
S t s . Pe t e r

& Pa u l

G r e e k

O r t h o d ox

C h u r c h

Petra News O c t o b e r / N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 7

“Let us love another, that we may with one mind confess” - From the Divine Liturgy

Petra News A ministry and

monthly publication of

Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox

Church. Supported by the stewards of

the parish.

Jesus told His disciples that love will dis-tinguish them from all other people. “By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you love one anoth-er.” The apostles and Christians of the early church listened to Christ and fol-lowed His example. The world with its hatred and vengeance marveled upon seeing the ability of Christian love, even when being persecuted: “And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” (Acts 7:59-60) The world had never wit-nessed the love of Christ like that of the early Christians. St Paul wrote the hymn of love, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 where all the characteristics of Christian love are described: “Love suffers long, and is kind; love does not envy.” Christian love is not a theory, but a practice. It is said that when St John the Evangelist became to old to preach to the Chris-tians as he once did, would stand in front of the people, and would simply say: “Children, love one another.” St John was asked why he repeated these same words over and over. His response: “The one who loves keeps all the commandments of the Lord.” The soldiers at the foot of Jesus on the cross had witnessed many crucifixions. It is hard to imagine the cries and screams they heard. The cross was the worst form of punishment. The soldiers had to

be astonished to hear from Jesus, not the words of pain and suffering, but love. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The highest form of charity is loving one’s enemy. The teachings of Jesus Christ are diffi-cult, and impossible. They are difficult and impossible to apply for those whose life has not changed with Christ. Christian love is to imitate the mercy of God. We live in a fallen world, and this means we will face many who have no love for God and neighbor. The Lord calls us to be patient with people’s faults and defects. When we love, even our enemy, a person can change. Many were astonished by the words and ac-tions of Jesus. He befriended prosti-tutes, tax collectors and Roman sol-diers. Jesus loved the sinners. He loved them not just for what they might be-come, but for who they were at the pre-sent. The faithful and the sinners were drawn to Jesus because of His capacity to forgive and heal. They were drawn by His love. Jesus always has His arms open to those who love Him and hate Him. On the Cross, while being crucified, Jesus prayed for those persecuting Him, “Father, forgive them.” Do we dare be stricter than God? It has been said that Ghandi was very drawn to the Christian gospels, and in fact visited Christian churches, but was disappoint-ed because he did not find the Christian

I ns id e t h i s

i s s ue :

S p i r i t u a l

M e s s a g e 1

P a r i s h C o u n c i l


S t e w a r d s h i p 5

P h i l o p t o c h o s 8

N e w s / E v e n t s 9

Y o u t h

M i n i s t r y 1 1

S e r v i c e

S c h e d u l e 1 3

M o n t h l y

C a l e n d a r 1 4

Petra News

O c t o b e r / N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 7

love proclaimed in the gospels in the churches he visited. Would he have found the love proclaimed in the gospel of Jesus Christ at the parish of Sts Peter Paul? Jesus is calling us to love our enemies in order to become His true children, to become what He created us to be. “But love your enemies, do good and lend, hoping in return, and your reward will be great and you will be sons and daughters of the most high.” (Luke 6:31-36) The last thing an enemy expects is love. A wise priest said, “When we give love, instead of hatred, we disarm the enemy.” To love your enemy is to give them God. Sister Magdalen, and Orthodox monastic wrote, “Jesus aim in commanding us to love one another reintegrates the broken nature of Adam. Each little victory on the way to his goal opens the heart wider.” Jesus is asking us to love our enemies. To love our friends and family is very natural. Jesus is asking us to go be-yond loving those in our comfort zone. The image of God is in all of us. Christians are living icons of Christ. The image of God may be dirty or distorted in some people, but never completely destroyed. The spirit of Christian love is in all of us when we love and follow God. Let us make Christian love a part of our daily Christian living, and apply the prayer of the Divine Liturgy, “Let us love one another, that we may with one mind confess.” Let our love be without limit and boundaries - like the love of God. Father Jordan

