
Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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“Here’s How to Sit at Home in Your Sweat Pants and

Earn Six, if Not Seven Figures as a Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coach without Driving or Flying, Mortgaging Your

House, Going to Meetings or Breaking a Sweat!” WARNING… The information I’m about to share may bash 99% of what you believe about having a home based business. Much of this information has been kept secret. What you’re about to read can change your business, your income and personal life forever. In fact, I’m so confident I can show you how to achieve MASSIVE success, I can absolutely 100% no holes barred guarantee it! So read on… Here we go…You’re about to discover how becoming a Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coach can take you away from the 9-5 blues to having the freedom and income you want. Take your dream of being free from a boss and late hours and stress, and create a new reality in an instant… as your own boss, making more money and working less! Yes...I repeat, quickly and with relative ease. So keep reading. But first off, let’s get this out the way… Skeptical? Good, thought so…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t worry, so was I when I’d been beat up by bosses, downsized, worked hours and hours and made great money but didn’t have any freedom and wasn’t living the life I dreamed of, and I was getting older. I dreamed of having my own business but everything I looked at wanted me to pay for a few ideas and were never willing to give me the entire story… Let’s just get one thing clear…I’m not asking for any money… This report is FREE… The information you’re about to read has helped generate millions of dollars for myself and other coaches that I have trained worldwide. I am so sure my techniques work that I guarantee if you implement the techniques I describe, and if you don’t see immediate results, I will personally assist you… that is how confident I am! Yes, you bet I am… Every single thing in this report has happened to me, been executed by me and been successful for me. So stop sitting here reading this and let’s get into the information! Get reading… “What I’m About to Reveal are The Pathways for Creating Flocks of Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching Clients So Quickly You’ll Need Your Running Shoes and a Years Supply of Extra Strength Deodorant Just to Keep Up!” But I need your help… And I need you to be honest….

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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This isn’t a one way street. Ultimately, your success is up to you. I’ll help you along the road…But you’re going to need the following: 1. An open mind. 2. The ability to be taught and to let new information in that might be contradictory to what you believe. 3. A burning passion to succeed! This passion could explode into a burning bush - it is that fired up! Do you have those? Good… And if you don’t have them yet, stop mopping about it and keep reading… Who knows… you might learn a few things! “Get in The Race Car, Buckle Up, Sit Tight and Hold On To That Wheel. The Race Is About To Begin...” Ok…Final chance to settle in; get some coffee, tea, wine, or juice… Hey, don’t go drink them all, or you’ll never come back! And now, the learning unfolds…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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“Why Do Over 95% of Home Based Businesses Fail?” Deadly Mistake #1 Relying on Your Warm Market… Quick story…. When I first discovered coaching, I was absolutely amazed and knew that I found a career and business that I felt “at home” with. Being a coach was the key to my dreams. It is exactly what I was searching for. I could replace my high six figure income in just a few months! All I had to do was find some clients and they needed to be pleased with my coaching, and then they’d refer a few more clients and that was it, I’d have clients forever. Well, at least that’s what the coach training program I went to led me to think… Ok, so here we go… I’ve just started in my coaching career … “Welcome to coaching 101 Terri” said my training program. Let’s compile your ‘everyone you know list’…Don’t leave anyone out, yuck! Ok… I’ll put down my cousin, my friend, my niece, my former colleagues…I have a list of 20+ other people to go after… like my dentist, my doctor, my accountant, my hairdresser, and even the UPS driver. Excellent, I’m nearly there…I was told that after these lists I’d have plenty of coaching clients. Just a few letters to send out and calls to make and I’ll be filled with coaching clients! Or so they told me...

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Ring…ring…… Ring…ring…… (Me) “Hi, Terri Levine here, remember me? I worked for XZY Company about 8 years ago and met you at a conference…” (Former Colleague) “Ah…yes…Terri, how are you” (Me) “Great…I’ve begun a new career as a business coach and I want you to think about me coaching you…” (Former Colleague) “What’s coaching…?” (Me) “Well…it is an amazing way to reach your goals and get from point A to point B really fast. I can give you a sample session for free with no obligation….” (Former Colleague) “Ok…” Sound familiar? Wow, I must have made 20 of those calls… And guess what, the former colleague didn’t hire me after the free session and neither did 90% of the people I spoke to. And the few that did hire me, didn’t keep me for long… You see, that is the experience of nearly everyone who has been trained to be a coach… Why? “Ok, I’ll Get in Trouble Here for Being Honest, but Here Goes…” Because techniques like this aren’t designed for you! They were designed to work for sales people who do cold calling and who use an old sales approach based on overcoming objections and manipulative sales techniques to pressure close people after the free session…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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So, what am I saying? “Building a Six-Figure, Sustainable and Growing Coaching Business has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR WARM MARKET!” Building a huge, absolutely huge, astronomically huge business has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR WARM MARKET! Did you hear me? Nothing, nothing, nothing… Forget them… You DO NOT need them… In fact, bothering them is a really, really, really good way to chase people away and to be left without friends and family supporting you. Don’t believe me? Look around. Does Richard Branson need his warm market; did Bill Gates build his empire from his warm market? Of course not… Because 99% of the time that isn’t how smart people built their businesses… And, that ISN’T how you should build yours… Ok Terri…Why does everyone tell me to do it then? I can hear what you’re thinking, I felt the same and the reason is simple. It’s all about old school sales and what people are used to teaching and being trained in… So, what’s the answer? Hang on…Keep reading… I promise I’ll tell you in a bit…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Deadly Mistake #2 Why Marketing Your Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching To Individuals for Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching Is a Fools Game... Umm…This is one of my favorites. So, what are you selling? Are you selling Business Coaching to individual business owners or business people? Do you just find people who want more business success and tell them how you’re the greatest coach on the planet and they could catapult their business by working with you? But isn’t this true?? Wake up to reality now! UNLIKELY… Many business owners and leaders won’t implement the coaching without company support. So what’s the problem? Give me your credit card and I’ll tell you… just kidding, don’t bother! You’ve come here to learn, I said this ride was FREE and anyway, YOU NEED TO KNOW!

1. If you market coaching as an opportunity for you to coach one person to success, can YOU show them how to get the company into profit? If you can’t, then what opportunity are you selling to them? One you think may be true?

2. Everyone in business loves the thought of making more money.

Everyone has a GREED and NEED for more success and more money. Give it a little tiny press with the promise of MORE MONEY and most people lose the ability to think rationally.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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The trouble with the GREED emotion is it doesn’t last long. If you can’t keep it fueled, it dies away rather quickly…And, with it dies the enthusiasm of your coaching client.

3. Everyone is a success seeker and likes to have more money!

Show me someone making $200k a year who wouldn’t jump at the chance of making $400k a year…

Ok, Terri…So why is this a problem?? RETENTION!!! Do you want to coach a few short time clients? Do you want on-going coaching income or not? Enroll a Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching client based on the financial gains only and you MUST keep their GREED emotion alive. They must get into profit FAST. If they don’t, the GREED emotion will pass… And…The next person with the greatest opportunity since sliced bread will inevitably drop them a little email explaining how their business consulting or coaching is the BEST OPPORTUNITY that will give them more financial success! So what does that mean? As fast as you get individual clients to coach, they will likely leave your business. You’ll have a business crumbling like flaky apple pie crust and soon there will be nothing left to eat! How do I know? Because I’ve been there!

