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Where an investigation into a sinister Vermont sect reveals connections that run deep into the dark history of the region

 ABOUT THIS S CENARIO The Outer Ones takes place in Vermont sometime between

1920 and 1925 and is closely-related to the two Lovecraft

stories ‘The Haunter of the Dark’ and ‘The Whisperer in

Darkness’, both of which it predates. Reading these

stories before running the scenario is highly


RUNNING THIS S CENARIO This scenario is non-linear: there are many clues leading

to different locations and lines of enquiry, not all of whichare essential.

This scenario can be run as a stand-alone adventure or

can be treated as a sequel to ‘The Haunting’. There are

clues relating to this scenario which can be placed in the

records of the Chapel of Contemplation. If used in this

way it can be run immediately after that scenario or after

an interval of few months or even years.


From time immemorial, the Mi-Go or ‘Outer Ones’ havefulfilled their pact with Nyarlathotep, The Haunter of the

Dark, making sacrifices in return for knowledge. They

also worship Shub-Niggurath and other Outer Gods and

Great Old Ones that serve their purposes. Their name for

their religious cult can be translated as ‘The Million

Favored Ones’.

But there is another cult, the Brothers of the Yellow Sign,

that serves Hastur, that opposes the Mi-Go.

Since man has walked in the Americas, a few individuals – 

mostly eccentrics and outcasts – have served the Outer

Ones in Vermont, helping them to spy on mankind while

keeping their outposts secret, in return for their promises

of power and wisdom, fulfilled and otherwise.

In 1862, guided by insights gleaned from their

communications with Nyarlathotep in his form of the

Haunter of the Dark in the steeple of the Freewill Church

in providence, Professor Enoch Bowen, leader of the

Starry Wisdom sect, his daughter Aseneth Bowen and Dr

Raymond Flagg, travelled to Dark Mountain in a remote

region of Vermont. There on the mountain-top theyperformed an arcane rite that brought forth the Outer

Ones from the warren of caves that hollow the domed

hills and a secret pact was formed.

The following year, the charismatic Raymond Flaggbought a second home in the village of West Townshend,

close to Dark Mountain and secretly began to spread the

doctrines of the Starry Wisdom sect. The young Abednego

Akeley, the son of a Congregational minister was one of

those he came to influence. When his father died,

Abednego took his place at the Church as expected. He

then travelled in southern New England, to Boston and

Providence, for several months. This was, in fact, the

completion of Abednego’s training as a minister, not in

Protestantism but in the Starry Wisdom sect. On his

return, to great controversy, he began to preach theStarry Wisdom doctrines and transferred his own church

– the West River Valley Church – from the Protestant

parent body to the Starry Wisdom sect.

The Church was condemned and attacked regularly, and

over half of the congregation deserted it, but a core of

devotees remained, and grew steadily, bolstered by a

trickle of new converts. The sect appeared to offer

communion with The Divine, directly or through a race of

mysterious beings referred to by Akeley and Flagg as ‘The

Malakhim’, a communion that granted knowledge of the

secrets of cosmos. A select few were even offered

transcendence of the physical body as a reward for their

devotion and Abednego Akeley and Raymond Flagg could

seemingly summon these disembodied spirits and make

them speak to the congregation from a special curtained


After three years, the Starry Wisdom Church at West

River Valley closed down after a series of vigilante actions

culminated in the Akeley’s death. The church was

restored to Congregational Protestantism. Most of the

congregation fled to join the Freewill Church in

Providence, but a few stayed, some of them passing the

secret doctrines onto their children.

A few years later, Rev, Baker, the new Protestant minister,

beat a woman to death with a Bible and injured several

other congregants before being restrained. He was

hanged at the State Prison and House of Correction in

Windsor, Vermont in 1908. [create handout & add to


Baker was superseded by Rev. Aster, a minister who hadonce been part of Akeley’s congregation and secretly

ordained in the Starry Wisdom Church. The sect now

known now as ‘The Million Favored Ones’ based on Starry

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Wisdom beliefs and alliance with the Outer Ones

continued in secret for two generations.

Another suppressed branch of the Starry Wisdom sect – 

The Chapel of Contemplation – was based in the North

End of Boston. Charles Noyes, the son of a wealthy

industrialist, at 18, was the last minister to be ordained

there. The Chapel was raided and closed down in 1912

and the Pastor, Michael Thomas, was imprisoned. Five

years later, with the aid of sorcery and his allies, he

escaped and fled the state. Taking the pseudonym

‘Malachi Sethom’ (an anagram of ‘Michael Thomas’), he

travelled to West Townshend where he was a lay

preacher, staying with Rev. Aster until Aster and Noyes

help him to purchase a small house in Townshend.

‘T HE M ILLION F  AVORED ONES ’  The cult holds rites with the Outer Ones on certain nights.

Rites dedicated to Shub-Niggurath tend to take place at

the circles of standing stones that crown the hilltops, with

May Eve being the most important date. Rites to

Nyarlathotep are held at the same sites on Samhain

(Halloween) with a select few attending rites deep in an

abyss in Dark Mountain called The Temple of the Black

Gulf . Both Outer Ones and human beings are offered in

sacrifice at these ceremonies – human victims being stray

children or vagrants and prostitutes from around New

England, particularly Boston. Through its political

connections, the sect has some influence in the area, an

influence that is steadily growing. The cult has a network

of spies and agents – some of whom have sorcerous

powers of mind-control – that exerts it’s influence as far

as Newfane. They have a significant collection of mythos

and occult texts, a body of esoteric knowledge passed

down from encounters with the Haunter in Providence,

and a few artifacts gifted by the Outer Ones. Collectively

they also have a significant armory of conventional


The cult has a superficial appearance of being an ordinary

church but like some other rural churches has some queer

customs. The sect has a hierarchical structure of a publiccongregation and an ‘inner circle’ who see themselves as

among ‘The Million Favored Ones’ and who are granted

‘esoteric secrets’ from their Lord – He Who Waits In The

Dark, who himself is a vessel of ‘The Divine Principle’. 

They are also in the process of perfecting techniques for

prolonging life beyond its natural end – based on methods

developed by Orin B Eddy, Rev. Michael Thomas and

others in Boston and Providence. This is a sort of

mummification process which actually more resembles a

living death. Other initiates are occasionally rewarded fortheir life of service with ‘The Celestial Rapture’ or ‘joining

the stars’. This involves being taken away by the Outer

Ones to have their brains removed and placed in metal

canisters which keep the brain alive more-or-less

indefinitely and which can survive the journey through

space to the planet Yuggoth or the Outer Ones’ colony on

the moon. In fact, unknown to most cult members, the

Outer Ones are quite indifferent to humanity, and are

quite neglectful and the majority of these ‘Chosen Ones’

are either incinerated or after being placed in ‘brain

canisters’ are abandoned in storage rooms in the colony.

But enough Celestial Voyagers return with stories of their

travels to inspire the faithful.

The Pastor appears to have miraculous powers. Among

other things, during a Spiritualist-style ceremony, he

summons the spirits of people who have supposedly

'ascended to the Heavens' and has them speak with

strange voices apparently from within a curtained box.

Although their voices are strange, they seem to have

incredible knowledge of the deceased person’s life and

relate incredible tales of being carried by wondrous

beings called the Outer Ones to a fantastic city of light in

the mountains. And then travelling through the cosmos to

other worlds.

