Page 1: P R O F I LE Rektorat, Mulawarman University Kampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda 75119 Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia  Email :


Page 2: P R O F I LE Rektorat, Mulawarman University Kampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda 75119 Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia  Email :

Rektorat, Mulawarman UniversityKampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda 75119

Kalimantan Timur,

Email : [email protected]/Fax (+62 541 741797, 747479)

Page 3: P R O F I LE Rektorat, Mulawarman University Kampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda 75119 Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia  Email :

Geografi Of Indonesia

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Geografi Of East Kalimantan

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On June 7, 1962, Mulawarman School of Higher Learning, located in Samarinda, was formed, based on the Decree of East Kalimantan Governor No. 15/PPK/KDH/ 1962. Then the Minister of Education and Science issued a Decree No. 130 dated September 28, 1962 and later was confirmed by the Decree of the President of Republic of Indonesia No. 65, dated April 23, 1963 to establish the founding of Mulawarman University on September 27, 1962. At the beginning, the university only had 4 faculties:Faculty of Public Administration and Commerce, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Geology. In 1982, based on the Decree of the President of Republic of Indonesia No. 66, dated 7 September 1982, the university housed the following faculties:1. Faculty of Economics2. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences 3. Faculty of Agriculture4. Faculty of Forestry5. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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Since 2000, Mulawarman University developed some new faculties and study programs. Until 2008, this university already has 11 faculties and 53 study programs, with 7 (seven) new faculties including: 1. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, based on the Decree of DIKTI

(Directorate of Higher Education) No: 229/Dikti/Kep/1996 and Decree of Ministry of National Education No:237/0/2000

2. Faculty of Law, based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 2296/D/T/2005 and Decree of Ministry of National Education No : 194/DT/2005

3. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 2811/D/T/2001 and Decree of Ministry of National Education No : 109/DT/2006

4. Faculty of Engineering, based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 1192/D/T/2003 andthe Decree of Ministry of National Education No : 397/DT/2007

5. Faculty of Public Health, based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 2005/D/T/2005 and the Decree of Ministry of National Education No : 230/DT/2008

6. Faculty of Medical, based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 2083/D/T/2001 and the Decree of Ministry of National Education No : 231/DT/2008 dated 7 May 2008

7. UP. Faculty of Pharmacy based on the Decree of DIKTI No : 4692/D/T/2008 and change to Faculty based on the Decree of Rector No : 03/DT/2009

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Rector : Rector : Prof.Dr. Ir.H.A.Ariffien Bratawinata, M.Agr Vice Rector for Academic Affairs :Prof.Dr.Ir.H. Maman Sutisna, M.AgrVice Rector for Administrative and Financial Affairs :Prof.Drs.H. Suyatno WijoyoVice Rector for Student Affairs :Drs. Eddy Subandrijo, M.PdVice Rector for Planning and Cooperation Affairs:Prof.Dra.Hj.Rusmilawati.IM, M.Si

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Administration services ( conducted by 3 bureaus) :

1. Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Information System Administration

2. Bureau of General and Financial Administration

3. Bureau of Planning, Cooperation, and Information System Administration

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FACULTIES1. Faculty of Economics

2. Faculty of Social and Politics Science

3. Faculty of Agriculture

4. Faculty of Forestry

5. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

6. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

7. Faculty of Law

8. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

9. Faculty of Engineering

10. Faculty of Medical

11. Faculty of Public Health

12. UP. Faculty of Pharmacy

13. UP. Faculty of Culture Sciences

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Program Pascasarjana

1. Doctor2. Master of Forestry3. Master of Management4. Master of Adm.Science5. Master of Economic6. Master of Education7. Master of Agriculture Science8. Master of Environment Science

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Research Institute, consists of 6 Research centers :

1.Environment Research Center

2.Regional Development Research

3.Gender Research Center

4.Tropical Rain Forest Research Center

5.Natural Resources Research Center

6.Humanity Research Center

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Society Devotion Institute, consists of 5 center:

1. Public Education Center2. UKM (Small and Medium scale trading) and Entrepreneurship Development Center3. Technology and Research Result Implementation

Center 4. Study of Act and Potential Area Development Center 5. Society Empowerment and Obligatory Social

Action Internships center

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Unit of Technical Organizer, consists of 6 Units

1. Library2. Language Center3. Computer Center4. Distance Learning5. UPT. P2AI6. UPT. Mulawarman University Samarinda

Botanical Garden (KRUS)

