Page 1: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

© Perfin Society SWP’s - 01

Sloper’s Wartime Provisionals. The subject of Sloper’s Wartime Provisionals has interested Perfin collectors for many years. Charles Jennings, in his ‘History of British Security Stamps (1968), acknowledges Keith Ryner Young as their ‘discoverer’. Found predominantly on the dark and light coloured definitives of King George VI, they are characterised by the ‘irregular’ placement of the letters making up the required set of initials. In all Sloper Wartime Provisionals, more than one strike is required to make the requested set of initials, so examples of 2, 3 and even 4 separate strikes are known - see below. The suffix ‘p’ in the catalogue number indicates a Sloper Wartime Provisional. This variation in placement of letters can usually be readily seen in multiples such as the 2x2 block of “WB/D” (W0620.01ap), illustrated below. But there’s more that can be gleaned from the block, for example the “WB” portion is constant on all four stamps, and in fact matches “WB” (W0410.01b). However, the WB’s are 22.5mm apart on the top row, but only 19.5mm on the bottom row, which pretty much proves that the die used for the “WB” portion was single headed. The “D” on the otherhand is just a standard 4-pin high Sloper “D”, probably D0009.01M (known to be multiheaded, 12x1), and each is 20mm away from its neighbour in the row, confirmation that the “D” portion was struck from a multiheaded die. If we assume that complete sheets of stamps were involved, we know from this particular block that the operative responsible for initialling the order perfinned each of the 240 stamps first with “WB”, which being single headed would have required 240 punches, but only 20 punches would be necessary from the 12x1 multiheaded “D” die, one for each complete row - in total, 260 separate punches. The saving grace is that up to 4 sheets would have been initialled at the one go, meaning that each of the 240 potentially unique patterns would have up to 3 more identical perforated stamps. Early on in the 2nd World War, Sloper’s Works in Budge Row (where stamp perforation was carried out) was ‘Blitzed’ during one of the many air raids on London carried out be the Luftwaffe. The air raid in question took place on the night of the 10th May 1941 and into the early hours of the next morning, resulting in the loss of virtually all of Sloper’s ‘in house’ perforating dies. Sloper’s Works in Hampstead, where the presses and dies were made as well as aircraft parts for the War effort, escaped the bombing. Given the wartime shortages of manpower and materials, and the prevailing spirit of ‘make do and mend’, the simple remedy of improvisation using single letter (and later multiple letter) dies would have been an obvious short-term solution to the problem of keeping the stamp perforation business going. Patterns involving combinations of letters could still be produced by passing sheets of stamps several times through the perforating machine using a different letter at each pass. Inevitably, due to the very nature of the process, poor alignment and uneven spacing of letters resulted, and on odd occasions letters may be found to overlap. In extreme cases the final arrangement of letters was not as originally intended!

2-strikes 3-strikes 4-strikes

Page 2: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

© Perfin Society SWP’s - 02

The illustration above shows five typical examples of Sloper Wartime Provisionals (SWP’s for short). Notice the ‘inverted’ “S” in the first one, the ‘constant spaced’ “&Co”, “CU” and “DC”, and the ‘mixed height’ lettering using a 5-pin high “A”in “A/&Co”. Note that the “S” can also be found as a ‘normal’ letter. Large, 5-pin high letters can be found for “A”, “O”, “Q” and “V”, as well as their normal sized counterparts. Sloper’s Manuscript Ledger. Early in 1991 the Perfin Society was fortunate enough to purchase a number of Sloper’s original ledgers. One of the volumes appeared to date to just before the 2nd World War, and in it are typed the names of customers together with the required pattern of letters in manuscript describing the die to be used. This ledger has subsequently been referred to as the ‘m/s ledger’. Alongside the original entries are letter combinations and numbers which we can interpret as ‘perforating instructions’ for the ‘provisional’ Perfin patterns. In the illustration below, taken from the ledger, but 80% reduced, we can infer that the “NUA” die (single headed from the figure ‘1’ to the left of the first column) which was used to perforate stamps for the National Unionist Association, was destroyed in the “Blitz” on Sloper’s premises in May 1941. As a result, subsequent orders for perforated stamps were to be accommodated by creating “NU/A” using a single headed “N”, followed by a single headed “U”, and finished off using a 12x1 multiheaded “A” die - hence the 1-1-12 configuration code to the left. Note that the old arrangement of three letters all in one line would have called for extreme precision when using three separate dies, whereas the new two-line arrangement would allow more room for the placement of the letters. In passing, the smudging of the red lines to the right of the scan occurs throughout the ledger and is thought to be the result of water damage, received no doubt in the immediate aftermath of the ‘Blitz’. The first “NUA” Perfin used by the National Unionist Association is known to have been N3320.01, which was in use 1910-1937. That would have been followed by another “NUA” die produced by Sloper’s as part of their pre-WWII refurbishment programme - N3320.01a, in use 1937-1941. It is this short-lived die that would have been destroyed in the “Blitz”. The instructions for SWP’s were generally followed, although a number of varieties can be found, not least of which is the use of a large letter “A”, and even “N/UA”! After the war, new ‘regular’ dies were made for Sloper’s remaining customers, which for our particular study was “NU/A” (N3330.01M) - now in the posession of the Perfin Society. The latest known date for our subject SWP is the 2nd December 1945 on N3300.04p, and the earliest reported date for N3330.01M is the 7th July 1951. The start and finish dates in the ‘Gault’ Catalogue are down as c1945, although c1948 would perhaps be a better mid-range date.













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PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

© Perfin Society SWP’s - 03

Period of use for SWP’s. Examples of Sloper Wartime Provisionals with clear dates are hard to come by, but when found will generally lie in the range 1941-1949, giving a mid-range date of c1945. The earliest recorded to date is the 15th May 1941 on “NB/ICo”(N0350.04p), and the latest is the 3rd July 1952 on “K/CC” (K0300.02p). However, it should be noted that the technique of using multiple strikes of different dies to create specific letter combinations had been put into practice by J Sloper & Co at least 5 years before their Works in Budge Row were damaged by enemy action - for example, see the sequence for “FH/MB” (F1830.01v/02v/03v/04v/05v) in the ‘Gault’ Catalogue. Note the use of the suffix ‘v’ to signify ‘variable’, in this case variation in the position of the letters on the stamp. Unfortunately, no precise terminal date can be given for SWP’s as they were replaced progressively throughout the 1940’s, but at least two SWP’s, “CE/D” and “K/CC” are known with dates in the 1950’s. Also “A/&Co”, “LF”, and “WB/D” are also known on Issue ‘S’ (GVI changed colour definitives) which puts them still in use after the issue date of the 3rd May 1951. The same technique was also used by Sloper’s well after the end of WWII, in the shape of “BA/E”, “CB/B”, and “S/R” which can all be found on the Winding issues of Queen Elizabeth II. As with “FH/MB” above, these also have the suffix ‘v’ to warn of ‘variability’. The Ultimate Provisional. Having established that different letter combinations were produced by Sloper’s using multiple dies, it would have been in their interest to minimise the time spent perforating the stamps. Clearly, the most labour intensive Perfins would have been those involving 4 letters, so four separate strikes. It probably comes as no surprise to learn that there are very few of these, all with the instructions ‘1-1-1-1’ - note all single headed dies, so a massive 960 separate strikes would have been needed to perforate a whole sheet of stamps, although probably 4 sheets at a time. J Sloper & Co made it a policy never to fold sheets of stamps, prefering to perforate each stamp with the monarch’s head upright (baring the odd mistake). The ten ‘4-strike’ SWP’s are “BO/IC”, “FB/GV”, “KE/MH”, “MA/IA”, “NB/IC”, “NS/NQ”, “SB/GV”, “SB/SA”, “VD/BJ”, and “WE/AA”. However, only “FB/GV”, “KE/MH”, and “VD/BJ” have been found with the unmistakable signs of all four letters having been struck separately, the remainder used either constant ‘letter pairs’, or were never produced (or if they were, none have survived). The Modified “PAC” Die. The entry in the ‘ms/ ledger’ against Acton Corporation reads ‘AC (12) Converted PAC’. This is documentary evidence that the “AC” die known as A1010.05M was produced by deliberately removing the “P” from an existing 12 impression “PAC” die to leave “AC” on its own. This also indicates that not all of the ‘in house’ Sloper dies were destroyed in the “Blitz”. Although the modified “PAC” die is not a SWP itself, it is known used in combination with other dies to produce four true SWP’s - illustrated below.

A1010.05M M0130.02p A1240.02p B0135.01p A1105.06p

F0380.02p K0690.01p V0520.01p

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

© Perfin Society SWP’s - 04

Pin Loss on SWP’s. An occupational hazard with Perfins is the loss of holes die to pin damage, although this seldom causes a problem in identifying the full Perfin. For example, the single letter “B” as used in the production of SWP’s often has the top pin missing - see “BA”, “B/A”, “E/B”, “LB/&Co”, and many others. However, an interesting sequence can be established with various pins missing from the “o” of “Co”, to such an extent that examples can be found with all four missing! Such a sequence is illustrated for “RW/&Co” (R5690.04p), but something similar can be established for “CR/&Co”, “HG/&Co”, “HL/&Co”, “HW/&Co”, and many others. Note that the “&Co” portion of the Perfins was from a separate 12x1 multiheaded die, and so the missing pins are probably from different heads rather than progressive loss from just one of them. It also poses a question - ‘was the “C” in the last Perfin in the line above intended to be a “C” or “Co”? That question was answered in October 2011 when Jeff Turnbull reported a new positive identity for both “HG/&C” (H2865.01p) and “HG/&Co” (H2980.01ap) - Henry Greenwood & Co Ltd. At least that’s true for “HG/&C”, but by extension it’s also true for “RW/&C”, “CR/&C”, etc. The cover, posted in London WC, on the 7th January 1947, has a ½d ‘R’ with “HG/&Co” (note a full complement of pins in the “o”), and a 2½d ‘R’ with “HG/&C”, so clearly this particular “&C” was intended as “&Co”. Technically, as Catalogue Editor, I could legitimately combine the stamp information for “HG/&C” with “HG/&Co” as they were intended to be the same, but decided in the end to keep the two patterns separate. Note - The “RW/&Co” sequence was the subject of an article in Perfin Society Bulletin No. 408 (June 2017). As a

result the sequence turns out to be a little more complicated than first thought, but the simple sequence above is sufficient to show the general principal involved.

B0090.01p B0060.01p

R5690.04p R5687.01p

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

© Perfin Society SWP’s - 05

On other occasions pins have been deliberately removed to create other letter combinations. Here we see the top pin removed from the “O” of an unknown “OC” die, for use in “UC/C” (U0400.04p) and “UC/L” (U0470.05p). The 2x2 block shows the “UC” portion was constant and single headed, and that the “C” was multiheaded, probably 12x1. Interestingly, just one example of a SWP exists with an extra hole. It would appear that the regular die “ND/FS” (N1030.01aM) had the pins forming the “ND” removed to leave “FS” (F3680.01). Fortunately for Perfin collectors, one of the heads still had a pin remaining in the “N” produsing the variety “. /FS” (F3681.01). This new “FS” die was also used to produce “FS/W” SWP’s for the Fore Street Warehouse Co, and inevitably the head with the extra hole also occurs on the SWP “FS/W” (F3950.01p) producing the variety “. /FS/W” (F3951.01p). Notes on the Letters Used. As outlined earlier, the majority of SWP’s were produced using letters from Sloper’s standard 4-pin high alphabet. The complete alphabet is illustrated below. Of particular interest are the 5-pin high letters - “A”, “O”, “Q”, and “V”, and the unusually shaped U’s found on “CU/DC” (C7950.03p), “UA” (U0060.04p), and “UB/C” (U0230.03p), known to once have been a “W”.

U0230.03p O1190.02p Q0280.03p D5060.02p

U0400.04p U0470.05p

N1030.01aM F3951.01p F3680.01p F3680.01p F3950.01p

Page 6: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

This is the master list of Sloper Wartime Provisionals (SWP’s) derived from information in the ‘Gault Catalogue of G.B. Perfins’, with update information reported to the Catalogue Editor since publication of the individual sections. Since the original list of SWP’s appeared on the Perfin Society Website (1st August 2013), there have been many additional postage stamp values reported along with changes in ‘die in use’ date ranges, dates, and new dies. The following collectors have contributed new information since the original list:

Michel de Beukelaar, Finn Binderkrantz, Kim Bjarnt, Jack Brandt, Terry Comper, Nigel Hall, Ian Hamill, Keith Kimber, Peter Maybury, Ron Mills, Thomas Mørkeberg,

Steve Netten, Rosemary Smith, Richard Smolnicki, Gerry Soutar, Stephen Steere, Jeff Turnbull, and Barrie Williamson

Latest totals are 783 DD, involving 3,266 DDF.

List & stamp details compiled by Roy Gault - Correct to 1st January 2019.

