  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    The final test for any adhesive is that itshould give joints which are strong and

    durable. Although ways do exist of assessing the

    quality of joints by ultrasonic non-destructive testing, the ultimate test is tomeasure the force or energy needed tobreak a joint.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Many types of joints are available andillustrated in thenFigure are single and

    double laps, cylindrical butts, and 90 peels.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    There are three principal modes of fracture:

    Mode I is due to peel or cleavage forces.

    Mode II is a shearing mode, Mode III is a shearing mode but here shearing is

    in torsion around an axis instead of along a


  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    In general, rigid adhesives are strong in shearbut weak in peel, whereas

    Rubbery adhesives are resistant to peelbut creep in shear.

    Rubber toughening of modern structuraladhesives improves their peel strength.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Important considerations:(i) Size of the adherends and amount of overlap.(ii) Control of the thickness of the adhesive layer . This can be done by the use

    of jigs, or by adding small glass spheres (Ballotini) or incorporating wires(fuse wire or fishing line). Commercial film adhesives may contain knitted

    or woven fabrics known as carriers (UK) or scrims (USA). Stronger joints areobtained with thin glue-lines; optimum practical glue-line thickness wouldbe 0.10-0.15 mm.

    (iii) Conditions ofcure such as time, temperature, application ofpressure.(iv) Ageing of joints prior to testing, e.g. in ambient or hot and humid conditions.(v) Joint testingconditions are most commonly ambienttemperatures and

    humidities and in a mechanical testing instrument.constant crosshead speed, usually of a few mm per minute with single lap

    joints, slipping of the adherends in the jaws can mean that the setcrosshead speed is greater than the rate at which the joints are strained. Inhydraulic instruments a constant loading rate (kN min - ') can be used.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Failure can be by interfacial/ adhesive failure,

    cohesive failure of the adhesive, or

    failure of an adherend. In some cases there is a mixture of failure

    modes. Interfacial failure indicates that an improved

    surface treatment is needed, and if failure is cohesive the adhesive may need

    strengthening with a mineral filler.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    A simple view might be that strength will beproportional to area but this is not the case.

    Wang, Ryan and Schonhorn measured thestrengths of some joints in aluminium etchedin chromic acid and bonded with an epoxideadhesive with an aliphatic amine hardener.

    Strength was proportional to joint width,but a plot of strength against overlap tendedto level out as overlap increased.

    strength is independentof bonded area.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    The stress in each adherend falls to zero atthe free-end of the overlap, and hence the

    strain decays in a proportionate manner.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    The mean shear stress is 8.96MPa, but this isconcentrated to give a

    maximum of 96.5MPa very near the ends.The central region bears no loads

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Peeling a flexible tape from a rigid substrate, towhich it had been bonded using a flexible


    The peeling force P is assumed to produce asteady rate of peeling.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Kaelbles treatment assumes that the tape ispivoted about the point O, such that there is a

    cleavage force to the right of O, and a compressive

    force just to the left.

    Strength improvement obtains by:(i) increasing adhesive flexibility, i.e. reducing Y;(ii) increasing the modulus of the tape E;(iii) increasing tape thickness;(iv) increasing the thickness of the adhesive.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    where m is the sum of cleavage moments and I is the moment of inertia ofthe ta e section.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    The Boeing wedge test : Two stiff adherends are bonded together, leaving a

    non-bonded section at one end; inserting a film of

    polyolefin or PTFE can be useful here. A metal wedge is forced into this to initiate a crack. The joint is then exposed to some hostile condition

    such as warm, wet air, and the increase in crack lengthis measured.

    It is particularly useful for examining the effect ofsurface treatments on wet-durability.

    Crack length can be measured by holding the sampleup to light and using a plastic ruler.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    Tack is the ability to bond under conditions oflight pressure and short time, and can bemeasured by

    the time needed for a ball or cylinder to rolldown an inclined plane coated with theadhesive, or by a probe method.

    Here a probe is lowered at a constant speed onto

    the adhesive coated surface, and, after a fixeddwell time, the force needed to remove it ismeasured.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    tack force increases with the criticalsurface tension of the probe surface, and

    with dwell time

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


    It is best to report the strength of a lap joint as theforce needed to break it in newtons, at the sametime specifying the joint geometry.

    Example: The adherends were of aluminium alloy, which had been

    degreased and etched in chromic acid, and bonded withan epoxide adhesive into 25mm square lap joints, whichwere cured for 3 h at 80 C. They were tested at a

    crosshead speed of 6mmmin-', and all failed cohesively. Joint strengths (kN):

    17.3, 18.7, 15.8, 20.4, 17.8, 20.4, 14.2, 15.8.

    Mean = 17.5 kN. Standard deviation = 2.2 kN or 12%.

  • 7/30/2019 People Courses 24 Strengths of Adhesive Joints


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