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RHET 101- 02 Portfolio

Mennatallah Abdel Megid

Section 2

Summer Session 2012

The American University in Cairo

Instructor Michael Gibson


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Table of Contents:

Cover letter Pg. 3

Collage Pg. 4

Writing is a process (Boat) Pg. 6

First free writing Pg. 8

Free writings Pg. 10 Whatever comes in your mind Letters Analyzing an issue Comments on video

Analysis 1 (Our Beloved Egypt) First Draft Pg. 24 Second Draft Pg. 26 Final Draft Pg. 29

Analysis 2 (Myself) First Draft Pg. 33 Second Draft Pg. 35 Final Draft Pg. 38

Analysis 3 First Draft Pg. 41 Second Draft Pg. 43 Final Draft Pg. 46

Edited Analysis Pg. 50

18 July 2012


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Cover Letter

Dear Mr. Michael Gibson,

The following portfolio contains the contents of my Rhetoric 101 class from the summer session 2012 at the American University in Cairo.

Writing is a process that needs a lot of effort to develop. In this course, the professor starts with free writings to refresh our writing skills, which upsurges the creativity. I’ve decided to organize my work chronologically. Ordering the contents in a way that shows my progress from the beginning of the course until the end.

I started with a collage that covers some of my free writings. Afterwards, I include my free writings, which I’ve learned a lot from it and improved my writing skills. In those free writings, I talked about myself, country, and others. Subsequently, we have to choose topics which we’re interested in to have a bigger space to write. Every paper begins with a shitty free write which assists us to brainstorm. Each paper has two drafts, seen by my peer review and the professor, before the final draft to show my advancement. My first paper is about the political situation in Egypt, which I wrote in the period of the presidential elections. The second one is concerning how to deal with myself, and try to solve problems. The last is about an issue that must be worked out, which is poverty in education; it is a huge dilemma that lots of people think of and try to find solutions. Finally, I have an edited analysis (the one about the political situation in Egypt) which shows my progress in the writing process.

I hope you had enjoyed reading my portfolio and realizing the progress.

Thank you,



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Mennatallah Abdel Megid900112622

RHET 101-02Su2012Mr. M. Gibson

I have to write a collage in my Rhetoric class. I am very stuck and don’t know from where to begin. I am really confused about writing my introduction. Writing is the easiest way for me to express my feeling. Every time, I am depressed and don’t want talk to anybody, I rely on writing. It is better for me than talking with anyone I don’t trust. In my English courses, I like to write than to read. So, here are some phrases from my free writings on the first week in my summer course.


I am Menna, 18 years old, and the middle girl of two brothers.My older brother, Ahmed, is my role model in work and life.

My life couldn’t be that fun with my younger one.I still have the persistence to reach what I dreamt for.


I’ve asked in class to write something about myself and analyze it. I don’t know myself well as few of my friends know me.I have flaws which I want to erase from my personality.

I am very nervous. My friend always tells me be quiet, it doesn’t need all this shouting.

But for me, it’s all about discussing something.Being nervous all the time is not good for health or thinking.


You always want to make happy and satisfied.I am taking a summer course and my vacation is only two weeks.

We have no available car. So, we can borrow yours. You know I’m very responsible.

But please don’t listen to my mum.Think well before answering. I really need it.


I feel so proud of you.So, dear, you can wait until your brother finishes his finals and we will go together.

The issue is the road and it’s all about your safety.


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I know you’re grown up enough to depend on.Don’t be late on your way back.


I am a red and beautiful flower.It’s too hot today and I am very tired.

I am going to die like my other friends. He returns life to me.

But one of the stupid giants, humans, on earth just picked me to give to his girlfriend. That’s so embarrassing.

He upsets me to make someone else happy.


Political Situation in Egypt.Nervous and don’t want to talk.

Thinking about the good for Egypt.Disagree with the revolution, it is just a chaos.

I wasn’t with them anymore not because I am with the old regime but because we cannot ask for our rights by this chaotic way.

Egypt is not a play; it’s our country where we should bear in mind to raise it by any mean. It’s our Choice.

If I have more time to write, no pages will be enough.


I just want to sleep. It’s the end of the week. Yesterday, it was a long day with many hard times.

I caught a conversation between two of my best friends talking about me.I just read it all over again to reassure that I am not wrong.

I shocked.I have to go home and I am too late.

It was the worst shock I’ve faced from the first day of college.So, don’t trust anyone that easy and that perfect.


To conclude, it is all about writing anything comes to my mind. Writing is the best to express feeling. For me, it’s better than talking to someone, even if I am writing anything. When I came to class hearing the professor saying free writing, I was very happy because it’s favorite habit.


