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Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - 26th September 2021 Parish Clergy Fr Michael McCaughey PP – 028 71262360 – [email protected] Fr Gerard Mongan CC – 028 71351261 – [email protected] Fr Chris Ferguson (Priest in Residence) – 028 71351261 – [email protected] Franciscan Friars of the Renewal - 028 71419980 - facebook: derryfranciscans threepatronsfacebook

Thoughts on the Gospel

At first glance this collection of sayings do not

appear to have a lot in common but in fact

everything here is a challenge to those who claim

to follow Christ to pay attention to their attitude

and motivation. This is because they have been

given an awesome responsibility and they must

not presume they are somehow superior to

others. Jesus first corrects John for stopping

someone doing the work of the kingdom because he is ‘not one of us’. There is no place for

elitism among his followers and indeed anyone who shows them a simple kindness will be

blessed. This means that there is an onus on the disciples to reflect the work and attitudes

of their master. Just as he reached out to the sinners and outcasts so must they - failure to

do so will result in harsh judgement because they will be undermining the very project they

are called to serve. This is why they must avoid anything that would lead them to sin. The

true disciple will be the one who knows how to rejoice in the good that is done by whatever

source and who also knows that his or her own behaviour can make it hard for others to

come to faith. The lesson here is to examine ourselves and to judge no-one else!

Jesus is such a wonderful, but also disturbingly challenging teacher who moves us into the

world of God’s ways and thoughts. If ever we are tempted to squabble about our position in

the community, let us remember that Jesus, the pre-eminent one, humbled himself to be

less than a slave.

Whenever we get caught up in issues of control, let us remember that God does not

intervene with control into every moment of our lives. Jesus let go of control, and

surrendered to the absolute demands of self-giving love. Whenever we want things our

way, let’s remember that Jesus put himself last - and surrendered entirely to his Father’s

way and his Father’s will.

Lord, teach me to serve you as you deserve.


St Joseph's Young Priests' Society will hold its monthly

meeting on Friday 1st October from 10:40 am - 11:15 am

(approx) in the Emmaus Room, Pennyburn after 10 am

Mass in St Patrick's Church, Pennyburn. Social distancing

guidelines will be followed. New members welcome.

Everyone is encouraged to pray for new vocations which are always needed. All welcome.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society is a lay catholic association in the church, established in

Ireland in 1895. The Patron of the Society is St Joseph, and the Society’s purpose is to help

provide the church with priests for today and tomorrow, and to help its members

understand and live out their own vocation to witness to Christ and share their faith.

Today, there are branches in many parishes throughout Ireland. The Society has received

encouragement for its work from successive Popes and its constitution has been approved

by the Irish Bishops.

Page 2: Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in

We welcome people back to the public celebration of the Eucharist in the three churches of our parish. For those who prefer to do so, we invite you to

join us via webcam in Three Patrons’ Parish by watching our live

streaming which can be viewed online at,, or the parish website



Sunday 6.00 pm: (Sat) Vigil; 10.00 am & 12.00 noon: Mass

Monday - Friday 7.30 am: Mass 10.00 am: Mass followed by the Rosary

Saturday 10.00 am: Mass followed by Rosary


Sunday 6.00 pm: (Sat) Vigil; 10.30 am & 12.30 pm: Mass

Monday - Friday 9.00 am: Mass followed by Rosary


Sunday 7.00 pm: (Sat) Vigil; 9.00 am & 11.00 am: Mass

Monday - Friday 11.00 am: Mass


Face Coverings: We ask and encourage all adults and children aged 14 years and over to please wear a face covering at all services of worship

(unless they are exempt from wearing mandatory face coverings).

Medical advice is that wearing face coverings is first and foremost about

protecting others. Please continue to observe social distancing, to use the

hand sanitiser on entering and leaving our churches.


It is very important at this time that we pray asking God for protection. Perhaps

individuals or families could commit to praying the Rosary each day for relief of this crisis.

A Prayer in the Time of the Coronavirus by Fr Brian Grogan S.J.

Dear God, in 1879 the Apparition at Knock gave hope and courage to the people of Ireland in difficult times. We ask that Our Lady

may now protect your beloved people from the coronavirus. May its victims be strengthened by the spiritual support of the

Christian community and restored soon to full health.

