Page 1: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1

Why do Peruvians migrate? The Inca´s Education History The climatic change menace pag. 11


ael s



Revista Cultural Ingles Frances Español Gratuita Free Magazine www. [email protected] Volume VII Junio - 2008












¿Por qué migran los peruanos? El cambio climatico amenaza Historia de la Educación Incaica



pag. 4 pag. 6

Page 2: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1


PERUVIAN HERITAGE Cada año veo hacerse realidad el trabajo que hacemos en ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING que crece y crece. Pensamos en los aproximadamente ya 100 estudiantes de los diferentes cursos de idiomas y de los que se preparan para dar los exámenes internacionales en inglés: OET IELTS TOEFL GMAT (siguen) y de francés TEF aq DELF DALF CAF y preparaciòn para la entrevista de Quebec. Nosotros los hemos apoyado por mas de 5 años, y sentimos agradecimiento a todos los estudiantes y a los profesores desarrolladores extranjeros y peruanos quienes han contribuido en hacer de ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING lo que es ahora: La academia más distinguida, innovadora, renombrada y recomendada por conocedores autorizados. Entre algunos de nuestros amigos a los cuales los incluimos en este número lo mas último en cuanto información sobre preparación para exámenes internacionales.

Agradecemos a nuestros colaboradores que siempre nos aportan ideas como hablar sobre nuevas técnicas y herramientas para mejorar el aprendizaje del Listening en inglés o francés, la motivación y desarrollo de la autoconfianza. Continuamos con investigaciones e indagaciones sobre el campo laboral en Canadá, Australia con el fin de orientar mejor a nuestros estudiantes y darles una visión màs cercana a la realidad de la situación laboral allá, muy interesante por cierto.

Betty Seminario quien actualmente vive entre las ciudades de Montreal y New York nos envía un conmovedor artículo sobre el calentamiento global, la acción negativa de algunos países y grandes trasnacionales que no quieren rehacer sus sistemas de producción en contra de la preservación del medio ambiente lo cual no es negociable a causa de sus comprobadas nefastas consecuencias en el Perú. En nuestra sección “viajeros” Juan Pablo Villarino nos trae las crónicas de sus viajes en autostop por países del medio oriente, además comentarios sobre su libro.

ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING no se detiene en innovar y presenta su servicio de búsqueda de trabajo desde aquí para todas las carreras en demanda en Australia, Canadá Québec y otros países. Seguimos con el soporte académico para diferentes áreas a nuestros alumnos en el extranjero o países de destino.

Nuestro programa para desarrollo de las asignaturas cubre diferentes aspectos orientados a mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés y francés hasta niveles avanzados.


Definitely art in Perú is getting more focused on the identity of cultures and also is concerned about the necessity to promote different places, products and customs that embodies Perú. Recently, we have seen in Miraflores a big cultural “comparsa” celebrating la PAPA. Is good that this time it wasn´t Wong who took the streets. The photography exposition was about settlers, people from all Perú dedicated to one special labor; a really good approach. As we can see; Peruvians are little by little, getting aware about how valuable is Perú and I think It´s great that this magazine writes about this topics (lead its articules about this issues), But what another idea or another type of promotion could not stay focused for the vicious circle of just perform these activities only for visits or large ceremonies world. New ideas needed to further consider Peru? “

Continuando con nuestras ideas innovadoras ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING tiene el gran placer de anunciar nuevos productos como nuestro primer curso OET EXAM para Australia, Canadá y Québec Profesionales de la Salud, una variedad de preparación, cursos y simulacros de exámenes, cursos de sobrevivencia y civilización, consultas y soporte de ayuda a los estudiantes que están en el extranjero, apoyándolos con nuestra larga experiencia y talentosos asesores. Servicio de clases en empresas y para gente de negocios capacitando en idiomas a personas que tienen altas responsabilidades y poco tiempo para aprender ellos y su personal. Nuestros especialistas están a su servicio. Los gobiernos de Australia, Canadá y Estados Unidos han elevado el nivel de inglés exigido en el examen IELTS pensando en su mayor éxito para su búsqueda de trabajo. ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING hace énfasis en las habilidades en el lenguaje de trabajo.

Como pueden apreciar seguimos en la tarea, siempre del lado de nuestros estudiantes. Disfrute... nuestra revista. ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING ([email protected])

In ONE TO ONE PERSONAL TEACHING, each year we see how our work becomes tangible and grows. We had excel our expectations in these 4 years with roughly 500 students with several English, French & Spanish language needs. It´s worth mentioning our deary students who we help in their goal to start a new life in Australia, Canada & Quebec.

Hello, how is it going? I´ve been following your issues for quite a time, I find their articles really interesting and amazing I must say. Also interests me the possibilities you offer to live (travel?, emigrate?) abroad. Even so, is curious all the we can find in Perú and all the things we can do here. The other day I saw a report about the different places we can visit in Perú but I would like that you inform about the more visited or the best places to go near Lima. Which sites do you think it should be noted for its beauty and interest, near Lima, and that in his opinion is not very commercialized? “

Through Peruvian Heritage, we want to express our sincere gratitute to all, students, little students and teachers (Peruvians & Foreigners) who in many ways have contribute to our sucess in become the first Personaized Language Academy in Peru with a solid Conversational Methodology and a Cognitive approach making possible that people and former students recommend us through word of mouth, our most effective tool combining with our complete services, Language Academy, Migrant Consultants, Publications area and Spanish School. Some of our former students and friends have cooperate with latest information and articles in this issue.

We continue spreading our expertise with our latest service in looking for a Job Position in Australia, Canada & Quebec for people who plan to live abroad and for companies who are in the quest of the ideal applicant thanks to our database. We´re proud to be one of the first in Lima, Spanish School dedicated to cater Individual needs with a Latino Cultural Program oriented to travelling tips, cultural facts with private tutors, flexible schedules, and short courses taylor-made to each student.

One of our friends, Betty Seminario who works and lives part-time in New York & Montreal has sent us a touching article about Global Warming and its negative delayed actions of countries and multinationals. In our Travel section, we feature Juan Pablo Villarino and his book - adventure of hitchhiking around the Middle East and more countries. Two more articles stand out in this issue, the Inca´s education and Myths - Legends from Peru in our effort to educate and spread our knowledge and pride about our culture and traditions as a nation which is and will be our first goal in Peruvian Heritage.

Another innovative service we just release is the Preparation Course for the OET EXAM only for all Health Professionals who want to obtain a Job Position in the Health Industry abroad and get their Resident Visa for Australia. We have the pleasure to work with an Australian Teacher with a health background and teaching experience in this exam likewise we also welcome our new staff, a Quebecois teacher with a great teaching experience in French from Quebec and our permanent staff of Americans and Peruvians teachers very knowleageable in our methodology and courses, in particular our Spanish and English Online Courses for foreigners and Province´s students.

A reminder to all readers, the Australia, Canadá and Quebec Immigration Programs have increased their English and French requirements for Peruvians who want to obtain a Re-sident or Student Visa, besides they´ve mentioned their interest of put it higher in a close future due to their needs to receive more prepared professionals, an Advanced language level to be inserted quickly in the job industry and country. We love your comments and enjoy our magazine and more to come!!

Peruvian Heritage! [email protected]

“I write most of all to make known to all, as you know already created the Ministry of Environment, hopefully from now on people more aware of the impact that our activities are occurring in the environment.

For all I know Antonio Brack (environment minister) defends and makes us aware of our environment, deforestation and logging, actually take action on the matter and the state will give enough elements to boost environmental cambo Peru , not left to wait for the background and not be a lot more of that is being played ..

However, we should not expect to give initiative for these activities and that one way or another we are part of this environment and we must rally to end the progressive destruction of this, although we do not realize, is just a few finishing with assets of some Peruvians “



Rafael Seminario Coello 1993

“ Los viejos Olivos ”

I salute you in advance, and congratulate you for this great magazine.

I have read some of the poetry you publishand I really enjoyed it but I would like to find more about national poetry like José Santos Chocano, the well known César Vallejo or in any case to stand out new Peruvian poets still not recognized and so begin to encourage writing in young people and especially poetry which gradually being lost. It would be a powerful part of the magazine. “

WRITE TO US Write your comments, contributions and

request to subscribe for FREE to our magazine by mail: [email protected]

PERUVIAN HERITAGE reserves the right to publish in cases of disorder or lack of space

Rafael Seminario Coello is the general editor of our Peruvian Heritage magazine and a distinguished artist that venturesin different techniques of plastic arts and communica-tions. Rafael expresses himself through different techniques and themes, having as favorite ones fantasy and futuristic issues. Seminario has presented a series of individual and collective exhibitions; also he is one of the first cartoon animators in Perú. Regarding Arts, we find out distant things, we cannot talk about a recurrent issue in his works whether it is India ink, watercolor or oil paintings in which we often appreciate battles, fantasy, and cities, among his favorite ones. But I must say hisstrong point is magical issues. An example of this are his impressive India ink paintings: landscapes leads us to reflection, makes us think about its colors. His conceptual urban issues show us images from the Peruvian idiosyncrasy (“chicha world”) presenting it with its beauty and happiness. The use of language is often esoteric, it is an expression of his symbolic universe which is building another world. This is seen as a communication alternative with a serious interest: creating shapes, images, not only looking at it as something exotic. Rafael tell us that he is interested in “street markets”. His interest and experience in this particular issue appeared long time ago, in close places; he was fascinated by the rela-tionship between Peruvian migrants and street markets. He remembers his classes at Bellas Artes, the University or the School of Drama, since they were immersed in a mar-ket. People said “Lima is a street market” meaning that Lima was horrible, backward and dirty and it could not be compared with Paris; however, Rafael thinks that no place in Paris would be as vivacious as the lights and colors in Peru, when for example dozens of street vendors poured out the square of the Congress one day in October and selling “I have always been attracted by the Peruvian “chicha world”, colors, daily life, Peruvians that create culture through their beliefs, in one single word, joy expressed by Peruvian

where to find PERUVIAN HERITAGE distribution places Suscribe to PERUVIAN HERITAGE for Free Universidad de Lima