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First Free Writing

Every time I sit with myself, I think of my life, how is it going and how do I live it, what

do I do every day. I think of my social life with family and friends and how is everyone’s life

going. All these questions rush into my life whenever I think of my life and a lot of others. I keep

thinking and thinking, forget about things, leave them out of my head to calm down. I have been

through many changes my last year. I have been to college, where is a new place, a new society,

and new friends. It’s the time to take care of your actions because anything you do, even it’s just

a word is counted. I talked a lot about how I think about my life but first I want to talk about

myself. I am a daughter of two lovely and devoted parents who sacrifice every minute for me and

my siblings. I have two brothers, Ahmed and Salah. I will take first about Salah and leave

Ahmed to my end with. Salah is the youngest; he is 12 years old and at International School of

Chouifat. As he grows up, he becomes sillier and more involved. He loves food as he loves me. I

love him very much and my life wasn’t be as it is now without him. Here I come to the biggest

and most important part in my life, Ahmed. He is a very special person to me. He is my role

model in everything I do and from the day I understand life. His is older than me by four years

which is not that much. We are very close to each other but he’s very nervous. When it comes to

work or study, he is serious about it. He is a successful young man who always shows himself in

everything he enrolled in. He is the one who give me hope in a better life, persuades me to take

the step and enroll in AUC. He didn’t talk with me about; I am convinced by his actions and

improvement in understanding of how to deal with life. I understood that AUC teaches us liberal

education and its education stays for long time. To enroll in AUC, I went through hard time until

I got accepted. Afterwards, I feel like I did a lot because a lot of my friends were unaccepted. My

first year at AUC was very hard and strange for and I was unsatisfied because of lots of problems


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and bad news. On the same time, it is a new experience and new world with new different

people. I wish I could cope with until the last day. If I keep talking about my life, no one can stop

me because I have a lot to say.


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First Draft (Analysis 1)

Many people live their life as if it is their last day and they enjoy it by any means. All

over the world, there are a lot of problems like poverty, inequality, lack of education, and

dictatorship. In Egypt, we have many problems but we do not know where they will take us.

Everybody seems to accept that the trouble we face will somehow work itself out. The problems

have increased and become unlimited since the 25th of January revolution. Egypt passed through

very harsh times the past one and half year. On 25th January revolution, a lot of Egyptians took

place camping at the Tahrir Square to show their anger towards the autocratic government and

the dictatorial president with his regime. Egypt hasn’t been through these large numbers of

protesters since the 1970s. The younger generations did make changes the older could not, and

they win at the end. The youth stalked Mubarak until he left the rule of the country. History

repeats itself, there is a revolution aimed at overthrowing King Farouk I. In 2011, the revolution

aims at overthrowing President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and his regime and they successfully

did after two months of chaos and bloody scenes. The SCAF has to rule the country until it has

its own president. But Egypt has been through much destruction which led to many hazardous

problems. As a result, many of us are hopeless of having another pure and good country.

Egyptians broke the barrier of fear which they lived in Mubarak's regime for 30 years; now, they

refuse the tyranny and corruption of Mubarak's regime and will not accept to be slaves anymore.

Egyptians have been through about a very tough and hard year in which they have to choose a

new democratic president that will fulfill their rights. We all together should bear in mind that

Egypt's unrest is important, in that country, the Middle East, and the world; the main reason is

that the stock market has fell suddenly which affects the economy. The day came and every

Egyptian, who has the right to vote, did for his former candidate, which means that afterwards


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we must have a peaceful country after a revolution that all the Arab countries talked about. We

need someone who we trust raising Egypt and will not make it without name. So, we had the first

round of the presidential election in the past month which results in a second round that will have

two candidates. One of them was the prime minister in the last days of Mubarak’s rule, the

former air force Chief Ahmed Shafiq. The other, who is the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, is

the Islamist Mohammed Morsi. The second round began with democracy, integrity, and

transparency. The new president will take place at June 30th in which the SCAF will hand in the

power. The SCAF declared constitutional proclamation right after finishing voting, which turns

things upside down and confuse the Muslim Brotherhood. After sorting the initial results, Morsi

makes a press conference announcing his victory in the presidential elections and thanking

people who vote for him. We see a lot of happiness scenes at Tahrir Square after Morsi’s speech.

But as we all know that the final official result will be on June 21, which is after four days. The

other candidate provides appeals towards this news. The committee of the Electoral said that all

these news is untruthful and false and the finals will be announced as they said.


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Second Draft

Nowadays, Egypt has been living under social, political, economic, and cultural unrest

and dissatisfaction. All over the world, there are a lot of problems like poverty, inequality, lack

of education, and dictatorship. In Egypt, we have many problems but we do not know where they

will take us. In Galal Amin’s book “What happened to the Egyptians”, he said “Corruption and

disrespect for the law are widespread and there is a conspicuous lack of work ethic. Violence is

on the increase and previously unknown types of crime are spreading.” Everybody seems to

accept that the trouble we face will somehow work itself out. The problems have increased and

become unlimited since the 25th of January revolution. Egypt passed through very harsh times the

past one and half year.

On 25th January revolution, a lot of Egyptians took place camping at the Tahrir Square to

show their anger towards the autocratic government and the dictatorial president with his regime.

Egypt hasn’t been through these large numbers of protesters since the 1970s. The younger

generations did make changes the older could not, and they win at the end. The youth stalked

Mubarak until he left the rule of the country. History repeats itself, there is a revolution aimed at

overthrowing King Farouk I. In 2011, the revolution aims at overthrowing President Mohamed

Hosni Mubarak and his regime and they successfully did after two months of chaos and bloody

scenes. The military has to rule the country until it has its own president. But Egypt has been

through much destruction which led to many hazardous problems. As a result, many of us are

hopeless of having another pure and good country. Egyptians have been through about a very

tough and hard year in which they have to choose a new democratic president that will fulfill

their rights.


