  • Slide 1

Post World War II Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War (1950 1953) Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Vietnam Era (1954 1976) Slide 2 Post WWII GI Bill of Rights government issue 1944 Congressional act which gave veterans money to spend on businesses, homes, and schooling Helped more than 2 million former soldiers attend college to prepare for new careers Baby Boom Increased birthrate following WWII Slide 3 Post WWII Philippines 1946, U.S. gave Filipinos their independence State of Israel May 14, 1948 an independent nation Slide 4 WWII Review Yalta Conference Allies agreed to divide Germany & Berlin into 4 zones controlled by Americans, British, French & Soviets Stalin promised to hold free elections in parts of Eastern Europe under his control Slide 5 Atlantic Charter Review Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill agreed to seek no territorial gain from the war FDR and Churchill pledged to support the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live. (self-determination) The Charter called for a permanent system of general security, such as an organization like the League of Nations (United Nations) Slide 6 Post WWII United Nations June 26, 1945 Keep the peace Gather food & supplies for needy nations Homes for war victims Help developing nations with problems of health, farming, and education Slide 7 Post WWII United Nations General Assembly No way to enforce decisions Security Council More powerful 15 members 5 permanent members U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France If only one permanent member vetoes, Security Council cannot act Slide 8 Cold War (1945 1989) Truman (like FDR) believed in self-determination U.S. demanded free elections be held throughout Eastern Europe Much was occupied by the Soviet Union Stalin promised to allow free elections, but went back on his word after WWII He wanted military security for the Soviet Union, and for his country to be the dominant world power Slide 9 Cold War (1945 1989) Ideological conflict Fought with words & ideas Primarily between U.S. and Soviet Union Communism vs. Democracy Dominated world politics Slide 10 Cold War (1945 1989) International Organizations United Nations NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) April 1949 U.S. and other Western nations Military alliance collective defense against a Soviet attack Warsaw Pact 1955 Soviet Union and satellite nations Slide 11 Cold War 1945 1989 Slide 12 Cold War (1945 1989) A freely elected government in any of the Eastern European countries would be anti-Soviet, and that we cannot allow. Josef Stalin By 1948, the government of most nations in Eastern Europe were satellites of Soviet Union Nations dominated politically or economically by a more powerful nation Slide 13 Cold War (1945 1989) Winston Churchill Warned Americans of the Soviet threat in a speech on March 5, 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, MO An iron curtain has descended across the continent, walling off Soviet-dominated nations from the rest of the world Slide 14 Slide 15 Cold War (1945 1989) Truman Doctrine March 1947 Containment Limit or block expansion of Soviet Communism Slide 16 Cold War (1945 1989) Marshall Plan June 1947 Proposed by Secy. of State George Marshall Provided money to help European nations rebuild after WWII Factories, schools, hospitals, railroads, bridges, farms Huge success 1948-1951, U.S. loaned >$12 billion to 16 Western European countries Slide 17 Cold War (1945 1989) Germany & Berlin Divided into 4 parts East Germany Communist Soviet Union West Germany Democracy Great Britain France U.S. Slide 18 Cold War 1945 1989 Slide 19 Slide 20 Cold War (1945 1989) Western powers decided it was time to reunite Germany in 1948, but Stalin was opposed June 1948, Soviets set up a blockade around Berlin and prevented delivery of Allied supplies Berlin Airlift Cargo planes delivered tons of food and supplies to 2M people in West Berlin >200,000 flights from June 1948 May 1949 May 1949, Soviets call off blockade Slide 21 Cold War (1945 1989) Berlin Airlift Slide 22 Cold War (1945 1989) October 1949, U.S., Britain, & France combine their zones into one country West Germany A divided Germany and Berlin remained a focus of Cold War tensions Between 1949 and 1961, thousands of East Germans fled to West Berlin, then into West Germany Berlin Wall Built in August 1961 Separated East and West Germany Stood for 28 years as a symbol of a divided Germany and Europe Slide 23 Berlin Wall Slide 24 Slide 25 Westminster College Fulton, MO Slide 26 Cold War (1945 1989) Election of 