The list that follows the colour illustrations shows the Catalogue Numbers and Letters involved for all known ‘Sloper Wartime Provisionals’, along with their die in use date ranges, earliest and latest known dates from actual stamps or covers, and a tally of the number of DDF stamps for each of the stamp issue code letters ‘Q’, ‘R’, ‘S’, and ‘T’. Details of the actual stamp denominations are also shown in the listing.

Note - VLint = Van Lint Catalogue (1959), Tilles = Harvey Tilles Catalogue (1975), n/k = source not known.

DDF Count

0 10 1.3% 1 176 22.5% 2 148 18.9%

42.7% Rare

3 97 12.4% 4 84 10.7% 5 55 7.0% 6 54 6.9% 7 38 4.9% 8 30 3.8% 9 21 2.7%

48.4% Middle

of the Road

10 11 1.4% 11 18 2.3% 12 15 1.9% 13 9 1.1% 14 6 0.8% 15 2 0.3% 16 3 0.4% 17 3 0.4% 18 2 0.3% 19 1 0.1%

9.0% Common

The table above shows a simple tally chart of how many dies have ‘0’ stamps listed against them, ‘1’ stamp listed, ‘2’ stamps listed, etc. The inference being that any die with a small number of DDF will be quite rare, whereas those with larger numbers are likely to be a little easier to come by. The divisions are drawn arbitrarily, feel free to put the dividing lines where you think fit and re-compute! For reference the die with 19 DDF is “CK” (C4110.01ap).

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

The following figures show how many different dies are known on each stamp value. However, experience will tell you that the 1d and 2½d Dark colours, and the 1d and 2½d Light colours will feature most prominently. The rarist of the small sized issues ‘Q’ and ‘R’ is the 11d plum found on just 5 different Perfin dies. King George VI - Definitive issue (low values). Printing details Printed in photogravure by Harrison & Sons, in sheets of 240, 20 rows of 12. The first three values in the series were issued a few days ahead of the Coronation of King George VI, with the bulk of the rest issued progressively over a period of two years. There was one late-comer, the 11d plum, which appeared late in 1947. Type Q1 - Edmund Dulac (head), and Eric Gill (frames). Value in a circle. Type Q2 - Edmund Dulac (head), and Eric Gill (frames). No circle around value.


231 dies


151 dies


69 dies


52 dies


65 dies


67 dies


311 dies


60 dies


108 dies

Page 8: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

Type Q3 - Edmund Dulac. Due to wartime shortages of printing inks, the colours of the first six low value definitives were changed to a lighter colour of the original. The changes took place progressively over a period of just over a year between July 1941 and September 1942. The individual introductory dates are shown above each stamp for information.


124 dies


5 dies


38 dies


26 dies


61 dies


13 dies


256 dies


458 dies


522 dies


193 dies


210 dies


74 dies

Page 9: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

King George VI - Definitive issue (high values). Printing details Recess-printed by Waterlow & Sons. Issued in sheets of 40 (5 rows of 8). Only the 10/- stamp was printed in a single pane of 40, the other values were printed in two panes of 40 and then guillotined. Designers

· Edmund Dulac for the 2/6d and 5/- values. · George R Bellew for the 10/- and £1 values.

Once all the low values had been issued (by May 1939), except for the 11d plum, the high value series began to appear, again progressively. Eventually there were four denominations which used two basic designs, and two changes of colour. The first to be issued was the 10/- Dark blue, followed by the 5/- Red, and one day after the outbreak of WWII, the 2/6d Brown. Colour change replacements in 1942 saw the introduction of the 2/6d Yellow-green, and the 10/- Ultramarine. Again, there was a late-comer to the series in the shape of the £1 which was not introduced until 1st October 1948, the day after the £1 Royal Silver Wedding stamp was withdrawn from sale. All four values were replaced on 1st May 1951 when the ‘Festival’ high values were issued. Note: There are 4 dies where a 2/6d stamp is known, but the colour (brown or green) is unknown. There are

also 4 dies where a 10/- stamp is known, but the precise colour (dark blue or ultramarine) is unknown.

10 dies


0 dies


11 dies


42 dies


29 dies


62 dies


Page 10: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

King George VI - Definitive issue (low values) - Changed colours. A change in colour for the 4d from Grey-green to Ultramarine was the first to come into effect in October 1950. The other five values all followed on the same day, 3rd May 1951. On that same day a new series of high value stamps was also introduced, along with two commemoratives to celebrate the opening of the ‘Festival of Britain’. What a day that was for philatelists! King George VI - Definitive issue (high values) - Issued 1st May 1951. Designers

· Mary Adshead - 2/6d HMS Victory, and the 5/- White Cliffs of Dover. · Percy Metcalfe - 10/- St George and the Dragon, and £1 Royal Coat-of-Arms.

Only two KGVI Commemoratives are known with a Perfin - “RU/DC” (R5560.01p) on 2½d

(SG491) issued in 1946, and “W/P” (W5900.01p) on 2½d (SG493) issued in 1948.


1 die


1 die


0 dies


2 dies


1 die


3 dies

SG491 - 1 die SG493 - 1 die

0 dies

0 dies

1 die

0 dies

Page 11: PERFINS of Great Britain. Wartime Provisionals

PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List

Late Use of Sloper Wartime Provisionals. Over a period of time ‘Standard’ dies were made to satisfy orders from customers rather than employ the time consuming technique of using single letters and/or groups of letters to produce the desired set of initials. No doubt, demand played a part in deciding which dies would be replaced sooner than others. In the absence of dated material, a Sloper Wartime Provisional will have by default a start date of 1941, and an end date of 1945. Just for the record, the earliest known date on a SWP is 15th May 1941 on “NB/ICo” (N0350.04p). Sloper’s Works in Budge Row (where stamp perforation was carried out) was ‘Blitzed’ during one of the many air raids on London carried out be the Luftwaffe. The air raid in question took place on the night of the 10th May 1941 and into the early hours of the next morning, resulting in the loss of virtually all of Sloper’s ‘in house’ perforating dies. However, dated material proves that the SWP technique of using multiple dies to create the desired set of initials continued in a few cases into the early 1950s. The stamps usually found with Sloper Wartime Provisionals are the King George VI dark colours and high values (Issue ‘Q’), and the King George VI light colours (Issue ‘R’), but the rare appearance on King George VI changed colours (Issue ‘S’, issued 1st May 1951), proves use into the early 1950’s. The following are known with latest dates in the 1950’s:

S0500.01p S/B 10 Jan 1950 L4190.01p LN/S 2 Feb 1950 A5170.01p AS/P 7 June 1950 U0400.01ap UC/C 2 Oct 1950

L4980.01p L/SC 16 Jan 1951 S3400.01p S/H 8 June 1951 R5270.01p RT/F 9 Sep 1951 K0300.01p K/CC 3 July 1952

This piece postmarked St Helens, Lancs, 8 JUN/1951, shows a 1d ‘R’ with “SH” (S3360.01M) accompanied by a ½d ‘R’ with “S/H” (S3400.01p).

The following are known on Issue ‘S’, showing use in 1951 or later:

A1300.03ap A/&Co 1½d K0300.03p K/CC ½d, 1½d, 2½d L2160.01ap LF 2½d, (4d - issued 2nd Oct 1950) W0620.01ap WB/D 2½d

If you have any Issue ‘S’ stamps with a Sloper Wartime Provisional,

please send a scan to Roy Gault for use here!

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List Page 1 of 30

Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’




Sloper Wartime Provisional Master List ED LD Life


Earliest Known Date 15-May-41 N0350.04p

Latest Known Date

3-Jul-52 K0300.02p

3,266 DDF

1,543 DDF

1,713 DDF



783 DD 1 A0030.06p AA 1944 1946 2 ... July 1944 4 July 1946 6 Q (2) - 4d, 6d R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d,


2 A0292.01p AA/S 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 3 A0293.01p A/AS 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 1d 4 A0410.08p AB 1941 1948 7 ... 1947 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 3d 5 A0470.03p A/B 1941 1941 1 10 Dec 1941 1 Q (1) - ½d 6 A0790.01p AB/M 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 7 A1010.11p AC 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 8 A1010.12p AC 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 9 A1040.01p A/C 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

10 A1050.01p A/&C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

11 A1105.06p AC/&Co 1941 1948 4 28 Nov 1947 10 Q (4) - 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

12 A1105.12p AC/&Co 1941 1948 4 28 Nov 1947 2 R (2) - 1d, 1½d 13 A1240.02p AC/N 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 14 A1240.03p AC/N 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 1d

15 A1300.03ap A/&Co 1941 1952 11 27 May 1946 17

Q (11) - ½d, 1½d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1/-,

2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- (col n/k)

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d S (1) 1½d

16 A1300.05p A/&Co 1941 1945 4 8 Aug 1941 18 Oct 1941 12 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

17 A1610.01ap AD 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 1/-, 5/- R (2) - 2½d, 3d 18 A1620.02p A/D 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 6d R (3) - ½d, 2d, 2½d 19 A1620.02ap A/D 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 3d 20 A2000.02p A/EC 1941 1945 4 18 Mar 1942 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 21 A2000.03p A/EC 1941 1945 4 5 Q (1) - 1d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 22 A2370.01p AF/&S 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - ½d 23 A2460.03p AG 1941 1945 4 7 Q (3) - 2½d, 6d, 5/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

© The Perfin Society Sloper Wartime Provisionals - Stamp List Page 2 of 30

Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’

24 A2460.05p AG 1941 1945 4 31 Oct 1942 ... Jan 1944 9 Q (5) - 1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½, 3d

25 A2505.01p A/G 1942 1942 1 ... Oct 1942 3 Q (3) - 1d, 6d, 5/-

26 A2710.01ap AH 1941 1945 4 5 Aug 1942 22 July 1944 8 Q (3) - ½d, 6d, 1/- R (5) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

27 A2710.08p AH 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 28 A2745.03p A/H 1941 1942 1 7 July 1942 3 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (1) - 2½d 29 A3280.01p AJ/H 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d

30 A3510.02ap AL 1941 1945 4 8 Q (2) - 1½d, 1/- R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

31 A3510.13p AL 1941 1945 4 26 May 1944 2 Q (1) - 1½d R (1) - 2d 32 A3540.01p A/L 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 33 A3700.01ap AL/P 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 34 A3705.01p A/LP 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 35 A3810.02ap AM 1941 1945 1 2 Q (1) - 1/- R (1) - 3d

36 A3850.01p A/M 1941 1950 9 26 Oct 1945 ... Dec 1948 12 Q (7) - 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

37 A3850.02p A/M 1941 1945 4 12 Dec 1941 15 Q (10) - 2½d, 3d, 4d,

5d, 6d, 7d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

38 A3875.01p A/MC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 39 A3996.01p AM/N 1945 1945 1 1 Q (1) - 6d 40 A4160.06p AN n/k n/k 1 0

41 A4170.01ap A/N 1941 1948 4 10 Q (5) - 1½d, 8d, 9d, 11d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

42 A4170.02p A/N 1941 1945 4 8 Q (4) - 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

43 A4310.04p AO 1941 1947 6 5 July 1946 15 Q (11) - 1d, 2½d, 4d,

6d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

44 A4310.06p AO 1941 1945 4 10 Aug 1943 6 Q (5) - 3d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 1/- R (1) - 1d

45 A4460.02p AP 1941 1945 4 18 Sep 1941 12 Dec 1941 12 Q (8) - 2½d, 3d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 5/-, 10/- db R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

46 A4460.05p AP 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 6d R (1) - ½d 47 A4710.07p AR 1945 1945 1 1 Q (1) - 1/- 48 A4729.01p A/RB 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 49 A4910.05p AS 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 1d 50 A4910.06p AS 1941 1945 4 13 Feb 1945 22 Feb 1945 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 51 A4950.02p A/S 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 52 A4950.03p A/S 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

53 A5170.01p AS/P 1941 1950 9 13 Aug 1947 7 June 1950 13 Q (8) - 1½d, 2½d, 6d,

1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- dk, 10/- ul

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

54 A5365.01p AT/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 3d 55 A5370.01p A/TC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 56 A5660.02ap AW 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 57 A5660.12p AW 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 58 A6060.01ap AY 1941 1945 4 30 Jan 1945 3 Q (1) - 2/6d br R (2) - ½d, 3d 59 B0060.01p BA 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 60 B0090.01p B/A 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 2d 61 B0090.02p B/A 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 3d R (1) - 2½d 62 B0135.01p B/AC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 63 B0200.01p BA/M 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - ½d

64 B0410.02p BB 1941 1950 9 ... Aug 1941 6 Oct 1948 18 Q (12) - 1½d, 5d, 6d,

8d, 9d, 10d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 10/- db, 10/- ul

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

65 B0480.01p B/B 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 2½d, 4d R (2) - ½d, 1d 66 B0750.02ap BB/L 1941 1945 4 24 Sep 1941 5 July 1945 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 67 B1110.03p BC 1941 1945 4 1 Nov 1945 4 Q (2) - 2/6d gn, 5/- R (2) - 2½d, 3d 68 B1380.01ap BC/L 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 5d R (1) - 2½d 69 B1440.02p BC/M 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 5d 70 B1500.14p B/&Co 1941 1941 1 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 2½d, 3d