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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I’ve done it…I told people it wouldn’t happen that way. I was sure I could keep the coaching clients that hired me. I didn’t! Let me tell you…I had to eat my words for breakfast, lunch and dinner… I’ve gotten business coaching clients quickly and lost 90% of them in a very short space of time! Plus, I’ve spoken to over 1,000 other coaches and nearly all of them ask me…“How can I get clients to coach with me longer?” Well, what’s the answer? I know you want to hear it now but …We’re not there yet… I’ll tell you in a bit… Before we go forward, let’s take a breath…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Why you should you listen to me? Well, let’s get to know each other a little better… My name is Terri Levine. I’m a fellow home based coach and entrepreneur just like you. I live in Pennsylvania, just northwest of Philadelphia with my husband, Mark, and my father who is a spry 85. I have an odd hobby. I love open wheel cars and am an avid Indy car race fan. Even as a child I was fascinated by race cars and Indy car races. For those of you who know NASCAR, I am not talking NASCAR! I am talking open wheel cars that look like supped up matchbox cars! I even have my professional race car association driver’s license for formula Dodge cars. I do like driving open wheel race cars! You know, right from when I was young, I had a burning desire to race cars and I understood racing was an expensive sport. Unlike many girls, at the age of 7, I was an avid Indy car fan. I used to watch all the races and I dreamed of some day driving an expensive race car. “Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche were my dream cars…” My mother was warm and delightful, and we were lucky that she was able to stay at home and look after us. My father worked in sales; and I felt he was always working. Up early, back late, I hardly ever saw him. I remember crystal clear how he’d say he wished he could spend Saturdays with us.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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It only added to my dream to be rich enough to have a race car and famous and free. Well, actually, I wasn’t bothered about the being famous bit; seemed like a lot of hassle. Anyway, I went to college to be Speech-Language Pathologist and got my Master’s in that field. Trouble was, when I graduated I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I went in many directions from having my own Speech Clinic to starting a home based Art Gallery business, to marketing and operations in the field of physical therapy and nursing home administration. I was fortunate to get sales training by Zig Ziglar and have it paid for by someone else too! I used the opportunity to its fullest and learned sales skills to the point of generating over $28 million in revenue in one year alone for a corporation who I worked for… In fact, at the age of 26 I achieved one of my goals of getting a Nissan 300 ZX red sports car, fully loaded! Things were great; I was in a J.O.B, getting paid well and was already hooked into the 9-5 trap. “Bang!” In 1996 life suddenly changed. My mother passed away and so did a colleague and friend who was only 40 years old. I realized something was missing from my life and I wanted to have it before I checked out of the planet, too! What had happened?

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Where had my life gone and when did I turn my soul over to a corporation? “Ring, Ring, Ring!” WAKE UP TIME, Terri!!! Time to get back to your life! I had to make a change. I had to get my life back on track. I wanted to create a huge success and I knew I could do it really fast but I wasn’t really quite sure how. So, I started to explore how to use my business skills, leadership skills, and marketing skills. Coaching felt right in an instant! Was I highly successful in the coaching niche at first? NO… Did I keep going? YES! Am I a successful coach now? You bet I am!! In fact, I never spend a day doing ‘work’ or wearing panty hose and heels! So that’s why I’m here... You see...You have to take a step back and look at the everything…I have a burning passion to make sure everyone who wants to be a coach succeeds. I’ve already helped over 2,000 people do exactly that. As I mentioned, I failed before I found success. I know the frustration failure brings and how much seeing money going out and not coming in can hurt. I embarrassed myself begging my warm market to hire me and I lost confidence…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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But I didn’t give up! I realized that what was holding me back wasn’t my lack of proper coach training… I lacked the right knowledge. • I needed the truth about MARKETING, BUSINESS, STRATEGY

AND FINANCE – to understood if, when, why and how people buy things… and how to build a REAL business.

• How to ‘get rid of’ perceived competitors and how to keep and

expand the money I made. • Also I needed the understanding of what makes people actually

part with their money. Whether for a product, service or opportunity makes no difference.

You see, once you understand the essential marketing system and really what drives people to purchase, you can sell anything… “Meat to a vegetarian, thermal boots in the dessert, ice to Eskimo’s, etc.” It really doesn’t matter. Then, you need to know how to build a business based on 100% real, solid and expanding systems… Everything from the structure of your coaching business, to how you answer the phone, to how you spend your money, to how you save your money, to how you keep clients, to how you improve clients’ experiences, to how you turn prospects into CLIENTS! And it’s really easy...So here’s more...

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Deadly Mistake # 3 Hearing the “experts” speak. Here I was an excited new coach and off I want to hear coaching experts speak at conferences. This was my opportunity to get some great training, see the ‘experts’ and of course, learn how to be more successful as a coach. I paid for memberships, airfare, hotels, and tuitions; just to hear these experts speak. Then, there I was at my first BIG COACHING EVENT! It was so exited to meet the experts…Surely the ‘older coaches’ would show me how to have more business clients and how to keep them. The big day arrived…I got up early, got on a plane, took a cab and finally got to the hotel in time for the opening ceremony. There I was getting to hob-knob with the “pros”. I was in awe to meet them. Then, they spoke and did their presentations for 3 days. A feeeeeeeeeeling of loneliness came over me. They didn’t have more experience, more training, more expertise and worse of all, they didn’t have answers and had fewer clients and were making less money than I was just starting out! I was devastated… I found that the person on stage only knew what they had been taught and each was teaching the same way to get clients. No one had anything fresh or new and no one had great success.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Then I got it… what they had done is they positioned themselves as “experts” and people saw them as experts. So, the experts were benefiting and no one else. So how do I change this?? Of course, I had to change it… you know I won’t tell you yet…just a bit… “Yes, Yes, Yes, Enough Already…That’s 3 of the Deadliest Business Coach Training Mistakes. Have You Experienced Any of These Things?” If you haven’t, CONGRATULATIONS. You are doing great and should be the next keynote speaker I have talk to my coach training students – you BIG SHOW OFF ☺ You’re doing really, really well… If you’ve escaped those; have you also escaped these? Internet marketing systems that don’t generate leads… …The ‘3 Foot Rule’… Double opt Ins… “Look, Terri, Enough About What Doesn’t Work … What Good Is Talking About That?” So get a refill on your beverage, grab a bag of pretzels, a box of popcorn, whatever you need to do… Find a quiet space and let’s get off and running. Now, achieving 20-30 clients in a month is what I’m suggesting. Sound crazy? Well it isn’t… You can do it in a couple of days… Sound even nuttier?

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Well how about if you can earn $10,000 per month in YOUR business part time within 12 months! Does that convince you? Come on Terri, “get real” - I hear you saying. I hear you and know you need some evidence rather than this non-stop information… OK… Thanks for your patience, this is really it… I am really serious now… Ready? Got your coffee? Comfy?

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Then let’s rock ‘n roll… “Three Absolute Sure Ways To Quickly Get More Coaching Clients into YOUR Business Than you Ever Dreamt Was Possible…” Don’t forget, I meant what I said earlier. If you implement these techniques and you don’t see results, I’ll spend my time with you because I am committed to get your business flying. Everything I teach does work, so stop procrastinating before your hair recedes! It is time to make real money. Honestly, as if a few minutes of my time is going to make any difference…Really….

Terri Levine’s Secret To Success #1

Stop What You’re Doing!

