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With Him there is plentiful redemption

Petitions & Thanksgiving Letters For week ending 1st March 2014

Samples of Petitions and Thanksgiving Letters received by Novena Church, Singapore

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Petitions & Thanksgiving Letters 1st March 2014

Total Letters 459

Petitions 273

Private & Confidential 56

Thanksgiving 130



1) My delivery date is getting nearer. I pray, Loving Mother that everything will turn out well.

2) Please intercede for me to find a job and for the success in my application

for a visa.

3) Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for the healing and speedy recovery of my son

who is in the ICU.

4) Please pray for my fiancée and me. We are getting married on 20th April this

year. Guide us so that everything will go smoothly.

5) It’s been so long since I have come to your shrine. I am sorry for going astray.

I want to come back to you. Please embrace me and welcome me in your loving arms.

6) Mother, help my daughter to go back to school. Help her to have peace of mind and heart.

7) I am 12 years old and I am taking my PSLE this year. Recently, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am scared. Please intercede for her.

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Thanksgiving Letter

1) Dear Mother,

This thanksgiving letter of mine is long overdue. Please forgive me for

sending it in late. Thank you Mother for all the blessings you have showered

upon my family and me.

Late last year, I went for my mammogram. The result showed that there

were some changes and I needed to go for a scan.

On February this year, I went for the scan and the result turned out to be

only a cyst in my left breast and nothing cancerous.

Mother, I had prayed continuously for your intercession. I felt greatly loved

and blessed.

Your ever-grateful daughter

2) Dearest Mother,

Thank you for your powerful intercession to your beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and have struggled

a lot since then. However, today I could really say that I have won this


Thank you for helping me during my recovery process and giving me such

a supportive and loving family to lean on.

I could never thank Jesus and you enough for the bountiful blessings that

He and you have given my family and me.

Your loving daughter

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3) Dear Mother of Perpetual Succour,

I wrote a petition sometime in July 2013 about my anxieties in respect of

my 2 grown-up sons. I was afraid about their future. I actually did not

expect a prompt answer to my prayers. But here I am writing a thanksgiving

letter to you after only 6 months.

My younger son who is currently studying in Singapore had taken his

chance to go for an attachment to an overseas university for about 6

months. My wife and I were worried about him because he suffers from

asthma. As it turned out he successfully completed his overseas stint

without any problems and, not only that, he enjoyed it. We are very grateful

to you dear Mother for watching over him. This has helped to boost his

confidence in a lot of ways and he has become more prayerful. Thank you

for your intercession.

As for my elder son, his problem was a bit more complicated because he

had fallen in love with a foreigner who did not seem interested in making

Singapore a home. We had to face the possibility that our son would

eventually choose to leave Singapore. We prayed a lot about this and we

wrote a petition to you. Now his girlfriend has decided to take a job in

Singapore and has found a suitable place to stay. She seems to be enjoying

her job and we will soon be going for a vacation together as an extended

family. She seems interested to get to know us as much as we are in getting

to know her. The situation is most promising compared to what it was

about 6 months ago. There is still much more to aspire for and we ask for

your continued intercession that everything will work out well for our


Your loving son

4) Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for your intercession in helping me to secure a contract for a

teaching position. I am very appreciative and continue to pray for a fruitful

and rewarding time, where I can have a good working environment in this

new job.

Once again, thank you Mother Mary!

Your Catholic son

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5) Our Dearest Mother Mary,

We thank you for your intercession to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Our

prayers have been answered. I am now pregnant. Mother, I have difficulties

in conceiving because of my age and the condition of my womb but through

your intercession we have been helped.

Mother Mary, we ask for your continued intercession for our baby in my

womb, intercede to your beloved Son to bless our baby to be strong, healthy,

and normal and bless me with a safe and smooth pregnancy.

Thank you, dearest Mother.

Your Catholic son & daughter

6) Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you so much for all the wonderful blessings that you have showered

on me all these years. You have never failed to answer any of my prayers.

I am indeed very grateful for in spite of me not being a Christian you have

lent me your arms and have wiped away all my tears.

