Page 1: Permeability of intestinal mucosa from urinary reservoirs in man and rat

Permeability of intestinal mucosa from urinary reservoirs inman and ratP. NEJDFORS, J . KOÈ NYVES*, T. DAVIDSSON*, M. EKELUND², W. MAÊ NSSON* and B.R. WESTROÈ M

Departments of Animal Physiology, *Urology and ²Surgery, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Objective To evaluate the barrier properties of intestinal

mucosa chronically exposed to urine and to evaluate

possible differences between ileal and colonic seg-

ments used in the reconstruction of the urinary tract.

Materials and methods Mucosal specimens from patients

with continent reservoirs with an abdominal stoma,

or orthotopic neobladders constructed from colonic

segments, were obtained at revisional surgery. Control

segments were obtained during right-sided hemico-

lectomy. In addition, ileal and colonic segments

from enterocystoplasties in rats were assessed. The

mucosa-to-serosa passage of marker molecules, i.e.14C-mannitol, 3H-glucose, ¯uorescein isothiocyanate-

dextran 4400 and ovalbumin, was measured using

modi®ed Ussing diffusion chambers.

Results In man, there were no permeability differences

between segments exposed to urine and control

segments for any of the marker molecules. In rats,

there was less passage of markers in ileal and colonic

transplanted segments than in intestinal segments

from sham-operated animals.

Conclusions Intestinal mucosa that has been in chronic

contact with urine maintains its barrier function; in

the rat model the permeability was even decreased. In

addition, there were no detectable differences between

ileal and colonic segments in this model.

Keywords urinary tract reconstruction, ileum, colon,

Ussing chamber, mucosa, permeability


Intestinal segments from different anatomical regions are

increasingly used in reconstructing the urinary tract.

Several studies have shown that intestinal mucosa

chronically exposed to urine undergoes morphological

changes, e.g. mucosal atrophy of varying degree,

in¯ammatory reactions and oedema [1±3]. Previous

studies showed that intestinal segments incorporated into

the urinary tract have different transport properties for,

e.g. electrolytes, than has normal bladder epithelium [4].

In addition, the absorptive pathways in these reservoirs

change when the luminal content is replaced by urine

[5±9]. Whether these changes also re¯ect changes in the

intestinal mucosal barrier properties is not known.

The barrier function of the normal intestinal mucosa is

of utmost importance to prevent potentially noxious

substances, e.g. antigenic molecules, endotoxins and

bacteria, from permeating [10,11]. Abnormal permea-

tion of such molecules may have undesirable conse-

quences, such as septicaemia. Hence, it is important that

the mucosa of intestinal segments interposed in the

urinary tract maintains its integrity and preserves its

barrier properties.

The barrier function of the intestinal mucosa has been

assessed mainly in vivo by studying the passage of orally

given marker molecules into the blood circulation or into

urine [12±14]. In vivo techniques have been used to study

the permeability of the intestinal mucosa incorporated

in urinary tract reconstruction [15]. However, in vivo

studies in humans with urinary reconstructions are

hampered by different methodological problems, e.g.

unknown mucosal surface area, residual urine and

continuous urine production. In vitro studies may

circumvent these problems and the permeation of

different molecular probes can be evaluated in controlled

settings. Thus the aims of this study were to evaluate the

barrier properties of intestinal mucosa chronically

exposed to urine, and to evaluate any differences between

ileal and colonic intestinal segments used in the

reconstruction of the urinary tract.

Materials and methods

Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats (B&K Universal,

Sollentuna, Sweden) weighing 250±300 g were kept in

polycarbonate cages under a 12-h day-night cycle at a

temperature of 20t2uC and a relative humidity of

50t10%. The rats had free access to a pelleted rat

standard diet (B&K Universal) and water. Three groups ofAccepted for publication 19 September 2000

BJU International (2000), 86, 1058±1063

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rats were used: the animals in group 1 underwent a sham

operation; in group 2 an ileal segment was isolated and

an ileocystoplasty constructed; and in group 3 an isolated

colonic segment was used in a colocystoplasty. There

were no differences in body weight among the groups

when the rats were killed after 2 months. The Ethics

Review Committee on Animal Experiments at Lund

University approved the study.

To construct the enterocystoplasty, after 12 h fasting,

the rats were anaesthetized using ketamine HCl

(7.5 mg/100 g body weight, intramuscular) and xyla-

zine HCl (1.4 mg/100 g body weight, intramuscular). At

the beginning of the operation cefuroxim (2 mg/100 g

body weight, intramuscular) was given as prophylaxis.