Universidad Alas Peruanas Peruano Japones Filmoteca de Lima Escuela de Bellas Artes Asociación de Artistas Aficionados Jose Maria Arguedas Hotel Los Delfines Hotel Casino Maria Angola Country Club Lima Double Tree El Pardp Sonesta Posada del Inka Jazz Zone El Templo Restaurants

and get the magazine at your office or home every month

La Casa del Habano Friday`s Hooter Barletto Cafe Z Vivaldi La Noche WaLok Jorge Chávez Airport Organizaciones Miraflores Municipality Lima Municipality Barranco Municipality South American Explorer

Cafe Cafe Mangos Cafe Cafe Tarata

Cultural News magazine from Perú and the world Get informed about job oportunities abroad Practiqce and learn languages. Envíenos su nombre completo, e-mail y ocupación a nuestro correo.

Send us your (and your friend´s) full name, e-mail and workplace address for free subscribtion and receive our magazine every month. Practice your Spanish command!

Informacion al Turista Larcomar


Page 3: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1


Educative Cultural Asociation Australia- Perú- Canadá One to One Personal Teaching.

All rights reserved

General Director Cynthia Maldonado

Editor Manager Rafael Seminario

Peru Sales Representantive Rafael Seminario Coello

foreign colaborators Estados Unidos

New York




Francia Waskar Coello Rusia Grigory Kubatyan Veronica Cool

Australia Marko Velesmoro

Yesna Savin Malena Vedia

Sybil Apaestegui

Holanda Annette Jagger

Marketing Elizabeth Vidarte Cruzado

Art, Illustration and Design Rafael Seminario

Subscriptions advertising rates and information [email protected]

Siempre hay motivo para poner a prueba nuestra fe para seguir adelante. Siempre hay esperanza en la vida. Los acontecimientos tienden a ocurrir a pesar que no lo queramos. Penas y sinsabores a solas sufrimos y nadie puede sentir por nosotros. Quizá a veces no encontremos la respuesta.

Hoy con la lenta reacción de los países desarrollados empieza a reaccionar la humanidad a la amenaza que representa el calentamiento climático global y la futura escases del agua. Sabemos que un glaciar desapareció el año 2005 por culpa del calentamiento global. Se trató del glaciar Broggi perteneciente a la cordillera blanca, ubicado en la ciudad de Yungay. Las predicciones que nos hicieron expertos climatológos pronosticaron la desaparición de glaciares de los Andes del Perú mucho antes, y otros analistas nos alertaron de una era plena de hambrunas y guerras. La solución es un esfuerzo que compromete a todos los países. Si habláramos del mundo ve-remos que luchando entre si se desangra la humanidad a causa de la ambición no se piensa en AMOR al prójimo, cierran los ojos porque no se quiere ver la realidad, porque primero es el oro. Si bien la situación no es la mejor, siempre es posible creer en que algo pueda cambiar. Que el rumbo del mundo sea el bien y se deje de lado la ambición. La inconciencia de unos pocos sólo escandaliza cuando la destrucción de la naturaleza si nos afecta a todos.

En la presente edición tocamos el tema de la migración desde Perú al extranjero. Hablamos sobre Australia Québec y Canadá. Exponemos del rico acervo cultural de Perú: el fabuloso mundo andino de mitos que reseña a personajes extraños, relatos del Perú profun-do trasmitidos de generación en generación. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer cultura y solaz, accesible y gratuito en cada edición.

Publicamos la primera parte del libro “Historia de la Educación Incaica” de Carlos Daniel Valcarcel. Es un documento interesante de lo que fue la educación en el Perú de los Incas. Lo publicamos en partes. Promovemos el Peruanismo .

Seguimos con crónicas de viajeros y Tips de nuestros estudiantes que ya viven en el extranjero. Saludamos el paso por Perú el escritor viajero Argentino Juan Pablo Villarino quien nos dejó ejemplar del último libro”Vagabundeando por el eje del mal” que resume el producto de sus experiencias vividas en su primer viaje alrededor del mundo-, realizado a pie y “ a dedo” por Irak, Afganistan, china, etc.

Nos visitó nuestro colaborador de Rusia, amigo Grigory Kubatyan quien luego siguió su viaje para completar su expedición por tierras del África. Grigory nos alcanzó el articulo sobre el Proto-colo de Kyoto.

. There is always a reason to try out our faith and dedication, there is always hope in every life Events happen no matter we want them or no, sadness and bitterness alone we suffer many times without finding out the rightfull answer.

Today with a slow reaction developed countries start to response against this human treat called Global Warming, in fact our Cordillera Blanca is melting at a very quick rate, specially our beloved “Broggi Glacier” in Yungay city, Huaraz.

Experted predictions pronosticate that it`ll desappear along with many other Andean glaciers accross Perú way before expected due to wars and global starvation. Our only solution is a combined effort of all nations around the world, no more a world with nations filghting against each other and killing their inhabitants for ambition. What we are really talking about here is a global LOVE REVOLUTION.

With LOVE, there´s always hope for change, to do good as a world´s rule because the stub-borness of some people shoudn´t affect us all. In this issue, we talk about this topic and the Australia, Quebec and Canada immigration program approach in Peru

We devote this issue to prove our millenary, educational and cultural heritage and the Inca´s history full of myths, legends, poetry, celebrations, dialects, etc transmitted from generation to generation to our fathers, mothers and today to us.

Our goal is to boost the curiosity in our readers by spreading cultural and educational facts free and accesible to all. In each issue, we´ll distribute a part of a selected Peruvian Cultural book from one of our renowned historians or luminaries to grasp a more documented source as well.

We´ll continue with our travel stories and tips from our former student´s abroad and feature a distinguished Character who is contributing with our local development and education as well as we´ll choose an International Skopeman to make our magazine more global and fair. We´d like to thank all our current and futture supporters for your refreshing contribution in making this magazine real!


Cynthia Maldonado.


pag. 1 Portada pag. 2 Letters, advices, about One to One

Editorial pag. 3

pag. 4 Quechua or Runasimi National language

pag. 5

pag. 8 Phone: (+511) 223-0756

CALL FOR cartoonists, comic creators and illustrators

PERUVIAN HERITAGE has taken the lead on peruvian creativity, thats the reason why now we make a call to all cartoonists who wants to join Peruvian Heritage´s

If you love drawing, you are highly creative and you are looking for new ways to express your art


We invite you to participate on this open call to illustrators. The subject is totally


JUNIO 2008

free and YOUR WORK WILL BE PUBLISHED in the same order it is send.

Send your work by e-mail to: [email protected];

or come in person: Av. Poesía 332 - San Borja (the works will be presented

in a copy A4 format on black and white) We reserve the right to publish

Virgilios Corner

Peruvian Art:José Sabogal--Afromusic

Front Page:“Lectura de Quipus” by Rafael Seminario

The Inca´s Education History book (Chapter 1)

Varcarcel biography

Inca Poetry

About Pishtaco and other demons

pag. 6

pag. 7

pag. 9 pag.10

edited by

Is a monthly, Free and multilingualmagazine about Art and culture we write for people in general


Educative and cultural activities on benefit to the community

Non profit organization that has been developing

Isabel Hampton

Christina Moreno

Romina NiezenKaj Kessenrlins

Juan Pablo

Betty Seminario

Cecilia Hauff


Page 4: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1

Por lo dicho, es tiempo de tomar las riendas de este tema, y darnos cuenta que el dejar de recordar, hablar, conmemo-rar, y cultivar nuestros idiomas, desaparecerá todo tipo de esperanza de ver una sociedad justa donde la diversidad de.naciones o culturas, así como la rica y milenaria historia, las distintas cosmovisiones, las propias organizaciones; sean valoradas positivamente, de ver un sociedad donde las dialectos ancestrales sean parte de las políticas de desa-rrollo, donde los medios de comunicación promuevan y difundan conocimientos e información en versión bilingüe o multibilingüe . En pocas palabras, un Perú en donde no seamos marginados por nuestro origen o lengua, si no una nación donde conservemos la política de ciudadanos sujetos de derecho, “iguales pero diferentes” PERUVIAN HERITAGE



We have everything you need to start learning Spanish right noOnline lessons, quizzes and tests,

Intensive courses - Urgent Cases



audio drills with native Peruvian speakers, Spanish Conversation club Classes start every week Call us in Lima (00-511) 223-0756 ONE TO RESERVATIONS



“Habla en tu idioma, es tu derecho”

Según información oficial “en el Perú además del español, el quechua y aymara, coexisten una multitud de lenguas nativas. Sin embargo todas las actividades de la vida oficial, se realizan en español: la atención en las oficinas del Estado, la atención de la salud, el Poder Judicial, la comunicación oficial, etc. y todo el sector privado.

