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Personality or Character! Confused? Pair them and gain out of them!

In day to day life we tend to confuse about how to behave, sometimes we don’t even know what to do. We often feel uncomfortable with the people and it will lead many more inconsistencies. I feel this is because you are lacking in terms of understanding peoples personality over character or may be vice versa. This is often misunderstood. So I thought, elaborating such an important theme will really help you guys, so I did. It is fully based my understanding and I am sure that it will help you (through reading books, attending seminars).


Personality is how you “look” in other words it’s your image to others. Well dressed, fresh look and kinda external appearance which. Personality is easy to read, and we're all experts at it. We say to people “looking good”, “You are beautiful” by looking at them without taking any other parameters. We also judge people funny, extroverted, energetic, optimistic, confident—as well as overly serious, lazy, negative, and shy—if not upon first meeting them, then shortly thereafter.


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Character is somewhat deep inside and which is more crucial to Character traits, as opposed to personality traits, are based on beliefs (e.g., that honesty and treating others well is important—or not), and though beliefs can be changed, it's far harder than most realize. And the most important thing is that these two are mutually dependent and you cannot drag one and make sense of it.

Basically there are only four different types of people existing and the types are here. Somehow you will fit into one of these four types and some times more than one. Try to fit into the first category (Good Personality and good character) though if you are currently in lying under the rest. I am sure that it is not as easy as you think. Try for yourself.

1) Good Personality and good Character:

These are kind good guys and they look well and even they do well. These Guys are honest and helpful. They always do well to the Society not only where they live but everywhere. These people feel responsible for everything that they do and intended to do. And also look at every situation as an opportunity to develop their ability in terms of prosperity in every aspect. Their motto is “Honest is best policy”.

2) Bad Personality and bad Character:

In general people think that these people are harmful to the society but it is not. Most of the guys belong to these group tell their character in their personality. As you would have seen in movies/ theatres/dramas, the thief will have separate attention not only in terms of his character but also personality. If you observe he will have kind of strange personality like bigger mustache with a pimple on his cheek or down the near eye. As you see you will get to know that this guys is kinda “humpty dumpty” so that we will take care about ourselves.

3) Bad Personality and good Character:

People belong to this category are rare (you will find them not quite) and they are almost fall into the first category” Good Personality and good Character as they can change their personality by consulting a doctor or image consultant*. These people look bad/not good and sometimes ugly but the way they behave is quiet impressive. Many of the times personality plays an important role in life in terms of prosperity as you see most of the leaders /business giants look always presentable. There is a new kinda business

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coming up with (7 different, I am not sure how many) different parameters which are really effective, practical and impressive.

*I have attended a conference/seminar by Mr.Rakesh Agarwal/Suman Agarwal ( on “Image management and its implications in Digital Era”. The main reason/motto behind this is “Research says that ‘People judge you in exact 30 seconds from the time you make an entry’ “. It is terrific but its fact. Your appearance is the first thing people notice about you and can leave lasting impressions. Be yourself

4) Good Personality and bad Character:

These are the people who are harm to the society as they always cover their character with personality. People who are fitting into this category can also change their character by making friends who are already in the first category. People have a bad habit of imaging “one cannot change their character”. But in my opinion one can change their character if they are aspired and want to change themselves.

So bye! All the very best!

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