The peritoneal cavity was opened, and the terminal

ileum and proximal colon identi®ed and mobilized. The

sham-operated animals in group 1 underwent no

further dissection. Using a microsurgical technique, a

distal ileal or a proximal colonic segment was isolated

on its mesentery. The intestine was divided to obtain a

15-mm long ileal (group 2) or colonic (group 3)

segment to construct the enterocystoplasty. The intest-

inal continuity was re-established by an end-to-end

anastomosis using a continuous single layer of 5/0

polyglycolic acid suture. The dome of the bladder was

excised and the proximal opening of the intestinal

isolate anastomosed to the bladder using a continuous

suture. The distal opening was closed. After surgery the

rats were given subcutaneous depots of Ringer glucose

solution until they had recovered. Water was given

freely on the second day and the diet was usually

reintroduced on the third day.

The animals were killed 2 months after surgery; the

ileal (six) and colonic (nine) segments of the enterocys-

toplasties were dissected from the urinary bladder using

microsurgery. From the animals in group 1, 15-mm long

segments were obtained from the distal ileum (six) and

proximal colon (nine). All specimens were immediately

placed into oxygenated modi®ed Krebs' buffer solution

and stored there until mounted in the Ussing chambers.

The segments were cut open close to the mesenteric

border before mounting. Full-thickness intestinal seg-

ments were used, and hence the serosal-muscle layer was

not removed from the mucosa.

Nine patients (mean age 55 years, range 26±69) with

continent reservoirs and an abdominal stoma, or

orthotopic neobladders constructed from detubularized

right colonic segments, were also included in the study.

Six patients had undergone surgery for bladder cancer

and three patients, one of whom had diabetes mellitus,

had undergone surgery for neurogenic bladder disorders.

A full-thickness (< 3r3 cm) sample of the pouch wall

was taken during a re-operation, required because there

was a stricture of the uretero-colonic anastomosis or a

malfunction of the reservoir outlet. As controls, similar

specimens were taken from eight right colonic segments

during right-sided hemicolectomy in patients with

colonic cancer, and two samples were taken during

urinary tract reconstruction. None of the patients with

urinary reconstructions or in the control group had

symptoms or signs of in¯ammatory bowel disease. The

specimens were placed into oxygenated modi®ed Krebs'

buffer solution and immediately transported to the

laboratory. The serosa-muscle layer was carefully

removed and the mucosa then mounted in Ussing

diffusion chambers as described below. Approval for

the human studies was obtained from the Ethics

Committee of Lund University.

In vitro permeability experiments

Ussing diffusion chambers, with apertures of 1.78 cm2

for human specimens, 0.9 cm2 for rat ileal specimens and

0.64 cm2 for rat colonic specimens (Navicyte, San Diego,

CA, USA) were used. The chamber consists of two half-

cells joined together with the mucosal specimen mounted

as a sheet between them. After mounting the tissue the

chamber was immediately placed in a heating block; the

serosal and mucosal reservoirs were ®lled with 5 mL

modi®ed Krebs' buffer continuously bubbled with carbo-

gen (95% O2 and 5% CO2), and thus circulated by gas lift

at a temperature of 37uC [16]. The experiments started

(at t=0) within 30 min after dividing the intestinal blood

vessels, by replacing the buffer in the mucosal reservoirs

with 5 mL Krebs' buffer containing the marker molecules

(Table 1). The experiment continued for 120 min; every

20 min a 1-mL sample was taken from the serosal

reservoir and replaced with 1 mL of fresh Krebs buffer. To

obtain information about mucosal viability in the human

specimens, especially after the stripping procedure, the

transepithelial potential differences were measured every

20 min throughout the experimental period, using a pair

of Ag/AgCl electrodes embedded in 3 mol/L KCl agar.

The amount of radiolabelled mannitol and glucose in

0.5 mL samples was directly measured in a scintillation

counter (LKB, Bromma, Sweden) after mixing with 5 mL

of a liquid scintillation cocktail (Ready Safe@, Beckman,

Fullerton, CA, USA). Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-

dextrans was measured using spectrophoto¯uorometry

(Cyto¯uor 2300, Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) at an

excitation wavelength of 480 nm and an emission

wavelength of 520 nm, with FITC-dextran dissolved in

Krebs' buffer as a standard. Ovalbumin was quanti®ed by

electro-immunoassay [17] using a speci®c antiserum to

ovalbumin (Department of Animal Physiology, Lund

University), with puri®ed ovalbumin (A-7641, Sigma) as

a standard.