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General Information :• Date of Formed : 27 September 1962• Number of Faculties : 13 • Number of Department : 28 • Number of Study Programs : 55 • Number of Students : 31.735 • Number of Lecturers : 856 • Number of Admin. Staff : 386 • Large of Campus Area : 70 Ha• Large of Building : 160.000 M2• Number of Laboratories : 52 Lab • Number of References : 190.315 Eks• Large of Exper. Plantation : 20 Ha• Large of Fisheries Pond : 8.000 M2• Large of Education Area : 5 Ha of experiment plantation.300 Ha of

education forest in Lempake 20.271 of Ha education forest in Bukit Suharto

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Sport Facilities

• Tennis Court : 3• Badminton Court : 3• Sport Hall : 1• Table Tennis : 1• Climbing Wall : 1• Soccer Field : 1• Basketball Field : 2• Volleyball field : 2

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Students (S1/Diploma):

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Students Program PascasarjanaStudents Program Pascasarjana

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University consists of 11 faculties and 1 UP.Faculty with:

• 2 Study Programs for Diploma 2 Programs (D2)

• 14 Study Programs for Diploma 3 Programs (D3)

• 55 Study Programs for Bachelor (S1)

• 8 Study Programs for Master (S2)

• 1 Study Programs for Doctor (S3)

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Study Program

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Faculty of EconomicsFaculty of Economics1. Economy & Development2. Plan. of Financial of Development Area *3. Management4. Financial Management *5. Accounting6. Taxes Accounting *7. Banking *8. Finance *9. ManagementAccounting*

Explanation: *) = Study Concentration

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Faculty of Social and Politics Science

1. Measurement of Social Behavior2. State Administration3. Governmance4. International Relation *5. Communication Science6. BusinessAdministration*7. Secretary8. Trade Administration9. Tourism *10. Office Affairs

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Faculty of Agriculture1. Agrotechnology2. Soil Science*3. Pest And Disease Science *4. Crop of Plantation Science5. Agribusiness6. Technology of Agriculture Product7. Plantation Crop Cultivation

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Faculty of ForestryFaculty of Forestry

1. Management of Forest2. Technology of Forest Product3. Counselling of Forestry *

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Faculty of Teacher Training and EducationFaculty of Teacher Training and Education

1. Indonesian literature edu.2. English education3. Biology Education4. Mathematics Education5. Computer Science*6. Chemistry Education7. Physic Education8. Economic Education9. Civics Education10. Guidance & Counseling 11. Body and Health Education12. Outside School13. Edu. for Elementary School Teacher14. Edu. for Kindergarten Teacher

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Faculty of Fisheries and Faculty of Fisheries and Marine ScienceMarine Science

1. Water Cultivation2. Water Resources Manag3. Social-Econimic Fishery4. Com. Dev. of Teritorial water society*5. Technology of Fishery Products

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Faculty of LawFaculty of Law

1. Law2. Bussines Law*3. Agrarian Law*4. Environmental Law*

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Faculty of Mathematics and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesNatural Sciences

1. Chemistry2. Physics3. Biology4. Statistics5. Information System

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Faculty of EngineeringFaculty of Engineering

1. Mining Engineering2. Industrial Engineering3. Civil Engineering4. Environment Engineering5. Management of Industrial Engineering

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Faculty of MedicalFaculty of Medical

Medical Doctor

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Faculty of Public HealthFaculty of Public Health

Public Health

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UP. Faculty of PharmacyUP. Faculty of Pharmacy


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UP. Faculty of Culture UP. Faculty of Culture SciencesSciences

1. Poeltry Of Indonesian Language2. Poeltry Of English Language

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Number of Professor

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Number of Professor

• Profesor : 45• Faculty of Economics : 9• Faculty of Social and Politics Science : 4• Faculty of Agriculture : 3• Faculty of Forestry : 17• Faculty of Teacher Training and Education : 6• Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science :4• Faculty of Law :2

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Doctor /Ph.D

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Doctor /Ph.D

• Doktor/Ph.D. : 100

• Faculty of Economics : 10• Faculty of Social and Politics Science : 11• Faculty of Agriculture : 10• Faculty of Forestry : 36• Faculty of Teacher Training and Education : 18• Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science : 7• Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science : 4• Faculty of Pharmacy : 4

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Cooperation1. Mulawarman University – Wegeningen University , Belanda (1

Januari 2006)