71 B1910.01ap BD 1941 1945 4 18 Aug 1944 11 Q (6) - ½d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

72 B2090.03p BD/H 1941 1943 2 5 Mar 1942 6 Q (3) - 6d, 9d, 1/- R (3) - ½d, 2d, 3d 73 B2095.01p B/DH 1941 1943 2 3 Q (2) - 4d, 5/- R (1) - 3d 74 B2340.01ap BE/A 1941 1945 4 29 Sep 1945 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 75 B2340.02p BE/A 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) -2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 76 B2345.01p B/EA 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 77 B2365.01p BE/B Tilles Tilles 1 0 78 B2450.01p BE/L 1945 1948 3 3 Apr 1947 2 July 1947 2 R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

79 B2610.01p BF 1941 1945 4 9 Q (5) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 9d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

80 B2910.02bp BG 1941 1941 1 7 June 1941 5 Q (5) - 1d, 2½d, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 81 B2930.04p B/G 1941 1945 4 4 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 2/6d gn R (1) - 1d 82 B3040.12p BG/&Co 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 83 B3210.01p BH 1941 1945 4 29 Dec 1943 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 1/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

84 B3250.05p B/H 1941 1945 4 1 July 1941 22 July 1945 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 9d, 1/- R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

85 B4110.05p BL 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 86 B4150.01p B/L 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 87 B4180.01p BL/B 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 1d 88 B4370.01p BL/G 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 89 B4710.01p BM 1941 1941 1 26 June 1941 2 Q (1) - 2½d

90 B4740.01p B/M 1941 1945 4 12 Feb 1943 24 Jan 1945 8 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 6d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

91 B4880.03p BM/H 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d

92 B4910.01p BM/Ld 1941 1945 4 6 Q (3) - 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

93 B4920.02p B&M/Ld 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 94 B4960.01p B/MP 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 95 B5105.01p BN/&C 1941 1941 4 1 R (1) - 1d 96 B5380.01p BO/IC 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 97 B5455.01p BO/S 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

98 B5610.01ap BP 1941 1950 9 ... 1941 14 Q (8) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 4d,

6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

99 B5640.01p B/P 1941 1950 9 6 Dec 1946 26 Aug 1949 11 Q (5) - 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

100 B5820.04p BP/M 1941 1949 8 ... 1942 18 Nov 1948 5 R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

101 B6100.01p BR 1941 1945 4 15 Oct 1943 6 Q (5) - 6d, 1/0, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/- R (1) - 3d

102 B6120.01p B/R 1941 1948 7 2 Feb 1943 3 Oct 1948 13 Q (8) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

103 B6220.01p BR/DC 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 104 B6240.02p BR/HD 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

105 B6360.03p BS 1941 1941 1 9 Q (5) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 4d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

106 B6640.02p BS/E 1941 1950 9 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 107 B6750.02bp BS/M 1941 1950 9 ... Oct 1942 5 Oct 1946 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 108 B6830.01p BS/S 1941 1941 1 18 Aug 1941 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2d

109 B7560.01p BW 1941 1945 4 15 Aug 1941 13 Q (10) - 1d, 2½d, 3d,

6d, 7d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (3) - 2d, 2½d, 3d

110 B7590.02p B/W 1941 1946 4 15 Aug 1941 27 Mar 1946 17 Q (12) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 9d,

1/-, 5/-, 10/- db

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

111 B7920.05p Bx/C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 112 B7920.06p Bx/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 113 B7920.07p Bx/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 1d 114 B7930.01p B/xC 1945 1945 1 16 May 1945 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 115 B7930.02p B/xC 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 116 B7930.03p B/xC 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 1d 117 B7930.04p B/xC 1946 1946 1 20 Apr 1946 1 R (1) - 1d 118 C0090.01p C/A 1941 1945 17 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 119 C0180.01p C&A/G 1941 1945 4 4 Aug 1942 9 Apr 1943 4 Q (2) - ½d, 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 120 C0460.01p CB 1941 1943 2 1 R (1) - 2½d 121 C0510.01p C/B 1941 1941 1 18 July 1941 6 Q (3) - ½d, 2½d, 3d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 122 C0560.05p CB/C 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

123 C0580.01p C/BC 1941 1950 9 10 May 1944 1 Sep 1948 7 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

124 C1010.06p CB/WH Tilles Tilles 1 0 125 C1010.07p CB/WH 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d 126 C1010.08p CB/WH 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 127 C1010.09p CB/WH 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2d 128 C1160.05p C/C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 1d 129 C1260.01ap C/CC 1941 1950 9 22 May 1945 29 Aug 1949 6 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 130 C1350.01p CC/H 1941 1941 11 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d

131 C1530.03p C/&Co 1941 1942 1 29 Oct 1941 15 Jan 1942 12 Q (9) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-,

2/6d br R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

132 C1810.01p CC/W 1941 1948 7 14 Oct 1941 22 Sep 1948 13 Q (8) - 2d , 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

133 C2010.01p CD 1941 1945 5 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 134 C2050.01p C/D 1941 1945 4 3 July 1943 20 Nov 1945 7 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 135 C2075.01p C/DC 1941 1945 4 ... Sep 1941 30 Aug 1944 5 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 136 C2310.01ap C/EC 1941 1948 7 11 Feb 1944 ... Jan 1946 5 Q (1) - 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 137 C2340.02p CE/D 1941 1945 4 ... Aug 1943 8 Aug 1944 6 Q (3) - 1d, 4d, 6d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 138 C2440.03p CE/Z 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2d 139 C2510.02p CF 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2d 140 C2540.01p C/F 1941 1945 4 23 Oct 1941 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

141 C2660.01ap CG 1941 1948 7 6 Nov 1941 17 Dec 1947 10 Q (7) - 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/-,

2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- (ultra)

R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

142 C2700.01p C/G 1941 1945 0 27 June 1949 11 Q (6) - 2½d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- ul

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

143 C2700.02p C/G 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 10/- (col n/k)

144 C3010.01p CH 1941 1950 9 1 Dec 1944 20 July 1948 9 Q (5) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 6d, 9d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

145 C3050.01p C/H 1941 1945 4 7 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 9d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 146 C3310.02p CH/MC 1948 1950 2 1 R (1) - 1d 147 C3560.02p CI 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

148 C4110.01ap CK 1941 1948 7 27 Nov 1941 28 July 1948 19 Q (13) - ½d, 1d, 1½d,

2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

149 C4110.01ep CK 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 2/6d gn 150 C4210.01p CL 1941 1945 4 30 Apr 1945 8 Q (4) - 2½d, 6d, 1/-, 5/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

151 C4810.02ap CM 1941 1948 7 28 Sep 1943 ... Apr 1948 13 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

152 C4840.03p C/M 1941 1948 1 25 Feb 1942 26 Feb 1942 6 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 6d R (1) 2d

153 C4975.01p CM/D 1941 1945 4 3 Feb 1942 9 Q (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

154 C5055.01p CM/S 1941 1943 2 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 155 C5090.02ap CMS/D 1950 1950 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

156 C5090.02bp CMS/D 1943 1950 7 10 May 1945 ... 1948 8 Q (3) - 2d, 3d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

157 C5210.08p CN 1941 1945 4 4 Q (3) - ½d, 2d, 6d R (1) - 3d 158 C5220.03p C/N 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 159 C5760.01ap CP 1941 1941 1 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 160 C5810.03p C/P 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 161 C5895.01p CP/&C 1941 1945 1 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 162 C5900.01p C&P/C 1941 1945 4 21 Oct 1943 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 163 C5920.06p CP/Co 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 164 C5930.02p CP/&Co 1941 1950 55 8 Nov 1948 10 Nov 1948 8 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 165 C5930.06p CP/&Co 1941 1941 15 1 Q (1) - 1d

166 C5980.01p CP/E 1941 1950 9 10 July 1943 28 Oct 1949 8 Q (4) - 4d, 5d, 6d, 2.6d (gn) R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

167 C6005.01p CP/F 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d

168 C6110.03p CP/R 1941 1948 7 11 Aug 1941 10 Dec 1947 13 Q (7) - ½d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

169 C6410.01p CR 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 3d

170 C6430.01p C/R 1941 1948 4 14 Q (10) - 1d, 4d, 5d, 8d,

9d, 10d, 11d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

171 C6465.02p CR/&C 1941 1945 4 ... Jan 1945 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 172 C6480.03p CR/&Co 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 173 C6510.02p CR/DC 1941 1945 4 ... July 1943 14 Nov 1945 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 174 C6540.01p CR/FC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 175 C6540.02p CR/FC Tilles Tilles 4 0

176 C6760.02p CS 1941 1947 6 13 Mar 1944 12 Aug 1947 8 Q (4) - 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d R (4) - 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

177 C6920.01ap CS/&Co 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 178 C7155.01p CS/P 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 179 C7510.01p CT 1941 1948 7 18 Sep 1947 11 Aug 1948 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 180 C7510.01ap CT 1941 1948 7 2 R (2) - 2d, 2½d 181 C7950.01ap CU/DC 1941 1948 7 25 Oct 1941 ... 1948 6 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 182 C7950.03p CU/DC 1941 1941 1 28 Nov 1941 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 183 C8110.02p CV 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 184 C8340.01p C&W/C 1941 1945 4 6 Q (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

185 C8540.01p CW/S 1941 1945 4 8 Q (4) - 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 10/- ul R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

186 D0060.01p DA 1941 1945 4 6 Q (3) - 1d, 3d, 2/6d br R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 187 D0070.01p D/A 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 188 D0070.02p D/A 1941 1945 4 ... Sep 1942 ... Oct 1942 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 6d, 7d R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

189 D0210.01p DB 1941 1948 7 20 Aug 1944 ... Jan 1948 7 Q (2) - 1d, 7d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

190 D0262.01p D/B 1941 1948 5 19 Nov 1943 24 Mar 1948 8 Q (5) - 2½d, 4d, 6d, 7d, 8d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

191 D0390.02p DB/GC 1941 1949 8 3 Sep 1943 5 Apr 1945 3 R (3) - ½, 1½d, 2½d 192 D0615.02p D/&C 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 193 D0660.01p DC/C 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 194 D0770.01bp DC/L 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 1d, 6d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 195 D0785.01p D/CM 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 196 D0860.02ap D/&Co 1941 1943 2 7 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 6d, 7d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 197 D1220.02p D/D 1941 1945 4 4 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 8d R (1) - 2½d 198 D1482.01p D/E 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 199 D1760.01p DF 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 1½d R (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d 200 D1845.01p D/FP 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 201 D1860.03p DF/&Co 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

202 D2060.03p DG 1941 1945 4 4 Mar 1942 12 Dec 1945 13 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 1/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

203 D2150.03p DG/W 1941 1945 4 22 June 1942 6 Q (1) - 1d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

204 D2220.01p D/H 1941 1945 4 30 Oct 1941 11 Q (6) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 5d, 6d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

205 D2740.03p D/L 1941 1945 4 23 Oct 1942 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 9d R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 206 D2850.01p D/Ld 1941 1945 4 30 Apr 1943 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 207 D2923.01p DL/R 1941 1945 4 2 Q (2) - 2/6d br, 5/-

208 D2940.01p DLR/S 1941 1950 9 ... 1948 12 Q (7) - 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

209 D2940.02p DLR/S 1941 1945 4 4 Q (3) - 2/6d gn, 5/- 10/- (col n/k) R (1) - 1d

210 D3110.01p DM 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (1) - 2½d

211 D3130.01p D/M 1941 1948 7 22 Apr 1942 24 Jan 1948 11 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 4d, 7d

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

212 D3425.01p D/N 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 213 D3790.01p D/P 1941 1945 4 ... Aug 1942 18 Dec 1945 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 214 D4030.01p D/R 1941 1947 6 1 Nov 1946 9 Dec 1946 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

215 D4360.04p DS 1941 1948 7 25 Nov 1941 2 July 1948 5 Q (1) - 1½d R (4) - ½d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

216 D4380.01p D/S 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (1) - 1d 217 D4400.02p D/SC 1941 1945 4 18 Apr 1943 4 Q (2) - 2½d, 9d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 218 D4410.02p DS/&C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 219 D4440.06p DS/&Co 1941 1945 4 7 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 9d, 1/- R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

220 D4720.01p D/T 1941 1948 7 ... Jan 1942 24 Sep 1947 16 Q (11) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 5d, 1/-,

2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 10/- db

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

221 D5060.01p DV 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 222 D5060.02p DV 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 223 D5180.02p D/W 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d

224 E0260.01p EB 1941 1948 7 8 Aug 1941 2 Sep 1946 13 Q (9) - 1d , 2½d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

225 E0280.01p E/B 1941 1950 9 ... 1942 31 Mar 1949 7 Q (2) - 2½d, 10d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

226 E0310.02p E/BC 1941 1946 5 20 Aug 1946 5 Q (1) - 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 227 E0560.01p EC/A 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 228 E0560.02p EC/A 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - ½d, 2½d 229 E0570.01p ECC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2d 230 E1030.02p E/D 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d

