Page 1: Paddock Wood U3A€¦ · At 13 years old Don McLean learnt of the tragedy from the newspapers he was delivering. Twelve years later in 1971 his second Album “American Pie” (shown

Study Days coming up soon Arundel Cathedral, Petworth House and Gardens

Study Day to the V&A “Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams”


Paddock Wood U3AFebruary 2019

Monthly MeetingThursday 14th

SeminarTuesday 26th

Smuggling - part 2Malcolm Nelson

Music and Wellbeing John Hursey

Sixty Years Ago - The Day the Music Died

Why does the song “American Pie” mention in the lyrics “February made me Shiver/with every paper I’d deliver”? Buddy Holly, Richie Valens (“La Bamba”) and The Big Bopper (“Chantilly Lace”) died on February 3rd 1959 in a plane crash in Iowa during a snowstorm. At 13 years old Don McLean learnt of the tragedy from the newspapers he was delivering. Twelve years later in 1971 his second Album

“American Pie” (shown autographed) was released.

Other news from 60 Years ago:February 1st - Male voters in Switzerland voted overwhelmingly against allowing women the vote.February 6th - Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments, filed a patent for the first integrated circuit.February 11th - PM Konstantinos Karamanlis of Greece and PM Adnan Menderes of Turkey signed an agreement concerning the independence from the United Kingdom of Cyprus. February 14th - The US Weather Bureau released a report that concluded that “the world is in the midst of a long-term warming trend”

Page 2: Paddock Wood U3A€¦ · At 13 years old Don McLean learnt of the tragedy from the newspapers he was delivering. Twelve years later in 1971 his second Album “American Pie” (shown

2 February 2019

Planning for our August 2019 FayreHospice in the Weald needs to raise over £7 million every year to continue their vital support to the terminally ill, as the Government only funds a small portion of their costs; we can help. Last year we raised nearly £1,000 for the hospice with our August Fayre and this year we would like to make even more for such a very

worthwhile charity.

I know that there’s a few months to go, but we have started planning! It’s never too early to start thinking about what to plant, what cuttings to take or what articles to make? Would you like to have a table to sell the things that you’ve grown or made? We ask that you donate a minimum of £10 a table to the

Hospice or, you could even donate all of the money that you make on the day!

We will invite a range of artisan sellers – meat, cheese, bread and so on, to add even more interest, and if you know of such a person who might like to be invited, then please let me know. Do you have an idea for a table which

people would like to browse and buy?

If you are around in August I really urge you to make sure that you come along to our Fayre, help raise funds for this charity and buy all sorts of interesting food and crafts. Thank you - Michèle

Seminar Tuesday February 26th 10.30 to 12.30Music and Wellbeing John Hursey

If you have never been to one of our Seminars why not come along? £2 including refreshments

John is a university tutor in adult education and specialist in adult piano learning. He is a graduate of the Royal Schools of Music; trained at the Royal College of Music under Angus Morrison who was himself taught previously in Paris by Gabriel Faure. John also holds a Cambridge MA in Modern European History and Music.

On the subject of Music and Wellbeing he writes” Every time we dream we bring something new into our personal awareness. When music connects to that

it enlarges our perspective of what it means to be a human being. It becomes a medicine for the mind” The talk will include some musical participation that helps people to get insight into the craft of music.

Having been on one of his full day courses I can highly recommend this event. John avoids referring to musical scores and theories - but involves his audience with his sheer infectious enthusiasm and obvious love of music.

In the 10th century Athelred introduced import duties at Billingsgate and we find the very first smuggler.

Malcolm continues his popular talk with an insight into why an officer stops a particular person. And why

we feel guilty when passing through Customs.

Malcolm’s story through 40 years of working for HM Customs & Excise is sometimes exciting, sometimes

sad, sometimes hilarious, but always supremely interesting. It lifts the lid on some of the secrets of an occupation that has always held an air of mystery, and it answers many of those questions passengers have asked themselves over the years:-

“Just how do they decide who to stop”

Thursday 14th February 2pm at St Andrew’s

Monthly Meeting Malcolm Nelson ~ “Smuggling” (continued)

Page 3: Paddock Wood U3A€¦ · At 13 years old Don McLean learnt of the tragedy from the newspapers he was delivering. Twelve years later in 1971 his second Album “American Pie” (shown

Ramblings of a Membership SecretaryMy name is Jeff Bewsey and I’d like to introduce myself as the new Membership Secretary, I’m not sure how this happened, something about the offer of a free lunch and an invitation to see how the committee worked followed by being locked in a darkened cellar and only released on the promise of joining the

said band of brothers and sisters who manage to cling on to power at all odds.My predecessor Colin is a hard act to follow; under his stewardship the membership has grown to in excess of 520 members while overseeing at the same time the establishment of the new Beacon computer programme that manages the membership

records, and attempting to train me to take over - no easy achievement taking into account my IQ level.Our new and go ahead chairman Michèle has tasked me and others to further increase the membership, she even uttered the dreaded word “TARGETS”, no pressure then. So I am appealing to all you existing members to cajole your partners, relations, friends if you have any, or neighbours if they are still talking to you of course, to join what is, one of the most go ahead U3A branches in the area. We run over fifty interest groups covering a multitude of interests and activities. Maybe you’d like to

learn more about your roots and branches - two options here, either a gardening group or maybe Ancestry.I spoke to a lady the other day who had just attended her first photography group meeting. She was so excited with her results

from her camera, her face was a pixel.If you’re musically inclined, how about joining the folk band. They can be a bit crotchety, so if you have to miss a session,

don’t quaver, just send them a note, it’ll only take a minim.If you fancy Scrabble, then the group for you is run by the present Mrs Bewsey, a woman totally unsuited to the job as she’s

never been known to use one word where twenty will do.Mainly Men, they meet once a month at Grays tea rooms in Brenchley, they’re considering changing their name to “The Full English Breakfast” followed by “A Good Natter Appreciation Society”. So to all you guys, or girls, who want to get away once

a month from muesli and yaks milk, then give it a try. Seriously though they do organise some great study days out.Maybe some of you feel that you’ve reached a crossroads and don’t know what path to take, then you would fit in perfectly with the ramblers or amblers. A group that often has to be led to safety after hours wandering in the wilderness by the Paddock