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In addition, Egyptians broke the barrier of fear which they lived in Mubarak's regime for

30 years; now, they refuse the tyranny and corruption of Mubarak's regime and will not accept to

be slaves anymore. We all together should bear in mind that Egypt's unrest is necessary, for the

country itself and for other countries; the economy is fluctuating and the stock market has fell

suddenly. The day came and every Egyptian, who has the right to vote, did for his former

candidate, which means that afterwards we must have a peaceful country after a revolution that

all the Arab countries talked about. We need someone who we trust raising Egypt and will not

make it without name. So, we had the first round of the presidential election in the past month

which results in a second round that will have two candidates; bad and worse. One of them was

the prime minister in the last days of Mubarak’s rule, the former air force Chief Ahmed Shafiq.

The other, who is the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, is the Islamist Mohammed Morsi. The

second round began with democracy, integrity, and transparency. The new president will take

place at June 30th in which the SCAF will hand in the power. The SCAF declared constitutional

proclamation right after finishing voting, which turns things upside down and confuse the

Muslim Brotherhood. After sorting the initial results, Morsi makes a press conference

announcing his victory in the presidential elections and thanking people who vote for him. We

see a lot of happiness scenes at Tahrir Square after Morsi’s speech. But as we all know that the

final official result will be on June 21, which is after four days. The other candidate provides

appeals towards this news. The committee of the Electoral said that all these news is untruthful

and false and the finals will be announced as they said.

Does anybody believe that there will be a change in Egypt? The problem does not in the

coming president; it is our problem as citizens. We have to think before taking any action about

its consequences. Egypt has taken a lot and does not have the chance to take more. As Galal


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Amin said in his book “The quality of life in this city is rapidly deteriorating with increasing

pollution, overcrowding, congestion, noise, and many other problems…” Egypt is losing about

everything, its status and prestige. For every Egyptian, you should think carefully before taking

any decision of harming your country. It is enough and it is our choice at the end.


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Final Draft (Analysis 1)

Mennatallah Abdel Megid

Rhet 101-02

Instructor Gibson

Assignment 1

27 June 2012

Our Beloved Egypt

Nowadays, Egypt has been living under social, political, economic, and cultural unrest

and dissatisfaction. All over the world, there are a lot of problems like poverty, inequality, lack

of education, and dictatorship. In Egypt, we have many problems but we do not know where they

will take us. In Galal Amin’s book “What happened to the Egyptians”, he said “Corruption and

disrespect for the law are widespread and there is a conspicuous lack of work ethic. Violence is

on the increase and previously unknown types of crime are spreading.” Everybody seems to

accept that the trouble we face will somehow work itself out. The problems have increased and

become unlimited since the 25th of January revolution. Egypt passed through very harsh times the

past one and half year. On the other hand, today, we are experiencing a new presidency.

On 25th January revolution, a lot of Egyptians took place camping at the Tahrir Square to

show their anger towards the autocratic government and the dictatorial president with his regime.

During his era, we thought that he was sacking our money and the whole country for his own

benefit. Egypt hasn’t been through these large numbers of protesters since the 1970s.Why? They

did not face the same problems the people are facing now. In Egypt, we have more than half of

the citizens are suffering from health, financial problems, poverty, unemployment, and many


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others. The main cause of these troubles is education which it might change. May be also when

the Tunisian revolution succeed in overthrowing their president, this encouraged us to make our

revolution without fear. The younger generations did make changes the older could not, and they

win at the end. They have motive, vision, persistent, faith and more technology; as well as, the

older did not maybe because they were afraid from the tyranny of the dictator or maybe their

thinking is different. The youth may have learned from the previous generations; also, they are

predicting their future; so, they couldn’t see it blurred and hopeless as usual. Part of the

revolution won which is overthrowing tyrant Hosni Mubarak and the other part is when we see

Egypt is developing to be developed. History repeats itself, there is a revolution aimed at

overthrowing King Farouk I. In the 1952 revolution, Egyptians celebrated because they removed

Egypt’s monarchy and established as a republic after 60 years of dictatorship and tyranny.

Nowadays, in 2011, the revolution aims at overthrowing President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak

after 30 years of dictatorship and they successfully did after two months of chaos and bloody

scenes. Egypt has been through much destruction which led to many hazardous problems. For

instance, the battle of camel in which many martyrs died. Thus, some of the protestors became

enemies who destroyed the aim of the revolution. After a year of struggle, we can say that the

protestors realize their aim and they succeed to choose a new president who will get us out of the

obscurity and fulfill our rights, according to the article “Egypt Presidential Elections” in the


In addition, Egyptians broke the barrier of fear which they lived in Mubarak's regime for

30 years; now, they refuse the tyranny and corruption of Mubarak's government and will not

accept to be slaves anymore. They got bored of living in a horrible injustice for a long time.