Let Us Love One Another

Your Own of Your Own, We Offer

“Remembering, therefore, this saving commandment and all that has been for our sake: the Cross, the Tomb, the Resurrection on the third day, the Ascension into heaven, the enthronement at the right hand, and the second and glorious coming.” (Eucharistic Prayer at the Divine Liturgy) We “offer” to God what is God’s at Divine Liturgy, by one, remembering “this saving commandment” (that is, “Take, eat, this is My Body ...,” and “Drink of this, all of you ...,” proclaimed by the priest just before the above - quoted words), and two, remembering “all that has been done for our sake,” including, surprisingly, the future “second glorious coming again.” In faith, the Church “sees” as God “sees,” beyond space and time, particularly in His intimate presence to us, and our presence to Him, in the Divine Liturgy. How and what is it that “we” are “offering”? First of all, by saying “we,” we mean first and foremost Christ Him-self, in our midst. He offers Himself, by the hands and gifts (of bread and wine) of the celebrating Church. Be-cause He is “the One who both offers and is offered,” as it says in the prayer of the Cherubic hymn). We also “offer” ourselves, in response to Christ’s self-offering, whenever we bring ourselves wholeheartedly, with all our strengths and weaknesses, into communion with Him; to be “consecrated” in and by Him. That’s why the priest will also pray (shortly after the above quoted words), that the Holy Spirit be sent down “upon us, and upon the gifts here presented.” So - when we proclaim that we “offer” to God what is God’s, “Your own of Your own,” we also mean ourselves. He receives us, along with our gifts, and then returns us and our gifts back to us, consecrated and transfigured in the Holy Spirit. Thank you for that, O Lord. “It is proper and right to worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity One in being and undivided.” Amen Sister Vassa

The Parish Council has received some questions about the Total Commitment that is paid each year by Sts. Peter & Paul to the Archdiocese. We wanted to communicate about the importance of our support to the Archdiocese which provides the organizational structure that is essential to the operation of our Church. Sts. Peter & Paul could not operate as an island without the Archdiocese. As stated on the website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian Faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition. The Greek Orthodox Church in America sanctifies the faithful through divine worship, especially the Holy Eucha-rist and other Sacraments, building the spiritual and ethical life of the faithful in accordance with the Holy Scrip-tures, Sacred Tradition, the doctrines and canons of the Ecumenical and local Councils, the canons of the Holy Apostles and the Fathers of the Church and of all other Councils recognized by the Orthodox Church. The Archdiocese serves as a beacon, carrier, and witness of the message of Christ to all persons who live in the United States of America, through divine worship, preaching, teaching, and living of the Orthodox Christian Faith. There are 540 parishes, 800 priests and approximately 1.5 million faithful in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Archdiocese receives within its ranks and under its spiritual aegis and pastoral care Orthodox Chris-tians, who either as individuals or as organized groups in Metropolises and Parishes have voluntarily come to it and which acknowledge the ecclesiastical and canonical jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, of which the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is an Eparchy. Sts Peter and Paul benefits directly from the Archdiocese is many ways, including:

training of our priests, Sunday School Curricula and materials, liturgical calendar and religious support, pastoral resources, registry and record keeping (baptisms, marriages, funerals, etc.), many published religious documents, Vacation Church School, Young Adult Ministries, Oratorical Festival, Parish Council support, many other items that we read and see that we may often take for granted

