroll, insurance program and taxes. MBA or equivalent degree in Accounting/Finance is required. At least five years experience in financial management in a similar organization is preferred. Computer skills required. Ability to understand and support the mission and philosophy of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy is essential. Please send cover letter, resume, references & salary requirements by April 28, 2014 to: Sister Carol Wentworth, PO Box 12410, Charleston, SC 29422.

A food service employee to prepare meals for 25 people. Every other weekend, Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Approximately 20 hours per month. Located on James Island. Must have food preparation experience, be dependable and reliable. For further information contact Mr. DeNeane at 843-819-2478.

Respect Life40 Days for Life Ends on Palm Sunday Followed By Good Friday Prayer Vigil at the Abortion site April 18, 2014! Closing Rally April 13 at 2:00pm, 14 Ravenna Ave, Hanahan! As a follow up to 40 Days and to foster our ongoing presence in prayer at the abortion site, Christians of all denominations are invited to join in solemn prayer on Good Friday, April 18th from 8:00am til noon at the Charleston Women’s Medical Center, 1312 Ashley River Rd.(Hwy. 61). Local area Pastors will lead in scripture and prayer, one each half hour throughout the morning. Sister Frances from Daughters of St. Paul will also lead a half hour.

In The “Holy City” of CharlestonGood Friday Prayer Vigil - Carry the Cross of Abortion”

April 18, 2014 - 8:00am to 12:00 Noonat Charleston Women’s Medical Center

1312 Ashley River Rd. (Hwy. 61 and Fuseler St.)Christians of all denominations are invited to join in solemn prayer on Good Friday at Charleston Women’s Medical Center where approximately 2000 abortions up to 16 weeks are done each year. Local area pastors will lead in scripture and prayer, one each half hour throughout the morning. The entire focus is on prayer! It is a time of deep reflection and strengthening of conviction for all who attend. We refrain on this solemn day of our Lord’s death from using signs that would connote a picket or demonstration to the public. Instead, a life-sized cross will be our only sign as we carry the cross of abortion, keeping the prayerful focus of the day on the cross of Christ. Questions: call Cheryle at 843-696-0604 or Jim 813-6078. Please do NOT park in Carriage Lane Office lot.

Rosary at Abortion Facility: The organization, Priests for Life, has called for each Catholic to pray fervently for the closing of the local abortion facility. Please join Deacon Peter Curcio from Sacred Heart Parish, who will lead the Rosary and prayers at the Chalrston Women’s Medical Center at 1312 Ashley River Road (corner of Hwy 61 & Fuseler) on Holy Saturday, April 19, from 8:00-9:00am. For information call Stephen Boyle at 763-0681.

April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Ministers of the LiturgyGreeters and Gift Bearers:

This Week:Larry & Linda Jones

Next Week:TBA

Lectors:This Week:

TBANext Week:

TBAExtraordinary Ministers of the

Distribution of Holy Communion:This Week:

Steve Grainger, Tommy HartnettNext Week:

TBAHospitality:This Week:

Jill McDowell, Judy McDowell, Denise Darling, Susan Koval, Cindy Daniel, Mary Gastley,

Sissa Green, Barbara Ankersen, Helen Murphy

Next Week:No Hospitality

Nursery:This Week:

Summer TeegardinNext Week:No Nursery

Altar Flowers: Every member of the parish is invited to contribute to the beauty of our worship space by Providing the altar flowers on a particular

Sunday to the glory of God, in memory, thanksgiving, or celebration of people or events that are important to that donor. Please call the Parish Office for more

information or to schedule a Sunday.

The Sacrament of MatrimonyEither the bride or the groom must be a practicing Catholic and registered at St. Marys for at least twelve months before scheduling a wedding date and beginning the six months marriage preparation. The bride/groom must be an active parishioner, regularly attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, and use the envelope system in regular support of the parish. The Wedding Policy Booklet may be found on our website: Contact Sister Deanna for more information, 843-724-8395.

Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30am or the 4th Sunday of the month during the 9:30am Mass. Baptisms that are scheduled during Mass are especially rich in

significance. The joyful witness of the entire parish community emphasizes the reality that, through Baptism, a person truly becomes a part of the Mystical Body of Christ and a permanent member of God’s family. To have your child baptized, please contact Dan Lord at 724-8395 ext. 233. Please call before the birth of your child.

Are You an Active Member?Various facilities and services are available to our active members. This includes use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings, and other sacramental events, and includes parishioner status in parochial schools.Active Membership is determined by four things:

1. Being properly registered in the parish for a sufficient period of time.2. Faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.3. Use of the envelope system in regular support of the parish.4. Being active in at least one parish program, ministry, or organization.

Please notify the office of any changes in your address or contact information.

Finance Office Information March 30, 2014:

Envelope Offertory: $5,617.0087 (36%) envelopes were receivedElectronic Offertory: $996.01

16 (38%) parishionersTotal Offertory Received: $6,613.01

(36% of parishioners contributed this week.)

Weekly Offertory Report

Total Families: 282Thank You for your

generosity. Each gift matters!

If you have any questions you are always welcome to call Sharon Emma, Bookkeeper, at 724-8395 ext. 236.

Offertory Option: You can now manage your giving online. Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history. Just follow these easy steps: • Just visit our website (, • click on the Donate Now button,• Click on the Create Profile button, then• Follow the on screen instructions to create a profile and to schedule your

contributions.Don’t forget: Update your electronic account with

current credit card expiration dates

Remember: When giving to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal all payments should be made payable to the “Bishop’s Annual Appeal”. This will ensure your payments are applied directly to your pledge.

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