You’ve heard it before… “If You keep Doing What You’re Doing, You’ll Keep Getting What You’re Getting” So, if what you’re doing isn’t working…STOP IT… Stop it now… Right now. I said STOP!! STOP IT! Why would you keep doing it if it isn’t working? You know, many people say that doing the same thing over and over and over again is a sign of being a bit “nuts”. I’ve been “nuts” too, then. Now, I only do what works and I stop everything else.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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I spent years doing the same things that failed… I made new business cards, flyers, re-did websites, created different brochures, DVDs and who knows what else! I did warm market marketing, went to coaching conferences, used the 3 foot rule, overcame objections, etc. DONG, DONG, OUCH - that was the sound of my head hitting the brick wall over and over and over again! Trust me; I had a pretty sore head! The whole thing was becoming a FREAKIN’ NIGHTMARE! It took me years to finally put the pieces together and realize that what I was doing wasn’t helping me. I was running at full pace but going around like a hamster on an exercise wheel. All I was doing was making myself miserable. Finally I decided to look at and understand what is working and what makes it work - not only with my coaching business, but with my health, and my family. I constantly notice what is going right in my work, family, health and well-being. Here is a powerful self-coaching question you can use during this process, too: “Is what I’m doing right now helping me achieve my goals?” If not, guess what...Don’t do it! Do something different that will help you achieve your goals. “But what?” You Wonder... Stay with me and I’ll share ideas soon. Ok...I’ll give you some ideas...

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Terri Levine’s Secret To Success #2

Go After People Who Are Most Likely To Hire You To

Be Their Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coach! Sure, you know everyone in the world would benefit from your coaching. Imagine putting ads on TV so everyone in the world would know about your coaching. Great way to start off, right? Good, let’s do it Just send me a check for $27million and I’ll handle the production and delivery...And together we’ll sit back and wait for people to call to hire you…Awesome… Do you want to pay the $27 million by credit card or check? Don’t be an idiot, Terri; I haven’t got $27 million… Of course you haven’t….Well, not yet ☺… What about this idea instead… I’m going to be a business coach … I help people ‘improve their business success’…Surprise, surprise… I’ll draw up a list of my warm market… Uncle Richard, Aunt Sarah, Brother Martin, Sister-in-law Laura, Cousin Dan, the UPS driver (again), the dentist, and that person I dated but didn’t really like… They all need me, I know they do…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Do they? Perhaps yes, perhaps no…But I’ll tell you what, it’ll take you a long time to find out and you’ll likely be doing a lot of persuading… and selling! So here’s the secret… Identify who’s most likely to buy from you…Who really has a need, want or desire for your coaching? Who actually has a tendency to purchase what you’ve got to offer? Stop wasting your time with people that don’t need what you have and methods that ‘blindly’ market and put you out of business faster than Harry Potter disappears under the Invisibility Cloak! You need to know what your typical clients look like…How old are they, where they live, are they male or female, what their hobbies are, where they shop, what they eat, where they ‘hang out’… Once you know who your audience is, you can simply give them your message and forget about everyone else… Then treat yourself as the TV ad and show your target audience quickly, one at a time, just how you can meet their needs, wants, and desires…YOUR SUCCESS WILL EXPLODE AND YOUR BUSINESS WILL GO TO LEVELS YOU’VE NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED… Oh, and by the way, I can show you how to find never-ending and I mean nonstop amounts of people who have a need, want or desire for your coaching… But that’s for another time…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Terri Levine’s Secret To Success #3

Become An Expert! “Position Yourself As An Expert In Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching. When you do, You Will Have Tens, Hundreds or Even Thousands of Prospects Calling Your Office, or Emailing to find Out How to Hire You!” Think about the most successful companies and people in the world…Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, APPLE, Coca Cola, Midas Muffler…they are all positioned as absolute experts in their fields. You will need to position yourself as the EXPERT in health/wellness/life or business coaching. Stop doing anything that doesn’t position YOU as the absolute expert in health/wellness/life or business coaching. Do you want to be the expert at the conferences making the six figure plus income? Trust me; you can be there too, next to the “experts” right on stage. All you need is the knowledge…They won’t give it to you but I’ll show you everything you need to know. “Soup to Nuts, All the Skills for Positioning Yourself as An Absolute Expert in Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching.”

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Terri Levine’s Secret To Success #4

A Comprehensive Marketing System

Let me ask you a question… “Can you make a better burger than McDonald’s?” I bet you can, I know I can… Let me ask you another question… “Can you build a better marketing system than McDonald’s?” If you said yes, please stop reading and right now I want you to call me! My number’s at the bottom of this report! Give me a call…We need to talk right now… NOW!!!! You get the point… You see, all of the most successful businesses in the world are founded on having a marketing system par excellence… “You Don’t Need To Be the Best at Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coaching…But, You Do Need Comprehensive Marketing AND Business Systems.” Once you realize that marketing, and creating the urgency for a person to hire you, can be broken into a number of controllable, learnable, executable systems and skills, you can make as much money at coaching as you desire! So what are the key essentials? 1. An audience…And a large one! 2. Prospecting systems! 3. Ways to show your prospects the value of what you offer! 4. Tools to close the prospects! 5. Methods to make your clients long term clients and referrers!

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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And that’s it…Simple, and once you have these in place you can start to create MOMENTUM and success and income beyond your wildest expectations! “So What Are You Waiting For? I can Show You How To Access All Of These Powerful Techniques and, So, So Much More. Plus You Don’t Even Need To Spend a Penny From Your Pocket…” Remember the $10,000 per month I mentioned earlier? Well here’s the deal. I am so confident I can show ANYONE how to make a great career of health/wellness/life or business coaching, I’ll show you RISK FREE! BUT, I’ve got to be brutally honest here, achieving this kind of success is available to EVERYONE…BUT… “I WILL ONLY WORK WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ABSOLUTLEY 100% COMMITED TO MAKING THEMSELVES MASSIVLEY SUCCESSFUL.” That’s not a threat... I just DO NOT have time to waste with tire-kickers, dreamers and people who want everything but aren’t willing to put in the effort. That’s not me being selfish, that’s me putting your interests first. If you haven’t got that burning desire then don’t worry about it, stop beating yourself up. There are endless other ways to spend your time more productively… Now, the tools, techniques, strategies and knowledge that I’ll share have created many, many highly successful coaches. In fact… “These Step By Step Tools, Techniques and Systems Can Create Six Figure Incomes Within Weeks…YOU CAN BE A COACH WITH A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS RIGHT AWAY…”

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Nothing magical, no ‘games’, just 100% solid ethical steps to COLOSSAL success… Ok Terri…So why are you sharing this information? Why not? Why wouldn’t I? You see, something I’ve not taught you so far is the law of reciprocity. This is one of the many fundamental laws that govern the Universe. A law I never stop trying to master… You see, if I give completely unselfishly to YOU, or to whatever I do in my life…I know that I will get more than I could ever dream of in return… And besides that, I love coaching; it’s the greatest opportunity in the world for anyone to build a massively successful business with only minimal investment. The trouble is what’s generally taught doesn’t work! That’s where I come in… I love helping people create success; I get genuine joy from taking people from their work lives to become highly successful home based entrepreneurs who make the living they want and have the freedoms they desire! And I know this all works because I use it everyday. In fact, you are reading this report because I use a technique that brought you here. There is so much more to share with you but I can’t make this report 10,000 pages or you’ll never be able to download it!