Our faith requires organization and each church must participate and support the mission of our Archdiocese. We would encourage everyone to review the Archdiocese website to get a better sense of the many benefits provided to the Orthodox faithful and the important role that our Archdiocese plays in the Orthodox Church in the Ameri-cas. Total Commitment All churches within the Archdiocese are assessed a cost to cover a pro rata share of the overall budget for Greek Orthodox Church in America. This cost is called the “Total Commitment”. Our 2016 Total Commitment repre-sents approximately 10% of our total parish budget. This cost of the Total Commitment is quite reasonable given all the support that is received. Comparing our Archdiocese costs to corporate overhead and general administrative costs that are associated with running the operations of our individual employers, we see that these costs compare quite favorably. In 2016 the Parish Council limited our payments to the Archdiocese to $11,000 given our current financial realities and budget constraints. However, the Parish Council does strongly believe that it is important to fully support the payment of our Total Commitment going forward and our goal is to fully meet our commitment. Please see me or any Parish Council member if you desire additional dialog on the subject. In Christ, George Tsiouvaras Parish Council President

Parish Council - Commitment to Archdiocese

Dear Sts. Peter and Paul Family, The Parish Council wants to provide an update on the status of the dome. At our Spring General Assembly, we discussed that we engaged B&M Roofing to do the dome work, and they started on the permitting process in the spring. As part of that process, Boulder County asked the company to do additional wind testing for the material, which took several more weeks to complete and return the data to the County, and delayed the project into the summer. Towards the end of the summer, we then learned that Boulder County denied our dome color (gold). As a result, we engaged a law firm to write a letter to the County on our behalf, and we are happy to report that Boul-der County has now approved the gold dome color! We are moving forward again with the project, and the roof-ing company (B&M Roofing) will start fabricating the roof pieces. Although we do not have a firm timeline for dome completion, we are excited that the project is progressing again. We will update the community as soon as we have more details about timing. On a final note, the Parish Council presented at a Parish Town Hall meeting at the beginning of the summer that we had raised approximately $60,000 for the dome project at that time, and we were thankful for everyone’s gener-osity. We also reported that we applied for a $25,000 grant from the John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation, which is a philanthropic organization that offers scholarships and grants for Orthodox and Hellenic communities world-wide, and our application was accepted! With that grant money, we now have the full funds to complete the dome project (budgeted at $85,000), and the Parish Council would like to gratefully acknowledge the Kulis Foundation for the grant. The following excerpt was taken from the Kulis Foundation’s Mission Statement: “The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation, commonly known as the Kulis Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting reli-gious, humanitarian, and educational initiatives benefiting Orthodox Christian and Hellenic communities worldwide. The Foundation hopes that its philanthropic efforts will help to strengthen these communities and welcomes any requests that align with this mission.” To learn more about the Kulis Foundation, visit their website at Please contact anyone on the Parish Council if you have any questions about this project. In Christ, Nick Kallan Parish Council Vice President

Parish Council - Church Dome Update

Saints Peter and Paul urgently needs your financial support! Dear Church Family, The summer months were a financial challenge, and so far in September we have not seen the customary rebound in stewardship. The good news is that Church attendance has been healthy and we have much to be grateful for in our parish. Our festival was a success, Sunday school is off to a good start and Boulder County has approved our dome project, which will be moving forward this fall. Please be aware that over the summer months our collections have dropped almost $40,000 below our operating budget and we have depleted our operating account. As a result, we will need to tap into our Taste of Orthodoxy and Building Funds to pay our upcoming bills. The Parish Council does not believe this is a sustainable approach and our current financial situation needs to be addressed as a community. Our ultimate goal is to fund our budget through stewardship. This will provide a stable, fruitful and thriving par-ish, with a secure future and opportunities for our children. The council is optimistic that we can get to a financially healthy state in the near future with your help. Please con-sider what the church adds to your life. The Saints Peter and Paul community exists because of your faithful and continual support. We invite the entire community to discuss this at our next Town Hall meeting which is scheduled for Sunday, Oc-tober 8th. Please see a council member with any questions. The Stewardship committee will be hosting a few small group meetings to discuss the ministry of stewardship, and

what we must do in order to be a healthy parish. The small group meetings will be offered in October and early

November. All stewards will be receiving an invitation.

