Page 1: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications


Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications


31 August - 18 September, 2009

Institut FourierUniversite' Grenoble-1

B.P. 74, 38402 St. Martin d'HeresFRANCE

p-adic L-functions and modular forms

Page 2: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 3: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications


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Page 4: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 5: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications


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Page 6: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 7: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 8: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 9: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 10: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 11: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 12: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 14: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 19: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 20: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 42: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 43: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 44: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 45: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 46: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 48: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 62: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 64: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 66: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 69: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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4# '5(16+' %2 ( 1%*!+(" 2%"1 -. / "'$6'7 % !


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Page 76: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications


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Page 77: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 78: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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! " #$%&'()*+,-./0+

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!"# $"!%"&'( !) *!'$+,-.% τ( ) /(## 012!&.#34


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#)+-7N5#,5N)+-5Z7##N7,)N-.,-K =#Z7V---7;K V--L]

! " '(F#/0++-

14 3 )/+82+,9208+:94/24+:;;

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555 &(J' G%JF&' UDI!F'%E NV 4K948 IJ_

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Page 79: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"#$#% &!'()%*)+%'

!" Cp = Qp #!$%"! "&! '%()*!"+%$ %, -$ -*.!/0-+' '*%120! %, "&! 3!*#

Qp %, p4-#+' $2(/!015 6+7 - )%1+"+8! +$"!.!0 N 9 - :+0+'&*!" '&-0-'"!0

ψmodN -$# '%$1+#!0 "&! '%((2"-"+8! )0%3$+"! .0%2)

Y = YN,p = lim←−



-$# +"1 .0%2) X = Homcont(Y,C×p ) %, ;'%$"+$2%2%1< p4-#+' '&-0-'"!01

;"&+1 +1 - Cp4-$-*="+' +! .0%2) -$-*%.%21 "% Homcont(R×+,C

×) ∼= C ;/=

s 7→ (y 7→ ys)<5 >&! .0%2) X +1 +1%(%0)&+' "% - 3$+"! 2$+%$ %, #+1'1

U = {z ∈ Cp | |z|p < 1}5>&! p4-#+' L4,2$'"+%$ L : X → Cp +1 - (!0%(%0)&+1 ,2$'"+%$ %$ X

'%(+$. ,0%( - p4-#+' (!-120! %$ Y 5

?5 !"#$%$&'"( )*%+&#

%, '%$1"02'"+$. "&!1! ,2$'"+%$1 +1 ,0%( "&! 1)!'+-* '0+"+'-* 8-*2!1 %,

'%()*!7 L4,2$'"+%$1 ;@&+'& -0! %,"!$ -*.!/0-+'9 -,"!0 - 12+"-/*! $%04

(-*+1-"+%$<5 !" 21 37 -$ !(/!##+$. ip : Q → Cp +$ %0#!0 "% '%$1+#!0

-*.!/0-+' $2(/!01 -1 p4-#+' $2(/!015

!"#$%& ?5?' ()& *+&#",, -&." /0,1.+2,'

ζ(s) =∏

l primes

(1− l−s)−1 =



n−s (Re(s) > 1), ζ(1− k) = −Bk



@&!0! Bk -0! "&! A!0$%2**+ $2(/!01 .+8!$ /=

eBt =





t et

et − 1


B2" ,%0 c > 1 '%)0+(! "% p

ζ(c)(p)(−k) = (1− p

k)(1− ck+1)ζ(−k)

+*&!*) ?5C ;D2((!0<, 324 ",5 $2%5,2#+"% h(x) =∑n

i=0 αi xi ∈

Zp[x] 26&4 Zp 701) .)". x ∈ Zp =⇒ h(x) ∈ pmZp 2,& )"7



αi ζ(c)(p)(−i) ∈ pmZp (1.1)

>&+1 )0%)!0"= !7)0!11!1 "&! ,-'" "&-" "&! $2(/!01 ζ(c)(p)(−k) #!)!$#

'%$"+$2%21*= %$ k +$ "&! p4-#+' 1!$1!E

!"!##$"% &'(' 8&. k1, k2 ∈ N∗9 k1 ≡ k2 (mod(p− 1)pm−1)9 .)&,

ζ(c)(p)(−k1) ≡ ζ

(c)(p)(−k2) (modpm)

Page 80: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 1

!"##"$ ! "#$%&" !' !()& h(x) = xk1 − x


%&''( '( )*#'&#+ ,-, " *+, &- ./ !0& 1&,,2)3'13 4'5*#,(6

Sk(N) =N−1∑


nk =


k + 1[Bk+1(N)−Bk+1] (1.2)

3 10 %0 Bk(x) = (x + B)k =∑k




k−i " !0& 7&53'#,, +',/3'2

* (,8

!"#$%$&# '()( ./ 0#1 A 2# . !'&+#" 1'3'4'567.4 &6!5 7'!1.6!6!5 Zp

.8 . 74'8#" 892&6!5 .!" 4#1 h 2# . 3'8616:# 6!1#5#&- ;'!86"#& 1*# A<

892+'"94# Ch(Y,A) '( .44 4'7.44= 3'4=!'+6.4 (9!716'!8 '( "#5&# < h '!

Y >'( 1*# :.&6.24# yp : Y → Z∗p$ 1*# 7.!'!67.4 3&'?#716'!/@ 6! 3.&16794.&$

1*# A<892+'"94# C1(Y,A) 7'!86818 '( 4'7.44= 7'!81.!1 (9!716'!8 '! Y

A61* :.49#8 6! A- ( A = Cp 1*#!

∀h > 1 Ch(Y,A) ⊂ Cloc− an(Y,A) = {ϕ : Y → A | ϕ 4'7.44= .!.4=167} ⊂ C(Y,A),A*#&# C(Y,A) = {ϕ : Y → A | ϕ 7'!16!9'98}-

2/ B "681&62916'! Φ '! Y A61* :.49#8 6! . !'&+#" A<+'"94# V 68 .!

A<46!#.& +.3 Φ : C1(Y,A)→ V $ ϕ 7→∫

Yϕ dµ-

7/ B +#.89&# Φ : C1(Y,A)→ V 68 . 2'9!"#" "681&62916'!C |Φ(ϕ)|p <C|ϕ|p A*#&# C "'#8 !'1 "#3#!" '! φ-

"/ 0#1 h ∈ N∗- B! h<."+688624# +#.89&# '! Y A61* :.49#8 6! V 68

.! A<46!#.& +.3 Φ : Ch(Y,A)→ V A61* 1*# ('44'A6!5 5&'A1* 7'!"616'!C

('& .44 t = 0, 1, . . . , h− 1,∣∣∣∣∫


(yp − ap)tdΦ


= o



('& m→∞-

94 A = Cp !0&3 (%%'5- 3: !' ;<=> (3- ;= ?@>A "#%0 ( *(+ Φ %(3

.& #3 B#&,/ &C!&3-&- !' !0& A2*'-#,& Cloc− an(Y,A) '4 ,'%(,,/ (3(,/! %

4#3%! '3" '3Y '4 !0& +(5(*&!&5 yp : Y → Z×p 8

!"#$"% D8E FG(H#5I& )*#&# #D6818 . 9!6E9# >2'9!"#"/ +#.89&# µ(c)

'! Z×p A61* :.49#8 6! Zp 897* 1*.1



(c) = ζ(c)(p)(−k), k ≥ 0

F#+.&G- J0&'5&* D8K " &B# L(,&3! !' J0&'5&* D8E F./ 3!&:5(! '3 '4

h (:( 3"! µ(c))8

93 !0& +5&"&3! +(+&5 1& %'3"!5#%! p2(- % - "!5 .#! '3" '3 Y 1 !0

L(,#&" 3 Cp "!(5! 3: 45'* - "!5 .#! '3" 1 !0 L(,#&" 3 "+(%&" '4 *'-#,(5


Page 81: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"#$#% &!'()%*)+%'

!" p#$%&' L#()*'+&,* ,( -).,+$#/",0,1%+ ! "#$ %$&'%'&(# ) *+,)" ',

Lp : X → C×p - .$, /0

Lp(x) :=



1− x(c)c, x ∈ X (1.3)

12 "# 3 ! ,-4$ ! %(4$ ('4$ 3" x = y−1p 56 3,7 "#$ *+,)" ', 189:5 !

,7$($,7$," '* 3 )#' )$ '* c; *'& 344 < & )#4$" )#3&3)"$&! χ mod pm6

χ : Z×p → Q× → C×p ',$ #3!

Lp(χykp) = (1− χ(p)pk)L(−k, χ) ∈ ip(Qab).

=, -$,$&34 $.$&0 7 !"& /+" ', ', Y 2 "# .34+$! , Zp 7$>,$! 3 p?37 )

L?*+,)" ', 1"#$ ,',?@&)# %$7 3, A$44 , "&3,!*'&% '* µ5;

Lµ : X → Cp, µ(x) =


x(y) dµ.

=* D(s, χ) =∑

n≥1 χ(n)cnn−s

! 3, 3& "#%$" )340 7$>,$7 )'%(4$B L?

*+,)" ', "2 !"$7 2 "# 3 < & )#4$" )#3&3)"$& χ 2 "# "#$ (&'($&"0 D∗(−k, χ) ∈Q *'& 3, ,>, "$ !$" '* )'+(4$! k, χ 13,7 2 "# 3 ,'&%34 C3" ', D∗(s, χ)'/"3 ,$7 /0 %+4" (40 ,- D(s, χ) 2 "# )$&"3 , $4$%$,"3&0 *3)"'&!56 ',$

)',!"&+)"! +!+340 "#$ )'&&$!(',7 ,- p?37 ) L?*+,)" ', L = LµD !"3&"?

,- *&'% "#$ 34-$/&3 ) !($) 34 .34+$! D∗(−k, χ) , !+)# 3 230 "#3"

LµD(χykp) =


χykp dµD = ip(D∗(−k, χ)),

3,7 "#$ $B !"$,)$ '* !+)# 3 %$3!+&$ ! $D+ .34$," "' -$,$&34 C$7 E+%?