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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“I Bet You’ve Got Tons of Questions.” Ok, here are some answers to the most common questions I receive.... Question 1: How much does all this cost? That’s a great question. Before I tell you, I want you to realize that this isn’t to learn anything by trial and error and to invest in things that don’t work. I will teach you to be a Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coach fast and YOU will get into profit ASAP. I am not avoiding your question… I just want you to get this… Let me put it this way…I want to change the lives of more people around the world than ANY other coach training company has EVER done. To do that, we must be THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE proven coach success creators the world has ever seen…Hands down, no question about it. And that’s what we are. Question 2: Can’t I learn these things on my own? You bet you can… Nothing I’ll show you is beyond ANYONE finding and LEARNING for THEMSELVES. However, you’ll need to spend a bunch of money doing so, spend a few years time, make lots and lots of mistakes, and spend even more money and experience loads and loads of pain. Remember, everything we offer is tried, proven and tested in the health/wellness/life and business coaching market – YOUR market. It works…the hard part is done…Just get started learning it and using it!

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Question 3: But you’re in the US and I’m the other side of the world! Good! We are part of a global economy. Just look at the Internet, and communication technology. We train people in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, The Netherlands, India, France, Germany, Poland, Africa, Asia and the US (and more). That is the power of global VOIP communication systems. Get one of these Internet phones and give me a call…,, ... That’s just a few that are out there. So this is a GREAT opportunity. Imagine learning from other coaches in other countries all over the world. You CAN build your coaching empire everywhere!!! Question 4: How quickly will I start making money? Pretty much up to you…There are a few variables… • your skill set right now • your willingness to learn information • your ability to be taught and to allow in conflicting information to

what you believe you know • your ambition • how much time you’re willing to invest.

As I’ve already mentioned some people see results in a few weeks! “Take Action Today For Yourself, Your Family And Your Future. You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose. Every Penny of Your Investment On Your Journey To MASSIVE Success Is Backed Up By a 100% No Discussion Money Back Guarantee!”

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

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Now it’s my turn to ask one final question! “Are You Really Ready To Become a Health/Wellness/Life or Business Coach?” If the answer is YES, then take action NOW: Go Right To: Read the site top to bottom and then if you want to be successful as a coach, call 877-401-6165 or email [email protected] right away. You won’t be spending a penny and will get valuable information for free. If the answer is no, you don’t want to consider being a successful health/wellness/life or business coach, then I thank you sincerely for taking the time to read my report… I wish every success in the world and hope you achieve all of your goals and dreams. We are at the end of this race… Please unbuckle, let go of the wheel and step out of the cockpit… I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Sharing this with people is what makes me happy. Embarking on the next phase of this wonderful journey will show you how to building a coaching business, create a high six figure plus income and wonderful lifestyle for you and your family, and is a lot closer than it may appear.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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YOU need to take action and you if you want to avoid the years of struggle, and pain others have suffered, then I do hope you’ll let me help you more. From the bottom of my heart, you have my word I will do everything in my power to ensure YOUR success… Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching® Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ www.CoachInstitute.Com Email: [email protected] Toll Free: 877-401-6165 Direct: 215-699-4949 PS: Feel free to pass this report on to your friends and colleagues…OR, get them to register themselves at: PPS: Umm…What are you waiting for? I’ve already said…You have nothing to lose… Head straight to: PPPS: Here’s what a just few people have to say about their experience with my program…

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching SM

Personal Experiences from New Coaches and Graduates of The Coaching Institute

Student Experiences:


Thank you for an incredible experience. I looked long and hard for a coach training program that would emphasize marketing as much as coaching. After all, what good is a great coach who can’t be found???

You provided the perfect blend. You have the unique ability to capture the listener’s attention with terrific delivery while providing meaningful, thought-provoking content. I often hear echoes of “T” as I am coaching my clients. Just as you suggested, when a client sets a goal of mastering time management or marketing, I find myself paying more attention to fine-tuning that skill in my own life. Thanks for giving so much of yourself, and for making coach training so darn much fun!

PS: My coaching business is already soaring...through your powerful partnering and referral, I found an immediate stream of clients.

Cynthia Phifer Graduate, Virginia Beach, VA

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This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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What is really unique about the Coaching Institute program is Terri not only teaches you the skills to be an excellent coach but she also teaches you the skills to market your business. I use all of these skills in all aspects of my business.

Linda Harkcom Graduate, Mt. Pleasant, PA

I did not even know that there was a way through my confusion of career pathways, until I became a part of The Coaching Institute. I have grown in professional confidence and strength far beyond the lessons taught in the virtual classroom. Terri’s own experience and integrity as well as her unparalleled curriculum-driven training have ignited a flame of passion and intention within me, which even my graduate school training could not do.

Melissa Williams Graduate, Boise, ID

Terri Levine's Coaching Institute is the finest Training Program I have been working with since 1980. I have been trained in Europe, Canada and the USA, and Terri's Program is the most sophisticated program that teaches you an amazing curriculum, involving not only a great technique but as well heart, compassion and an outstanding Marketing Program.

I highly recommend Terri Levine's Coaching Program. Having completed other Coaching Certifications before, I was always looking for that last missing piece. Terri's Program is above any other Programs I have worked with before. Not only are Coaches taught an exceptional Curriculum, but they get as well priceless lessons in Marketing and access to many other Coaches and Resources. Terri's approach to coaching is sincere and includes all aspects of a person. The ultimate Gift of Terri's Coaching Institute is that even after graduating from her Institute, you still get the full Support and Advice including the newest Coaching Products and Techniques on the Market.

Helena Nyman Graduate, Mineral, VA

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Dear Terri

A few days ago, it was with great excitement, pride and pleasure that, I received your email informing me that I am now a Certified Comprehensive Coach (CCC) and simply had to write to thank you for the amazing coach training program you have produced. By living your passion and being an EXTRAordinary coach yourself, you have experienced first-hand pretty near every trial and tribulation, every wave of overwhelm, every achievement and victory that each of your students could possibly ever experience. By being open to these learnings you have addressed and demystified all the obstacles/excuses that a student may face or come up with that might block their progress or cause them to cut and run away from their dream career – not only depriving themselves of achieving but also the world of their much needed talents and abilities.

You have developed a curriculum that, if applied faithfully and consistently, produces the most EXTRAordinary coaches. Not content with this, you added a marketing model that simultaneously teaches your students how to turn their new skills into a thriving and fulfilling business.

You provide and match each student with a mentor who acts as a sounding board, coach, teacher, guiding light and navigator – a feature which, according to my research, is unique to The Coaching Institute [C.I]. I actually have a coaching client who engaged me to coach her because over 12 months ago she enrolled in a coaching course other than C.I. She received her course package along with where to send her competency tests/exercises which she enthusiastically sent way, for a while. Less than half way through, however, she ran out of enthusiasm and stopped. She made the comment to me that “No-one picked up the phone and said, 'We haven’t heard from you for a while, is everything okay?'” My C.I. mentor would not have let this happen to me.

The C.I. Forum is a fabulous place where the whole C.I. family – students, graduates, mentors, you and your amazing staff, from all over the world can interact, support, encourage, coach and share.

You constantly come up with extra-curricular information and inspiration for us to gobble up and digest. You are a living, breathing role model and example to us all and yet, still find the time to be available to each and every one of us via the forum and email, through your wonderful staff.

Terri, “Thank you” seems so inadequate, so I’m hoping to express my eternal gratitude to you, The Coaching Institute program, staff and the

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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whole C.I. family by being the best and most successful life coach I can be and the kind of life coach that you and The Coaching Institute community will be proud to claim as one of theirs. Thank you for my new life.