Please review your stewardship commitments to make sure you have not missed any stewardship payments. We

also ask the parish to prayerfully reconsider your stewardship gift, and make an increase for the remaining months

of 2017, if possible.

In Christ, The Parish Council

“For with God nothing will be impossible.” St Luke 1:37


P a g e 6

2017 Stewardship Program Stewardship #of % of

Gift Level Stewards Stewards

0- $500 41 34.7%

$501- $1,000 28 23.7%

$1,001 - $1,500 14 11.9%

$1,501 - $3,000 20 16.9%

$3,001 - $5,000 9 7.6%

$5,001 - $7,500 3 2.5%

$7,501 - $15,000 3 2.5%

Total 118 100%

1. Total number of Stewards in 2016 (Full Year) = 116 7. Avg Gift 2016 (Full Yr) = $1,610 2. Total number of Stewards so far in 2017 = 118 8. Average Gift 2017 = $1,544 3. Total Stewardship Pledges in 2016 (Full Year) = $186,787 9. Med Gift 2016 (Full Yr) = $1,000 4. Total Stewardship Goal for 2017 = $280,850 10. Median Gift in 2017 = $800 5. Total Stewardship Pledges so far in 2017 = $182,173 6. Total Remaining to 2017 Goal = $98,677

How are we doing?

- As of August 31, 2017

- We have 118 stewards who pledged a total of $182,173

- That pays Church's operating costs through August 25, 2017

- Would you consider paying for a day ($770.00)




