  • 1. Welcome to the 4th POMP FORUM

2. Primo & Igor P & I 3. 1. Professional conference about Content Marketing 2. International event 3. Traditional event 4. Special awards ceremony 5. Forum Place for discussion What is POMP FORUM? 4. What will be happening today? 5 3international guests slovenian experts 1 special guest Frank Rose Rainer Burkhardt Clemens Koob Kitty Finstad Nenad Seni Branko akarmi Primo Inkret & Igor Savi Paul Kurzeja 5. 6 Categories The best print magazine The best internal communications media The best annual report The best digital media The best application The best social media communication 2 Special awards Special achievements award Content Marketing The project of the year Committee: Primo Inkret, PM, poslovni mediji Tanja Kavran, Drutvo za marketing Slovenije Katja Kek, Mercator Domen Savi, Ekipa2 Nenad Seni, Disput (the committee president) Janko Zrim, Tehnis Ali erdin, urednik Sobotne priloge POMP Awards 6. Timetable 2 presentations Frank Rose 10:00 - 10:50 Rainer Burkhardt 10:50 - 11:20 3 presentations/ workshops Paul Kurzeja 14:10 - 15:00 Nenad Seni 15:00 - 15:30 Primo Inkret 15:30 - 16:00 Branko akarmi 16:00 - 16:30 2 presentations Kitty Finstad 11:40 - 12:30 Clemens Koob 12:30 - 13:30 Break 11:20 - 11:40 CM Coctail party & Awards ceremony 16:30 - 17:15 Lunch break 13:30 - 14:10 Reception with music 17:15 - .... Exhibition of competition entries & book sale 7. Play the content! 8. POMP FORUM BAND will be with us at the cocktail, the awards ceremony and at the closing party. We did play the content! 9. POMP FORUM BAND will be with us at the cocktail, the awards ceremony and at the closing party. We did play the content! 10. Content Marketing is more and more convincing (new) world paradigm in companies communication with clients and other shareholders. 11. What Content Marketing is NOT: Not just a part of traditional marketing Not just a story of coporate media Not a buzz word Not. 12. What Content Marketing IS: Complete strategic and practically useful answer to: Problems of organisations, which wish to communicate efficiently with their clients and other shareholders Changes in communication environment Changes in the buyersway of thinking and acting 13. Various approaches to understanding Content Marketing The stress is on: Content production (what contents is, how to prepare it..) Content distribution (how to distribute contents to users) Content usability (what sort of content do users need..) Creating and managing contacts (searching for leads, building relations) Technological possibilities and opportunities (web&digital&social) Own media production: Creating own communication infrastructure Use ofearnedmedia (understanding the social and interest networks...) CM as strategic communication approach (guiding the fundamental communication turn) Organisational approach (Necessity of internal changes in companies ...) 14. The stories are in the core of Content Marketing Content Marketing & storytelling 15. The world around us is made of stories. 16. More then 60% of communication time among us is composed of telling & listening to stories. 60% 17. Stories are a psychological tool which enable the comprehension of the world around us and enable us suitable reactions. 18. Stories are like flight simulators. 19. Be careful how you interpret the world; it really is like that. (Erich Heller, britanski filozof) 20. If the stories are so important part of the communication world around us and people create their opinions and actions based on them... What does this mean for the organisations? 21. Conclusion is clear: Organisations, companies MUST tell stories (about themselves)! 22. If they dont the stories about them will be told by others! 23. Each of us has an experience what happens, when our stories are told by others: Competitors Envious people Ignorants . 24. But, here the story about the stories only begins ... 25. What is a good, interesting, useful, attractive story? How can we made it? How can we transfer it to the listener? Where exactly are its potential audience?.... 26. Are mere data, slogans, adds, PR messages, numbers . already stories ? 27. Is this a story? Discount 15% 28. 5 important messages 29. 1. Stories dont exist Stories need to be created! 30. Story about stories When does data become a story (emotions, a hero, action, consequences) How to find stories? Where are they? Do we have them? Inner rules of stories? (dramaturgy) Stories can: be told, sung, drawn, photographed, recorded 31. 2. Storytelling is not enough We need storydoing. 32. 3. Stories should be relevant to the listeners first. Who would listen to our story and why? Not what we do, but why we do that! To people, the stories which matter are the ones which consider! (The blind spot of traditional marketing - stories are just adds told in a different way.) 33. 4. Stories do not live by themselves. They become alive only within the media, which connects the one who tells the story and the one who listens. The key element of the story is its context. 34. 5. The essence of each story is The relationship 35. 1.Understanding of (basic &new) rules of production and story distribution 2.Understanding & managing of existing and creating (new) own media 3.Focusing onthe listener(user, buyer, potencial buyer, partner) 3 Q FOR SUCESS 36. 1.Can we do content marketing it the same way weve been doing marketing so far? 2.What new knowledge do we need? Who are those who know a lot about stories? 3.Is there a need for change of communication processes in side organisations? 3 Q FOR ORGANISATIONS 37. CM is the fire but the stories are the fuel 38. Igor Savi Managing Director PM, poslovni mediji Twitter: @savicigor [email protected] Primo Inkret, MBA Executive Director PM, poslovni mediji Twitter: @pinkret [email protected]

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