Vicki Lennox - CCC

Hello Terri,

I want to share with you what The Coaching Institute [CI] has come to mean to me over the year I have been part of the community of exceptional individuals.

First of all Terri you are the main reason I joined CI, as I was looking for a training program that was taught hands on from the founder of the school, not some trickled down version of the founder. Your hands on approach of your systems that made you such a success is exactly why I joined CI for my coach training.

Then the support I received as a newbie coach was phenomenal from the Forum community of new and seasoned coaches that provided a safe place to explore and discover what worked and didn’t work in my process of becoming an awesome coach was priceless as well. I have made such close friendships more like sisters and brothers while participating on the forum with other coaches in all levels of growth. Also the mentor/coach program to practice my learned skills and tools with and also work thru my own issues that were blocking me was so instrumental to my success as well. I have spoke to many other coaches who were in other programs, and what I discovered was other programs may have had some of your pieces in their training but none, I repeat none had the total package of creating a successful coaching career. I feel so confident as I am building my coaching practice as I have all I need to become more and more successful as a coach. Unlike many other coaches I have met who are struggling to build a livelihood from their coaching I am now creating that income. It is effortless and I feel great. Don’t get me wrong I had challenges yet really they were my inner challenges that in order for me to become this strong of a coach had to be dealt with and your program did just that, it created the space to grow and change, and the knowledge to apply in my own life and my clients to create an awesome combination of personal successes and professional successes.

Terri I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel wonderful and confident I am a wonderful coach for my clients and to have the most incredible life ever.

Thank you!!!

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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BarBara Whorley Mission Viejo, CA

Dear Terri, I have just finished my written exam and I am sending it as an attachment on this e-mail, with a GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

This exam has given me a lot of confidence! It was a written proof of how much I have learned through the Comprehensive Coaching Institute Curriculum, the Curriculum Calls and most of all your personal teachings and support.

I have worked really hard and many times I had to open a dictionary (since English is not my mother tongue) and to think twice before writing a concept. But honestly I have enjoyed every minute of it!!! So I thank you with all my heart for helping me find my purpose in life.

With love and great respect, Elenitsa Potamitou (from Cyprus)

Dear Terri:

Thank you for changing my life!

I opened my heard, and the universe spoke. I am so happy that I found Comprehensive Coaching U [and The Coaching Institute] and Joanie Winberg. Joanie is wonderful, and has continued on as my coach and mentor even though I am finished with the coaching course.

Back in May of 2006 while I was enrolled, you may remember that I emailed you and asked if I could use the [training materials] to put together a daily journal and/or calendar. I was so flattered that you responded by saying that you would be honored to let me use your materials as a resource!...

Well, with Joanie's encouragement, Life's Joyful Journey Journal is finally finished and published. I am now honored to enclose a copy for you. Is is because of you and CCU [Comprehensive Coaching U], this journal was born.

Your course taught me to live life on purpose with joy an intention -- to rejoice in my blessings and to be grateful and kind. I now know that my purpose is to inspire people and help them see the brilliance in

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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themselves. The compilation of this journal was what I needed in my life...and my hope is that it will touch the lives of many others...

Inspired by you, Kathleen Berry Norristown, PA

Hi Terri, Want to drop you a quick note of thanks for all you do and all I've learned from you and the Coach Institute. Last month I manifested a very special partnership with Ben Mack, the author of Think Two Products Ahead: Secrets the Big Advertising Agencies Don't Want You to Know and How to Use Them for Bigger Profits. This is a direct result of CI coach training and taking action on my observations of you and your business. (The whole Night Owl e-book project played a key role too.)...

Thanks Terri. With Abundance and Gratitude, Mark Horn Lima, OH

I've wanted a home-based business for at least 5 years. I tried Network Marketing twice thinking that it was the answer but it wasn't. I wanted to be able to make a contribution to the world doing something that I loved and make a lot of money doing it. I wanted to be able to set my own hours and break free of the tyranny of corporate life. I was tired of the pressure between wanting to serve my customers and being forced to cut corners to make more money for the company. When I saw the freedom that coaching could give me coupled with the opportunity to help other people improve their lives I knew coaching was right for me. It was a decision that I will never regret....

I didn't choose the Coaching Institute. It was the only one I considered when I was looking for training. I didn't even know any others existed since I hadn't researched them. I joined because I had been receiving your newsletters for several years by that point and I respected what you stood for and how you communicated with your audience. I found a community I knew I could belong to and I've never doubted that it was

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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the best decision I ever made....

I have learned more about myself and grown more as a person in the past year than I ever have before. I've learned that I don't have to be scared of marketing. I also learned about a personality trait that I have that explains my whole life. This is the biggest thing I have learned about myself in 20 years. Through the Coaching Institute I have made amazing connections with wonderful people and have formed lifelong friendships. I've had great opportunities come my way and have taken advantage of them to stretch out of my comfort zone. My successes are starting to pile up and that is a great feeling.

Words just cannot express my gratitude to you and the Coaching Institute for matching me with Jo Romano as my mentor coach. Not only did she brilliantly prepare me for certification but she has mentored me in other ways, too. Jo and I have continued our coaching agreement beyond my certification. I can say without a doubt that she has been one of the biggest influences in my life to date. I had been struggling with a childhood experience for more than 30 years and in one half hour conversation with Jo she helped me reframe my past and start on the path to healing and forgiving myself. The sense of freedom I have now is immeasurable! Jo's warmth, compassion, encouragement, and humour are amazing to experience. I count her as one of the greatest blessings of my life!

As for Terri Levine, without her and her amazing staff there would be no Coaching Institute. I am eternally grateful to Terri and the Coaching Institute for providing this opportunity to change my life forever!

Martyn Dell Graduate Ontario, Canada

Dear Terri,

It was right around this time 2 years ago I started researching the idea of becoming a coach. Through a round about way I ended up subscribing to your newsletter. I liked it, but I also felt that you were way out of my league in terms of the amount of money you were/are making as a coach and that this was not for me. I felt the jump from where I was to where you were to big for me. I now know this was a limiting belief that said I could never attain that kind of success in business. I kept meaning to unsubscribe, but never did (the universe at work, no doubt).

Then in March of last year I attended on of your teleclasses - The 6 Mistakes

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

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New Coaches Make When Starting Their Business (or something like that). It "spoke" to me. Or rather, YOU spoke to me. I knew I needed to be part of The Coaching Institute. I knew, for some reason, deep in my heart I was in the right place and to say no would be the 7th mistake. I knew that if I wanted to create a grow a successful business I needed to play with the big kids. I knew I needed to have the guidance of someone who was already doing what I wanted to be doing...and doing it VERY successfully. And so it was with a great deal of fear in the forefront... I became a student of The Coaching Institute.

Where am I now? Light years from where I was. You have shown me that the more I embrace the concepts, systems, and techniques you teach, the more successful I am. You have given me the tools, the support, and the encouragement to move forward, stretch, and get out of my own way. I have learned that I can have it all... I can create it all. The only thing standing in my way is my limiting beliefs. Shift those and it's all there waiting for me.

Terri... I admire who you are and what you have taught me and continue to teach me. And... I aspire to create a business that is completely fulfilling and will allow me to live the life and lifestyle of my dreams. With your guidance I am well on my way already.

I want you to know how much I appreciate having you in my life and how grateful I am to you for creating the community I am a part of. It is because of you that I have met some extraordinary people with whom I have developed friendships.

