
How to get to System Tools ?

Click on the Start bar to open your Windows XP Start menu. Press on All Programs menu item. This will load all of the programs that you have installed on your computer. Select the Accessories item from the All Programs menu, and then select System Tools

System Information

This program will display all of the information about your computer and Windows operating system. This information will be arranged into various categories to help you find the information that you are looking for in a more effective manner, such as: Hardware Resources, Components, Software Environment, etc

Character map

It is used to view the characters in any installed font, to check what keyboard input is used to enter those characters, and to copy characters to the clipboard in lieu of typing them. The tool is usually useful for entering special characters.

A backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying and archiving of computer data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.

This program will help increase your computer’s speed when searching for files on your hard drive.

Disk Defragmenter

Network card (only if you use a network printer): is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network. It allows users to connect to each other either by using cables or wireless.

Hubs: A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to all the ports of the hub. When the packets are copied, the destination address in the frame does not change to a broadcast address.

Bridges: a device that connects multiple network segments along the data link layer . It works on OSI layer 2.

Router: a specialized network device that determines the next network point to which it can forward a data packet towards the ultimate destination of the packet. Unlike a gateway, it cannot interface different protocols. It works on OSI layer 3.

Gateway: this device is placed at a network node and interfaces with another network that uses different protocols. It works on OSI layers 4 to 7.

Switch: a device that allocates traffic from one network segment to certain lines which connect the segment to another network segment. Unlike a hub, a switch splits the network traffic and sends it to different destinations rather than to all systems on the network. It works on OSI layer 2.




And then to : INTERNET PROTOCOL and click on PROPERTIES.

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

Be sure that each computer has a different IP adress.

Click on the righ of the mousse and choose PROPERTIES and then go to COMPUTER NAME

There you can change the name of the computer .


MS-DOS is a non-graphical command line operating system created for IBM compatible computers that was first introduced by Microsoft in August 1981 and was last updated in 1994 when MS-DOS 6.22 was released.

Here are some of the MS-DOS commands.

Ping Command

Ping is a utility used to verify if a network data packet is capable of being distributed to an address without errors. The ping utility is commonly used to check for network errors.

Ipconfig is a DOS utility that can be used from MS-DOS and a MS-DOS shell to display the network settings currently assigned and given by a network. This command can be utilized to verify a network connection as well as to verify your network settings.

Description: Win32/Boberog.AQ is a worm that spreads via IM networks. The worm contains a backdoor. It can be controlled remotely.

SOLUTION Get off these programs - malwarebytes - MSNCleaner And follow these steps below: reboot your PC in Safe Mode by pressing F8 before you start windows and choose the option Safe Mode or Safe Mode msn-runs cleaner and if you find something you give delete run malwarebytes (updated before restarting in safe mode) -choose full analysis if possible with USBs, memory, cell phones, etc. connected when done if found threats select them all and give away what selected -restart in normal mode make a new analysis with malwarebytes (optional)

Andra Elena Grumeza

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