%$& )',-&+$,)$! *'& "#$ !($) 34 .34+$! D∗(−k, χ)9 F'&%+43! *'& "#$!$

.34+$! )'+47 /$ D+ "$ )'%(4 )3"$7 3,7 ',$ +!$! .3& '+! %$"#'7! ,

'&7$& "' '/"3 , !+)# )',-&+$,)$! 14 G$ "#$ *'&%+43! '* "0($ 189H5 ,

"#$ (&''* '* "#$ I#$'&$% 859 F'& %'7+43& *'&%! ',$ +!$! -$'%$"& )

"''4! 4 G$ %'7+43& !0%/'4!6 )'," ,+'+! *&3)" ',!6 "#$ J3,G ,?K$4/$&-

%$"#'7 $")96 1.' & LA3,M:N6 LJ3OHN6 LA3,?P3N6 LPQRAN59

S$ (&'('!$ 3 ,$2 %$"#'7 2# )# (&'7+)$! 3 *3% 40 '* p?37 ) %$3?

!+&$! !"3&" ,- *&'% 3 7 !"& /+" ', Φ ', Y 2 "# .34+$! , 3 !+ "3/4$

.$)"'& !(3)$ M =⋃

m≥0M(Npm) '* %'7+43& *'&%!T "# ! *3% 40 '*

p?37 ) %$3!+&$! µα,Φ,f ! (3&3%$"& C$7 /0 ,',?C$&' $ -$,.34+$! α ∈Cp 6= 06 '* "#$ '($&3"'& U '* @"G ,?Q$#,$& ', M6 3,7 /0 3 (& % " .$

)+!( $ -$,*'&% f 2 "# 3, 3!!') 3"$7 $ -$,.34+$ α 6= 0 1', 3, $3!0

%'7 >)3" ', f0 '* f 3! 3, $ -$,*+,)" ',59 U,$ !30! "#3" 3 (& % " .$

)+!( $ -$,*'&% f =∑

n≥1 a(n, f)e(nz) ∈ Sk(Γ0(N), ψ) ⊂ M 12#$&$

(e(nz) = exp(2πinz))5 ! 3!!') 3"$7 "' 3, $ -$,.34+$ α * "#$&$ $B !"! 3

)+!( *'&% f0 = f0,α =∑

n≥1 a(n, f0)e(nz) !+)# "#3" f0 | U = αf0 3,7

f0 | T (ℓ) = a(ℓ)f0 *'& 344 (& %$ ,+%/$&! ℓ ∤ Np5

=, "#$ '&7 ,3&0 )3!$ |α|p = 1 3 )',!"&+)" ', '* !+)# %$3!+&$! )'+47

/$ '/"3 ,$7 *&'% V 73W! 7$%('"$," e = limr→∞ U(p)r!

1!$$ V 73

LV X:N5 3)" ,- ', p?37 ) %'7+43& *'&%!T "#$ %3-$ '* e ! )',"3 ,$7 ,

Page 82: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 1

!"#!$ %& Mord ⊂ M '( )*+,& -+.&*!+'* /0,1& '2-+* 23 $ 2, '( M45

61+%1 +! 7*'6* ,' #& 8&*&2 ,&- #3 %&2, +* %9 !!+% 9 .'-"9 2 ('2.!:

;*& '#, +*! µα,Φ,f = ℓf (eΦ) !" # $%&'#()* )&+*#" !", ℓf ∈ Mord ∗- .+

# ,!"* /*+*"#) 0#$* 12*+ α 6= 0 !+* 0!%)3 &,&'#'* '2&$ ,*'2!3 %$&+/

&+$'*#3 ! Mord'2* 4"&,#"5 602#"#0'*"&$'&07 $%($4#0* Mα ⊂ M ! U

612&02 &$ #)$! ! 8+&'* 3&,*+$&!+7-

9- !"#$!%&#!'(" )!#* +,-&." !( /'0&-,$ 1'$/"

:*' A (* #+ #)/*("#&0 *;'*+$&!+ K ! Qp !" &'$ "&+/ ! &+'*/*"$

OK - :*' %$ 8; #+ *,(*33&+/ ip : Q → Cp #+3 )*' Mk(Γ1(N);A)<Mk(Γ0(N)ψ;A) (* '2* $%(,!3%)*$ ! A[[q]] /*+*"#'*3 (5 '2* q=*;4#+$&!+$

f =∑

n≥0 an(f)qn ∈ Mk(Γ1(Np

m),Q) ! 0)#$$&0#) ,!3%)#" !",$

1&'2 #)/*("#&0 >!%"&*" 0!*?0&*+'$ an(f) ∈ Q &+ i−1p (A)- @+* 4%'$

M = ∪m≥0M(Npm)< 12*"* M(Npm) = Mk(Γ1(Npm);A)< #+3 S =

∪m≥0S(Npm) '2* A=$%(,!3%)* ! 0%$4 !",$-

!"#$%&' () *+',-+./,+(0' 1+,2 3"%/&' +0 M4

:*' Φ : C1(Y,Cp)→M (* # 3&$'"&(%'&!+ !+ A 1&'2 B#)%*$ &+ M-

#7 +'&0',&+0 *+',-+./,+(0'4 >!" # 0!,4)*; +%,(*" s ∈ C #+3 a, bmodN4%' 6(5 #+#)5'&0 0!+'&+%#'&!+7C

Eℓ,N(z, s; a, b) =∑

(cz+ d)−ℓ|cz+ d|−2s (0 6= (c, d) ≡ (a, b)modN) .

D'#"'&+/ "!, '2&$ $*"&*$ < !+* !('#&+$ '2* !))!1&+/ E&$*+$'*&+ 3&$'"&=

(%'&!+$C 4%' s = −r< 0 ≤ r ≤ ℓ− 1<

Er,ℓ,N(a, b) :=N

ℓ−2r−1Γ(ℓ− r)



e(−ax/N)Eℓ,N(Nz,−r;x, b)

= εr,ℓ,N(a, b) + (4πy)−r∑


sgn d· dℓ−2r−1W (4πdd′y, ℓ− r,−r)

· e(dd′z) ∈Mr′,ℓ(N), 12*"* r′ = max(r, ℓ− r − 1) ,

W (y, ℓ−r,−r) =r∑




)Γ(ℓ− r)

Γ(ℓ− r − j)y


ζ(s; a,N) =∑

n≥1n≡a(mod N)


εr,ℓ,N(a, b) =(−4πy)sΓ(ℓ+ s)

Γ(ℓ+ 2s)δ



)ζ(1− ℓ− 2s; a,N)


+Γ(ℓ+ 2s− 1)




)[ζ(ℓ+ 2s− 1; b,N) + (−1)ℓ+2sζ(ℓ+ 2s− 1;−b,N)


F2*$* $*"&*$ #"* &+ /*+*"#) +*#")5 2!)!,!"42&0 ,!3%)#" !",$ 6$** D*0=

'&!+ G7 &+ $4#0*$ Mr′,ℓ(N2)< 12*"* r

′ = max(r, ℓ− r− 1) (%' &+ 0*"'#&+

Page 83: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"#$#% &!'()%*)+%'

!"#" $%#& !'# %()(*('+%, - #./. ℓ ≥ 3- r = 0 (' r = l − 10 !12 $%#"#

"#',#" +'(23 # 2,"$',43$,(1" (1 Y × Y 5,$% 6!)3#" ,1 M7

Er,ℓ((a+ (Npm)× (b+ (Npm)) := Er,ℓ,Npm(a, b) ∈Ml(N2p2m).

40 !"#$!% &'()%!" *'"&+, 8(' !1& f =∑

n≥0 an(f)qn ∈ Mk(Γ1(Np

m)(1# +3$"

Φf (a+ (Npm)) :=∑

n≥0n≡a( mod pm)

an(f)qn ∈Mk(Np


0 !"#$!% #-.#! +."$.+ 9!)"( 5,$% ! "+%#', !) +()&1(*,!)0- "## :;,<=>.

/.&!"0+, ,0 8(' !1& ?,', %)#$ %!'! $#' χ mod pm6,#5#2 !" ! @31 $,(1

(1 Y 5,$% 6!)3#" ,1 ip(Qab)- $%# ,1$#/'!)


χ(y) dΦf = Φf (χ) =∑


χ(n)an(f)qn ∈Mk(N


(,1 ,2#" $%#1 5,$% $%# $5,"$#2 *(23)!' @('* fχ.

,,0 A%# 2,"$',43$,(1" !0- 40- 0 !'# 4(312#2 9!@$#' ! '#/3)!',"!$,(1 (@

$%# (1"$!1$ $#'* ,1 !00 5,$% '#"+# $ $( $%# pB!2, 1('* (1 M =∪pmMk(Γ1(Np

m), A) ⊂ A[[q]] /,6#1 4& |g|p = supn |a(n, g)|p @(' g =∑n≥0 a(n, g)g

n ∈Mk(Γ1(N), A) 0.

,,,0 C$!'$,1/ @'(* 2,"$',43$,(1" !0- 40- 0 (1# !1 (1"$'3 $ *!1& ($%#'

2,"$',43$,(1"- @(' #D!*+)#- 3",1/ $%# (+#'!$,(1 (@ (16()3$,(1 (1 Y 9!"

,1 :;,<=>- 5%#'# $%# !"# (@ $%# (16()3$,(1 (@ ! $%#$! 2,"$',43$,(1 5,$%

!1 E,"#1"$#,1 2,"$',43$,(1 5!" (1",2#'#20.

;(5#6#' 5# 1##2 2,"$',43$,(1" µ 5,$% " !)!' 6!)3#" 9,1 Zp (' ,1 Cp0

5%, % 5# (1"$'3 $ "$!'$,1/ @'(* 2,"$',43$,(1" Φ 5,$% 6!)3#" ,1 M.

A%," 5,)) 4# 2(1# ,1 $5( "$#+"7

1-. 2"+# +#.3 ," $%# +!""!/# @'(* M $( ! #'$!,1 F1,$#B2,*#1",(1!)