The apparent permeability coef®cients (Papp) of the


# 2000 BJU International 86, 1058±1063

Page 3: Permeability of intestinal mucosa from urinary reservoirs in man and rat

markers across the intestinal mucosa were calculated


Papp (cm/sr10x6)=dc/dtr(V/(ArC0))

where dc/dt is the change of the serosal concentration

over 60±120 min (mol/L/s), V is the volume in the

reservoir of the serosal side (mL), C0 is the initial marker

concentration in the mucosal reservoir (mol/L) and A is

the exposed intestinal area in the chamber (cm2). The

Mann±Whitney rank sum test was used for the statistical

evaluation, with differences considered signi®cant when



As a measure of tissue viability, the potential difference

(PD) was recorded over the human colonic mucosal

specimens during the experimental 120 min in the

Ussing chambers (Fig. 1). The PD declined with time

for all specimens, but there were no signi®cant differences

among the transplanted segments from the urine

reservoirs and the control segments.

The cumulative mucosa-to-serosa passage of the

different markers molecules increased with time in the

human colonic specimens (Fig. 2). This passage was

linear for the low molecular weight markers 14C-

mannitol and 3H-glucose, while there was a lag period

for the medium-sized markers FITC-dextran 4400 and

the macromolecular marker ovalbumin. There were no

signi®cant differences in the cumulative passage (Fig. 2)

or the calculated Papp (Table 2) for any of the different

markers between mucosa from segments from the

urinary reservoirs and mucosa from the right colon

(control). In addition, there was no correlation with the

time elapsed since the construction of the reservoir.

In the rat enterocystoplasty model, the passage of both

mannitol and glucose was less in the ileal and colonic

transplanted segments than in the corresponding seg-

ments in the sham-operated animals (Table 2). However,

the permeability to FITC-dextran 4400 and ovalbumin

was signi®cantly less only in the colonic transplanted



Intestinal mucosa in chronic contact with urine after

urinary tract reconstruction maintains its barrier

function, as shown by the unchanged or even decreased

permeability to different sized marker molecules in

humans and rats, respectively. These results con®rm

previous in vivo ®ndings in humans of unchanged

mucosal integrity of interposed intestinal segments in

the urinary tract, as indicated by no or negligible

mucosal permeation of the medium-sized marker

molecules 51Cr-EDTA and polyethylene glycol 400

instilled into human continent reservoirs [14]. The

conclusion in the latter study was based on measure-

ments of the markers in blood, a technique that may be

questioned because of dilution and rapid renal excretion

of the markers. In the present study, the Ussing

chamber technique provided a model in which the

intestinal mucosa was isolated and evaluated, permit-

ting investigations with no interference from other

factors [5,18,19].

The choice of intestinal segments used in reconstruct-

ing the urinary tract is based mainly on the clinical

problem to be solved, but personal preferences are also

important. At the authors' department the right colon is

used most often for reconstructing the lower urinary

tract, and thus there could be no comparison between

human ileal and colonic reservoir mucosa in the present

Table 1 Characteristics and speci®cations of the marker molecules used and the initial marker concentration (C0) at the mucosal (donor) side

in the Ussing diffusion chamber experiments

Marker Manufacturer MW Concentration (C0)

14C-mannitol NEN Life Science Products, Brussels, Belgium 183 11.5 kBq/mL3H-methyl-D-glucose NEN Life Sciences 194 01.48 kBq/mL

FITC-dextran 4.400 Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA 4400 01 mg/mL

Ovalbumin Sigma 45 000 25 mg/mL


Time (min)

40 60 1200














80 100

Fig. 1. Changes in the transmural potential difference in humantransplanted right colon (red) and in controls (green).

1060 P. NEJDFORS et al .

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Page 4: Permeability of intestinal mucosa from urinary reservoirs in man and rat

study. To partly circumvent this problem, the mucosal

permeability of ileal and colonic segments interposed in

the urinary tract was also assessed in the rat entero-

cystoplasty model.

In accord with many reports of histological changes,

our group has shown that intestinal segments incorpo-

rated in the urinary tract undergo morphological

changes, e.g. mucosal atrophy with signs of a mild


Time (min)

60 80 12020





e (%










Time (min)

60 80 12020








40 60 80 12020





e (%









40 60 80 12020








Fig. 2. The transmural passage of: a, 14C-mannitol; b, 3H-glucose; c, FITC-dextran 4400; and d, ovalbumin in specimens from patients with

urinary continent reservoirs (red) and in right colon control segments (green) in Ussing diffusion chambers. The permeation of the markersfrom the mucosal to the serosal side is expressed as the mean (SEM) percentage of the serosal concentration (n=9±10).