231 E1060.01p ED/Co 1945 1948 3 13 Mar 1947 5 R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

232 E1260.01p EE 1941 1945 4 9 Oct 1941 7 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d R (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d

233 E1710.02p EG 1941 1946 5 13 Oct 1942 20 Aug 1946 9 Q (3) - 1½d, 4d, 6d R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

234 E1710.03p EG 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 235 E1730.02p E/G 1941 1946 5 10 Apr 1942 16 May 1946 5 Q (2) -1d, 4d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 236 E1930.01p E/HC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d

237 E2570.01p E/L 1941 1945 4 … Nov 1944 7 Q (2) - 3d, 6d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

238 E2600.01p EL/B 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 239 E2602.01p E/LB 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - ½d 240 E2770.02p EL/W 1941 1941 1 3 Sep 1941 4 Q (4) - 2½d, 6d, 7d, 1/-

241 E2890.01p E/M 1941 1945 4 10 Q (4) - 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

242 E2920.01p E/MC 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 243 E3215.02p E/N 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 244 E3250.01p EN/PT 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 3d

245 E3760.04p ER 1941 1945 4 ... 1943 8 Q (3) - 5d, 6d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

246 E4110.08p ES 1941 1945 4 23 July 1941 ... 1945 14 Q (8) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 10d, 1/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

247 E4125.01p E/S 1941 1945 4 3 Q (3) - 1d, 9d, 1/- R (1) - 2½d 248 E4253.04p ES/&Co 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1/- 249 E4660.01p ET 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 250 E4670.01p E/T 1941 1948 7 16 Jan 1946 3 Jan 1948 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 251 E4910.01p EU/DC 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 252 E5105.01p E/W&S 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 5d, 7d R (1) - 2d 253 F0130.01p FA/H 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 254 F0130.03p FA/H 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d 255 F0290.01p F/BC 1941 1945 4 17 Aug 1943 6 Q (2) - ½d, 1d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 256 F0375.01p FB/D 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1½d, 2½d 257 F0380.01p FB/GV 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 258 F0380.01ap FB/GV 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1½d 259 F0380.02p FB/GV 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 2d 260 F0770.03p F/&Co 1941 1945 4 16 Feb 1943 12 Aug 1943 4 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (2) - ½d, 1d 261 F1040.01ap FD/B 1941 1945 4 ... Aug 1941 12 May 1944 6 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 262 F1050.01p F/DB 1945 1945 1 16 June 1944 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 263 F1125.01p FD/H 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 264 F1130.01p FD/&H 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 265 F1150.01p FD/J 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 5d, 1/- 266 F1425.02p FF/C 1941 1941 1 ... July 1941 3 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 6d

267 F1430.03p F/FC 1941 1948 7 29 Sep 1941 19 Mar 1948 11 Q (7) - 1½d, 2½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

268 F1430.04p F/FC 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 2/6d gn 269 F1430.05p F/FC 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 2/6d gn 270 F2310.01p FK 1941 1945 4 11 Feb 1945 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 271 F2410.01ap FL 1941 1948 7 16 Aug 1948 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

272 F2610.07p FM 1941 1941 1 7 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 5d, 7d, 9d, 1/-

273 F3160.01p FP 1941 1945 4 27 Nov 1945 11 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

274 F3200.04p F/P 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 275 F3460.05p FR 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 276 F3520.02p FR/&Co 1941 1942 1 2 Q (1) - 4d R (1) - 3d

277 F3560.01p FR/W 1941 1947 6 ... 1943 ... Feb 1946 12 Q (6) - 1½d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

278 F3680.01p FS 1941 1945 4 11 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 5d, 9d

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

279 F3705.01p F/S 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 280 F3950.01dp FS/W 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 281 F3950.01p FS/W 1941 1943 2 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 6d R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 282 F3951.01p ./FS/W 1945 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 283 F4310.04p FW 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 10d 284 G0060.01p GA 1941 1945 4 18 Nov 1943 5 Q (2) - 1/-, 2/6d (gn) R (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d 285 G0360.01p GB 1941 1945 4 15 Dec 1943 2 Q (1) - 2/6d br R (1) - 2½d 286 G0760.01p GC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) 1d 287 G0990.02p G/&Co 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 7d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 288 G1560.02p G/EC 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 289 G1735.01p GF/A 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 290 G1740.01p G/FA 1941 1945 4 19 Nov 1942 1 Q (1) - 2½d 291 G1920.01p G/G 1941 1945 4 18 Sep 1942 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

292 G3310.01p GM 1941 1946 5 2 Sep 1941 16 Apr 1946 11 Q (5) - ½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

293 G3325.01p G/M 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 294 G3475.01p GM/S 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 295 G3625.01p G/N 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 1½d 296 G3680.03p GN/L 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 297 G3830.02p GO/&Co 1941 1945 4 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

298 G3910.02p GP 1941 1945 4 ... 1945 9 Q (3) - 2½d, 5d, 1/- R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

299 G3925.01p G/P 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d

300 G4460.01ap GS 1941 1945 4 25 June 1941 5 Q (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d R (1) - 1d

301 G4490.01p G/S 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 302 G4600.01p GS/D 1941 1945 4 22 Feb 1943 12 Mar 1943 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

303 G5360.01ap GW 1943 1948 8 3 Aug 1943 27 Aug 1948 9 Q (5) - 1d, 1½d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

304 G5620.01p GW/S 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 1½d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 305 G5810.01p GY 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 306 H0060.01p HA 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 307 H0085.01p H/A 1941 1941 1 ... 1941 2 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d

308 H0360.01ap HB 1941 1945 4 1 Sep 1943 9 Q (6) - 1d, 2½d,

2/6d (gn), 5/-, 10/- db, 10/- ultra

R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

309 H0420.07p H/B 1941 1945 4 7 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (5) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

310 H0480.01p H/BC 1941 1945 4 30 Aug 1945 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 311 H1160.15p HC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 312 H1530.03p H/&Co 1941 1942 1 5 Q (4) - 2½d, 3d, 4d, 5d R (1) - 2½d

313 H1710.01ap HC/S 1945 1948 3 11 June 1946 10 Q (5) - 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 5/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

314 H1710.01bp HC/S 1941 1945 4 17 Apr 1942 6 Sep 1945 9 Q (4) - 1d, 4d, 6d, 5/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

315 H1930.01p H/D 1941 1949 8 13 Dec 1945 ... 1949 12 Q (7) - ½d, 2½d, 3d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 5/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

316 H1940.01ap H/DC 1941 1948 7 22 Sep 1947 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 317 H1940.01bp H/DC 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 318 H2160.01p HE 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 319 H2200.01p H/E 1941 1945 4 6 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 320 H2260.01p H/EC 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 321 H2260.01ap H/EC 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 322 H2303.01p H/EG 1941 1945 4 3 Q (3) - 3d,4d, 6d 323 H2810.01p HG 1941 1945 4 28 July 1943 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 324 H2855.01p HG/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 1d 325 H2860.01p H/GC 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 326 H2865.01p HG/&C 1945 1948 3 2 R (2) - 2½d, 3d

327 H2890.01ap HG/&Co 1941 1948 7 7 Jan 1947 5 R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

328 H3110.01p HH 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (2) - ½d, 1d 329 H3160.01p H/H 1941 1948 7 … June 1941 3 Oct 1947 5 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 330 H3180.03p HHC 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) -½d 331 H3210.01p H/HC 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 332 H3210.01ap H/HC 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 333 H3760.01ap HI/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 334 H3820.03p H&I/O 1941 1942 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 335 H3960.01p HJ 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 336 H4360.01ap HL 1945 1947 2 1 Jan 1947 2 R (2) - 2½d, 3d 337 H4400.01p H/L 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (1) - 2½d 338 H4433.01p HL/&C 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 6d R (3) - ½d, 2½d, 3d 339 H4440.01p HL/&Co 1941 1950 9 5 Q (1) - 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 340 H4570.01ap HL/L 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 2½d, 1/- R (2) - ½d, 2½d

341 H4890.01p H/M 1941 1945 4 22 Jan 1943 20 Aug 1949 11 Q (5) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 6d, 9d

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

342 H5700.01p H/P 1941 1945 4 22 May 1944 18 Aug 1945 9 Q (4) - 2½d, 4d, 6d, 9d R (5) - 1d, 1½d, 2d,

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 2½d, 3d

343 H6080.02p H/R 1941 1950 9 5 Q (1) - 2d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 344 H6110.01p H/RC 1941 1945 4 24 Feb 1942 23 Oct 1945 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

345 H6500.01p H/SC 1942 1945 3 10 Nov 1943 17 Dec 1943 6 R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

346 H6550.02p HS/&Co 1945 1945 1 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 347 H7060.01p HT 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2/6d br 348 H7080.01p H/T 1941 1948 7 27 Aug 1945 12 Apr 1947 5 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 349 H7140.01p H/TC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 350 H7270.01p HT/W 1941 1945 4 ... Nov 1944 6 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 8d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 351 H7610.01p HW 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 352 H7630.01p H/W 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 353 H7695.01p HW/&C 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 7d R (1) - 2½d 354 H7710.03p HW/&Co 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 7d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 355 H7710.06bp HW/&Co 1941 1945 4 3 Q (3) - 1d, 1½d, 6d 356 H8060.02p HY 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 357 I0090.07p IB/C 1941 1942 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 358 I0100.02p I/BC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 359 I0300.02p IC/A 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 360 I0300.03p IC/A 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 361 I0320.02ap IC/AA 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 1½d 362 I0320.03p IC/AA 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1½d 363 I0760.02ap IE 1941 1945 1 5 Q (1) - 1½d R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 364 I0800.01p IE/L 1945 1948 3 ... Sep 1947 3 R (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d

365 I0800.03p IE/L 1941 1945 4 29 Nov 1943 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d

366 I0800.04p IE/L 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1½d, 2d 367 I0800.05p IE/L 1942 1945 3 1 R (1) - 1½d 368 I0800.06p IE/L 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 369 I0800.07p IE/L 1941 1945 4 16 Mar 1945 3 Q (1) - 6d R (2) - 1½d, 2½d 370 I1770.01p IN/C 1941 1943 2 9 Jan 1942 1 R (1) - 2½d 371 I2450.01p IT 1941 1941 1 6 June 1941 17 Sep 1941 2 Q (2) - 3d, 6d 372 J0060.03p JA 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 373 J0460.01p JB 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 374 J0770.01p JB/G 1941 1945 4 ... 1945 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 375 J0770.01ap JB/G 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d

376 J0790.03p JB/H 1941 1945 4 4 R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

377 J0930.01p JB/P 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 378 J1020.02p JB/T 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 379 J2410.01p JE 1941 1945 4 11 Aug 1943 19 Nov 1945 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 380 J2660.02ap JF 1941 1945 4 7 Q (3) - 2½d, 6d, 9d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 381 J2735.01p JF/C 1941 1945 4 22 Aug 1941 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 382 J2870.01p JFS/&S 1941 1945 4 28 Apr 1943 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2d 383 J3720.04p JH/Ld 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 384 J4610.06p JK 1941 1945 4 2 Q(1) - 3d R (1) - 2½d

385 J4810.01p JL 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - ½d, 1d R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

386 J5290.02p JM/&Co 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 387 J6455.01p JR/CLd 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 388 J8190.01p JV/D 1941 1945 4 7 Q (3) - 2½d, 5d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 389 J8190.02p JV/D 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - ½d 390 J8190.03p JV/D 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 391 K0060.01p KB 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 392 K0120.01p KB/&Co 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d

393 K0260.01ap KC 1941 1943 2 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 2/6d gn R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

394 K0300.02p K/CC 1941 1952 11 12 May 1943 3 July 1952 12 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

S (4) - ½d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

395 K0300.03p K/CC 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d

396 K0510.01ap KD 1941 1948 7 19 Jan 1942 8 July 1947 16 Q (11) - 1d, 2d, 2½d,

3d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 9d, 10d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

397 K0610.01p KE 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 398 K0635.01p KE/C 1941 1941 1 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d

399 K0640.01ap K/EC 1941 1946 5 27 June 1945 5 July 1946 11 Q (5) - 2½d, 4d, 7d, 9d, 1/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

400 K0640.01bp K/EC 1946 1949 3 4 Mar 1946 25 Feb 1949 12 Q (6) - 4d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 11d, 1/-

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

401 K0640.03p K/EC 1941 1945 4 4 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 3d 402 K0645.01p K/EC. 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 403 K0680.01ap KE/F 1941 1950 9 16 July 1945 28 Sep 1948 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 404 K0690.01p KE/MH 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 405 K0780.01p KF/R 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 406 K1680.01p KT 1941 1941 1 26 July 1941 3 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 407 L0020.01p LA 1941 1946 5 5 Apr 1942 11 Jan 1946 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 408 L0035.01p L/A 1941 1945 4 15 Apr 1942 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 409 L0260.01ap LB 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 2½d, 3d 410 L0290.01p L/B 1941 1949 8 4 May 1949 7 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 411 L0344.01p LB/&C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 412 L0360.02ap LB/&Co 1941 1945 4 5 Q (1) - 9d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 413 L0680.01p LB/&S 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 1/- R (1) - 2½d 414 L0730.01p LB/T 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 6d 415 L1190.02ap L/&Co 1941 1945 4 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 416 L1335.01p LC/T 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - ½d 417 L1710.01p LE 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 418 L1770.01p L/EC 1941 1941 3 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 419 L1835.01p LE/E 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (1) - 2½d 420 L1850.01ap LE/F 1941 1945 4 26 Feb 1942 17 Jan 1944 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 421 L2160.01ap LF 1941 1952 11 7 Q (1) - 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d S (2) - 2½d, 4d 422 L2400.01p LG 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 423 L2430.01p L/G 1941 1945 4 11 May 1943 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 424 L2760.02p LH 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 425 L2905.01p L/HL 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