93 3









Remaining to



P a g e 7 Stewardship 2015

P e t r a N e w s

List of Stewards

P a g e 7

Abboud, Danny & Anna

Abboud, John

Anastas, Hani & Katrina

Anastas, Christie & Emil

Andrusko, Gaynel

Artemis, Chris & Nancy

Artemis, Harry

Artemis, Steve & Marybeth

Ashmun, Joanne

Athanas, Nicole

Azar, James

Azar, Tony & Rimona

Barbu, Ileana & McDonald, Thomas

Brewer, Nicole & Joshua

Brown, Fr. Jordan & Pres. Marika

Brown, Kiki

Callas, Steve & Joanne

Catechi, Debbie

Cheronis, Dion & Alekie

Christopher, Chris & Georgia

Conis, Pete & Lynda

Dageenakis, Anthony

Dageenakis, John & Elayne

DeGeorge, Tony & Rola

Devecka, Denise & Michael

Dotson, Presbytera Kedrann

Doukas, George

Dzilvelis, John & Sharon

Dzilvelis, Steven & Ashley

Egeberg, Angela & David

Elias, Eric & Keity

Elmiger, Christian

Ferguson, David

Gall, Dana

Garcia, Mary

Garrity, Jane

Geerdes, Bruce & Andreatta

Gehmeyr, Michael & Bakalis, Olympia

Georgis, Maria

Georgis, Steve and Yoana

Gerakos, Lee

Ghazzawi, Laila

Glasener, Gary & Robin

Glavinas, Elias & Georgia

Gregory, Brian

Hamilton, Joanne & Darryle

Haratsaris, Philip & Jennifer

Huskey, Oliver & Melanie

Jacky, Tom & Tamsin

Jones, Matthew

Kallan, Nick & Danielle

Kapatayes, Gaby & Odeta

Kapatayes, Nuha

Karis, Sandy & Nick

Kelly, John & Mary

Kolias, Aristotle & Theodora

Kolovos, Michael & Youli

Krol, Effie & Rick

Kurtz, Kevin & Susan

Leonidas, Rick

Lymberopoulos, Mary

Melonakis, Mathew

Melonakis, Terry

Mills, Mary & Mark

Mooney, Thomas

Nader, Jacques & Amanda

Pagratis, Chris

Pagratis, Kostas & Erinn

Pagratis, Maria

Palmer, Tom & Vaso

Palmos, Leonidas

Panas, Jim & Frannie

Pappageorge, George

Pappas, David

Pappas, George & Charleen

Pappas, Nick

Pappas, Nick & Joanna Johnson

Pappas, William

Patas, George

Philoptochos Society

Piper, Ted & Sophia

Politis, Takis & Kathy

Powers, Jim & Julie

Psychogiou, Dimitra

Psyllas, Peter & Tasia

Roditis, Ioannis & Maria

Ryder, Stephana & Doug

Saliba, George

Sammoury, Tony & Christiane

Sampson, Earl

Sarris, Juli

Serougi, Eissa & Samira

Serougi, Sam & Adma

Shearin, Patrick

Skodras, Nick

Skodras, Voula

Soderberg, Liz & Kurt

Soulakis, Manuel & Candice

Stamus, Peter & Cynthia

Swiszcz, Paul & Marose-Swiszcz, Jan

Theodosis, Anthoula

Tinsley, Dean & Dena

Torrence, Sarah

Torrence, Pam

Troicky, Alex & Lis

Tsiouvaras, George & Nicole

Tsiouvaras, Nick & Christine

Vlachos, Evan

Vlachos, Virginia

Voris, Angelos

Wall, Aaron & Viktoria

Welker, Christine

Welker, Julie & David

Zarifa, Sonia

Zaronias, Dimitrios & Diangy

Zissimos, Jim & Sheila

Zwierzynski, Zoe

P e t r a N e w s

News & Events Fall is finally here and we are excited to start our new Philoptochos year! We look forward to some new volunteer activities, fundraisers, and community events. Make sure you are on the FlockNote email list for church so you don’t miss anything. We will be having a board meeting and a sisterhood brunch on Saturday October 7th. If you would like to join us during the board meeting for coffee, we will be starting at 9:30am. We will discuss the upcoming year and ideas for volunteer opportunities. The brunch will be starting at 10:30am, please bring a potluck dish to share. I look forward to a fun and rewarding year! Ashley Dzilvelis Philoptochos President Philoptochos Bookstore Don’t forget about the Philoptochos Bookstore! Sharon Dzilvelis has it well stocked with amazing books, icons, and anything Orthodox you may need. We also have a Free Little Library! Please bring a book to share and take a book to read. The white bookshelf is located to the right of the bookstore. Gift Cards Reloadable gift cards are back in stock! This has turned out to be an excellent fundraiser for Philoptochos. Please see Lis Troicky or Ashley Dzilvelis if you have additional questions. Annual Jewelry Fundraiser We will be having out annual jewelry fundraiser on Sunday, October 29th with Premier Jewelry. Join us for fellow-ship that day! Great for Christmas presents!


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P e t r a N e w s

News & Events

P a g e 9

Wednesday Morning Bible Study The Wednesday Morning Bible Study begins at 10 am and lasts for one hour. Everyone is welcome to participate. Please join us as we strive to apply prayer and scripture to our spiritual life, striving to grow closer to God. This is a great opportunity to study the scriptures and have a deeper understanding of the Sunday and Feast Day read-ings as they apply to our every day life. We will be meeting the following dates: October 4, 11, 18 & 25, Novem-ber 15 & 29.

Town Hall Meeting, Sunday, October 8th

(immediately following Liturgy) We invite the entire community to discuss the financial health of our church at this special Town Hall Meeting. Please remember the Sts Peter & Paul Community exists today because of your faithful prayers and continual support.

Special Visit with the Sisters from the St Elizabeth Convent Wednesday, October 11 (immediately following the 6 pm Paraclesis)

Please welcome the visiting sisters from the Convent of St Elizabeth (Minsk, Belarus) on Wednesday, October 11, 7 pm. The Sisterhood of St Elizabeth takes care of children and adults with mental and physical disabilities. They work with children suffering from Down’s syndrome, birth traumas and cerebral palsy. They also help ex-prisoners and drug and alcohol addicts. The sisters will bring beautiful religious handcrafts made in the work-shops of the Convent. Please take this opportunity to support the beautiful work and mission of the sisters. The presentation will be offered in the parish hall.