1948 Chicago Tribune mistakenly declared Thomas Dewey the winner over Harry Truman Slide 27 Cold War (1945 1989) Peoples Republic of China In late 1949, Chinese Communists take control of China Mao Zedong leader Slide 28 Cold War (1945 1989) Election of 1952 Truman decides not to run Democrat Adlai Stevenson, Gov. of IL Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican war hero I like Ike Landslide victory Slide 29 Cold War (1945 1989) 1950s People live longer thanks to new medicines (antibiotics) and polio vaccine Suburbs grew by 50% Poor & less educated stayed in inner cities By end of decade: 6 of 10 families owned homes 3 out of 4 had cars Almost every home had a TV Slide 30 Cold War (1945 1989) 1950s Television I Love Lucy, most popular show Howdy Doody popular with kids Frozen dinners Rock-and-Roll Elvis Presley, The King Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley and the Comets Slide 31 Cold War (1945 1989) Dwight D. Eisenhower President 1953-1961 Vice President Richard Nixon Interstate Highway Act of 1956 One of Eisenhowers greatest achievements Slide 32 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War (1950 1953) Officially a police action, not a war Slide 33 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean Peninsula Occupied & ruled harshly by Japan since 1910 After Japans defeat in WWII, Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel latitude North Korean troops invaded South Korea June 25, 1950 Slide 34 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 - 1953 North Korea (communist) Helped by Communist China and backed by Soviet Union South Korea (non-communist) Helped by United Nations and backed by the U.S. Slide 35 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 War against communism U.N. voted to send military troops 90% were American Pres. Truman appointed Gen. Douglas MacArthur to lead the troops Slide 36 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 North Korea invaded South Korea and occupied most of the peninsula Gen. MacArthur and UN forces counterattacked, pushing North Koreans back across the 38 th parallel Gen. MacArthur continues into North Korea, almost to China UN goal was to reunify Korea Slide 37 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 Angered Chinese government sent troops to assist North Korea China pushed UN forces beyond the 38 th parallel and back into South Korea and the war became a stalemate Gen. MacArthur wanted to attack China He believed this was the only way to win the Korean War Pres. Truman did not want to attack China He feared this might lead to another world war Slide 38 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 Gen. MacArthur publicly called for the bombing of China Pres. Truman warned Gen. MacArthur against making further public statements Gen. MacArthur disregarded Pres. Trumans warnings MacArthur publicly argued that he could not win the war because of Washington politicians A furious Pres. Truman fired Gen. MacArthur Slide 39 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 Peace talks began in July 1953, but fighting continued Fighting ended in July 1953 with a cease-fire The border between North and South Korea is almost exactly where it was before the war Tensions between North and South Korea continue today North and South Korea agreed to establish a demilitarized zone An area from which military forces are prohibited Slide 40 Cold War (1945 1989) Korean War: 1950 1953 Korea was the first attempt by the U.S. to stop communism in Asia 2M Koreans died, mostly civilians 30,000 Americans died & thousands from other nations Officially, it was a police action, not a war Korea is the last communist hot spot It developed nuclear weapons at the beginning of the 21 st century Slide 41 Cold War (1945 1989) Red scare in America Many Americans fear Communist sympathizers and spies might be secretly working to overthrow the U.S. government Slide 42 Cold War (1945 1989) Alger Hiss Former State Dept. official Accused of passing government secrets to Soviet agents in 1930s The pumpkin papers Convicted of perjury, spent several years in prison Slide 43 Cold War (1945 1989) Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Found guilty of passing secrets of the atomic bomb to Soviets Sentenced to death and executed in 1953 Slide 44 Cold War (1945 1989) U.S. government released papers in 1990s indicating that Hiss and the Rosenbergs had been spies Slide 45 Cold War (1945 1989) Senator Joseph McCarthy Built his career by exposing alleged Communists in U.S. government Without evidence, sensationally accused people of being Communists