
Jordon JonesMurder


The title of my film is ‘Murder’, and it is based on a book called ‘The Children of London’ and has a running time of 85 minutes.

The film starts off with the group crowded around a television watching the last known broadcast that was made before the virus swept the nation (the world, unknown to the characters). They then go to their own family houses (all live in the same estate) and then afterwards they head to their local corner shop for supplies. They come across a boy named the ‘messenger’ who informs them of a safe haven of sorts being set up in Buckingham Palace, so the group start their journey towards it.

In the middle of the film the group come across two small children, a brother and sister, hiding from people trashing their home looking for valuables. The group beat up 3 of the men trashing the house while the other manages to escape, and the brother and sister ask if they can come with them, to which the group agree. They then come across a double decker bus, which they use to sleep in and travel closer to Buckingham palace. The bus runs out of petrol and the group get off, only to be confronted with the man that escaped, only with 10 more men armed with knives and bats. The group are then forced to put down their makeshift weapons and are taken to a building overlooking Buckingham Palace.

In the end of the film, the group manage to escape to Buckingham Palace thanks to the brother and sister stealing a key from a sleeping guard. The group all manage to escape except for Luke, who gets stabbed saving Ben. The film ends with the gates of the palace closing as the gang run away.

Why is it original? Why is it a UK film?

My idea is original because while there have been films in the same genre as mine (survival horror) that have similar elements, there have been none that involve an all teenage/child cast, and there have been none that focus on younger people directly.

This helps make it into more of a UK film because of how synonymous UK horror is with the survival genre (with films such as the 28 days/weeks later series) and it features an almost all UK cast, along with the entire film being filmed inside the UK.

The unique selling point of my film is the fact that a horror film of this size/budget, featuring an all star cast, is filmed entirely inside the UK, using a cast from the UK and a director from the UK.

Kaya Scodelario - Katie

I have chosen Kaya Scodelario to be in film because I needed an actor that could play the role of a reckless yet serious female that will do anything for her friends.

She has also been in other well known UK programmes like Skins. Also, she has worked with fellow actors Luke Pasqualino and Daniel Kaluuya previously which will allow her to feel more comfortable in her role while filming.

Luke Pasqualino - Luke

I have chosen Luke Pasqualino to be in my film because I think he would be good at playing a typical ‘bad boy’ role in the film, whilst being able to act serious at certain arts in the movie as well.

He has also been in other well known UK programmes like Skins. Also, he has worked with fellow actors Kaya Scodelario and Daniel Kaluuya previously which will allow him to feel more comfortable in his role while filming.

Robert Sheehan - James

I have chosen Robert Sheehan to be in my film because I think he would be good at playing a funny, care free character that will be the weak one of the group and try to run instead of fight.

He has also been in well known UK programmes like Skins, and has worked with fellow actors in the film Kaya Scodelario and Luke Pasqualino, so will find it easier to work with them.

Daniel Kaluuya - Daniel

I have chosen Daniel Kaluuya to be in my film as I want him to play a quiet character that is a bodyguard of sorts for the group.

He has been in all sorts of UK films and programmes, including Skins, Johnny English Reborn and Doctor Who.

Bonnie Wright - Helen

I have chosen Bonnie Wright to be in my film because I think she can play the role of a female that can be a ‘mother figure’ to the younger characters in the film.

She hasn’t been in any similar horror films, but she has been in other popular UK films such as Harry Potter.

Ben Wilby - Ben

I have chosen Ben Wilby to be in my film because I think he can play the role of a distraught child well, and also do action scenes well.

He has been in Nativity, a UK film.

Bessie Cursons -Jess

I have chosen Bessie Cursons to be in my film because I think she can play the role of Ben Wilby’s sister in the film well, and will be a fearless character in the film who looks after her brother.

She has also been in Nativity, a UK film.





Character Outfits

Luke James Daniel Ben

Character Outfits

Katie Helen Jess


(24 weeks of filming, this table x2)

Release Date and Why

The release date for my film is planned for 15th August.

This date is extremely close to the school holidays, which is important because my target audience will have this holiday, meaning they will have the time to come and see my film and will have the disposable income to pay to see it in the cinemas.

Budget – Camera Department

Camera operator = £1855 per week, 8 weeks = £14,840

Steadicam operator = £1200 per week, 8 weeks = £48,000

Jib & crane operator = £700 per week, 8 weeks = £5,600

Focus puller = £300 per week, 8 weeks = £12,000

Camera assistant = £240 per week, 8 weeks = £9,600

Production manager = £1,925 per week, 8 weeks = £15,400

DIT = £240 per day, 8 weeks = £9,600

Total = £115,040

Budget – Editing and Sound Editors = £1600 per week, 24 weeks = £38,400

Assistant editor = £1500 per week, 24 weeks = £36,000

Sound recordist = £1,870, 8 weeks = £14,960

Sound mixer = £272 per day, 8 weeks = £10,880

Sound assistant = £312 per day, 8 weeks = £12,480

Second sound assistant = £237 per day, 8 weeks = £9,480

Sound maintenance = £240 per day, 8 weeks = £9,600

Spark = £1250 per week, 8 weeks = £10,000

Gaffer = £1450 per week, 8 weeks = £11,600

Total = £153,400

Lighting, Make-up and Costume

Lead designer = £1725 per week, 8 weeks = £13,800

Artist = £1382 per week, 8 weeks = £11,056

Costume designer = £1713 per week, 8 weeks = £13,704

Assistant costume designer = £1233 per week, 8 weeks = £9,864

Costume supervisor = £1457 per week, 8 weeks = £11,656

Wardrobe = £1421 per week, 8 weeks = £11,368

Assistant make up = £800 per week, 8 weeks = £6,400

Total = £77,848


Sony HDW-790 HDCAM Camcorder x3 = £900 per day, 8 weeks =


Vinten Vision 250-CP2 Tripod x3 = £105 per day, 8 weeks = £4,200

JVC 9” LCD HD Monitor x3= £150, 8 weeks = £6,000

HD Lens HJ11ex4.7B Wide Angle HJ22ex7.6B Long x3 = £360, 8

weeks = £14,400

Avid DX Nitris HD & Final Cut Pro 6 HD (Wet hire) x1 = £410, 8 weeks

= £49,200

ARRI 2000w Kit (set of 2) x2 = £50 per day

Total = £114,000

Cast + Director

Alex Garland: £500,000

Kaya Scodelario: £500,000

Luke Pasqualino: £500,000

Robert Sheehan: £500,000

Daniel Kaaluya: £300,000

Bonnie Wright: £300,000

Ben Wilby: £100,000

Bessie Cursons: £100,000

Total = £2.8 Million.

Total Estimated Budget

The total estimated figure for my film is £3,260,000 after taking into account all the equipment, actors etc.

needed for the film.

Target Audience

My target audience is teenagers aged between 12 – 18. This is because my film features lots of actors that appeal to this age range and will make them want to see the film, plus they will each bring their own individual fanbase to the film which will attract lots of people.

The main gender I am aiming at is male, as the horror genre will appeal mainly to them, and there are a lot of male actors that will attract them to the film. However it is not aimed solely at males, as the film features a good mix of both male and female actors.

The socio economic grouping I am aiming at is group E because these people will be teenagers, which is the age range my film is aiming at, and these people will also have disposable incomes meaning they will be able to afford to see the film.

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