REACTION AGAINST THE C HURCH  Rev. Bill Walsh, a feisty Baptist minister, has come to

conclude that there is something sinister about the

practices of another church in the village of West

Townshend – the West River Valley Church. He observes

their sermons and services and some of their suspicious

activities. He sees the sermons of a lay preacher known as

Malachi Sethom as especially dangerous. He has heard

rumours of strange cries coming from the church in the

middle of the night. After reporting some of these

concerns to the Baptist church-body, a second minister – 

Rev. Bradford Duganne – is sent to assist him.

Both ministers have heard local folklore of ceremonies in

the hills and devilish creatures consorting with humans.

Walsh begins to preach against the church, declaring that

it is in league with Satan. It doesn’t take long for action to

be taken against them.

This is a conservative region and, after hearing stories oftheir practices and doctrines, the minister of South

Windham Church – Rev. Bill Walsh speaks out about the

heretical sermons of given at the church and by Sethom

who is associated with it. After being intimidated by some

strange events, Walsh is joined by the younger Dilbert

Duganne, who helps him to investigate. Rev. Walsh

interrupts services on more than one occasion and

challenges Pastor Malachi. Meanwhile Duganne travels to

Brattleboro, Claremont and Boston in an attempt to trace

Sethom’s origins, but is unable to find a record of his

education or history.

A newspaper story appears claiming that the church is

heretical or even Satanic. The Congregational Church

eventually launches an investigation but finds nothing

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untoward. And from this point on sees attacks on West

River Valley Church as attacks on Congregationalism itself

by a crazy, rural Baptist bigot.

Duganne finds out deeper secrets of the history of the

Chapel and the Starry Wisdom sect. He hears stories of

mysterious voices in the woods and of ceremonies on

hilltops on May Eve. It isn’t long before he runs into


In the meantime, these events have gathered the attention

of an organization other than the Church.

I NVOLVING THE I NVESTIGATORS  Investigators who have a reputation as paranormal

investigators are sent invitations to attend a meeting of a

relatively new organization based in New York – the

Paranormal & Occult Investigation Society. [create



OCCULT INVESTIGATION SOCIETYThe investigators arrive at Guidicianni’s Italian Villa in

Brooklyn, New York where they are met by Fabio Hlasek,

close friend of Guidicianni and director of the Society.

Hlasek welcomes them, offers them refreshments, says

that he is very excited to be involved in Guidicianni’s 

latest project and invites them to meet him. Originally

from Switzerland Hlasek is an old friend of Guidicianni – 

they were part of the same artistic circle in Rome, and

after Guidicianni emigrated to the United States he invited

his friend to manage his new theatre, the Theater Regale.

Three years ago Guidicianni asked for his help with

another passion of his: what was to become the

Paranormal & Occult investigation Society.

Guidicianni’s office is plush with gold-painted rococo

embellishments and a walnut desk. His Italian accent is

strong. He is the millionaire son of a wealthy Italian

industrialist. He owns several manufacturing companies

in Italy, but his own deep passions are elsewhere. He

immigrated to the United States five years ago – he had a

deep love of the country and he wished to help bring the

best avant garde arts from Europe to the United States. He

also has a fascination with the paranormal and a

conviction that there are dark forces at work in the world

that need to be stopped. At times he speaks in religious

terms, at others in quasi-scientific terms, mentioning

Charles Fort’s writings and lectures. 

The Society, says Guidicianni is still at an early stage. Fewhave convinced him that they are able investigators. He

can, however, offer himself as a patron of the

investigator’s group, providing funds, information,

equipment and contacts, What he expects in return is a

complete and exclusive debriefing from each mission and

a Right of First Offer on any occult artifacts recovered. If

they agree the investigators are expected to sign a

contract to this effect for each mission undertaken.

Guidicciani attempts to impress the investigators with his

wealth and influence and to intimidate them just a little.

He wants them to accept his patronage of their activities.

He will keep his true affiliations and motives secret.

Sometimes he speaks in religious terms as seeking to rid

the world of Satanic forces.

Guidicciani already has a network of agents – a handful of

these are paranormal investigators but the majority are

artists, actors, poets and drug-adictsHe invites the

investigators to join his Society for the Investigation of

Anomalous Phenomena. This still-small organization has

about a dozen members, most of them sincere

paranormal investigators. Some agents will gather orcollate information, others will investigate or resolve

mysteries. The society exists to fulfill Guidicianni’s aims of

keeping an eye on cults and paranormal activity in North

America, especially the activities of the Mi-Go and the

Church of Starry Wisdom as well as to collect occult lore

from far and wide. In return for information and possible

funding and support, members must sign a contract that

they will share all information about anomalies, the

occult, other organizations etc with the leadership of the

society. Guidicianni also insists on a Right of First Offer on

all artifacts. Decisions about what to act on and how, willcome from the top. Guidicianni is the President and Fabio

Hlasek is the Director. All leaders are secretly members of

the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign.

Fabio Hlasek, manager of the Theater

Regale, Director of the POIC and Brother of

the Yellow Sign


Age 46





Uberto Guidicianni, millionaire, patron of

the arts, President of the POIC and Brother

of the Yellow Sign

Guidicianni looks good for his age – a lean, athletically-

built Italian. He is sophisticated, well-educated and

charming. His basic inhumanity and nihilism concealed

beneath a polished veneer.

Age 51STR 11 CON 10 SIZ 14 INT 16 POW 18

DEX 10 APP 15 EDU 20 SAN 0 HP 12

Damage Bonus: +1D4

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Skills: Art: Acting 40, Art: Music 40, Art Appreciation 50,

Bargain 30, Credit Rating 75, Cthulhu Mythos 20, Hastur

Lore 60, History 50, Library Use 40, Listen 40, Occult 60,

Other Language: English 60, Other Language: French 40,

Other Language: Latin 40, Own Language: Italian 100,

Persuade 50, Psychology 50, Spot Hidden 40

GUIDICIANNI ’ S V ILLA Guidicianni has an impressive collection of artworks – 

mostly paintings – many of which have a subtly

disquieting quality: a scene in Paris, showing a woman

who has a look in her eyes that reveals that she will never

find what she wants in Paris. Viewing these, succeeding

on psychology, art or an idea roll (whichever is higher)

results in a SAN loss of 0/1.

Guidicianni owns a library of occult texts, some of themquite rare. This includes a copy of The King in Yellow and

several other texts relating to Hastur.

Diabolis Britannia, Libri Gaius Antoninus,  

in Latin, original by Centurion Gaius Antoninus in 28 B.C.

This edition copied by Friar Cosimo Caldini in Italy in


Sanity loss l/ld6;

Cthulhu Mythos +6%;

spell multiplier x5 (due to short length and ease of

reading).Spells: Contact Hastur, Crystal Call (new spell), Enchant

Knife, Enchant Whistle, Seal Pit/Dismiss Hastur (new

spell), Summon King in Yellow, Summon/Bind Byakhee.

The book is simply bound in brown leather, without

interior or exterior illustration. It is folio sized, 106 pages,

with the first 23 pages damaged or missing.

Cults of Roman Britain: A Study of the Book

of Gaius Antoninus, 

in English, translated and annotated by Joseph Barker

from 12th Century Latin copy of original Romanmanuscript, c. 1590-94.

Sanity loss l/ld6;

Cthulhu Mythos +8%;

spell multiplier x2.

