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  • 8/13/2019 PHIL 0880 2014 SYLL


    Philosophy 0880: Ethical Themes in the Contemporary American Short


    Spring 2014Course Time: MWF 2:00-2:50Instructor: Felicia Nimue Ackerman ([email protected])Office: 212 Corliss Brackett (45 Prospect Street) x33240Office hours: W, F 3:15-4:15

    Course Readings: Material in course packets

    Course Requirements: One term paper (at least 3000 words) and four short essays (at least 500words apiece) in answer to any four questions below (except that all the short essays have to be ondifferent readings), or one 2500-word term paper and five 500-word short essays, or one 2000-word term paper and six 500-word short essays. You may also, for any reading, make up your ownquestion to ask and answer instead of using one of mine, provided that your question deals with the

    reading in a way that is philosophical, i.e., deals with the philosophical analysis of moral orpsychological concepts or the justification of moral views as applied to the reading. Term papersare due 5/14 if you want to be assured of not getting a course grade of Incomplete; each short essayis due in class as a hard copy on the date indicated for the reading.If you do want an Incomplete,

    you may have one. Because short essays will be read and discussed in class, I cannot accept

    more than one late short essay per student.To increase fairness in evaluation, all written workwill be graded with the writers identity hidden. Therefore, your name should appear nowhere on

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  • 8/13/2019 PHIL 0880 2014 SYLL


    2. Jen, The White UmbrellaQuestion: What do parents owe their children? What do children owe theirparents? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of either or both of thesequestions. Alternative question for story #1: Answer the question in the finalsentence of the story or argue against the assumption embedded in that sentence.

    2/5 1. Mukherjee, The Lady from Lucknow 2. Auchincloss, The Revenges of Mrs. Abercrombie

    Question: What is betrayal? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of theconcept of betrayal or in terms of the quotation, Its only possible to betraywhere loyalty is due (from Muriel Spark, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie).Alternative questions for story #1: a. Discuss the moral significance of thenarrator's reaction in the confrontation with her lover's wife or vice versa. b.Discuss of this story in terms of the quotation (from Malory, Le Morte D'Arthur),Love is free in himself and never will be bounden, for where he is bounden, helooseth himself.

    2/7 1. Williams, Taking Care2. Gaines, The Sky is Gray

    Questions for both stories: What is kindness? Discuss either or both of thesestories in terms of the concept of kindness or in terms of the quotation (fromMalory,Le Morte D'Arthur), He that is courteous, and kind, and gentle, hathfavour in every place.

    2/10 1. O'Connor, The Life You Save May Be Your Own

    2. Ellison, Battle RoyalQuestion: What is depravity? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms ofthe concept of depravity. Alternative question: Discuss either or both of these

    stories in terms of the saying, To understand all is to forgive all.

    2/12 1. Schwartz, Mrs. Saunders Writes to the World2. Yates, The Best of Everything Question: What is loneliness? What is the moral significance of loneliness?

    Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of either or both of thesequestions.

    2/14 1. Roth, Defender of the Faith2. Walker, Everyday UseQuestion: What is racial or ethnic identity? Is it a good thing, a bad thing, or doesthis depend (on what)? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of either orboth of these questions.

    2/19 1. Wolff, The Rich Brother Question: Who is the rich brother?2. Gordon, Violation Question: What is the violation?

    2/21 1. Douglas, Jesse2. Robinson, Graduation

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    Question for both stories: How good is the moral judgment of these narrators?Alternative question for story #1: Discuss the narrators character in relation tothe questions she raises at the end of the story.

    2/24 1. Colwin, The Achieve of, the Mastery of the Thing2. O'Connor, Revelation

    Question: What is pride? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of theconcept of pride or in terms of the quotation (from Malory, Le Morte D'Arthur),Pride is head of all deadly sins. Alternative question for both stories: Compareand contrast the moral characters of Mrs. Turpin and Ann Speizer. Alternativequestion for story #2: Discuss the aspect of Mrs. Turpin's character that isrevealed in the statement, Mrs. Turpin felt an awful pity for the girl, though shethought it was one thing to be ugly and another to act ugly.