I thank Jesus for all His blessings that He had showered on my family and


Your loving daughter

7) Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thanks for the early recovery of my surgery. I have recovered well an am

healthy. Thank you for keeping an eye on me.

Your daughter

8) Dearest Mother of Perpetual Succour,

Thank you for interceding for my daughter’s visa, she was able to fly back

safely to the States for her studies. Thank you for listening and answering

our prayers. Please continue to bless her with good health and good friends.

Your loving daughter

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9) Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I have been attending the Novena devotion regularly for the past 8 years. In

the past when I attended the novena session, it was sort of part obligatory

and part unexplainable gesture. I used to listen to the petitions and

thanksgiving letters, thinking to myself, ‘ I don’t have anything to ask for –

so am I blessed?’

Then the situation changed in my life – my mother’s health became bad and

we needed to get a maid to help out. Then with the maid, my mother became

even more depressed. I lost my job. At that time, I though the loss of job

could not come at a worse time. I spent the next six months looking for a

job and got a year contract job. Now, that contract job has ended and for

the last six months I am back again looking for another job. So why am I

writing this thanksgiving letter – you might ask……

Yes, I believe I am blessed and I believe you, Our Lady, have been looking

out for my family and me. I was made available when my mother needed

me. I feel blessed that I have been experiencing a mother’s love for so long

and will continue to do so in future. You have kept me safe from financial

worries though I am unemployed. You have strengthened me when I was

down. You opened another door when one was shut. You are the best and

I love you.

Your loving thankful daughter

10) Dear Mother of Mary,

I would like to offer my thanks to you for quite a few things.

Thank you for helping me score good grades for my ‘O’ levels in 2013, for

helping me get into my first choice of junior college, subject combination

and CCA. It is truly a blessing.

I would also like to thank you for my family who has always kept me in their

prayers. Thank you for my father, whose birthday is today. He has sacrificed

so much for us.

Finally, I would like to thank you for giving me wonderful friends who have

been a great support to me and for the new friends I will meet in JC.

A Big Thank You, dearest Mother!

Your daughter

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11) Dear Mother Mary,

I thank you for being by my side for the last 23 years of my life. There were

many times that I took things for granted and forget how fortunate I am in

life. As I reflected on my life, I am thankful for my parents who have raised

me and supported me during good and tough times. I remember how

stressed and overwhelmed during my first teaching attachment last year,

and it was with your guidance and my parent’s emotional support that I

managed to survive. As I embark on my second teaching attachment, I pray

that I will have the strength to endure and cope with all difficulties. Help

me to always be grateful for the things that people around me have done for

me. Most of all I pray that I will never stray away from my faith and will

always believe in you.

Your daughter

12) Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

I want to first give my heartfelt gratitude for answering all my prayers in the

past for all the guidance, protection and blessings you always showered

upon my family and me. You have never failed me and I have complete faith

and trust in your grace and blessings.

I can write a full blog on all the miracles that unfolded in my life ever since

I started visiting your shrine at the Novena in Singapore. I can broadcast

to one and all the blessings you have showered us with. Each time, I came

to you in distress you took care of each and every problem and resolved it.

Today, my son, my only child is cancer free and healthy. My sister and

brothers are well settled, educated and financially sound. They were my

concern always. I am blessed with everything, good life, good supportive

family, friends, colleagues, a roof over my head, comforts and joy.

Mother Mary thank you! Love you always…

Your daughter

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13) Dear Mother Mary,

About a year back, I came to your shrine lifting up my family into your

hands. My two kids have grown up and moved on to their next stage of

lives. My son finishing his NS while my girl was waiting for result to the


They started spending more time with their friends and less time with the

family. As family time was important for us, my husband and I were feeling

very upset and down.

I came to you Mother Mary asking for your guidance. Just in few weeks, I

could see some changes in my home. My kids were starting to be home

early, making time for us.

My hubby and I need to accept that our kids have become adults and are

in their next stage of their lives. As such, we need to let go of the strings

and surrender them to the Almighty to guide them to the right path. Things

have changed, they have space and comfort and we are not so affected by

their actions.

Life at home has been good and all thanks to you. Nothing is more important to us than to have our family together. The Best Gift we could

ever ask for. Thank you Mother!

Your loving daughter

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