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Personal Kanban: Personal Kanban:

A worshop for an effective 2011 A worshop for an effective 2011

...or how to make your goals flow ...or how to make your goals flow into achievements :-)into achievements :-)

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● Define the problems faced when learning and developing

● Cover the basic of Kanban● Discuss the design choices for my Kanban

● The layout & values of my personal kanban boards● Explain how cards are designed to add greater value

● Give people confidence to try for themselves

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What is the problem...

● Never have enought time to get everything done● Always more to learn● Something urgent comes up● New opportunities arise● Friends dragging you to the pub● Work to do, bills to pay, kids to feed...

● Window of opportunity for ”Getting stuf done” is limited

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Cant you just pull your finger out!

● Too many things on todo list never get done● Busy all week but dont remember what I did / learnt● Working harder and longer not cutting it● Battling monsters from the id: 

● overactive interest and imagination● Internet addiction● Attention deficit dissorder (?)● Need to cycle 200km a day

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So workload is a problem

● What techniques could I used to help?● Muddle along and hope for the best● Change my career (tube driver)● Change my life (retreat to monestry)

● 2 techniques used to manage activities● Personal Kanban● Pomedero – Time boxing

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Why try Personal Kanban

● To lean more about Kanban● Be able to introduce kanban technique to others

● To focus my training so I learn more● Study one thing at a time● Make sure I have learnt something – achieve goals

● It seemed like a good idea at the time● Kanban is fun, cool, creative and viral 

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What is Kanban ?

● A way to manage dependant events● Make your work visible● Limit your work in progress

● Avoiding multi­tasking – its inefficient 

● Pull system● only work on a task once previous task is complete

● Help work to flow ● continuously and predictably deliver value

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Simple design

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Can be applied to Software development

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Software projects design

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Starting your board

● Find a suitable space to make a board● Use a whiteboard● Large area with sticky notes● Fridge with cards and fridge magnets

● Layout the board design● Plan (backlog)● Doing● Done 

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Simple Board layout

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Visualising your situation

● Add all your current work● Things should get messy

● Add things you just recently completed● Helps with sense of achievement / gives confidence

● Put all the things you know you want to start doing in planning

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Messy board example

● JR0cket board messy

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Starting to organise your boardStarting to organise your board

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What are your goals

● GROW approach to establishing goals● Goal – statement of what you want to achive● Reality – where are you in relation to the goal● Options – what are the ways to achieve the goal● Way forward – try one of the options

● Example goal

      Persuade everyone I know..

        to use open source software...

          as their prefered choice for work and play

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Goal Lanes

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Inline Goals

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Card design

● Card can have more than a title● Details of task

● Aims, activities, outcomes

● Due dates● Related tasks / goals

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Example card

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Lane design

● Value Stream mapping● What activies do you do to get things done

● Example:● Personal study / development● Any suggestions from the audience ??

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Adapt and change

● Think about your WIP limits

● Think about your card design (write on both sides if you need)

● Where you keep your board ● Should be visible but not distracting

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Kanban design for study

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How did I build my Kanban

● Started simple with: Plan – Do – Done ● Used scrap of paper for initial design● Built a simple board and started using it

● Evolved into Plan – Do – Check – Act ● Evaluated deficits in board and enhanced

● Used online Kanban● So I dont need to cary a large whiteboard around

● Blogged what I had done to get feedback

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Starting from scratch

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Created basic lanes

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Plan – Doing – Done

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Started adding task cards

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First card on the board, cool

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Is something ready to study?

● Identify completed work between seperate board lanes

● Spilt the study board lane into two ● First new lane is the waiting state ● Second lane is the study activity

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Edit the board design

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Split the study lane

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Tasks are progressing smoothly

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Several minutes later

After adding a few tasks to the board....

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Oh dear, my monsters are back

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So What is missing ?

● I have a Kanban board● I am breaking my tasks down into relatively small 


● But I still have far too much to do...

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Lets apply the WIP !!!

● To sudy effectively I need to focus● To focus I need to work on 1 thing at 

once● To work on 1 thing at once I need:

Work In Progress Limits

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Refactor the tasks on Kanban

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Add WIP Limits to Kanban

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WIP Limits now applied

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How do I know if I've learnt?

● Need a Check step after study● Encourages continuous improvement

● A lean principle

● Lets create a new lane on the board as a review stage

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Add a Check Lane with WIP

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Move tasks into new lane

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Have a board, what next?

● Defined task cards in more detail● Limited by the tool I'm using though

● Pomodoro technique for time boxing tasks● Value stream mapping?

● Considered overkill for simple set of events

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Defining the task card

● Set goal of task● Identify measure to check if goal reached

● eg. Can write a Kata in Scala● eg. Can design a Kanban board using VSM● eg. Write a summary of the book on blog, stating 

why it is a valuable read

● Identify resources to assist training● Identify scope of training

● refactor task into multiple cards if too big 

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Why Pomodoro

● Limited time helps concentration● starting this presentation this morning focused me 

● Easier to set and measure goals for a time boxed activity

● Helps break down tasks into managable chuncks

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Pomodero – Timeboxing tasks

● Useful tool to focus mind on a goal● Helps stick to WIP limits and Idea of flow● Tasks have varying time limits during flow 

dependant on size of task● Review: 5 – 15 minutes● Study: 30 minutes – half a day● Evaluate: 15 minutes – 1 hour● Blogging: continuous activity

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Other learning techniques

●  For programming languages● Kata● Dojo's● TDD / BDD

● Speed reading● Attending / Giving SkillsMatter talks & courses● Blogging and Tweeting 

●● @JR0cket

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● I found Kanban increased my training effectiveness● I learnt alot about Kanban● I got feedback on my techniques by blogging● I got lots of feedback from this talk (hopefully)

● Its time for the pub if you dont have any questions ?

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● – lean agile blog● / – tech stuff● – podcasts, talks, courses● – the resource for personal 

kanban● – please get involved● The Goal – Eliyahu M. Goldratt – great read● Theory of Constraints – Eliyahu M. Goldratt

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● Hat and Feathers● Left out of SkillsMatter● On the corner at main crossroads 

● Walk to bar and buy several drinks – if you ask me a good question I may buy you a drink or two

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