+!'$ M◦ ⊂ MG (1# 3"#" ! "3,$!4)# +'(H# $(' π :M→M◦"3 % $%!$

(1# !1 I##+ $'! I (@ 2#1(*,1!$('" 5%#1 $%# )#6#) (@ *(23)!' @('*"


1-. +.4'5( +#.3 ," $( !++)& ! "3,$!4)# ),1#!' @('* $( $%# 2,"$',43$,(1

π(Φ) ,1 ('2#' $( (4$!,1 $%# "+# ,!) 6!)3#" (@ $%# LB@31 $,(1" !" #'$!,1

pB!2, ,1$#/'!)" !/!,1"$ $%# *#!"3'# π(Φ).

J. !"#$ #$%&' &"()%*$("# (+ ,!+!$% -!.%+#!(+/0 #12#&/*%#

A%# F'"$ ,2#! 5(3)2 4# $( 3"# #-. #"!4. '3."!#'"


N f =∑


f |k γ.

K1# (4$!,1" !@$#' ! 1('*!),"!$,(1 ! +'(H# $('

π(f) = [Γ0(N) : Γ0(Npm)]−1TrNpm

N f

5%, % ," 5#)) 2#F1#2 43$ 5%, % ,1$'(23 #" ,1! #+$!4)# 2#1(*,1!$('".

Page 84: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 1

!" #"$%&' ('") (# *% +#" *!" %,"-)*%- U = Up %. /*0(&12"!&"-

3!($! )$*# %& M )&' %& S 45 g | U =∑

n≥0 a(pn, g)qn6 3!"-" g =∑

n≥0 a(n, g)qn ∈M ⊂ A[[q]]6 a(n, g) ∈ A7

2"* α ∈ Cp 4" ) &%&18"-% "(9"&:);+" %. U = Up %&M6 )##%$()*"' *% )

,-(<(*(:" $+#, "(9"&.%-< f =∑

n≥1 a(n, f)e(nz) ∈ Sk(Γ0(N), ψ) ⊂M7

=& *!" %-'(&)-5 $)#" |α|p = 1 *!"-" ">(#*# ) p1)'($ $%&#*-+$*(%& %. ),-%?"$*%- π 9(:"& 45 @(')A# ('"<,%*"&* e = limr→∞ U(p)

r!)$*(&9 %& p1

)'($ <%'+;)- .%-<#6 3!%#"# (<)9" (# (& *!" B&(*" '(<"&#(%&); #+4#,)$"

Mord ⊂M CD*!" %-'(&)-5 ,)-* %.MEF7 !"& %&" 9"*# µα,Φ,f = ℓf (eΦ)3(*! ) #+(*)4;" p1)'($ ;(&")- .%-< ℓf ∈Mord ∗


G7 !"# $%!&'()$'*%!

=* ,-%:('"# ) -)*!"- #(<,;" <"*!%' 3!($! )**)$!"# *% ) '(#*-(4+*(%&

Φ %& Y 3(*! :);+"# (& ) #+(*)4;" :"$*%- #,)$"

M = ∪m≥0


%. <%'+;)- .%-<#6 ) .)<(;5 µα,Φ,f %. p1)'($ <")#+-"# %& Y ,)-)<"*-(8"'

45 &%&18"-% "(9"&:);+"# α )##%$()*"' 3(*! ,-(<(*(:" $+#, "(9"&.%-<#

f 7 !(# $%&#*-+$*(%& '%"# &%* +#" )&5 p1)'($ ;(<(* ,-%$"'+-" )&' (&

.)$* (* +#"# %&;5 #*)&')-' ;(&")- );9"4-) $%&#('"-)*(%&# (& *!" B&(*"

'(<"&#(%&); ,-(<)-5 C$!)-)$*"-(#*($F #+4#,)$" %. *!" "(9"&:);+" α7

!"#$%$&# '()( ! "#$ % α ∈ A &'( M(α) = Ker(U − αI) ()* A+

,'-.#/'0* #1 M #1 *23*%1'%4(2#%, #1 ()* A+02%* $ #&*$ (#$ U 5#1 ()*

*23*%6 0'* α!7

-! 8'( Mα = ∪n≥1Ker(U − αI)n ()* α+&$2. $9 54) $ 4(*$2,(24 !

A+,'-.#/'0* #1 M7

4! 8'(Mα(Npm) =Mα∩M(Npm):M(α)(Npm) =M(α)∩M(Npm)7

*+&,&-$%$&# '(.( ;*( A = Qp7 <*=%* N0 = Np: ()*% Um(M(N0p

m)) ⊂M(N0)7

8$##1 .%;;%3# .-%< ) 0&%3& .%-<+;) HI"JKL6

Um = p

m(k/2−1)WN0pm TrN0pm

N0WN0 ,

3!"-" g|kWN(z) = (√Nz)−k

g(−1/Nz) : M(N) → M(N) *!" <)(&(&:%;+*(%& %. ;":"; N C%:"- *!" $%<,;"> &+<4"-#F7

*+&,&-$%$&# '(/( ;*( A = Qp %/ 0*( α -* %#%+>*$# *0*.*%( #1 A?


! (Uα)m :Mα(N0pm)

∼−→Mα(N0pm) 2, % 2%6*$(2-0* Qp+02%* $ #&+

*$ (#$7

-! @)* Qp+6*4(#$ ,'-,& 4* Mα(N0pm) =Mα(N0) 2, 2%/*&*%/*%( #1


Page 85: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"#$#% &!'()%*)+%'

! "#$ πα,m : M(N0pm) → Mα(N0p

m) $%# &'(') &* +,(-# $(, ('$(

$%# α.+,)/&,0 1231+& # (4 U 5(4 $%# 6#,'#* Ker πα,m =⋂

n≥1 Im(U −αI)n = ⊕β 6=αMβ(N0p

m)!7 $%#' $%# 4(**(8)'9 :)&9,&/ )1 (//2$&$);#








M(N0) πα,0

// Mα(N0)

<,((4= !" #$ #%" &"'!(#)$* #%"$&+ $, "*'$-$&.%)/-/ )* 0 1*)#" ')-"*2

/)$*03 /!4/.0(" $5"& 0 1"3' K6 #%" .&$7"(#$& πα,m $*#$ #%" α2.&)-0&+


⋃n≥1Ker(U − αI)n %0/ #%" 8"&*"3

⋂n≥1 Im(U − αI)n 0*' )#

(0* 4" "9.&"//"' 0/ 0 .$3+*$-)03 $, U :)#% ($";()"*#/ )* K6 %"*("

πα,m ($--!#"/ :)#% U < =* #%" $#%"& %0*'6 #%" &"/#&)(#)$* $, πα,m $*

M(N0) ($)*()'"/ :)#% πα,0 :M(N0)→Mα(N0) 4"(0!/" )#/ )-0>" )/⋃


Ker(U − αI)n ∩M(N0) =⋃


Ker(U |M(N0) −αI)n,

0*' #%" 8"&*"3 )/


Im(U − αI)n ∩M(N0) =⋂


Im(U |M(N0) −αI)n.

?< !"#$!%&#!'(" )!#* +,-&." !( p/,0!1 2'0&-,$ 3'$2"

@"# g =∑

n≥0 a(n, g)gn ∈ Mk(Γ1(N), A) #%"* |g|p = supn |a(n, g)|p

)/ 0 :"332'"1*"' p20')( *$&- $*

M = ∪m≥0Mk(Γ1(Npm), A) ⊂ A[[q]].

@"# !/ '"*$#" 4+M #%" ($-.3"#)$* $,M )* A[[q]] :)#% &"/."(# #$ #%)/*$&-< @"# V 4" 0 *$&-"' A2-$'!3"<

4*.'$.2 ?<A5 "#$ α 6= 0 3# & '('.>#,( #)9#';&*2# (4 $%# (+#,&$(,

U (' $%# A./(:2*# M= ?%# α.+,)/&,0 +&,$ Φα(4 & :)1$,)32$)(' ('

Y 8)$% ;&*2#1 )' M )1 9);#' 30

∫YϕΦα := (Uα)−m


(( ∫Yϕ dΦ



4(, &** ϕ ∈ C1(Y,A) &': 4(, &** pm

12@ )#'$*0 *&,9# 1( $%&$

∫Yϕ dΦ )1 & A')$# *)'#&, (/3)'&$)(' )' M(N0p

m)!=<2$ Φ(a+(Npm)) =

∫Yχa+(Npm)dΦ 8%#,# χa+(Npm) :#'($#1 $%# %&,.

& $#,)1$) 42' $)(' (4 &' (+#' 1231#$ a+(Npm) ⊂ Y B %#' # $%#,# #C)1$1

m′ ∈ N 12 % $%&$

Φ(a+ (Npm)) = Φ(χ(a+(Npm))) ∈M(Npm′+1),

&': $%# α.+,)/&,0 +&,$ Φα(4 Φ )1 :#A'#: 30

Φα(a+ (Npm)) = (Uα)−m′[πα,0(Φ(a+ (Npm)) | Um′

]. (5.1)

Page 86: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 1

! !"# $%&'(&)*

"#$ Φ %# & %'()*#* *+,$-+%($+') .+$/ 0&1(#, +) M &)* α &) #+2#)3

0&1(# '4 U ') M!

+%&'(&) !5, ! |α|p = 1 "#$% Φα&' ( )*+%,$, ,&'"-&)+"&*% *% Y .&"#

/(0+$' &% Mα1(% A23*,+0$ *! 4%&"$ -(%567

+%&'(&) !6, 8+99*'$ "#(" !*- (00 m ∈ N∗(%, !*- t = 0, 1, . . . , hκ−1


ytp dΦ ∈M(N0p

κm) 1.&"# h = [ordp α] + 16 (6.1)

!*- ( '+&"()0$ %*%2%$:("&/$ &%"$:$- κ 1"#$ ;*%,&"&*% *! "#$ 3*,+0(-&"<

*! ( '+&"()0$ 0$/$067 =#$% "#$-$ $>&'"' (% hκ2(,3&''&)0$ ,&'"-&)+"&*% Φα

*% Y .&"# /(0+$' &% Mα'+;# "#(" !*- (00 m

′'+?;&$%"0< 0(-:$ 1.&"#

m′ ≥ κm6 (%, !*- (00 t = 0, 1, . . . , hκ − 1 *%$ #('



α = (Uα)−m′πα,0




)| Um′


@$3(-57 74 A = Qp $/#) $/# 8')*+$+') '4 $/# $/#'-#9 : +, #;(+0&1#)$ $'∫Yχy

tpdΦ ∈ M(N0p

mκ) 4'- &11 <+-+8/1#$ 8/&-&8$#-, χmodN0pm


0&1(#, +) A> %#8&(,#


ytdΦ =






χytp dΦ.

