Page 1: PARAKLETOS 2010 - How it went

The Theophilus Company





Page 2: PARAKLETOS 2010 - How it went


Weeks after Parakletos, the

testimonies are still coming in.

Testimonies of lives changed and

restored, of men and women

equipped, mobilised to pray and

call into existence that which did

not exist ; all these people who

have been touched, transformed

are writing, calling in, and we are

delighted ; yet our primary source

of joy is a very simple one. The thing that delights our hearts, that we

marvel at and that fills us with gladness is that God came. His presence was

real and tangible and it changed lives.

We had great ambitions. This time we wanted more than people falling

under the power, we wanted more than they being blessed, we wanted a

prayer army. We wanted God to get hold of our lives and mobilize us to

pray as we had never prayed before, we wanted God to change our

perspective, to turn prayer into a delightful

and desirable thing, to shake our

complacency to see that the future of

this continent will be determined by

those men and women who get on their

knees and cry out to God. And He did.

The place resounded with the cry

‘Europe shall be saved’. And a group of

people from different

nations, the Netherlands, France, the

UK, Germany, the Ukraine, Poland,

together rose up in the awareness that it is

up to us to pray, it is up to this generation to turn things around and that we

can do it. God can do it through us if we will, and we will. The testimonies

keep coming, leaders were encouraged, mobilized; we all received a fresh

understanding of the cry in the heart of God for nations; and that we are a

house of prayer for the nations. We received impartation, were energized;

we heard and heeded the clarion call.

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The Word was powerfully taught. We

received teaching on how to pray, how

to not weary in prayer, how to keep

going until breakthrough comes. Jean

Tanefofou ignited our passion for

missions as he shared testimony after

testimony of great works of God birthed

in prayer in the nations; Suzette Hattingh

took us from the porch to the altar in

prayer and taught us in what dimension to receive miracles in prayer and

release it in victory, taught us about intimacy which keeps us refreshed;

Freddy de Coster took us through the different

pillars of intercession.

I spoke on the call of the believer to be a house

of prayer for the nations, on living in the

fullness and praying in the fullness of God;

Roselen Boerner Faccio taught on specific

biblical ways of praying people into the

kingdom and shared the awesome testimony of

her church; Boris Grisenko shared his testimony of walking into ministry to

messianic Jews out of obedience and the dramatic encounter He had with

Jesus as well as the importance of prayer for the Jewish people.


We spent much time in prayer and praise. I rejoiced as

I saw seasoned ministers

celebrating, as I saw young

people standing up to be

counted, people from different ethnic backgrounds

coming together in the recognition that this is our

shared territory and its future is everyone’s concern.

As with all Parakletos conferences, there was great

liberty and freedom in the Spirit. God honoured us

with His presence. Alongside the Parakletos team,

God blessed us with a worship team of awesome

intercessors from the Netherlands.

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After all that we had received we could not possibly have gone home

without making some firm commitments. And when all was done, we stood

on Isaiah 6 and in the footsteps of Isaiah, we declared ‘here I am, send me’.

That prayer of commitment the Lord had shown me was vital at the close of

the meeting. It helped seal the purpose of the conference. We had received

much, it was time to stand up and say, Lord, and you can count on me. And

it is that statement, more than anything else that attracts the assistance of

the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is the reason why when the music fades, when

the preaching stops, when the challenges come, you know He is there to

help you because you have positioned yourself rightly. You have signed up

for the army of the Lord.

The icing on the cake was a prophetic picture. We had spoken at length

about the need for the intercessor to be constantly refreshed in the

presence of God. I had preached on

Isaiah 56 where God declares

joy over those who would

come into His house of

prayer; and lo and behold,

as I moved to conclude the

meeting with the earlier

passage from Isaiah 6, I

found myself caught up in

the joy of the Holy Spirit and

was drunk in His presence. I

ended up on my knees,

incapable of staying standing and encouraged the people to live in the joy of

the Lord even as they served Him with all their hearts.

It’s the picture of the intercessor who labours hard but is constantly

refreshed in His presence, in His loving arms, and lives and prays out of the

fullness of God. My dignity suffered somewhat, but I think that God got the

message across. The intercessor is a man and woman of joy because He

hangs out with the author of joy. God has a sense of humour and He himself

knows that a picture is worth a thousand words. And as the curtains went

down Sunday, freshly recharged men and women enlisted to join those

prayer warriors who birth the purposes of God on our continent. Mission

accomplished. Until 2011.