Therefore, every Egyptian, who has the right to vote, did for his former candidate, which means


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that afterwards we must have a peaceful country after a revolution that all the Arab countries

talked about. At the end we have a very hard choice after the first round which is between the

bad and the worse, one of them was the prime minister in the last days of Mubarak’s rule, the

former air force Chief Ahmed Shafiq; the other, who is the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, is

the Islamist Mohammed Morsi. We started the second round with democracy, integrity, and

transparency. Everyone began to think who really is going to raise the country and work for the

Egyptians’ sake. After sorting the initial results, Morsi makes a press conference announcing his

victory in the presidential elections and thanking people who vote for him. We see a lot of

happiness scenes at Tahrir Square after his speech. As mentioned in the article “Egypt

Presidential Elections”, although we saw many of Morsi’s followers waiting for celebrations, we

did not see those of Shafiq. Finally, yesterday, we have Mohammed Morsi as the 5th Egyptian

President who we all should respect whether who was with or against him in order to find


Does anybody believe that there will be a change in Egypt? The problem is not in the

coming president; it is our problem as citizens. We have to think before taking any action about

its consequences. Egypt has taken a lot and does not have the chance to take more. As Galal

Amin said in his book “The quality of life in this city is rapidly deteriorating with increasing

pollution, overcrowding, congestion, noise, and many other problems…” Egypt is losing about

everything, its status and prestige. For every Egyptian, you should think carefully before taking

any decision of harming your country. It is enough and it is our choice at the end.


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Work Cited

Abdel Megid, Mennatallah. “Egypt presidential elections: choice between Muslim Brotherhood

and the Mubarak era.”

The Telegraph Newspaper. 17 June 2012.


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First Draft (Analysis 2)

Talking about myself is a very difficult thing to do. For everyone, it’s very easy. When I

come to talk about myself, I can’t. My close friends know me well. At the same time, I know my

flaws which I wish I could erase them from my personality. We all have a story to tell whether

it’s important or not; it always shows our personality. Friends, friends, and friends are for people

their life. For others they are not. For me, friends are only friends not more, but some of them are

siblings. For some people, friends are shaping their lives and changing their personality in the

teenage age. I don’t want to be off topic; I want to concentrate in describing myself. Personality

is total character of behavior and actions. Analyzing someone’s personality is very hard issue to

hold but analyzing yourself has to be much easier. Every personality has its positive and negative

sides. Good relationship with people is a trait that I have but nowadays I am not in that side

because of different people you met. I am always treating people in a good manner whether

they’re good or bad to me. I got hurt many times because I found another way other than that I

am treating people with. I go on and on but I couldn’t bear that much. Honesty; also, is one of a

good traits that I have. Honesty in two ways: one is to be honest with all humans around me and

doesn’t lie, and the second is to say whatever in my mind without hesitating. When someone

upsets me, I just tell him right away because I can’t talk with him if I am depressed. From my

perspective, it’s a good habit because you’re being normal and it gives the feeling of comfort.

But the only drawback is hurting someone. Some of the people don’t accept this way. I can’t see

somebody annoyed and the reason is I. For instance, I had an argument with two of my friends

last week. They are talking behind my back. Coincidence, I read the conversation between them

and found other words than they told me about. I stayed few days without talking and treating

them in a descent way as I was. But I can’t continue this way because I deeply have something


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that depressed and prevents me from talking. I talked with one of them and told her that I saw the

conversation. She said I didn’t talk about you; maybe you understand wrong or read another one.

We talked for two hours discussing the issue and finally have a solution. Everything is okay and

everyone is satisfied. The other one fought with and made problems. I talked with him trying to

solve the problem but we stayed another week not talking, seeing each other every day and don’t

bother to say hey. I talked again because we’re friends and nothing deserves all this

complications. The only thing that pushed me to talk is my conscience and being honest. After

talking about my positive sides, let’s talk about my negative sides. Nervousness is the main flaw

that I have. Being nervous all the time is the worst feeling I’ve ever had. Nervous is not a

solution for anything. I get nervous from anything happens or even talking with someone but I

want to abolish this habit from my life. It destroys it everything; relationships. When I talk, I

become nervous without taking care. If I hear anything that bothers me, I become nervous. After

the first year in university, I tried to calm down and control myself. I have a friend who every

time I speak she told me be quite. I know it’s a bad and disastrous action but it is genetically

inherited. It is out of my hands, I took it from my mother. I am trying and I will try until I stop

being nervous. When I want to do something, I go after it until I reach it whether it’s social or

personal. The only thing is to reach my aim. The second negative habit is jealousy. Being

jealousy, sometimes it’s good but sometimes is bad. When it is bad, it may separate couples or

hurt others. Sometimes, it is over acting and making others depressed. Some people become

upset when others take too much care for them or say don’t do this; this is jealousy. But many

people understand it another thing. It’s a love and a care. Jealousy comes between siblings;

younger or older. I have too much to say but if I continue, I would never stop.


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Second Draft

Talking about myself is not an easy task. For everyone, it’s very easy. Analyzing

someone’s personality is very hard issue to hold but analyzing yourself has to be much easier.

When I come to talk about myself, I can’t and I stuck in the middle, do not know from where to

begin. My close friends know me well. At the same time, I know my flaws which I wish I could

erase them from my personality. We all have a story to tell whether it’s important or not; it

always shows our personality. Everyone knows his/her personality from his actions. Sometimes I

became very nervous I do not why.