Choir Practice We will have choir rehearsal on Saturday evenings, 4 pm. Choir will meet in the church for rehearsal. Church mu-sic is an integral part of the Orthodox Church. If you have a gift for singing, please share your gift of stewardship, and become part of the choir. If you have questions, please visit with Presbytera Marika or Presbytera Kedrann. Please visit our church website for a detailed schedule. Choir rehearsal will be meeting on most Saturdays at 4 pm.

Sunday Fellowship Hosts Needed Sunday Fellowship is a wonderful expression of Christian Hospitality. Thank you to the parishioners who have signed up. The fellowship hour is a wonderful time to visit with friends, and welcome visitors. Please prayerfully consider hosting a Sunday Fellowship. You may consider selecting a Sunday related to a name day, birthday or memorial in your family. You can co-host a Sunday with a friend or relative. The sign-up is in the parish hall. If you are unable to host a Sunday, please consider helping out during the week at one of our scheduled baking days. We will be preparing baked goods for Sunday Fellowship. Fran Dzilvelis, Mary Lymberopoulos, and Pres-bytera Kedrann are coordinating the Sunday Fellowship Ministry. The following dates are open: October 15 & 22, November 5, 12, 19 & 26, December 3, 10 & 17.

Outreach Ministry Presentation Sunday, October 22

Our parish has an opportunity to help with the Cafe Outreach Center located in Longmont. The Center is a non-profit that assists individuals and families in the St Vrain Valley School District in need of food, resources and to develop vital life-long skills to enable self-sufficiency. There are openings for our parish to volunteer as a group on a Saturday or Holiday with cooking, serving and cleaning in their community cafe. (Must be 16 years old to serve in the kitchen) In addition, there is help needed in their Community Market. The ADOPT-A-SHELF PROGRAM is asking our parish to adopt a shelf of food and refill in once a month with certain items. This will ensure nutritious food for families working on self-reliance. The Market serves an average of 80 families per day. On Sunday, October 22, Lisa Tatusko, will offer a presentation on the OUTREACH MINISTRY during the fellowship hour, and how our parish can begin serving.

Nativity Advent Adult Retreat Saturday, December 9, 9:30 am - 1 pm (Divine Liturgy 8 am)

Retreat Master: Father Christopher Xanthos Celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ

Location: Sts Peter and Paul

P e t r a N e w s

News & Events Adult Education

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Sunday Orthodox Faith Classes 12 noon - 12:45 pm

Orthodox Christian Faith Class If you are interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith and becoming an Orthodox Christian, please join us for class. Father Jordan, the priest serving Sts Peter and Paul, will be lead-ing the class. If you have any questions, please contact Father Jordan @ 303-581-1434 or [email protected]. Class Schedule & Topic September 17 What is Church: Founded by Jesus Christ September 24 Jesus: His Life, Crucifixion & Resurrection October 1 Holy Trinity October 15 Prayer & Fasting October 29 Divine Liturgy: Holy Eucharist November 12 Sacrament of Baptism & Chrismation November 19 The Mother of God and His Saints December 3 Sacrament of Confession December 10 What is Salvation? The Birth of Jesus

Recommended Reading

The Orthodox Church, Met. Kallistos Ware; The Faith: Understanding Orthodox Christianity, Clark Carlton; The Truth of our Faith, Elder Cleopas of Romania; Introducing the Orthodox Church, Fr Anthony Coniaris.