We also pray for the medical personnel who deal with the virus. This we ask in confidence through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady of Knock, pray for us. St Joseph, pray for us.

St John the Evangelist, pray for us.

_________________________________________________________ .

St Therese Triduum Termonbacca Carmelite Monastery will hold a Triduum of

Prayer to celebrate the feast of St Therese on Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th September & Friday 1st October, guided by Bishop Philip Boyce, O.C.D. Mass will

be celebrated each evening at 7.30 pm followed by prayers and blessing with the relic of St Therese. The Triduum will be streamed live on our YouTube channel.

There are also a limited number of places for people to attend in person. If you

wish to book a place, please contact us.

St Thérèse of Lisieux, born Marie Françoise-Thérèse Martin (2 January 1873 – 30 September 1897) also known as St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, entered a Carmelite convent in France at

the age of 15. Through her “little way” of love, prayer, and sacrifice, St Thérèse became known for her great holiness. Her book, The Story of a Soul, is the autobiography of her life.

She died of tuberculosis when she was 24.

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“My Jesus, I believe that you desire to make your home within me and that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come

spiritually into my heart. I embrace your love as if you were already there, and I unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be

separated from you. Amen."


Requiescant in Pace We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of

Robbie Hegarty, Garden City, Ann McLaughlin, The Meadows, Colette McDonald, Hawthorn Grove (formerly Galliagh Park)

Anniversaries & Birthday Memorials Gertrude Doherty, Laurence Traynor, Margaret O’Reilly, Eileen Doherty, Elizabeth White, Paddy Hargan


Anniversary Masses and Prayers If you wish to have an anniversary Mass offered or a Mass or prayers offered for any intention, please email the parish offices at

[email protected] or [email protected] or phone the parochial houses at St. Patrick’s (028 71262360) or St. Brigid’s (028 71351261).


Supporting Your Parish Thank you for your ongoing generosity to the offertory

collection through envelope, standing order, online payments and the ‘donate’ button on our parish website. Your support is greatly appreciated. Boxes are available in our three

churches to return your parish envelopes. If you require information about any of the above methods of supporting Three Patrons Parish, please contact the parish office -

[email protected] or 028 71262360. The bank account details for the parish are sort code: 90 49 74; account number: 51442271.

Parish Youth Ministry We acknowledge the ongoing development of

youth ministry in our parish. Our parish youth worker, Kathryn Ellis has worked closely with local primary schools in developing sacramental preparation with

special focus on the ‘Do This in Memory of Me’ programme. At post-primary level, young people taking part in the John Paul II Award have been facilitated in various roles in our

parish so that they may achieve their awards. We thank parents and young people and all volunteers who continue to be a great support in developing youth ministry at various age

groups. We thank our schools for their support of parish activities. We pray for all involved

in various forms and opportunities of youth ministry. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide them. A second collection towards Parish Youth Ministry will be taken up at Masses in our

parish this weekend (envelope in the box). Thank you for your support.

Readings for Sunday 3rd October 2021, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 - God intends man and woman to become one flesh

Psalm: Psalm 128: 1-2, 3, 4-5, 6

Response: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives

2nd Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11 - Jesus became fully our brother and a saviour for all

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16

“What God has joined together” and receiving the kingdom of God as a little child

Saints of the Coming Week

Monday: St Vincent de Paul, priest

Tuesday: St Wenceslaus, martyr; Ss Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, martyrs

Wednesday: Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels

Thursday: St Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church

Friday: St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church

Saturday: The Guardian Angels

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Pray for vocations to the priesthood and

consecrated life, especially for our Diocese. Are you being chosen by Christ to pour out your life’s work for souls

with Him as a priest or in the consecrated life? Speak to your local priest, call your Diocesan Vocations Director (visit derryvoca- or email the National Vocations Office: [email protected].

A Prayer for Vocations based on the words of Pope Francis

LORD of the Harvest,

BLESS young people with the gift of courage to respond to your call. Open their hearts to great ideals to great things.

INSPIRE all of your disciples to mutual love and giving - for vocations

blossom in the good soil of faithful people. INSTILL those in religious life, parish ministries and families with the

confidence and grace to invite others to embrace the bold and noble path of life consecrated to you.

