
Executive Summary

ObjectivesMissionKeys to Success

Company Summary

Company OwnershipStart-up Summary

Products and Services

Market Analysis Summary

Market Segmentation

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Competitive EdgeMarketing StrategyPromotion StrategySales Strategy

Management Summary

Management TeamPersonnel Plan

Executive Summary

Capital Paintball will consist of four fields, a range, indoor playing facilities, as well as a concession stand and rental shop.

There is so much more to playing paintball than meets the eye, it is a great teambuilding activity, ideal for corporate events and a fun leisure activity to enjoy with friends.

Imagine the sheer excitement of moving through the woods and undergrowth searching for the enemy H.Q. All of a sudden there is the H.Q. in front of you... You call up for support whilst your squad mounts a paintball attack on the flag position. Then a burst of firing from your flank and several of your group are hit.

Could you organize a counter attack and make for safety?

The Paintball game itself involves an adaptation of various scenarios, whereby two opponent teams adopt their own strategies and tactics in order to win the game. Fully outfitted with paintball guns and other paintball equipment, the teams embark on a series of attacks and counter-attacks, in order to lead their team to Paintball victory.

Capital Paintball is a woodland paintball park including a range of structures to help give the game a more authentic feel. You will be able to play paintball across bunkers, towers, trenches, forts, bridges and fortified areas. The paintball equipment is designed to be used in all conditions so the game goes ahead regardless of the weather conditions. You will be supplied with paintball guns and other essential equipment, so as to ensure your safety.

The paintball guns, which are semi automatic carbines, are capable of single shots or rapid fire. They are also able to 'take out' a target up to 200 feet away, so keep your head down.

Paintball has proved to be an extremely popular activity for corporate events, as well as other types of group days out, because paintball is excellent for team building. Paintball is designed to engage a team in an activity which demands various skills and techniques.

In working together to combat the opponent, a paintball team develops communication skills, planning, cooperation, decision-making and effective use of resources. In this way, the consolidation of a team throughout a paintball game proves to be one of the best team-building activities.

Capital Paintball offers the ultimate in corporate hospitality. We guarantee an action-packed, adrenalin-filled experience at the most professionally run paintball venue.

John Smith, owner of Capital Paintball, has been connected with the sport for over ten years. For the past six years, John has been the manager of the popular paintball facility. He is a familiar fixture at all of the region's paintball events and last year served as league commissioner for a league competition.

Capital Paintball will serve as the league practicing and playing facility. With this base of support, Capital Paintball will focus on the creation of a 10-15 team youth league. The league play will become a foundation for the facility to grow its customer base and promote the sport of paintball to new customers.


The company's objective is to build quality, full-service family entertainment centers that will command the approval of the community that it serves.

Our goals include:

1. A 10% market share in our first year.2. An increase of 15% in our gross margins within the second year of operation3. An increase in our market share by a minimum of 10% for each of our first five years.

Currently, there are no quality family entertainment centers in Capital City, or the surrounding areas (for a radius of 50 miles). The company believes that by entering the marketplace first and by establishing quality facilities, it will become, and remain, a leader in the family entertainment centers industry in Statesville.

Our fundamental objective is to realize how we impact the community that we do business in, knowing that we will stand the test of time if the local residents approve and support our center.


Capital Paintballs sole purpose is to establish a profitable and well-managed company while at the same time creating an atmosphere of fun and excitement for the customers, with activities designed to please the local residents and businesses as well as the substantial tourist base of the Statesville.

Keys to Success

Based on our research, our primary targeted market is parents and their children (ages 5-15 to 54). With that in mind, we intend to design our facilities to address this primary market, while keeping in mind the secondary markets such a teens and young adults.

We believe that our main keys to success include:

Providing popular and wide-ranging entertainment activities Ample and secure parking Indoor activities for year round entertainment The use of state-of-the-art technology Easy access Target high traffic areas for maximum public exposure Design facilities to curb overcrowding Seasoned management team

We believe that we can minimize certain risk factors by:

Initial capitalization of the company to sustain operations through year one Low overhead through the use of multi-skilled employees and continual training Strong customer base through aggressive marketing Strong community ties and involvement Eliminate collection costs by establishing cash / credit / debit card only facilities

Company Summary

Capital Paintball will rent a tract of wooded undulating land with an industrial building and adjacent parking lot, located in what is quickly becoming the most desirable business area of Capital City.