426 L3410.01p LL 1941 1947 6 1 Sep 1942 ... Apr 1947 11 Q (6) - 1½d, 2½d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d br

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

427 L3830.01p L/M 1941 1948 7 18 May 1943 10 Feb 1947 6 Q (3) - 1½d, 2½d, 6d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 428 L4190.01p LN/S 1941 1950 9 14 Aug 1941 2 Feb 1950 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

429 L4260.01p LO 1941 1945 4 5 Jan 1942 10 Q (7) - 1d, 2½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 1/- R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

430 L4360.01p LP 1941 1945 4 8 Q (2) - 1d, 6d R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

431 L4390.01p L/P 1941 1948 7 12 Feb 1946 6 Q (2) - 5d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 432 L4495.01p LP/HC 1941 1950 9 17 Mar 1945 2 R (2) - 1½d, 2½d

433 L4710.02p LR 1941 1945 4 31 Jan 1945 11 Dec 1945 10 Q (5) - 2½d, 6d, 9d, 2/6d (gn)

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

434 L4730.01p L/R 1941 1945 4 22 Jan 1945 7 Q (3) - 1d, 9d, 1/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 435 L4860.01p LS 1941 1945 4 1 Sep 1945 1 R (1) - 3d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 436 L4900.01p L/S 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 437 L4980.01p L/SC 1941 1951 10 26 July 1944 16 Jan 1951 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 438 L5127.02p LS/S 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 439 L5510.01p LT/W 1944 1945 1 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

440 L5660.01p LV 1941 1945 4 6 Q (5) - ½d, 1½d, 2d, 6d, 7d R (1) - 1d

441 M0080.01p M/A 1941 1945 1 4 Q (3) - ½d, 1½d, 7d R (1) - 2½d 442 M0130.01p M/AC 1948 1950 2 5 Q (2) - 7d, 9d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

443 M0130.02p M/AC 1941 1948 7 22 Dec 1942 24 Dec 1948 12 Q (7) - 2½d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

444 M0360.01ap MB 1941 1942 1 7 June 1941 8 Jan 1942 11 Q (9) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn,

5/- R (2) - 1½d, 3d

445 M0410.01p M/B 1941 1943 1 31 Dec 1942 1 Q (1) - 2½d 446 M0780.01p MB/S 1941 1945 4 ... 1942 1 R (1) - 1d 447 M0800.02p MB/SN 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 448 M0810.02p MBW 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

449 M1010.01p MC 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 2/6d (col n/k), 5/-

450 M1060.01p M/C 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 451 M1150.01p MC/C 1941 1945 4 3 Oct 1942 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 452 M1295.01p MC/I 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 453 M1380.01p MC/L 1941 1948 4 ... May 1943 9 Apr 1946 6 Q (2) - 1d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 454 M1455.01p MC/M 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 455 M2000.01p MD 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 456 M2680.01p M/G 1941 1948 7 21 Oct 1943 25 May 1948 4 Q (1) - 8d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 457 M2750.01p MG/M 1941 1942 1 17 Mar 1942 1 R (1) - 2½d 458 M2860.01p MH 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 459 M2890.01p M/H 1941 1948 7 ... 1942 26 Aug 1946 7 Q (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 460 M3060.01p MI 1941 1945 4 27 Feb 1945 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 2½d, 3d 461 M3110.01p MI/C 1941 1945 4 12 Jan 1944 15 Oct 1945 5 Q (2) - 2½d, 1/- R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 462 M3260.01p MJ 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/- R (2) - 1d, 2½d 463 M3260.01ap MJ 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1/- R (1) - 2½d 464 M3510.01p MK 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

465 M3860.01ap MM 1941 1948 7 ... July 1943 May 1948 Slogan. 7 Q (3) - ½d, 1d,

2/6d (col n/k) R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 466 M3940.01p M/MC 1941 1945 4 12 Nov 1943 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

467 M4410.01p MP 1941 1946 5 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 5d, 6d R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

468 M4430.01p M/P 1941 1945 4 11 July 1942 6 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d

469 M4460.01p M/PB 1945 1950 5 4 Feb 1947 ... 1949 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 470 M4520.01p MP/E 1941 1948 7 ... Oct 1946 5 Q (4) - 3d, 6d, 1/-, 5/- R (1) - 2½d 471 M4660.01p MR 1941 1945 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d

472 M4690.01p M/R 1941 1945 4 22 June 1943 23 May 1944 12 Q (8) - 1d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 7d, 8d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

473 M4740.01p MR/CP 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

474 M4960.01p MS 1941 1945 4 7 Sep 1941 18 May 1943 8 Q (5) - ½d, 2½d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

475 M4995.01p M/S 1941 1945 4 6 Jan 1943 2 Q (1) - ½d R (1) - 2½d

476 M5360.01p MS/T 1941 1945 4 17 June 1941 10 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/- R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

477 M5360.02p MS/T 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

478 M5370.01p M/ST 1941 1945 4 16 Oct 1943 9 Q (5) - 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

479 M5560.03p MT 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 480 M5580.01p MT/B 1941 1945 4 14 Oct 1941 10 Sep 1945 8 Q (4) - ½d, 2½d, 6d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 481 M5580.02ap MT/B 1941 1941 1 3 Q (3) - ½d, 2½d, 4d 482 M5595.01p M/TB 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 483 M5930.01p MW 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1½d, 2d 484 M5955.01p M/W 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 485 N0260.01ap N/BC 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 486 N0290.01p NB/&Co 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 487 N0330.01p NB/IC 1941 1942 1 18 Oct 1941 4 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 488 N0330.01ap NB/IC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 489 N0330.02p NB/IC 1941 1942 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 490 N0350.04p NB/ICo 1941 1941 1 15 May 1941 2 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d

491 N0740.02ap NC/R 1941 1945 4 6 Jan 1944 12 Q (7) - ½d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

492 N1020.01p N/D 1941 1941 1 20 Nov 1941 29 Nov 1941 3 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 493 N1360.01p NF 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 2½d 494 N1510.01p NG 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 495 N1550.01p N/G 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 496 N1575.01p N/GM VLint VLint 1 0

497 N1960.01p NL 1941 1945 4 20 Oct 1941 9 Q (5) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 5d, 10/- (col n/k) R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

498 N1980.01p N/L 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 3d 499 N2710.01p NR 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 500 N2790.01p NR/G 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - ½d R (3) - 1.2 d, 1d, 2d 501 N3000.01ap NS/L 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 502 N3330.02p NU/A 1941 1945 4 30 June 1942 3 R (3) - 2d, 2½d, 3d

503 N3330.04p NU/A 1941 1945 4 27 Sep 1945 2 Dec 1945 7 Q (2) - 7d, 8d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

504 N3335.01p N/UA 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) -2½d 505 N3360.01p NU/F VLint VLint 1 0 506 N3410.03p NU/R 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 2d, 2½d

507 N3560.01p NW 1941 1945 4 28 Sep 1941 7 Q (2) - 4d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

508 N3760.03p NZ 1941 1941 1 11 July 1941 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d

509 N3760.06p NZ 1941 1941 1 ... June 1941 7 Nov 1941 3 Q (3) - 2/6d br, 5/-, 10/- (dark)

510 O0050.02p OA 1941 1948 7 3 Oct 1947 3 Q (2) - 1d, 9d R (1) - 1d 511 O0260.01p OB/T 1941 1945 4 ... Aug 1945 5 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 512 O0390.03p O/C 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 513 O0600.01p O/E 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d

514 O0660.01p OF 1941 1945 4 5 Q (4) - 2½d, 3d, 5d, 2/6d br R (1) - 2½d

515 O0810.01p OH 1941 1945 4 19 Sep 1941 16 Apr 1942 2 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d 516 O0820.01ap O/H 1941 1948 7 27 Mar 1945 1 Oct 1947 6 Q (2) - 2d, 6d R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 517 O0820.01cp O/H 1941 1945 4 14 Oct 1941 23 Dec 1941 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 518 O0820.01ep O/H 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 519 O1010.01p OL 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 520 O1030.01p OL/E 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - 4d, 6d, 10d R (2) - 2d, 2½d 521 O1160.01p OM 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1½d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 522 O1190.01p O/M 1941 1945 4 5 Q (1) - ½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 523 O1190.02p O/M 1941 1945 1 1 R (1) 2½d 524 O1530.01ap O/P 1941 1941 1 ... June 1941 1 Q (1) - 1d 525 O1690.01p O/S 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 526 O1740.02p OS/&Co 1941 1945 4 9 Q (4) - 5d, 8d, 9d, R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d,

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 2/6d gn 2½d, 3d

527 O1860.01p OT 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 528 O2030.01p O/W 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2/6d (col n/k) R (1) - 1d

529 P0060.01ap PA 1941 1948 4 ... 1945 27 Oct 1947 8 Q (4) - ½d, 1½d, 2½d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

530 P0060.01bp PA 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - 1½d, 2d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 531 P0410.01p PB 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 532 P0540.01ap PB/C 1941 1950 9 18 Aug 1945 22 July 1946 6 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 533 P0552.01p P/BC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 534 P0555.01p PB/CB 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 535 P0910.01p PC 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 2½d, 3d 536 P0940.01p P/&C 1941 1945 4 13 Mar 1944 5 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 6d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

537 P0980.01p P/CC 1941 1945 4 21 July 1945 7 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d

538 P1130.03p P/&Co 1941 1945 4 ... 1941 6 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 6d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

539 P1510.02p PD 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2/6d (br), 2/6d gn

540 P1530.01ap P/D 1941 1945 4 24 Apr 1945 17 Q (11) - ½d, 1d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 10d, 11, 1/-,

2/6d gn

R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

541 P1800.01p P/EC 1941 1949 8 26 May 1949 23 Sep 1949 13 Q (8) - 1½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8d, 9d

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

542 P1910.04p PF 1941 1941 1 21 July 1941 13 Oct 1941 5 Q (5) - ½d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

543 P1967.01p PF/&C 1941 1945 4 13 Aug 1945 3 Q (1) - 6d R (2) - 2d, 2½d 544 P1980.01p PF/&Co 1941 1945 4 13 Oct 1941 21 May 1945 6 Q (2) - 2½d, 10d R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 545 P2030.01p PF/TS 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d 546 P2150.01p PG/C 1941 1945 4 ... 1943 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 547 P2160.01p P/GC 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 548 P2420.02p PH/W 1941 1947 6 21 Nov 1941 ... 1947 6 Q (2) - 2½d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 549 P2425.01p P/HW 1941 1947 6 1 R (1) - 2½d

550 P2610.08p PJ 1941 1941 1 6 Q (6) - 3d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 5/-, 10/- dark

551 P2760.01p PK 1941 1941 1 24 Aug 1941 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 552 P2790.01p PK/L 1941 1945 4 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

553 P2860.02p PL 1941 1948 7 19 Oct 1944 ... Nov 1947 6 R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 554 P2880.03p PL/A 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 555 P2975.01p P/LP 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 556 P2980.01p P/LT 1941 1948 7 16 Sep 1947 5 Q (1) - 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 557 P3760.01p PR 1941 1944 3 4 June 1943 6 Q (2) - 6d, 9d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 558 P4110.06p PS 1941 1942 1 30 July 1942 4 R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 559 P4160.01p P/S 1941 1942 1 1 June 1942 2 Q (2) - 1d, 5d 560 P4210.01ap PS/CB 1941 1948 7 10 Dec 1945 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d 561 P4910.01p PV 1941 1945 4 2 Nov 1943 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - ½d, 2½d 562 P4970.01p PV/S 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 563 P5010.01p PW 1941 1945 4 ... Jan 1942 17 July 1945 6 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 4d, 6d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 564 P5033.01p P/W 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 565 P5037.01p PW/A 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 566 P5065.01p PW/C 1941 1948 7 2 June 1943 30 May 1947 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 567 P5225.01p PW/W 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

568 P5310.01p PY 1941 1945 4 13 June 1944 2 Nov 1944 6 Q (1) - 1d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

569 Q0050.01p QA 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 570 Q0090.01p QA/L 1941 1945 4 13 Apr 1942 ... 1945 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 571 Q0270.02p QH/C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 572 Q0280.02p Q/HC 1941 1943 2 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 573 Q0280.03p Q/HC 1941 1943 2 1 R (1) - 2½d 574 Q0310.01p QI 1945 1948 3 19 Sep 1946 10 May 1948 4 Q (1) - 1/- R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