Good relationship with people is a trait that I have but nowadays I am not in that side

because of different people you met. I am always treating people in a good manner whether

they’re good or bad to me. But I don’t why. Am I naïve or just too kind? I got hurt many times;

however, I never learn. I always trust people too much even without making sure that they are

worth this trust. Two month ago, I knew someone who is a normal friend. And we came very

close; we got closer and closer. I saw him every day with two of my friends sitting with each

others. I saw him caring too much about me and flittering, but he was normal with my other

friends. One day, my friends told me that he always asked about me; where am I and when will I

come. Why he is doing all these staff? May be he is in love or maybe he is just caring too much

without mean anything. One of my two friends asked him about him how did he feel towards

me? She told that he answered “She is a friend like any other friend; she is only like my sister, no

more.” We got surprised because we did not expect his answer. I kept asking myself why he

replied this way. Maybe he did not know her very well so he did not tell her the truth or maybe

we are just overwhelming and he is right. Or maybe he is waiting to the right time to tell me. I do

not know what is right and wrong or what should I do? I got attracted to him because of his way


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but I did not show up; we are treating each other only as close friends. One day we all are sitting;

he was sitting behind him. I took him just checking but I do not know why I opened the

conversation. It is maybe checking that he is chatting with girls or maybe curiosity. Coincidently,

I found the conversation between him and my friend and read finding out that he they are behind

my back, laughing at me, and mocking. I gave him back his mobile and left. I do not know why I

left. I got surprised of their words and laughter at me, but why? Many people do not deserve this

too much trust, so why I become depressed. It is maybe because I love them and do not expect

such behavior from them. They called me why I left early; I answered I was tired and had to

leave early. Two days later, I confronted them but both got surprised. Instead of apologizing and

saying we are sorry we did not mean it, they turn the table. She said, how come do you suspect to

talk about you? And he replied, why you search in my phone anyway. I kept thinking and asking

myself why they do this. I do not if I was right to blame them but if not they are wrong. Why

they thought this about me? Maybe I showed them that I like or maybe they are not the friends I

should know and trust. My way changed with people because I trust people more than they

deserve and I found them distrustful.

Nowadays, I became so nervous whenever someone tells me something I do not like or

just seeing someone who I do not want to see, which drives me crazy. I was not like that; I do not

know why I changed this way. Yesterday, I fainted with no good reason. I kept thinking and

asking myself why this happens to me. Maybe it is because I am in so much pressure these days

and I just need to relax. It is also maybe I got suppressed by many things at the same time but I hid

the reason or I think about another and left it behind. Or I need to eat or sleep well or maybe the

stress of the exams. I do not know the exact reason. Or maybe it is more than that. I used to love

someone but he let me go; it was 3 years ago. I could not let him go and find a solution to live


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again. From the first day in college, I said that I will change and forget about him because no one

deserves all this care. Why I think that way? Maybe because he hurt me so much or he left me in

the most days I need him with me after my grandfather’s death and sitting with cousin at the

hospital for three months because of accident. These are too much for me to handle. I continued

thinking why this all happen at the same time? But then I say it will be okay. Since then

whenever I find myself troubling I faint as if I want to escape. I guess the reason why I am in this

situation is due to the fact that the incident is still affecting me.

I have to control myself of being nervous and try to trust people again. As well as, I

should trust myself that I will do it. I have to find a solution for being nervous by trying to

manage my time, think in a positive way, and try to heal myself from inside. I have to think

before being nervous; nothing deserves to put in such situation. We all confront problems and we

learn. We do not let them go without knowing anything new. Life will not stop and I will

continue whatever happens.


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Final Draft (Analysis 2)

Mennatallah Abdel Megid

Rhet 101-02

Instructor Gibson

Assignment 2

4July 2012

Dealing with myself

Good relationship with people is a trait that I have but nowadays I am not in that side

because of different people I meet. I am always treating people in a good manner whether they’re

good or bad to me. As well as, I trust people before knowing them well. But I don’t why. Am I

naïve or just too kind? Maybe I am both because I do not have many social experiences with

different personalities. Or maybe my family is blocking me from the rest of world and

socializing with different people. So limiting my contact with practical life is one of the reasons

why I believe people quickly to upsurge my friend’s count. I got hurt many times; however, I

never learn. I trust people without knowing them well, maybe because I am affected by the

Egyptian’s traditions and cultures. I am affected by the way my family raised me up. Why I am

involved that much? Because I was brought into a family that trusts people without knowing

them, they are my role model in dealing with people, so I imitate them. I always trust people too

much even without making sure that they are worth this trust. For instance, one day I was sitting

next to a boy who I liked him and I think he likes me. I took his phone just checking but I do not

know why I opened the chat part. It is maybe checking that he is chatting with girls or maybe

curiosity. Coincidently, I found a conversation between him and one of my friends finding out

that they are talking behind my back, laughing at me, and mocking. I gave him back his mobile


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and left. I do not know why I left. I got surprised of their words and laughter at me, but why? I

got hurt maybe because I love them and do not expect such behavior from them or because our

mutual friendship quality. Supposing that I thought whenever someone talks about me in a bad

manner, one of them should act in a defensive way and do not allow the other to talk in such a

way. But none of them did so maybe it is the reason why I got hurt. They called me asking why I

left early; I lied answering “I was tired and had to leave early” maybe to escape and from being

hurt. Two days later, I confronted them but both got surprised. Instead of apologizing and saying

we are sorry we did not mean it, they turn the table. She said,how come do you suspect to talk

about you? And he replied, why you search in my phone anyway. I kept thinking and asking

myself why they do this and also why I care this too much? Having the same question, whichis

am I naïve, too kind, maybe stupid, or lack experience. I do not know if I was right to blame

them or this is too much care and trust. I could not let this topic off my head asking again why

they are thinking this way about me. Maybe I showed them love, care, and interest or maybe they

are not the friends I should know and trust or maybe they took advantage of my kindness and

used it to depress me. I realized that many people do not deserve this too much trust, so why I

become depressed.