Spells: Contact Hastur, Crystal Call, Enchant Knife,

Enchant Whistle, Summon King in Yellow, Summon/Bind


Bound in plain brown leather with the title printed in gold

on the spine. The text is in English with footnotes

describing rites and ceremonies and historical references.

It is 100 pages long and again omits the first 23 pages ofGaius Antoninus’ book. 

Under the Yellow Sign, 

in English, by Joseph Barker, 1602. Published by William

Turner, Blackfriars, London.

Sanity loss l/ld6;

Cthulhu Mythos +5%;

spell multiplier x2. Spells:

Contact Hastur, Contact King in Yellow, Crystal Call (new

spell), Enchant Knife, Grasp of Cthulhu, Summon/BindByakhee

The book is slim folio sized, bound in black leather, with

title and author stamped on the front. Contents are left to

the Keeper’s discretion except for the first poem in the

book, a long rambling piece, “Beyond the Crystal Veil”,

detailing the Crystal Call spell and conversations with

Hastur, and the last, “The Mask of the King”, which details

a visitation by the King in Yellow.

Der Wanderer durch den See

English and German. (See Tatters of the King p49 fordetails)


OF THE Y ELLOW S IGN  )An artistic and mystical circle based in Rome with cells in

Paris and Berlin, and by the late 20s, another in Milan.

Most of the membership has an artistic and middle or

upper-middle class Italian background. They meet once a

year for a private performance of 'The King in Yellow'.

Admission for others is by invitation only.

There are legends that some of the elite members are

immortals coming from . Some members do indeed have

magical or psychic abilities.

Decadent, hedonistic, nihilistic, absurdist, anti-rationalist,

anti-science. They generally criticise traditional and

classical art. Rationalism has led to The Great War.

The leaders of the Brotherhood seek to return Hastur to

the Earth in order to sweep it clean.

According to legend the founders and possibly currentsecret leaders of the Brotherhood are immortal sages

from the caverns of K’n-yan

They are engaged in a ages-old war with the Mi-Go and a

more recent conflict with the Starry Wisdom Church.

There is no true circle of members here in New York, but

Guidicianni has introduced some of his arty social set to

ideas from the King in Yellow (including Carmichael).

Some of them have read the play and they have had small,

partial performances.

T HE FIRST INVESTIGATION  Guidicianni happens to have something that he’d like the

investigators to look into. A church in a remote village in

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Vermont has been accused of practicing and preaching

diabolical things and the millionaire has reason to believe

that this is not pure superstition or inter-denominational

bickering. The offending minister is called ‘Malachi

Sethom’ and he’s based at the West River Valley

Congregational Church in West Townshend. Reverend Bill

Walsh of South Wyndham Baptist Church made these

accusations has claimed to fear for his life. Guidicianni

would like them to investigate as soon as possible.


GOD  [Add some description of route: Brattleboro > Newfane

> Harmonyville > Townshend > West Townshend]

Investigators can travel by train to Brattleboro from

Boston or [Arkham – how?]. In Brattleboro it is possibleto hire a car or catch a bus.

The road journey from Arkham or Boston, takes travelers

through Brattleboro, then up into the mountains through

Newfane, the hamlet of Harmonyville, Townshend then

West Townshend. [how long?]  

ROUND H ILL This is a domed mountain to the east of Townshend. The

largest outpost of the twin colony of the Outer Ones is


D ARK M OUNTAIN  This is the mountain to the south of Townshend. The

secondary outpost of the Outer Ones’ mining colony is




Common Road

The minister of this church is partially under the

influence of the cult via the Freemasons, but it is a regular

Christian church and there is no direct connection to the


WEST TOWNSHEND  [Add General description]

 [link to historical photos of Townshend:]

M  ASONIC LODGE  There is a Freemason’s Hall called Blazing Star Lodge #23

on the road into Townshend. Several key members of the

Spiritualist Church of Astral Wisdom and the [“Church of

the Outer Ways”] are here and freemasonry is one of the

key ways in which they can influence local authorities and

individuals. The Freemasons have no formal allegiance

however and the majority of the members know nothing

about it. There is no special evidence to be found at the


S COTT C OVERED BRIDGE   [add impression]


S OUTH W INDHAM B APTIST C HURCH  3264 Windham Hill Road, West Townshend.

Built in 1850


T HE REVEREND’ S S TORY  The Investigators arrive and are given further details by

the Minister. They will be told of the Duganne incident if

they don’t already know about it.





W EST RIVER V  ALLEY C HURCH  Built as a Congregational church and remains that way

until Abednego Akeley transfers it to the Starry Wisdom


1868-1871: The West River Valley Church is a branch of

the Starry Wisdom Church until Akeley’s death.

1871-1880: It is restored as a Congregational

denomination church, Akeley’s replacement is Rev.

Walter W. Baker who is from elsewhere in Vermont.

In 1880 Rev. Baker apparently goes insane during a

service, rabidly accusing members of the congregation of

being sinners. He beats one woman to death with a Bible

and injures several other congregants before being

restrained. He is hanged at the State Prison and House of

Correction in Windsor, Vermont in 1908.

1880 - 1920: The new minister is a local man, Rev. SamuelAster.

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1912: Charles Noyes, the son of a wealthy Boston

industrialist is ordained as a minister by Rev. Michael

Thomas at the Chapel of Contemplation at the age of 18.

1914: Noyes is ordained as a minister of the

Congregational Protestant Church at the age of 20.

1917: Malachi Sethom arrives in Townshend and Aster

allows him to stay with him. Sethom is a lay preacher

1920: Aster retires. His replacement is Rev. Charles

Noyes, a young minister from Boston. Meanwhile Sethom

continues his lay preaching. Increasingly Noyes allows

Sethom to preach in the church while he is away – 

apparently in Boston.

RESEARCHING REVEREND S ETHOM  No record of his history can be found.

RESEARCHING THE S TARRY W ISDOM C HURCH  At a clipping agency or library in a major town or city,

Library Use will reveal each of the following points:

1.  The Starry Wisdom was started by a Professor

Enoch Bowen in 1844. The main sect was located

at the Free-Will Church, Federal Hill, Providence.

2.  Looking up Enoch Bowen uncovers an 1844

article by a rival archaeologist. This

archaeologist claimed that the study of

archaeology had to be maintained as a science,

and should not be used as a cover for

opportunists and adventurers to exploit the

population. He cited Enoch Bowen as a prime

example of the latter sort of archaeologist.

3.  He said Bowen was an occultist who was more

interested in starting a cult than serving science.

He detailed how Bowen claimed to have found

the ancient tomb of a “forgotten pharaoh,” and

brought forth a crystal “that shines in the dark.” A

successful Cthulhu Mythos roll suggests that the

reference might be to the fabled Shining

Trapezohedron of Nephren-Ka. The skill user also

recalls that the crystal could supposedly summon

a demon of darkness that enjoyed blood

sacrifices of children.

4.  With successful Luck and Library Use rolls, an

interesting book is uncovered. Mystical Sects,

published in 1857, lists numerous cults across

the United States, including a small entry for the

Starry Wisdom Sect. “They owned a crystal found

in Egypt. They held this object sacred, and by

gazing upon it, the members believed they could

call up a being known as the Haunter of the Dark,

who shared dread secrets with the faithful. This

being could be summoned only in absolute

darkness, and if it was exposed to light for any

period of time, it would be banished.

