Page 1: Palm Sunday - Constant · Narrator: At dawn's first light, after Jesus’ betrayal by Judas and his

First Presbyterian Church Founded June 15, 1818


We seek to be a Church United in Christ, Scripturally Based, and

a Compassionate Community of Faith.

(The worship service is broadcast over WLOR AM 1550 or FM 98.1)

307 Gates Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801 256-536-3354 ~Fax (256) 536-3038

E-Mail: [email protected] Home page:

First Presbyterian is a Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a Stephen Ministry Congregation

Palm Sunday April 9, 2017

8:30 a.m./10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Page 2: Palm Sunday - Constant · Narrator: At dawn's first light, after Jesus’ betrayal by Judas and his


Assemble in God’s Name With the chiming of the bell, we quietly and prayerfully prepare our hearts and minds to worship God.

Chiming of the Bell

Prelude (8:30) Brethren We Have Met To Worship GOSS

(10:30) Be Still My Soul Sibelius/arr. Wyrtzen David Jones, piano/organ

Good News Reading: John 12: 12-16

*Processional Hymn 197 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna ELLACOMBE

*Call to Worship Liturgists: (8:30) Roy McCorkle; (10:30) David Smith

One: Rejoice greatly, O CHILDREN of Zion!

All: Shout aloud, O CHILDREN of Jerusalem!

One: Lo, your king comes to you;

All: Triumphant and victorious is he,

One: humble and riding on a donkey,

All: on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

One: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

All: Hosanna in the highest!

*Opening Prayer

Choral Introit (10:30) Shout Hosanna Vicki Hancock Wright Children's Choir

Prayer of Confession Jesus, our Lord, we shout hosannas to praise you. With eager hands, we place our cloaks

and palms on the path before you. Yet, Lord, we confess that the mouths that seek to praise

you often deny or defy you. And we confess that the hands that seek to serve you often re-

main shut. Please forgive us and hear us as we now make our silent confession...

Kyrie Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us KYRIE

(8:30) Lord, have mercy upon us, Christ, have mercy upon us,

Lord, have mercy upon us.

(10:30) Lord, have mercy upon us, (3 times)

Christ, have mercy upon us, (3 times)

Lord, have mercy upon us. (3 times)

* Congregation Standing

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3 * Congregation Standing

Assurance and Pardon

One: Hosanna to the Son of David!

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

All: For Christ came into the world not to condemn the world,

but that the world through him should be saved.

One: Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children.

All: And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and

sacrifice to God. Hosanna! Amen!

*Hymn 196 All Glory, Laud, and Honor VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

*The Passing of the Peace (8:30)

Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Proclaim God’s Word

Time for Young Disciples (10:30) Angela Green

At this time all children will be invited to come to the chancel steps. Children ages KINDERGARTEN AND YOUNGER are dismissed to the nursery. FIRST GRADE AND UP should remain in the sanctuary with parents.

The Lesson: The Passion of Christ adapted from the Gospel of Mark Narrator: On the first day of the Days of Unleavened Bread, the day they prepare the Passover sacri-fice, his disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations so you can eat the Passover meal?” Jesus: “Go into the city. A man carrying a water jug will meet you. Follow him. He will show you a second story room, swept and ready. Prepare for us there.” Narrator: After sunset, he met the Twelve there. As they were at the supper table eating, Jesus said, Jesus: “I have something hard but important to say to you: One of you is going to hand me over to the conspirators, one who is at this moment eating with me.” Narrator: Stunned, they asked, “It isn’t me, is it?” Jesus: “It’s one of the Twelve, one who eats with me out of this same bowl.” Narrator: In the course of the meal, having taken bread and blessed it, Jesus broke it and gave it to them. Then he said:

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Jesus: “This is my body, broken for you. Whenever you eat together like this, remember me and my sacrifice of love for you. And this cup is my blood, God’s new covenant, poured out for many people, including you. I’ll not be drinking wine again until the new day I drink it in the kingdom of heaven, but when you do so, drink in memory of me.”

Narrator: They sang a hymn and then went directly to the Mount of Olives.

