Page 1: Papal Inquisition By: Peyton Jones & Bella Green

Papal InquisitionBy: Peyton Jones & Bella Green

Page 2: Papal Inquisition By: Peyton Jones & Bella Green

The Papal Inquisition

Called for by Pope Gregory IX in 1231, the Papal Inquisition was the mas trial of heretics (real and misunderstood) in order to rid the Roman Catholic Church of false teachings.

Page 3: Papal Inquisition By: Peyton Jones & Bella Green

The Start

Began in 1231

Pope Gregory IX


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Pope Gregory IX

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Alblgensian (Quick Overview)

Southern France:Soul- created by good

Body- created by evil

Basically 2 Gods= Dualism

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The Victims

1231- Germany

1232- Spain

1233- Everywhere

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Processus inquisitionis (1249)

Oath of truth

Accuser was kept secret

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There were several heresies that the Catholic Church

Cathars, Waldensians, Fraticelli, and the Knights Templar

Cathars believed in Dualism

Dualism is the belief that any view of reality that holds there are two fundamentally and irreducibly different types of being or operations.

Thus God and the world, spirit and matter, intellect and will, truth and error , virtue and sin are expressions of dualism.

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EnforcersBishops Inquisitors

List of some Inquisitors:Bernardo Gui


Recruited Dominicans (St. Dominic 1221)

Recruited Franciscan

The Dominicans created the first formal Inquisition.

In 1233 the next pope, Gregory IX, charged the Dominican Inquisition with the final solution: the absolute extirpation of the Cathars.

Soon the Franciscans would join in too, but it is Dominic Guzmán (St Dominic)

The Inquisition was enforced by Church officials including bishops, priests, and basically any other people who suspected someone of heresy

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The Papal Inquisition greatly increased the Catholic population

but the population of True Catholics decreased.

The Papal Inquisition turned more people away

Corruption in the Catholic Church will probably always exist but it is important for big leaders of the Church to maintain holy lives to set good examples.

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The whole Papal Inquisition was very corrupted itself.

It had good intentions such as wanting to route out heresies and corruption within the catholic countries yet it had an opposite reaction.

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Works CitedCARM. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

EWTN. Eternal Word Television Network, Inc., 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

The Galileo Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

Got Questions. Got Questions Ministries, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

Overheard in the Sacristy. Overheard in the Sacristy, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

St. Isidore Catholic Church. N.p., 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

St. Michael's Call. Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael, 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>.

Blötzer, Joseph. "Inquisition." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 28 Jan. 2014 <>

Anderson, Jessica. "The Cathars and the Start of the Inquisition." History Times      History. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

Cathar. John Crawford, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. <      02_intro.htm>

Pennock, Michael. This is Our Chuch. Fort Wayne: Ave Maria Press, 2007. Print.

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