5.  July 1844 The Providence Bulletin mentions the

purchase of the Free-Will Church on Federal hill

by Professor Bowen. The Italian community is

outraged due to the cult’s location. A priest

named O’Malley of Spirito Santo Church claims

the cult worships the Devil himself.

6.  August 1853 The Providence Bulletin mentions

an investigation into the Starry Wisdom sect. The

investigators find no connection to the

disappearances of numerous children in the area.

7.  October 1865 The Providence Bulletin notes the

death of Professor Enoch Bowen from natural

causes. A surviving daughter, Aseneth Bowen, is


8.  March 1872 The Providence Bulletin publishes a

story concerning witch cult rumors among the

Italian populace of Federal Hill. The article hints

at blood sacrifices by an unnamed cult in the

region, but no arrests or indictments have been


9.  April 1877 The Providence Bulletin includes a

small item on the forced break-up of the Starry

Wisdom by the authorities. It refers to public

pressure on the authorities to enforce this


10.  June 1878 A book written by Father O’Malley is

found, The Coming of the Beast. It details

numerous theories regarding the prophecies of

the Antichrist. It lists the cult of the Starry

Wisdom as modern day Satan worshippers who

desire the Beast to rule the earth. Much of the

information found in the “Antichrist Themes”

sidebar on pages 160 161 is contained within,

except of course for information dated after the

book’s publication. 

11.  Investigators going to Providence to search for

the Free-Will Church will find the place much as

Blake finds it in the story Haunter of the Dark – 

go to the Providence chapter for more details.

12.  Investigators may want to check out the church

records of Spirito Santo in Providence. Father

Angelo is the present priest of Spirito Santo. He

will allow investigators to see the records with a

Persuade roll. He himself has heard only rumors

of the evil cult. Reputedly, they worshipped the

Devil. He helps investigators find Father

O’Malley’s writings of the 1850s: “ The Starry

Wisdom - the stars of Hell - summoning from

those stars a shade from Hell itself, but feared the

power of God as manifested in Light.” 

13.  Investigators who possess books pertaining to

the Cthulhu Mythos can search them for

information on the Haunter. To find it, a player

must roll D100 equal to or less than the book’s

Cthulhu Mythos points x3. The information is

this: the Haunter was spoken of as “holding all

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knowledge.” The Haunter demanded monstrous

sacrifices, its favorite being human children.

Light could banish it back to its dark realm. With

a special success roll, the book calls the Haunter

“The Bringer of the End Times, the Avatar of

Nyarlathotep.” (At the keeper’s discretion,

investigators can roll separately to find the

“Ancient History” information on pages 129 130;

such information ends at Nitocris’s death or the

book’s date of publication, whichever comes


LOCAL RUMOURS & FOLKLORE From asking around, the investigators hear various


1.  There have been witches/Satanists in the area for


2.  There have been a number of disappearances in

this part of the state over the past few years:

mostly runaways and vagrants

3.  There are devils living in the hills

4.  During the 19th century, the Old Church in West

Townshend was taken over by a Satanic cult. The

Satanic minister was killed and the cult was

driven away.

5.  There are strange standing stones in the hills. No

one knows where they came from

6.  Devils living in caves in the wooded hills

7.  According to their grandparents, in remote places

there are devils that speak to people in strange

voices. They sometimes possess people,

especially people who live alone on the higher


8.  The Old Church at West River Valley is cursed.

Bad things happen there due to blasphemous

things that have happened there in the past

DUGANNE DISAPPEARS Duganne simply disappears one day. A police

investigation finds nothing. According to Rev. Walsh,

Duganne was meeting someone who said there were

things in the hills he could show him. Apparently the

person wanted to meet at the Scott Covered Bridge.

In fact he met [name]  there who took him to a circle of

standing stones at the top of Round Hill. Duganne asked

to be left there alone and he was captured by cult

members who turned him over to the Outer Ones.

 [name]  didn’t want to contact the police as he/she is

fearful of being punished by the cult.

If the investigator’s ask enough people, they will find [Name]  who claims to have seen Duganne and this other

person meet there. If the person is traced, she will

initially deny all knowledge, then later contact them,

admitting it was her. Duganne was investigating the

Satanists in the area. The contact knew about certain

standing stones in the hills that they used for their unholy

practices and she took them. Once they arrived, Duganne

thanked her and offered some money which she declined.

Duganne said he wanted to look around some more and

asked the contact to go back. That was the last she heard.

She did not contact anyone about it as she was afraid. The

Satanists have many eyes and ears she says. And she was

afraid something bad would happen to her. She is not so

scared of the investigators as they are from outside.

Psychology to notice that she is nervous or not telling the

whole story. If requested, she will agree to show the

investigators what she showed Duganne, but she will

stress the need for utmost discretion. [Walsh won’t

come]  It is actually a trap. She is a member of the Starry

Wisdom cult. The story is almost true. But her story to

Duganne lured him discretely into the woods where he

was captured by the cult. She has told her fellow cultists

about the situation and they have set up an ambush. She

will lead the investigators into the forested hills, their

cars following a rough track. She will lead them to a real

set of standing stones. There are off footprints around if

they look. Their car(s) will be disabled and the cultists

will attempt to surround and capture them. They can

probably manage four armed men at short notice.

 [Does it matter if this comes before or after the incident

at the priory?]

A FEELING OF BEING WATCHED They soon realize they are being followed, spied upon,

their correspondence etc is intercepted etc. If one or two

characters explore the woods or hills by themselves they

hear buzzing voices tempting them with secret power and

knowledge. Meanwhile sect members are trying to tempt

the minister with strange promises.

 [Detail events]


If the site of Duganne’s abduction can be traced,

there is a notepad there which includes

information about his last lead as well as contact

details for Henry Akeley and other matters.


DUGANNE ’ S N OTEBOOK  This is a simple notepad containing a few notes and

contacts. Notes include details of ‘Duganne’s Contact’, Rev

Sethom’s home address, the address of the spiritualist

church and a local folklorist called Henry Akeley (The

Akeley House, Townshend).

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HENRY AKELEY Henry Akeley is retired folklorist who has collected many

local legends especially about the ‘Outer Ones’. He has a

wax cylinder recording that he made near a cave entrance

blocked by a boulder near the base of Dark Mountain. He

has photographs of the cave entrance, of a ring ofstanding stones on the top of a remote hill and of a

strange footprint. He also knows about strange rites that

occur around these stones on certain nights.

Akeley will offer none of this evidence unless he is both

impressed with the sincerity of the investigators (eg.

Credit Rating) and sees clear relevance of it to their


Akeley is not a man of action and likes to keep a low

profile but he will share what he knows with those he

trusts. By speaking with Henry Akeley, the characters will

learn the old stories about creatures in the hills. If they

earn his trust he will play them the recording he made a

few years earlier near the mouth of the cave. He can give

them directions to find the mouth of the cave. It is closed

with a 20 ton boulder. He will also tell them he has heard

of standing stones in the hills.



They may manage to infiltrate the Chapel at leastsuperficially and witness it’s ceremonies. They may

witness (or at least speak to witnesses) people going out

onto the hills on certain nights. Perhaps they are able to

break in. Inside they find records, religious texts, artwork

and equipment hinting at the churches’ strange

affiliations. They are preferably unable to access the

hidden parts of the basement (hidden, locked,



The Reverend requests their help. The remote churchcompound (South Windham church) is cut off by snow

(it’s January)  [or thick fog?] . Investigators may have to

walk there, or if they drive their cars are disabled. It is

surrounded by ‘something’. The phone line is cut. The

heating system breaks down. They receive ‘phone calls’

tempting them to help then threatening them, then

tempting them again to hand over the minister.