Table 2 The apparent permeability coef®cients for marker molecules in ileal and colonic enterocystoplasty segments in rats, and in mucosa

from colonic segments in contact with urine and from control right colon specimens


Mean (SD) [n] apparent permeability coef®cient (cm/sr10x6)

14C-mannitol 3H-methyl-D-glucose FITC-dextran Ovalbumin

Rat model


Enterocystoplasty (n=6) 5.16 (1.71)* 4.93 (1.61)* 0.07 (0.04) 0.007 (0.004)

Sham (n=6) 8.37 (2.32) 8.51 (2.00) 0.19 (0.14) 0.019 (0.025)


Enterocystoplasty (n=9) 3.90 (0.93)* 4.00 (0.82)* 0.10 (0.03)* 0.0091 (0.0058)*

Sham (n=5) 5.46 (0.97) 5.14 (0.96) 0.22 (0.14) 0.0187 (0.0099)


Urinary reservoir 1.47 (0.56) [9] 4.91 (2.14) [3] 0.109 (0.057) [10] 0.0145 (0.0045) [7]

Controls 1.37 (0.63) [10] 5.95 (0.88) [4] 0.067 (0.044) [10] 0.0135 (0.0050) [8]

*P<0.05 between the enterocystoplasty and the sham group.


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in¯ammatory reaction in the lamina propria and the

muscularis mucosa [3]. In rat ileum exposed to urine the

atrophic mucosal changes increase with time, with

decreasing total height of the lamina mucosa, the

height of the villi and of the villus-crypt index [20]. It

could be argued that 2 months exposure used in the

present study was too short, but atrophic mucosal

changes were detected in a rat enterocystoplasty model

using ileal and colonic segments with a similar follow-up

[21]. Moreover, rats treated with total parenteral

nutrition show signs of gastrointestinal mucosal atrophy

by 1 week after deprivation of luminal stimuli [22],

suggesting that a 2-month urine exposure is enough to

induce changes in the enterocystoplasty model.

Small water-soluble molecules such as mannitol and

glucose permeate the intestinal mucosa by passive

diffusion (and for glucose, by active uptake using speci®c

carrier proteins integrated in the plasma membrane)

[23]. Hence, the permeation of these molecules mainly

depends on the mucosal surface area. The permeability of

mannitol and glucose in the human colonic reservoirs

was of the same magnitude as that in the colonic control

segments. This was an unexpected ®nding considering

the mucosal atrophy with consequently reduced mucosal

surface area in the former preparation. The most likely

result would have been a reduced permeability for both of

the small marker molecules. The permeability to all

marker molecules was reduced in the rat colonic

reservoir segments. This was also true in rat ileal

reservoir segment, although the permeability to FITC-

dextran 4400 and ovalbumin was not signi®cantly


Despite the decreased surface area of the mucosa in the

human colonic reservoirs, the permeability was

unchanged. This implies that the permeability per unit

area was increased. A possible explanation could be that

the mild in¯ammatory reactions observed in biopsies

from continent cutaneous reservoirs may cause an

increased permeation despite a reduced surface area

[3,24]. An increased permeation of mannitol was

reported for intestinal segments from patients with

in¯ammatory bowel disease [18,25].

Intact tight junctions are necessary for maintained

barrier function [26]. The preserved morphology of this

structure in human and animal mucosa of ileal and

colonic reservoirs has been shown using electron

microscopy [21,27,28]. The present ®ndings of unaltered

or decreased permeability to FITC-dextran 4400 in

segments exposed to urine indicate that the functional

integrity of the junctional complexes is preserved, as

marker molecules of this size are believed to mainly

permeate by the paracellular route [29]. The small

transmural passage of ovalbumin suggests an endocyto-

tic process, but at a low level and no different from that in

the normal intestine. This is an important ®nding, as

intact barrier properties to large molecules are vital in

preventing the passage of antigenic and toxic macro-

molecules. A case report of a shock syndrome caused by

toxin from Staphylococcus aureus in urine of a continent

pouch highlights the hazards of damaged barrier

function [30].

Despite ileum and colon reacting differently to

exposure to urine, e.g. as shown by the occurrence of

the enigmatic stenosis of the ileal conduit not previously

described for a colonic conduit [31], we conclude that the

barrier integrity was no different between ileal and

colonic segments after exposure to urine.


This study was supported by grants from the Swedish

Cancer Foundation (3789-B98±03XAC); G.A.E. Nilsson

Foundation, Helsingborg, Sweden and the Dir. Albert

PaÊhlsson Foundation, MalmoÈ, Sweden.

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AuthorsP. Nejdfors, PhD.

J. KoÈnyves, MD.

T. Davidsson, MD, PhD.

M. Ekelund, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Surgery.

W. MaÊnsson, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Urology.

B.R. WestroÈm, PhD, Associate Professor of Animal Physiology.

Correspondence: Pernilla Nejdfors, Department of Animal

Physiology, Lund University, HelgonavaÈgen 3B, SE-223 62

Lund, Sweden.

e-mail: [email protected]


# 2000 BJU International 86, 1058±1063

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