Esta campaña busca la afirmación de la identidad cultural de todos los peruanos y mostrarnos como una nación pluricultural y multilingue. Promover en los ciudadanos y ciudadanas, autoridades nacionales, regionales y locales, dependencias del sector público y privado el uso, respeto y fomento de los idiomas originarios de nuestro país.

Para ello el Despacho de la congresista María Sumire ha convocado los esfuerzos de ins-tituciones de la sociedad civil y represen-tativa de los pueblos originarios de nuestro país, en la realización de actividades que ge-neren espacios de debate y reflexión acerca de la construcción de un país pluricultural y multilingüe.


-Difusión de los derechos de los pueblos originarios, por diferentes medios de comunicación, en varios idiomas nativos además del español.


your own language is your right”

From official statistics, in Peru apart from the Spanish, Quechua and Aymara, there are also thousands of native dialects, however all economic activities are done in Spanish like health care, government processes, judicial cases, media and all private sector.

This campaign tries to confirms our national cultural identity among all Peruvians and show us as a Multicultural and Multilingualism nation. It´s objective is promoting citizens, national, locals and regionals authorities, government bodies, public and private sectors the use of national languages other than Spanish. To make this possible, the office and staff of Maria Sumire´s congresist has joint efforts with social and civil bodies, national insti-tutions representatives of Indigenous groups and towns to hold debates and activities of how to improve Multiculturalism and Multi-lingualism in Perú.

Main Activities: -To promote original native rights of Indigenous groups, tribes and towns by several media ways in their native languages. -To organize conferences, debates and workshops about national original rights of Indigenous groups, tribes and towns. -To make alliance with Professional School Boards to organize events to improve Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in

More than 50% speak quechua, the 35% is bilingüal (español - quechua)


ael s




PERUVIAN HERITAGE Muchas de nuestras celebraciones son tan solo referencias de un decreto ley que nos hace recordar un aniversario, sin embargo, si realmente re-flexionamos e interiorizamos en dicho aconteci-miento nos podemos dar cuenta de la rica historia que no solo acredita el recordarlo, si no que permite identificarnos con toda la identidad de los pueblos. En el Gobierno militar de Juan Velasco Alvarado se firmó por decreto ley, que debemos recordar como fecha principal el 27 de mayo, “Día del Idio-ma Nativo”, fecha en que se oficializó el quechua al considerar que constituía un legado ancestral de la cultura peruana y que era deber del estado preservarlo por ser un medio natural de comu-nicación de gran parte de los habitantes del Perú.

La constitución de 1993 reconoce, en su artículo 48, que “son idiomas oficiales el castellano y, en las zonas donde predominan, también lo son el quechua, el aymara y las demás lenguas aborígenes, según la ley” Según unas recientes estadísticas, el 50% de la población habla sólo el castellano, el 35% es bilingüe (español- que-chua) y un 12% sólo habla el quechua o ay-mara, y el 3% restante, lenguas selváticas.

El Decreto ley N 21156, que oportunamente se dio el 28 de mayo de 1975, y que en su artículo 1 dispone la obligatoriedad de la enseñanza del quechua, reivindica estos idiomas que consti-tuyen un legado ancestral de la cultura peruana; aquí se comprometieron a promover el aprendiza-je en las escuelas públicas y privadas, con la de-terminación de favorecer un diálogo intelectual.

Lamentablemente este intención no fue con-tinuada, a comparación como en otros países bilingües como Canadá o España, donde en su información, señalización o documentación pública, se adopta los idiomas oficiales (inglés y francés / español y catalán respectivamente).

En el caso del idioma quechua, nuestro pri-mer idioma, y lengua madre por excelencia, fue reconocido como idioma oficial además del castellano; aunque fue un reconocimiento tardío y también de coyuntura política .Indu-dablemente es nuestra lengua, ya que es el conjunto, es la nomenclatura que contiene la esencia del sentimiento y de la reflexión de todo un pueblo, es ahí donde podemos recono-cer el rompecabezas de problemas, y la ma-nera en como poder solucionar y darle frente.

QUECHUA or RUNASIMI National Language

Many Peruvian celebrations has begun by law, however if we really analyse some of them, we´ll find out our rich national history which united us as a nation with one identity. During the Juan Velasco Alvarado´s militar Peruvian government was established the “Day of the Peruvian Native Language” on May 27 which we should re-member and celebrate every year. From this date, the Quechua or Runasimi Language was officia-lly considered as a cultural national expres-sion and everyone has the duty to preserved it as a common language in a big part of our territory.

The 1993, the Peruvian Constitution recog-nized in its 48 article that they´re officially 3 national languages, Spanish in certain areas, Quechua in the Highland areas and Aymara in the Amazon. As per recent national stadistics, 50% inhabitants in Peru speak Spanish, 35% are Bilingual so they speak (Spanish and Que-chua), 12% speak only Quechua or Aymara, and the rest 3% speak other Amazon dialects.

The 21156 decree , article 1, on May 28, 1975 confirms our obligation of learning Quechua and Aymara because they´re part of our natio-nal expressions and local culture. Since this day, people and institutions had compromised to teach them in public and private schools to benefit from Bilingualism. Unfortunately, this attempt was stopped whereas other countries continue like Canadá or Spain where its natio-nal brochures, publications and books are in their official languages, in Canada (English & Spanish) and in Spain (Spanish & Catalan).

For the Quechua case, our first official and mother language of our Andean and Inca´s people was la-tely recognized culturally and politically. Defi-nitely, it´s our native language because it containts not only linguistic terms but it also express the profound feelings and reflections of our history, people and national events. But we must remember that the Quechua was created from a combination of Spanish and more than 40 Andean and Amazo-nic dialects which can be lost or reduced in use be-cuase of lack of value, We should at all cost try to preserve it because it´s spoken by more than 2,000 people and some other dialects only spoken by 200 to 20 people, including the Aymara which is in danger of being lost because the lack of practice.

The main reason of its decrease of interest is our National Educational system and government with its “National-State policy” in which an sta-te should be equal as a nation, therefore many more towns, cities, people are forced at school to learn and speak only 1 official language, Spanish. About this issue, the distinguished Professor, Carlos Cueto Fernandini once wrote his reflections, “The problems of the Indige-nous Peruvians Education are related to their own lifestyle and culture very different to elites and city or small towns and Amazon´s people”.

Pero debemos tener en cuenta que el idioma nativo nacional, no está solo constituido por el quechua o castellano ya que, en el Perú existen aún más de cuarenta lenguas originarias entre andinas y amazónicas. Si bien es cierto, esto puede ir en decrecimiento; es decir, si los perua-nos no tomamos conciencia de la importancia de estos dialectos y tratamos de conservarlas, simplemente estas desaparecerán, pues mas de la mitad tienen menos de dos mil hablantes, al-gunas tiene 20, otras 100 o 200 hablantes. Y dicho grupo también se deben incluir lenguas originarias como el quechua y el aymara (ma-yoritarias), que también están en un proceso de peligro de disminución de hablantes. Como ve-rán, vemos un futuro sumamente preocupante.

Nowadays with the concept of a modern society, we talk about Bilingualism and Alphabetism in re-lation to the Quechua, and they ended up saying that teaching Quechua nationally is inadecuate and against our global development, etc. I think

El Idioma QUECHUA Lengua oficial el Perù

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ael S




The Problem

Preparing a man to live in an organized society is one of the essential goals of education in all times. From this, it could be explicit the existence of an better type of education and life in the Inca´s period, logically there is no doubts of a regular education. Consequently, our cognitive problem could be stated with a question, How was the education and it’s importance in the Inca’s Empire?

At present, we can answer this question partially, there are specific and general testimonies which contribute with unknown and very interesting data. Methodically, it`ll be recommendable to focus around the Tawantinsuyu’s education to mention its educational precedence limited to our current Pre-Spaniers researches. On the other hand, the increase of literature maturity in today´s interpretations permit us to hope of more efficient research works.

A more cutting age aspect is the increment in Kipus´ studies and the systematic Kilca´s researchesas an ideographic type of writing. Another view could be the data analysis of various topics about the ancient Peruvian culture but in which base lies a human preparation, ready to be discovered. This is a indirect analysis which can bring us to better understanding of our ancient education.

The question:

How was the Inca´s education, its precedence and importance? We’ll answer this from our own analysis´ limits which anti-dogmatical charac-teristics represents the current approach which opens to new perspectives in this area. Consequently, our problem has as a logical and immediate answer, this initial sketch, its methods and institutions are historical base of our Peruvian current educational process.

(The third chapter will continue in the next issue of Peruvian Heritage magazine).


Lima and Provincias

Personal courses Basic Intermediate Advanced English French to study, work and to live in Australia Canada Quebec Conversational Metodology Specialists on Listening

Conversational Metodology ONE to ONE





T: 223-0756 [email protected]


The Inca´s Education History book (Chapter 1) Carlos Daniel Valcarcel

The Tawantinsuyu Culture

The Tawantinsuyu culture represents the high point of our Peruvian history. Studying it is possible to grasp the basic elements of our ancient culture, which contrast is particular visible with European cultural styles. After the Spanier´s conquerers, the old Peruvian man adapt and immitate other cultural styles without forgetting their own completely, as numerous evidences have been discovered in our current historical and social research projects.