I am laying the foundation for extraordinary success and I am loving this journey, trusting the process, and enjoying the adventure. Thank you for opening this door for me. I am so glad I chose to walk through.

In deep gratitude and warmth,

Karen Cross British Columbia, Canada

Thank you for the experience. At the risk of sounding like a "brown noser" ... I do have to say this last 8 months was a rigorous process, deeply educational, and rewarding. My interaction with Ed Grosso was always a pleasant and learning experience ... he was very empowering, encouraging, and he challenged me.

The coaching curriculum and marketing calls were exceptionally enlightening, offering a wealth of information that I had not considered each time I "tuned-in", causing me to look beyond my immediate scope

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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of ideas, challenged me to find further educational pools to increase my credibility (and visibility). During this process I redesigned my website; designed a meaningful business card (5 a day go out), and built a monthly newsletter (with an increasing pool of participants); starting writing a book on relationships (with one on parenting to follow); continue to build my practice (grossing $11,000.00 more in 2005 than in 2004, which is a great accomplishment in my eyes). And I'm continuing to learn from my clients each and every day.

There's no other profession that I've done my whole life that I've enjoyed as much. I also joined Toastmasters during this period, to enhance my speaking skills in anticipation of landing some speaking gigs. And recently, I became the President of my local BNI Chapter with the possibility of becoming an Assistant Director for the State BNI Executive Director (with the intention of broadening my visibility, credibility, and possible speaking engagements throughout the region and beyond). Huge stuff ... GOOD Stuff!

Ronald Shepard, Graduate and Mentor Coach

I just wanted to share with you...Client number 3 has been confirmed...AND she is hiring me to do some group coaching for her staff as well as the full 8 month program for her...

IT WORKS...the whole Coaching Institute system that Terri is teaching...I just went from 0 $$$ to 1300 in about 10 days....:) just want you to know if I can do it so can you...

With great gratitude

Vicki McMahon, British Columbia, Canada Graduate

This is the career I am passionate about - I know it's my life purpose. The training is amazing and my mentor keeps me on track. Thank you for giving us so much!

Christine Brogan Phoenix, Arizona Graduate

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As a recent graduate of the The Coaching Institute I fully endorse it as a comprehensive, educational and dynamic learning experience. The staff is knowledgeable and attentive to individual student needs. While I found the experience valuable and worthwhile on many levels, the time I spent with my mentor served me best. I highly recommend this training to anyone considering becoming a life coach.

Marisa Gonzalez Ridgewood, NJ Graduate

Coaching Institute was such an exciting program to go through as you have so many ways to learn. There is the manual, the recorded classes from Terri, the forum, your coach, and even the wonderful friendships you build as being a part of the Coaching Institute. It is an awesome experience! You will want to be a part of this if you are becoming a coach or even to build continued coaching skills!

Laura Johnson Richardson, TX Graduate & Mentor

I would like to take this opportunity to comment on Ellen as a coach and mentor. She has been great to work with. Her coaching skills are top notch and her insights have really made a difference in my coaching development. There were some tough moments for me during the course and Ellen was instrumental in keeping me focused and on track. I am very grateful to have been assigned to her.

Julianne Franke Lawrenceville, GA Graduate

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I held my first 7 Roadblocks talk!! (Overcoming the 7 Roadblocks to Moving Forward in Your Life) It was very interactive, people sharing & offering help to one another. The talk generated a group coaching session, as well as, 3 new clients for me!! I feel awesome!! Making the decision to join Coaching Institute was the best and I'm truly grateful to have learned so much!! Truly a great fit for me!! Thank you Terri from the bottom of my grateful heart!! There's ton's more going on with me, I'll keep you posted as it unfolds.

Susie Mobley Union City, GA

Terri, thank you in advance for your great support. Getting back into the coaching after a few years of family care giving could have been difficult. Attracting you and your team, the awesome coaching program that you have put together, and the synergy of resources is miraculous. The contributions you are proving will flow through me to others, so WE are making a difference in the world through coaching.

Richard Mac Farlane Lemoyne, PA

I stumbled upon Terri Levine's Coaching Institute last September. While attending an ICF Conference in New York City, she was one of the speakers and I picked up her F.R.E.E. CD on making $100,000 this year. Well, needless to say, that caught my attention! She sure is a great sales person, because I was jumping out of my seat ready to join her program before I was even done listening to the CD. I am so glad I made the decision to join. This is part of the journey I am on and it's the step that was missing for me... marketing know-how! After joining, I recognized the added benefit of the coaching curriculum which I find fabulous. It is a perfect add-on to my previous coaching training. Another great benefit for me was connecting with so many wonderful coaches on the forum. This community of supportive people along with Terri have made a significant, positive impact on my coaching and my business. Thank you!

Ellie Wellwood Poughkeepsie, NY

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Attending the Coaching Institute has been an enlightening experience for me, personally and professionally. In my community, people are just becoming more familiar with Life Coaching and the numerous benefits that this service provides. I wanted to have credible academic training with high standards behind my services and business. During extensive research, I found myself continuously returning to the Coaching Institute. Congratulations to Terri Levine for her extraordinary achievement in creating such a thorough program with an excellent support system!

Deana Camilli Barcz Wyomissing, PA Graduate & Mentor

Terri's selfless dedication to her own professional development, to the students in her program, and to anyone who contacts her serves to develop the profession of Coaching globally!

Judith Richardson Nova Scotia, Canada

Terri Levine's Coaching Instruction is wonderful! This is the door to the world of your creation. Terri's realistic approach to finding the truth that motivates you is penetratingly insightful. This is the perfect program for the coach looking to launch a business with infinite potential. Terri provides the competencies, coaches and resources to take internal coaching 'thought' for manifestation in the material world. All the tools you could ever hope to find starts here. My experience coaching actors and creative artists leads me to compare entering this program to taking the first day of magical studies with Harry Potter and his friends, or to re-create the "Matrix" of your life as you see fit. This is feeling of a 'charmed' life - sound strange? When you take the leap, wings will grow on the way down. Something will be different. 'Knock-knock!' Thanks, Terri, I'm so grateful!

Mike Shoeman Fairview Village, PA

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Hello Terri:

I received my box of tools yesterday and have spent my day looking at all of it, seeing the videos and listening to the first two recordings in the Home Study Kit. You are so inspiring! Even before you mentioned listening many times to these recordings, I thought I must listen to this again and again. As a result, I feel more confident than ever that I will have (am creating) an important coaching business , making a significant contribution to myself and the world. This feels like an internal, cellular change, as you indicate, becoming part of my DNA. Hearing the tapes over and over will not take away from this first feeling of total motivation and confidence. I know that I will never loose the thrill of your tone, the way you described your experiences and clearly set up the hows… but what’s most important: your sincere conviction and passion. I do feel very much supported and capacitated. I am changing my way of thinking in such a balanced way, as my role as a coach slowly and steadily permeates every cell of my being; osmosis is clearly occurring with all these effective and clear guidelines. Everything is progressing beautifully. Everything is just the way it should be. I feel more synchronized with the Universal flow. Louise Hay’s affirmation “Everything I need to know is revealed to me, and everything I need comes to me” is my daily reality. I am so grateful that your program and colleagues have come into my life exactly when I was ready to discover, digest and expedite change. Success, joy, gratitude, awareness is the only option. Carol Baughman

Hi Terri,

I wanted to send you a brief note to acknowledge how much I'm gaining from your coaching program at The Coaching Institute. In the few months that I've been involved with The Coaching Institute, I've grown in ways (both professional and personal) that I never would have imagined possible. By following your specific suggestions, I've successfully transitioned from a full-time job to a part-time job out of my home

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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and a practice of 5 paying clients. Since the program is self-directed, I can adjust it to suit the times I have available, which for me (as a mother of three) is truly important.