The temperature continues to drop. Anyone going outside

faces gunfire and spotlights as well as freezing air. The

minister suggests that it may be warmer/safer in thebasement. They go down some steps and through a door.

Looking for something heavy to block the door, someone

moves an ancient bookcase revealing a hidden door. They

pass through into a cave with remains of an ancient

Indian site dedicated to the Outer Ones, and possibly also

Nyarlathotep and/or Shub Niggurath. Pictographs show

red spirits with wings and many arms bearing fire,

thunderbolts, wind or totems of power. They are shown

living in the sky and in caves and worshipping Coyote,

Atahensic (Sky Woman), Ya-o-gah (the North Wind in the

form of a Bear) (and possibly Hahgwehdaetgan, the Evil

One). Buried in the rubble are ancient human bones.

Some skulls have a perfectly circular hole cut in the top.

There is a third door leading to the church building itself,

from which they can make their escape. They can also

simply shelter in the chamber.

Later they find strange footprints in the snow and how

oddly localized the extreme weather was.

If not already captured, there will be another attempt to

capture (or failing that kill the minister). He disappears – 

and reappears again apparently having had some sort ofstroke and/or religious experience. Now confined to a

wheelchair, he says that the sect in fact speaks the word

of God. He is flanked by a local nurse called ‘Nurse Brown’

and at times by a Bostonian friend called ‘Charles Noyes’.

He attempts to persuade the investigators to join him and

the Spiritualist Church of Astral Communion. If they

refuse he speaks against them. If confronted about the

Outer Ones, he says that they are real but want to share

their wisdom. He invites them to travel the stars with the

Outer Ones. He has brain cylinder (who? Abednego

Akeley or someone else?) who claims to have witnessedall sorts of wonders in space. If they still refuse, his

friends appear and they try to overcome the investigators.

The investigators may find strange standing stones in the

hills with odd markings on them. They may see strange

footprints around them or on certain nights even witness

strange ceremonies of the Outer Ones there. They are also

used by the Spiritualist Church of Astral Communion for

special initiation ceremonies and festivals at which one or

more Outer One may make an appearance (perhaps

wrapped in robes much like an angel?).

T HE C ONVERSION OF REVEREND W  ALSH  If Walsh is not protected, the minister disappears and

then reappears ‘a changed man’.

He relates a profound religious experience that

transformed his life. He makes comparisons with Paul on

the road to Damascus. An angel appeared to him and

revealed the truth. Saying that there was a place in the

Heavens for him if he stopped preaching against the new

sect. He is now preaching the benign or benevolent nature

of the new sect and wishes to hand the church to the new

sect. He invites Rev. Braswell to Townshend for a great


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In actual fact Walsh , seen as too much of an ongoing

threat to the new sect, was kidnapped (from his house?

His car?) and has been replaced by an Outer One.

Rev. Walsh is now confined to darkness and pushed

around in a wheelchair by a somewhat sinister doctor

from Boston called ‘Doctor Clarence Haynes’ who claims

to have saved Walsh ’s life and who never leaves his side.

His speech and movement appear to be affected. There

are other rural and urban characters – including a farmer

called ‘Walter Brown’ and a well-bred Bostonian called

‘Mr. Noyes’ – who seem to linger around the house. At

Walsh ’s house, Braswell is told that Walsh will surely be 

ascending to the Heavens and he is made an offer to join

the sect. He refuses and tries to leave. The Outer-One

posing as Walsh kills him.

CONFRONTING THE CULT Approached that the investigators could use include:

  infiltrating Church services

  Searching the Church

  Searching Sethom’s house 

  Presenting collected evidence to the local


  Presenting collected evidence to locals

CONFRONTING THE OUTER ONES See The Colony in Dark Mountain 


REV. SETHOM’S HOUSE The investigators may wish to confront Michael Thomas

or investigate his house. His possessions include keys to

open the gate to Dark Mountain in the cellar of the Church

and a key that opens the ‘Boulder Entrance’ and the

‘Spring Entrance’. 

Rev Sethom lives in a medium-sized wooden house notfar from his Church.

The basement of his house has a nearly complete, walled-

off area with a laboratory containing surgical equipment,

desiccating chemicals, and preserving balms and notes on

Egyptian funerary practices. Also here is a copy of Enoch

Bowen’s On Resurrection.

The centre of the room has a stone sarcophagus on a

raised platform. The sarcophagus has maps of the

Otherworld painted on it.

 [There may also be a brain cylinder here with

 sensory-vocal apparatus.]

THE BOOK OF THE DEAD—Sanity loss: None; Occult +3;

Spells: None


Masquerading as copies of the Proceedings of the Society

of Scholars of Biblical Rectitude, these three volumes

described Thomas’ magical techniques and experiments.

Sanity loss 1D4/1D8; Cthulhu Mythos +4 percentiles;

Occult skill check; 10 weeks to study and comprehend/20

hours to skim. Spells: Hardness of Flesh (Flesh Ward),

various hypnotic techniques (Dominate), Contact He Who

Waits in the Dark (Nyarlathotep), Ectoplasmic


ON RESURRECTION—in English. Enoch Bowen’s notes on

mummification and the preservation of the soul allowed

the cult to preserve many of its more powerful members

in secret underground chambers, awaiting the return of

the Old Ones. The techniques inside have been lost for

millennia; if the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh everfound this book, it is likely that they could reconstruct the

ceremonies used for their most potent mummifications.

The cult leader keeps these in a safe-deposit box at a local

bank. Sanity loss 1D3/1D6; grants an Egyptian

Hieroglyphs skill check; Cthulhu Mythos +3 percentiles; 8

weeks to study and comprehend/16 hours to skim. Spells:

Apportion Ka, Hardness of Flesh (Flesh Ward).

REV . M  ALACHI S ETHOM  Rev. Sethom is a white haired old man with a Bostonian

accent. He says that he was born in Vermont, inClaremont to the north. He used to run a Spiritualist

church in Boston. He wanted to go somewhere quieter

and return to his roots before he died. [No record of this

man can be found]. In fact he has returned in order to

continue the practices of Starry Wisdom and in order to

find a way to avoid true death altogether. He has

established a church here, associated with the existing

cult, and they have captured many people here, taking

them to the Temple of the Gulf to be sacrificed to The

Haunter of the Dark in exchange for secrets of preserving

human life. Combined with his notes, he believes he hasperfected the method. He has built himself a tomb under

his house. And Dr Hayes and Mr Noyes have been trained

in the processes. [If he dies during the course of the

investigation this process will kick in] . Who is going to

succeed him?

Anyone seeing his handwriting, who has seen his Michael

Thomas’ handwriting at the Chapel of Contemplation can

make an INTx3 roll to recognize it’s familiarity (special

success means they recognize it at Thomas’s


Rev Malachi Sethom (Michael Thomas)

Sorcerer and friend of the late Walter Corbitt.

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The colony in Dark Mountain should be experienced by

the investigators as a profoundly dangerous place to be.

