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Present Simple (indicativ present)

I. Conjugare

Conjugarea Present Simple corespunde formei de infinitiv scurt fara “to” la toate persoanele, cu exceptia persoanei a treia singular, la care se adauga desinenta –(e)

I work goYou work goHe/She/It works goesWe work goYou work goThey work go

II. Utilizare

Present Simple se foloseste pentru:a) a descrie actiuni obisnuite si repetitive.

eg. He gets up every day. I usually take the bus to work. b) a descrie evenimente sau situatii permanente in My parents live in Italy. c) a exprima adevaruri All men die. Three and five make eight. d) a povesti o intamplare, un film, un fapt (cu functia de present istoric)eg. The book tells the story of a young woman. e) a indica orare de sosiri si de plecari, de spectacole, The train for Oxford leaves at 8.30 a.m. .

III. Adverbe de frecventa

always, every day, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never Cum se folosesc. Adverbele de frecventa se pun in general intre subiect si verb, cu exceptia lui “every day / morning / evening / hour / minute”, care, de obicei, se afla la inceputul propozitiei, inainte de subiect.

subiect + adverb de frecventa + verb

eg. I never go out. You always arrive late! He usually gets up at 7. She rarely plays tennis. It often rains in England. We sometimes watch TV. You occasionally drink wine. Every day they drive to work.

In cazul propozitiilor construite cu verbul “a fi”, adverbele de frecventa se pun dupa verb.

subiect + verbul “to be” + adverb de frecventa

eg. He isn’t often late. We’re sometimes in a hurry. They’re never at home. I’m always tired.

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IV. Constructia propozitiei afirmative

subiect + verbul de conjugat la present + determinari ulterioare


drive to work every day.YouWeYouTheyHe/She/It works every day.

V. Present Simple la forma interogativa

1. Intrebari care cer raspunsuri scurte.

Forma interogativa a Present Simple se construieste cu verbul auxiliar “do” (“does” la persoana a treia singular) urmat de subiect si de verbul principal la infinitive fara “to”.

Auxiliar + do/does + subiect + verbul principal (la infinitive fara “to”) + determinari ulterioare + ?



work in the city?youweyouthey

Does he/she/it

2. Intrebari construite cu o particula interogativa.

what, who, why, when, where, which, how, how much, what time

Particula interogativa + auxiliar do/does + subiect + verb principal (la infinitive fara “to) + determinari ulterioare + ?

When do I arrive at work?you

What does

he use at work?she doit have to do?

Where do

we keep the paper?you have lunch?they have their meetings?

VI. Forma negativa a Present Simple1. Forma intreaga si contrasa

Forma negariva a Present Simple se construieste cu verbul auxiliary “do” (“does” la persoana a treia singular), urmata de negatia “not”.

Subiect + auxiliarul do/does + not + verbul principal (la infinitiv fara “to”) + determinari ulterioare.

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In vorbirea curenta, in general se folosesc formele contrase “don’t” si “doesn’t”.

I don’t (do not) use the mobile phone every day.You

He/She/It doesn’t (does not) work every day.We don’t (do not) work part-time.You They

2. Forma interogativ-negativa

Forma interogativ-negativa se construieste cu verbul auxiliar “do” (“does” la persoana a treia singular) urmat de subiect, negatia “not” si de verbul principal la infinitive fara “to”. Si in cazul acestora se prefera folosirea formelor contrase “don’t” si “doesn’t”.

Do I not want?Do you not want? Don’t you want?Does he/she not want? Doesn’t he/she want?Does it not work? Doesn’t it work?Do we not want? Don’t we want?Do you not want? Don’t you want?Do they not want? Don’t they want?

TO BE (a fi)

I. Forma afirmativa

Verbul “to be” (a fi) este, fara indoiala, de baza pentru a invata limba engleza.

I amYou areHe/She/It isWe areYou areThey are

Subiect + verb “to be” + determinari ulterioare.

Forma contrasa In engleza, mai ales in limba vorbita, de obicei se contrag (se scurteaza) formele verbale. La foma contrasa (scurta), vocala initiala este inlocuita de apostrof, astfel “I am” devine “I’m”.

