Page 1: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

The Parts of a Paragraph:

1 Topic Sentence

3+ Detail Sentences

1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Page 2: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Topic Sentences:

--Names the main idea of the paragraph

--Gets the reader thinking about the topic or grabs the reader’s attention

--Sometimes introduces clues or names the details to be covered in the rest of the paragraph.

Page 3: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

3 Types of Topic Sentences:

-GENERAL Topic SentenceNames the main idea of the paragraph

i.e. Democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High School.

--CLUEING Topic SentenceNames the main idea of the paragraph AND gives a clue about the details without naming them.

i.e. There are three ways democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High School.

--SPECIFIC Topic Sentence Names the main idea of the paragraph and specifically names which details will be covered in the paragraph.

i.e. Democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High School in the student government, faculty unions, and the parent-teacher associations.

Page 4: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Detail Sentences:

--Discuss and introduce one of the details or supporting evidence of the paragraph

--Sometimes show the relationship between a detail and the rest of the paragraph


--Signal the introduction of a new detail

--Shows the relationship between the detail and the rest of the paragraph

Today was a busy day at school. First, we went to English class to learn about writing paragraphs. Next, we went to math class to learn about trigonometry. Finally, we went to history to learn about ancient Greece. Our classes were very informative but kept us busy throughout the day.

Page 5: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Two Types of Detail Sentences:

LEAD OFF Detail SentencesIntroduces a new detail and contains a transition.

i.e. The first reason I enjoy football is the violent nature of the sport.

FOLLOW UP Detail SentencesProvides more information about the detail that preceded it.

i.e. There are typically five to ten injuries per game, and I enjoy seeing two teams battle it out on the field.

Page 6: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Requirements for a Detail Sentence:

Each Detail Sentence MUST:

•Contain related information

•Be in a logical sequence

•Include a transition if it introduces a new detail

•Be written from the same point of view as the other sentences

•Be written in the same tense as the other sentences

Page 7: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Types of Sequences for a Detail Sentence:

Size Sequence

--When the details are larger/smaller than each other.

Time Sequence

--When some of the details occur before others in time.

Space Sequence

--When the details are arranged in space relation to each other.

Importance Sequence

--When some details are more important than others.

Chain-Link Sequence

--When details are related in pairs or not related in any of the above sequences.

Page 8: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

Clincher Sentences:

--Is the last sentence of the paragraph

--Names the main idea of the paragraph

--Sometimes summarizes or names the details covered in the paragraph

--Is phrased different from the Topic Sentence

Page 9: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph Writing

3 Types of Clincher Sentences:

-GENERAL Clincher SentenceSummarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

i.e. It is easy to see that democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High School.

--CLUEING Clincher SentenceSummarizes the main idea of the paragraph AND ties the details of a paragraph together with a clue word but does not name them.

i.e. Overall, these are the three three ways democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High School.

--SPECIFIC Clincher Sentence Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph and specifically names which details covered in the paragraph in the order they were presented.

i.e. As discussed, democracy is alive at Hillsboro High School through the student government, faculty unions, and the parent-teacher associations.

Page 10: Paragraph Writing The Parts of a Paragraph: 1 Topic Sentence 3+ Detail Sentences 1 Clincher/ Concluding Sentence

Paragraph WritingTopic Sentence


Detail #1

Detail #2

Detail #3

Lead Off Follow Up

Lead Off Follow Up

Lead Off Follow Up

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