Company Ownership

Capital Paintball is owned by John and Jane Smith.

Start-up Summary

Start Up Costs

The major cost of establishing any paintball site will be purchasing or renting the land or, if operating an indoor site, the building.

Paintball usually requires around 20-40 acres of land, which should have interesting features to provide cover for participants. The site must be accessible to customers, but free of public rights of way. It is important that paint pellets are not able to reach adjacent roads and paths; pellet proof netting may be necessary. A netted safety zone (non-playing area) containing toilets, changing facilities, the central administration office, storage facilities and catering facilities must be provided. Portable toilet units maybe hired if there are not existing ones on-site. Car-parking space is also required. Signage (denoting safety zones, hazardous areas and supplying general information) will also be needed. The cost will therefore vary enormously depending on location, alternative use of land and the standard of facilities (e.g. catering) on offer.

Serious players of paintball will usually have their own equipment, which can easily cost hundreds of dollars; however, most players will need to be provided with suitable equipment. Markers can be bought from $75-$80 and accessories such as a bottle, hopper, etc will be required (taking the price up to $135-$150 each). Cheaper markers are available for $55.

Around 40 of each item will be needed, depending on the number of players allowed to play at any one time. Paintball pellets will be an ongoing cost, with one day's supply for a player (around 400 rounds) costing around $8. Competitors will also require suitable goggles, masks and clothing.

Marshals will also need walkie-talkies and distinctive uniforms. A vehicle, such as a Land Rover, will also be required.

Staff, insurance and promotional costs must be considered.

During the start-up phase of this project, the following major events will occur, some of them simultaneously:

Obtain all required permits. Lease the facility site. Order paintball equipment. Hire key personnel. Start development of leagues. Finalize operating procedures. Intensify marketing campaign. Hire remaining staff. Train staff. Order inventory. Open for business.

Start-up Expenses

Legal $1,000Stationery etc. $500Brochures $1,000Permits $3,000Insurance $1,000Lease $6,000Paintball Equipment $8,500Paintball Inventory $11,500Snack bar Setup $4,500

Total Start-up Expense $37,000

Start-up Assets Needed

Cash Balance on Starting Date $51,000

Total Requirements $88,000

Funding Investment

John and Jane Smith$44,000Loan $44,000

Total Investment $200,000

Government Regulations and Information

In the United States of America, eight states define explicit legislation for paintball guns. In Pennsylvania, paintball markers have transport requirements, cannot be used against anyone not participating in a paintball activity, and cannot be used for property damage. New Hampshire and Rhode Island require players be at least eighteen years of age to own a marker, with students in New Hampshire faced with the possibility of expulsion from school for possessing a marker. In Illinois, owners must be over the age of twelve and can only use their markers in private land or on safely constructed target ranges. There is no age limit.

Virginia is one of two states that permit its towns to adopt ordinances on paintball guns, allowing its local authorities to do so. Delaware on the other hand only authorizes Wilmington to do so, but does allow paintball to be played on farms as it is considered an agritourism activity. Florida and Texas limit government liability if a government entity allows paintball on its property.

In virtually all jurisdictions, the use of a paintball marker in a manner other than its intended purpose and/or outside the confines of a sanctioned game or field can result in criminal charges such as disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, vandalism, criminal mischief or even assault.

The rate of injury to paintball participants has been estimated as 45 injuries per 100,000 participants per year. Research published by the Minnesota Paintball Association has argued that paintball is one of the statistically safest sports to participate in, with 20 injuries per 100,000 players annually, and these injuries tend to be incidental to outdoor physical activity (e.g. trips). A study of the 24 patients with modern sports eye injuries presenting to the eye emergency department of Porto S Joo Hospital included five paintball eye injuries. Furthermore, a one-year study undertaken by the Eye Emergency Department, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston has shown that most sports eye injuries are caused by basketball, baseball, hockey, and racquetball. Another analysis concluded that eye injuries incurred from paintball were in settings where protective equipment such as masks were not enforced, or were removed by the player. Eye injuries can occur when protective equipment is not properly used and such injuries often cause devastating visual loss. For safety, most regulated paintball fields strictly enforce a 'masks-on' policy, and most eject players who consistently disobey.