UNITE us to Jesus through prayer and sacrament, so that we may co-operate with you in building your reign of mercy and truth, of

justice and peace. Amen.

Adapted from Pope Francis’ Message on the 51st World Day of Prayer for Vocations _


Pray for the Sick Live

Online Join Fr Sean O'Donnell, Waterside

Parish as he leads prayers for the sick every

Sunday at 8:30pm, live on SW Prayer channel :

h t t p s : / /

swprayer. Prayers will be

followed by Eucharistic Adoration.

Pray for Families Live

Online Join Fr Pat O’Hagan, Moville Parish as he leads prayers for families every Monday at 8.30 pm, live on SW Prayer channel: https:// Prayers will be followed by Eucharistic Adoration.

Worried? Stressed? Feeling helpless? No

matter what you are going through, be assured that the Shalom Intercessory team is here to pray

for you around the clock. Your intentions will be

remembered during Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Divine Mercy live

broadcasts. Submit your prayer requests to

Guided Pilgrimages on the Lough Derg Pilgrim Path will be offered on Sunday 26th

September and Sunday 3rd October with Mass

outdoors, weather permitting. The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option. Advance

booking is essential. For further information email [email protected] or telephone (0353)

71 9861518 or Lough Derg Pilgrim Path, Pettigo, Co Donegal. F94 N289.

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Parish Offices If you require any of the following: to book a baptism, to book a wedding,

to request a baptism certificate or marriage certificate, to have marriage paperwork

completed or to have a passport form or driving licence form signed, you are asked to

contact the parish office during the following office hours:

Office opening times:

St Joseph’s, Galliagh & St Brigid’s, Carnhill 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Monday - Thursday

St Patrick’s, Pennyburn 9.15 am - 4.00 pm Tuesday - Friday

Marriages Three months’ notice must be given to the parish before the date of marriage.

Baptisms Please contact the Parish office by telephone. At least one Godparent must be


Safeguarding If you have any concerns with regard to safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church please contact Maire Gormley, Diocesan Liaison

Person, email: [email protected], telephone: 07596 500 793 or PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) 101 or Social Services: Gateway Services, Western

HSC Trust, 71314090 and ask for the Duty Social Worker.

Thank You We extend our thanks to those who volunteer as stewards in

our three churches. Thanks also to those who clean our churches everyday and ensure they are safe spaces for all.


Day for Life is celebrated annually by the Catholic Church in

Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day dedicated to

raising awareness of the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition.

This year’s Day for Life will be celebrated in Ireland on Sunday 3rd October on the theme ‘The Good Samaritan: A Model of


In the context of the recent proposal to introduce assisted suicide, both in Ireland and the UK, this year’s message invites Catholics to consider a more

positive and compassionate response to the care of people who are in the final stages of life.

The Catholic Church’s approach to end of life care is well articulated in the recent Vatican

document Samaritanus bonus on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life. In that document we are reminded that Jesus gave us the image of the good

Samaritan as the model for our compassion and our solidarity with those who find themselves vulnerable and who fear being abandoned in their final illness. The Good

Samaritan is one who “crosses over”, who “binds up wounds” and who, most important of all “stays with” the person for as long as is required.


Monthly Mass in honour of St Pio

will be celebrated on Monday 4th October at 7.00 pm in St Patrick’s, Pennyburn.

We ask God’s blessing on all through the intercession of St Pio.


O Glorious St Pio, patron of those who are in need of healing, I call upon

you and seek your help. Please intercede for all those who are in need of

spiritual, emotional or physical healing. Obtain for them comfort during their

sufferings, strength when they feel weary, hope when they feel discouraged and

joy when they are down-hearted. Help them know the peace of Jesus and the

certainty of His victory in their suffering, through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

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The Pope’s Monthly Prayer Intention for October You are

invited to answer the Holy Father’s request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention: Missionary Disciples

We pray that every baptised person may be engaged in evangelisation, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the

flavour of the Gospel.