575 Q0310.01ap QI 1941 1948 7 22 Mar 1947 29 Apr 1948 6 Q (2) - 1d 2/6d (col n/k) R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

576 Q0310.02p QI 1945 1948 3 15 Feb 1946 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

577 R0045.01p RA 1941 1945 4 27 Aug 1941 17 Sep 1942 18 Q (14) - ½d, 1d, 3d, 4d,

5d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 1/-, 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- dark, 10/- ultra

R (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d

578 R0060.01p R/A 1941 1947 6 ... Nov 1944 15 May 1947 14 Q (9) - 1d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8d, 10d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

579 R0060.02p R/A 1941 1947 4 ... July 1941 14 July 1945 16 Q (11) - ½d, 2½d, 3d,

4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 9d, 10d, 1/-, 5/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

580 R0420.01p R/BC 1941 1948 7 22 June 1942 2 Dec 1948 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 581 R0840.02p R/C 1941 1941 1 ... July 1941 3 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 582 R1310.02p RD 1941 1941 1 ... 1941 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’

583 R1350.01p R/DC 1941 1945 4 30 Jan 1943 ... July 1944 12 Q (7) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 6d, 7d, 9d, 1/- R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

584 R1350.02p R/DC 1941 1945 4 2 July 1942 18 May 1943 10 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 6d R (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

585 R1560.05p RE 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 586 R1760.01p RF 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 4d 587 R1780.02p RF/C 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 588 R1790.01ap R/FC 1941 1948 7 19 Aug 1948 4 Q (1) - 4d R (3) - 1½d, 2½d, 3d 589 R1820.01p RF/&Co 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 1d

590 R1960.01bp RG 1941 1945 4 22 Apr 1942 29 May 1945 8 Q (3) - ½d, 1½d, 6d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

591 R1990.01ap R/G 1941 1941 1 ... July 1941 3 Q (3) - ½d, 2½d, 6d 592 R2030.01p RG/L 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 593 R2160.01p RH 1941 1948 7 5 July 1948 5 Q (1) - 2½d R (4) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 594 R2420.01ap RH/Ld 1941 1942 1 1 R (1) - 3d

595 R2550.02ap RH/W 1941 1945 4 7 Q (2) - 1½d, 6d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

596 R3160.01p RL 1941 1948 7 5 Mar 1943 12 Oct 1948 13 Q (8) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

597 R3190.01p R/L 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 598 R3250.01p RLd 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 8d 599 R3490.01p RM/L 1941 1941 1 4 Q (2) - 5d, 6d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 600 R3660.01p RN 1941 1948 7 ... 1943 2 Apr 1948 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 601 R4990.01p RS/Y 1941 1942 1 9 July 1942 13 July 1942 3 R (3) - 2d, 2½d, 3d 602 R5270.01p RT/F 1945 1951 6 9 Sep 1951 4 Q (1) - 5d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

603 R5560.01p RU/DC 1945 1946 1 3 R (2) - 1d, 2½d T (1) - 2½d (SG491)

604 R5560.01ap RU/DC 1941 1945 4 17 Feb 1944 2 R (2) - 1d, 2d 605 R5687.01p RW/&C 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 606 R5690.04p RW/&Co 1941 1950 9 ... Mar 1945 16 Aug 1947 6 Q (2) - 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

607 S0460.02ap SB 1941 1945 4 20 Apr 1942 9 Feb 1943 7 Q (5) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 6d, 9d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

608 S0500.01p S/B 1941 1950 9 ... Feb 1946 10 Jan 1950 9 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

609 S0722.01p SB/G 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 610 S0730.01p SB/GV 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 2½d, 9d R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d 611 S0730.02p SB/GV 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 9d R (1) - 2d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 612 S0800.01p SB/L 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 9d R (1) - 1d 613 S0920.02p SB/SA 1941 1945 4 ... 1943 1 R (1) - 2d 614 S1210.13p SC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d

615 S1310.01ap SC/C 1941 1948 7 24 Oct 1942 19 Feb 1947 11 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

616 S1319.01p S/CC 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d 617 S1670.02p S/&Co 1941 1941 1 3 Q (1) - 1½d R (2) - 1d, 2d 618 S2010.05p SD 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 619 S2040.01p S\D 1941 1946 5 5 Aug 1941 4 Jan 1946 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 620 S2120.01p SD/&Co 1941 1945 4 12 Aug 1945 5 Q (1) - 1d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 621 S2190.01p S/DLR 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 5d 622 S2230.02p SD/W 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 623 S2327.01p S/E 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 624 S2390.01p S/EC 1941 1949 8 22 July 1943 17 Dec 1948 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 625 S2460.01p SE/D 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 2d, 2½d 626 S2810.01p SF 1941 1948 7 ... 1941 20 Nov 1947 5 Q (3) - 2d, 6d, 1/- R (2) - 1d, 2½d 627 S2870.01p S/FC 1941 1945 4 7 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 5d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 628 S2925.01p SF/D 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - ½d R (1) - 1d

629 S3060.01p SG 1941 1948 7 ... 1947 6 Q (1) - 2½d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

630 S3170.01bp SG/E 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 631 S3190.01p SG/H 1941 1945 4 23 Apr 1942 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

632 S3400.01p S/H 1941 1945 4 8 Jun 1951 11 Q (6) - 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

633 S3420.02p SH/B 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 634 S3440.01ap SH/C 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 635 S3445.01p S/HC 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d

636 S3540.02ap SH/L 1941 1948 7 24 Nov 1947 6 Q (1) - 4d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

637 S4310.02bp SL 1941 1945 4 ... Jan 1942 8 Oct 1945 13 Q (8) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 3d

638 S4330.01p S/L 1941 1945 4 15 May 1942 ... June 1942 10 Q (5) - ½d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

R (5) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

639 S4370.03p SL/A 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 1½d

640 S4760.01p SM 1941 1941 1 7 Q (6) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 9d R (1) - 3d

641 S4800.01p S/M 1941 1943 2 21 Oct 1941 11 Q (9) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 2d, R (2) - 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 4d, 5d, 7d, 9d, 1/-

642 S5000.01p SM/GC 1941 1947 6 3 July 1945 18 June 1947 7 Q (3) - ½d, 2d, 2½d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 643 S5140.01ap SM/RC 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 6d, 8d R (3) - ½d, 1½d, 3d 644 S5460.01p SN 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 1d R (1) - 2½d 645 S5580.01p S/O 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1½d

646 S5760.01p S/P 1941 1945 4 27 Aug 1941 9 Q (4) - 2d, 2½d, 4d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

647 S5800.01ap SP/BA 1941 1945 4 18 Sep 1941 2 Mar 1943 6 Q (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 648 S6210.02p SR 1941 1948 7 23 May 1944 6 Q (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

649 S6230.01p S/R 1941 1948 7 23 May 1944 ... 1948 10 Q (5) - 1d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 6d

R (5) - 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

650 S6320.03p S/REF 1941 1941 1 2 Q (1) - ½d R (1) - 1½d 651 S6320.03ap S/REF 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 2d 652 S6330.01p SR/G 1941 1944 3 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 653 S6340.01p S/RG 1941 1944 3 3 Q (1) - 3d R (2) - 1d, 2½d

654 S6410.02p SS 1941 1945 4 23 Nov 1945 7 Q (3) - 2/6d br, 2/6d gr, 5/- R (4) -½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d

655 S6500.01p S/SC 1941 1945 4 22 May 1942 12 Dec 1944 3 R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 656 S6520.04p SSC/L 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - ½d 657 S6520.05p SSC/L 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 1½d 658 S6660.02p SS/L 1941 1948 7 ... Oct 1948 6 Q (4) - 7d, 8d, 10d, 11d R (2) - 1d, 3d 659 S6820.01ap S&S/T 1941 1948 4 22 May 1947 6 Q (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 660 S6820.03p S&S/T Tilles Tilles 1 0 661 S6860.02ap SS/W 1941 1945 4 13 July 1941 5 Q (2) - ½d, 1½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

662 S7060.09p ST 1941 1941 1 17 Oct 1941 4 Q (4) - 2/6d br, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- dk

663 S7110.01p S/T 1941 1945 4 16 May 1941 14 July 1941 12 Q (7) - 1d, 1½d, 2d,

2½d, 3d, 6d, 2/6d br

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

664 S7130.01p ST/B 1941 1945 4 16 Oct 1944 3 Q (1) - 7d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 665 S7150.02p ST/&B 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 666 S7393.01p ST/H 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 2½d 667 S7790.03p SU/DC 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) - 1d 668 S8030.01p S/W 1941 1945 4 22 July 1942 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 669 T0100.01p TA/&C 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 670 T0110.01p TAC/Co 1941 1942 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 671 T0150.01p TA/&Co 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 1d, 2d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 672 T0310.01ap TB 1941 1941 1 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 673 T0360.01p T/B 1941 1945 4 27 Nov 1941 12 Jan 1942 5 Q (3) - ½d, 2d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 674 T0365.01p T/BA 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2d 675 T0760.01p TC 1941 1945 4 13 July 1942 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 3d 676 T0780.02p T/C 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - ½d, 2½d 677 T0790.10p T&C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 678 T0900.01p TC/H 1941 1950 9 2 Feb 1949 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 679 T0910.01p T/CH 1941 1945 4 21 Oct 1941 13 Dec 1944 1 R (1) - 2½d 680 T0940.01p TC/L 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 681 T1020.02p T/&Co 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) -2½d R (2) - 2d, 2½d 682 T1090.04p TC/S 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 5d 683 T1260.01ap TD 1941 1948 7 7 June 1946 8 Q (4) - 1d, 3d, 6d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 684 T1265.01p T/D 1941 1945 4 25 Sep 1941 ... May 1943 4 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (2) - 1d, 1½d 685 T1810.01p TG 1941 1948 7 21 Oct 1948 7 Q (4) - 2½d, 4d, 6d, 9d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

686 T1830.01p T/G 1941 1945 4 8 Oct 1942 29 Dec 1944 8 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

687 T2680.01p TJ/P 1941 1945 4 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d

688 T2910.02ap TL 1941 1945 4 26 Nov 1942 9 Feb 1945 9 Q (6) - 2½d, 6d, 1/-, 5/- 10/- dk, 10/- ultra R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

689 T2920.03p T/L 1941 1945 4 12 Oct 1944 6 Q (3) - ½d, 2d, 1/- R (3) - ½d, 2d, 2½d 690 T3100.04p TM 1941 1945 4 2 Q (1) 2½d R (1) - 2½d 691 T3105.01p T/M 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 692 T3410.04p TN 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 693 T3420.01p T/N 1941 1948 7 ... 1947 2 R (2) - 1d, 2d 694 T4010.08p TS 1941 1945 4 21 July 1945 7 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 695 T4055.01p T/S 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 696 T4450.02p TT/AS 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - ½d 697 T4450.03p TT/AS 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 698 T4780.01p TV 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 2d, 3d 699 T4780.03p TV 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 6d R (2) - 2d, 3d 700 U0060.04p UA 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 2½d, 3d 701 U0210.02ap UB 1941 1945 4 5 Nov 1941 5 Q (2) - 2½d, 1/- R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d

702 U0230.03p UB/C 1941 1945 4 7 Sep 1945 11 Q (7) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 2/6d gn R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

703 U0230.04p UB/C 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 6d R (3) - ½d, 2½d, 3d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 704 U0230.05p UB/C (Rev'd) 1941 1941 1 5 Nov 1941 1 R (1) - 3d 705 U0400.01ap UC/C 1941 1950 9 2 Oct 1950 5 Q (1) - 1d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 706 U0400.03p UC/C Tilles Tilles 1 0 707 U0400.04p UC/C 1941 1950 9 5 Nov 1942 ... 1949 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 708 U0400.05p UC/C 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - ½d 709 U0410.01p U/CC 1945 1945 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 710 U0440.01p UC/H 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 711 U0440.03p UC/H 1941 1941 1 3 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 1½d 712 U0440.08p UC/H 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 713 U0470.01p UC/L 1941 1945 4 1 Sep 1945 6 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d 714 U0470.05p UC/L 1941 1948 7 3 Oct 1947 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 715 U0640.01cp UD/L 1941 1943 2 3 Q (1) - 1d R (2) - ½d, 2d

716 U0870.01p UG/L 1941 1945 4 2 Apr 1943 2 Apr 1945 8 Q (5) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 5d, 6d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

717 U0910.01ap UH 1941 1945 4 4 R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 718 U1210.01p UL/P 1941 1941 1 4 Q (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 719 U1500.01p U/O 1941 1945 4 1 Q (1) - 9d

