Page 1: Personalised Plates Queensland Media Strategy Report · AMB319 Media Planning – Semester 1, 2016 Personalised Plates Queensland Media Strategy Report Blueprint Niamh Burke n8831963

AMB319 Media Planning – Semester 1, 2016

Personalised Plates Queensland Media Strategy Report


Niamh Burke n8831963

Patrice Byatt n9147349

Katelyn Macaione n9101748

Nicola Ward n9054511

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Table of Contents

Introduction and insights .......................................................................................................... 2

Market & Product Analysis Summary ................................................................................................. 2

Target audience analysis ..................................................................................................................... 2

Key insight ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Media imperatives .............................................................................................................................. 2

Media objectives and media strategy ....................................................................................... 3

Media objective .................................................................................................................................. 3

Media strategy .................................................................................................................................... 3

Evaluation plan.................................................................................................................................... 3

Communication objectives ............................................................................................................. 3

Media objectives ............................................................................................................................. 3

Measurement Metrics .................................................................................................................... 3

Media channel options ............................................................................................................. 5

Online advertising ............................................................................................................................... 5

Radio advertising ................................................................................................................................ 5

Television advertising ......................................................................................................................... 5

Outdoor and out-of-home advertising ............................................................................................... 5

Media budget and media schematic ........................................................................................ 7

Media budget ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Media schematic ................................................................................................................................. 8

Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 9

Appendix 1: Highest v% Watched Shows by Cardashians (Roy Morgan, 2015) ................................. 9

Appendix 2: Month in a life (Nielsen, 2016) ..................................................................................... 10

Appendix 3: Media budget workings ................................................................................................ 11

References .............................................................................................................................. 14

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Introduction and insights

Market & Product Analysis Summary A personalised plate is starkly contrasted to a standardised number plate, it is a physical

expression of an individual's personality. Personalised Plates Queensland (PPQ) is an

established brand in Queensland, the sole provider for personalised plates and therefore

has a monopoly over the market. PPQ’s products satisfy a consumer's need to show off their

personality and individuality, as it can be tailored to each consumer's taste. Furthermore,

the prices PPQ offer differ from $165 - $5000, making them a luxury product (Schembri,

Merrilees, & Kristiansen, 2010; PPQ, 2016). This high priced luxury good has the possibility

to deter consumers, however this problem is overcome by PPQ offering a lay-by option on

all purchases. Using evolving e-commerce technology has proven to be highly effective in

enhancing a customer's purchase experience (Doherty, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2006).

Target audience analysis For this target audience, there is a high importance placed on uniqueness, entertainment, and

the social status aspects of products (Truong, Simmons, McColl, & Kitchen, 2008).

Motivations go beyond income, but focus more on what motivates purchase behaviour and

when the consumer seeks out the status product (Mason, 1992; Rucker & Galinsky, 2008).

To know when a consumer most desires the product, will enable where and when is best to

advertise to them.

The Glam Range is targeted at Cardashians, young women who want to stand out from the

crowd and express their personality. Style and looking fashionable is one of the most

important psychographic components in this demographics life. The Cardashians are more

likely to believe that, “you can tell a type of person by the type of car they drive”. This

perception can be linked to Belk’s Theory of Extended Self, whereby a consumer's value is

indicative of their possessions (Belk, 1988).

Key insight A Cardashian wants to project their ideal self, using both personal belongings and social

cues to assist in personifying their personality.

Media imperatives Radio plays a large part in a Cardashians media consumption. Research into what stations

they are listening to and when they are listening has potential to advise when advertising

could reach them, as the product offering is for a car accessory, there is a connection of

relevance to this media (Roy Morgan, 2016). Again with this relevance, outdoor media such

as billboards and street advertisements can be utilised. This outdoor and print media was

profitable in PPQ campaign in 2000, for every $1 spent they had a $3.77 return (AdNews,

2000). With developments and popularity in social media, people are seeking ways of

publicising their personal brand as a way to express themselves. With the target audience’s

high daily usage of the internet and social media, PPQ should utilise this medium as a way to

advertise to the target audience.