A-**! *! =#$*-$3 B7C7 7$ ,(?8#, $' ,/'. $/&$ 4'- & 8'),$&)$ C > 0&)* 4'- &11 $/# '@#) ,(%,#$, '4 $A@# a + (Npm) ⊂ Y ')# /&, |Φα(a +(Npm))|p ≤ C! BA '(- &,,(9@$+') $/#-# #C+,$, m

′ ∈ N ,(8/ $/&$

Φ(a+ (Npm)) = Φ(χ(a+(Npm))) ∈M(Npm′+1),

$/#) $/# α3@-+9&-A @&-$ Φα'4 Φ +, 2+0#) %A =D!5>E

Φα(a+ (Npm)) = (Uα)−m′[πα,0(Φ(a+ (Npm)) | Um′


F) $/# α3@-+9&-A ,(%,@&8# Mα ⊂ M ')# /&, Uα = αI + Z 4'-

& )+1@'$#)$ p3+)$#2-&1 '@#-&$'- ZE 4'- &11 g =∑

n≥0 a(n, g)qn ∈ MG

g | U =∑

n≥0 a(pn, g)qnG |g | U |p ≤ |g|p &)* |g | Z|p ≤ |g|p!

H#C$ &11 $/# 4()8$+'), Φα(a+(Npm)) = α−m(α(Uα)−1)m [πα,0(Φ(a+ (Npm)) | Um]

&-# %'()*#* %#8&(,# |α−1|p = 1 &)*

(α(Uα)−1)m = (α−1Uα)−m = (I + α−1Z)−m =







Page 87: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

! "#$%$& '"()*&+*,&(

!""# "# $%&"!&' ()*) !" ordp α > 0 #$% &!" h = [ordp α] + 1' (!$)!*$! +#, "* -*.$%


(yp−ap)tdΦα = α





(yp − ap)tdΦ

)| Uα


/+! $*01, *2 "+! *3!0#"*0,

(α(Uα)−1)κm = (α−1Uα)−κm =n−1∑






#0! .$42*01&5 -*.$%!% -5 C1 > 0 #, n = dimMα%*!, $*" %!3!$% *$

m' (!$)! 2*0 #&& t = 0, 1, . . . , hκ − 1 *$! +#,



(yp − ap)tdΦα

∣∣∣p≤ C1· |α|−mκ

p ·Maxy∈a+(N0pm) |yp − ap|t· |Φ|p

≤ C1·C2|pm|t−ordp α·κ = o(pm(hκ−t)), h > ordp α

#, m→∞ 6-!)#.,! |Φ|p ≤ C2 #$% |α|−mp = p

m ordp α7'

8' !"#$% &'$'('#)&*+ p,"-*+ ('-.$"# /'#(0 '/ 1%)! r ≥ 0

!" ., ,3!)4#&49! ., $*: "* "+! )#,! :+!$ A 4, !4"+!0 #$ #&;!-0#4)

!<"!$,4*$ K *2 Qp *0 "+! 04$; OK *2 4$"!;!0, *2 K' =4< #$ !1-!%%4$;

ip : Q → Qp = Cp' !" r -! # $*$>$!;#"4?! 4$"!;!0 #$% q, ω ":* ?#04>

#-&!, 6*?!0 "+! )*13&!< $.1-!0, q = e(z) = e2πiz

@ ω = 4πy = 4π Im(z)@z ∈ C7' A$ "+! 04$; A[[q]][ω−1] &!" ., )*$,4%!0 "+! A[[q]]>,.-1*%.&!,

Pr(A) ={g =

∑rj=0 ω

−jgj :4"+ gj =

∑n≥0 a(j, n, g)q

n ∈ A[[q]]}' B*$>

,4%!0 #&,* 2*0 #$5 3*,4"4?! 4$"!;!0 a "+! )*13&!< ?!)"*0 ,3#)!, *2 $!#0&5

+*&*1*03+4) 2.$)"4*$, 6,!! C(4DEF7 Qr,a ={∑r

j=0 Im(4πz)−jgj(z) :4"+

gj =∑

n≥0 a(j, n, g)e(nz/a)}#$% 3." Qr = ∪a≥1Qr,a'

2&!'#!( 8'G3 +, $%& A-'"./0& Mr,k(Γ1(N), A) ⊂ A[[q1]][ω−1] "#

'"./0+! #"!'1 "# 234& r ≥ 0 +5. "# 6&78%2 k ≥ 1 #"! Γ1(N) 71 8&5&!+2&.93 2%& 1&!7&1 g ∈Mr,k 672% +08&9!+7: :"&;:7&521 a(j, n, g) ∈ ip(Q) 1/:%2%+2 2%& :"!!&14"5.&52 :"'40&< 1&!7&1 =.&5"2&. +01" g,

g = i−1p (g) =





i−1p (a(j, n, g))e(nz) ∈ Qr,1

1+271#3 2" 26" :"5.727"51> ∀γ ∈ Γ1(N)? g|kγ = g +5. ∀γ ∈ SL2(Z)?g|kγ ∈ Qr)

9, /2Mr,k =Mr,k(N, p) = ∪m≥0Mr,k(Npm)? 6%&!&Mr,k(Np

m) =Mr,k(Γ1(Np

m), A))

Page 88: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 11

! !"#$%&' (&"% ")"%*+,- ,.&).+&,) .&(,&. /0 1&,23+

ℓ > 0

"#$$ %&'()*+, -./ s ∈ C '01 a, bmodN 1$20$ "'# 30 4$563.0 7+ 68$

93#$0#6$30 #$/3$#:

Eℓ,N(z, s; a, b) =∑

(cz+ d)−ℓ|cz+ d|−2s (0 6= (c, d) ≡ (a, b)modN) .

46'/630; </.= 683# #$/3$# .0$ .>6'30# 68$ <.??.@30; 93#$0#6$30 13#6/3A

>B63.0 @368 C'?B$# 30 0$'/?D 8.?.=./E835 <./=# "<./ '?? s = −r @368

0 ≤ r ≤ ℓ− 1+:

Er,ℓ,N(a, b) :=N

ℓ−2r−1Γ(ℓ− r)



e(−ax/N)Eℓ,N(Nz,−r;x, b)

= εr,ℓ,N(a, b) + (4πy)−r∑


d′≡b mod N

sgn d· dℓ−2r−1W (4πdd′y, ℓ− r,−r)

· e(dd′z) ∈Mr′,ℓ(N2),

" !F+

@8$/$ r′ = max(r, ℓ− r − 1)G

W (y, ℓ−r,−r) =r∑




)Γ(ℓ− r)

Γ(ℓ− r − j)y

r−j, ζ(s; a,N) =

n≥1n≡a(mod N)


εr,ℓ,N(a, b) =(−4πy)sΓ(ℓ+ s)

Γ(ℓ+ 2s)δ



)ζ(1− ℓ− 2s; a,N)


+Γ(ℓ+ 2s− 1)




)[ζ(ℓ+ 2s− 1; b,N) + (−1)ℓ+2sζ(ℓ+ 2s− 1;−b,N)


H! 4,.+(,56+,/). 1,+3 7"%6&. ,) )&"(%* 3/%/#/($3,- p8"9,-

#/96%"( 0/(#. /0 +*$& r ≥ 0

I$6 g =∑r

j=0 ω−j

∑n≥0 a(j, n, g)q

n ∈Mr,k ⊂ A[[q]][ω−1]! JB6 |g|p =supn,j |a(j, n, g)|p! K0$ 8'# ' pA'135 0./= .0 Mr,k!

I$6 α >$ '0 $3;$0C'?B$ .< U .0Mr,kG g|Um = pm(k/2−1)

∑u mod pm g|

(1 u0 pm



∑umod pm g



Im(z + u


)=Im z


=⇒ g|Um =k∑





a(j, pmn, g)qn

"'0 306$;/'? .E$/'6./ .0 Mr,k+!

!"#$%$&# '()( ! M(α)r,k = Ker(U − αI)"

#! Mαr,k =

⋃n≥1Ker(U − αI)n"

$! Mαr,k(Np

m) =Mr,k(Npm) ∩Mα


Page 89: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

! "#$%$& '"()*&+*,&(

!"#$"% !"& ! "#$ %% m ≥ 1 &'( A)*#+,%(Mαr,k(N0p

m) =Mαr,k(N0)

-. #/ 01-&( $ 12 1+ -& +#(. 1#& +(3(1+ #1 m4

5! 6'( /#%%#7-18 +- 8$ * -. 9#**,& &-:( ;/#$ A = Qp!









M(N0) πα,0

// Mαr,k(N0)

;πα,m -. &'( 3$#<(9&#$ #1&# &'( α)3$-* $= .,5.3 9( 7-&' &'( 2($1(%⋂n≥1 Im(U − αI)n ∩Mr,k(N0) ;(>, % &# &'( +-$(9& .,* #/ %% &'( #&'($

3$-* $= .,5.3 9(.? πα,m = Rα,m(U) 7-&' .,-& 5%( 3#%=1#*- % Rα,m ∈A[x] .(( @$#3#.-&-#1 A4B!4

!"#$%$&# '()( C(& α ∈ A 5( 1#1)D($# (-8(1: %,( #/ &'( #3($ &#$ U

#1 Mr,k 1+ Φ : C1(Y,A) →Mr,k +-.&$-5,&-#14 6'( α)3$-* $= 3 $&

Φα : C1(Y,A)→Mαr,k #/ Φ -. 8-:(1 5=

Φα(ϕ) = U−m




/#$ %% m .,E9-(1&%= % $8( ; :(9 Φ(ϕ) ∈Mr,k(N0pm)!4

#$% &%'()*)+( ), )(&%-%(&%(* +. *$% /$+)/% +. m 01,,23%& ,24/)%(*56

5178%9 :6 ;7+-! !"< :9!

