  • Slide 1
  • Peripheral Arterial Disease SVS Clinical Research Priorities Michael C. Stoner, MD East Carolina Heart Institute East Carolina University Department of Cardiovascular Sciences Brody School of Medicine
  • Slide 2
  • PAD Epidemiology 8 12 million Americans 12 15% of population over 65 years Hirsch Vasc Med 208. Allison JVS 2009. Ciriqui Circulation 2005. Selvin Circulation 2004.
  • Slide 3
  • Limb Salvage (CLI pts) HI LI P < 0.05 Durham JVS 2010.
  • Slide 4
  • PAD Clinical Impact REACH registry poor outcomes with concomitant cor and PAD Many asymptomatic PAD cases, marker of atheroscleortic disease burden Poorly understood societal impact Claudication

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