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Media objectives and media strategy

Media objective Our Media Objective is to create a high reach, low frequency campaign targeting the

consumer group of Cardashians across a one month pulsing schedule.

A high reach low frequency strategy is the most effective as PPQ are an established brand

and the only brand of its kind in Queensland. There is also high brand loyalty around existing

consumers and knowledge about the brand benefits, however as the target audience are

most likely new consumers they have limited knowledge. A Cardashian has strong feelings

about their likes and dislikes so if they were to see an advertisement for ‘Glam Plates’ they

know instantly whether the product is right for them. Because of this attitude a high

frequency campaign would annoy a Cardashian (Roy Morgan, 2016). By utilising the pulsing

method for media scheduling, the target audience is not going to be bombarded by a

constant stream of advertisements.

Media strategy To catch Cardashians in a moment of self-consciousness, when the cognitive dissonance of

who they currently are and who they want to be is high.

By nature, Cardashians are aspirational people, who take pride in their appearance and the

things they buy to reflect their intrinsic and extrinsic desires. 100% of Cardashians believe

they wear clothes to get them noticed and over 90% try and look stylish. Therefore,

Cardashians have been targeted at a moment where they have doubt in their appearance

and style, positioning PPQ plates a desirable ‘pick-me up’ product.

Evaluation plan

Communication objectives

To measure awareness and hype around the plates, online tracking and PL8M8 leads will be

used to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. To understand target audience

perception primary research in the form of an online survey will be conducted to better

understand how Cardashians perceived the plates.

Media objectives

The media objectives place emphasis on reach to effectively maximize the budget. To

monitor media placement, representatives will visit out of home locations to document

physical placement and online placement will be monitored with web analytics tools. The

planned media will be placed in contextual environments based on extensive Roy Morgan

research to target Cardashians at the best moment to start their path to purchase and

production will address a call to arms to drive Cardashians to enquire and purchase plates.

Measurement Metrics

To monitor the overall success of the campaign plate sales in the first month post launch

will be observed, the in place metric for success is 600 plate sales in July. In terms of

measuring brand awareness, PPQ’s Facebook fan-base will be built, with a goal of growth

from 55,000 to 59,000. Additionally, the target of 20,000 unique landing page views will be

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monitored using web analytics tools. To monitor the individual success of online media

techniques separate links with media tracking will be used to evaluate the most effective

strategies employed. Furthermore, different media will employ promotional codes to

further monitor where consumers learnt about the product.

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Media channel options

Online advertising The Internet plays a huge role in the daily life of a ‘Cardashian’, with them being known to

use it continuously throughout the day. With research showing that they check their social

media in the morning, before they even get out of bed (, 2016). It’s not just

social media ‘Cardashians’ are viewing, with 22.4% checking their Linkedin profiles and

51.6% checking emails often (Roy Morgan, 2015). It is very customary for the target

audience to multitask when they are using their phones and social media. While watching

television, they could also be scrolling through Facebook and replying to phone messages.

Due to this multitasking behaviour they can easily become distracted by other media.

Nonetheless, if executed correctly, target advertisements utilising consumers search history

can help enumerate the perfect time and place to advertise to them.

Radio advertising Cardashians are frequent radio listeners with over 90% of the group tuning in to a radio

station on a weekly basis and 87% listening to the radio in their car (Roy Morgan, 2015).

With a considerably lower budget compared to other media channels, radio pushes word of

mouth advertising, reaches listeners first thing in the morning and is a portable medium

that can be listened to in a number of locations. Radio can be costly to reach a large

audience however the PPQ advertisement will be solely focused on reaching Queensland

consumers. Research shows that breakfast time is when the largest percentage of

Cardashians consume this media channel (Roy Morgan, 2016). Therefore, by buying a

breakfast spot on either Nova 106.9 or Hit 105- Cardashians preferred stations, this will

deliver a high reach of the target market and a considerably low budget compared to other

media channels.