720 U1570.01ap UP/O 1941 1945 4 ... 1942 10 Q (5) - 1½d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

721 U1570.03p UP/O 1941 1945 4 4 Q (4) - 1d, 1½d, 6d, 1/- 722 V0520.01p VD/BJ 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 6d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 723 V0700.01p VG 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 724 V0730.03p VG/&Co 1941 1945 4 ... 1942 ... 1945 3 R (3) - ½d, 1d, 1½d 725 V1430.01p VP/G 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 726 V1560.01p VS 1941 1941 1 3 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 1/- 727 V1600.02p VS/C 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (1) - ½d 728 V1610.01p V/SC 1941 1945 4 14 Dec 1941 2 R (2) - ½d, 2½d 729 V1610.02p V/SC 1941 1945 4 20 Mar 1942 4 Q (2) - 1d, 7d R (2) - 1d, 2½d 730 W0190.03p WA/L 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2d 731 W0410.01p WB 1941 1945 4 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 732 W0450.03p W/B 1941 1945 4 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 733 W0500.01p WB/C 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 734 W0510.01ap W/BC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d

735 W0620.01ap WB/D 1941 1952 11 ... 1942 29 Apr 1949 8 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d S (1) - 2½d

736 W0660.01p WB/L 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’ 737 W0680.01p WB/M 1941 1945 4 3 Q (1) - 2½d R (2) -1d, 2½d 738 W1040.05p W/C 1941 1945 4 3 Sep 1941 12 Oct 1945 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 739 W1340.02p W/&Co 1941 1942 1 2 Q (1) - 2/6d br R (2) - 2½d, 3d 740 W1480.06p WCR 1941 1942 1 1 R (1) - 1d 741 W1485.01p WC/R 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2½d 742 W1900.01p WD/B 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 743 W2180.01p WE/AA 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 1d 744 W2200.03p WE/BC 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 745 W2380.01p WE/YL 1941 1943 2 22 Feb 1942 4 Q (3) - 2½d, 6d, 9d R (1) - 2½d 746 W2510.01bp WF 1941 1948 7 25 July 1946 17 July 1947 5 Q (2) - 2½d, 6d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

747 W2630.01ap WF/D 1941 1950 9 25 Nov 1943 20 July 1948 12 Q (7) - 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

748 W2630.01bp WF/D 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 1d 749 W2730.01ap WF/P 1941 1945 4 6 Q (2) - 2d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

750 W2910.01ap WG 1941 1945 4 9 Apr 1943 8 Jan 1947 8 Q (4) - 1d, 1½d, 2½d, 1/-

R (4) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d

751 W2940.01ap W/G 1941 1948 7 … Jan 1942 2 Dec 1948 10 Q (5) - 1d, 2½d, 5d, 6d, 1/-

R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

752 W3140.01p WG/G VLint VLint 1 0 753 W3160.02p WG/H 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 754 W3450.03p W/H 1941 1950 9 ... Aug 1941 10 Oct 1949 8 Q (4) - 1d, 2½d, 6d, 1/- R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d 755 W3520.02p WHC/&Co 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 2d 756 W3770.01p WH/P 1941 1945 4 3 Q (2) - 2d, 6d R (1) - 2½d 757 W4310.01p WIC 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 758 W4460.01p WJ 1941 1945 4 26 May 1943 4 Q (1) - 1d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 759 W5015.01p W/LJ 1941 1945 4 4 Q (3) - 4d, 5d, 1/- R (1) - 2d 760 W5160.03p WM 1941 1945 4 ... 1942 6 Q (3) - ½d, 1d, 6d R (3) - ½d, 1d, 2½d 761 W5452.01p WM/S 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 762 W5453.01p W/MS 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2d

763 W5760.01ap WO 1941 1948 7 6 Mar 1946 15 Sep 1948 11 Q (7) - 2½d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 5/-, 10/- ultra R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d

764 W5860.01p WP 1941 1945 4 5 Q (3) - 1d, 2½d, 2/6d (gn) R (2) - 1d, 2½d

765 W5900.01p W/P 1941 1948 7 17 Sep 1941 9 May 1947 7 Q (3) - 2½d, 9d, 2/6d gn R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d T (1) - 2½d SG493

766 W5980.01ap WP/L 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

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Cat No. Letters Life of Perfin Earliest Date Latest Date Total ‘Q’ ‘R’ ‘S’ ‘T’

767 W6210.01ap WR 1941 1947 6 1 Nov 1944 20 Nov 1947 9 Q (4) - 2d, 2½d, 6d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d

768 W6320.01p WR/DC 1941 1941 1 2 R (2) - 1d, 2½d 769 W6690.01p W/S 1941 1945 4 7 Q (3) - ½d, 2½d, 6d R (4) - ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d 770 W6810.01p WS/&Co 1941 1941 1 1 R (1) - 1d

771 W7310.01p WT 1941 1950 9 4 July 1948 25 Aug 1948 8 Q (6) - ½d, 2½d, 3d, 1/-, 2/6d (gn), 5/- R (2) - 1d, 2½d

772 W7340.02p W/T 1941 1945 4 29 Nov 1944 7 Q (4) - 5d, 1/-, 2/6d gn, 10/- ultra R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d

773 W7350.01p WT/A 1945 1948 3 21 Jan 1947 7 July 1947 4 Q (1) - 5d R (3) - 1d, 2½d, 3d 774 W7350.02p WT/A 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 1d 775 W7360.01p WT/AL 1945 1945 1 1 R (1) - 2½d 776 W7390.01p WT/C VLint VLint 1 0

777 W7530.01p WT/L 1941 1948 7 24 Mar 1943 20 Feb 1948 7 Q (2) - 1d, 1/- R (5) - ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d

778 W7540.01p W/TL 1941 1941 1 1 Q (1) - 1d 779 W7710.01p WU 1941 1945 1 2 Q (1) - 2½d R (1) - 1d 780 W7730.04p W/UD 1941 1942 1 1 Q (1) - 1/- 781 W7960.02p W/W 1941 1941 1 2 Q (2) - 2½d, 7d 782 W8048.01p WW/G 1941 1945 4 1 R (1) - 2½d 783 Y0160.04p YC 1941 1945 4 5 Q (2) - 1d, 2½d R (3) - 1d, 2d, 2½d

Please note - If you can add to this list in any way, please let Roy Gault know - contact details as per the Perfin Society Bulletin.

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Log of changes since details published on the ‘Sloper 150’ Twister - 1st January 2018 - 782DD, 3,127 DDF (‘Q’ 1,465 - ‘R’ 1,653 - ‘S’ 7 - ‘T’ 2). All changes have been included in the preceding table.

Contributors: Philippe Antheaume, Gunnar Beck, Mike Behm, Jack Brandt, Nigel Hall, Keith Kimber, Peter Maybury, Steve Netten, Rosemary Smith, Richard Smolnicki, Gerry Soutar, Stephen Steere, Jeff Turnbull, and Stefan Wrammerfors.

1. 26-Jan-18 “D/L” (D2740.03p) 3d ‘R’; “DS/&Co” (D4440.06p) 2d ‘R’ added (Gerry Soutar) ....... 782/3,129 [1,465 - 1,655 - 7 - 2]. 2. 11-Feb-18 “PA” (P0060.01bp) 2½d ‘R’; “P/&Co” (P1130.03p) 3d ‘R’; and

“P/LT” (P2980.01p - constant-spaced “LT”) 2d ‘R’ added (Gerry Soutar) .................... 782/3,132 [1,465 - 1,658 - 7 - 2]. 3. 12-Feb-18 “AC/&Co” (A1105.12p) - 1½d ‘R’ and 28 NOV/1947; added (Jeff Turnbull) .............. 782/3,133 [1,465 - 1,659 - 7 - 2]. 4. 12-Feb-18 “AC/&Co” (A1105.06p) - 28 NOV/1947 (combination cover) added (Jeff Turnbull) .... No change. 5. 12-Feb-18 Date range change for A1105.06p and A1105.12p - both become 1941-1948 ................ No change. 6. 01-Mar-18 “C.A.C” in use 1935-1952 should read “C/A” in use 1941-1945 (Nigel Hall) ................ No change. 7. 24-Mar-18 “CM” (C4810.02ap) 5d ‘Q’ added (Keith Kimber) …………………………………….. 782/3,134 [1,466 - 1,659 - 7 - 2]. 8. 29-Mar-18 “C/F” (C2540.01p) 2½d ‘R’; “DV” (D5060.01p) 1d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ….…….. 782/3,136 [1,467 - 1,660 - 7 - 2]. 9. 31-Mar-18 “H/H” (H3160.01p) Earlier date of … June 1941 (Jack Brandt) .……………………… No change. 10. 02-Apr-18 “M/AC” (M0130.02p) 7d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………………. 782/3,137 [1,468 - 1,660 - 7 - 2]. 11. 02-Apr-18 “MC/L” (M1380.01p) Later date of 9 AP/46 - alters date range > 1948 (Jack Brandt) .. No change. 12. 05-Apr-18 “PF” (P1910.04p) 3d ‘Q’ added, and earlier date 21 JY/41 (Jack Brandt) …………….. 782/3,138 [1,469 - 1,660 - 7 - 2]. 13. 05-Apr-18 “SB/GV” (S0730.01p) 2½d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ………………………………….. 782/3,139 [1,470 - 1,660 - 7 - 2]. 14. 11-Apr-18 “BE/L” (B2450.01p) 3d ‘R’ added (Jeff Turnbull) …………………………………….. 782/3,140 [1,470 - 1,661 - 7 - 2]. 15. 15-Apr-18 “CM” (C4810.02ap) ½d ‘Q’ added (Stefan Wrammerfors) ……………………………. 782/3,141 [1,471 - 1,661 - 7 - 2]. 16. 17-Apr-18 “A/D” (A1620.02p) 1d ‘Q’; “CL” (C4210.01p) 5/- ‘Q’ and 1d ‘R’;

“C/N” (C5220.03p) 1d ‘R’; “C/R” (C6430.01p) 9d ‘Q’; “DS” (D4360.04p) 1½d ‘R’; “FM” (F2610.07p) 1/- ‘Q’; “FP” (F3160.01p) 2/6d (gn) ‘Q’; “FR/W” (F3560.01p) 1½d ‘R’; “H/&Co” (H1530.03p) 3d ‘Q’; “H/D” (H1930.01p) 3d ‘Q’; “HG” (H2810.01p) 2d ‘R’; “IB/C” (I0090.07p) 2½d ‘R’; “LT/W” (L5510.01p) 1d ‘R’; “M/AC” (M0130.01p) 9d ‘Q’; “M/ST” (M5370.01p) 6d ‘Q’; “R/A” (R0060.02p) 5/- ‘Q’; “R/DC” (R1350.02p) 3d ‘R’, “RG” (R1960.01bp) 6d ‘Q’ & 3d ‘R’; “SS/L” (S6660.02p) 10d ‘Q’; “ST” (S7060.09p) 2/6d (gn); “TV” (T4780.03p) 2d ‘R’; “V/SC” (V1610.02p) 2½d ‘R’; “W/T” (W7340.02p) 3d ‘R’ added (Jeff Turnbull) …………………………………… 782/3,166 [1,484 - 1,673 - 7 - 2].

17. 17-Apr-18 “V/SC” (V1610.02p) 7d ‘R’ should be removed! ……………………………………. 782/3,165 [1,484 - 1,672 - 7 - 2].

