Page 1: Page 15   winter issue of empowerment magazine

Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) by Gail Erlandson, M.A.

Does your mood change with the seasons? Does the gloomy fog of Sacramento coincide with gloomy thoughts and low en-ergy?

There are two types of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) to be aware of: fall/winter onset S.A.D. and spring/summer onset S.A.D. The fall/winter type, sometimes known as “winter de-pression,” is the most common. The reduced level of sunlight in the winter can disrupt our body’s internal clock. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin that may cause depression. The loss of light can also disrupt the balance of the natural hormone melatonin, which aids with sleep and stability of mood. Winter-onset seasonal affective disorder symptoms may include: feelings of hopelessness, social withdrawal, weight gain, over-sleeping, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and sometimes the craving of foods high in carbohydrates. It is normal to have some days when we feel the winter blues, but if we are experiencing some of the above symptoms for an extended time, if we feel low and lethargic for three or more weeks, if we aren’t enjoying the activities that we typically enjoy, we may need to see a professional. If we are turning to alcohol or drugs to cope, it is especially important to see a doctor. Seasonal affective disorder is more common among folks who live far north or south of the equator. This is due to short days during the winter and long days in the summer months that dis-rupt the biological clock. Here in Sacramento, we also have our share of foggy, dark days.

Treatment for S.A.D. winter depression, is varied and can in-clude: psychotherapy, group therapy, light therapy and/or medi-cation Here are some practical suggestions to keep us healthy:

*Experience the Outdoors: Even on cloudy, foggy days, out-door natural light does make a big difference. Take a walk in a park, walk your dog, sit outside on a bench for lunch, meet a friend and walk, go to the river and walk, or walk before break-fast. If you are in an office, step outside for your morning and afternoon breaks. There are many possibilities for us to say hello to the Sun, even if it is hidden. Take an umbrella if it is raining. Please, no excuses. During persistent spans of valley fog, take a trip up to apple hill or other foothill destination to search out some sun. * Create a Light-Filled Environment: open your drapes,open the blinds, trim tree branches that block sunlight. Place yourself near windows and light when sitting. * Get Regular Exercise: There is strong evidence that exercise changes our brain chemistry and helps us feel better. Try exer-cising with a friend. Try something new like Tai Chi or Gentle Yoga. Have you ever Cross Country Skied? All you need to know is how to walk and you can cross-country ski.

Try Zumba for $3 at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Oak Park (very fun), go swimming at your local YMCA, visit a gym, or take a hike at one of our local nature preserves. So you get my drift? There are endless options to naturally elevate our sero-tonin.

* Connect with People who are Kind: Isolation can fuel de-pression. Find people in your life who help you feel good about yourself and life. Invite a friend to tea or find a group that you enjoy. There are many therapeutic groups in the community to explore, some at no cost. Try the Art of Happiness group at the Wellness and Recovery Center North and find ways to work with your thoughts to stay healthy.

There are a variety of mind-body therapies that can provide relief from depression symptoms. I benefit from Gentle Yoga, some peo-ple really enjoy Massage, some folks find help through Meditation. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Self-Help Groups of many varie-ties can be very beneficial to lifting our mood.

Groups that provide creative outlets in the arts are valuable to stay-ing well when days are short or dim. Writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing, poetry, and the performing arts are all possibili-ties.

Visit Chic for Change, a Community Thrift Boutique at 2633 El Camino Ave. in Sacramento that offers open mic for the Arts on the 1

st and 3

rd Wed. of the month from 6 – 8 p.m. Enjoy the compan-

ionship of fellow artists and the opportunity to share a song, poem , or whatever creative, artistic expression you desire. Finding a venue for our creative energy is healing and fun and can get us out of our winter funk.

Some people try exposure to artificial light as a method of treating S.A.D. The process involves sitting or working near a “light ther-apy box.” There may be some mild side effects, it is important to talk to a medical professional before starting light therapy. Re-member, tanning beds are not a form of light therapy. It is also important to remember to select a light therapy box that emits as little UV light as possible. Visit, produced by the society for light therapy, to find an interesting discussion on the benefits of light therapy and the range of options.

If symptoms are severe, some people with S.A.D benefit from anti-depressant medication. It is best to consult your psychiatrist for an explanation of such options. There are several herbal remedies you may want to consider, but consult your doctor on these to make sure they don’t interfere with any other medications. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements found in fish oil may help. Ac-cording to the Mayo Clinic website, “Omega-3 fatty acid supple-ments may help relieve depression symptoms and have other health benefits.” Omega-3s are found in certain nuts and grains. Personally, I eat a sardine sandwich for my omega-3s ---- on rye with onion, leaf lettuce and good mustard. (My Scandinavian heri-tage is showing).

Making a conscious effort to take good care of ourselves is key to mental health maintenance. It takes personal willingness and par-ticipation. Let’s keep in the light and our thoughts clear! For further reading see:

Gail Erlandson has a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Ministry from the University of San Francisco and a Bachelor of Arts De-gree from the Univer-sity of Portland in Inter-disciplinary Studies.

Gail taught at Loretto High School for eleven years and has served on staff at Loaves and Fishes. Gail is a men-tor at the Wellness and Recovery Center North

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