!"#$"% !=& C(& |α|p = 1 1+ Φ 5#,1+(+ +-.&$-5,&-#1 7-&' : %,(. -1

&'( A)*#+,%( Mr,k #/ p) +-9 1( $%= '#%#*#$3'-9 *#+,% $ /#$*.4 6'(1

&'( +-.&$-5,&-#1 Φα+(01(+ -1 F4B -. %.# 5#,1+(+4

@$##/4 >* ), )&%(*)/15 *+ *$1* +. #$%+7%3 ?!@ 0)( A$)/$ *$% $+5+3+7-$)/

/1,% A1, *7%1*%&9!

@B! h'()%*++*,-" )*+.$*,/.*#0+&

C%* Φj : C1(Y,A) → Mr,k :% 1 .13)56 +. &),*7):2*)+(, 0(+( (%/D

%,,17)56 :+2(&%&< j = 0, 1, . . . , r∗< r∗ ≥ 1)! E+7 1(6 +-%( ,2:,%*

a+ (Npm) ⊂ Y -2* Φj(a+ (Npm)) = Φj(χa+(Npm))!

!"#$"% @B!@& C(& 0 < |α|p < 1 1+ h = [ordp α] + 14 G,33#.( &' &

&'($( (H-.&. κ ∈ N∗.,9' &' & /#$ %% j = 0, 1, . . . , hκ − 1 1+ /#$ %%

m ≥ 1 #1( ' . Φj(a + (N0pm)) ∈ Mr,k(N0p

mκ) ;&'( %(:(% 9#1+-&-#1!4

G,33#.( 1(H& &' & /#$ t = 0, 1, . . . , hκ − 1 1+ /#$ %% a + (Npm) ⊂ Y

#1( ' .







t−jΦj(a+ (Npm))|p ≤ C|pm|tp = Cp−mt (10.1)

7-&' .,-& 5%( 9#1.& 1& C > 0 ;&'( +-:-.-5-%-&= 9#1+-&-#1!4 6'(1 &'($(

(H-.&. 1 hκ) +*-..-5%( *( .,$( Φα : Chκ(Y,A) →Mαr,k ⊂ Mr,k .,9'

&' &



α = Φαj (a+ (N0p

m)) ;/#$ j = 0, 1, . . . , hκ − 1!4

Page 90: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 12

!""#$ ! "#$%&" !' (&)*+, !-& %'./*!*'. '+ 0)'1!- 2343 /55 +') Φαj (a+

(N0pm)) ∈ Mr,k(N0p

mκ)4 6.& -7" U = αI + Z8 Zn = 0 '. Mα

r,k(N0)8n = rkAMα


6. !-& '!-&) -7./ 9, !-& %'./*!*'." '+ !-& !-&')&: 1& -7(&


(yp − ap)tdΦα =






t−jΦαj (a+ (N0p


= α−mκ








t−jΦj(a+ (N0pm))


;-& '<&)7!')" α−1(Uα)−mκ =




)(α−1Z)i 7)& #.*+'):=, 9'#./&/

9, 7 %'."!7.! C1 > 0 -&.%& !-& %'./*!*'. 23>435 *:<=*&"



(yp − ap)tdΦα


≤ C·C1|α|−mκ

p |pm|tp = o(pm(hκ−t))

1-&. m → ∞ 9&%7#"& |α|p = |p|ordp α8 ordp α < h8 |pm|−κ ordp α

p =o(pmκh)4

334 !" #"$%&' #(")* +)),-$+(-%& %. + #/-(+0," ,-&"+1


?&! α ∈ Q ⊂ C 9& 7 .'.@A&)' &*0&.(7=#& '+ U '. Mr,k(C) 7""'%*7!&/

1*!- 7 <)*:*!*(& %#"< &*0&.+'): f ∈ Sk(Γ0(N), ψ) 7./ =&! f0 = f0,α 9&

7 %'))&"<'./*.0 &*0&.+#.%!*'. (f0|U = αf0)8 =&! #" /&B.& f0 = f

ρ0 |WN0 8

fρ0 =

∑n≥1 an(f0)q

n8 WN0 =

(0 −1N0 0


!"#"$%&%"' (()() %& U∗ = W

−1N0UWN0 '( )*+ *+!,')'%( -+.)"! /0%.+

Sr,k(Γ1(N0),C)1 )*+ %23"'() "0+!%)"! 4')* !+/0+.) )" )*+ +)+!//"( /.%5%!0!"26.)$

7& 8(+ *%/ f0|U∗ = αf

01 %(2 #"! %55 9:""29 0!',+ (6,7+!/ l ∤ Np

"(+ *%/ Tlf0 = al(f)f


.& ;*+ 5'(+%! #"!, ℓf,α : g 7→ 〈f 0, g〉 "( Mr,k(Γ1(N0),C) -%(<'/*+/ "( Ker πα,01 4*+!+ πα,0 : Mr,k(Γ1(N0),C) → Mα

r,k(Γ1(N0),C)=)*+ 0!"3+.)"! "()" )*+ α<0!',%!> /67/0%.+ 4')* )*+ ?+!(+5 Ker πα,0 =Im(U − αI)n) *+(.+

〈f 0, g〉 = 〈f 0, πα,0(g)〉.

2& @# g ∈M(Npm+1,Q) =M(N0p

m,Q) +) α 6= 01 "(+ *%/

〈f 0, gα〉 = α−m〈f 0, g | Um〉


gα = (Uα)−m

πα,0(g | Um) ∈Mα(Np)

'/ )*+ α<0!',%!> 0%!) "# g$

Page 91: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

! "#$%$& '"()*&+*,&(

! "# $%&'

Lf,α(g) =〈f 0, α−m


〈f 0, f0〉N0


( #) Lf,α :M(Npm+1;Q)→ Q *&( +,# -. /0.1 Lf,α '%.Mr,k(Γ1(Np),C)

,' 2 3# 2 04 . Q! -#2 &( . 5,'&' - %#,6% A7+,# -. /0.1 ℓf,α ∈Mα

r,k(N0)∗'%)( &(-&

i−1p (ℓf,α(g

α)) =〈f 0, α−m


〈f 0, f0〉N0

*∀g 8,&( )0 9), #&' ,# i−1p (A)!:

;.00/ 0/ ;.0$0',&,0# <<:< ! "## $%&'() *+, -,.,.,

/! 0' 1#23&4&53) f0|U∗ = f

ρ0 | WNpW

−1NpUWNp = αf

ρ0 | WNp = αf


6! 758 3' 9:364&53

g1 = (U − αI)ng ∈ Ker πα,0 = Im(U − αI)n

53# + ;

〈f 0, g1〉 = 〈f 0, (U − αI)ng〉 = 〈(U∗ − αI)f 0, (U − αI)n−1g〉 = 0

+#36# 958 g1 = g − πα,0(g) <# =#4

〈f 0, g〉 = 〈f 0, πα,0(g)+(g−gα)〉 = 〈f 0, πα,0(g)〉+〈f 0, g1〉 = 〈f 0, πα,0(g)〉1! >#4 :; :;# 1&8#64?' 4+# #@: ?&4' (U∗)mf 0 = α

mf059 /!A

αm · 〈f 0, gα〉 = 〈(U∗)mf 0, U−m

πα,0(g | Um)〉 =〈f 0, πα,0(g | Um)〉 = 〈f 0, g | Um〉

/' 6! /#6 :;# g|Um ∈M(Np),#! B54# 4+ 4 Lf,α(f0) = 1) f0 ∈ M(Np;Q)C 653;&1#8 4+# 65DE?#F

G#6458 ;E 6#

KerLf,α = 〈f 0〉⊥ = {g ∈M(Np;C) | 〈f 0, g〉 = 0} !"#! $%&"'( $ Q)*$'"+,$- .$("( ./#$0(/ "' "( ('$.-/ .1 '!/ $#'"+, +2 $--

34++%3 5/#6/ +7/*$'+*( Tl 8l ∤ Np9:

〈f 0, g〉 = 0 =⇒ 〈f 0, Tlg〉 = 〈T ∗l f 0, g〉 = 0

$,% +,/ +.'$",( (0#! $ .$("( .1 '!/ %"$4+,$-"($'"+, +2 '!/ $#'"+, +2 $--

'!/ Tl 8$ #+&&0'$'";/ 2$&"-1 +2 ,+*&$- +7/*$'+*(9 $,% /9 2+--+ (<

=>< !"#$%&'( $& $)! L*+,'-$%&'(. -&'/&",$%&'( &+ $)!

0%(!'($!%' 1%($2%3,$%&'(

?/' ξmodN ./ $, $0@"-"$*1 A"*"#!-/' #!$*$#'/* ξ : Y → A∗B


yp→Z∗p, Y = lim←YNpm ,

YNpm = (Z/NpmZ)∗< C+,("%/* ' + D"(/,('/", %"('*".0'"+,(

Page 92: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

!"# $"%&'( ') *'!+%,-*%.!/ p0 (.* L0)-!*%.'!+ 12

E0,ℓ,Npm(ξ, b) =∑

a∈YNpmξ(a)E0,ℓ(a, b;Np

m) ∈{M0,ℓ ! ℓ ≥ 3 "# ξ 6= 1

M1,ℓ ! ξ = 1, ℓ = 1, 2,

Er,ℓ,Npm(a) =∑

b∈YNpmEr,ℓ,Npm(a, b) ∈Mr′,ℓ$ r

′ = max(r, ℓ− r − 1)%

!"#"$%&%"' ()*(* !" χ, ψ : Y → A×#! "$% &'(')*+!" )*,(,)"!(-


,/ !" f ∈ Sk(N,ψ). k ≥ 2. 0!12!

