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Bluegrass News

Bluegrass Care & Rehabilitation * 3576 Pimlico Parkway * 859-272-0608

Easter Giving

Bluegrass residents assembled Easter baskets and helped deliver them to the Ronald McDonald House and to the Hope Lodge in Lexington. Cindi Burton our Dietary Manager baked two cakes to be sent with the baskets.

Lena Bushell 4/29

Sally Martin 4/13

Geraldine Lumpkins 4/27

Evelyn Hatton 4/5

Pendelton Reynolds 4/24

Brenda Green 4/20

Jan Ramsey 4/4

Joyce Gibson 4/28

Bluegrass Care and Rehabilitation Administrative Staff

Administrator…Joni Gosser

South Unit Manager… Sandy Kennedy North Unit Manager…Lisa Kelley

Weekend Supervisor… Misty Dyer Staff Development… Edwina Crouch

Human Resource Director…Lesley Crossfield Admissions… Maxine Speaks

Dietary Director… Cindi Burton Plant Ops Director… Kevin Isom

Quality of Life Director…Autumn Mitchuson Social Service Director… Michele Jackson

Business Office Director… Felicia Zabriskie Environmental Services….Duane Hathway

Therapy Director…Lauren Cosentino Chaplain… Donna Rougeux

APRIL 2016

Special Days

This Month

April Fools’ Day April 1 Tax Day (U.S.) April 15 Earth Day April 22 Red Hat Society Luncheon At Bluegrass April 25 Courtyard Picnic At Bluegrass April 27 Arbor Day (U.S.) April 29

CCoommppaassssiioonn iiss lleeaarrnniinngg ttoo lliivvee wwiitthh ssyymmppaatthhyy ffoorr aallll lliivviinngg bbeeiinnggss..

--DDaallaaii LLaammaa

Bluegrass Care and Rehabilitation 3576 Pimlico Parkway Lexington, KY 40517



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Page 2: Postage Information Bluegrass News - · Bluegrass News Bluegrass Care & Rehabilitation * 3576 Pimlico Parkway

St. Patrick’s Day at Bluegrass

March Madness

Teretha Mems and Martin Watts

Dear Residents, Stakeholders, Families and


On Tuesday, March 29th Bluegrass Care and

Rehabilitation held its monthly safety

meeting. As is done every month at this

meeting we take into consideration the

safety of the facility's residents,

stakeholders and visitors.

The primary issues addressed at this meeting

were the hazards associated with

stakeholders, visitors and staff loitering at the

loading dock, aka side/employee entrance.

The hazards discussed included; 1.) vehicles

(vans, buses, motorcycles, cars, etc.) picking

up and dropping off residents, staff and

visitors 2.) emergency vehicles (ambulance,

police, fire, etc.) picking up and dropping off

residents, staff and visitors as well as

responding to emergencies of all kinds 3.)

delivery vehicles (food, medical supplies, etc.)

4.) outside contractors coming and going

from the facility with boxes, pallets, carts,

dollies, etc. A job hazard analysis as per the

requirements of the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA) has been

completed. As a result, it is now the policy of

the Bluegrass Care and Rehabilitation that no

stakeholder, resident or visitor shall loiter at

this loading dock/side entrance in the interest

of their own safety. The space is for active

unloading and loading of vehicles, whether

for persons, equipment or supplies. If a

person desires to spend time outside of the

facility to wait for a ride, enjoy the outdoors,

etc. the front of the building and courtyard

are available for these purposes. The

courtyard will be revitalized in the coming

weeks and all residents are encouraged to

participate in its design. All design

considerations should be reasonable and

within the allocated budget. A special

meeting will be called. We apologize to any

of you whom this may adversely affect, but it

is in the interest of your own safety.

Warm regards,

Duane Hathaway

The Easter Bunny came to Bluegrass!

The Dietary Department is pleased to announce we will be starting a new menu and tray card program May 1st, 2016. SHC has decided to upgrade our Menus and Software by joining in partnership with the Crandall Menu program. The new menus will be posted in the facility as soon as they are finalized. We look forward to our new partnership and the opportunity to offer our Resident’s a pleasant change in menus.

April 2016 April 2016

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