Nowadays, I became so nervous whenever someone tells me something I do not like or

just seeing someone who I do not want to see, which drives me crazy. I was not like that; I do not

know why I changed this way. Maybe because of the harshness I saw from people around me.

Why am I got affected by the people around? It is maybe because of their way of thinking or

maybe their dreadful way of treating each others. With me, this nervousness led to many

appalling consequences. For example, yesterday, I fainted with no good reason. I kept thinking

and asking myself why this happens to me. Maybe it is because I am in so much pressure these


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days and I just need to relax. It is also maybe I got suppressed by many things at the same time

but I hid the reason and do not talk or I think about another and left it behind. Or I need to eat or

sleep well or maybe the stress of the exams. I do not know the exact reason. Or maybe it is more

than that.I used to love someone but he let me go; it was 3 years ago. I could not let him go,

why? Maybe he hurt me more than I deserve, how can he be so cruel? Or I love him more than

he deserves, why am I such a fool? Do I really love him or I addicted to the pain of wanting

someone I cannot have. From the first day in college, I said that I will change and forget about

him because no one deserves all this care. Why I think that way? Maybe because he hurt me so

much or he left me in the most days I need him with me after my grandfather’s death and sitting

with cousin at the hospital for three months because of accident. These are too much for me to

handle. I continued thinking why this all happen at the same time? But then I say it will be okay.

Since then whenever I find myself troubling I faint as if I want to escape. I guess the reason why

I am in this situation is due to the fact that the incident is still affecting me.

I should be careful in regarding friendships; I should be selective in choosing whom I

should trust. I should learn more about people’s background before having them in my circle of

trust. In addition, I should be patient, think, and evaluate people well before going in depth with

them, talking about my problems or telling stories about myself. As well as, I have to control

myself from being tense. Managing my time might be a temporarily solution, thinking in a

positive way, and trying to heal myself internally. I have to think before being nervous; nothing

deserves to put in such situation. We all confront problems and we learn. We do not let them go

without knowing anything new. Life will not stop and I will continue whatever happens.


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First Draft (Analysis 3)

Any county’s economic condition affects physical, psychological aspects of citizens. In

good economic conditions, educational levels are very high. Why? It is maybe because there is

money to improve quality and places for more children and the best education available, and

available materials. Everyone has the right to have a good education in order to live and continue

his/her life satisfied. Unfortunately, education is still a distant dream for many. Many children

are not able to attend school. Illiteracy is all around; many adults lack one of the most basic skills

taught in schools.

The country’s income is an indication to its educational level. For instance, when the

economy of Turkey is increased and doubled, its educated level flourished. The schools are

doubled; the level of education is raised with good materials, professionals, and good

management. This improvement helps the country to stand up economically with their educated

students and build it. Why? It is because they are working hard, having a goal to reach, thinking

about the good of their country. As well as, the government spends more and works itself to

provide them with the best education level. On the other hand, Egypt, nowadays is suffering

from the awful educational level.  In fact, the poverty rate is increasing overall in Egypt, and as a

result the number of poor people continues to increase as the population grows. The poverty rate

in Egypt is increasing more and more every day. It is because the over population, to a large

extent the mal-distribution of wealth, and also the education level. Although many regard Egypt

as a wealthy nation, the truth is that unemployment and poverty weakened the nation. Poverty is

due to the lack of opportunity because of inadequate education, health, or the inability to find

jobs. The educational level dropped dramatically in the past ten years due to the drop in income

and increase in inflation. These two examples prove that the educational level of any nation is


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strongly bonded to its economical status. Countries who are trying to solve the educational

problem solely will not have a good chance to do so. While other countries which won on raising

their economy and education simultaneously serving each others will upsurge their chances in

reaching both goals.


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Second Draft

Any country’s economic condition affects physical and psychological aspects of citizens.

In good economic conditions, educational levels are very high, so why? It is maybe because

there is money to improve quality and places for more children and the best education available,

and available materials. Everyone has the right to have a good education in order to live and

continue his/her life satisfied. Education is still far away from many youth; many children are not

able to attend school. Illiteracy is all around; many adults lack one of the most basic skills taught

in schools. I kept brainstorming why specifically this problem? Because I saw myself how those

people are living with no money, food, or even clean water. There are no schools, medical

services, transportation, or even shelters for many of them. If they have, they are bad qualified.

They do not receive education and if they, they had it in a low class.