This is the second largest colony of the planet, of this

secret highly intelligent and technologically advanced

race. The Outer Ones do not seek to control the planet, but

wish to maintain their operations without human



If they realize that their defenses have been breached, the

Outer Ones will act intelligently and decisively. If the

Spiritualist Church of Astral Communion also know that

the investigators have entered the colony they will

attempt to follow them and cut off their retreat. If the

investigators enter through the Church Gate, for example,

Sethom will send someone (overland) to warn the Outer

Ones (this will take almost half an hour), he will likely

then enter the gate himself with a group of four men

armed with rifles and shotguns [TBD]  the cultists could

then deactivate the gate or ambush returning

investigators as they exit through it back into the


The section of the colony that the investigators enter is

relatively quiet, but they may be detected by a sentry, a

priest or a scientist. Gunfire in this sector will attract 1-3

Outer Ones in 1-4 minutes. They will seek reinforcements

if necessary: 10 soldier caste outer ones will arrive in 7 – 

10 (1D4+6) minutes.

 ArchitectureEntry tunnels appear as natural caves and then change to

artificial and geometric tunnels – typically of a triangular

cross-section and lined with black stone with occasional

shapes or glyphs carved into them. Some of the tunnels

are dimly lit by lights embedded in the walls.

The tunnels are curved in almost organic ways and they

become wider in major thoroughfares. Some have a

hexagonal, or circular cross-section.

Chambers are formed of geometric shapes ranging from

simple cuboids to elaborately interconnected patterns of

angles and curves.

Every so often there are small openings that seem to

exhale cool, fresh air. These are supplied by a series of

cooling ducts, most of which are too small to be traversed

by anything larger than a scuttler.


If the strange architecture was not enough, one of the first

indications the investigators will have of the alien nature

of where they are is an exploring scuttler. About a

hundred yards down the entry tunnel (no matter where

they entered from) a Listen roll will detect a strange

sound. The sound approaches closer and within a couple

of rounds will be heard clearly. A dim glow from the

things head can be spotted bobbing in the darkness. Dim

or indirect light (a lit match or weak flashlight perhaps)

will reveal the shape of something insect or arachnid-like

approaching them – not unlike a lobster or crayfish in size

and general appearance. It will flee gunfire or bright light,

otherwise it will approach within about six feet and stop

for a couple of seconds before fleeing. Gunshots will

attract attention as described in ‘Security’ above. 

This scuttler is just one of many that are roaming around

the colony. Normally they cling to the underside of the

adult Mi-Go that spawn them, but sometimes they roam


 [To be finished: see New Tales of the Miskatonic

Valley P75 for more details.]



W  ATERFALL G ATE  In the woods, about a mile to the north, near the east bank

of Tannery Brook is the mouth of a cave. This cave leads

to the western sector of Dark Mountain Colony, a sector

which historically has been used primarily for human

agents of the Outer Ones.

Water normally pours from the cave and into Tannery

Brook. Pastor Malachi and some other agents (who?) 

have a key that causes the flow of water to reduce to atrickle within a few seconds. The cave can then be

entered, initially by crawling - it is only3 feet high at the

entrance, rising to 5 feet after 10 feet distance and 6 feet

after another 30 feet distance.

T HE C HURCH GATE  There is an active gate (with a key possessed by Rev

Michael Thomas) between the cellar of the West River

Valley Church and a chamber in Dark Mountain. This

chamber has a library of brain cylinders, speaking

equipment etc. However, the main route is across a smallisland in the river behind the church and up into the hills

to the south. A different key stops the flow of water to a

small spring/waterfall, which becomes a passage leading

into Dark Mountain.

The gate appears simply as a semicircular blackness, a

mirror perhaps except that it leaves no reflection. On

closer inspection it appears to be an archway into a black

space. There is silence. If the investigators make any

significant sound about 30 seconds later they will hear a

scuttling sound (See ‘Scuttlers’ above). 

 APARTMENT  This series of chambers appears as a near-perfect

facsimile of a human dwelling. It is used for human guests

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– primarily senior agents such as Charles Noyes and

Malachi Sethom. There is even running hot and cold

water, electricity and a working radio. The windows

appear to have a view of the ocean. On closer inspection

this turns out to be a moving hologram with sound

projected just outside the window.

S ENTRY  A lone soldier caste Mi-Go. TBD 

The sentry could be a controlled by a human

brain – it may fire a cone of cold or a cloud of

drugs. Would it have the power to communicate


T EMPLE OF THE GULF  The Nyarlathotep cult associated with the Outer Ones is

called ‘The Million Favored Ones’. 

A gate and physical entrance both lead to this Temple toNyarlathotep deep in the darkest bowels of Round Hill.

There are also some chambers nearby associated with

human cultists and there is a library of brain cylinders.

Carelessness or bad luck here will result in the

investigators being captured. The ceiling is dotted with

star-like points of light and a dim phosphorescence with

can be controlled by a control panel. The huge black space

is surrounded by a viewing area and a priests’ platform.

The high ceiling is a fractal series of concave domes

dotted with star-like points, rising higher and higher as it

approached the Dark Gulf.

H UMAN BIO-RESOURCES  There is a bank of scores of human subjects suspended in

fluid here as well as the equipment for reviving them and

putting them in this condition.

LIBRARY  This area has a series of chambers containing Mi-Go

‘books’ [refer] . There is also a pair of chambers for

accessing brain cylinders from various species.

BIO-RESEARCH FACILITY  The investigators come across a series of chambers where

bizarre experiments are conducted on humans.:

  Human beings with their brains removed

  Human beings with their brains artificially re-


  Human brains controlling various kinds of


o  Walking ‘robots’ 

o  Doorso  A helicopter-like hovering machine

o  Mining equipment

o  A sentry gun

  Humans with modified organs

  Humans controlled by implants

  Humans alive and conscious and ‘opened up’

suspended in fluid

  A Human controlled by box with alien brain

tissue in it

  Humans in pain, opened up or with electrodes

attached – perhaps they beg for death  Masks and body-suits of human form made out of

some kind of plastic

There is also a series of rooms where Mi-Go sometimes

receive modifications such as limb removal


C ITY OF THE OUTER ONES  This vast, domed cavern contains a city constructed of

towers of black Yuggoth stone. Thousands of Mi-Go live

here and the entire city emits a thrumming sound. A

series of major tunnels branch off leading to other sectors

of the city – mostly mining areas, farms, food storage and

processing plants and other entrances.

Entering this area, the investigators will be attacked by

2D6 Mi-Go workers (unarmed) within 1D6 rounds. 2D6

armed and armoured Mi-Go Soldiers will arrive in 3D6


Details TBD

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BOSTONRev Charles Noyes runs a Spiritualist Church in Boston

called the Church of Astral Communion. He is also a ‘Son

of Yog-Sothoth’ at the Hermetic Order of the Silver

Twilight and a close friend of Carl Sanford. ‘The doctor'

likewise is the vice-leader and a ‘Knight of the Outer Void’.

Leads at the Church of Astral Communion might includethe location and significance of the Free-Will Church and

some secret that is kept there. Rev. Noyes will also have a

key that gives access to Round Hill/Dark Mountain.



PROVIDENCE The investigators enter the Free-Will Church [and

retrieve an item that gives them access to Round Hill] .


Access: Cellar door

Steeple: windowless

From Lillibridge's notes:

"“Prof. Enoch Bowen home from Egypt May 1844—buys

old Free-Will Church in July—his archaeological work &

studies in occult well known.” 

“Dr. Drowne of 4th Baptist warns against Starry Wisdom

in sermon Dec. 29, 1844.” 

“Congregation 97 by end of ’45.” 