Mission Month of October Friday marks the first day of the Mission Month of October. “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and

heard,” taken from the Acts of the Apostles, is the theme chosen by Pope

Francis for World Mission Day 2021 which will be observed on October 24th. In his message, Pope Francis underlines that amid this pandemic there is the

need for a ’mission of compassion’. World Missions Ireland is the Holy Father’s official charity for overseas mission. World

Missions Ireland brings the hope of the Gospel where there is turmoil, poverty or uncertainty, and aid to where the Church is new, young or poor. World Missions Ireland

also empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faith. They also help to train and nurture future leaders so the vital work of the Church can continue to take place.

Visit their website at

‘Blessed Is She’ invites ladies of all ages to join us once a month for a Blessed Brunch at

Termonbacca Carmelite Retreat Centre. The next meeting is on Saturday 23rd October

from 12 noon - 2 pm. A Blessed Brunch is a gathering of women ready to seek a deeper relationship with Christ through community. These brunches are opportunity for women to

get together, eat, pray and journey through spiritual books together. For bookings or queries please PM on facebook or email [email protected].

Sober October It’s not too late to get involved and give up alcohol in October and raise

much needed funds for Foyle Hospice. You can set up your own Facebook Fundraiser at and your family and friends can sponsor you quickly and easily,

with all donations coming straight to Foyle Hospice with no fuss. Good luck.

The Annual Scalp Walk in aid of Concern’s Afghanistan Crisis Appeal takes place on

Sunday 26th September with staggered starting times from 12 noon - 2 pm. Get your walking boots on and meet us at Burnfoot, Co Donegal. Please join us if you can and help

us continue our work with some of the poorest and most marginalised communities, as Afghanistan goes through this extremely difficult period. Donations can also be left at Con-

cern Worldwide Books, Ferryquay St, Derry. Thank you for your support.

Concern Haiti Earthquake Emergency Appeal We have launched an emergency appeal to help fund our response to the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in August. Displaced

families urgently need your support. A donation from you today will help to provide

families who have lost everything with the essential items they need to survive this devastating crisis. Please give what you can today at Thank you.

IOSAS Centre & Celtic Prayer Garden Planning your week ahead? Why not include a

visit to our Peace Garden and café? Come and enjoy its beauty. The Sanctuary café is open from 11 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday, 11 am - 3 pm Friday and 10 am - 2.30 pm

Saturday and Sunday. All welcome.

Page 7: Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in

AA Can’t Stop Drinking? Call Alcoholics Anonymous 90351222

Gamblers Anonymous Is gambling affecting your life? Perhaps we can help. Tel 71351329.

C.A.L.M.S. (Community Action for Locally Managing Stress) Mental Health

Support Line is offering the following: providing support with anxiety, panic , insomnia, low mood, depression and stress; a listening ear; and relaxation / breathing techniques.

The service is available via telephone or zoom free of charge. Tel 079 0704 0568 or 028 71 268 698 Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm or leave a message out of hours. Visit

Foyle Foodbank, Springtown Industrial Estate, is open from 11 am - 3 pm Monday -

Friday to help those in food crisis. No transport? No problem. If you have no way of get-

ting to the Foodbank and would like to avail of our services, please do not hesitate to

contact us - tel: 028 71263699 or [email protected] or send a private message

on facebook. Donations can be dropped off at the Foodbank from 9 am - 4 pm Monday -

Friday. Many myths exist surrounding foodbanks and often they prevent people from

seeking the help they need. Anyone can find themselves in need of emergency food,

there is no specific ‘type’ of person who goes to a foodbank. We help people who work

full-time, part-time, zero hour, contracts or multiple jobs. Anyone who is in crisis can get

a foodbank voucher and come to us. Please contact 028 71263699. We are more than

happy to help.

Childline How are you feeling? Good, Okay, Excellent, Bad, Horrible, Stressed,

Depressed? We’re working a little differently because of coronavirus. You can still start a 1-2-1 chat with us from 9 am - 10.30 pm. Or you can call 0800 1111 for free from

9 am - 3.30 pm. You can also send an email using a Childline account any time, and we’ll usually reply within a day.

