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Doctors used to view impotence, or ‘erectile dysfunction’, as apsychological disorder, and the options for treatment werelimited. The stigma and shame associated with impotence alsostopped many men from seeking help. Viagra changed the way the medical profession viewed Erectile Dysfunction (ED), opening up more avenues for treatment and providing men with the opportunity to re-establish a healthy, fulfilling sex life.

This guide provides information on a new treatment option for ED- the Priapus-shot, or P-shot.

The P-shot improves the ability to achieve and maintain an erection, and increases the firmness of the erection and ability to achieve orgasm. The P-shot has advantages over other ED treatments in that it is a one-off, long lasting treatment with fewer side effects.















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ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CAN AFFECT ANYONEThe statistics on Erectile Dysfunction (ED) are difficult to determine for certain. With it being such a sensitive issue, experts believe that many more men suffer from ED than the research tells us because there is still a perceived stigma associated with ED that stops men coming forward to say they have a problem.

What we do know for sure is that the number of men affected with ED increases with age. Australian research indicates that 1 in 3 men aged between 45 and 54 experience ED. In younger men (35-44 yrs), the rate was still significant at 16%. These figures are similar to the research from other international studies that show ED affects less than 10% of men aged under 40 years, up to 15% of men between 40-49 years and up to 50% of men between 50 and 70 years.



Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse. The key word here is ‘persistent’. Most men will have experienced the odd occasion where they have had trouble maintaining an erection. However, for many men it is an ongoing problem and causes high levels of frustration, depression and anxiety.

The basic mechanism of an erection is increased blood flow to the penis. Sexual stimulation, either by touch or by erotic/emotional stimuli, causes release of nitric oxide and acetylcholine from the nerve endings in the penis. Release of these chemicals activates the smooth muscle fibres along the length of the penis and the muscle relaxes. Relaxation of smooth muscle allows increased blood flow into the penis, making it erect. The increased blood flow into the penis compresses the smaller blood vessels and prevents outward blood flow.

The process is reversed under the control of another chemical, phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which effectively dampens the activity in the smooth muscle fibres, causing them to contract. The contraction of smooth muscle decompresses the outward-flowing blood vessels and the blood drains out of the penis. Any process that interrupts the flow of blood into the penis can cause ED.

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Doctors used to think that ED was ‘all in your head’, and while it is true that a traumatic sexual experience, stress, depression and anxiety on their own can affect sexual performance, they are not the most common causes of ED.

The main culprit in ED is anything that reduces the health of your blood vessels. You need a strong, healthy blood flow for a strong, healthy erection. Many doctors view ED as a kind of early warning signal of other potentially life-threatening illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. This is another good reason to speak to a doctor if you are experiencing ED.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will go a long way to improving ED - a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and moderate exercise will reduce your risk of developing ED in the future and will help to improve erectile function. Smoking is a major contributor to ED - smoking damages your arteries and doubles your risk of developing ED in later years. The good news is that if you stop smoking the damage can be reversed, and this will help improve erectile function.

Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol are all culprits in the development of ED, because of their negative effects on heart and blood vessel health. Treating these diseases will have a positive effect on erectile function.

In addition to the other more obvious causes of ED, such as structural abnormalities, trauma or nerve damage, other contributors to ED include hormonal imbalances, enlarged prostate and medication (antidepressants and anti-hypertensive medication).




ED has a profound effect on the patient’s quality of life, and

that of their partner. ED can lead to a withdrawal from intimacy and avoidance

of physical contact, which in turn leads to a breakdown in relationships.

There is a high rate of depression and anxiety in men suffering from ED - and the stress and anxiety associated

with ED contributes to the condition itself in a vicious cycle of cause and effect.

The good news is that treatment of ED has been shown to restore self-esteem,

improve the symptoms of depression and anxiety and improve overall

quality of life.

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PDE5 inhibitorsThis class of drugs includes Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra), Tadalafil (Cialis) and Avanafil (Stendra). These drugs have revolutionised the treatment of ED over the past 20 years. They act by inhibiting the activity of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which, as we mentioned previously, is responsible for contracting the smooth muscle fibres in the penis and increasing blood flow out of the penis. Inhibiting the activity of PDE5 prolongs the erection.

PDE5 inhibitors have been very popular, but they are not without their side effects, and some people find the lack of spontaneity a problem. These medications need to be taken between 30 minutes to 2 hours before sex to ensure they are at their peak blood concentration, and Sildenafil and Vardenafil have to be taken on an empty stomach because their absorption is affected by fatty foods. Side effects of PDE5 inhibitors include headache, increased blood flow to the face and upper trunk (appearing ‘flushed’), indigestion, muscle or back ache and nasal congestion. Viagra and Levitra can also cause changes in colour vision.

PDE5 inhibitors don’t work for everyone and aren’t suitable for anyone taking nitrates (for angina), or patients taking particular antibiotics and blood pressure medications.

Intracaversonal injectionsVasodilator (blood vessel enlarging) drugs such as alprostadil can be injected directly into the penis to relax the smooth muscle and allow blood to flow into the penis. This treatment is effective, but causes pain in about 30% of patients and fibrous scarring that alters the curve and appearance of the penis in 10-20% of users over the long term. Generalised side effects include dizziness, increased heart rate and low blood pressure. Alprostadil has recently been released as a cream that is showing some promise in treating ED without the side effects of PED5 inhibitors because it acts only at the application site.