Regardless, paintball has received criticism due to incidents of injury. In Canada in 2007, an eleven year old boy lifted his mask and was shot point blank in the eye by an adult playing on the same field, leading to calls by the Montreal Children's Hospital to restrict the minimum age of paintball participants to 16 years. In Australia, the sport attracted criticism when a 39 year old man playing at a registered field in Victoria died of a suspected heart attack, after being struck in the chest.

Additionally, the use of paintball markers outside a regulated environment has caused concern. In the United States in 1998, 14 year old Jorel Lynn Travis was shot with a paintball gun while standing outside a Fort Collins, Colorado ice cream parlor blinding her in one eye. In 2001, a series of pre-meditated and racially motivated drive-by shootings targeted Alaska Natives in Anchorage, Alaska, using a paintball marker. In Ottawa, Canada in 2007, Ashley Roos was shot in the eye and blinded with a paintball gun while waiting for a bus.

Products and Services

Capital Paintball offers all skills level the best playing fields, the best equipment rentals and ammunition, and the best officials. We focus on making league play the exceptional experience it should be.

The Game

The Paintball game itself involves an adaptation of various scenarios, whereby two opponent teams adopt their own strategies and tactics in order to win the game. Fully outfitted with paintball guns and other paintball equipment, the teams embark on a series of attacks and counter-attacks, in order to lead their team to Paintball victory!

The woodland paintball parks include a range of structures to help give the game a more authentic feel. You will be able to play paintball across bunkers, towers, trenches, forts, bridges and fortified areas. The paintball equipment is designed to be used in all conditions so the game goes ahead regardless of the weather conditions. You will be supplied with paintball guns and other essential equipment, so as to ensure your safety.

The paintball guns, which are semi automatic carbines, are capable of single shots or rapid fire. They are also able to 'take out' a target up to 200 feet away, so keep your head down!

Paintball Safety

Paintball is a safe sport in comparison to the majority of other action/adrenalin sports and Capital Paintball takes every necessary measure to ensure each individual's personal safety. We are members of the local Sports Federation, who demand high standards from all participating paintball sites; hence we follow guidelines in relation to health and safety for all visitors to the paintball sites.

All paintball players receive a full briefing before the day's activities commence, with an emphasis on safety precautions, as well as proper use of the paintball guns and other provided equipment. The attire that paintball players will be required to wear will also be issued at the beginning of the day and includes camouflage clothing, full facemasks and padded hoods for extra protection.

Team Building

Paintball has proved to be an extremely popular activity for corporate events, as well as other types of group days out, because paintball is excellent for team building. Paintball is designed to engage a team in an activity which demands various skills and techniques.

In working together to combat the opponent, a paintball team develops communication skills, planning, cooperation, decision-making and effective use of resources. In this way, the consolidation of a team throughout a paintball game proves to be one of the best team-building activities.