The Inca´s Empire represents our first accomplished and concrete organized governmental life example overcoming our peculiarities and regional dispersions, making it possible an integrated nation, in spite of a hostile environment, our strong genes and will is a common tie between our people.

From the geographic and political centrepoint Cusco, the Inca reigns and guide his four large “Suyus” or Regions. The Hurincuscos dynasty (from the mystic Manco Capac to Capac Yupanki) dominates Cusco and extensive regions while the Huanancusco dynasty (from Inca Roca to Wayna Capac) grows as a national identity group during the Spanier’s subjugation (from Atawalpa to Tupac Amaru). Then politically disappears through the second half of the XVI century, as it’s clearly indicated in Garcilaso Chimpuocllo´s “Comentarios Reales” book, an eminent Tawantinsuyu historian. The most important Historians like Cieza of Leòn and Sarmiento Gamboa ratify this essential fact.

The Inca`s political policy assumes a consolidated, communitarian administration. This is an emblematic - historical sample for our current world. The Tawantinsuyu appears to be a cooperative community nevertheless with an aristocratic, traditionalist government. For the European men who discovered it meant an unbelievable dream, an utopia because it´ seen it from an individualistic perspective.

It really helps the fact that it was a cooperative community which used the exchange of goods rather than money, meaning that the economic and men abuse did not happened there on reverse of what happens these days. Its admirable organization lays on agrarian base which really works by on foot displacement which also suppose a daily, organized and well directed procedures which stand out for its unsuspected proportions and innovative early education.

A decisive role plays the Quechua Language education, it means the early preparation of Peruvian people for their communitarian life. Its prominent attribute is “Duty over Rights” totally opposite to nowadays. There was a constant development of Sciences, Litera-ture, Arts, Religion, Law, Economy and Education as a solid culture. Science was considered an empirical knowledge linked to mystical and intellectual observation and abilities. Literature and Arts were created within moral and esthetic preconceptions and mystical, pragmatic experiences like the “Heliacal and Naturalist discoveries” with a liturgic force. The Law protect and repress the cooperative and agrarian Economy. The public and elite education, a duality of an aristocratic society although non men-abuse was found.

This system worked thanks to an early men preparation to specific duties, appropriate institu-tions and methods within a preconception of a perfect world. Its economy and education played a regular combined role supported by a common language “Runasimi”. Wealth was distributed fairly in accordance with needs, people was educated in a base of future develop-ment, and duties.

There was a social order without tyranny understood in a structural cooperative society spread needs to the whole community not only minorities. Inequality with economical fairness was a predominant aspect of the Tawantinsuyu.

It also has an national policy for defeated nations to integrate them progressively into the Inca Empire´s society. Although was exactly this expansion policy a decisive factor of its cri-sis and decadence because of Cusco, its geographic and political centrepoint was insufficient to maintain cohesive nation.

Two so forceful events gave them a political, economical and cultural disorganization and sin-ce then, their survivors, the Incas´s decendants and common people, the aristocracy and their community were educated in other ways changing our history and education in these days.

Researching about Tawantisuyus´s reality and the current Peru requires to imagine a compre-hensive and functional society very different to us which integrates and evolved since the XVI century. From renowned historians like Max Uhle, July C. Tello and Luis E. Valcàrcel and their essays, pamphlets, regular publications appears in all a rich biography of our local Inca´s cul-ture studied with a greater severity, growing a methodic and national understanding among Peruanists and foreign researchers.

In the old Peru, it appeared and differ social castes and educational styles before unknown, as it is noted when anyone studies its survival coexistent towns and cultures which presence shows the highest splendor of the Inca´s Empire.

This essay tries to show the Pre-Spaniers educational system indicating its basic facts and common aspects. The main understanding begins from a basic grasp of the Inca´s Peruvian culture, its beliefs which guides us to a complete knowledge of what it was our old Inca´s education with abundant survival knowledge and data which in a sense it is almost ignored for the typical Peruvian Professors and Teachers of present times.

Page 6: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1

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Biografìa de Carlos Daniel Valcarcel “There is not possible History without documents, but only with documents does neither this exist. So for there to be history is necessary the presence of an specific man: the historian, whose critical work make visible the history process, objectifying a disper-sed content waiting to be known”. This is the way, Carlos Daniel Valcárcel conceives History. This Master, who was born in Lima on January 3, 1911, assures that this science is constituted by two correlative parts: The first one, is historiográphical or descriptive, that is the telling of the historic life; the second, is historiológical or interpretative, this one enunciates its corresponding meaning.

It was in San Marcos University where first initiated his career as adhering professor, in 1942. Valcárcel exercised the teaching in diverse universities in Perú and abroad. He was also Visiting Professor and offered lectures in universities and cultural centers of the country, America, Europe and Asia. In 1974 the UNESCO distinguished three historians: Ricardo Do-nosso (Chile), Ignacio Blond (Mexico) and Carlos Daniel Valcárcel (Perú), for studying documents about the emancipation found in European files, this study culminated with the publication of each volume on their respective countries.

He has collaborated with the Latin American Studies School in Seville and also collaborated with the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History in México. He has worked on historic files in Caracas, Mexico, La Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Seville, Madrid, Brussels and London.

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One to One Personal Teaching Academy, is a fast, modern and compromised Australian-Peruvian institution very innovative in regard with methodological and educational practices. Always loo-king for a better education process to ensure the quality and effecti-veness of their products and the satisfaction of their students. Best ResultsThe Academic Coordinator, Cynthia Maldonado explains:We guideline our relationships with ethic, because we believe in and respect people. Our courses are innovative and effective, a perfect balance between personalized classes and a high-level pedagogic standart, that’s why we can assure that there are no similar classes, because we want to make an effort to celebrate the unique personali-ties of every single student we have. It´s been almost 6 years since we started revolutionizing the market with products and services able to transform the live of Peruvians and foreigners who wish to make a future. The One to One Personal Teaching forceBeing the best, most of our students came because of recommen-dations, and they keep spreading our brand and motivating us to develop new methodologies and effectivity. Integrity is our standard of conductWe are enterprising, innovative and we have the excellence as a goal. All this is the base of our strength and our credibility.PionerismWe are recognized for bringing to this country the new methodolo-gical tendencies, (directing, pointing) to investigation and the deve-lopment of resources that guarantees an outstanding position in the national market. We have the ability to innovate and bringing people close to their goals. This makes our academy one ofmost exclusive on the country with the founders, teachers and researchers.

Excelence in our products and servicesWe identify the most advanced educational possibilities in the world, ensuring that our programs are always more aligned with the latest trends and with the consumers’ expectations and needs. We look to satisfy through our permanent improvement of products and services. We train our teachers to have a better pro-fessional performance, making them conscious of the importance of their activities for a quality teaching. AgilityWe follow a modern and flexible management model that give us the necessary agility to adapt to demands of the new times and guarantee this way our competitiveness.Our differences a brand of excellence“One to One performs today in different and complementary areas as Education, Press, Migration, online classes and Visual arts. Besides all that, we want to expand the force of our brand applying our knowledge (know how) on the implementation of our services.”Remarked the also director and education degree Cynthia Maldo-nado, who belongs to a caste of professional educators graduated from a prestigious Australian Institution. She proved to have an excellent overview about how the modern world would develop the need to prepare for international exams and the general necessity to learn languages in a globalized envi-ronment . Her dynamism guarantees the suitability and reliability of this academy.

Always anticipate the market needs One to one has developed a comprehensive courses plan. Has continued betting on innovation with either external collaborators or with its own subject designer’s team, which has placed them in a constant leading position, very close to the new trends that so-ciety traces. In regard with Public Relations, One to One performs actions with the press, cultural institutions, professional schools, always situating its services within the new worldwide concepts of global mobilization.

“But the market will keep developing and One to One Personal Teaching will continue with its innovative vocation. To pursue this, will open new ways of contact to keep listening to what our different audiences have to say, and demonstrate year after year a high-level dedication and professionalism” and adds that“We count with a widely trained professional team experienced on the development of complex solutions.

Institute in Madrid; He owns the highest honor in the degree of Amauta offered by the Department of Education in 1990. He has been also the President of the National Uni-versity Seminar of Library and Publications, the Li-brary and the File Center director in San Marcos

The Solutions that the Australian Academy One to One Personal Teaching , are really personalized for each student and they are not offered in any other place. It´s philosophy is based on the respect for the student´s goals (as we know them) so we can offer all the knowledge required for it´s concrete achievement. Migration AdviceWe offer good results in the application for Resident Visas and guarantee the investment return. All the training courses for international exams that we offer to our students keep fulfilling a hundred percent of approvements as we keep advising each of our students about when is the appropriate time to take the exam, all depending on their progress in the class.The training to these exams is carefully included in the studies program of each group, depending on the level. This way, the student keeps preparing to each exam without been aware of this as we use this matter as additive material in our teaching.

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Among its books we can mention:“NativeRebellions, The rebellion of Túpac Amaru” (translated to Japanese in 1985),“Perú Bourbon and emancipation”, “History of the Inca eduction and Inca Garcilaso”. Daniel

Valcárcel also reviewed San Marcos´s history on his book: “San Marcos,Dean university of America”, as well as reviewed the relation between the liberator Bolívar and San Marcos in Valcárcel also reviewed San Marcos´s history on his book: “San Marcos, Dean university of America”, as well as reviewed the relation between the liberator Bolívar and San Marcos in “The educational Work of Bolívar in Peru and its reception in San Marcos”. “The educational Work of Bolívar in Peru and its reception inSan Marcos”.