“1846—3 disappearances—first mention of Shining


“7 disappearances 1848—stories of blood sacrifice


“Investigation 1853 comes to nothing—stories of


“Fr. O’Malley tells of devil-worship with box found in

great Egyptian ruins—says they call up something that

can’t exist in light. Flees a litt le light, and banished by

strong light. Then has to be summoned again. Probably

got this from deathbed confession of Francis X. Feeney,

who had joined Starry Wisdom in ’49. These people say

the Shining Trapezohedron shews them heaven & other

worlds, & that the Haunter of the Dark tells them secrets

in some way.” 

“Story of Orrin B. Eddy 1857. They call it up by gazing at

the crystal, & have a secret language of their own.”" 



If the Shining Trapezohedron is removed from the

Church, Nyarlathotep will – if possible – command his

human and Outer One servants to return it. [According to

another source the steeple is defended from sect

members by an Elder Sign.]

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SANITY AWARDS   Killing Malachi or otherwise disrupting the sect.

Sanity reward = ?

  Closing off the tunnel in the old church

 Destroying the old church

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STR 11 CON 14 SIZ 13 INT 12 POW 14


Damage Bonus:



Rev. Duganne




Damage Bonus:




Dr. HaynesMiddle-class Bostonian cultist and sorcerer.




Damage Bonus:



Walter Brown

Rural cultist and sorcerer. Lives in a rundown hillside

place near the deep woods. Aseneth Bowen’s son 




Damage Bonus:



Unnamed sorceror

Sandy hair?

Suicide cultist

Reverend Charles Noyes

Middle-class Bostonian cultist and sorcerer.




Damage Bonus:



Henry Akeley

To the south of Townshend is Henry Akeley’s farm. Atrim, white house with two storeys and an attic, built

around 1800. The lawn is well-kept with a stone bordered

path leading to a Georgian doorway.

At this time he has a housekeeper.

A retired anthropologist from the University of Vermont.

The folklorist is present in his house on the side of the hill

and is already gathering information about the strange

creatures of the area. He has a recording made in 1915

near the mouth of a cave of buzzing and human voices.Akeley cannot be persuaded to join the characters’

investigation but he is willing to show them where the

cave is. There are indeed footprints there.

He also has photographs of a footprint of an Outer One,

the mouth of a woodland cave blocked by a round boulder

with similar tracks in front of it and another of a circle of

standing stones on the summit of a wild hill




Damage Bonus:



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S ENSITIVITY TO LIGHT  In H.P. Lovecraft’s The Whisperer in Darkness, the Outer

Ones are described as travelling abroad only in darkness.

The Outer One that disguises itself as Henry Akeley is

sitting in a darkened room. The planet Yuggoth (Pluto)

itself is almost lightless. All this strongly implies that the

Outer Ones not only can navigate without light, but that

they are sensitive to even moderate light. Prolonged

exposure damages their visual tissues and in the short

term they experience pain and impaired vision.

Light conditions Effect

Dim light (twilight or a brightly lit room) Skills at -10

Moderate to bright light (daylight) Skills at ½

APPENDIX TWO: TIMELINE 1832: Abednego Mesach Akeley is born in Windham

County, Vermont

1835: a prosperous merchant builds the 'Corbitt' house,

but immediately falls ill and sells it to a Mr. Walter

Corbitt, esquire, the owner of a successful, local furnitureshop.

1843, Egypt: Professor Enoch Bowen, archaeologist and

student of the occult, found the Shining Trapezohedron in

the Labyrinth of Kish.

1844: May Professor Enoch Bowen ceases his excavations

of Nephren-Ka's tomb upon finding the Shining

Trapezohedron, and returns to Providence. Bowen

founds the Starry Wisdom sect, buying the old Free-Will

Church for its headquarters. This cult used the crystal to

summon the Haunter, to whom they made blood

sacrifices of infants and children.

1846: Disappearances begin in Providence that rumors

link to the Starry Wisdom Church. The Haunter had

decided to allow its links to this realm to grow through

these rituals, so that it might find the most suitable host

for its essence. It told its followers it awaited the proper

time and place to come forth in the shape of man.

1851: A minor schism within the Starry Wisdom Church

results in Rev. Orin B. Eddy setting up in an abandoned

church in the North End of Boston with financial and

practical aid from Walter Corbitt and with part of the

Starry Wisdom Church’s collection of artifacts, occult

texts, especially their collection of Egyptian funerary

texts. It is called Chapel of Contemplation & Church of

Our Lord Granter of Secrets. The practices of the Chapel

are in the style of a Spiritualist Church with séances,

sometimes aided by sorcery such as Telekinesis or by

information gathered from the Haunter of the Dark in

Providence, but mostly through various forms of fakery.

With the aid of certain ancient funerary texts, Orin B.

Eddy makes progress rediscovering Ancient Egyptian

techniques for everlasting life.

1852: Walter Corbitt is sued by neighbors, who petition

to force him to leave the area "in consequence of his

surious [sic] habits an unauspicious demeanor."

The Starry Wisdom’s power grew as Bowen received

direct guidance from the Haunter. In return for the blood

sacrifices, the Haunter gave the cultists information by

means of which they obtained various artifacts and

numerous dread tomes. They collected copies of the

Necronomicon, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Liber Ivonis,

Cultes de Goules, De Vermis Mysteriis, Pnakotic

Manuscripts, and the Book of Dzyan.

1858: A growing feud between Orin B Eddy and the main

body of the Starry Wisdom Church ends in the death of

Eddy. His body is cremated and buried in the crypt. Rev.

Elisha Bishop is placed in charge of the Chapel of

Contemplation. He discovers and continues Eddy’s

Afterlife work.

The Chapel becomes quite influential in Boston due to the

patronage of powerful people as well as access to

potentially damaging information on certain influential


1863: A branch of Starry Wisdom opens in Townshend,

Vermont, based at a vacation home owned by Dr.

Raymond Flagg. Flagg comes to influence the young

minister Abednego Akeley, who initially challenges him

but is impressed by the power that Flagg can invoke.

At this point, the Starry Wisdom Cult in Providence had

over 200 members.

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1865: Enoch Bowen dies. Dr Flagg takes over the central

sect. Bowen’s daughter Aseneth is vice-leader and pastor

of the Providence branch. Enoch Bowen is mummified

and entombed in the crypts of the Freewill Church.

Whether the rituals designed to maintain life after death

were successful or not is not entirely clear.

1866 Evidently Corbitt wins the lawsuit. His obituary in

1866 states that he still lived in the same place. It also

states that a second lawsuit was being waged to prevent

Corbitt from being buried in his basement, as provided by

his will. Executor of Walter Corbitt's will was Reverend

Michael Thomas (age 22), pastor of the Chapel of

Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets.

1868: The Reverend Samuel Shadrach Solomon Akeley,

father of Abednego Akeley, dies. Abednego succeeds him

as reverend, but immediately after the funeral he left

Vermont and travelled in southern New England. On his

return, he begins preaching the doctrines of StarryWisdom to his flock and converts his church affiliation to

the Church of Starry Wisdom. In fact he was already a

convert and was simply awaiting his father’s death to

complete his training in Providence and Boston. The

church is renamed as West River Valley Church of Starry

Wisdom. Controversy and scandal follow.

1869: A group of Irish vandalize the Starry Wisdom

Church in Providence, apparently in retaliation for their

perceived involvement in kidnapping a fellow.