Egypt, nowadays is suffering from the awful educational level.  In fact, the poverty rate is

increasing in Egypt, and as a result the number of poor people continues to increase as the

population grows. The poverty rate in Egypt is increasing more and more every day. Why? It is

because the over population, to a large extent the mal-distribution of wealth, and also the

education level. Although many regard Egypt as a wealthy nation, the truth is that unemployment

and poverty weakened the nation. Why poverty exists? Poverty is due to the lack of opportunity

because of inadequate education, health, or the inability to find jobs. It is maybe the great gap

between rich and poor which does not allow the lower class to receive appropriate education

level. The gap between classes is humorous and affects the country in a negative way. This is

maybe the reason why many youngsters do not have education or many graduates do not find

jobs. As a result, it increases poverty and unemployment levels. With or without occupation,


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workers receive low income with too many working hours and increasing prices. Why low

income if it affects the economy? It is because many of the upper class do not work but have

high and very high income; the reason is also the great gap. So, those workers do not work well

and protest because of low prices. On the other hand, maybe this great gap exists because the

lower class’s education level is not that good to give such opportunities and salaries. It is the

government’s problem which makes them in such position from the first step. The government

does not provide good education, professionals, or satisfied places to obtain the proper education.

Consequently, the educational level dropped dramatically in the past ten years due to the drop in

income and increase in inflation. The government did not pay an attention to those graduate

students who need jobs and this causes unemployment; as well as, it did not take care of the poor

areas. In Egypt, the relationship between poverty and education is very multifaceted. Egypt has

30 % of its population is poor and uneducated, which is a big percentage and great factor that

slows down the economy. The reason that made me think of this topic mainly is what I saw the

last two years from citizens living in garbage to people who could not work because of poor

health and bad education level. Many places are characterized by lack of employment, effective

public services, and lack of resources. I could not describe how this affected me and made me

wants to change. I kept asking myself, why we just have luxurious houses and have the best

education available and those who are at the same age cannot only have shelter to live. This

makes me wondering and trying to find solutions to these problems, trying to raise them from

these places and found a better opportunity to live. There are many thinking of the same issue

and want to share which made us a whole group to alleviate some aspects of poverty and

improve opportunities for educational success for young people.


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On the other hand, the country’s income is an indication to its educational level. For

instance, when the economy of Turkey is increased and doubled, its educated level flourished.

The schools are doubled; the level of education is raised with good materials, professionals, and

good management. This improvement helps the country to stand up economically with their

educated students and build it. Why? It is because they are working hard, having a goal to reach,

thinking about the good of their country. As well as, the government spends more and works

itself to provide them with the best education level.

These two examples prove that the educational level of any nation is strongly bonded to

its economical status. Countries who are trying to solve the educational problem solely will not

have a good chance to do so. While other countries which won on raising their economy and

education simultaneously serving each others will upsurge their chances in reaching both goals.


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Final Draft (Analysis 3)

Mennatallah Abdel Megid

Rhet 101-02

Instructor Gibson

Assignment 2

11 July 2012

Poverty in education

In Egypt, education is still far away from many youth; many children are not able to

attend school. Egypt, nowadays is suffering from the low educational level. Illiteracy is all

around; many adults lack one of the most basic skills taught in schools. Egypt’s economic

condition affects physical and psychological aspects of citizens. In good economic conditions,

educational levels are very high; however, in Egypt, the education level is declining. It is maybe

because there is no money to improve quality and places for more children and the best

education available, and available resources. In fact, the poverty rate is increasing in Egypt, and

as a result the number of poor people continues to increase as the population grows. The reason

that made me think of this topic mainly is what I saw the last two years from citizens living in

garbage to people who could not work because of poor health, overpopulation, and terrible

education level. There are no schools, medical services, transportation, or even shelters for many

of them. They do not receive education and if they, they had it in a low class. Many places are

characterized by lack of employment, effective public services, and lack of resources. I could not

describe how this affected me and made me wants to change. I kept asking myself, why we just

have luxurious houses and have the best education available and those who are at the same age


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cannot only have shelter to live. This makes me wondering and trying to find solutions to these

problems, trying to raise them from these places and found a better opportunity to live. I found

many people thinking of the same issue and want to share which made us a whole group to

alleviate some aspects of poverty and improve opportunities for educational success for young

people. Although many regard Egypt as a wealthy nation, the truth is that unemployment and

poverty weakened the nation. Poverty is due to the lack of opportunity because of inadequate

education, which results in the inability to find jobs. Primarily, it is maybe the great gap between

rich and poor which does not allow the lower class to receive proper education level. The gap

between classes is massive and affects the country in a negative way. This great gap exists

because the lower class’s education level is not that good to give such opportunities and salaries.

Perhaps, it is the reason why many youngsters do not have education or many graduates do not

find jobs. As a result, it increases poverty and unemployment levels. With or without occupation,

workers receive low income with too many working hours and increasing prices. Also, it is

because the corrupted government that we allowed the upper class to have high and very high

income without even bothering them. So, those pitiable workers do not find any rewards towards

their long working day. Thus, they do not work well and protest because of low prices. It is the

government’s problem which makes them in such a position from the first step. The government

does not provide good education, professionals, or satisfactory places to obtain the proper

education. Consequently, the educational level dropped dramatically in the past ten years due to

the drop in income and increase in inflation that affects the economy disapprovingly. The

government did not pay attention to those college graduate students who need jobs and this

causes unemployment. In Egypt, the relationship between poverty and education is very


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multifaceted. Egypt has above 60 % of its population is poor and uneducated, which is a big

percentage and great factor that slows down the economy.