Starting a team is as easy as saying you want to. This article will teach you how to actually run the team. Teams can be any number of people. My first team started as a two guys, then we picked up another player and a couple kids from around to play 5-man. Every team has a different focus or agenda. If you are one of the founding members of your team, figure out what your goals are. Do you want to be a top NPPL team in two years? Do you want to go pro? Are you just trying to have a good time? You might want to put together a team for just one event. Find other players with an agenda similar to yours. The most important thing for a tournament paintball team is a stable roster. At this point, skill level isn't very important. Your team will learn and grow together; sometimes picking players who are much better than the rest of the team will cause resentment, and that player will leave to a better team. Since you are probably acting as captain, approach a player and ask him to join your team. Tell them what you're about and ask them to come to a practice. If you are just starting, you probably won't have enough clout to steal good players from other teams, but try to avoid that if possible. If someone doesn't fit or doesn't want to come back, don't force it. You will spend a lot of time with your teammates, always pick people you get along with. Tournaments of all sizes can be found at almost every paintball field or at least in every region. 3-man and 5-man are the most common formats at rookie and novice events. Check on the Internet for tournament dates and locations. Tournaments range from low-cost outings with few or no prizes to highly competitive big money tournaments. Which tournament you enter depends on the size of your roster, your skill and your budget. It's good to play cheaper tournaments at first, as they are generally less competitive. This will help you get a feel for the tournament scene and give you some valuable experience. Once you've picked a tournament, you'll need to practice for it. How much you practice depends on a number of factors: how much time you have before the tournament, how many players can make it to each practice, how much money you have, etc. Try to give yourself at least two good practices before a tournament. It's better to have a few good all-day practices with your full team than to have a lot of half-assed practices. Trust me on that one. Set up a practice schedule that everyone can follow. If you can, find another team to practice with. If you're just starting out, you'll want to find a team of similar skill. If you can take it, practice a team better than you. It will only help you get better. At practice you'll want to simulate a tournament as closely as possible. Start the day by walking the fields, getting a feel for where everyone will be playing. Establish priorities and game plans; do you want to keep them out of the snake, work on your communication, try to close with everyone alive, etc. ? After the game discuss what went well and what didn't. Talk about mistakes and how you can improve next game. Try and have someone who knows paintball (a friend, a teammate sitting that game) watch from the sidelines and offer an unbiased appraisal of the game. Everyone will walk off the field screaming their version of what went wrong. Always listen to that guy on the sidelines, adrenaline clouds your memory. If you can, have that person or someone else take pictures. They will be valuable for posting pictures of you on the 'Nation bunkering some fool, looking at how poor your technique is, or just plain ole' memory. If you're practicing a better team, ask for advice. I don't know any player on the planet who won't tell you what he thinks you're doing wrong. Try and find the player you were playing against, or who shot your, and ask what you could do better next time? There's no harm in making mistakes, only in making the same mistake twice. One of the most difficult situations you will have to deal with is alternating players. If you are only playing local tournaments I recommend you have only as many players as the format allows, i.e. 5 players for a 5-man team. Unless you have a set rotation pattern, or someone is OK with sitting a lot, this will become a major issue. It's hard to get into a rhythm when you're constantly rotating people, but it's even harder to tell your friends they have to sit. Always be honest, always try to be fair. Try and make your team a team in the fullest sense of the word. A lot of teams get matching jerseys or t-shirts to play in. Ask your local shop for a sponsorship of some type. If you are young, try and someone's mom to be Team Mom. Pack a cooler of snacks so you can sit around at lunch time and talk. Designate someone to bring water, or batteries, or an EZ-UP for shade. Call each other, see movies, hang out. Little things like this make a team feel and work better.

Teams teach you how to deal with people, how to accomplish common goals, how to work together, how to break rental cars, how to get arrested and more. Losing hurts, but you learn a lot more by losing than you do by winning. Take everything in stride, forgive your teammates if they make mistakes. Everyone's young, pressure does funny things to people. Remember, always have fun. If you're not having fun, why bother? This game is sure time consuming, and there isnt much money in it. Do it for respect and do it for fun. Enjoy yourselves.

Capital Paintball offers the ultimate in corporate hospitality. We guarantee an action-packed, adrenalin-filled experience at the most professionally run paintball venue in the area. So for a day that neither you nor your client will forget, call Capital Paintball to create your own individual corporate day of paintballing.

Capital Paintball offers tea, coffee and lunch on site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What should we bring to play paintball in?

A. Capital Paintball supplies all the relevant paintball equipment. For a game of paintball, it is recommended to wear loose fitting clothes, trainers or lightweight boots. Thin or fingerless pair of gloves are also useful.

Q. What if the weather is bad?

A. A game will not be called off because of bad weather - it's only rain! The paintball parks and equipment are adaptable to all weather conditions.

Q. When can we play?

A. Our site is open every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year and for private or corporate events during the week.

Weekend Hours: 8am - 6pm or DuskWeekday Hours: Mon through Fri - We Will Open for Groups of 20 or More-Reservation Required

Registration begins 1/2 hour before start times

Q. Do I need a minimum number of players to book a paintball game?

A. No. Quite often paintball days consist of a number of small to medium sized groups. In this case we introduce everyone and then select two teams based on the overall number of players booked in.


Capital Paintball Paint Only (You cannot Bring Paint Purchased anywhere else) A valid driver's license, birth certificate, school ID or a passport is required to rent field equipment. We have Group Discounts & a Frequent Player Program A 25% Savings - Play 4 times and get a FREE Field Pass.