Φj(a)Npm =∑


ψξ(y)E0,k−1−j(ξ, ya)Ej,1+j(y)

3, "$'-"!0 )%24%+5"'%2. j = 0, . . . , k − 2/6 7!2)! 8%( ,29 &'(')*+!"

)*,(,)"!( χ mod Npm%2! *,-

Φj(χ) = E0,k−1−j(ξ, χ)Ej,1+j(ψξχ);

#/ "*! -:!)',+ 4,+5!- %8 "*! 852)"'%2 Lf (s, χ) =∑

n≥1 χ(n)an(f)n−s

$'"* , :(';'"'4! &'(')*+!" )*,(,)"!( χ mod Npm (m ≥ 1) ,0;'" "*!8%++%$'2< '2"!<(,+ (!:(!-!2","'%2

〈f 0,Φj(χ)〉Np =G(χ)Γ(j + 1)Lf (k − 1, ξ)Lf (j + 1, χ)

(−2πi)j+k· t,

3$*!(! G(χ) '- "*! =,5-- -5; %8 χ. t ∈ Q∗'- ,2 !>:+')'"+9 <'4!2 !+!?

;!2",(9 )%2-",2" '20!:!20!2" %8 j ,20 χ/@

)/ "*! 0'-"('#5"'%2- Φj -,"'-89 "*! )%20'"'%2- %8 A*!%(!; B ,20 "*!9

:(%05)! ,2 h?,0;'--'#+! ;!,-5(! 3)%;:,(! $'"* CD'EBF/ $*')* '2"!(:%?

+,"!- "*! 2%(;,+'-!0 )('"'),+ 4,+5!-

α−mG(χ)Γ(j + 1)Lf (j + 1, χ)Lf (k − 1, ξ)

(−2πi)j+k〈f, f〉$*!(! 〈f, f〉 0!2%"!- "*! 2%(;,+'G!0 H!"!(--%2 :(%05)"6

H(%%8 %8 H(%:%-'"'%2 IJ6I &' () * * & +,-,#&. /#"/,#01 "! 23.0 /. 4&0 5,

4"-5".30 "-*%

6' 72/. ,8 !#"2 0), 9&-: -;<,.6,#+ 2,0)"8 !"# 0), 4"-5".30 "-

D(s, f, g) = LN(2s+ 2− l, ψξχ)∞∑



=),#, ξ * &- &3> . &#1 -"-;0# 5 &. ? # 4).,0 4)&#&40,# ξ &-8 0), -326,#*

bn = σl−1,χ,ξ(n) =∑



&#, @"3# ,# 4",A4 ,-0* "! & 4,#0& - B *,-*0, - *,# ,* g =∑∞

n=0 bn exp(2πinz)"! =, +)0 l C&-8 "! ? # 4).,0 4)&#&40,# χξ' ! χξ(−1) = (−1)l *" 0)&0

Lg(s) =∞∑


bnn−s = L(s− l + 1, χ)L(s, ξ)

Page 93: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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!" #$ %!&# '( ) !%*!+, -$.. /,$$ 0) 1234 &5 6$!$5 - -$..

&7 89*.:5 089*;<34 =$.. > /6$!$5 -*?$" ) !%*!+, -$.. @4 ,$$ -,&

089*;;34 0A*B134 0C !DE 3@ F9 F D(s, f, g) G ! '$ $HI5$,,$" F95&:69

Lf (s − l + 1, χ)Lf (s, ξ)J K! &5"$5 F& 6$F F9$ *!F$65 - 5$I5$,$!F F*&!

&7 '@4 #$ $L -: F$ F9$! F9$ 7:!GF*&! Lf (s − l + 1, χ)Lf (s, ξ) F I&*!F,s = k − 14 !" I:F l = k − j − 14 #9$5$ 1 ≤ l ≤ k − 1@J

G@ M!$ G9$G%, G&$NG*$!FD'(DG&$NG*$!F F9 F F9$ "*,F5*':F*&!, Φj , FD

*,7( F9$ -$L$- G&!"*F*&! !" F9$ "*L*,*'*-*F( G&!"*F*&! &7 O9$&5$. < #*F9

κ = 2J O9$! &!$ "*5$GF-( II-*$, O9$&5$. < !" I5&I&,*F*&! >>J> G@4

"@ *! &5"$5 F& &'F *! F9$ "$,*5$" hD ".*,,*'-$ .$ ,:5$ µf,α *! F9$ 7&5.

µf,α = ℓf,α(Φα)J

>PJ !!"#$%&#'( &' &)#!"* !)'+,$&-

Q&!,*"$5 F9$ L$GF&5 ,I G$

M :=⋃



!" -$F L(f ⊗ g⊗h, s) '$ F9$ F5*I-$ LD7:!GF*&! FF G9$" F& f ⊗ g⊗h ∈Sk(Γ1(N))

⊗3 ,,&G* F$" #*F9 ! !"#$%!& $*6$!L -:$ αβγ4 9$!G$

f0 ⊗ g0 ⊗ h0 ∈ Sk(Γ1(Np))⊗3

*, ! $*6$!7:!GF*&! &7 U⊗3

&! Sk(Γ1(Np))⊗34 !" f

0 ⊗ g0 ⊗ h

0*, !

$*6$!7:!GF*&! &7 (U∗)⊗3J =$F :, :,$ F9$ 5$,F5*GF*&! F& F9$ "* 6&! -

Φ = E3k(z1, z2, z3) ∈ Mk(Γ1(Np))

⊗3&7 F9$ 8*$6$-DR*,$!,F$*! "*,F5*D

':F*&! /,$$ 0EK,53@ L*$#$" , 7&5. - S&:5*$5 ,$5*$,J M!$ &'F *!,

"*,F5*':F*&! &! Y3#*F9 L -:$, *! MJ


lf⊗g⊗h,αβγ(Φ) := ip

( 〈f 0 ⊗ g0 ⊗ h


〈f 0, f0〉〈g0, g0〉〈h0, h0〉


./*')*0 >PJ>1 '% ( !) #$ *! +!,-- (#./ 0#,+1!#," 234/,!,!56 7/, "#-8

.!#9:.# $ lf⊗g⊗h,αβγ(Φ) $ Y3(#./ ;%<:,- #$ M #- 9 :$"," %$" ./,

#$.,+!%<- lf⊗g⊗h,αβγ(Φ)(χ1 ⊗ χ2 ⊗ χ3) $ ./, 4/%!%4.,!- χ1 ⊗ χ2 ⊗ χ3

4 #$4#", (#./ ./, -*,4#%< ;%<:,- L∗(fχ1⊗gχ2⊗hχ3 , s0)= (/,!, ./, $ !>%<8

#-%.# $ 1 L∗#$; <;,- ?%:-- -:>-= @,.,!-- $ -4%<%! *! ":4.- = * (,!-

1 π= αβγA

@! 1A O9$ $H*,F$!G$ &7 lf⊗g⊗h,αβγ(Φ) 7&--&#, 75&. F9$ $H*,F$!G$ &7 Φ:,*!6 O9$&5$. P4 !" F9$ $T: -*F( *, *.I-*$" '( F9$ *!F$65 - 7&5.:-

&7 U 55$FFDA 55*, 0U A 34 ,$$ -,& 0=VE34 0EO53J


!"#$%& '( !"#$) *( %&'() !"#$!%&#!'(" p)*+!,&-" .""'/!0-" .&1 20$!-" +-3-/4-) *+,-./%0 !-123"/214,%0 5% 6+-5%7,8 9:+.;( <.1=( 6+-5%7,8

9>?@ABB) !02/-104,% C

◦DAEDF) G+H( I723( J-7.H%) K7-10 9>?@FB) L >>?#


Page 94: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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!"#$%& !'(' !"#$%!&') !"#$ %$&'!()* +))+(,#' )& -.#/#" 0&'!"+$ 1&$2* &3

4#/$## 5) *+,-./0 123' (24. 56 786$%9) , %%:8;6 70" <4++02"9'

!"#$=& !'(' !"#$%!&') -622#)$.( -7!+$#* &3 8#)+ 1!9().&9* &3 -.#/#" 0&':

!"+$ 1&$2* &3 '#/$## 5) >?4#@ A3-.BCD 123/' E"+30343 *AA<' 8%5 786$=9)

, 55:%F 70" <4++02"9'

!"#$$& !'(' !"#$%!&') !"#$ ;%+9*.&9* &3 ),# <,#)+ <$+9*3&$2+).&9* &3

-.#/#" 0&'!"+$ 1&$2* &3 4#/$## n) 123' AGC?"0. 8;% 786$$9) , H6;:%5$'

!"#$I& !'(' !"#$%!&') =9 ),# 4#(&2%&*.).&9 &3 >#(?# @&"69&2.+"* 3&$ ),#

-62%"#().( A$&!% &3 4#/$## n) 123' AGC?"0J 8;% 786$I9) ,' 568:H%8 70"


!"#$6& !'(' !"#$%!&') 0!").%".(+).B# C$.),2#).( &3 -.#/#" 0&'!"+$ 1&$2*)

*+,-./0 123' (24. H% 786$69) , =$:8HF 70" <4++02"9'

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8#)+ 1!9().&9* &3 -.#/#" 0&'!"+$ 1&$2*) 123' AGC?"0. 8;= 786$I9) ,

H5H:HH6 70" <4++02"9'

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Page 95: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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<D5*.R$5#Y$5U"R' Z**( >BF D' =BCCP?'

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A*+ #0"!! #"0 "'"0$28+ $) (*+ 6+ 2*( !:"#+ ! (*+ 6*$0+ #$%:0+B :0"'+

C = !""#!$

(R∗+,C∗), ' 7→ (( 7→ (


A*+ 6+ 2*(! ) #$11+!:$'3 ($ #+1(" ' :$ '(! ' B ⊂ $ @ ;'5 !+1 +!

* =∑

!≥ #!"! ∈ A[["] :1$38#+! " )"% 05 $) ".+B:"'! $'!



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)"! ∈ C

[["]]}, 6* #* #"' &+ #0"!! #"0 %$380"1 )$1%!

