Page 1: Playground's A to Z: For a Fun and Safe Playtime in the Playground

Simple Things to Remember for a Fun and Safe Play Time in the Playground

with pictures!

Page 2: Playground's A to Z: For a Fun and Safe Playtime in the Playground

AreaThis list doesn’t necessarily come in orderbut checking out the playground’s area isof outmost importance. Make a quickcheck of the area for any potential dangerto prevent accidents from occurring.

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BorderBorders not just define the edges of the playground but also provide the perimeters of safe playing area.

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ColorPlayground equipment comes in a wide range of colors. Colors play a vital role in setting the mood and milieu of the playground area.

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DesignFrom simple and traditional types of playground equipment, to themed playground, it’s all about the design that makes a playground more engaging and enjoyable even by just looking at it.

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ElevationBe mindful and check out those elevated areas as the most common form of mishap for children in playground is –falling.

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FencesFences help provide precautions and frontier especially for public playgrounds located near other establishment or roads.

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GroundLaying the ground work for playground requires planning and careful attention as bumps and unevenness of the surface can cause accidents.

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HeightSome playground equipment have height requirements. Pay attentions to signs and other precautions before letting your children play.

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IntactMay sure all the playground equipment is assembled and built securely. There shouldn’t be any waggle!

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JunctionSeveral junction cubes are placed with tubes. These let the children get inside the tunnels and crawl through different playground holes.

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Kids!Playground without kids is a plain ‘olpiece of land with tedious tackles. Watch your kids play, enjoy the treat. Keep calm and have a seat.

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LightingLighting in play areas makes it easier to keep in track what the kids are doing. It can also help prevent accidents on hanging bars and field edges.

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MaterialPlayground equipment comes with different types of materials like metals, plastic and wood. Each material has different arrays of durability and purpose.

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NavigateAreas are built with obstacles for kids to play around. Each obstacle course should be mind-taxing and at the same time trouble-free to let the kids further develop brain and body.

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OrganizePlayground equipment are organized and constructed with age-appropriate kids to accommodate. The play areas should be structured into different age sections to avoid possible injuries.

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PaddingSafety is as important, if not more important than play itself. Putting proper padding and other infill materials are imperative to ensure kids’ safeguard.

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QualityQuality means the manufacturers follow the standards set by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA), Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

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RulesTake time to read the playground rules and regulations to make yourself in the know of what to and what not to do. Learn the rules and let your kids gain knowledge of it too.

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ShadePlayground sun safety and weather protection has been one of the forefront issues of playground equipment manufacturers and designers to address kids who are susceptible to sun’s damaging effects to the skin and in general health.

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TimeSet a limit about your kid’s of daily playground play. You have to slowly structure their play with reasonable rules and limits so as to imposed discipline, competency and unbolt them for other growth opportunities.

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UsageEach playground equipment and courses has different usage and treatment. Erroneous use in one of these equipment might cause your kids injuries. Be familiar with each playing courses available.

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VisualsKids have naturally keen-eyes for what is attractive and not. They tend to get fascinated with colors and explicit designs. Thus, adding colors and creative designs to the play field makes it more enjoyable for kids.

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WaterPlaying is tiring. Remember to keep your kids hydrated. Water is essential to your child’s health to keep all body parts functioning properly.

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XeniaXenia is an ancient Greek word for generosity and courtesy shown to others. It is important to render your kid to play and let them develop relationship with their playmates.

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YouYou are your kids’ best playmate bounded by blood. It is not just your kid who’ll get to learn oodles of life lessons but also you. You will get to see a greater story behind the play story of your kids. Let yourself unravel what play all meant after all the years.

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ZonePlayground zones should be one of the major considerations for parents and installers. Make sure all signs and precautions are placed properly.

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