Session Fee - $50.00

Insurance Field Pass Tippman Pro-carb Semi JT Full Head Safety Mask 100 Paint Balls

Session Fee: $25.00 (Available when using your own equipment)

Field Pass Insurance Air Fills: Up to 12 oz 13 to 20 oz - Co2 $4.00 $6.00 Nitrogen-to 4500 psi $2.00 per 1000 psi Air Pass All Session $10.00 (Co2 or Nitrogen) Out Dated tanks WILL NOT be filled!

Paint Balls: 32Team Colors Blaze

100 Count $ 7.00 N/A 500 Count $ 30.00 $ 35.00 1000 Count $ 50.00 $ 55.00 2000 Count $ 80.00 $ 90.00

Sales Tax is Included in Paint Prices Paint Brands Fluctuate due to availability Optional Rental Equipment

Ammo Packs: $5.00 Holds 3/100 Paint Ball Tubes (Empty) Thermal Mask: $5.00 (Non-Fogging) Camo Rental: Jump Suits $6.00


All Players Regardless Of Age Must Read and Sign the Release of Liability Prior To Play. 10 Years Old is the Minimum Age. There are no exceptions due to Insurance Regulations. Additionally, Players Aged 10-17 MUST have a Medical Release Form entirely filled in and signed by a Parent or Guardian. Any Player Not Following The Safety Rules Will Be Ejected From That Game. In The Event Of a Second Infraction They Will Be Ejected From The Facility. We Are Extremely Serious About The Safety of All Of Our Players, Spectators and Staff Members.

Market Analysis Summary

Paintball is a team combat sport, played outdoors (e.g. in woodlands), in the grounds of stately homes or in purpose built arenas. Customers will be supplied with a specially designed mask and goggles, overalls to protect clothing and the paintball equipment (which varies depending on the site). Most sites now use pump action or semi-automatic markers (guns) powered by CO2 or compressed air. The customers will then be given a safety talk before being allowed to play.

The game consists of players shooting paint pellets at their opponents, with the aim of capturing the opposing team's flag. Most games are structured to avoid shots being fired at close range, as these can hurt. Once hit, a player retires to outside the participating area. Marshals will be on hand to supervise players' safety and adjudicate where necessary. Most players attend for a full day, which consists of 8-10 games, each typically lasting around 15 minutes, although many sites offer shorter packages, lasting from three hours. Indoor sites allow games to be played in the evening, in which case sessions will be shorter.

Most sites will charge around $20-$35 per person, which includes the provision of safety equipment and a complimentary amount of paintballs (additional charges may be made for extra paintballs around $6 per 100 and gas/air refills for the markers). Most sites will also provide some sort of refreshment and light lunch, although some offer more extensive corporate hospitality.

Paintball is popular as a leisure pursuit, a sport and a form of corporate hospitality, and the number of paintball teams and tournaments in the U.S. are increasing. Many centers only operate at weekends, and outdoor sites will obviously find trade seasonal. Paintball could be damaged by any further tightening of firearms restrictions, although paintball organizations are fiercely campaigning to get paintball markers excluded from any such legislation.

In less than fifteen years, Paintball has become recognized as one of the world's most exciting outdoor participation sports. Paintball is played in more than 100 countries, by millions of men and women of all ages and lifestyles. Paintball is played as a recreational hobby as well as a professional International sport with prize purses as high as $100,000. Large corporations use paintball as a team-building tool, church youth-groups frequent paintball fields etc.

The average paintball player spends nearly $50 for a day's play (including marker and goggle rental, paintballs, and "green fees." In the U.S. there are many paintball stores taking in gross revenues of 1 million dollars per year or more.

An independent insurance company has rated Paintball safer than golf, bowling, baseball, and just about every other sport.

Since SGMA International started tracking paintball participation in 1998, there's been a steady upward climb - 5.923 million participants in 1998 to 7.678 participants last year. This equates to close to a 30% increase in overall participation from 1998. The number of frequent (15+ days per year) participants also increased from 793,000 in 1998 to 1.414 million - a 78% increase.

SGMA International, owner of the global business trade association of manufacturers, retailers and marketers in the sports products industry. SGMA International fosters industry growth and advances members' interests through market research, communications, public policy, sports promotion, and international business development programs.