    2/26 1. Ackerman, Flourish Your Heart in This World 2. Taylor, A Wife of Nashville

    Question: What is dishonesty? What is secrecy? When is either of these immoral

    and why? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of one or more of thesequestions. Alternative question for story #1: Discuss this story in terms of thesentence, Sitting under a hanging basket of ferns that is a new addition to heroffice, Ellen sounds as pleased as if Mrs. Noll has been cured and is off for a triparound the world.

    2/28 1. Godshalk, The Wizard 2. Litwak, The Eleventh Edition

    Question: What is a good teacher? Discuss either or both of these stories in termsof this question. Alternative question for story #1: What is self-sacrifice? Discussthe story in terms of the concept of self-sacrifice.

    3/3 1. Yates, Regards at Home2. Robinson, Richard Cory3. Ackerman, Irene and BethQuestion: What is envy? Discuss one or more of these pieces in terms of theconcept of envy or in terms of the quotation (from Malory, Le Morte D'Arthur),All men of worship [men of honor] hate an envious man and will show him nofavor. (Should they?)

    3/5 1. Lee, New African 2. Walker, 1955

    3. Listen to the songs that you get by clicking on these two links: What is suggestibility? What is independence of judgment? What isthe moral significance of these traits? Discuss either or both of these stories interms of one or more of these questions.

    3/7 1. Bambera, The Lesson 2. Gelernter, The Brawl

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    Question: What is it to manipulate people? When, if ever, it is morally wrong andwhy? Discuss either or both or these stories in terms of either or both of thesequestions. Alternative questions for story #2: What is your opinion of the moralviewpoint taken by this story? How, if at all, does this affect your enjoyment ofthe story or your assessment of its literary merit?

    3/10 1. McLean, Marine Corps IssueQuestion for story #1: What is heroism? Discuss this story in terms of theconcept of heroism.

    2. Wolff, In the Garden of the North American MartyrsQuestion for story #2: Discuss this story in terms of one or more of the followingquotations:a. A good man is never in danger but when he is in the danger of [at the mercy

    of] a coward (from Malory,Le Morte D'Arthur)b. The better part of valor is discretion (from Shakespeare, King Henry IV)c. Freedom's just another name for nothing left to lose (from KrisKristofferson)

    3/12 1. Hamilton, Rehearsing The Firebird 2. Greenberg, The Laughing Fiona

    Question: What is happiness? What is pleasure? Discuss either or both of thesestories in terms of either or both of these concepts. Alternative questions for story#1: What is privacy? Whose privacy, if anyones, gets invaded in this story?Discuss this story in terms of the concept of privacy or in terms of the quotation,He that hath a privy [private] hurt is loth to have a shame outward (from Malory,Le Morte D'Arthur).

    3/14 1. Malory, How true love is likened to summer (not a story, but background for

    the other two readings. This is a wonderful passage to memorize, and it takesonly about 4 hours. Not a course requirement, but definitely worth the timeinvolved. By the way, today is the 543rd anniversary of Malorys death.)

    2. Miller, Tyler and Bryna3. Ackerman, BuddiesQuestion: Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of Malory's ideal ofstability. Alternative questions for story #3: What is friendship? Can friendship bedispensed on a need basis, like food and clothing? Discuss this story in terms ofeither or both of these questions

    3/17 1. Jersild, In Which John Imagines His Mind as a Pond 2. Eidus, Vito Loves Geraldine

    Question: What is self-control? When and why is or isnt it a virtue? Discusseither or both of these stories in terms of either or both of these questions.

    3/19 1. Dark, Triage 2. Greenberg, The Lucero Requiem


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    Question: What is competition? What is competitiveness as a trait of character?Are these things good, bad or does this depend (on what)? Discuss either or bothof these stories in terms of one or more of these questions.

