

SAT. (July 13) 2

5:00 PM Irma Martinelli

by Verrastro & Mocarski Families

SUN. (July 14)

8:00 AM D.A. Zoppino

by Lacerenza Family

10:00 AM Patricia Case

by Frank Perna

11:30 AM Frances Della Valle

by Bob Della Valle

MON. (July 15)

8:30 AM Leo Ghiloni

by Rosemary & Charlie Schoenherr

TUES. (July 16)

8:30 AM Francisco (Paco) Lopez

by Susan Cavanaugh

WEDS. (July 17)

8:30 AM Clare Daly

by St. Leo Seniors

THURS. (July 18)

8:30 AM Rose & Marc D’Annucci

by Bob Della Valle

FRI. (July 19)

8:30 AM Ralph P. Circelli

by Francis J. Browne

SAT. (July 20)

8:30 AM For Intentions of Parishioners

5:00 PM Tricia, Christine & Joe Mattiello

by Mattiello Family

SUN. (July 21)

8:00 AM Daniel & Margaret Colangelo

by Dan & Pat Colangelo

10:00 AM Anna & Nicasio Piazza

by Dominick & Anita Piazza

11:30 AM Antonio Mallozzi

by Rose & Joe DeVita

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn

in memory of

Frances Della Valle

by Bob Della Valle

M a r k Y o u r

C a l e n d a r s

Please remember to save time during the two weeks before the Fair starts. There is always a great need for help with the set-up.

St. Leo Fair August 27 thru

August 31

The second collection next weekend will be for Cooperative Mission Sunday.


I learned last week that Father Robert Balan will be leaving St. Leo Parish on September 1st. He has been given permission from his Archbishop in Romania, to spend a year doing theological studies. After his studies, he plans to return to his home archdiocese of Beaucharet. I am grateful to have had Fr. Balan with us these four years. I know he will be missed by all of you. He will be with us through our Parish Fair. Bishop Caggiano also took the opportunity to thank Fr. Balan for his kind and prayerful service to our Parish, and our Diocese. The Bishop assured him he would always be welcomed back to the Diocese of Bridgeport. I too have assured Fr. Balan that he would always be welcomed back to St. Leo, even if only to fill in at his usual spot in the Sausage Booth! Thank you Fr. Balan for your service to the people of St. Leo. We wish you all the best.

In Christ’s Love,

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Send prayer requests to: [email protected]

SUMMER VACATION During the Summer months, many of our parishioners are away on Vacation. We are grateful to those parishioners who make up their envelopes for absent weekends, when they return. Our collections fall off by 20% during the summer months. Our bills do not go away, even if you do.

Perhaps you will consider using our credit card program for your weekly and/or monthly donations. This has been a great help to our parish. You can find the credit card application forms in the vestibule. Thank you for your generosity and consideration.


The St. Leo Seniors will not meet the months of JULY and AUGUST.

We will begin again, Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 17 with a welcoming mass at 10 AM and a meeting afterwards at 11 AM.

Seniors going on the trip to The Culinary Institute on Tuesday, July 16, be in the St. Leo lot at 8 AM - bus leaving at 8:30 AM.

2019-2020 Program



Grades 1 & 2 (4:15-5:15 PM)


Grade 2 (4:15-5:15 PM)


Grade 1 (4:15-5:15 PM)

Wednesday (7-8 PM)

Grades 6 & 7





Any questions, please contact the Religious Education office at 203-348-0052.

New families with grade school children, please call the Religious Education Office for a registration form.

Reminder: The Religious Education Office is closed during July & August but messages are picked up regularly.

Protecting God’s Children

The diocese requires that all volunteers in any capacity in the parish must attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop. If you have not already attended one of these workshops and volunteer or anticipate volunteering in the future, the following are some dates and places that will be available.

Tues. 7/16 & 8/6 - Greenwich Catholic School 471 North Street, Greenwich - 10AM

Weds. 7/17 & 8/6 - New Covenant Center, 174 Richmond Hill Ave. Stamford - 6 PM

Sat. 7/20 - St. John Fisher Residence 894 Newfield Avenue, Stamford - 9 AM

To register for one of these classes (or to find another one near by at a different time go to:

When registering, choose Bridgeport Diocese as the organization. If you have any problems, you can call the Virtus hotline 888-847-8870.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ATTENDED A LIVE SESSION, and it has been more than 5 years since then, you are required to have a re-certification and background check. The good news is that this can be done online and will only take 1 hour.

If you have any questions, including obtaining your user name and password, you can email Eileen Towne at [email protected] or call 203-348-0052.

July 14, 2019

SAINT LEO PARISH 24 Roxbury Road

Stamford, Connecticut 06902


Rev. Robert S. Balan, S.T.D., Parochial Vicar

PARISH SECRETARY: Mrs. Elizabeth Klemm REL.ED. DIRECTOR: Mrs. Eileen Towne

YOUTH MINISTER: Mrs. Holly Connolly

SUNDAY SCHOOL COOR. Mrs. Holly Connolly


DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Mrs. Denise A. Esposito

ORGANIST: Mrs. Alma A.J. Hamilton

BUILDING MGR: Mr. Michael Lombardo



Joseph Baranowski


Mr. Michael Nicholson, President 203-357-7737

Mr. John Kennedy, Vice-President 203-329-8285

Mrs. Christine Green, Secretary 203-609-0188

PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: Mr. Peter McMullin, Chairman 203-326-5606 MASS SCHEDULE: WEEKENDS: Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM

WEEKDAYS: Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM

CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4:00-4:45PM

BAPTISM: 2nd & 4th Sundays

of the month

(Pre-Baptism classes - for appointment,

call Eileen Towne at 203-348-0052)

MATRIMONY: By appointment, at least

ONE YEAR in advance

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):

Kathy Heslin (203-273-6910)


Rectory: 203-322-1669

Fax: 203-461-9761

Religious Formation: 348-0052

OFFICE HOURS: Rectory: Mon.-Thurs: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri.: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday at noon is the deadline for articles to be placed in the following weekend’s bulletin.

Parish Registration or change in Information

If you attend our parish on a regular basis, please consider registering with us. It is helpful, especially whenever the need arises for special sacraments, sponsor certificates, religious education classes, etc. Kindly fill in the form below and return it to the rectory either by mail or by dropping it in the collection basket.

Please Print

New:_____ Change:_____ Mr. ___ Mrs. ___ Mr. & Mrs. ___ Miss ___ Ms. ___ First Names:______________________________

Wife’s Maiden Name:________________________

Last Name:________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________ City:__________________ State:_____________ Phone:________________ Zip Code:__________ E-mail address:_____________________________ Name(s) of Children (under 18) & Birth Date(s): ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________


On the 1st Tuesday of every month, the Rosary will be prayed in classroom #7 and will commence promptly at 12:15 pm and end at 12:45 pm. Please bring (optional) your written petitions/intentions to place before Our Lady’s statue. Instruction sheets will be available to those who want to learn to pray the Rosary.

ROSARY FOR WORLD PEACE Please join us on the 3rd Thursday of every month when a World Peace Rosary will be prayed after the 8:30 am Mass in English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Korean and French.


We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones. Any questions about either of the Rosary sessions, please call Katie Arnau at 203-564-3626 or Ann Hogan at 203-968-1486.

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