
Heaton Avenue presents:

The project since Spain!

Helen Sessions

Finding out about Spain

When we took a vote, we found


everybody liked the patatas

bravas and wanted to

make it again at home, so we


out the recipe.


In our sangria, we put:

Sliced oranges


CherriesFresh orange juice

Black grape juice

Fizzy water

It was yummy!!!

We all tried it but not all of us liked the paella. The look of the prawns put us off a little bit.

A portrait of Pablo Picasso by Gabriele


Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso

I like all the colours.

This one scares me.

It looks like fun!

It doesn’t look very real.

What would you say if my drawings looked like this?.

I think he must have been a strange person.

Did the Spanish children enjoy it?

I can’t believe our work went all the way to Spain and came back again!

Can we do something like this again?

I liked doing this painting but it looks even better now.

I like it because they have got a painting

and so have we!

Before starting our research, we thoughtof some questions we wanted to find the

answers to…

How old are the houses?

Can you still go inside them?

What are they hanging over?

We were amazed by the answers!

In our maths, lessons we looked at shapes and created pictures

to look like this one found in the hanging houses in Cuenca.

We also measured and cut art straws to create geometric art

work like this one.

We watched videos of our Spanish friends dancing and then tried it for ourselves. It was hard, but fun. We didn’t have any costumes like this but we did try on a flamenco dress that Mrs Sessions brought back for us.

The children were very interested in the activities

around Thursday 15th May, St. Isidro day, the Saint of

the farmers. They related this to our Harvest Festival

which will take place on 7th October this year.

St. Isidro day was celebrated in the hermitage with the whole community taking part and our Harvest Festival will take place in St. Luke’s church. We will invite families and friends to help us celebrate.

A collection of fresh fruit and vegetables,

tinned and dried produce will be brought to

the church and blessed before being taken to

Ashmeadows Nursing Home for old and infirm


Some of the songs we will be singing:

Lord of the Harvest

ChorusLord of the harvest, Lord of the field, give thanks now to God in

nature revealed.

Give thanks for the sun, the wind and the rain and thanks for the crops that feed us again.

The corn safely cut is gathered inside .we thank you, oh Lord, that you can provide.

ChorusThe trees ripe with fruit stand proud in the sun,

we gather them now that summer is gone. For your is the wonder, yours is the power,

yours is the glory of fruit and of flower.Chorus

So in all our plenty, help us to see, the needs all around whatever they be.

With food for the body, strength for the soul, it’s healing and caring, making them whole.


Cabbages and Greens,Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans,

cauliflower and roasted potatoes, taste so good to me!Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun,

oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone!Chorus

It’s another Harvest Festivalwhen we bring our fruit and veg’tables, ‘cause we want to share the best of all the good things that we’ve been given.

It’s another opportunity, to be grateful for the food we eat, with a samba celebration to say ‘Thank you’ to God the Father.

Golden corn and wheat, oats and sugar beat, fluffy rice and tasty spaghetti, wonderful to eat!

Coffee, cocoa, tea, growing nat’rally, herbal plants and all kinds of spices, very nice indeed!


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans, cauliflower and roasted potatoes, taste so good to me!

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun, oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone!


Pears and ApplesPears and apples, wheat and grapes,

many textures, many shapes; falling leaves in golden drifts

thank you, God, for harvest gifts.Flashing shoals of silver fish, every colour you could wish; fishing boats for you and me reap the harvest of the sea.

Deep beneath the ocean floor fuel and power have lain in store,

brought to us through dangerous toil thank you, God, for gas and oil.

Coal black diamonds in the earth, ancient forests gave them birth;

skill and labour now combine reaping harvests of the mine.

Earth and ocean, plant and beast, altogether make the feast;

all who long to share your grace at your table have their place.

Loving Lord, we know you care; may we all your goodness share;

save us from all selfish greed, finding you in those in need.

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