
Mrs. Starrs Notes


Cardiovascular- Carries oxygen Pumps blood Distributes nutrients

Digestive- Breaks down food into absorbable units

Endocrine- Secretes hormones which regulate growth, metabolism, and reproduction

Integumentary- Synthesizes vitamin D Forms the external body covering Location of cutaneous receptors and sweat glands. Protects deep tissues from injury

Lymphatic- Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to the blood stream

Muscular- Allows for locomotion and facial expression Protects and supports body organs Produces heat Maintains posture

Nervous- Fast acting control system Responds to internal and external changes

Repro.- Produces offspring Produces milk to nourish newborn

Resp.- Removes CO2 Keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen

Skeletal- Creates blood cells Stores minerals and providers framework for muscles

Urinary- Eliminates nitrogenous wastes Eliminates indigestible food stuffs as feces Regulates water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance of the blood

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