Anthem In the Upper Room Joe E. Parks

Chancel Choir

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

Narrator: At dawn's first light, after Jesus’ betrayal by Judas and his arrest, the high priests, with the religious leaders and scholars, arranged a conference with the entire Jewish Council. After ty-ing Jesus securely, they took him out and presented him to Pilate. Pilate asked him,

Pilate: "Are you the 'King of the Jews'?" Jesus: "If you say so." Narrator: The high priests let loose a barrage of accusations. Pilate: “Aren't you going to answer anything? That's quite a list of accusations." Narrator: Still, he said nothing. Pilate was impressed. It was a custom at the Feast to release a prisoner, anyone the people asked for. There was one prisoner called Barabbas, locked up with the insurrectionists who had committed murder during the uprising against Rome. As the crowd came up and began to present its petition for him to release a prisoner, Pilate anticipated them: Pilate: "Do you want me to release the King of the Jews to you?" Narrator: Pilate knew by this time that it was through sheer spite that the high priests had turned Jesus over to him. But the high priests by then had worked up the crowd to ask for the release of Barabbas. Pilate: "So what do I do with this man you call King of the Jews?" Congregation: "Nail him to a cross!" Pilate: "But for what crime?" Congregation: "Nail him to a cross!" Narrator: Pilate gave the crowd what it wanted, set Barabbas free and turned Jesus over for whip-ping and crucifixion. The soldiers took Jesus into the palace and called together the entire brigade. They dressed him up in purple and put a crown plaited from a thorn bush on his head. Then they began their mockery:

Congregation : “Bravo, King of the Jews!"

* Congregation Standing

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Narrator : They banged on his head with a club, spit on him, and knelt down in mock worship. After they had had their fun, they took off the purple cape and put his own clothes back on him. Then they marched out to nail him to the cross. The soldiers brought Jesus to Golgotha, meaning "Skull Hill." They offered him a mild painkiller (wine mixed with myrrh), but he wouldn't take it. And they nailed him to the cross. (Pause)

They divided up his clothes and threw dice to see who would get them. They nailed him up at nine

o'clock in the morning.


The charge against him - THE KING OF THE JEWS - was printed on a poster. Along with him, they

crucified two criminals, one to his right, the other to his left. People passing along the road jeered,

shaking their heads in mock lament:

Congregation: "You bragged that you could tear down the Temple and then rebuild it in three

days - so show us your stuff! Save yourself! If you're really God's Son, come down from that


Narrator: The high priests, along with the religious scholars, were right there mixing it up with the rest

of them, having a great time poking fun at him:

Congregation: "He saved others - but he can't save himself! Messiah, is he? King of Israel?

Then let him climb down from that cross. We'll ALL become believers then!"

Narrator: Even the men crucified alongside him joined in the mockery. At noon the sky became ex-

tremely dark. The darkness lasted three hours. At three o'clock, Jesus groaned out of the depths, cry-

ing loudly,

Jesus: "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"

Narrator: Some bystanders who heard him said,

Congregation: "Listen, he's calling for Elijah."

Narrator: Someone ran off, soaked a sponge in sour wine, put it on a stick, and gave it to him to drink,


Congregation: "Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down."

Narrator: But Jesus, with a loud cry, gave his last breath.

* Congregation Standing

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6 * Congregation Standing

This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “On the Road with Jesus: The Final Stretch” Rev. Rosemary McMahan

*Hymn 228 Were You There WERE YOU THERE

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his

only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suf-

fered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the

third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right

hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the


I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the for-

giveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Sonata of Crucifixion Wyrtzen David Jones, piano/organ

*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD ONE HUNDREDTH

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Offertory Prayer

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*Closing Hymn The Old Rugged Cross THE OLD RUGGED CROSS

*Benediction *Choral Response (10:30) O How He Loves You and Me Kurt Kaiser

*Postlude (8:30) O Sacred Head Now Wounded Bach and Hassler/arr. Wyrtzen

(10:30) O Sacred Head Now Wounded/When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Hassler David Jones, piano/organ

Worship Leaders

Rev. Rosemary McMahan, Interim Pastor Dr. Patricia Hacker, Director of Music

David Jones, Organist/Pianist Jan McKemie, Organist

Angela Green, Director of Children Ministry

Liturgists: (8:30) Roy McCorkle; (10:30) David Smith Passion Readers: (8:30) Melissa Rowe, Fritz Gant, and Roy McCorkle; (10:30) Stephanie Hyatt, Alex Yi, and Lori

Smith. Acolytes: (10:30) Alex and Ella Yi

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Welcome Visitors

We welcome you as a participant in worship today. We pray that you will find this service meaningful. Worship is but one of the many ministries of First Presbyterian Church.

Please remember to turn off all cell phones and pagers. Also please DO NOT take flash photographs during the services.

Please sign in: The red Friendship Folders will be passed during the offering.