Television advertising The payoff of television advertisement is quite considerable. It would be easy to fulfil the

media objective as television builds a high reach quickly. The biggest barrier with television

advertising is the diverse television watching habits of Cardashians (Appendix 1). Whilst

people 19-49 still use the traditional TV set as their primary device for consuming content

the dispersed audiences totals a large amount of media wastage (Appendix 2). Furthermore,

programs that would reach a high percentage of the Cardashians such as Big Bang Theory,

Modern Family and the Bachelorette have a high media cost, constituting much of the

campaign budget. In terms of production one large hurdle is the need for a long lead time,

with the campaign soon to launch the time available doesn’t allow for production or

booking time.

Outdoor and out-of-home advertising Cardashian women are working and living in a city, with over 80% of them seeing outdoor

advertising weekly. Approximately half are also using public transport, aligning with the

younger demographics choice to commute (Carey, 2016). Outdoor advertising is an effective

medium to reach a Cardashian on their way to work, however there is high production cost

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and potential media wastage of billboards. Alternatively, transit advertising allows for a

large reach while commuters are highly receptive to advertising messages.

Retail out-of-home mediums have potential to resonate during moments of self-

consciousness. As a Cardashian is very aware of how she presents herself, it could be argued

that she is even more aware during social situations. In these situations often she looks to

her peers for social cues and guidance. Using social situations as a trigger to place

advertisements, PPQ can tap into the moment when a Cardashian wants to reduce

dissonance between how she sees herself and her peers. This makes retail advertising the

perfect space to reach a Cardashian at her moment of self-consciousness.

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Media budget and media schematic

Media budget For PPQ there is a media budget of $200,000 over a one month campaign from 1 July 2016

to 31 July 2016, this campaign will be implemented to achieve a high reach low frequency

timing with a pulsing schedule. Due to the limited budget, television advertising (see 3.

Media Channel Options) will not be used. If the budget were to be increased and there was

more time before launching television advertising could be included as a channel, along with

the incorporation of bus shelter panels. The budget and schedule are optimised to allow

PPQ to have a positive presence within the market to achieve mass awareness and reach,

ideally translating to the end goal.

The three mediums used to implement the campaign are digital, radio and outdoor

advertising, the breakdown of budget expenditure uses a task and objective style of

allocation. There is $4,560 of leftover budget, if the whole $200,000 were to be used it is

recommended that the additional budget be put into digital search investment. See

appendix 3 for detailed workings of budget, all pricing was taken from the QUT Media

Planning Rate Card Online (2016).

Media Channel Investment % of total budget allocation

Digital 90 000 46%

Search 5 000

Social 10 000

Native Article Package 75 000

Radio 76 440 39%

Nova 106.9 18 480

97.3 FM 23 520

Hit 105 16 800

Triple M 17 640

Outdoor 29 000 15%

Megaside Bus 9 000

Westfield Digital Screen 20 000

Digital has the highest percentage of expenditure as it’s the medium Cardashians are using

most frequently. Their social media and search presence is extremely high and through the

research it was found they are more likely (ix = 181) than the general population to be

reading online news at (Roy Morgan, 2016). Digital is the medium that’s

featured throughout the entire campaign due to its high presence in the Cardashians


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Radio is not featured much in the Cardashians weekend, therefore costing considered this

and has not accounted for weekend listings. Weekday listening however is impactful due to

them listening to radio in the morning and during drive times (Roy Morgan, 2016).

Relevance should also be taken into account as PPQ has a car related product and

Cardashians are most likely listening to radio in the car. However the was minimal

discrepancy between Cardashians favourite radio stations and since this campaign is to

create a high reach, using multiple channels allows for this.