P e t r a N e w s

News & Events Icon Drawing Workshop

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October 30-November 3, 2017

Join us on this intensive workshop focused on developing the drawing skills of the iconographer. Completing this course work will enable you to paint with confidence and ease the icons you wish to create. Using the ideal models of the Angels and of the prototypes specific to iconography, you will learn how to accu-rately draw the features of the Archangel Gabriel. The basic principles of proportion, construction of the human head /face, and the transition from light to dark will be addressed in this intensive workshop. At the conclusion of the class the students will achieve the knowledge and the skill (practical ability) to draw with self-assurance and comfort any type of facial features he, or she may choose to undertake. Each class will start at 10am - end at 3pm (1/2 hr. lunch break) Instructor: Ileana Barbu Course fee: $465 Registration: Registration is required and course space is limited. Please register early to guarantee your spot. You will receive a materials list upon registration. A non-refundable deposit of $130 is required to reserve a place in this workshop. The remaining balance is due upon arrival on October 30, 2017. Location: Saint Dimitrie the New Church 6060 PURITAN LN FREDERICK, CO 80516

(At the intersection of I-25 with Hwy 52, on the NW side)

If you are interested in signing up, please send a $130 check made out to SICA Foundation To: JP Andrews SICA Foundation P.O. Box 16102 Golden Co 80402 And email your contact information including if you want information about accommodations to: [email protected] For more information call JP Andrews at 303-807-7772 or Ileana Barbu at 303-521-3387 [email protected]

P e t r a N e w s P a g e 1 2

GOYA Middle School & High School

October 14, Saturday 5 pm

CORN MAZE ADVENTURE We will join the youth from St Luke on the 14th for a great evening of fellowship and fun. Please see Father Jor-

dan with more details.

October 14, Saturday Greek Dance Workshop & Glendi Workshop

8:30 am - 4 pm Glendi Dinner Dance 6:30 pm

host: Hellenic Dance Academy, Assumption Cathedral Please see Father Jordan with more details.

October 21, Saturday afternoon

CORN MAZE for our Joy Hope Children (grade school) Please see Father Jordan with more details.

October 28, Saturday 6 pm

Goya Girls only Fireside Chat @ the home of Fr Jordan & Presbytera Marika’s

The St Luke teens (girls only) will be joining us for a evening of fellowship. Dinner will be provided.

November 4, Saturday, GOYA Fall Retreat

location: Cheyenne, Wyoming Please see Father Jordan with more details.

December 26 - 28, Winter Camp (High school only)

Please see Father Jordan with more details

“Be the Bee”!

Finding God in Everything, Everyday Be sure to check out this very popular video series created by the Archdiocese Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries! “Be the Bee”! is named after a metaphor associated with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (+1994), and explores ways that we can all focus on what is good and beautiful in our everyday lives. Viewers can access the channel by searching “Y2AM” on YouTube, or going to to catch up on previous episodes. New episodes are released every Thursday afternoon.

Youth Ministry

P e t r a N e w s P a g e 1 3

The OCF of CU welcomes all college students to join us for all our activities on and off campus. Please join us for our scheduled fellowship dates. We meet on campus twice a month at the St Thomas Catholic Center (located on the corner of 15th and Euclid) for dinner, fellowship and prayer (6pm - 7:30pm). OCF is a great opportunity to make new friends and stay connected to the faith. There will be additional monthly Sunday Dinner gatherings at the home of Father Jor-dan & Presbytera Marika. Please contact Father Jordan at [email protected] or (720) 329-5212 with any questions. Please send Father Jordan your contact information (email & phone).

CU OCF Fall Schedule October 10, Tuesday 6 pm Fellowship Dinner @ St Thomas Center October 15, Sunday 5 pm Dinner @ Fr Jordan’s & Presbytera Marika’s October 24, Tuesday 6 pm Fellowship Dinner @ St Thomas Center November 7, Tuesday 6 pm Fellowship Dinner @ St Thomas Center November 12, Sunday 5 pm Dinner @ Fr Jordan’s & Presbytera Marika’s November 28, Tuesday 6 pm Fellowship Dinner @ St Thomas Center December 2, Sunday 5 pm Dinner @ Fr Jordan’s & Presbytera Marika’s December 12, Tuesday 6 pm Fellowship Dinner @ St Thomas Center

Sts Peter and Paul Sunday Service Schedule Saturday Vespers 5 pm / Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 am (Orthros 8:15 am)

**Please contact Father Jordan if you need a ride to church.**

The OCF schedule is posted on the church website

Schedule of Services

Wednesday, October 4, 6 pm Paraclesis Service

Wednesday, October 11, 6 pm Paraclesis Service

St. Longinus (Centurion at the Cross) Monday, October 16

8 am Orthros / 9 am Divine Liturgy

St. Luke Wednesday, October 18, 5:30 pm

We will celebrate with our sister parish, St Luke’s in Erie for the Patron Feast Day.

