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rwandan genocide

Macy Wilson10A world lit/ comp7th period

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separation of tribes

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lacked control

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no unity

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“the whole world failed rwanda…”-Philip Gourevitch

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“rape is no lesser a crime than murder…”-Romeo A. Dallaire

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WORKS CITED Dallaire, Romeo. Shake Hands with the Devil. N.p.: New York, 2003. Print. This novel is written from the point of view of Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire, who led UNAMIR during the genocide. I checked the accuracy of many facts Dallaire claimed in his book by using a Google search. All of the claims I checked did match what I found in my research. This source really helped my understanding of the issue because the author describes what he personally experienced during the genocide. This is useful because I now know how serious the genocide was on a personal level. I got a very different perspective from his experience compared to reading about the genocide in an encyclopedia article.

“Genocide in Rwanda.” Gale Global Issues in Context. N.p., 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. < gic/>. This entry had a lot of background information and many viewpoints regarding the genocide of Rwanda. This data was on an online database. It is a reliable source. This passage was more information in general towards my understanding of the Rwandan genocide.

Jones, Adam. Gendercide Watch. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2010. This information source had who was responsible for the genocide. It also told the long lasting effects and background information on how and why the Genocide was carried out in the beginning. To check this information, I did a background check on the author. After viewing his credibility, I checked the information itself on Google. After seeing that it wasn’t plagiarized, I knew it would be ok. This website gave me a detailed view of who was really responsible for the killings, and who planned out, and lead the genocide. It also gives great detail of the killing, and of the actions carried out by Hutu extremists.

“Hutus ‘killed Rwanda President Juvenal Habyarimana.’” BBC News. BBC, 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < 2/ hi/ 8453832.stm>. This article details the assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana. I used a Google Search to verify several of the facts in the article such as the exact dates of the assassination. I also tried to find the author of the article, which I could not do. This article has helped me understand what triggered the genocide and the tension related to it. I can use this information to figure out how the genocide was connected to political problems.

“Nyarubuye Memorial.” Nyarubuye Genocide Memorial Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < sites/ nyarubuye/ pages/ text_nyarubuye-1.htm>. This website has information about a specific massacre of the Rwandan Genocide, the Nyarubuye Church Massacre. I found several Gale Reference Articles that referenced the Nyarubuye massacre. Every detail that the website mentioned was correct according to the Gale articles. This website helped me understand a specific event of the genocide. It was useful to me to get a feeling of daily life during the killings.

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