Cardashians are city dwellers and shoppers, making outdoor advertising ideal for this target

demographic. Incorporating an out-of-home retail element to the budget allows

Cardashians to be reached when they are in social situations (Roy Morgan, 2016). The bus

side covers also account to reach those who weren’t’t reached due to commuting to work

via their own car (listening to the radio) rather than the public transport, this ensures the

high reach and low frequency of this campaign.

Media schematic A timeline of the five weeks that this campaign will run for is below, along with a graphical

representation of which advertising mediums are used during each week.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Digital - Package

Digital - Search

Digital - Social

Radio - All stations

Outdoor - Megaside

Outdoor - Westfield

A pulsing schedule is most appropriate for this one month campaign, it allows for

differentiated approaches to the advertising of PPQ Plates. As the first day of July falls on a

Friday, week one has minimal expenditure simply some digital social advertising and the

first week of the megaside bus wraps. This is so the potential generated buzz during the

social time is complemented by the outdoor signage to have large strong presence in the

actual city at that time. Week two begins the start of the native digital package which is

complemented by the digital search advertising having the ability to link to it (the native

article), radio also begins its weekday playing. This is the start of the shopping center

advertisements, coinciding with the start of financial year spending. Week three is the same

as its predecessor except that the search and social platforms have switched, this allows for

a constant digital presence without over spending on the budget. In week four the digital

advertising is swapped once more and the bus wraps are brought back to increase the recall

of the brand. Finally, week five finishes the campaign with a strong social presence to

increase talk ability regarding the new financial year and people’s likelihood to spend when

prompted correctly.

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Appendix 1: Highest v% Watched Shows by Cardashians (Roy Morgan, 2015)

TOTAL Cardashians

(unweighted) 50279 251

(POPN '000) 19496 467


wc v% ix wc v% ix

9: Big Bang Theory 3689 18.90% 100 119 25.50% 135

X: Modern Family 1913 9.80% 100 100 21.50% 219

X: The Bachelorette (from Sep15) 653 3.40% 100 84 17.90% 534

7: My Kitchen Rules 2399 12.30% 100 81 17.20% 140

7: Criminal Minds 2269 11.60% 100 70 15.10% 130

X: Sex and the City 659 3.40% 100 70 14.90% 441

7: Downton Abbey 2227 11.40% 100 67 14.40% 126

S: Eurovision (from May15) 865 4.40% 100 66 14.10% 319

9: Love Child (from Feb14) 1545 7.90% 100 64 13.60% 172

X: The Project 1332 6.80% 100 61 13.10% 192

9: The Block 1914 9.80% 100 58 12.40% 126

9: Friends 1147 5.90% 100 58 12.40% 211

X: MasterChef Australia 1887 9.70% 100 57 12.20% 126

S: Plantagenets (from Sep15) 578 3.00% 100 56 12.00% 405

7: Seven News (Weeknights) 3611 18.50% 100 55 11.70% 63

7: Grey's Anatomy 870 4.50% 100 54 11.50% 257

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9: Farmer Wants a Wife 766 3.90% 100 53 11.40% 290

X: Law & Order: SVU 1719 8.80% 100 52 11.20% 127

9: Nine News (Weeknights) 3271 16.80% 100 51 11.00% 66

Appendix 2: Month in a life (Nielsen, 2016)


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Appendix 3: Media budget workings

Media Medium Market Planning Rate

Buying Metric

Estimated impressions Native Article (4 articles, Native Lift, Sectional Buyout)

Online Sectional buyout or state news

$75000 Package 60,000 page impressions article

Search Online N/A Minimum of $5000 - $10,000

Fluctuated CPM/CPC


Social Online N/A Minimum of $5000 - $10,000

Fluctuated CPM/CPC


Package is flat rate = $75,000 Search uses minimum rate = $5,000 Social uses maximum rate = $10,000 (most used by Cardashians, hence higher expenditure)