' Q[["]]@7

Page 106: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

! "#$%& '#(%)%*+ ,' !"'-!&.%,!+

/.#.*(*!. ,' .0* 12,3)*( ,' 4,)*(#!"5#6-2

! "# $%&'()*$( +)'( ,& ,&,-.(/$ 0*&$(/%& Lµ : → A = A(B) ,' (1# 2#--/&


Lµ(!) =

!(") #µ(") (41#)# ! ∈ = !"!"#$

($ ,C∗%

), ! = !(")),

µ /' , $#)(,/& 3#,'*)# 4/(1 5,-*#' /& A6 %& (1# 7)%+&/(# 8)%*7 $ 9

:! ;%) #,$1 % ∈ B ⊂ 6 (1#)# /' (1# #5,-*,(/%& 1%3%3%)71/'3



: A(B)→ C%

< 4# %=(,/& Lµ(! , %) =. #5,-*,(/%& %0 ,& A>5,-*#?


Lµ(! , %) = &'


(Lµ(!)) = &'





(! ∈ , Lµ(!) ∈ A).

A1/' 8/5#' , (>,?/$ ,&,-.(/$ )>0*&$(/%& /& (4% 5,)/,=-#'

(! , %) ∈ ×B ⊂ × @

(! , %) 7−→ Lµ(! , %).

B! "# $1#$C ,& #D*,-/(. )#-,(/&8 (1# ,-8#=),/$ &*3=#)' )



(%, χ)E% = , · · · , * − ! 4/(1 (1# 5,-*#' Lµ(! , *) ,( $#)(,/& 7%/&(' ! ∈ E3%)#

7)#$/'#-.6 ,( ! = χ · "(%



Page 107: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

! "#$%& '#(%)%*+ ,' !"'-!&.%,!+

"#$%& %!.*/0#.%,! #!$ .1* "#$%& 2*%/1. +3#&*

!"#$ #%&'()!&#*% !%" &+' !"#$ ,'#(+& -.!$'

!"#$%&' ()& *'!+,

= -$.



(Z/!" Z)× ∼= (Z/!Z)× × Z×!

/"% ()& *'!+, !0 "1/%$2 2)/'/2(&'#

# = #


= !" !"#

( ,C×!

) ∋ χ, $#!



χ .!% !" Z : (Z/!" Z)× → C×!



: → Z×!

5 / ,'!6"$(& *'!+, 4$()

/ ,'!7&2($!" $


: → Z×!


5()& "1/%$2 4&$*)( #,/2&3

4)$2) $# / C!

1/"/-9($2 *'!+,8

5/ :$'$2)-&( 2)/'/2(&'8

5()& 2/"!"$2/- ,'!7&2($!"3

/ "1/%$2 2)/'/2(&' !0 8

;)& /"/-9($2 #('+2(+'& !" # = #


= !" !"#

( ,C×!

) !<&' C!

$# *$<&" =9 ()&



∼→ !"((Z/!"Z)×,C×


)× !" !"#




∼= (Z/!"Z)× × Γ3 Γ = (?+ "Z!

)×3 $# / ,'!292-$2 *'!+, !0 *&"&'/(!'γ = ?+ "3 /"% 4& #&& ()/( # $# / 6"$(& 2!<&' !0 ()& "1/%$2 +"$( %$#2>

# →→ !" !"#


)∼→ U =

{% ∈ C!

| |% − ?|!

< ?} ∼= {χ$

: γ 7→ % | % ∈ U}.


Page 108: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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"#$%& %!.*/0#.%,! #!$ .1* "#$%& 2*%/1. +3#&*

!"#$!%&#!'(" )!#* +,-&." !( /,(,0* 1'2&-."3 ('#,#!'(

( , ψ) = !


ψ ∈ "



C($ ,A)∪

C"#$−$#%&'($ ,A)

! " #$ %& % &'( )( *'& !#"+( " = !" !"#

($ ,C×!


,)( )- &( ! .#/0 1$- ( , ψ)2

," %3"4 + 5"%"+' "/*(6-"2

,"% A3.$47/(2

,&'( A35"%"+' "/*(6-"

$1 +$%& %7$7! 17%+& $%! $% $ 2

,&'( A3"/*(6-"

$1 /$+"//0 +$%!&"%& 17%+& $%! $% $ 2


&' ( 4 !&- 67& $% D )* $ +,-. /&0123 ,* # ,3 &* A40,*2&5 6)57

D : C"#$−$#%&'($ ,A)→ # , ϕ 7→ D(ϕ) =



9' ( .("!7-( µ )* $ +,-. /&0123 ,* # ,3 & :)*-,*1)13 A40,*2&5 6)57

µ : C($ ,A)→ # , ϕ 7→



8'( %&(*-"/


ϕ8µ +"% 6( 4(9%(4 1$- "%0 +$%& %7$7! 17%+& $% ϕ: "%4 "%0

6$7%4(4 4 !&- 67& $% µ: 7! %* &'( ; (."%% !7.!<45

Page 109: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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"#$%& %!.*/0#.%,! #!$ .1* "#$%& 2*%/1. +3#&*

!"#$$#%&' "'($)*'$ +, "#-'./0&)

!"#$ %$&'()*$ +"*'"+ ", )+ -)%!'..'/&$ !$).0#$ 1). '+*#"%0($% '+

2 !-3$4 /5 67 !'($8 97 3:&0 ;.$$ )&." 2<==48 23'>?4@A


!" #$% ∈ N, ≥ B &'( P ( ,A) !"#$%" %&" A'($!)*" $+ !"# $

%! $&!'(# )*&"+(!&, $+ !",-"" < & $+ %&" ./-0/1*"



: → Z×!

→ A×3 0# 4/-%05)*/-6

P ( ,A) = C

"#$−$#%&'( ,A)

7%&" A'8)1($!)*" $+ !"# $ "!&,+#&+ )*&"+(!&,9: ;"% /*8$ !"#$%"

C"#$−(%( ,A) %&" A'($!)*" $+ !"# $ #&# $+(" )*&"+(!&,6 8$ %&/%

P ( ,A) ⊂ P

( ,A) ⊂ C"#$−(%( ,A) ⊂ C( ,A).


Page 110: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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"#$%& %!.*/0#.%,! #!$ .1* "#$%& 2*%/1. +3#&*

!"#$$#%&' "'($)*'$ +, "#-'./0&) 1-+23#2)'!4

! "#$ % # & '()*#+ A,*(+-.# /0$1 $1# '()* | · | ,! 2 3() & 405#'

6(70$05# 0'$#4#) 1 &' 1,&+*0770 .# *#&7-)# (' 8 /0$1 5&.-#7 0' % 07 &'

A,*(+-.# 1(*(*()6107*

Φ : P"(8 ,A)→ %

7-91 $1&$ :() ;<#+ & ∈ 8 &'+ :() 5 →∞ $1# :(..(/0'4 !"#$%

&"'()$)"' 07 7&$07;#+=


#+($ " )(>

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!" #$$ 1

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*=)3 $%2 2>?2(()' P"(8 ,A) ⊂ C&'(−#)(8 ,A)., 1%2 )'$2 !34 )5

(2@'2( 95)' 2'2!34)A2( B)2>3'' 59>5: $3C2 $%2 ?2 )'')' "8 $%2

1364"! 2;D3'5)"' "8 3 4"&344673'346$)& 89'&$)"' φ ∈ C&'(−#)(8 ,A) *"8"!(2! 1 − 0. )'5$23( "8 E95$ =34925 "8 3 89'&$)"' φ,


Page 111: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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"#$%& %!.*/0#.%,! #!$ .1* "#$%& 2*%/1. +3#&*

!" #$%&' ("))&* +,$*-./,0 $*% +1/ 2$,&$3)" #$%&' $*$)4+&'


!" #$%&'((')*+ &+$(,-+ µ .! ! /'01 2$*,+( '! $ "#$%'3 4$!$31

$*5+)-$ A 3$! )+ 3$-$30+-'6+% )" 01+ *.5$-'01&'3 5-./01 #(*.5 (·)).7 '0( $%&&'( )*+(,-#*. Lµ(/) 8(++ 9 &#:+;< 9:'=>;< 9?$?;@A

Lµ : 0 → A, %+B!+% )" Lµ(/) =


/(1)2 µ(1),

/1+-+ / ∈ 0 , Lµ(/) ∈ A, 0 ⊂ C"#$−%&(! ,A)×

C+" D-.D+-0" .7 #$%&'((')*+ &+$(,-+( µA '0( E+**'! 0-$!(7.-& Lµ '(

$!$*"0'3 /'01 2$*,+( '! AF

G1+! /+ .)0$'! 01+ 7,!30'.! Lµ(/ , ,) )" +2$*,$0'.! $0 (,, ψ)A 01'( '($ "#$%'3 $!$*"0'3 7,!30'.! '! 0/. 2$-'$)*+( (/ , ,) ∈ 0 ×B ⊂ 0 ×0 A

Lµ(/ , ,) = %3


(Lµ) (/ ∈ 0 , Lµ(/) ∈ A).45

Page 112: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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!"#$%& '()#*+&,- (.//,- (+012,3

!" # $"%&%'%() *+,$ )%-)./!"& / = /


!≥ #!0! ∈ S


(1), ψ) !/2)%-3' 4 ≥ /!" Γ


(1) 2%'3 # 5%"%*36)' *3#"#*')" ψ #.7 $!,%'%() ,6!$)

σ = !"