Valcárcel has received numerous distinctions: The National Pri-ze of History Inca Garcilaso, The National Prize of Education Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza, a Gold Medal and Honor Di-ploma from Luis Antonio Eguiguren Foundation and the Pri-ze about University Reform given by the Argentina Embassy. He is an Honorary Member of the Historic-Argentine Investiga-tions Institute, as well as Member on the National Academy of His-tory in Venezuela, in México, and member of Gonzalo Fernández

Information: [email protected]


Page 7: Peruvian Heritage - Edicion english 1

EL TEMPLO DE LA LUNA (Hoy sacristías del convento Sto. Domingo)

Templo que un día fuera consagrado al misterioso culto de la luna, hoy se destaca triste y sin fortuna, cual un hogar del todo abandonado

en sus altares como al Sol amado, a la luna agraciada cual ninguna, las vestales , también una por una, la ofrecía su resplandor sagrado.

Hoy en ruinas; existe todavía convertida en cristiana sacristía, solitario cual cementerio oculto.

continua sagrado su recinto, pues; aunque es hoy en ritos ya distintos no ha penetrado en el , profano culto .


(Hoy Capitulo del Convento Sto. Domingo) recin-to que en los fieles prosternados adoraran un día a las estrellas, veneradas ayer como hijas bellas De la Luna y el Sol ;Dioses Sagrados .

Día feliz aquel congregados , los fieles imploraran sus querellas U seguían su Fe por firmes huellas por la senda do pisan los honrados .

esas ruinas que son gratas memorias de una rica y preterita belleza, hoy acrecimiento al PERÚ, sus glorias.

pues su recinto en arte conservado , ante el mundo demuestra su grandeza, convertido en capitulo sagrado.


(Hoy el Locutorio del Convento de Sto. Domingo) templo donde el fervor rebosaría de aquella gente en cada pecho honrado, que al penetrar en su lugar sagrado, AL RAYO centellante adoraría.

Ya no su resplendor fulgente hoy día en su recinto brilla inmaculado, que el oro con el cual fuera formado, hurtado fue por ambición bravía .

por fortuna ; sus restos al amparo de un cristiano y católico convento permanecen cual monumento raro.

Y así ese templo que era gran emporio de belleza y artístico portento, convertido hoy se exhibe en locutorio .

CCORI CANCHA (Hoy Jardín del Convento de Sto. Domingo)

Suntuoso ccori cancha , campo de oro, Mansión de paz , belleza y alegría; fueun tiempo vergel donde lucia, Maizal fundido en el metal sonoro.

si de los incas fue el mejor decoro y en el manan-tial de joyas se ofrecía, embriago luego a la ambi-ción impía que sustrajo después su gran tesoro . Hoy exhausto se demuestra , trasformando, en un jardín de monacales flores sin mas gloria que su valor pasado.

y así finge entre muros de un convento adornados de histéricos primores, de arqueo logía ser el monumento.

PALACIO DE WIRACOCHA (Hoy Casa Particular )

Mansión del inca Dios , fue la gran tienda donde los fieles con fervor ardiente , en su peregrinaje , diariamente, depositaron su clamor u ofrenda ...

TAWANTINSUYO Imperio de los incas

Imperio poderoso fue un día... y hoy en ruinas del Sol y a los ardores, reverbera con mágicos fulgores, brillos de su preterita valía.

todo era paz entonces y armonía... hoy en cambio sumidos en dolores, se debaten sus gentes con rencores, en una cruel y eterna rebeldía.

ya no con sensatez, sus buenos reyes, basados en el bien y la justicia y patriótico honor , dictan sus leyes,

otros son los que guían sus destinos con la ley de la farsa y la codicia que lograron ayer sus asesinos

CUZCO (capital del imperio incaico hoy ciudad principal del Perú ycapital arqueológica de América.)

capital de un imperio que surgiera al calor de la arcaica cultura. hoy día es el recuerdo que perdurade la historia, en el campo sin fronteras,

en su sano las ruinas por do quierade su hermosa y sin par arquitectura, galas son que sus hijos, con holguraforjaron su grandeza verdadera.

si metrópolis ayer del incanato hoy es la capital de arqueologíade la América y del Perú , su gloria.

así es que influyen al mundo , estupor grato: la visitan turistas a porfía,cual a Roma heroica de la historia.

OLLANTAITAMBO Ciudad Inca, gran cuidad andinaque por siglos descansa , triste e inerme. en su seno de paz , todo se aduerme ....solo el viento locuaz , se arremolina.

en sus arbustos , hoy ni el ave trina, pues, la lechuza solo grazna y duerme, cual duerme el mal espíritu que , yerme uye de la virtud y luz divina.

se destaca ala vera del camino como estación de paz para el ardiente, fatigado y ansioso peregrino.

y con su construcción fructuosa y regia simula figurar ante la gente, de Machuipicchu , la antesala egregia

MACHUPICCHU (Cuidad Estrategia de los Incas)

ciudad maravillosa que describe con sus ruinas ; grandezas de una raza cuyo recuerdo nunca jamas pasa ni a través de los siglos que ya vive.

cada peñasco que en su seno exhibe, cada templo; torreón , pared o casa de artística labor , heroica, traza, el monumento en el gentil, revive.


Poesia Incaica Inca Poetry Cortesìa de Gilles Labeaume

Hoy de un dueño particular que arrienda A extraños... y tal vez sin que esta gente sepa que ese recinto bello e ingente, fuera un tiempo de un dios , grata vivienda.

Aun asi conservando su riqueza arqueologica , sigue con decoro,causando admiración al mundo entero.

AL SOL Soberbio sol que extiendes tu cabello

de refulgentes luz y las esferas que cruzan el espacio ,reverberas dando vida y color con tu destello

cuantas naciones a tus pies ,el sello depositaron de su fe cual fueras, un misterioso dios sin quimeras, guías al universo grande y bello.

razón tuvo el incario de adorarte cual su dios bondadoso; y así , darte, lo mejor de su ofrenda como ejemplo.

RAZA DE AMÉRICA La raza americana que es tranquila y bravía, dos vidas la fundieron: Cerebro Y Corazón;

El corazón de ñusta pacifica y sombría y el corazón violento de Ibérico León. El corazón es signo de amor y poesía, y es emblema el corazón de ciencia y acción ;

y estos dos simbolismos se van sumando hoy día, en el alma que habita en la tierra de colon. y por eso esta Raza que imperara en el mundo, en tiempo no lejano , tiene el germen fecundo de dos castas unidas por misterioso amor... porque en sus tiempos nuevos y en su época arcaica, es y fue siempre tierna como una ÑUSTA INCAICA, o impetuosa y soberbia, como un CONQUISTADOR!

la misma cumbre que en su base ingente, en la que majestuosa , se levanta , acrecienta su fama, eternamente.

ni de sus enemigos , la fiereza, no pudo hollar jamas su firme planta, tampoco ha de poder , naturaleza !

EL TEMPLO DEL SOL (Hoy, Iglesia del Convento de Sto. Domingo) templo que otorga fuera un gran recinto donde se prosternaron multitudes y adoraron al Sol en actitudes originales.....hoy todo es distinto.

ya no el ara de sus altares , tinto de sangre cruenta esta, ni sus virtudes se difunden todas sus latitu-des como expresión de fe ...!todo es distinto!

hoy es muro que con gran decoro , en pedernal de artística, moldura , mostrara el busto de su Sol de oro l

es el recinto de la Fe cristiana de un Dios que con su propia sangre pura, nos redimiera de la culpa humana.

TO THE SUNGenerous sun which spreads its hairof a bright light and circlesacross the space, they cruisegiving life and colour with its brigthness.

How many countries lay on your feet, their trustgave you and whichever faith, a misterious God without mistery,you guide the big and beautiful universe.

They were right the Incas to adore youas their generous God and gave youtheir best offerings as tribute.

THE AMERICAN RACEThe American race is brave and calm,two facts combined them: INTELLECT & HEART;The heart of a Ñusta, fair and intrepid,violent as an Iberic Lion.Your heart is your love and poetry pecualiarity,and symbol of science and action;

And these two symbols are sum up nowdaysin the soul of whom life in the Christobal Colon´s land, therefore, this raze is all over the world,as in ancient times, it has a fertil genesof two castes joint by a mysterious love...because in current times and ancient times was and is always tender INCA NUSTA impetus and assure like a Spanier´s Conquer!

TAWANTINSUYOThe Inca´s Empire was Sun´s arqueological sites of ancient days,remaining us its magic forces,long lasting, shinning bravery.

All was peace and armony by only strange changes and pain,inside its people with anger,in a cruel and eternal more sensibility and good kings,who govern with fairness and justicewith patriotic honor follow their laws. Other kings guide their destiny nowwith false ambitious that achievetheir past Conquer murders.

CUZCOThe Inca´s Empire capital city today is the main city of Peru and the arqueological capital of America. The capital city of an empire which rise from an ancient Peruvian culture. Today is a place which remains us the eternal Inca´s history without frontiers, well preserved arqueological sites everywhere stunning everyone their beautiful arquitecture, which their sons built with effort they create their true grandness.

Cuzco, ancient city of the Incas today arqueological capital city of America and Peru, it´s glorious history influence the world with good stupor: Tourists visit it as the heroic Roma to history.