On the other hand, the country’s income is an indication to its educational level. For

instance, Turkey’s economy is largely developed with employing more government spending

and taking good care of its youth. When the economy of Turkey is increased and doubled, its

educated level flourished. They put education in the top priorities of development; their aim was

to nurture production. Therefore, the schools are doubled; the level of education is raised with

good materials, professionals, and good management. This improvement helps the country to

stand up economically with their educated students and build it, because they are working hard,

having a goal to reach, thinking about the good of their country. As well as, the government

spends more and works itself to provide them with the best education level. They end up with

creative students who think in different ways to improve the country and contribute to the

prosperity of society through their skills, which makes the economy much better and becomes

from the modern world. They work until they made education serves as important means of

upward social mobility.

Finally, these two examples prove that the educational level of any nation is strongly

bonded to its economical status. Countries who are trying to solve the educational problem solely

will not have a good chance to do so. In Egypt, they failed to improve but if they try they will be

from the best economies in the world. While other countries that succeeded on raising their

economy and education simultaneously serving each others will upsurge their chances in

reaching both goals. In Egypt, poverty is a vast problem which affects the economy depressingly.

It is the role of government to improve education with obtaining good professionals, constructive


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materials, a suitable place, and appropriate prices. In addition, they should spread awareness of

the importance of education. Today, we, as students at high universities graduated from private

schools, are working together to give students courses to improve their skills in different fields,

which helps them to have a better future.


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Edited Analysis


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Mennatallah Abdel Megid

Rhet 101-02

Instructor Gibson

Assignment 1(Edited)

16 July 2012

Our Beloved Egypt

Recently, Egypt has been living under social, political, economic, and cultural unrest and

dissatisfaction. In Galal Amin’s book, Whatever happened to the Egyptians, he said “Corruption

and disrespect for the law are widespread and there is a conspicuous lack of work ethic. Violence

is on the increase and previously unknown types of crime are spreading.” Everybody seems to

accept that the trouble we face will somehow work itself out. The problems have increased and

became unlimited since the 25th of January Revolution (2011). Egypt passed through very harsh

times over the past one and half years.

During the 25th January Revolution (2011), a lot of Egyptians protested in the Tahrir

Square (Downtown) to show their anger towards the autocratic government and the dictatorial

president with his regime. Egypt hasn’t been through these large numbers of protests since the

1970s because nowadays we are encountering severe problems that newly emerged. In Egypt,

we have more than half of the citizens who are suffering from health, and financial problems,

poverty, and unemployment. During the previous presidency, we thought that the old president

was steeling our money and taking over the whole country for his own benefit. The underlying

reason behind the revolution was perhaps due to the Tunisian Revolution in December 2010

succeeded in overthrowing their president; this encouraged us to make our revolution without


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fear. The younger generations did make changes the older could not, and they won in the end.

They have motivation, vision, persistence, faith and technology that the older generation did

have. Apparently, they did nothing maybe because they were afraid from the tyranny of the

dictator or probably their thinking was different. While the youth may have learned from the

previous generations, and predicting their future. Part of the revolution actually won; although,

the bloody scenes, such as the Battle of Camel in which many martyrs died while the other part

is still unaccomplished.

History repeats itself; there was a revolution aimed at overthrowing King Farouk I. In the

1952 revolution, Egyptians celebrated because they removed Egypt’s monarchy and established

a republic after too many years of dictatorship and tyranny. In 2011, the revolution aimed at

overthrowing President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak after thirty years of dictatorship after two

months of chaos and bloody scenes. Thus, some of the protestors became enemies who destroyed

the aim of the revolution. After more than a year of struggle, we can say that the protestors

partially realized their aim and they succeeded in choosing a new president who could get us out

of the obscurity and fulfill our rights, according to the article “Egypt Presidential Elections” in

the Telegraph, Richard Spencer.

Egyptians broke the barrier of fear which they lived in Mubarak's regime for 30 years;

now, they refused the tyranny and corruption of Mubarak's government that will not accept to be

slaves anymore. They got tired of living with horrible injustice for such a long time. Therefore,

every Egyptian, who has the right to vote, putting aside the big picture of developing country.

We are having a very hard choice after the first round of elections which was between the bad

and the worse, one of whom was the Prime Minister in the last days of Mubarak’s rule, the


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Former Air Force Chief Ahmed Shafiq; the other, who was the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate,

is the Islamist Mohammed Morsi. We started the second round with democracy, integrity, and

transparency. Everyone began to think who really is going to raise the country and work for the

Egyptians’ sake that’s why I thought that Shafiq was the right one for this mission. However,

Morsi won.

Does anybody believe that there will be a change in Egypt? The problem is not in the

coming president; it is our problem as citizens. We have to think before taking any action about

its consequences. Egypt has taken a lot and does not have the chance to take more. As Galal

Amin said in his book “The quality of life in this city is rapidly deteriorating with increasing

pollution, overcrowding, congestion, noise, and many other problems. Egypt will not be

developed unless we ourselves change. The president whoever he is can’t take the entire load

over his shoulders. The responsibility lies on all. We as youth have a role, as well. We have to

assist him, especially in the coming days, and believe in his success, which is the first step

toward a new developed Egypt.


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Work Cited

Spencer, Richard. “Egypt presidential elections: Choice between Muslim Brotherhood and the

Mubarak era.” The Telegraph Newspaper. 17 June 2012.


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