Major Magazines 16 approximate circulation 640,000 copies Paintball stores in the U.S. Approximately 2,000 Paintball fields in the U.S. Approximately 1,400 Number of players worldwide More than 16,000,000 Number of competing teams in the U.S. 7,600 Number of paintball web sites 5,000 Countries where paintball is played 140 Number of paintball items listed on Ebay 3,600 Number of series' or league events in U.S. 325 Paint markers sold in the U.S. per month Approximately 200,000 Universities with paintball clubs/programs 175

The prime market of a paintball facility is a ten-mile radius. However, if the facility has easy access to the Interstate highway system, that radius can be extended to twenty miles.

The demographics of Capital Paintball are:

Total population in the ten-mile radius is in excess of 500,000 people. 22.5% are men 26 to 46 years old. 19% are young men 16 to 25 years old. The average income for the area is $51,000.

Market Segmentation

Paintball is trying to move away from its traditional image of young, high-earning professional males or would-be 'Rambos'. It is now cheaper to play and many centers no longer supply camouflage overalls and offer games in purpose built arenas rather than in the open. Paintball is a popular day out for stag and hen parties, birthday parties, student outings or just groups of friends (or even individuals) simply wanting a fun day out. Players who regularly participate may wish to set up or join a team and take part in tournaments: hosting such events can be an additional source of income for the centre. Tournaments will appeal to teams of friends, as well as student, pub and company or departmental teams.

Commercial customers may make up a large proportion of the customer base, as many companies use paintball for corporate hospitality, staff days out, staff/customer reward schemes and management training/teambuilding exercises. Since the need for training, motivation and entertainment occurs on a regular basis, repeat trade can be significant. This can also mean that the centre is busy on weekdays as well as weekends.

While all fitness levels can play paintball, customers with disabilities may be better suited to an indoor arena and most sites have a minimum age limit of around 15 or 16. Some sites do cater for junior players, offering alternative games using infra-red beams rather than paint pellets.

There is so much more to playing paintball than meets the eye, it is a great teambuilding activity, ideal for corporate events and a fun leisure activity to enjoy with friends.

U.S. Competition

Strategy and Implementation Summary

A successful promotional strategy will be vital to the success of the paintball site. As paintball centers must promote themselves to several separate markets, promotional material must be tailored accordingly.

Mailshots concentrating on the management training/teambuilding potential of the game can be sent to the personnel and training managers of local companies, and advertisements should be placed in local business and management magazines as well as business journals aimed at personnel management and human resources staff. Developing contacts with event and corporate hospitality organizers will be a good way of obtaining repeat trade.

Advertising aimed at individuals, clubs and teams should stress the fun side of the sport, steering well clear of 'gun culture' imagery. Advertisements should be placed in the Yellow Pages, paintball magazines and newsletters (both print and online) and in the local press and radio. Fliers could be distributed to local cafes, pubs, libraries and student unions. Mailshots should be sent to local branches of professional associations, trade unions and large companies, as well as to local college and university student unions. Sponsoring a team or organizing a tournament may be a way of obtaining increased publicity.

The local Paintball Federation will list members on its website: many sites offer a discount to people booking through the site. It also produces a members' directory which is free to potential customers.

Having a dedicated webpage and entries in any relevant Internet directory is advisable: the website should detail both the paintball site itself as well as give general information about paintball as a sport.

Customer service is paramount in the paintball business. The starting point to accomplish this is to have a trained and motivated staff that enjoys working directly with the public. It is always easier to please your customers when the facility is exceptional and all of the equipment is in proper working order.

The satisfaction of the league players is the best marketing vehicle we have in building a loyal customer base.

Competitive Edge

Competition will come from other paintball sites, whether these are run independently or as part of a chain or franchise. It may be difficult to become established where sites are already successful so it is important to check out local competition before starting up.

Further competition will come from other similar forms of entertainment, such as laser games, infra-red games and activities such as go-karting or water-sports. Outward bound centers and sites that offer paintball along with a range of activities and attractions will be a significant source of competition.