(α) 7)8.) '3) %.')-)" 3 = [σ] + ! 923)") σ < 4 − !: #.7

!− #


; + ψ($)$ − ; " = (!− α"

; )(!− α′"

; ) #, #<!()=>?3). '3)") )@%,', #. 3A#7&%,,%<6) C


A(#6+)7 &)#,+") µ = µα,# (B) !. C,+*3 '3#' /!" #66 *!+$6), (D , χ) 2%'3 " ≤ D ≤ 4 − : #.7 /!" #.B .!.'"%(%#6

$"%&%'%() 5%"%*36)' *3#"#*')" χ #$% $


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7 µ = %




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)(= Lµ(χ B



)), &'(')

23)") F (χ) %, '3) F#+,, ,+& !/ '3) *3#"#*')" χ #$% $


: #.7 G


(!+ D , χ)%, -%(). <B # *3!%*) !/ $)"%!7, 9H>I=> *+ $,-./ 0$/%12 ,-. 3$#45.6 G7895:.1

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) $< ,-. $79%;3 =.55;+

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!"#$%&'( )%$*"*#(+ &!,%,*!&

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: A→




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@ '!" "E-/;-')%+ .-#

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@ - 9-+-,! AD.%>;/" %& %E"$,%+E"$="+'

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• !" #$"%&'#% &(') &)

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(% )= 2"'(&' − % · ) ∈ A[[% ]]

• '!"%" .) & :"%).#-#5 '!" ;.")< '!"#%,=

5#% &-, .-:"%)" %##' α ∈ A∗

#5 $


(% ) '!"%" "8.)')&- ".>"-5/-('.#- ( ? ( = α(

)/(! '!&' )*


(() ∈ + [[#]]&%" (+&)).(&+ (/)$ ".>"-5#%*)

5#% &++ , )/(! '!&' (, , ψ).) .- & -".>1#/%!##2

B &%#/-2 (, , ψ) ∈ -3)"" .- @A#BCD7


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! !"#$%&'# ( ∈M()* ;A)† ⊂ A[[+]] &, $-../0 1'./2-#3, !-2&.4 &!5( = α(6 -#0 %7/ !"#$%&'#, /8


(() ∈ 9 [[+]] -:/ $",* /&(/#!':2, !': -..; ,"$7 %7-% (; , ψ) &, &# - #/&(<'":7''0 B -:'"#0 (; , ψ) &# %7/ *=-0&$>/&(7% ,*-$/ ? 6 -#0 "#$


(α(;)) = σ > &, $'#,%-#% -#0 *',&%&8/6

>7/:/ α(;) = /8


(α) ∈ 9 ∩ &"

(Q)%! @/% !


∈ Q[[+]] 0/#'%/ %7/ *:&2&%&8/ $",* /&(/#!':2 -%%-$7/0 %'



(() ∈ 9 [[+]]A B7/# %7/ !-2&.4 {!!

} '! $.-,,&$-. *:&2&%&8/ $",* !':2,&, -.,' $-../0 1'./2-#3, !-2&.4A


C&0-3, !-2&.&/, $'::/,*'#0 %' σ = 6 %7/4 >/:/ $'#,%:"$%/0 &# DC&EFG

H,// -.,' DC&IJGKA

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!"#$$ %&#% '( ) #*+,- ).#//, #01 )2&//,- %&! 034'!56

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(" − 7, ξ)

π!+" 〈#!

, #!


#5! #$8!'5#9" :;5 #$$ ! ∈ Z <9%& = ≤ ! ≤ " − +,

χξ(−7) = (−7)!− −%

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, #!


1!0;%!6 %&! ?!%!566;0 6"#$#5 @5;13"%A

!"# $%&'(&)

$%&'()*+ , &%&-*+% ,&,./0(1 #2&10(%& α = α(') ∈ A× )*3&*) (& , &*(45%2+6%%)

B %# (" , ψ) ∈ 78 ,&) 1%&'()*+ $%.*9,&:' #,9(./

# =










∈ A[[;]]

<(06 1%*=1(*&0' (& 06* ,.4*5+, A = A(B)8 <6*+* α ∈ A× (' 06* 1%++*'>%&)(&4

*(4*&?,.2* %# @A B2>>%'* 06,0 06* '.%>* !"


(α) = σ > = (' 3C*) #%+ ,..

α = α(") <(06 (" , ψ) (& B8 ,&) )*3&* 06* (&0*4*+ 6 = [σ] + 7A

D6*& 06*+* *C('0' ,& 6E,)9(''(5.* 9*,'2+* µ = µα, <(06 ?,.2*' (& A %& 06*

4+%2> F 8 )*0*+9(&) 5/ 06* #%..%<(&4 >+%>*+0/G


Page 117: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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/#%! 0*+-).+

!"# $%&'(&) *+'#$"#,&-.

!" #$$ %!&'$() ( , χ) *+,- . ≤ ≤ ! − /0 ! > /σ + /0 #12 '"+3+,+4(

5+"+%-$(, %-#"#%,(" χ 3!6 "

)#,+) 2+17 χξ(−8) = (−8)!− −"

0 ,-(

!$$!*+17 (9&#$+,2 -!$6):





χ(%) %



& µ


= '







) (χ)


(!) *



(8 + , χ),



*-("( ) (χ) +) ,-( @#&)) )&3) ! χ 3!6 "

0 #16 (


∈ Q× +) #1

($(3(1,#"2 #%,!" %!3+17 "!3 #1 (A'$+%+, %-!+%( ! '("+!6) +


)=B-( %-!+%( ! '("+!6): CA ,*! 5+"+%-$(, %-#"#%,(") ξ 3!6 " !

6+D("(1, '#"+,2 ,-(1



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, ,!


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(! − 8, ξ), *-("( ξ(−8) = ±(−8)!− . ;<=<?


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/#%! 0*+-).+

!"# $%&'"($"%) $% *+' ,*%-)'+,)$*%

! "#$ %!$ &' ( ) *$(+ '&+,

ℓα( ) : M

( !, ψ,Q)→ Q,

!%-# "#(" α(") ∈ Q×, ℓα( )(#!

$) = αℓα( )($) '&+ ()) $ ∈M

( !, ψ,Q), (*.

/− %

+ ψ(!)!!− ! = ( − α(") )( − α(")′ ) !"# $ %#&'&(&)* +,-%

*&.*/!"#' # =






" ∈ S!


(&), ψ,Q) "! 0*&.1( " ≥ 2 !"# Γ"

(&) 0&(1 $

3&#&+14*( +1$#$+(*# ψ ('"5 &)6 7/* +$/ 5*8/* -,+1 4&/*$# !"#' 9:

ℓα : ' 7−→〈# ", '〉

〈# ", #"

〉, 01*#*



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; #



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< $/5



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; #


= α(")# "<

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1%2*!'-!&.%,!+ ,' "

#!$ ,' "




!"#$$ %&#% '() #*+ ,)-.-%-/! "01, !-2!*'(). =∑∞



( )" 3%&!)! -1 #* !-2!*'0*"%-(* (' # = #


4-%& %&! !-2!*/#$0!

α = α( )!

∈ Q 5#( !

) = α


6 2-/!* 7+








! =∑

!( !

, $)" ∈ S"


(%&), ψ,Q), #*8

! =



(9 −:

%& 9





!( !

, $)" ∈ S"


(%&), ψ,Q)

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3 -1 !<,$-"-%!$+

"(.,0%!8 -* =>(? (@A


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/#%! 0*+-).+

1%2*!'-!&.%,!+ ,' "

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!" #$%&"' () (!" *+"%(,)$ )- .)/"0#$12#3+'

! " #$% &' ()$ *+%,( -% ./012 -* ()$ *-33-4 %" ()$-5$67


!"#$ %&# '(()*+%,-!( '!" !-%'%,-!( -. /&#-$#* 012 %&#$# #3,(%( '

)!,4)# +5'",6 '!'78%,6 .)!6%,-! -! 9 ×B :-. %;- <'$,'=7#( 3 , (>?

Lα, (· , ·!, ξ, . ) : 9 ×B → C!


()6& %&'%

,> .-$ '!8 @3#" ((, ψ) ∈ B? %&# .)!6%,-! Lα, (3 , (; ξ, . ) -. %&# <'$,'=7#

3 ,( C!

5'!'78%,6 '!" &'( %&# 7-A'$,%&*,6 A$-;%& -(3-"

"(3))?,,> .-$ #'6& 6-)+7# (χ, B) ;,%& 8 ≤ B ≤ C − 9? C > 9σ + 9 '!" '!8

+$,*,%,<# D,$,6&7#% 6&'$'6%#$ χ 6-: +

# ∈ 9 !"#

;,%& <'7)#( ,! E


('%,(.8,!A < ≥ 9? χξ(−;) = (−;)$− −%

? %&# (+#6,'7 <'7)#

L(χ8 %


, C ; ξ, .$

) ,( A,<#! =8 %&# ,*'A# )!"#$ ,!

-. %&# '7A#=$',6 !)*=#$





G (χ)




(; + B , χ), ;&#$# G (χ) ,( %&# G')(( ()*( -. χ 6-: +



'!" F


∈ Q× ,( '! #7#*#!%'$8 .'6%-$ A,<#! =8 %&# #3+7,6,% 6&-,6# -.

+#$,-"( 6


)? '( ,! :010>145

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Page 125: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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!" #$ %!$&'()! * +(,!*' -.'/ ℓα ., "0! +.&*++1 -'!! /.%#+!


(ψ;A)α = πα(M

(ψ;A)) .- 2,("! '*,34

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B!"!'$., ='.%#&" $0.?$C



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8()#1)$#(1 )#-(#) Φ!

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χ" !


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! ," = !



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(", ξ) = !


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% |",%>!

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(4+ + , χ)!


($ − 4, ξ) = !


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ν!$ (χ)




(6+ ' , χ),

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, )

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#78/&()#+ &.2'#9

:)+##+3 1# 2."&() "%# !0)4"(2) () 50#-"(2) Lµ(! , ) .; #'&/0&"(2) &" = (", ψ) ∈ B< "%(- (- & #6&+(4 &)&/;"(4 !0)4"(2) () "12 '&$(&./#-

(! , ) ∈ $ ×B ⊂ $ × $ <

Lµ(! , ) := %&

(Lµ)(!) (! ∈ $ , ∈ B, Lµ(!) ∈ A).

=#$# A = A(B) +#)2"# &*&() "%# >&)&4% &/*#.$& A &)+ B (- &)

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− %

! = (=− α( )#, ($)% )(=− α

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Page 144: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 157: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 160: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 169: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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Page 170: p-adic L-functions and modular · 2014-05-05 · 2056-2 Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications

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