2. PT.DAHA Group - Mulawarman University, 6 Pebruari 2006

3. Pusat bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasiona l – Mulawarman University (28 April 2006)

4. University Of Tokyo, Jepang - Mulawarman University (27 Juni 2006)

5. Brawijaya University – Mulawarman University (18 Agustus 2006)

6. Hasanuddin University – Mulawarman University (14 September 2006

7. Government of Malinau Country - Mulawarman University (8 November 2006)

8. Mulawarman University - Science Institute of Indonesia (LIPI), (4 Desember 2006)

9. Mulawarman University – PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Persero, (2 Juli 2007)

10. PT. Pupul Kalimantan Timur - Mulawarman University (5 Juli 2007)

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11. Government of Nunukan Country - Mulawarman University (26 Juli 2007)

12. Mulawarman University – STEM CELL AND CANCER INSTITUTE

JAKARTA , (16 Agustus 2007)

13. Government of Kutai Timur Country - Mulawarman University 16 Agustus


14. PT. Bursa Efek Jakarta, PT. Valbury Securites and IMQ-LKBN ANTARA –

Mulawarman University (28 Agustus 2007)

15. Mulawarman University - Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (2 Oktober


16. Government of Paser Country – Mulawarman University (27 Oktober 2007)

17. University Of Khartoum, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13 Novenber


18. Al Neelain University,Sudan – Mulawarman University (13 Novenber 2007)

19. Al Zaeim Al Azhari University, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13

Novenber 2007)

20. Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13

Novenber 2007)

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21. University Of Gezira, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13 Novenber


22. University The Holy Qur’an And Islamic Scince, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13 Novenber 2007)

23. Sudan University, Sudan – Mulawarman University (13 Novenber 2007)

24. Faculty Of Agriculture Mulawarman University – Kelompok Tani Manunggal East Kalimantan (24 November 2007)

25. Mulawarman University – PT Bank Tabungan Negara Persero (17 Desember 2007)

26. Mulawarman University – PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Persero (27 Desember 2007)

27. PT.Bank Mandiri (Persero) – Mulawarman University (28 Desember 2007)

28. Mulawarman University – University Malaysia Sarawak,Malaysia (3 Januari 2008)

29. Badan Pengawas Provinsi Kaliamntan Timur – Postgraduate Mulawarman University (10 Januari 2008)

30. PT. Bank Mandiri - Mulawarman University (19 Pebruari 2008)

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31. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Mulawarman University - faculty of administrative sciences Brawijaya University (29 Pebruari 2008)

32. PT.Badak NGL - Mulawarman University (29 Maret 2008)

33. Asian Institute Of Technology, Thailand – Mulawarman University (2 April 2008)

34. Mulawarman University – Airlangga University ( 20 Mei 2008)

35. Mulawarman University – World Wildlife Foundation(WWF) Indonesia (5 Juni 2008)

36. Mulawarman University – PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun (28 Juni 2008)

37. PT.Exelindo – Mulawarman University

38. Mahkamah Konstitusi – Mulawarman University ( 1 Agustus 2008)

39. Indonesia University – Mulawarman University (10 September 2008)

40. Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional - Faculty Of Engineering Mulawarman University (27 Nopember 2008)

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41. Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan Badan Tenaga Nuklir

Nasional - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Mulawarman

University (27 Nopember 2008)

42.Deputi Infrastruktur Data Spasial Bakosurtanal – Faculty Forestry

Mulawarman University (6 Pebruari 2009)

43.Badan Koordinasi dan Pemetaan Nasional – Mulawarman University (6 Pebruari 2009)

44.PT.BNI (Persero) Tbk. – Mulawarman University (8 Pebruari 2009)

45.COMMUNITY SERVICE INSTITUTION Mulawarman University – Kelompok Tani Manunggal East Kalimantan (18 Maret 2009)

46.Mulawarman University – PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia.Tbk (2 April 2009)

47.Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia – Mulawarman University (30 April 2009)

48.papua state university - Mulawarman University (2 Juni 2009)

49.Mulawarman University – Balikpapan University (9 Juni 2009)

50.Diponegoro University – Mulawarman University (3 Agustus 2009)

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51. Mulawarman University - Government of Kutai Kartanegara Country (8

Agustus 2009)

52. Jakarta State Graduate - Postgraduate Mulawarman (1 September 2009)

53. Mulawarman Tadulako – Mulawarman University (14 September 2009)

54. PT.Badak NGL - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mulawarman University (16 September 2009)

55. Mulawarman University - Government of north Penajam Paser Country ( 3 Nopember 2009)

56. Faculty Agriculture Brawijaya University - Mulawarman University (5 Nopember 2009)

57. Government of Tarakan Country - Mulawarman University (5 Januari 2010)

58. Mulawarman University – Padjajaran University (15 Januari 2010)

59. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Depkeu RI – Mulawarman University

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Rektorat, Mulawarman UniversityKampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda 75119

Kalimantan Timur,

Email : [email protected]

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