OLLANTAITAMBOAn Inca´s andean citywhich sad and untouchable for centuries.In its peace years, all stay quiet....only the noisy wind goes around it.In its bush, today the birds sing,and the owk flies and sleep, which bad spirit lays on its virtueand divine light.It unfold as a green hidden pathlike a peaceful and seasonal heat,tired and ansious for travelling.with its natural and fine constructionlike a big figure for people,before Machuipicchu, its prelude.

MACHUPICCHUThe strategic city of the Incasan amazing city which is describedby its arqueological sites, the splendor of its peoplewhich remembering will never stopthroughout centuries.Each mountain shows

temples, walls or houses of artistic, heroic and fine design,they´re gentil and surviving Inca´s monuments.The same mountain which is its magnificent base,raises a big and eternal fame from enemies. Fierceness could never find a morefirm plant, mountain, nature and power!

THE SUN TEMPLEToday, Santo Domingo Conventwhich temple was before a magnificent placewhere multituds debate and wordship the Sun in typical very different..There isn´t today altars covered by blood neither its values spread inall ways like a faith, everything is very different!Today is only a designed wall covered by artistic rocks, mouldingthe golden Sun´s face!It´s the place for Christian faith from another God with its own bloodtrying to reedem of human sin.

THE MOON TEMPLE(Today, Santo Domingo Convent´ Sacristy)This temple which one day was sacredto the mysterious Moon wordship. Today it rises for its sad destiny without fortuneas a totally abandoned place.In its altars as the Sol Amadothe always grace Moonoffers a sacred shiness. Today still exists in arqueological sitesconverted to a Christian sacristy,solitary as a hidden cementeryit continues to be a sacred placealthough its rites are different today, they hasn´t profound it.

THE STARS TEMPLEToday, Santo Domingo Convent´s CapituliumIt´s a place where its followers continouslywordhip the starsas beautiful daughters of the Moon and the Sun, sacred Gods. Happy days when all together their followers wordship prays and follow their faith with a firm path

In this place are gratas memories of a rich and ancient beautyfrom a glorious PERU. Because this artistic place is preservedfor the world as a proof of its granderoussacred chapter of the Peruvian history.

THE LIGHTING TEMPLEToday, Santo Domingo Convent´s Locutoriumthe temple where great fervorfrom honor people of old timeswho wordhip lightening when theyentered a shinny place. No any more shines its vivid splendorin this inmaculate place because the gold use to build itwas stolen for a non pure ambitious. Luckily its ruins stay safe in a Christian Catholic convent as a rare monument.And that´s how, this important temple with an artistic beauty that is today a locutorium.

CCORI CANCHAToday, Santo Domingo Convent´s gardenMagnificent Ccori Cancha, gold field,peaceful, beauty and peaceful mansion was a Virginal temple of glory.

In Inca´s times was the most renowned place of jewellry offerings destroyed later for unsatisfied ambitious of people who stole its great treasure. Today exhaust it shows as a garden with beautiful gardens without history value and glory. And so it states hidden between Convent walls decorated of a monument.

WIRACOCHA PALACE Today a Residential House. The Inca´s God mansion was the great place where followers with fervor start their daily pilgrimage giving their faith and offering.Today is from a different owner who rentsthis palace to strangers....and maybe without telling them that this placewas a beautiful and ingente God placestill now preserves its arqueological richness making the world admire it.

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Este es uno de los personajes de mayor presencia en la narrativa oral andina. El pishtaco pudo ser en tiempos pre-colombinos un comisionado oficial del sacerdocio, proveedor de material para los sacrificios. Se trata de un personaje prefigurado con presencia en las altas cordilleras, parajes desolados, lagunas y quebradas de los An-des.

En la Sierra peruana la llorona solo se aperece a los hombres jóvenes, mujeriegos y solteros, funcionando como una especie de castigo a lo que la sociedad o la religión entiende por inmoral. No es extraño, que el “ideal” de la llorona sea popular en distintos lugares del mundo - como en los pueblos de tradición gaélica y celta donde se le conoce como banshea -y que aquí en Latinoamérica hay versiones muy parecidas en Perú, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, e incluso Estado Unidos.


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Del Pishtaco y otros demonios About Pishtaco and other demons

Almost in all societies, since the man decided to leave the nomadism and settled down, have been established on the slopes of the mountains or near lakes and rivers. For the Andean Man, the APU is the old founder of the world, giving repair, and rises to the Hanan Pacha. There, at the height Apu lives, such fundamental spiritual being replaced and the Spanish syncretized with the Christian cross at the apex of each “hill”. The anthropologist explains that these “spectral beings” are necessary for humans to connect and collect with its spiritual dimension. That is, they are needed to ensure the existence of a supernatural world and sacred, different from the material world in which we operate, need that increase in the secularized modern world in traditional societies where the world is dominated by men, either be the Inca,

Tiene como caracteristica primordial su gran medida corporea y su aspecto de hombre blanco , barbudo y rubio o pelirrojo. Algunos han observado la similitud de este personaje con los antiguos con-quistadores, Mistis o hijos de los terrieros españoles o mestizos blancos que teniendo fama de sanguinarios, inmorales y de lengua no reconocible por los quechuas, hacían de este un personaje dia-bólico e invencible como los ichillocllo o gnomos barbados, rubios lujuriosos que pueblan puquios y manantiales.

La llorona es un fantasma cuyos hijos murieron trágicamente con los ojos rojos de tanto llorar y que anuncia desgracias y muerte con sus gritos y gemidos espeluznantes. Aquellas eran ánimas del otro mundo; pero fueron tantos y repetidos y se pro-longaron por tanto tiempo, que algunos osados y despreocupa-dos, quisieron cerciorarse con sus propios ojos qué era aquello; y primero desde las puertas entornadas, de las ventanas o balco-nes, y enseguida atreviéndose a salir por las calles, lograron ver a la que en el silencio de las noches oscuras o en aquellas en que la luz pálida y transparente de la luna caía como un manto vaporoso sobre las altas torres, los techos, tejados y calles, lanzaba agudos y tristísimos gemidos que formaba un conjunto que aterrorizaba a cuantos la veían y oían, y no pocos de los conquistadores valerosos y esforzados, que habían sido espanto de la misma muerte, quedaban en presencia de aquella mujer, mudos, pálidos y fríos, como de mármol.

Normalmente encuentra a un hombre solo, comenzando un com-bate en el que cada cual utiliza las puntos débiles del contendor para obtener ventaja. El hombre puede atacar a la cabeza o al cuerpo, que están separados. Si ataca el cuerpo inerte de la bruja —que no se puede defender— lo podrá matar poniéndole sal o cenizas en el cuello, donde la sangre hierve. Si la bruja logra pasar por entre las piernas del hombre, lo mata. Si la bruja ya no puede pegarse a su propio cuerpo (porque su cuello tiene ceniza), vuelve al ataque buscando prenderse del hombro del hom-bre, apropián-dose así de su cuerpo, que tendrá en adelante dos cabezas. Contra la uma en vuelo el hombre tiene un arma fundamental: las espi-nas, con las cuales se recubre los hombros y la entrepierna para prote-gerse, o como arma para atrapar la cabeza. También hay posibilidad de esconderse o escapar, pero entonces la cabeza tiene las de ganar, porque es muy rápida y tiene buen olfato. Quien tenga la uma sobre sus hombros se verá obligado a escon-derse, por vergüenza. Pero como la uma debe alimentarse, tendrá que dejar al hombre en libertad para que vaya a recoger frutos, porque de otro modo se enredaría en las espinas. Es posible que en ese momento se confunda y suba sobre el cuello de un venado que escapará hacia un bosque o hacia la selva. Para el hombre lo que está en juego es su libertad. Cuando él toma la iniciativa y logra protegerse, busca también ob-tener riquezas prometiendo a la uma liberarla. Ella conoce sitios donde se esconden los tesoros minerales de la tierra, de los cuales es dueña y los puede regalar. La uma es una mujer mala, castigada por Dios de esa manera.

El “Nacaj” o Pishtaco no es un simple asesino. En su raíz mítica no mata por dinero ni por diversión, sinó por mandato de superiores con el fin de obtener una dotación de grasa humana. Quien extrae la sangre quitando a los pueblos su alimento esencial. Otra característica es que estos seres están dotados de poder y difícilmente pueden ser destruidos porque se mueve en el mun-do de lo inclasificable. Según versiones recientes recogidas en el Cuzco por Federico Kauffmann (1974) esta grasa humana sería indispensable para el funcionamiento de maquinaria fina emplazada en Lima y para mezclarla con la gasolina para hacer volar a los aviones.

Este espectro funciona como una intersección entre el mundo de los vivos y de los muertos y esta asociación con la muertos refuerza tradiciones espirituales relacionadas con la muerte, costumbres muy importantes en los pueblos pequeños y tradi-cionales donde, generalmente, es visto.


UMA O BRUJA (QUEQUI) Que se hable de estos seres, vistos en distintos tiempos y lugares se debe a que todas las sociedades espirituales las expresarían de algún modo concreto y visible. Por ello, aunque su forma varia dependiendo del contexto, lo que daría su existencia es el perso-nificar los miedos de una sociedad frente a sus propios límites, funcionando como terrores, espantos colectivos donde filtran los deseos ocultos, los temores, las fantasías, pero también la igno-rancia y la forma como se procesan los cambios que se dan en la historia.

