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  • Centro de Educao Marzoque Corra H 25 Anos Construindo Um Mundo Melhor

    Pgina 1 de 3

    Nome: _____________________________________________________________________ N _____ Observao: Esta prova contm 10 questes com valor total de 70 pontos.












    QUESTO 1

    1. Faa a sua prova, obrigatoriamente, com caneta esferogrfica azul ou preta;

    2. No permitido o emprstimo de qualquer material;

    3. Escreva seu nome completo;

    4. Faa letra legvel: o que no for entendido no ser considerado;

    5. No permitido o uso de qualquer tipo de corretivo. Caso utilize, ser atribuda nota zero questo;

    6. Se errar nas questes discursivas, no rasure, reescreva a resposta certa ao lado;

    7. Para cada questo de mltipla escolha existe apenas 01 ( uma ) resposta certa;

    8. Ser atribuda nota zero s questes de mltipla escolha no assinaladas ou com mais de uma alternativa assinalada;

    9. Nas provas, no solicite esclarecimento de qualquer espcie ao professor-aplicador, porque entender as questes faz parte da interpretao;

    10. Nas provas de Matemtica, Fsica e Qumica obrigatrio apresentar a resoluo com os clculos de cada questo;

    11. Procure reler a prova antes de entreg-la para no deixar questes sem resposta;

    Disciplina Srie Turma Assunto Data

    INGLS 3a. 3001 PII / / 2015


  • Centro de Educao Marzoque Corra - cemac

    Pgina 2 de 3


    QUESTO 4 (UEM 2006 Vestibular de Inverno - Adaptada) - Assinale a alternativa na qual o tempo verbal usado expressa uma relao com o passado.

    Will I be able to answer the questions?

    Have I done enough revision?

    A certain amount of nervous tension probably helps us perform to the best of our ability.

    Take another deep breath in

    I'm getting there, nearly over.

    QUESTO 5

    (UFSC - 1998 - Adaptada) Select the proposition in which the verb tense is CORRECTLY identified.

    Children are learning how to use the computer. - Present Continuous. Wed had many other fads in education. - Present Perfect. Tape recorders and television are not the salvation of our schools. - Past Continuous. Childrens stories will become very imaginative. - Conditional. She think using computers for writing is very worthwhile. - Simple Present

  • Centro de Educao Marzoque Corra - cemac

    Pgina 3 de 3

    QUESTO 6 (UNESP 2003) When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on TV, they ................. about violence anymore because they ................. anything wrong in it.

    care dont see

    dont care cant see

    dont care didnt see

    didnt care couldnt see

    dont care couldnt see

    QUESTO 7

    (PUC/RIO 1998) In the sentence "Everyone lies" the Present Tense is being used to express a fact that will never change in time (historical present). In which of the alternatives below is the present tense being used to express a similar idea?

    It is hot and sunny today.

    Water freezes at 0o Celsius.

    My plane leaves at 5pm tomorrow.

    My cousin studies Computer Science.

    Joe is late for work today.

    QUESTO 8

    Which sentence below uses the Simple Present to express a future action?

    John has been working in that store for two weeks.

    Amy is singing in Budapest in two weeks.

    The reverend preaches in that community church every two weeks.

    Pierre is going to start learning English in two weeks.

    The semester ends in two weeks.

    QUESTO 9

    Em qual orao podemos afirmar, com certeza absoluta, que a ao ocorreu h bem pouco tempo?

    Ive already had lunch, thanks.

    "Have you been to the post office yet?" "Yes, I have."

    James has just arrived from the dentist and is in his bedroom with a sore mouth.

    Hasnt she studied for her Chemistry test yet?" "Sure, she has."

    The road is closed. There has been a terrible accident.

    QUESTO 10 Aponte a alternativa que apresenta uso indevido do tempo verbal.

    Juan lives in Switzerland for three years.

    Im catching the 6 oclock bus to Ohio.

    I havent drunk any beer today.

    My plane takes off at midnight. I have to run to the airport.

    Donna is doing the laundry at this moment.

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