Northlands If you are worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, drug use or

gambling, please contact Northlands in confidence on (028) 71313232 during office hours. There is no charge for our services which are open and available to all. Northlands is in

the business of ‘turning unhappiness into hope’. Northlands is based at Shepherd’s Way,

Dungiven Rd, Derry, BT47 5GW. Email [email protected]

Children in Crossfire You can buy face masks and help us make a difference for vulnerable children. Visit:

Study Theology from Home, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online

Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register now for Autumn 2021. Find out more at

Aid for the Children of Yemen Fr Neal Carlin’s new book, The Eagle, The Tiger and Covid, is now on sale at €10 / £10 and can be purchased by contacting

[email protected]. All proceeds are being sent via a direct contact to aid the children of Yemen.

COVID-19 Support Line ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports

for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where

necessary. The support line is open 7 days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

The Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre, working in Partnership with Saint Mary’s University, Twickenham, offers the Masters in Catholic School Leadership. This is a

postgraduate degree dedicated to the professional development and spiritual formation of

Catholic school leaders. It is a great opportunity for those currently in leadership roles and those who aspire to, or have an interest in, leadership roles within the Catholic School

system. Applications for the Autumn intake close 30th September 2021. If you require any further information, please contact the Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre on

004428 71264087 or email [email protected].

Page 8: Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in

The Sacred Heart Messenger is available online. You can subscribe at https://

St Brigid’s Community Bingo takes place every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 9.00

pm at St Brigid’s Centre, Carnhill. Doors open at 7.30 pm.

Lifeline If you are in distress or despair call Lifeline free on 0808 808 8000 and speak with

a crisis counsellor. Lifeline is available 24/7 and is free to call from all landlines and

mobiles. You are not alone

Climate Change The Diocese of Derry has launched a consultative plan about climate

change and the environment . A draft of the Environmental Strategy has been posted on

the Derry Diocesan website, strategy.

Accord Couples and Relationship Support Line & Online Counselling If you need to speak to an experienced couples/relationships counsellor during this time of

unprecedented stress and pressure on family life contact 003531 5313331, 028 956800151 or 003531 9059555. Lines open 9am - 8pm Monday - Friday. All calls charged at local

rate. Accord is now offering an online counselling service. Online counselling appointments can be accommodated every day from 9.30 am - 9.30 pm. Those interested in availing of

the service should access or make contact with Accord CLG’s administration team on [email protected]. For more see

New Play, ‘Fall from Grace’ written and directed by Mary McLaughlin: Waterside Theatre, 30th September & 1st October, at 8.00 pm. Tickets available


Give Blood, Save Lives NI Blood Transfusion Service will collect donations of blood at

the Guildhall, Derry, BT48 6DQ on Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th October from 12.30 pm - 4 pm & 5 pm - 7.30 pm. Please note: you must wait 7 days after your Covid vaccine

before you can donate. To arrange an appointment to donate please tel 08085534666.

Dromantine Retreat Centre The following Retreat and Workshops will be offered by

Fr Hugh Lagan SMA: ‘Called by a New Na – Refocus, recharge and reconnect in a post-pandemic world. Sunday 3rd October, 5pm – Friday 8th October, 9.30am. Cost £420/

€490. ‘Broken Open’ Workshop – How difficult times can help us grow. Friday 19th November, 5pm – Sunday 21st November, 2pm. Cost £200 / €230. Enquiries and

r ese rva t ions : Te l 028 (048 f r om ROI ) 30821964 . Ema i l : [email protected]

‘Pause and Ponder’ is a series of reflections inspired by the Pilgrim Path at Lough Derg

with Fr La Flynn, Prior, which can be viewed at

QUB Catholic Chaplaincy The Catholic Chaplaincy at Queen’s University has reopened

for the new academic year. We are a vibrant community of faith and friendship at the

heart of campus where students feel welcome, listened-to, valued and supported. For more on our liturgy schedule, events, facilities and amazing Café, visit We

can’t wait to welcome you!

Foyle Hospice Coffee Mornings are Back! Raise a Cuppa for Foyle Hospice and host your own coffee

morning to raise vital funds. It’s easy to do - get your friends, family or co-workers together (socially distanced

of course) and have a cuppa. Sign up to our coffee

morning by emailing [email protected] or calling the Fundraising Office on 028 71359888. We will

provide a FREE Coffee Morning pack with a few coffee morning essentials including tea and coffee. Get

involved today and Raise a Cuppa for Foyle Hospice.