Capital Paintball's competitive advantage over its potential competitors is the following: Location. The facility is located near the new Capital City Shopping Complex and the University of Statesville. The new shopping complex will become a common destination for the area's residents and Capital Paintball will benefit from the road improvement that the shopping center has created. Low overhead cost. Capital Paintball's management will keep overhead cost at a minimum. First, during resurfacing of the facility, John Smith will be project manager, saving approximately 15% of construction costs. His experience at operating paintball facilities will contribute to his ability to streamline operations while minimizing unnecessary expenses. Wide range of game options. Capital Paintball will provide our customers with multiple playing fields (indoor and outdoor) and changing game scenarios that will be tailored to group skill. This diversity will bring in more customers and assure their satisfaction with the experience.

As paintball is a potentially risky sport, health and safety issues are vital and health and safety legislation must be adhered to. Players and marshals must be provided with suitable safety equipment including goggles, masks and ear protection. Most insurers will refuse to insure a site where this is not compulsory.

Certain types of injury must be reported to the local authority and Public Liability insurance (or local equivalent) is essential to safeguard customers and the business in the event of an accident.

To avoid being classified as prohibited weapons under firearms legislation, markers must conform to local guidelines on maximum kinetic energy and capsule contents, and they must not be fully automatic. However, given the sensitivity over the issue of firearms, it is vital to check the current legal situation before start up. Compressed air cylinders must, by law, be regularly tested.

Paintball site operators should follow a Code of Practice, which covers on site suitability, administration, legislative requirements, liquid petroleum gas, water and electrical supplies and site staff.

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy will be to attract customers from both target groups by using a distinct pricing and promotion strategy for each group.

Promotion Strategy

Promotion strategy for young adults:

Sponsor weekly youth and college league competition. Advertise on the University of Statesville campus. Advertise in video arcades and skateboard shops.

Promotion strategy for older adults:

Sponsor a newbie five-man league. Advertise employee-event package deal to local businesses.

Sales Strategy

Capital Paintball provides a venue for the paintball player to enjoy his leisure time participating in a competitive sport that requires strength and athletic ability.

Management Summary

Our management philosophy is based on mutual respect for all contributions made by our employees without regard to the position they hold in the company. People who work at Capital Paintball want to work here because the work environment enables them to work smarter, and they know their suggestions are appreciated.

Management Team

John Smith, Manager. John Smith has a Bachelors degree in business management, five years management experience in the restaurant/bar business and five subsequent years managing a paintball facility.

{Your details}

Jane Smith, Accountant. Jane Smith has a B.S. in accounting and ten years of accountant experience.


Nick Jones, Assistant Manager. Nick Jones has been involved in Paintball competition and facility management for the past ten years.


Personnel Plan

The Capital Paintball will have the following personnel:

Four counter people. One concession person. Three referees and safety inspectors.

Strategic Direction

SWOT Analysis

This is a summary of the business's most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Strengths of the Business

Excellent quality product "Which means that" Adds to reputation.

Good management skills. "Which means that" Well run business

Good ability to extract information. "Which means that" Can control the business.-

Weaknesses of the Business

New Player. "Which means that" Credibility problem may affect initial sales

Lack of systems "Which means that" The company needs to develop systemised operational & sales techniques or sacrifice profits

Opportunities in the Marketplace

Add-on products such as **"Which means that" A potentially enormous market for {YOUR COMPANY NAME} to tap into.

Growing market segments. "Which means that" {YOUR COMPANY NAME} should target these segments.

Threats in the Marketplace

Increasing supplier prices. "Which means that" Resulting in reduced profitability.

Declining size of the ** segment. "Which means that" Need to focus on growing segments to spread the company's portfolio

The Actual Plan

Business Objectives

Corporate Objectives (Goals)

Short Term Corporate

To achieve a sales level of $xxxxxTo achieve profit level of xx%

Long Term Corporate

To achieve sales in 201B of $xxxxxTo achieve sales in 201C of $xxxxxTo achieve sales in 201D of $xxxxx

Marketing Objectives (Goals)

{your product}#1 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx#2 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx#3 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxxOther: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx

New Products

To evaluate and launch new products or services which will turn over $xxxxxx in the first year.

Other Objectives (Goals)

To not exceed a marketing budget of $xxxxxxTo not exceed a payroll budget of $xxxxxTo not exceed a general overhead budget of $xxxxxx

The major task objectives for each area of the organisation, together with responsibilities and timings are detailed in the Roll-Out Plan.