    3/21 1. Mukherjee, The Management of Grief2. Schwartz, What I Did for LoveQuestion for both stories: What is grief? Can grief be managed? Should it be?Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of one or more of these questions.

    3/31 1. Ackerman, Break, Break, Break 2. Silman, An Easy Life

    3. Ackerman, The Fat Ladies SingQuestion: Which storys end involves a greater misfortune? Alternative questionsfor story #1: a. Discuss this story in terms of the quotation (from White, TheOnce and Future King), Shame to the slothful and woe to the weak one. b.Why is sloth one of the seven deadly sins (or why shouldnt it be)? Discuss thisstory in terms of either or both of these questions. Question for #3 (and story #1):

    When, if ever, should people concern themselves with other peoples choiceswhen it comes to personal health habits? Why?

    4/2 1. O'Connell, St. Ursula and Her Maidens 2. Taylor, The Gift of the Prodigal

    Questions: 1. Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of the quotation,Who would be sick, and he might be whole [well]? (from Malory,Le MorteD'Arthur), as contrasted with the popular view that illness and disability shouldbe seen as opportunities for personal growth. 2. What is pity? When, if ever, isit an insult? Why? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms of one or moreof these questions.

    4/4 1. Lee, Negatives2. Yates, Fun with a Stranger

    Question: What is charm? What is social awkwardness? What, if anything, is themoral significance of either or both of these traits? Discuss either or both or thesestories in terms of one or more of these questions.

    4/7 1. Eggers, We Like You So Much and Want to Get to Know You Better

    2. Okparanta, ShelterQuestion: Both of these stories convey social/political messages. Argue either foror against either or both of these messages. Alternative question: Does eitherstory have too much message and not enough story, or do the messages enrichthe stories? Discuss critically.

    4/9 1. Wolff, Master 2. Robinson, Breaking the Rules

    Question: What is forgiveness? When is and when isnt it appropriate? Discusseither or both of these stories in terms of either or both of these questions.

    4/11 1. Leffland, The Famous Toboggan of Laughter

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    2. Leavitt, TerritoryQuestion: What is respect for others? What is condescension? Discuss either orboth of these stories in terms of either or both of these concepts.

    4/14 1. Maimonides, Eight Levels of Charity (not a story, but background for theother two readings)

    2. Silman, Giving Blood3. Nissenson, Charity

    Question: What is charity? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms ofMaimonides's eight levels of charity. Alternative questions for story #2: a. Whatwould this story be like if it were told from Lois's point of view? What is Lois'sperspective on the situation? Can it be justified? b. Put yourself in the position ofsomeone who is medically able to donate blood but never does so and justifyyour (in)action. Whether you actually are such a person is none of our business,so please be sure to keep your discussion hypothetical.

    4/16 1. Colwin, The Big Plum

    2. Jones, MarieQuestion: What is exploitation? Discuss either or both of these stories in terms ofthe concept of exploitation.

    4/18 1. Baxter, Stained Glass2. Ackerman, For the Loved Ones in Your Life3. Lovelace, To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars4. Ackerman, To Lucasta, on Not Going to the Wars

    Question: Discuss the view of romantic love presented in one or more of thesereadings. Alternative questions for story #1: Does Donna make a good choice inthe end? Why or why not? Alternative questions for story #2: Is Dwight a good

    husband? Is he a good colleague? Is he a good person? Discuss this story in termsof the relation between two or more of these questions. Questions for #3 and #4:Does a commitment to honor strengthen or weaken romantic love, or does thisdepend (on what)? Discuss either or both of these poems in terms of this question.

    4/21 1. Brown, The Cure2. Barnett, Philostorgy, Now Obscure

    Question: Discuss either or both of these stories' views of illness and mortality orof what healthy people owe sick people and vice versa.

    4/23 General discussion and review

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