Looking for a Church home? Please speak with Pastor Rosemary or the “ Ask Me” person standing at the rear of the church.

Ushers serving this morning: (8:30) Dennis McMahan; (10:30) Anne Brigance, Andrew Bevel, Brian and Karen Clayton.

Thank you to all that assisted with this morning’s worship services: Passion Readers: Melissa Rowe, Fritz Gant, and Roy McCorkle (8:30) ; Stephanie Hyatt, Alex Yi, and Lori Smith (10:30); Liturgist: (8:30O) Roy McCorkle and (10:30) David Smith; Acolytes: (10:30) Alex and Ella Yi .

Announcements Sympathy of the Congregation is expressed to Mary Adams on the death of her father, Barnett Gamble. The Adams’ mailing ad-dress is 2501 Garth Road, Huntsville AL 335801.

IN MEMORIAM - Jean Wilson Martin (January 31, 1920 - March 30, 2017).

Do you needlepoint? We are currently reupholstering chairs for the church with needlepoint and we need volunteers to help us complete this project. If you would like to help please contact Madelyn Hereford at 256-880-8342.

Housing Needed for New Youth Director! The youth committee is excited to announce that through a partnership with CYMT, our church will soon have a new youth director! As part of the compensation, we need to provide housing. We are asking the congregation for leads on a small apartment/house that could be used for this. If you have any ideas or questions, please contact Nancy Lundy at [email protected] or 256-508-0339.

Attention Graduates! We need the following information by Monday, May 8th for publication in the May 21st church bulletin: Graduate’s name, High School, College or Graduate School name, plans for the fall (include college and major if known) and a photo. Please send your information to Cynde at [email protected].

PYC events: April 9th (Palm Sunday) - PYC will go see the "Little Mermaid" at HHS at 2pm (meet there at 1:30). Please plan on sup-porting our friends!; April 16th - NO PYC (Easter); April 23rd - PYC at 5pm; April 30th - PYC at 5pm.

The Presbytery Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering will be at First Presbyterian in Athens on April 25, 2017 with registration at 9:15 a.m. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

Many thanks to our Chancel Choir for their hard work during this Lenten Season. Chancel Choir practice is Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.

First Presbyterian Boy Scout Troop 633 is having a Pancake Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 22 from 7:00 to 10:00 am. Breakfast includes orange juice, coffee, milk, and sausage. Artisan pancakes are created to your specific order-artisan in that they are art specified by you. DISCLAIMER: In some cases your pancake maybe more impressionistic than realistic in art. Bring your fam-ily and friends, $5 per person and children under 5 years eat free!

Prayer and Care Concerns

Members: Anne Boles, Dr. Frank Contreras, Marlyn Harris, David Hatch, J. R. Howard, Kara Howard, Sharon Hudson, LaRhue John-son; Mamie Jones, Cay Lambert, Lorinne Lilly, Sage Lyons, III, Bonnie Morris, and Sanders Pair.

Friends & Relatives: Judith Fields - Jan and Bob McKemie; Robin Freisen - Friend of the Wessel Family; Lendon Hoffmeyer - Great-

Grandson of Betty Thompson; Marilyn and Les Holt - Friends of Frank Contreras; Cecil Hurt - Brother-in-law of Jeanette Hollis; Beverlee

Leo - Mother of Lori Smith; Margaret Linn - Mother of Melissa Jones; Markes Little - Brother of Peggy Galloway; Luke Matthews - Uncle of

Houston Matthews; Maryanne Nicholas - Friend of Ginger and Danny Bryant; Erskine Payne - Father of Bill Payne; Diana Rose -

Mother of Serena Neely; Patricia Smith - Mother of David Smith; Tent City - Friends of Carol Cotney.

Members and Relatives in Specialty Care: Annabell Aust (Regency Village); Lorinne Lilly (Magnolia Cottage); Darwin Perkins

(Brookdale Place); Ray Rose (Diversicare of Big Springs); Virginia Rowe (Whitesburg Gardens); Marge Sharp (Birmingham).

The Church: The Pastor Nominating Committee; First Presbyterian Church, the Session, the North Alabama Presbytery, and for our new Direc-

tor of Youth Ministry.

Military & International: All those serving in the armed forces.

Our Nation: President Trump and our representatives.

First Presbyterian Missions & Ministries: Appalachia Service Project (ASP); Good Samaritans; International Missionary Fellowship

(; The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center; The Presbyterian Home for Children; Second Mile Preschool, Kids to Love, and the

CUP program.


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