I am from London. I’m from London.You are American. You’re American.He is handsome. He’s handsome.She is beautiful. She’s beautiful.It is beautiful. It’s beautiful.We are from Canada. We’re from Canada.You are happy. You’re happy.They are from Italy. They’re from Italy.

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Atentie. Forma contrasa (scurta), poate fi folosita numai daca este urmata de un alt cuvant.

II. Forma negativa

La forma negative, verbul “to be” este urmat de negatia “not”.

I am not.You are not.He/She/It is not.We are not.You are not.They are not.

Subiect + verb “to be” + not + determinari ulterioare.

Forma negativa contrasa. Exceptand persoana intai singular, toate celelalte situatii se pot scurta in doua modalitati.

I am not from New York. I’m not from New York.You are not Italian. You’re not/aren’t Italian.He is not from Spain. He’s not/isn’t from Spain.She is not from Germany. She’s not/isn’t from Germany.It is not fantastic. It’s not/isn’t fantastic.We are not from USA. We’re not/aren’t from USA.You are not French. You’re not/aren’t French.They are not from Brazil. They’re not/aren’t from Brazil.

III. Forma interogativa

La forma interogativa, subiectul trebuie pus dupa verb.

Verb “to be” + subiect + determinari ulterioare + ?

Am I happy?Are you American?Is he fine?Is she pretty?Is it difficult?Are we in Rome?Are you happy?Are they from Spain?

Atentie. La foma interogativa, verbul “to be” nu se poate contrage.

Forma interogativ-negariva La forma interogativ-negativa, subiectul se pune dupa verb, urmat de negatia “not”.

Verb “to be” + subiect + not + ?

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In schimb, la forma contrasa, subiectul se pune dupa negatie, exceptand persoana intai singular.

Am I not? Am I not?Are you not? Aren’t you?Is he/she/it not? Isn’t he/she/it?Are we not? Aren’t we?Are you not? Aren’t you?Are they not? Aren’t they?

Present Continuous

In engleza, forma “Present Continuous” (care s-ar putea traduce prin present continuu) se foloseste pentru a descrie o actiune durative, adica aflata in curs de desfasurare, intr-un timp determinat. Forma gramaticala a Present Continuous nu are un echivalent morphologic exact in limba romana: unde englezul foloseste verbul auxiliar “to be” plus verbul de conjugat la asa-numita “-ing form”, romanul foloseste verbul de conjugat la indicative present, eventual redand ideea de actiune in desfasurare prin intermediul unui adverb.

I. Forma afirmativa.

La forma afirmativa, Present Continuous se construieste cu prezentul verbului “to be” urmat de forma in –ing (gerunziu) a verbului de conjugat.

Subiect + prezentul verbului “to be” + forma in –ing a verbului + determinari ulterioare.

I am watching TV.You are writing a letter.He/She is working on a new project.It now.We

are developing a new project.YouThey

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Forma contrasa. In limba vorbita si in exprimarile colicviale, se folosesc mai des formele contrase, perfect echivalente cu formele contrase ale verbului “to be” la Present Simple.

eg. I ’m reading. You ’re learning. He ’s relaxing. She ’s working. It ’s raining. We ’re listening. You ’re talking. They ’re eating.

II. Forma negativa.

Forma negative a Present Continuous se obtine adaugand negatia “not” imediat dupa verbul “to be”.

Subiect + prezentul verbului “to be” + not + forma verbului in –ing + determinari ulterioare.

I am not (‘m not) working at the moment.You are not (aren’t) travelling this month.He/She is not (isn’t) leaving tomorrow.It snowing now.We

are not (aren’t) going out this evening.YouThey

III. Forma interogativa

La forma interogativa, verbul “to be” precede subiectul, urmat de forma verbului in –ing.

Prezentul verbului “to be” + subiect + forma verbului in –ing + determinari ulterioare + ?

eg. Am I talking to the right man? Are you working hard? Is he/she listening to me? Is it raining? Are we going out? Are you eating pasta? Are they sleeping now?

La intrebarile introduce cu o particular interogativa avem urmatoarea constructie:

Particula negativa + prezentul verbului “to be” + subiect + forma verbului in –ing + determinari ulterioare + ?

Where am I working this month?are you staying?

What is he reading this week?is she doing now?is happening?

Who are we playing tennis with?are you visiting today?are they working with at the moment?