I'm in the early stages of the program yet, but with the growth I’ve already achieved, I anticipate a full practice by the time I’m halfway through the curriculum. How amazing is that? Through The Coaching Institute’s interactive forum I’ve built mentoring relationships, joint venture opportunities and an absolutely incredible level of support. The relationships I’ve grown through this program have allowed me to become part of a Mastermind Group and a Marketing Think Tank – both of which provide me with ‘out of the box’, innovative ideas and creative inspiration; I have great projects and products under way. And best of all, I’m learning to market myself, and my practice, in ways that are really fun. My clients love the well thought out, yet flexible program that you have provided me with, and because I’ve gone through the sessions I’m offering them myself, I have a clear understanding of the structure and value of what I’m giving them. I actually help my clients activate coaching skills that they can apply in their lives forever – and that makes me feel really valuable.

Thank you for the best program I’ve ever taken.

And I mean every blessed word of it! I've already gained so much from this program. Thanks so much.

Margot Thompson Ontario, Canada

My experience with The Coaching Institute has been ever so super. I would never have been able to quit my high paying consulting job if it weren't for you Terri and all the supportive students at The Coaching Institute. Dolores Arste Middle Grove, NY

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I had the best day. I got hired to do a 2 hour seminar...paid...whoopee...I booked a two hour seminar that will put me in front of my ultimate target market and I secured a contract to do parenting seminars in April and May. What a day...I am so excited. And thanks to some due determination and all the great support here it is happening. With Love and Laughter Vicki McMahon, British Columbia, Canada

Dear Terri, I am thoroughly enjoying my learning experience with The Coaching Institute. Thanks to this awesome program, I am focused on stepping down from corporate life early next year and pursuing a meaningful, profitable vocation where I am living the life I love. My mentor, Antoine Albert, is phenomenal and I am extremely grateful to interact with him. I highly recommend The Coaching Institute to my friends & associates who elude their life is not satisfying. All the best

Mark Semple Pendleton, IN

I've been in the program for about 3 months now, maybe a little more ... and having already been certified through another coaching school ... I have something to compare to. If you're wondering if this program is worth it. ABSOLUTELY!!! And no one paid me to say that... Since I've been in this program, I have daily changes in my thinking, planning, and development. There is no doubt this is an exciting business to get into, even though there's lots of work. And it's a business venture that is not yet mainstream, which in itself presents

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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challenges. Terri continuously remind us of how easy it is to get into a funky place with our thinking and the importance of being in a good place, reminding ourselves that "failure is not an option." Today's curriculum class was GREAT information about the process of change and how we can utilize that in coaching our clients. I did NOT get that in my previous coaching education. Great information.

Ron Shepard Barre, VT

Hi Terri,

Today was the conclusion of my coaching sessions with Ellen Cahill today. Ellen is the best! As my coach I always experienced her dedication to the profession of coaching. I am prepared for the certification exam, thanks to Ellen, and feel very confident in my ability as a coach.

Judith Simons Houston, TX

My second CC has attracted a wonderful client. She's set to get started on September 19 with the 8 month program. I gifted her with registration in my 4 week group program (Inner Game of Business). WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and Juanita...thank you for that. I want more CC's...lots of them! They are fun, and I feel really good when I complete them. And I see my calendar filling up quickly and effortlessly with them! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Velma Gallant Calgary, AB, Canada

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Hi Terri, I can't say enough about your program, both the content and the marketing advice! It's way ahead of anything I've heard before. Keep up the great work! Mino Sullivan

Terri, I can't thank you enough for asking David to be my coach. What an extraordinary man. You know, I've been a seeker all my life and over the past year have done a lot of work on myself. But it's just been in the last couple of months that it has all started making sense and I started believing that if I asked and believed, the universe would provide what I asked for. And since I started to really believe, wonderful things keep happening. Getting an email about you certainly fit that pattern. And now David. He is living the life I want to live. So the universe has given me the mentor who can take me where I want to go. If only people understood how wonderful life can be when you start believing that life is wonderful, right now, whatever is gong on. And I feel more than ever that my mission is to help others learn how to live the life they would love to lead Thank you, Allan Gold New Coach

I love being part of the VIP program. It brings clarity and an opportunity to create my own products and be my own unique self more than in any other business opportunity I have tried before.

Juanita Bellavance Cumming, Georgia

I have not started taking the class yet but I want you to know how I truly feel about my first contact with your institute. Everywhere I look, ...from your website to the material that I have received, everything up to the last detail is with an aura of positive energy.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Not only it seems in all probabilities that you certainly teach how to do things right but it is very obvious to me that you apply what you know for your own organization. the same theories and best practices that you developed are combined here. No doubts! In other words one is certainly a positive evidence of the other. I am on fire to be involved asap! Warmest Regards, John Pierre Quesnel

Just wanted to tell you how AWESOME working with Sue [my mentor coach] has been for me. We connected from the very 1st call and I feel like I've not only gained a phenomenal coach but a lifelong friend. Thank you for being supportive when I needed a change.

With light & love, Lisa Miles Brady Xtreme Self-Care Coach


My name is Lynda, and I'm a real "newbie" to Coach Institute. I am so excited and honored to be accepted to become a Coach Institute student and to be in the fold of such a wonderful organization. Terri Levine is an amazing woman with a vision and program that is absolutely amazing.

The dealings I have had with The Coach Institute Support Staff is exceptionally efficient and friendly...all my questions have been answered very rapidly... I just cannot say enough about my feelings of being welcomed into the fold; it had been a great experience. I have been assigned to an awesome Mentor named Heather, with whom I feel such warmth, encouragement and connection.

If you are a new coach, you've found a great place to learn; if you are already a coach, like me, who feels the need to learn more to increase your overall effectiveness and future prosperity, please do yourself a favor and join.

I am sure you will not regret your educational experience, and that you will acquire many blessings from your affiliation.

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Sincere Regards, Lynda Nurenberg, MHA

I’m bursting to let you know that my first conditional consultation yesterday was successful! I have a new client and she is paying $2400 up front for the whole 8-month program. The best part is that I felt that shift during the session into truly coaching her from the heart and I felt her shift into a new place. She opened up to feeling where she had been locked into crisp Intellectual efficiency before that. I am so grateful for the way you were there for me yesterday when I needed support and confidence building. I don’t know how you are always there for me when I need you, but you are – it must be the power of strong intention that you hold.

I want to tell all the other students of this program who may be hesitating about giving their first conditional consultation that this process works, and the support Terri works. I have definitely moved to a whole new level. The coaching call was easy to do; it felt lovely because I knew I could really offer enormous value to this client. I had the security of a series of steps to move through but not as a rigid script. The process came alive as I used the tuning skills and listened from the heart. Then my intuition took over and I was able to be with the client in a very human way from the heart. Wow! It’s amazing!

I have an 8-month program and people are signing up for it and paying in advance! It’s awesome how quickly I am in a realm of expanded possibilities. Thank you Terri for giving your wisdom so generously and effectively via this magnificent program.

PS – Please let people know I am happy to talk one-to-one if anyone thinks it might help with their first coaching client. Write to [email protected] if you what to contact Alice.