Wood Darby and Joan rescue team.Something for you retired accountants, bank managers and bookkeepers, how about joining a cookery group...... I’ll give you

a couple of seconds to think about that one.How about joining the German grammar group. Zey haf vays of making you talk !!

The creative writing and poetry group have set extremely high standards, an example:There is a man in Leicester Square who just sits down and begs, He’s saving for some trousers for his short fat hairy legs.

So expect to have your imagination tested!On joining myself, some two years ago, I was somewhat mystified by seeing in the list of activity group “Sewers 1 and 2”.

I have no idea what they do but I am determined to lift the lid on their activities and discover what lies beneath!!Joining the philosophy group may prove a tad more difficult as they haven’t quite decided whether they actually exist, and if they do why they should meet, and when, as time is really only objective, and after all, what is a specific place? But hopefully they’ll find their Nietzsche in life and learn to adopt a certain Sang Freud. Anyway, anyone wishing to join the group should

contact a Mr Stottle, Harry to his mates.So once again I ask you to help me increase the membership, but on the other hand if you don’t, you won’t have to sit there in

a year’s time and read this inane drivel because I would have been ignominiously replaced. Thank you very much.The Editor in no way associates himself with this article, but does admit to encouraging Jeff to write it.

Jeff was quite normal before he joined the Committee - so please be kind to us all!

Esther and Helen are members of Paddock Wood U3A and also volunteer at the Cancer Research shop in Commercial Road.

In May they will trek 117 kilometres (73 Miles) of the Camino Walk in Northern Spain from Sarria to Santiago di Compostela, to raise money for

our local shop as they have recently lost close relatives to Cancer.They are delighted with the offers of sponsorship so far from our members. If you too would like to help please talk to them or call into the shop to pick

up a sponsorship form to make your contribution. Thank you

“Grannies take a Trip 2019” for our local Cancer Research shop

3 February 2019

Page 4: Paddock Wood U3A€¦ · At 13 years old Don McLean learnt of the tragedy from the newspapers he was delivering. Twelve years later in 1971 his second Album “American Pie” (shown

Deadline for next issue 21st FebruaryIf you have been “sitting on” an article, want to say how the year has gone for your group, have local news,

Photos, Sales or Wants send now toThe Editor: Fred [email protected]

4 February 2019

Quiz Night in the Winter Hall, St Andrew’sSaturday 16th February at 7pm for 7.30pm start

Teams of up to 6 people, £5 per personBring your own refreshment Raffle

To book a table and for more information contact:Carol Barnett 01892 834 814/07904 278 796

[email protected]

He has now scratched his head down to the bone, we have pushed, prodded and cajoled him, but it’s no good - there’s nothing there, he’s fresh out of ideas!

The dreadful truth is that despite scouring the world, offering drinks to strangers, using jars of honey as a bribe, charm, threats and blackmail Andy Wickham

has finally run out of ideas for Seminars.

We would like to invite members to nominate people they know or have seen talk, or perhaps even give a

presentation themselves.

The joy of Seminars is that the subject does not have to appeal to everyone, and from the point of view of our audience they are prepared to find our about subjects that may be quite unfamiliar to them. I never knew Geology, Cooperas or Bugs, Plagues and

Pestilence could be so interesting.

With such a varied wealth of knowledge and experience I’m sure we can come up with some great ideas. In the first instance could you contact Andy.

An important note about Seminars

Jenny Carney wants members to let her know if there are topics they would like covered. To speak to the team see contact details in the handbook, or come and

chat at the monthly meetings.

Welfare Team News

Please contact Esther [email protected]

with Tutor Deborah Crofts Wednesday 6th March 10am - 1pm Gray’s Café and Coffee Bar, Brenchley

War Art FREE 3 hour session During WW1 and WW2 the British government employed several key artists, many of whom were considered avant-garde. We will focus on a variety of artists; many who have works in the Imperial War Museum and Tate Gallery in London. Commissioned artists to be explored will

include Stanley Spencer, Laura Knight, Percy Wyndeham Lewis, Paul Nash and John Nash. In addition, there will be selected comparisons with other relevant war artists of these specific eras.

Other Courses with availability (FREE 2 hour sessions - Dates to be confirmed)

Button Embroidery

Healthy Eating


Chitarra (guitar) Pasta Making There MAY be spaces available

(Thursday 28th February - Morning)

One more photo from the December Christmas Meeting, how long ago it seems now.

This shows the combined Paddock Wood and King’s Hill choir led by Graham and Maggie Hall.

In just a few months they have improved by leaps and bounds.

Well the good news is that they are planning further joint events. And they would like new members to

join, especially men.

Please note that Seminars are booking quickly this year. See Andy and register soon to avoid disappointment [email protected]

STOP PRESS ... Joyce Cahill tells us that Quex Park has asked if the date of the Study Day could be moved. The new date is Thursday 23rd May ... STOP PRESS

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