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Forma interogativ-negativa Propozitiile interogativ-negative se construiesc cu verbul “to be”, urmat de subiect, de negatia “not” si de forma verbului in –ing. In present, in limba curenta se folosesc doar formele contrase.

Atentie. La persoana intai singular nu e “Am I not working?, ci preia forma de la persoana a doua singular.

eg. Aren’t I working? Aren’t you working? Isn’t he/she/it working? Aren’t we working? Aren’t you working? Aren’t they working?

IV. Utilizare

Present Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima:a) actiuni si situatii care se desfasoara in momentul I’m cooking dinner at the moment. She’s studying now. I’m teaching at the moment. You’re listening now. He’s learning at the moment.b) actiuni care au loc intr-o perioada limitata de timp. In cazul acesta, propozitiile sunt adesea insotite de adverbe de timp, printer care “today”, “this week”, “this month” You’re wearing a jacket today. We’re studying English this month. She’s reading a new book this week.

They’re working on a new project this week.

Atentie. Nu toate verbele englezesti pot avae forma de Present Continuous. De exemplu, nu se poate spune: “I’m wanting to read a new book” sau “I’m believing in God”. In cazul verbelor “want” si “believe”, care nu exprima o actiune, ci o stare, este obligatorie forma Present Simple.

V. Variatii ortografice ale verbelor la forma in –ing.

Pentru a forma Present Continuous se adauga –ing la forma de baza a to talk + -ing -> talking to work + -ing -> working to start + -ing -> starting

Exista cateva exceptii. Anumite verbe isi schimba ortografia.

1. Verbe care se termina in –e Verbele care se termina in –e isi pierd –e-ul final inaintea adaugarii formei – to have -> hav – e + -ing -> having to live -> liv – e + -ing -> living to dance -> danc – e + -ing -> dancing to make -> mak – e + -ing -> making

Atentie. Fac exceptie verbul “to be” la la gerunziu devine “being” si verbele care se termina in –ee, de exemplu “to see” sau “to agree”, care sunt regulate si devin “seeing” si, respective, “agreeing”.

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2. Verbe care dubleaza consoana finala Verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba care se termina intr-o singura consoana precedata de o singura vocala isi dubleaza consoana finala inainte de a li se adauga – to stop + p + -ing -> stopping to plot + t + -ing -> plotting to swim + m + -ing -> swimming to get + t + -ing -> getting

Verbele formate din mai mult de o silaba, dubleaza consoana finala inainte de a adauga –ing, daca ultima silaba este accentuata. eg. to preFER + r + -ing -> preferring to beGIN + n + -ing -> beginning

to VISit + -ing -> visiting to LISten + -ing -> listening to reMEMber + -ing -> remembering

3. Verbe care se termina in –ie La verbele care se termina in –ie, diftongul “ie” devine “-y”, inainte de a adauga – to die – ie + y + -ing -> dying to lie – ie + y + -ing -> lying

4. Verbe care se termina in –y Verbelor care se termina in –y li se adauga de regula – to play + -ing -> playing to study + - ing -> studying to deny + -ing -> denying

5. Verbe care se termina in –ic Verbe care se termina in –ic li se adauga un –k inaintea desinentei – to picnic + k + -ing to panic + k + -ing

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Cand folosim “Present Simple” si cand “Present Continuous”

Pentru a intelege bine diferenta dintre Present Simple si Present Continuous este util sa te intrebi cand are loc actiunea despre care se vorbeste. In limba literara, adverbele de timp (exprimate sau subintelese) iti sugereaza care forma verbala trebuie folosita.

PRESENT SIMPLE Present Simple se foloseste in mod special pentru a descrie actiuni habituale si recurente. Propozitiile sunt adesea insotite de adverbe de frecventa: “always”, “often”, “usually”, “sometimes”, “seldom”, “never”.eg. He goes to work every day. She always gets up at 7 o’clock. Where do you live?

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima:a) actiuni care se desfasoara in momentul in care se vorbeste (adesea cu adverbele “now” si “at the moment”);b) actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada limitata de timp (adesea cu adverbele “today”, “this week”, “this month” etc);c) actiuni viitoare programate They’re cooking dinner now. I’m reading “An Italian Affair” this month. She’s meeting with Jack tomorrow.

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