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18. 18-Apr-18 “CG” (C2660.01ap) 10/- (ultra) ‘Q’ replaces col n/k (Jeff Turnbull) ………………… No change. 19. 22-Apr-18 “ER” (E3760.04p) 3d ‘R’ added (Philippe Antheaume) .…………………………….. 782/3,166 [1,484 - 1,673 - 7 - 2]. 20. 23-Apr-18 “M/AC” (M0130.01p) 7d ‘Q’ added (Philippe Antheaume) .………………………… 782/3,167 [1,485 - 1,673 - 7 - 2]. 21. 30-Apr-18 “CH” (C3010.01p) Later date added 20th July 1948 (Stephen Steere) ……………….. No change. 22. 30-Apr-18 “WT” (W7310.01p) 5/- ‘Q’ added (Stephen Steere) …………………………………. 782/3,168 [1,486 - 1,673 - 7 - 2]. 23. 30-Apr-18 “DS/&C” (D4410.02p) 1d ‘R’ added (Stefan Wrammerfors) ………………………... 782/3,169 [1,486 - 1,674 - 7 - 2]. 24. 03-May-18 “LO” (L4260.01p) 3d ‘R’ added (Richard Smolnicki) ……………………………….. 782/3,170 [1,486 - 1,675 - 7 - 2]. 25. 05-May-18 “AM” (A3810.02ap) 3d ‘R’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………………. 782/3,171 [1,486 - 1,676 - 7 - 2]. 26. 20-May-18 “BE/A” (B2340.01ap) add London, 29 SP/45 (Jack Brandt) ………………………… No change. 27. 25-May-18 “C/D” (C2050.01p) 1d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ………………………….…………. 782/3,172 [1,487 - 1,676 - 7 - 2]. 28. 26-May-18 “C/P” (C5810.03p) 2½d ‘Q’ New Die added (Jack Brandt) …………………………. 783/3,173 [1,488 - 1,676 - 7 - 2]. 29. 31-May-18 “D/B” (D0262.01p) Later date added 24 MAR/1948 (Jeff Turnbull) ………………... No change. 30. 31-May-18 “GW/S” (G5620.01p) 1d ‘R’ added (Peter Maybury) ……………………………….. 783/3,174 [1,488 - 1,677 - 7 - 2]. 31. 05-June-18 “IB/C” (I0090.07p) End date c1942 - I0090.02aM dated 5 Aug/1942 (Mike Behm) ... No change. 32. 08-June-18 “ED/Co” (E1060.01p) ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d ‘R’ added (Stefan Wrammefors) ………….… 783/3,178 [1,488 - 1,681 - 7 - 2]. 33. 09-June-18 “E/T” (E4760.01p) 2d ‘R’ added (Stefan Wrammerfors) …………………………….. 783/3,179 [1,488 - 1,682 - 7 - 2]. 34. 09-June-18 “OH” (O0810.01p) Pmk added Manchester, 19 SEP/1941 from cover (Mike Behm) .. No change. 35. 11-June-18 “D/A” (D0070.02p) 6d ‘Q’, 2d ‘R’ added (Jack Brandt) …………………………….. 783/3,181 [1,489 - 1,683 - 7 - 2]. 36. 13-June-18 “EE” (E1260.01p) 4d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ………………………………………. 783/3,182 [1,490 - 1,683 - 7 - 2]. 37. 13-June-18 “E/L” (E2570.01p) … NO/44 date added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………... No change. 38. 13-June-18 “E/T” (E4670.01p) 3 JA/48 date added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………….. No change. 39. 20-June-18 “FP” (F3120.01p) 27 NO/45 date added (Stefan Wrammerfors) …………………….. No change. 40. 20-June-18 “A/&Co” (A1300.03ap) 2/6d (br) added (Steve Netten) …………………………….. 783/3,183 [1,491 - 1,683 - 7 - 2]. 41. 20-June-18 “AG” (A2460.05p) 2½d ‘R’ added (Steve Netten) ……………………..…………… 783/3,184 [1,491 - 1,684 - 7 - 2]. 42. 23-June-18 Delete “L/S” (L4900.01ap) - Not created using seperate strikes, so not a SWP! ……. 782/3,183 [1,490 - 1,684 - 7 - 2]. 43. 24-June-18 Delete “PT/Co” (P4695.01ap) - Regular die used to create “PY/Co” (P5320.03) …..... 781/3,182 [1,490 - 1,683 - 7 - 2]. 44. 24-June-18 “SG/E” (S3170.01bp) ½d ‘R’ (Inverted “S”) added (Stephen Steere) ………..……… 781/3,183 [1,490 - 1,684 - 7 - 2]. 45. 02-July-18 “BH” (B3210.01p) 29 DEC/1943 date added (Stephen Steere) …………………..…. No change. 46. 06-July-18 “RA” (R0045.01ap) ½d ‘R’ added (Steve Netten) …………………..………………. 781/3,184 [1,490 - 1,685 - 7 - 2]. 47. 06-July-18 “TD” (T1260.01ap) 3d ‘R’ added (Steve Netten) ……………………………………. 781/3,185 [1,490 - 1,686 - 7 - 2]. 48. 12-July-18 “A/N” (A4170.01ap) 8d ‘Q’ added (Keith Kimber) ………………………………….. 781/3,186 [1,491 - 1,686 - 7 - 2]. 49. 21-July-18 “M/A” (M0080.01p) 2½d ‘R’ added, end date becomes 1945 (Rosemary Smith) …... 781/3,187 [1,491 - 1,687 - 7 - 2]. 50. 21-July-18 “M/AC” (M0130.01p) 2½d’R’ added (Rosemary Smith) ……………………………. 781/3,188 [1,491 - 1,688 - 7 - 2].

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

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51. 21-July-18 “M/B” (M0410.01p) 31st December 1942 added, so 1941-1943 (Rosemary Smith) … No change. 52. 29-July-18 “FF/C” (F1425.02p) 6d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………………. 781/3,189 [1,492 - 1,688 - 7 - 2]. 53. 2-Sep-18 “WT” (W7310.01p) 2/6d (gn) ‘Q’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) ……………………… 781/3,190 [1,493 - 1,688 - 7 - 2]. 54. 8-Sep-18 “M/H” (M2890.01p) 2½d ‘Q’ added (Rosemary Smith) …………………………….. 781/3,191 [1,494 - 1,688 - 7 - 2]. 55. 8-Sep-18 “MR/CP” (M4740.01p) 1d ‘R’ added (Rosemary Smith) ……………………………. 781/3,192 [1,494 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 56. 9-Oct-18 “E/G” (E1730.02p) 4d ‘Q’ added (Stephen Steere) ………………………………….. 781/3,193 [1,495 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 57. 9-Oct-18 “G/M” (G3310.01p) 16 Apr 1946 added (Stephen Steere) …………………………… No change. 58. 11-Oct-18 “UB/C” (U0130.03p) 2d ‘Q’ added (Gunnar Beck) …………………………………. 781/3,194 [1,496 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 59. 17-Oct-18 “FS” (F3680.01p) 1d ‘Q’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) ……………………………….. 781/3,195 [1,497 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 60. 18-Oct-18 “H/B” (H0420.07p) 1d ‘Q’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) ……………………………… 781/3,196 [1,498 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 61. 19-Oct-18 “HC/S” (H1710.01bp) 4d ‘Q’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) …………………………… 781/3,197 [1,499 - 1,689 - 7 - 2]. 62. 29-Oct-18 “LF” (L2160.01ap) 4d ‘S’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) ………………………………. 781/3,198 [1,499 - 1,689 - 8 - 2]. 63. 03-Nov-18 “S/H” (S3400.01p) 3d ‘R’ added (Finn Binderkrantz) ………………………………. 781/3,199 [1,499 - 1,690 - 8 - 2]. 64. 03-Nov-18 “S/R” (S6230.01p) 2½d ‘R & 25 A(ug) 1941 added (Finn Binderkrantz) …….…..… 781/3,200 [1,500 - 1,690 - 8 - 2]. 65. 09-Nov-18 “GC” (G0760.01p) 1d ‘Q’ added - New Die (Jack Brandt) …………………………. 782/3,201 [1,501 - 1,690 - 8 - 2]. 66. 11-Nov-18 “GP” (G3910.02p) 5d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………………… 782/3,202 [1,502 - 1,690 - 8 - 2]. 67. 11-Nov-18 “D/M” (D3130.01p) 22 Apr 1942 added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………… No change. 68. 11-Nov-18 “A/&Co” (A1300.03ap) 27 May 1946 added (Jack Brandt) .………………………… No change. 69. 12-Nov-18 “C/M” (C4840.03p) 2d ‘R’ added, end date becomes c1948 (Steve Netten) ………… 782/3,203 [1,502 - 1,691 - 8 - 2]. 70. 15-Nov-18 “AT/C” (A5365.01p) 3d R added - New Die (Steve netten) …………………………. 783/3,204 [1,502 - 1,692 - 8 - 2]. 71. 18-Nov-18 “HW/&Co” (H7710.06bp) 1½d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) …………………………….. 783/3,205 [1,503 - 1,692 - 8 - 2]. 72. 18-Nov-18 “IE” (I0760.02ap) 1½d ‘Q’ added, start date becomes 1941- (Jack Brandt) ……….... 783/3,206 [1,504 - 1,692 - 8 - 2]. 73. 18-Nov-18 “IE/L” (I0800.03p) ½d ‘R’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………………... 783/3,207 [1,504 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 74. 20-Nov-18 “KE/F” (K0680.01ap) 2½d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ……………………………….... 783/3,208 [1,505 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 75. 23-Nov-18 “TM” (T3100.04p) 2½d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) ………………………………......... 783/3,209 [1,506 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 76. 26-Nov-18 “T/CH” (T0910.01p) 21 OC/41 added (Jack Brandt) ………………………………… No change. 77. 27-Nov-18 “CP/E” (C5980.01p) 2/6d (gn) ‘Q’ added (Mike Behm) ……………………………... 783/3,210 [1,507 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 78. 28-Nov-18 “B/M” (B4740.01p) 6d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) …………………………………….. 783/3,211 [1,508 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 79. 02-Dec-18 “LV” (L5660.01p) 7d ‘Q’ added (Jack Brandt) …………………..………………….. 783/3,212 [1,509 - 1,693 - 8 - 2]. 80. 11-Dec-18 “B/M” (B4740.01p) 1d ‘Q’; “B/P” (B5640.01p) 2d ‘R’;

“BS/M” (B6750.02bp) 1d ‘Q’; “B/xC” (B7930.02p) 2½d ‘R; “C/&Co” (C1530.03p) 4d ‘Q’; “C/M” (C4840.03p) 6d ‘Q’, and “C/N” (C5220.03p) 2½d ‘Q’ added (Peter Maybury) ……………………………….. 783/3,219 [1,514 - 1,695 - 8 - 2].

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PERFINS of Great Britain. Sloper Wartime Provisionals

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81. 11-Dec-18 “D/A” (D0070.02p) 1d ‘Q’; “DG” (D2060.03p 2½d ‘Q’; “D/H” (D2220.01p) 2½d ‘Q’; “DLR/S” (D2940.02p 1d ‘R’ added (Peter Maybury) .. 783/3,223 [1,517 - 1,696 - 8 - 2].

82. 13-Dec-18 “EG” (E1710.02p) 1d ‘R’; “EN/PT” (E3250.01p) 3d ‘Q’; “FB/GV” (F0380.01p) 1½d ‘R’; “GW” (G5360.01ap) 1½d ‘Q’ (Peter Maybury) …... 783/3,227 [1,519 - 1,698 - 8 - 2].

83. 14-Dec-18 “AL” (A3510.13p) 26 MY/44; “CP/E” (C5890.01p) ‘Paquebot/Saint John N.B.’; “R/DC” (R1350.012p) 18 MY/43; “W/G” (W2940.01ap) … Jan/42 added (Jack Brandt) …………………………………………………………………... No change.

84. 14-Dec-18 “BH” (B3210.01p) 1/- ‘Q’; “CW/S” (C8540.01p) 9d ‘Q’; “PS/CB” (P4210.01ap) 2½d ‘R’; “R/A” (R0050.01p) 8d ‘Q’; “R/DC” (R1350.01p) 1/- ‘Q’; “RH/W” (R2550.01ap) 2½d ‘Q’; “SS” (S6410.02p) 2/6d (gn) ‘Q’ and ½d ‘R’; “WP/L” (W5980.01ap) 1d ‘Q’; added (Jack Brandt) .. 783/3,236 [1,526 - 1,700 - 8 - 2].

85. 15-Dec-18 Error - F1425.02p should read “FF/C”, stamp details are correct ……………………. No change. 86. 16-Dec-18 “SL/A” (S4370.03p) 4d ‘M’ added, although not included in the stamp count!

At the moment this is being regarded as ‘late use’ but may eventually be instrumental in altering the Perfin to a ‘variable’ rather than a ‘SWP’ (Peter Maybury) …………... No change.

87. 16-Dec-18 “HB” (H0360.01ap) 2/6d (gn); “JFS/&S” (J2870.01p 1d ‘R’; “KE/C” (K0635.01p) 2½d ‘R’; “KE/F” (K0680.01ap 1/- ‘Q’; “M/A” (M0080.01p) 1½d ‘Q’; “MC” (M1010.01p 5/- ‘Q’; “MI” (M3060.01p) 3d ‘R’; “M/R” (M4690.01p 3d ‘R’; “MW” (M5930.01p) 1½d ‘R’; “O/M” (O1190.02p 2½d ‘R’ {Previously No Details}; “PD” (P1510.02p) 2/6d (br) ‘Q’; “PF/&Co” (P1980.01p) 2½d ‘R’; “PH/W” (P2420.02p) 2½d ‘Q’; “PJ” (P2610.08p) 3d ‘Q’; “P/W” (P5033.01p) 3d ‘R’; “RA” (R0045.01p) 3d ‘Q’ and 2½d ‘R’; “SC” (S4310.02bp 3d ‘Q’; “SM” (S4760.01p) 1d, 2d, and 3d ‘Q’; “SM/RC” (S5140.01ap) 6d ‘Q’; “S/P” (S5760.01p) ½d ‘R’; “SR” (S6210.02p) 2½d ‘Q’; “S/R” (S6230.01p) 4d ‘Q’; “UC/H” (U0440.08p) 2½d ‘R’; “UC/L” (U0470.01p) ½d ‘Q’; “W/&Co” (W1340.02p) 1d ‘R’; “WG” (W2910.01ap ½d ‘Q’ added (Peter Maybury) 783/3,265 [1,543 - 1,712 - 8 - 2].

88. 24-Dec-18 “S/H” (S3400.01p) ½d ‘R’ on piece with “SH” (S3360.01M) on 2½d ‘R’ postmarked St Helens, Lancs, 8 JUN/1951 (Rosemary Smith) see ‘Late Use’ page ..…………….. No change.

89. 28-Dec-18 “ES/&Co” (E4253.04p) 2½d ‘R’ added (Mike Behm) ……………………………….. 783/3,266 [1,543 - 1,713 - 8 - 2]. 90.

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