Many Americans were eager to believe him Slide 46 Cold War (1945 1989) McCarthy bullied witnesses before his Senate committee and made exaggerated charges He ruined many lives and careers McCarthyism Accusing someone of disloyalty without having any evidence Slide 47 Cold War (1945 1989) Nikita Khrushchev 1953, became leader of Soviet Union when Josef Stalin died Predicted Communism would destroy Western democracies Slide 48 Cold War (1945 1989) U.S. and Soviet Union began arms race Contest in which nations compete to build powerful weapons U.S. exploded first hydrogen bomb in 1952 (H-bomb) Followed in next few years by Soviet Union, China, United Kingdom, and France Slide 49 Cold War (1945 1989) Sputnik I Launched October 4, 1957 by Soviet Union Worlds 1 st artificial satellite 1 st man-made object to orbit the Earth 184 lbs. About the size of a basketball Took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth at 18,000 mph Slide 50 Sputnik I launched by Soviet Union Slide 51 Cold War (1945 1989) Start of the Space Age and the U.S. U.S.S.R. space race Control outer space Led directly to creation of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Admin.) Slide 52 Cold War 1945 - 1989 Explorer I Launched by the U.S. January 31, 1958 1 st U.S. satellite Officially known as Satellite 1958 Alpha 30.66 lbs. Slide 53 Cold War (1945 1989) Fidel Castro Communist In a 1959 revolution, took control of Cuba U.S. glad to see Fulgencio Batista ousted Castro took land belonging to American companies U.S. started a trade embargo against Cuba Slide 54 Cold War (1945 1989) Castro asked Soviet Union for help People left Cuba for the U.S. In April 1961, Cuban exiles returned with U.S. support Landed at Bay of Pigs Invasion failed, many were captured U.S. Cuban government relations strained Slide 55 Cold War (1945 1989) Bay of Pigs invasion April 1961 Slide 56 Cold War (1945 1989) Election of 1960 Richard M. Nixon Vice President & Republican candidate John F. Kennedy Democrat candidate Narrowly wins election Vice President Lyndon Johnson Slide 57 Cold War (1945 1989) Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 U.S. spy planes photograph Soviet missiles in Cuba U.S. set up naval quarantine around Cuba U.S. and Soviet Union reached agreement Missiles removed U.S. did not invade Slide 58 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Era Officially a conflict, not a war Slide 59 Cold War (1945 1989) At WWIIs end, French Indochina was divided into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam 1946-1954, French fought to regain control of Vietnam Slide 60 Cold War (1945 1989) Ho Chi Minh drove out the French and set up a Communist government in northern Vietnam Vietnam became divided into North and South, and civil war broke out Slide 61 Cold War (1945 1989) U.S. political leaders feared Communist takeover in Southeast Asia Domino theory If one country fell to the Communists, neighboring countries would follow Slide 62 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam U.S. sent money and weapons to South Vietnam, and trained its soldiers U.S. advisers began fighting in Vietnam Guerrilla warfare fighters for the North came to be called the Vietcong Supported by Soviet Union and China with arms and supplies Slide 63 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam August 1964, U.S. ships reportedly attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in Gulf of Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by Congress Gave Pres. Johnson unlimited authority to use military force U.S. planes began bombing North Vietnam Slide 64 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam American airplanes dropped bombs containing napalm A jellylike substance that burst into flames when dropped on villages or vegetation American airplanes also sprayed the herbicide Agent Orange Destroyed crops and vegetation where enemies hid Later blamed for birth defects, cancer, and long-term health problems Slide 65 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam The Tet Offensive Began January 31, 1968 Tet is Vietnamese New Year holiday North Vietnamese and Vietcong attack every major city in South Vietnam Siege lasted until February 25 Military victory for U.S. Turning point of the war Slide 66 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Most Americans did not believe that the U.S. should be fighting in Vietnam After the Tet Offensive, Pres. Johnson and advisors were convinced U.S. could not win the war Antiwar protests spread across America Petitions, marches, sit-ins, public draft-card burnings, violent confrontations with