Marketing Plan


Sales ObjectiveTo achieve sales by XX% to $XXX

Sales Objectives by Market Segment.

#1 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx#2 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx#3 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxxOther To achieve sales to $xxx


Print Advertising

Develop a corporate brochure.June 201A

Advertise in local publicationsJan 201A

Advertise monthly in magazines that are specifically targeted to the ** and ** segments.Jan 201A

Advertise monthly in magazines that are aimed at the general industry.Jan 201A

Lead Generation Program

Conduct monthly on-going lead generation program. Send out monthly direct mail leaflets with response coupons. Qualify leads and make appointments by using telemarketing staff. Oct 201A

"Centres Of Influence" Program

Personally contact at least ten potential partners each week.Produce a monthly newsletter that shows examples of (your products) and how customers have benefited from using them.Oct 201A

PR Program

PR release to be initiated each month to various trade journals and magazines.Jul 201A

Sales Force

Employ telemarketing staff.Sep 201A

Employ sales specialist for ** segment.Mar 201A

Implement a new structural program for the sales force, allocating sales reps to accounts and segments rather than area.Jan 201A

Organise training program to be implemented.Jan 201A

Lost Customers

Contact monthly all past customers that have not re-ordered to ask why not and see whether we can win back their business.Dec 201A

Follow up Enquiries

Contact all enquirers monthly and determine if they have purchased from a competitor and, if so, why.Dec 201A

Existing Customers

Follow up all new customers two weeks after they purchase to ensure they are satisfied with the product.Jul 201A

Send quarterly newsletter to existing customers to keep them informed of our other products. Jan 201A

Try and up-sell all enquiries for our standard range to our premium range.Feb 201A

Sales Promotion

Develop an ongoing sales promotion to target existing customers.Aug 201A


Price Level

Maintain price level in all segments at xx% higher than competitors to reinforce the quality image.Jul 201A


Offer x% discount for ...Jul 201A


Competitor Profile

Keep updated competitor profile.Jun 201A

Marketing information system

Document on every enquiry "How did you hear about us?"Jul 201A

Document on every order "How did you hear about us?"Jul 201A

Produce monthly sales reports by product, by market segment, by territory and by sales representative.Mar 201B

Financial Plan

FINANCIAL Next Year's Objectives

Net ProfitTo achieve forecast net profit of $xxxxx.Gross ProfitTo increase the average gross margin for all products from xx% to xx%.

BudgetTo not exceed the following expense budgets.

Marketing Budget$ xxxxxxxPayroll Budget$ xxxxxxxManagement Overheads$ xxxxxxx


Cash Flow

Eliminate cash shortage in the traditional tight periods of December to JanuaryJun 201A

Collection Days

Reduce the average collection days from xx days to xx days.Jun 201A

Payment Days

Maintain payment of bills, on average, to xx days.Jun 201A


Develop and implement new policies on approval and signatories on expenses.Mar 201C


Pay off the existing lease on capital equipment, thus reducing the monthly financial burden.Jun 201A


Reduce the overdraft from $xxxxxx to $xxxxxxxJun 201A


Pay all wages on a monthly basis instead of weekly.Jan 201A

New Equipment

Organise funding for the $xxxxxxx expenditure on new equipment.Jan 201A


Ensure a payback on new equipment through sales of one year.Jun 201B


Improve the number of stock turns to xxxxx a year.Jun 201A


Negotiate new terms on the premises and reduce existing payments by xx%Aug 201B

Bank Charges

Renegotiate with the bank and consolidate some outstanding loans with lower interest rates.Aug 201B

Organisational Plan


Next Year's Objectives

BudgetTo not exceed the payroll budget of $xxxxxxxStaffTo employ or re-deploy a total of xxxxx full-time and part-time staff over the next year.



Draw organisational chart.Aug 201A

Develop incentive scheme related to job requirements.Aug 201A

Policies and procedures

Develop policies and procedures manual.July 201A

Employ or re-deploy staff

Employ telemarketers.Sep 201A

Employ one specialist ** salesperson.Mar 201A

Employ one marketing assistant.Feb 201A

Employ one accounts receivable person.Jul 201A


Carry out training needs analysis.Jan 201A


Install suggestion box.Jan 201A

Organise monthly meetings to follow up tasksJan 201A

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