The Priapus-shot (P-shot)The Priapus-shot, or P-shot, named after the Greek God of fertility, is a one-off treatment that lasts 12 to 18 months. The procedure involves injecting platelet rich plasma (PRP) using the advanced Factor4 process, which is made from the patient’s own blood, into multiple sites along the shaft and at the head of the penis. The PRP contains activated platelets that produce a variety of growth factors and proteins that repair and regenerate the blood vessels and skin cells around the injection site. The injections are done using a very fine needle and with a local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

The P-shot is a relatively new treatment for ED that has been shown to improve the symptoms of ED. Men who have had the P-shot have reported: ` improved ability to get an erection ` improved stamina and firmness ` increased sensitivity or sensation ` improved ability to achieve orgasm

Vacuum constriction pumpsThis procedure involves using suction (a vacuum cylinder) to draw blood into the penis to produce an erection, which is maintained by a constricting ring (a cock ring) at the base of the penis to stop blood flowing out. The obvious drawbacks to this method are the time required to prepare for sex, and many men find the procedure painful - pain from the ring at the base of the penis and pain on ejaculation. This device is not recommended for men on warfarin therapy.

Penile prosthetic implantsPenile implants are considered as a last resort when other therapies have failed. An inflatable or flexible implant is inserted into the penis that can induce rigidity in order to have sex. Although uncommon, complications include device failure and infection following surgery.

The problem with all of these treatments is that, aside from the potential for side effects and interactions with other medication, you need to use these methods every time before you have sex. So instead of being ‘in the moment’ and spontaneous, sex needs to be planned and organised. This can be a bit tricky even if you are in a committed relationship.

The Harley Clinic recommends the Priapus Shot for Erectile Dysfunction

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used for many years in different areas of medicine. PRP has been used to repair ligament and tendon damage, stimulate new bone growth in the jaw, and to improve wound healing after surgery. The growth factors and proteins produced by the platelets accelerate the body’s natural healing processes to regenerate and repair the tissue around where the PRP is applied.

PRP can improve ED by stimulating production of endothelial cells, which in turn form new blood vessels (angiogenesis). The new blood vessels will improve blood flow into and around the penis, which is vital for maintaining a strong, healthy erection. The PRP will also stimulate new skin and smooth muscle cell growth to improve the general health and function of those tissues.

Producing PRP is a two step process. In the first step, some of your blood is taken into a tube and spun in a centrifuge. This procedure separates the components of the blood based on how heavy they are. The red cells are the heaviest, and are found at the bottom of the tube. The white blood cells are next, and form a thin layer in the middle of the tube. The platelets, which are involved in helping blood to clot are small and light, and are found at the bottom of the plasma layer.

The second step is to remove the plasma and platelets into a new tube and spin them again, which concentrates the platelets in the bottom of the tube. Most of the plasma is removed, leaving the platelets behind in a small amount of plasma. The platelets are ‘activated’ by adding calcium. Once activated, the platelets produce the growth factors that accelerate the body’s own healing processes.




The P-shot is a very safe procedure as PRP comes from your body, there is no risk of allergic reaction, and there are no general side-effects like there are with oral medication as the PRP is only active where it is injected. There may be some minor bruising at the injection site, but this is temporary and will fade in a few days.

PRP treatment is not suitable for anyone with a low platelet count or any other clotting disorder, or for patients receiving anticoagulant (anti-clotting) medication such as warfarin. PRP therapy is also not suitable for patients with infections or chronic liver disease. Please check with the Doctor during your consultation and make sure he knows your full medical history before having the P-shot.

The P-shot costs $1,800* and is typically a one-time procedure that lasts 12-18 months. In the unlikely event that a second P-shot is required and if your doctor finds it safe and appropriate,another injection can be made 8-12 weeks after the initial procedure.

*Price correct at time of publication – June 2018.

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I’ve heard that the P-shot can increase length and girth of my penis as well. Is that true?About 20% of patients (or 1 in 5) have said that the P-shot increased the size of their penis. The problem is that we can’t predict which patient that may happen to.

How fast does the P-shot work?You will notice a difference at about 3 weeks post-treatment, with continued improvement up to 4 to 6 weeks post treatment. The improvements you will notice include improved ability to get an erection, improved stamina and firmness, increased sensitivity or sensation and improved ability to achieve orgasm.

How long does the effect last for?The P-shot usually involves one treatment and the effect lasts for 12 to 18 months. If the doctor thinks it could help, a second treatment can be given 2 to 3 months after the initial treatment.

How long does the treatment take?The treatment is done in two stages. We take 30-50 ml of blood first (20 mins), then perform the separation procedure to make the PRP. The second stage is approximately 45mins, where we apply a numbing cream on your penis so you don’t feel any discomfort during the injections. We wait for the numbing cream to take effect, then inject the PRP. You can go back to work or continue with your normal day straight after the procedure.

How long do I have to wait until I can have sex after getting the P-shot?You could have sex the same day if you wanted to - although it would probably be a good idea to wait until the anaesthetic wears off!



If you have been thinking about treatment for erectile dysfunction, come and speak to us about the P-shot. We can explain the procedure and answer any questions you might have. Erectile dysfunction is not only treatable, it can also be an early warning sign of a potentially more serious disease. The Harley Clinic offers Doctor consultations in clinic. There are many treatment options available, but the P-shot has the advantages of being an effective, long lasting, one-off treatment with no side effects and no interactions with other medications.

If you have been considering treatment options to help to achieve a strong, healthy erection without medication or the interruption to spontaneous sex, then the P-shot could be the treatment option you’ve been looking for. Book in for a confidential consultation at our discreet clinic so we can talk to you about the procedure and answer any questions you may have.



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