police Slide 67 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Pres. Nixon expanded the war into Cambodia and Laos to attack North Vietnamese bases and disrupt their supply lines along the Ho Chi Minh Trail Slide 68 Cold War (1945 1989) Kent State University, Kent, OH Worst, deadly antiwar protest in America May 4, 1970 Slide 69 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Paris Peace Accords Signed January 27, 1973 Last U.S. combat troops removed in March 1973 North Vietnam troops invade South Vietnam after Americans leave U.S. helicopters and ships evacuate thousands of American workers and South Vietnamese supporters Slide 70 Cold War 1945 1989 Vietnam April 30, 1975, South Vietnamese government formally surrendered Vietnam united under a Communist government Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City More than 1M people fled the new regime Boat people attempted to escape in small boats 200,000 died at sea or in refugee camps U.S. and other nations took in many refugees Slide 71 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Longest war in U.S. history, lasted for 10 years Eisenhower was president when the war began, Nixon was president when it ended First foreign war the U.S. did not win U.S. never officially declared war in Vietnam Slide 72 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Vets were not welcomed home with cheering and parades 1.8 M American men drafted 58,000 Americans died in combat 300,000 Americans wounded $200 billion price tag Damaged U.S. economy for years Slide 73 Cold War (1945 1989) Vietnam Undermined the nations trust in the government and its leaders Pentagon Papers Published in 1971 by leading newspapers Secret government documents showing how government officials concealed actions and misled Americans Slide 74 Cold War (1945 1989) War Powers Act Passed by Congress in 1973 to curb Presidents power President cannot send military forces into action for longer than 60 days without congressional approval Slide 75 Cold War (1945 1989) 26 th Amendment to the Constitution Passed in 1971 Lowered voting age to 18 If 18-year-olds were old enough to fight and die in Vietnam, they were old enough to vote Slide 76 Cold War (1945 1989) President Kennedy 1961 Peace Corps created by Congress Program to build relationships between Americans and peoples of other nations Sharing skills and knowledge Encourage economic growth in developing countries Slide 77 Cold War (1945 1989) President John F. Kennedy Assassinated Nov. 22, 1963 In Dallas, TX Slide 78 Cold War (1945 1989) President John F. Kennedy Assassinated Nov. 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald Arrested for killing Kennedy Slide 79 Cold War (1945 1989) Lee Harvey Oswald Shot and killed by Jack Ruby Slide 80 Cold War (1945 1989) President Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969 Democrat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey 1965 - 1969 Slide 81 Cold War (1945 1989) President Kennedys New Frontier Space Age Russians first astronauts in space Alan Shepard 1 st American in space, 1961 Slide 82 Cold War (1945 1989) President Kennedys New Frontier Space Age John Glenn 1 st American to orbit Earth, 1962 Slide 83 Cold War (1945 1989) President Kennedys New Frontier Space Age Apollo 11 mission Eagle lunar module July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong 1 st man on moon Slide 84 Cold War (1945 1989) Columbia 1 st Space shuttle Launched April 1981 Slide 85 Cold War (1945 1989) President Richard Nixon 1969 1974 Vice Presidents Spiro T. Agnew Gerald R. Ford Slide 86 Cold War (1945 1989) Watergate scandal 1972 election Democratic Party offices break-in Pres. Nixons aides involved in break-in Pres. Nixon cover-up Slide 87 Cold War (1945 1989) Spiro T. Agnew Pres. Nixons Vice President Charged with accepting bribes as Gov. of Maryland and V.P. of U.S. Resigned as V.P. October 1973 Gerald Ford appointed as V.P. Slide 88 Cold War (1945 1989) President Richard Nixon 1 st President to resign the office, August 1974 Resigned before being impeached because of Watergate scandal Slide 89 Cold War (1945 1989) President Gerald Ford 1974 1977 1 st and only President not elected to the office Pardoned former president Nixon Slide 90 Cold War (1945 1989) President Jimmy Carter 1977 1981 Democrat Inexperienced with Washington politics Vice President Walter Mondale Slide 91 Cold War (1945 1989) Iran Hostage Crisis Iranian radicals seized American embassy in Tehran on Nov 4, 1979 Held 52 hostages for 444 days Released them minutes after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated Slide 92 Cold War (1945 1989) President Ronald Reagan 1981 1989 Republican Great Communicator Vice President George H. W. Bush Popular Slide 93 Cold War (1945 1989) President Reagan Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem. Reaganomics Reduced government spending & lowered taxes In 1981, persuaded Congress to lower taxes by 25% Slide 94 Cold War Ends (1945 1989) 1979 Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan President Carter imposed trade restrictions and pulled U.S. from 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow President Reagan increased defense spending Soviets tried to keep up with U.S. on military spending (arms race), but did not have the money this weakened Soviet economy Slide 95 Cold War Ends (1945 1989) Mikhail Gorbachev 1985, became leader of Soviet Union Soviet Union lost interest in supporting unpopular Communist leaders in Eastern European countries Slide 96 Cold War Ends (1945 1989) 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall 1990 Reunification of Germany 1991 Fall of Soviet Union Slide 97 Cold War (1945 1989) Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Slide 98 Jim Crow Laws Laws in the South that enforced separation of races in schools, hospitals, on public transportation, and in theaters and restaurants Slide 99 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Segregation Enforced separation of races Slide 100 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court ruling made segregation legal as long as separate-but-equal facilities were provided Generally, facilities were NOT equal Slide 101 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Integration End to racial segregation Slide 102 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Jackie Robinson 1947 First African American to play in Major League Baseball Brooklyn Dodgers Slide 103 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) 1948, Harry Truman first President to integrate armed forces Korean War Slide 104 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Brown v. Board of Education May 17, 1954 Topeka, KS Plaintiffs lawyer: Thurgood Marshall Supreme Court ruled separate but equal has no place in public education Slide 105 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Little Rock Nine Arkansas, 1957 Central High School Slide 106 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Rosa Parks December 1, 1955 Arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus and moving to the back Slide 107 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Montgomery Bus Boycott 381 days Slide 108 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Montgomery Bus Boycott 381 days Slide 109 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Baptist minister Leader of Civil Rights movement Encouraged civil disobedience Slide 110 Slide 111 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Aug 1963 March on Washington Slide 112 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) Militant leader Called for African Americans to break away from white society Killed 1965 Slide 113 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Stokely Carmichael Black Power Movement Slide 114 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis, TN Slide 115 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Thurgood Marshall First African American Supreme Court Justice Slide 116 Civil Rights Era (1945 1975) Affirmative Action Term for businesses and schools being encouraged to give preference to members of groups discriminated against in the past Slide 117 Cold War (1945 1989) President George H.W. Bush 1989 1993 Republican Vice President J. Danforth Quayle 1991 Gulf War Operation Desert Storm 1991 recession Slide 118 Modern America President Bill Clinton 1993 2001 Democrat Vice President Albert Gore, Jr. Slide 119 Modern America President Bill Clinton Federal budget surpluses 1998-2001 December 19, 1998, impeached by House for perjury Senate did not convict Clinton, he remained in office Slide 120 Modern America 2000 Election Al Gore Democrat candidate Won popular vote George W. Bush Republican candidate Won electoral vote Democrats challenged results in court First time Supreme Court ruled in Presidential election stopping the recount Bush declared winner Slide 121 Modern America President George Bush 2001 2009 Republican Vice President Richard Cheney Cut taxes to offset surplus No Child Left Behind 2003 Iraq War Slide 122 Modern America President Barack Obama 2009 Present Democrat Vice President Joe Biden First African American President Health Care Reform

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