Page 9: Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in

The Season of Creation

In the second reading from St James today we

hear of a condemnation of the rich who exploit the

weak. This theme carries on into the Gospel where

Jesus has harsh words for anyone who would try to

bring down 'the little ones'. It is a lesson in

tolerance and a call to care for the weak and


During this Season of Creation we are reflecting on

the call to Restore Our Common Home and care

more deeply for God's creation, to live out our

vocation to be protectors of God's handiwork. This

means being aware of the facts of the crisis so that we can discern where we are being

called to act. Scientists tell us that we are now living through the 6th mass extinction of

life on our planet because of the catastrophic destruction of biodiversity due to human

activity. We have plundered the earth. We are also aware that our world faces a

devastating climate crisis. This Autumn, two vital UN conferences are due to take place,

the UN Conference on Biodiversity (known as COP15, in China) and the UN conference

on Climate Change (COP26 in Glasgow).

Catholics all over the world have been

invited to sign a petition addressed to

the Presidents of these conferences, to

raise our voices for God's Creation and

encourage world leaders to take the

necessary action. The petition is called

'Healthy Planet, Healthy People' and has been endorsed by the Vatican as the main

action for Catholics to take during this Season of Creation. It is something we can all

easily do by going to and inviting our families and

friends to do the same. Parishes, dioceses, universities, businesses, congregations can

also sign. By taking part in this way, we are standing in solidarity with young people,

with the poor who suffer the most from environmental destruction and with creation.

Let us always be conscious of our responsibility to be carers of creation, to connect

more deeply with the wondrous world around us, to take action against all that

threatens our common home.

You can find this year's Season of Creation resources on

God of all life, we give thanks for the gift of the earth, our common home.

At this time, many people, the oceans, and the eco-systems of the earth

are struggling to survive. Help us to change our ways and guide us

to live a life which is not centred exclusively on ourselves but on the needs

of others and the worship of you as our ultimate concern. Lord hear us.

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Page 11: Parish of the Three Patrons Twenty-Sixth Sunday in

Foyle Hospice is in urgent need of volunteers for their Hospice

Shops in Derry, Strabane and Limavady. Would you like to be part of the Hospice Family and make a difference? Anyone can

volunteer if you are able to commit a few hours a week on a regular basis and you are over the age of 16 years, we would be

delighted to hear from you. To get involved, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Rachael Osbourne at 028 71351010 or

[email protected].

Children in Crossfire Sunrise Cycle As part of

our silver anniversary celebrations, our Executive Director, Richard Moore and our friend and

support, Dr Joe McEvoy will lead a 25 mile Sunrise Cycle from Derry to Buncrana and back on

Saturday 30th October. If you’d like to take part, please visit


Thornhill Ministries is offering ‘Beyond the

Bruising:’ An oasis hour for those seeking serenity as they live with fractured relationships.

Available on zoom. Saturday 9th October at 1 1 : 0 0 a m . F o r d e t a i l s c o n t a c t

[email protected]

Matt Talbot Prayer Society St Eugene’s Cathedral launched the Matt Talbot Prayer

Society to pray for people suffering from, recovering from or affected by any form of addiction. To join the Matt Talbot Society, you are invited to enrol the name of the

person to be prayed for and the addiction from which we pray they will be freed. Those enrolled will be prayed every day by members of the Society. Mass will be offered on

the first Monday of every month in St Eugene’s Cathedral at 7.30 pm. You will also re-ceive an enrolment card to enable you to join in the prayer. To enrol please contact

71262894 or [email protected] or private message St Eugene’s Cathedral Facebook page.

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October - The Month of the Rosary By tradition,

the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the

year to certain devotion. Of course, the Rosary belongs

to every month, but in October the Church celebrates

this prayer in a special way: reminding us of its simple

beauty and gentle power. It is a time of grace for us

to return to this prayer if we have let it slip away: or

perhaps to discover for the first time, in the company

of Mary, how the Rosary can guide us into humble

prayer. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the

Rosary (October 7th). The best way to celebrate the

month is, of course, to pray the Rosary.

The Net - September 2021 Sharing the fruits of the faith in the Derry Diocese. The September edition of The Net is

now available on the diocesan website:

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