

PRESETATION ON AFGHANISTANIMPACT ON PAKISTAN AFTER U.S WITHDRAWALINTRODUCTIONGeographical neighboring countriesCulture similatries abd language,dress, Religion Ethic issuesSubstain of largest border in the world Economical dependence

PROBLEMSIt should be interesting to see what would happen to Pakistan once the Americans are gone?Afghanistan and it withdrawal of Amercia and NATO forces?What will be their strategy in context off their defending of Own state?What will be about their trade and economical steps?PAKISTANS ROLE IN AFGHANISTAN AFTER THE U.S LEAVES?

CONSEQUENSES Creating power Vanccum Drying up of foreign aidHistory could be reapted if the power is not handed over to a proper efficient Government

ROLE OF PAKISTAN IN AFGHAN CRISISAcourding hamid Karzai afghan army national army will train by Pakistani Army during a summit in Turkey, Istanbul.Aid and trade increment in Afghanistan Boosting bilateral economyEnhancement of our culture due our ethical background

IMPACT OF AFGHANISTAN CRISIS IN INTERIOR PAKISTANUpgrading of defence policy Competition of trade btween india and PakistanIf the sitution of Afghanistan got worse the number of rufugee will mount up

What will happen if U.S and NATO leave Afghanistan? As I have studied that if NATO leaves the Future of Afghanistan is hard to Perdict.Because afghanistan will be in Civial war. Philip Hammond(Brithish former sectatary for state defence) told BBC radio 4 and I qoute The moment when NATO and U.S leaves afghanisatn Civial war will start further more he add that Afghnaistan is an incerdibly complex society a multiethic scoiety that has Fragmented before we started

If the United States keeps troops in Afghanistan, surrounding nations like Pakistan, Iran, India, China and central Asian Republics, will not worry about geo political competition over this Piece of land. The United States Must Also ensure that Afghanistan is not used once again as sanctuary for Terrorist organizations. The best way to do this would also be keep some troops in the region


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