(Dinner will follow)

St. Dimitrios October 25, Wednesday, 6 pm

Orthros 5 pm / Divine Liturgy 6 pm

Sacrament of Confession Father Jordan is available for confession on Saturday before vespers or during the week. Please visit with Fa-ther Jordan to schedule your confession. You can also reach Father Jordan at [email protected] or 303-581-1434 to schedule a time.

Feast of the Holy Archangels

Wednesday, November 8 We will caravan to Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox

Church in Colorado Springs in celebration of the Feast of the Archangels. We will be leaving from Sts Peter and Paul @ 6:30 am. We will have lunch in Colorado Springs, and site see in the area. Please contact Father

Jordan if you are able to help drive.

St. Nectarios Thursday, November 9

Orthros 8 am / 9 am Divine Liturgy

First Day of the Nativity Advent Fast Wednesday, November 15

Orthros 5 pm / 6 pm Divine Liturgy

Theotokos’ Entrance into the Temple Tuesday, November 21

Orthros 8 am / Divine Liturgy 9 am

Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 23

Orthros 7:15 am / Divine Liturgy 8 am

St. Catherine Saturday, November 25

Orthros 8:15 am / Divine Liturgy 9 am We will celebrate services with our sister parish in

Greenwood Village. Luncheon will follow.

St. Andrew Wednesday, November 29

Orthros 5 pm / Divine Liturgy 6 pm

P a g e 1 4 P e t r a N e w s

October 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


12p Orthodox

Faith Class

2 3 4

10a Bible Study

6p Paraclesis

5 6 7 9:30a Philoptochos Meeting 11a Sisterhood Brunch 4p Choir 5p Great Vespers


8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


11a Town Hall


9 Columbus


6:30p Parish



6p OCF


10a Bible Study

6p Paraclesis

7p St. Elizabeth



12 13 14

4p Choir


Corn Maze

5p Readers’



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


12p Orthodox

Faith Class

5p OCF

16 St. Longinus

8a Orthros

9a Divine


17 18

10a Bible Study

5:30p Evening

Service at St.


19 20 21

12p JOY/Hope


4p Choir

5p Great



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


23 24

6p OCF

25 St. Dimitrios

10a Bible Study

6p Divine


26 27 28

4p Choir

5p Great



Girls’ Fireside



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


12p Orthodox

Faith Class

30 31 Shaded Days = Fasting Days Visit for specific fasting criteria

November 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Shaded Days = Fasting Days Visit for specific fasting criteria

1 2 3 4 GOYA


4p Choir

5p Readers’




8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


11:30a Fall As-


6 7

6p OCF

8 Holy


7a Pilgrimage

to Colorado


9 St. Nectarios

8a Orthros

9a Divine


10 11 Veterans


4p Choir

5p Great



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


12p Orthodox

Faith Class

5p OCF


6:30p Parish


14 15 Nativity Fast


10a Bible Study

5p Orthros

6p Divine


16 17 18

4p Choir

5p Great



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


12p Orthodox

Faith Class

20 21 Theotokos’

Entrance into



8a Orthros

9a Divine


22 23



7:30a Orthros

8a Divine


24 25

St. Catherine

9a Feastday at

St. Catherine’s

5p Great



8:15a Orthros

9:30a Divine


27 28

6p OCF

29 St. Andrew

10a Bible Study

5p Orthros

6p Divine



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