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#1 19 – 7s = -30 - 7s = -30 – 19

- 7s = -49 s = -49 ÷ -7

s = 7

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#2 n – 1 = -4 13 n = -4 + 1 13 n = -3 13 n = -3×13 n = -39

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#3 5.4 = 3u + 9 5.4 - 9 = 3u

-3.6 = 3u -3.6 ÷ 3 = u -1.2 = u

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#4 5c + 7 = -28 5c = -28 – 7

5c = -35 c = -35 ÷ 5

c = -7

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#5 x + 3 = 9 2 x = 9 - 3 2 x = 6 2 x = 6×2 n = 12

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BONUS 2b + 4 = 5 3 2b = 5 - 4 3 2b = 1 3 2b =1×3 2b = 3 b = 3÷2 b = 1.5

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p.116 #5a)45b)110c)3rd rankd)192nd rank




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Steps to follow:Step 1 – Find the variable (rank) and the common difference TRICK: it is repeated and usually uses the words every, per, each…Step 2 – Find the base (constant) number TRICK: it is the item that stays the sameStep 3 – Write the equationStep 4 – Solve the variable

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Bixi rents bikes for $10 plus $4 per hour.Janice paid $30 to rent a bike. For howmany hours did she rent the bike?

Step 1:The variable: hours (let’s use the symbol h)The common difference: $4

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Bixi rents bikes for $10 plus $4 per hour.Janice paid $30 to rent a bike. For howmany hours did she rent the bike?

Step 2:The base: $10

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Bixi rents bikes for $10 plus $4 per hour.Janice paid $30 to rent a bike. For howmany hours did she rent the bike?

Step 3:Price = 4h + 10 (we don’t put $ signs)

$4 per hour starting price

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Bixi rents bikes for $10 plus $4 per hour.Janice paid $30 to rent a bike. For howmany hours did she rent the bike?

Step 4:30 = 4h + 1030 - 10 = 4h20 = 4h20 ÷ 4 = h5 = h

Janice has the bike for 5 hoursCHECK: 4×5 + 10 = 20+10 = 30

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Bill spent $39 on a magazine and some candy bars. If the magazine costs $4 and each candy bar costs $5, how many candy bars did he buy?

Step 1:The variable: Candy bars (let’s use the symbol c)The common difference: $5 (how much each candy costs)

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Bill spent $39 on a magazine and some candy bars. If the magazine costs $4 and each candy bar costs $5, how many candy bars did he buy?

Step 2:The base: $4 (he only buys one magazine)

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Bill spent $39 on a magazine and some candy bars. If the magazine costs $4 and each candy bar costs $5, how many candy bars did he buy?

Step 3:Cost = 5c + 4

$5 per candy the magazine

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Bill spent $39 on a magazine and some candy bars. If the magazine costs $4 and each candy bar costs $5, how many candy bars did he buy?

Step 4:39 = 5c + 439 - 4 = 5c35 = 5c35 ÷ 5 = c7 = c

Bill bought 7 candy barsCHECK: 5×7 + 4 = 35+4 = 39

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