Alice Aird Life Energy Coaching Australia

NOTE: look below for a personal letter from Alice to a person (kept their name private) unsure of entering this program.

A letter from Alice to someone who wanted her first-hand experience:

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Dear: (private)

Terri Levine has asked me to get in touch with you because you are interested in the Coach Institute training and are not sure. I am a fan of the course, as Terri knows. I also went through a lot of doubts about whether to do it. I am getting everything I need from this course and more. The most wonderful thing has been the response I have got to my questions and requests. I have found that I have been given everything I needed and far more. The student really shapes it, the more we get clear and ask for what we want the more this course gives. Terri is a brilliant coach - she makes it seem so easy but actually it is masterly. Yet she is also generous. She gives and gives and really there is information here that is priceless.

This is my second coach-training course - and it is giving me far more than the first one I did. It has taken my coaching and my approach to developing a coaching business to a new level. I wanted to develop my coaching methods and also to develop my coaching approach into a program. In this way I could have more sense of direction and a clear framework and could ask people to sign up for a longer period of coaching. Already after only 2 months in this course I have three clients who have signed up for my new 8-month program! I feel so certain of achieving the kind of coaching business I dreamed of now and I have renewed belief in my dream goals of creating a coaching program for teachers which had seemed to recede before I took this course on. Basically I'm flying along and I know that without this course I would be in a very different position.

I would be happy to talk with you about this - send me your phone number and I will call you as I am used to calling internationally and have a card with a good rate.

I'm happy to help you out with this because I want to see coaches doing well. It's a win for everyone when coaches do well because their clients also do well and the world benefits. I believe that when we grow and greater people and do our true creative work we create more prosperity and happiness not just for ourselves but also for the whole world. That's why being a coach is more than a profession for me, it's my life's work.

Hoping to hear from you, All the best, Alice

Dear Terri,

I just sat in on the curriculum teleclass where you presented the overview for a Conditional Consult. Despite pushing 4 a dozen times to unmute, it appears I could not be heard. I wanted to thank you for the

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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information. My golden nugget from the call today to share is:


Holding the space for another person to gain insight and perspective, while providing support, is a wonderful thing and resonates with me deeply. Thank you for this program and for all that you bring. I truly feel like I'm stepping onto a path that is my destiny.

Patti Wagner Rutherfordton, NC


I so enjoy the curriculum pieces you are providing. I keep remarking to my husband, this was worth every penny invested and more. (if he had any doubts - grin)"

I really like and resonate with your style. I like to give very specific, clear, and precise, right down to the words value when I am sharing and teaching someone. You do this so well, it is nice to see someone else take this kind of time and effort to really give and teach what you know and pass it on to the benefit of others.

Jo Romano Graduate

My scripting is moving me forward and I have begun to shift my perspective about my job and many other things. I have been reading the work book and listening to the recorded teleclasses. I enjoyed the first curriculum class tremendously as well as each marketing class that you have done.

It is evident that you are giving so much of yourself for the benefit of your students. You are a dynamic.

Great questions about target market!

I'm thinking my target market is going to be working women. Life coaching. Helping them to gain clarity and discover what their true

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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passion is. Helping those who want to start-up a small home business.

In selecting a logo they ask that you consider not only what appeals to you personally but also what is going to appeal to your target market. I was looking for a logo that would convey a sense of forward momentum implying personal and business growth and success in the future. New ideas, fresh perspectives and clarity of new insights.

Thanks for your support, Eileen New Coach

Dear Terri,

I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciated your group Coach training call today. When I found your website, I KNEW this was the right program - it's 'touchy/feely' (hands-on) which I love! But as soon as I signed up, I went into the fear of I made the wrong decision. I had gotten caught up in a fear of - did I make the right decision - will I have the 'right' credentials when I'm done, etc....

I have done some more reading about who you are and I realize that it's just my fear. A fear of being 'duped'. It's happened before, recently. I know I haven't been. I know you are really who you say you are and are helping each of us immensely. I have all the faith in the world that Terri is genuine and this is a very special and unique opportunity.

My energy is shifted and it feels SO good!!! I thank you for the opportunity to bring up that fear and work through it. Thank you for the wonderful mentors who I could go right from the training call to talk to and discuss my fears. My mentor helps me get back on track.

I'm just extremely grateful for this opportunity. The above was probably rambling, but I needed to share. I know this is the career I am passionate about - I know it's my life purpose.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Christine New Life Coach

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Wow - your marketing and curriculum calls are truly powerful. Thank you for transcribing them as well. Coaches and mentors in your program are truly blessed to benefit from your experiences. Your step-by-step approach makes it easier to build your practice and provide clients with greater value. I connect with coaches from other schools. They need to watch out. You blow them out of the water!

Ellen Cahill Graduate & Mentor

I do think CI is wonderful and I've been in several programs. You are an amazing woman, doing amazing things.

Rachna Jain, Ph.D. Graduate

You are the founder and president of the best, most valuable, highest integrity coach training organization anywhere. I am proud to be a part of your organization and consider you my friend.

Mick Mickler

I know that personally the coursework I've completed has helped me tremendously as an internal coach... Terri, I believe you have a great program. It teaches coaches how to deal with clients morally, ethically, empathetically, honestly; exactly how I would want to be treated as a client, and how I am treated by all in your organization.

Jim Horton

Coaching with Terri is a gift you give to yourself that just keeps on giving!

Judith Richardson

I want to let you know that I have found the CI experience to be incredible! And because I think that the training I have received at CI

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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has been so valuable, it concerns me that there are people out there who represent themselves as coaches who don't have it!

Susan Martin

We, the students, recognize that it (CI) is topnotch, that it has changed our lives significantly.

Carol Hayes

The philosophy and andragogy ... is outstanding and is preparing me for a very wonderful career in coaching.

Robert Dey

My experience has been simply wonderful. The quality of their coach-training program is outstanding, and the caring and commitment of their instructors is unmatched. Terri Levine and her associates have created a world-class training institute. I am continually amazed at how much I have grown personally and professionally.

Barry Silverman, MSW

As a student, I can say that the curriculum has already been very beneficial both in my personal life and professionally. I now believe I am a coach and I am starting to think like one. I am eager to learn more!

Lynne Klippel

This program has provided me with a way of transferring existing skills and developing new ones so that I could enter the wonderful world of coaching. The top notch, caring instructors contributed to the excellent education that I received. I have also made friends through this program that I know I will have for a lifetime.

Cheryl Sinclair

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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This has been one of the best experiences of my life. From the passionate, dedicated instructors to the small, intimate groups it has give me a truly unique learning experience. I've never met a more supportive group of people. Thanks!

Jim Donovan, Author and Coach

I have recently begun taking courses and have been quite impressed with the personalized service I receive. I feel as though I am a valued student and if I have any concerns or needs, I am confident that they will be addressed in a timely fashion.

Joanne Daykin

Terri's coaching success programs are absolutely amazing. Thanks to her step-by-step programs, I have achieved my biggest month (October), and biggest year (2004), ever. Thanks Terri!

Karen M. Silins

Presented by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

This is an educational service provided by Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ® Copyright © Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.™ 2007, 2008 – All Rights Reserved

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Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and services and their potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependant on the person using our products, services, ideas and techniques and we do not purport this as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. Our level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the education, ideas and techniques mentioned your finance, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Materials in our products/services and our websites may contain information that is based upon forward looking statements. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material. You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company or our company products or services.

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