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Gloire au Seigneur JESUS CHRIST, Je me suis rendue à Parakletos 2010 le jeudi

28 et vendredi 29 novembre 2010 et j'ai été bénie, rechargée à 100%. J'ai été

touchée par le message de pasteur Bola sur l'importance de prier et par le

message de pasteur ROSELEN SUR LA FOI. TOUTE LA GLOIRE revient au

Seigneur Jésus christ. Que le tout puissant vous bénisse tous et vous garde.


Je remercie Dieu de m'avoir permise de découvrir sur le site Top Chrétien le

PARAKLETOS 2010 et de m'y rendre à la Plaine Saint Denis, de jeudi soir à

dimanche date de clôture. Je bénis Dieu pour la vie de la servante de Dieu

Olivia Ogedengbe, j'ai beaucoup pris de Parakletos, surtout que je venais juste

de terminer un jeune de 21 j qui avait pour but de recherche à nouveau la face

de Dieu. Hier soir j'ai écouté le cd ‘La parole de Dieu’ et ‘Les dons du St Esprit’

et ce toute la nuit, je n'ai pas dormi. Je recherche la face de Dieu

véritablement, priez pour moi. Faites moi savoir c'est quand la prochaine

retraite ou le prochain séminaire. Je ne veux rien laisser tomber.


I hope you are well rested following a fantastic conference. May I just express

again my gratitude for all the work, passion that you put into a conference that

has literarily changed my life […]Thanks for everything;

K.A (UK)

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Amen !! Gloire à Dieu ! Que Dieu vous bénisse Pasteur! J'en ressors guéri,

renouvelé, changé, transformé, armé. Je crois que le Seigneur a fait de grandes

choses pendant ces 4 jours au travers de ses guerriers, pour cette nation, pour

ce continent ! Il a fait de nous une maison de prière, pour intercéder pour les

malades, les opprimés, les égarés, pour les nations ! Que toute la gloire

revienne au Seigneur ! JM

Thank you for all you did during Parakletos. It was real motivating and inspiring.

We keep praying for Europe. May the Lord bless you. G H

J'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé Parakletos 2010!! présente ces quatres jours!! je

n'oublierais jamais!! Gloire à Dieu pour tout ce qu'il nous à donner! j'ai

tellement reçue!! Je suis prête pour le combat!! VA

Je ne peux dire qu'une seule

chose : "GLOIRE A DIEU !!!!" MT

Truly nous devons remercier le


Merci Seigneur pour ces moments

puissants FU

Merci pour votre hospitalité lors de

Parakletos ! Content d'avoir fait votre connaissance. Soyez bénie et à bientôt.


Thank you …. for a wonderful time in God's presence during Parakletos 2010.


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We’ll be happy to have a copy of any photographs you may have taken at


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Thank You

A big thank you to our volunteers, you were absolutely amazing. And if any

person wishes to serve at our next conference or volunteer to assist us all

through the year, please register as a ministry volunteer in any of the different

areas of need – graphic art, audiovisual, web development, praise and worship,

intercession, etc.

Audio and Video

The Cds and Dvds of the conference can be ordered from us. To order :

[email protected] , tel. 06 03 10 19 58

Ministry materials

There are several options available to receive teaching from our ministry :

The blog : Subscribe right away to Pastor Bola’s blog to receive insightful,

biblical articles in your inbox. Subscribe to the English blog at : and to the French blog at : .

OUR WEBSITE : contains in the Resources

section free audio and video teachings by Pastor Bola and other ministers. .

CDs order: Order your cds by mail ; or

In 7ici ou C.L.C bookshops: Pastor Bola’s teachings on different topics (faith,

perseverance in the face of affliction, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, why tongues…)

can be ordered via the 7ici and CLC bookshops from the Sephora catalogue. A

few cds are available in English : Faith pleases God ; A clean heart towards God.

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Let’s stay connected :

• Reach Ps Bola on Facebook (click here) ;

•Become a Theophilus Company fan on Facebook. (Click here)

•Become a friend of Abba House on Facebook. (click here)

Conference clips can be see on Soak yourselves in the

atmosphere again.


PARAKLETOS Secretariat

THE THEOPHILUS COMPANY a people passionate for God.

The Theophilus Company is the prophetic ministry of Bola Olivia


Info : ; Email : [email protected]

French Blog: ; English Blog:

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