La Uma es una mujer joven, que sale a pasear con la cabeza se-parada de su cuerpo. La bruja se divide en dos: la cabeza volado-ra, donde se concentra toda su vida, y el cuerpo, que permanece inerte mientras dura el hechizo, pero mantiene una vida latente que se manifiesta en el burbujeo que hace la sangre en el cuello. Sus salidas son siempre las noches de luna llena. Su grito más frecuente es waq...waq..., parecido al pato. Come excrementos humanos que confunde con manzanas. Tiene los cabellos largos y en-redados.

This is a Peruvian character of major presence in the oral Andean narrative. The Pishtaco could be from Pre-Inca times, a Commissioned Priest Officer providing materials for sacrifies. It´s a disfigure character known in high mountains, solitary areas, lagoons and Andean creeks. It´s main peculiarities are tall, well built with an European aspect, with blond or reddish hair and mustache. Some has described some similarities with Spanier´s Conquers or Mixed-blood descendants with no moral who speak a different language than Quechua. All these tales make this character diabolic, invincible as the Ichillocllo or Beard Gnomos who stays on rainfalls, puquios, etc.

The “Nacaj” or “Pishtaco” is a murderer and no a simple one with a mytical reason to kill no for money neither fun but for superior duty with the goal to obtain human skin. He extracts people´s blood taking from them its precious supplies. Another characteristic is that this being has spiritual powers who are diffi-cult to defeat because it moves in the infraworld. As per recent narratives from Cuzco by F. Kauffmann, 1974, this human skin will be necessary for special machinery in Lima and to mixed it with gasoline to make planes take off.

It´s a young woman who goes around in full moon without her head where it concentrates all her life power is with bubbly blood in her neck and her body lyes without movement but alive during the spell. Her frequent calling is “Waq..Waq” like a duck and eats human remains like rotten apples. With her long - tangled hair get close to solitary men and use her charms as an advantage. The man could defend her sprinkle her moveless body with salt or ashes in the neck and blood, but if the witch goes around the man´s legs, she immediately kills him. If the witch can´t attach herself back to her body because the salt and ashes, she attacks again the man by his arms and chest to have his soul and body with 2 heads. Another way to fight her body with plants in the arms and against her head, his legs to catch her head or hide, however her head is very fast and with a very good smell sense flying all over. A man who has the Uma in his body will hide himself for shame but soon enough, he´ll regain his freedom when she left his body to feed with rotten apples, so she moves to an animal body and runs inside the forest or Amazon. When he´s protected himself, he could get gold in exchange of the Uma´s freedom, she knows a lot of rich places underground and inside mountains which she wordships and gives away for her freedom, in this way God pu-nished this bad woman. The Uma is well known in Huaraz with the name of “Quequi” for the sound made when her head is flying around and is always seen in company of other spirits.


We find these mytical beings in several times and places in all societies in a solid expression. Therefore her appareance vary from time and society´s limits working as collective tales, spi-rits to express its hidden instincts, fantasies likewise unknown things and way to accept society´s changes and parameters.

In the Peruvian Highlands, La Llorona only appears to young men, adulters and single ones like a society´s punish to inmorals and sins. It´s no strange that La Llorona is found in many places around the world as Gaelica and Celta´s traditional towns where she´s well-known as “Banshea” and in Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, USA has many names too. La llorona is a spirit which own children died tragically with red eyes of crying too much and creepy howlings from the infraworld. Some disbelievers went to proof her existence from locked doors, front windows, balconies, going out looking for her in dark streets with mild full moon. In roofs, castles, she was howling with strendous and sharp yells and moans frightening everyone who saw her or hear her. There were many brave and constant Conquers who were freightening by her, in silence, pales without a voice, cold like marmol. This spirit works like a link between this world and the death world and this connection reinforce death society´ spiritual traditions very important for small towns around the world.

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Because of this big problem and it´s absurd solution, euthanasia for animals is created, because they can´t find a loving master or any hometo take care of them. A bitter sadness. But there are more ethical solutions supported by the state. We are talking about sterilization campaigns and a better education, something in which everyone should take part. VIRGILIO

May be many people think that street animals can survive on their own, out in the open but this is not true. This is an easy exit for people to deny the cruel reality about the overpopula-tion of domestic animals. Street animals do not adapt to that world; on the contrary they starve, feel thirst, cold, get sick and worse of everything they are mistreated or poisoned.

Inca ruler entering to Plaza Mayor

Comprehention de l’oral et Expretion

Horarios al escoger - facilidad para reprogramar clases - no perdida de

clases en tu domicilio o local

“Inti” worship ceremony, Plaza Mayor


Virgilio´s corner

that only guards houses, or animals that have puppies to be sold later, or just to entertain, as if they we were toys for children, etc. I was horrified when I heard about the murder of MATIAS the schnausser dog, committed by the sadly famous Congress men ruiz (I write his name in minus). How outrageous! and we have to pay his salary!!. Also when I saw in a YOUTUBE video the coward torture and murder of a helpless street dog in San Borja Municipality, so sad. In other cases when people want a pet they go to a shop and buy them when the best option is to give shelter, adopt or rescue one from the street. There are people who once they are bored or don´t find any use for their pet, just leave them in the street.

You must get informed about the causes of these problems.

Now in Perú there are shelters and associations that give an approach about this problematic, and if you are really interes-ted, they invite you to join voluntarily to rescue, protect and take care of animals abused and from the streets. Hi, I´m Virgilio, as usual. For a long time I wanted to tell people

and specially those who love animals something important about my cousins. I finally found the perfect moment to do it and here I present my information. Recently I discovered that in Lima inhabits approximately 10 million persons. The most conservative calculus shows that there is a pet per six habitants.

Here, the state is not the only responsible, there are also people that does´t care about animals and when they have one, don’t give them an appropriate protection, just because they are mongrel dogs.

Based on this, I can say that at this moment there are 1.6 million animals in our city and we have to take into account that 50% of this animals live in precarious conditions. So we are talking about 800 thousand pets that do not have basic life conditions. This calculation does not include the thousands of other animals that are not wanted or desired and walk around in the streets searching food and shelter.

We have make people aware, because is good for children education. Taking care of a pet with respect and love will sow positive feelings in whom will become in the future, adults, future leaders, who will care for other people. Education has a great consequence in the future of mankind: or they build a pa-cific and better world or a world with cruelty of wars. So if you feel a true compassion and respect for these helpless animals, taking them out from the streets, try to offer them a home full of love, protect and respect them; also support the educational activities that pro-animal organizations are developing. You don’t help in anything by giving breadcrumbs to street animals, or feeling sorry for a moment and then leaving them, just to see them suffering that way in the street doesn´t help, you have to do something and contribute with the solution to the problem. See you next time.

One way or another this tips makes me imagine that in a few years there will be a terrifying panoram and destiny for us, the neglected animals. And is because this tips that I realize that one of the main social problems that animal protectors have to face is the overpopulation of domestic animals and the precarious reality that they suffer in the streets. It`s regrettable to see that people continue thinking that is not important to take care of animals and become responsible for them, when all they do is to consider us as disposable objects

Inti Raymi June 24 is the day of the Inti Raymi celebration. Strangely, the sun shines on Cusco –the navel of the world-, neverthe-less is one of the shortest days (cold) in the south hemisphere, so is curious that this day is called Festival of the Sun. Perhaps is a simple deceit or maybe an ambiguous subjectivity resulting from the living intensity of myths and le-gends that keep being told through the years. It is consequence of all that surprising magic that overflows the physic boundaries of the walls and stones of the old capital of the Empire and deepens into the soul and the hearts of those that had the luck to visit Sacsayhuamán.

To those who haven´t had the pleasure to visit it yet, therefore be encouraged since The Inti Raymi is the largest and impressive celebration that honors the Sun, which represented the most important God of the Inca Culture. Before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Inti Raymi was the main festival of the empire. It was carried out during the winter solstice, time in which the star is found in the most far away point of the equator. The “children” of the empire were afraid that their God, source of life, would disappear in the immensity of the universe; to avoid it, they implored him and they begged him to stay, this way the hunger would not reach the Empire.

Currently, is recreated each year in June 24 as the magnificent and most solemn festivity of the disappeared Inca Empire. The setting of the Inti Raymi is the fortress of Sacsayhuamán, located in the northern part of the city of Cusco, 255 meters of height from the level of their parade ground, that is to say to 3671 meters above sea level. According to the Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, Sacsayhuamán is “the greatest and most magnificent work ever build to show the Inca´s power and majesty.

And happens that on this date the city seems to be surrounded by the past, the mysticism and the old times seems to return. Many people affirm that. As the rhythm of old melodies goes, representatives from the four “suyos” parade with their typical clothing, followed by the Sun princesses, Inca´s wives and Inca´s princesses which advance in compass creating undulating columns. Su-ddenly, the Inca appears been transported on a platform that in past centuries was made of gold and silver – he is accom-panied by a cortege of “orejones” and other dignitaries that walk at respectable distance from the Inca. All this happens while the pututus, bugles and flutes sounds intoning a legendary lyric; the Inca stands up and extends his arms towards the horizon, to The Inti, to whom he prays aloud in quechua tongue, promising his obedience, respect and adoration. Little by little develops the culminating points of the ceremony with the sacrifice of animals in honor of the God, they offer tributes and liquor, Asking the sun to appear. The Inca rises large glasses of liquor and offer some to his entourage companions. Then the Inca orders to continue the tribute to the God Sun. This ceremony is repeated in all details. Once are transmitted the prediction´s interpretation, the Inca orders to withdraw, breaking out a great racket rampant that lasts several days.