Media Medium Market Planning Rate Buying Metric

Planning Metric

Radio Nova 106.9 Brisbane $ 220.00

Per Spot Radio Surveys

Radio 97.3FM Brisbane $ 280.00

Per Spot Radio Surveys

Radio Hit105 Brisbane $ 200.00

Per Spot Radio Surveys

Radio Triple M Brisbane $ 210.00

Per Spot Radio Surveys

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Radio spots preferable in breakfast and drive, 2 spots in each section Only on weekdays (no weekends) total of 21 days Cost per spot x how many spots (total 4 spots per day) One day of advertising on all stations = $3,640 Total number of days advertising = 21 Total cost of advertising 4 times a day on 4 stations throughout all of July (excluding weekends) = 3640 x 21 = $76,440

Nova 106.9 220 x 4 = $880 97.3FM 280 x 4 = $1,120 Hit105 200 x 4 = $800 Triple M 210 x 4 = $840

Media Medium Market Planning Rate Buying Metric

Planning Metric

Out of Home

Megaside Brisbane $ 1,500.00

Per Panel / Weekly


Wanting a total of 3 buses around Brisbane with the megaside bus panels for a total of 2 weeks. Cost per bus panel x number of weeks Total of 2 weeks’ worth of bus externals for 1 bus 1500 x 2 = $3,000 Number of buses x cost of 2 weeks 3 x 3000 = $9,000 Total cost of 3 buses with megaside wraps for 2 weeks = $9,000

Media Medium Market Planning Rate Buying Metric

Planning Metric

Out of Home

Westfield Digital Screen

Brisbane $ 500.00

Per Site / Per Fortnight

Location / Impact

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Targeting all Westfield Shopping Centres in Queensland for maximum reach, total number of centres in Queensland = 5 For the entire period of the campaign = 2 fortnights Cost per screen x per fortnight = 500 x 2 = $1,000 per screen for entirety of campaign Using 4 screens/sites in 1 Centre = 1000 x 4 = $4,000 Using 4 screens in 5 Centres = 4000 x 5 = $20,000

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AdNews. (2010). PPQ gets better results with outdoor. Retrieved May 13, 2016 from FAB2A90E-4DF6-4692-94E06AC8A6CBBF52

Carey. A (2016). Australian commuters would rather sit in traffic than on a train, survey finds. The Age. Accessed May 13, 2016 at . australian-commuters-would-rather-sit-in-traffic-than-on-a-train-survey-finds- 20160413-go5lqw.html

Doherty, N. F. and Ellis Chadwick, F. E(2006),”New perspectives in internet retailing:a review and strategic critique of the field", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 34 Nos 3/4, pp. 411-28.

Eastman, J. K., & Eastman, K .L (2015).Conceptualizing a Model of Status Consumption Theory: An Exploration of the Antecedents and Consequences of the Motivation to Consume for Status. Marketing Management, 1.

Emarketer (2016).Checking Messages Is Part of Almost Everyone’s Morning Routine. Retrieved April 10, 2016 from of-Almost-Everyone-Morning-Routine/

Mason, R. (1992), “Modelling The Demand for Status Goods,” Association for Consumer Research Proceedings, 88-95.

Personalised Plates Queensland. (2016). Retrieved May 5, 2016 from

Roy Morgan. (2016). AMB319: Media Planning: Cardashian Data. Retrieved from jsp?course_id=_123270_1&content_id=_6168485_1

Rucker, D.D. and A.D. Galinsky (2008),“Desire to Acquire: Powerlessness and Compensatory Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (August), 257-267.

Schembri, S., Merrilees, B., & Kristiansen, S. (2010). Brand consumption and narrative of the self. Psychology & marketing, 27(6), 623-637.

Truong, Y., Simmons, G., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P.J. (2008),”Status and Conspicuousness–Are They Related? Strategic Marketing Implications for Luxury Brands,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, July, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 189-203.

QUT Media Planning Rate Card Online. (2016). AMB319: Media Planning. Retrieved from jsp?course_id=_123270_1&content_id=_6168496_1

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