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  • Politics, Economic, and Social Events of the 21 st Century BUSH & OBAMA
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  • Objectives- Day 1 Discuss the political, social, and economic events that occurred during the lifetime of the students through created mind maps Identify the major issues of the 2000 election through ppt and video Examine one theme of George W. Bush's Inaugural Address by closely reading an excerpted quotation. Identify major initiatives of George W. Bush
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  • Warm up- Day 1 When you think of George W. Bush, what words come to mind? Please explain why you selected these words.
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  • Mind Map Review Get into assigned groups Review the political, social, and economic elements of your mind map with your group Add to your chart! Make a group list of common events Share as a class! ~15 minutes
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  • Major Candidates 2000 Election Dem Al Gore Joseph Lieberman Rep George Bush Dick Cheney Reform Pat Buchanan Green Ralph Nader
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  • Election Night Issues Natl Projections 246 Bush - 255 Gore 270 needed, 3 states too close Florida Gov Jeb Bush, Sec of State Katherine Harris Peninsula v Panhandle Recount
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  • Election Night Issues FL Balloting Punch Cards Chads Butterfly Ballots Palm Beach Buchanan FL Voter Rolls Purging Felons Voter Black Out Absentee votes (- 6min)
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  • Think-Pair-Share Was the election rigged? Why or why not?
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  • Outcome Bush v Gore 12/12/2000 7-2 End recount Violated equal protection clause 5-4 No new count Not precedent, but present Popular Vote Tied 48% (Gore +544K) Electoral Vote 271-266 in favor of GW Bush 4-6 million votes lost (6% error rate) Election Reform Help America Vote Act
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  • George W. Bush(2001-2004) 43 rd President of the USA Activity- Read Bushs inaugural address and analyze the main points he addresses
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  • George W. Bush(2001-2004) $1.3 trillion tax cut program No Child Left Behind AIDS program committed $15 billion over 5 years 9/11 and War on Terror USA Patriot Act
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  • George W. Bush (2005-2008) 2004 Election- Bush v Kerry 2005 Hurricane Katrina and relief /watch?v=HbJaMWw4- 2Q /watch?v=HbJaMWw4- 2Q
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  • TPS: Final Thoughts of Final Speech "We have faced danger and trial, and there's more ahead. But with the courage of our people and confidence in our ideals, this great nation will never tire, never falter and never fail. - George W Bush What is he referencing?
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  • Closure In what ways was Bush successful in his presidency? In what ways was Bush unsuccessful in his presidency?
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  • Objectives- Day 2 Identify policies and initiatives taken by Barack Obama Define economic terms and describe their relevance to the 2008 recession Identify Obamas involvement in the Middle East Identify Obama Care and Immigration Analyze the pros and cons of Gay Marriage
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  • Warm Up- Day 2 What major Initiatives did George W Bush create? Explain
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  • Barack Obama 44 th President of the USA 1 st African American President Initiatives: Reversed limited stem-cell research funding Hate Crimes Prevention Act (expands) Repeals Dont Ask Dont Tell GM & Chrysler Bailouts
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  • 2008 Economic Recession Definitions: Recession-a general slowdown in economic activity GDP(Gross Domestic Product), employment, income, business profits, and inflation while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate Mortgage- a loan that you take out against your property that you must pay back
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  • Middle East Iraq Pulled out troops in 2010 (transitional troops till 2011) Afghanistan Increased troops from 2009-2011 Plans to decrease troops significantly by 2014 ** Reading (Return to Sender) Benghazi
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  • Obama Care & Immigration quality & affordability of health insurance, uninsured rate and reduce the costs of health care for individuals and the government Ilc5xK2_E Ilc5xK2_E Undocumented will pay taxes, learn English, undergo background checks; businesses must require documents Pros- secure boarder, economic boost, guest worker program Cons- job competition, language barrier, overpopulation
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  • Gay Rights Movement- Activity What are the pros and cons? We will read the excerpt together, then I will divide the class in half and you will read only the pros or the cons. Be prepared to share the reasons you read.
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  • Persuasive Letter Possible ideas: Gun control Gay Rights Stem cell research Guantanamo Bay facility Obama Care Immigration Govt military spending Domestic policies Foreign policies- ME, Africa, MX, S.A. Censorship
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  • Closure What is a possible issue/controversy you would want to address to your local politician? Governor? President?

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