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Vida y Arte Peruano Por Elizabeth Vidarte

Sus desarrollos artísticos no fueron hechos para éxitos momentáneos en galerías de arte o sumisiones ante críticos, el pintor trabaja más que todo para realizarse él, libre y plenamente, buscando la autosatisfacción y el cumplimiento de sus ideales y principios. José Carlos Mariátegui: declara a este artista como el Primer Pintor Peruano y reconoce su obra como “Sólida, honrada y vital, y a él como uno de los valores-signos con los que cuenta el Perú”. Y pues lo podemos notar en pinturas como “La Santusa”, “Mujer en el Desierto”, “Arquitecto Quechua”, y muchos más.

Ahora bien, la importancia de José Sabogal no sólo radica en haber sido un gran pintor, y haber impulsado la revaloración de la tradición cultural y artística peruana, en general, a través de sus cuadros., pues también lle-gó a publicar libros como “El Kero, vaso de libaciones cuzqueño de ma-dera pintada” (1952); y “El desván de a imaginería peruana” (1956); en-tre otros; buscando difundir así estudios sobre el arte vernáculo peruano.

José Sabogal llegó al entorno de la pintura peruana en la época en que la imagen del hombre andino y su mundo, eran totalmente ajenos e in-diferentes al arte. Hasta el año 1919, año en que José Sabogal presen-ta una exposición donde por primera vez, “el indio real y contemporáneo se convirtió en personaje central de la pintura” (Luis Eduardo Waffarden)”

Es de esta forma que José Sabogal ser convierte en uno de los representan-tes del arte indigenista, aún así a pesar de que este año se celebró 120 años de su nacimiento, este no fue recordado; lo mismo sucedió hace dos años atrás, cuando se celebró 50 años de su muerte. Es lamentable que esto ocurra, especialmente con el hombre que se esforzó por darle un sello original a la pintura peruana y haber fundado y representado el Instituto de Arte Peruano.

Este destacado e ilustre pintor nacional nació en Cajabamba, ciudad de la pro-vincia de Cajamarca, desde muy joven salio del Perú y recorrió países como Italia, España, Francia, México, Estados Unidos y otros. “Mi permanencia en esa ciudad, sumergido en su poderoso ambiente de arte y luchando por el estudio y por el sustento, fue una etapa intensa, inquietante y básica en mi formación estética...” –anota Sabogal en sus memorias- refiriéndose a Roma.

De esta forma podemos comprobar, cómo es que José Sabogal no so-lamente es un pintor de gran influencia e importancia para el Perú, si no también de trascendencia intelectual, por sus obras etnográficas. Un hombre dedicado a investigar, recuperar y difundir, no sólo los com-ponentes indígenas en el arte nacional, sino todas las manifestacio-nes tradicionales peruanas en general y de coyuntura generacional. José Sabogal “El Indio real y

Realizó estudios de arte en Roma y Argentina. De regreso a Perú organizó otras exposiciones y obtuvo el cargo de Director de la escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes del Perú. Posteriormente en 1945 como broche de oro a su vocación indigenista e interés por el arte popular peruano, decide fundar el Instituto de Arte Perua-no, en compañía de sus discípulos se dedicó desde entonces al estudio sistemático de las artes populares del Perú, que tuvieron en él a su gran impulsor y revalorizador. Y así, en ese apasionado empeño, lo sorprende la muerte, el 15 de diciembre de 1956 Sabogal fue el primer pintor nacional que realmente se interesó por pintar los paisajes y personajes del Perú, El año de 1919, aprovechando la detención de la alteración política de ese entonces, decide presentar sus muestras; en la opinión pública se suscitó acaloradas controversias y sorprendieron a la crítica, pues en esa época los limeños aún permanecían entre los restos de sus murallas virreinales y estaban acostumbrados a ver pinturas con marcada influencia europea.

Esta marcada muestra en Lima, fue el comienzo para un movimiento de “redescubrimiento”. Los críticos los denominaron “pintor indigenista”. ëPero debemos reconocerlo realmente como un pintor indigenistas?. Dicho adjetivo es asignado erróneamente a un artista que da mucho más en sus muestras

En cierta manera sus proyecciones personales, se enmarcaban en temas de valores estéticos del hombre, estampas de la efigie nacional y el paisaje peruano. Además tuvo la oportunidad de promover la revaluación del arte popular. Es por eso que no deberíamos limitar el arte de Sabogal a un movimiento indigenista, ya que no solo busca resaltar culturales indígenas, sino que también se dedica a mostrar parte de la tradición peruana, es decir todo lo que define lo “peruano” como tal.

“Mujer en el Desierto”

José Sabogal Dieguez Life and Expressions of a Peruvian Artist

“Arquitecto Keswa”

Música afro-peruana


José Sabogal Dieguez

AFRO-PERUVIAN MUSIC The origin of the Peruvian Afro music dates from the arrival of the Spaniards and the African slaves, who were brought against their will; they found some relief intoning in group songs from their African land. For them to speak about music was to speak about percussion and it’s probable that enclosed in ships or galleons during months, they must have sought surfaces or objects around them to accompany their songs. The black slave printed their music, which evolved during the centuries to our days, and the simplicity combined with versatility on their demonstrations, building with songs, sounds and rhythms the base of an own identity. In all them, their contribution is genial and in some cases necessary.

Jose Sabogal is a renowded artist in a time when images and expressions of our Native Andean Peruvian people and its world was unknown. On 1919, he became known with his first art exhibition, “The real Andean people and its current images as a central part of Art ” (Luis Eduardo Waffarden). In this way, José Sabogal becomes a representative of the Andean Indigenous Peruvian Art, although this year was celebrated his 120 birth anniversary, he wasn´t remember as a magnificent Peruvian artist. The same happened two years ago when we celebrated his 50 anniversary. It´s unfortunate, specially with an Artist who wanted to give a speacial seal with his effort and research through the Peruvian Art Institute. Some percussion instruments appear in the colonial epoch; such as the donkey jaws, which sounds with the typical cadence in a festejo; the chacombo

that has its origin in the large and hollow pumpkins that were commonly used in the plantations where the slaves worked. And of course, the cajón peruano, whose origin is still in debate by the specialists, who cannot decipher with accuracy the year in which was created. Nevertheless, in a note of a national newspaper in October 9, 1889, we find the following text:

This distinguished and brilliant Peruvian Artist was born in Cajabamba, Cajamarca. Since young, he travelled around the world visiting countries like Italy, Spain, France, México, USA and more, as he said once, “My visits to these cities allowed me to go deep into the Art world with a lot of learnings and improving my basic aesthetic and observa-tions” referring to Rome.

“Already in another occasion we called the attention of the police with respect to the jaranas that are continuously “happening” in a house of Acequia Alta, (…), the

street neighbors argued that the “cajón” sounds without rest night and day”. At present, the emblematic instrument of the Peruvian Afro music is the drawer, with the rhythms that were deriving in its process of evolution, like the festejo, the zamacueca and the landó; which are popular in the southern black communities (Cañete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica and Nazca). Where not alone the different demonstrations of the music are practiced, but we can be witnesses of the narrow relation that many people, and even entire families maintain with the Peruvian Afro music; and the commitment they have with her.

He studied in Rome and Argentina, later when he returned to Peru, organizing Art Exhibitions and worked as Director of the Bellas Artes Peruvian National School. Later on 1945, as his main work was focused on his Indigenous curiosity, he founded the Peruvian Art Institute and with his disciples systematically dedicate in his late years to research about the Peruvian Popular Art Ex-pressions and Traditions which then gave great value and support. Jose Sabogal passed away on

In Peru two families are very famous by their constant work in favor of the Peruvian Afro music, the Ballum-brosio Family, with Amador Ballumbrosio to the head and their fourteen children, all musicians, percussionists, and dancers; and the Santa Cruz Family, with Nicomedes Santa Cruz author of decimal and didactic and pa-triotic poems; his sister Victoria Santa Cruz compositor, choreographer, designer and exponent of the Peruvian Afro art; and their brother Rafael Santa Cruz known for being the first bullfighter of black ethnic group in the world. Sabogal was the first national artist who really was

interested in painting Peruvian landscapes and typical characters. On 1919, he benefits from the current political government deciding to show his Native paintings. The national media reacted with controversy and negative critics because up to this point, Lima and its people were still living around its Spaniers´walls and were accostumed to see only European paintings.Through this controversial exhibition, it started a new Artistic movement of National “Self-dicovery” aspects. Art critics called him the “ Indigenous Peruvian Artist” however they should recognized him as an artist with many expressions and styles. In a way his personal style combined with aesthetic human values, national typical characters and landscapes. Furthermore, he´s got an opportunity to promote and value our Peruvian Popular Native Art, but we shoudn´t limit his art expressions only to Indigenous.

Rafael Santa Cruz Castillo, son of the bullfighter, is dedicated to promote the Cajón Peruano nowadays, pro-moting its use and diffusion through cultural activities (like the I International Festival of the Cajón Peruano), teaching master classes and didactic recitals; and working like Professor of Cajón at the PUCP.

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