1871: Abednego Akeley dies at the age of 39 and his

church closes. Rev. Akeley was killed by an unknown

assailant. And seriously wounded, he asked to have his

brain removed that he might explore the mysteries of the

cosmos. He leaves behind a son, Henry Wentworth

Akeley, conceived hours before his death. The mother is

Sarah Elizabeth Phillips, a servant in the Akeley’s

household. After Rev. Akeley’s ‘death’ most of the

congregation move to Providence, others remain,

continuing to consort with the Outer Ones and passing

their secret doctrines from parent to child. Meanwhile,

some community leaders are gradually brought under the

influence of the Outer Ones or replaced with those who

are already.

A branch of the Starry Wisdom sect in Chicago known as

the Celestial Providence sect is disbanded by the Great

Chicago Fire.

1872: West River Valley Church is restored as a

Congregational denomination church, Akeley’s

replacement is Rev. Walter W. Baker who is from

elsewhere in Vermont. Meanwhile, the Starry Wisdomdoctrine survives to some extent among former members

of the congregation.

1876: Policemen showed up at the Chapel of

Contemplation’s doorstep in search of a sacred golden

box (once the property of Nephren-Ka) from Egypt which

had vanished from the British Museum shortly after

Bishop made an unsuccessful bid to purchase it. (This box

would eventually show up in the hands of Rupert

Merriweather, with whom it will be found at the start of

the rulebook’s “The Edge of Darkness” scenario.) The

authorities, upon searching the Chapel, found the false

panels and secret doors used to stage séances and trick


1877 May: The Starry Wisdom cult in Providence is

disbanded after threats from the locals. The cultists leave

town by year's end. Aseneth Bowen was commanded by

the Haunter to leave the Shining Trapezohedron in the

church for safekeeping. Empowered by the Haunter, Dr.

Flagg and Aseneth Bowen wove a spell casting an aura of

dread and fear over the building. The crystal was left in

the church, along with some of the sect’s library of occult

texts. No one in the neighborhood dared to explore the

church.  [Alternatively, Elder Signs left on the doorways

 prevent their re-entry?]  

The Townshend and Boston sects are reinforced by

refugees from Providence. The Townshend sect is now

about 40 strong, but is forced to practice in secret.

Others migrate to Boston, where they swell the

attendance at the Chapel of Contemplation. Many others

head west, to California, where a branch is established inLos Angeles.

Meanwhile, remnants of the sect continue secretly in

Providence under the leadership of Aseneth Bowen.

Elisha Bishop dies. While a coffin went into a plot in

Mount Auburn, his body rested in a small, secret chamber

beneath the Chapel of Contemplation. Spiritualist

manifestations within the chapel picked up considerably,

as Bishop’s spirit made itself manifest. Thomas revives

the sect with the aid of Elisha Bishop’s ‘spirit’. 

1880: Rev. Baker of the West River Valley Church

apparently goes insane during a service, rabidly accusing

members of the congregation of being sinners. He beats

one woman to death with a Bible and injures several

other congregants before being restrained. He is hanged

at the State Prison and House of Correction in Windsor,

Vermont in 1908.

The new minister is a local man, Rev. Samuel Aster. Aster

was once a member of Rev. Akeley’s congregation,

initiated into the Starry Wisdom doctrine. After hisProtestant ordination, he was secretly ordained in the

Starry Wisdom Church at the Chapel of Contemplation

(the Free-Will Church has been closed). He incorporates

Starry Wisdom doctrine into some of his sermons and has

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a secret inner circle of initiates known as ‘The Million

Favored Ones’ who continue to consort with the Outer


c. 1880: Ghost stories centering around the former Starry

Wisdom Church begin around this time. A Yorkshire

branch of the cult arises, possibly founded by Dr.

Raymond Flagg. It is active until around 1890.

Winter 1881: Marrion Allen, an amateur occultist from

Arkham, and leader of a group calling themselves ‘The

Dark Brotherhood’ joins The Chapel of Contemplation in


Feb. 1882: Marrion Allen steals two items from the

Chapel, both artifacts from the tomb of Nephren-Ka: a

miniature sarcophagus and an ancient Egyptian trumpet.

 August 1883: Marion Allen flees from members of Starry

Wisdom to New Orleans where he sells the Trumpet of

Ptah at a curio shop in an attempt to raise funds to flee

the country. Soon after, he is killed by agents of Starry

Wisdom on the docks.

1890: By this time, the Yorkshire Starry Wisdom cult has

fallen apart. Dr. Flagg seems to have disappeared after


1892: Aseneth Bowen dies. Her body is mummified in a

chamber beneath her house in Providence by Rev.

Michael Thomas.

1893: The spell around the original church prevented

anyone from entering the building until a reporter from

the Providence Telegram, Edwin M. Lillibridge, possessed

of great force of will, made his way into the building to

investigate stories of the church being haunted. He found

the crystal and accidentally summoned the Haunter. The

Haunter killed Lillibridge in a failed attempt to merge

with the hapless human.

1895: An edition of De Vermis Mysteriis is supposedly

published by Starry Wisdom Press, (registered office in

Boston) but no copies have been found.

1909: Starry Wisdom Press allegedly releases a version of

Unaussprechlichen Kulten as well, but no copies are ever


1911: A New Orleans jazz musician and trumpet-maker

called Lightning Billy Watkins spots the Trumpet of Ptah

in a curio shop and noting it’s unusual tones, converts it

into a modern trumpet.

1912: Charles Noyes, the son of a wealthy Bostonindustrialist is ordained as a minister by Rev. Michael

Thomas at the Chapel of Contemplation at the age of 18.

Secret raid on the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of

Our Lord Granter of Secrets occasioned by affidavits

swearing that members of the church were responsible

for the disappearances of neighborhood children. Chapel

is closed. During the raid, three policemen and seventeen

cult members were killed by gunplay or fire. Autopsy

reports are singularly undetailed and uninformative, as

though the coroner had not actually performed

examinations. Though 54 members of the church were

arrested, all but eight were released. The records hint of

illegal intervention in the proceedings by important local

official, offering an explanation of shy stories of the battle

- the biggest criminal action in the city's history - never

appeared in print (the existence of the cult, the details of

what was found and the bloodbath that ensued were so

embarrassing that the whole thing was covered up).

Pastor Michael Thomas (age 71) was arrested and

sentenced to 40 years in prison on five counts of second-

degree murder.

Rev. Charles Noyes (who later also becomes a member of

the Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight) takes nominal

charge of the remnants of the Starry Wisdom sect in


1914: Noyes is ordained as a minister of the

Congregational Protestant Church at the age of 20.

1917: Thomas, aged 73 vanishes from his cell one night,

leaving two guards torn apart and five prisoners insane.

He uses sorcery – stealing copper pipes he making acopper dagger and uses it in a ritual to summon and then

bind a dimensional shambler. Charles Noyes and Samuel

Aster help Thomas slip away to Vermont without a trace.

He begins to preach thinly-veiled Starry Wisdom doctrine

in the Townshend area under the pseudonym, ‘Rev.

Malachi Sethom’. Aster allows him to stay in his house and

then with Noyes’ help assists him to buy a small house of

his own. Knowing that his end is near, Michael Thomas

works determinedly to restore the now-endangered art of

perpetual life.

1919: Lightning Billy Watkins is committed to a mental

hospital after mysterious events during a New Orleans

funeral march.

1920: Aster retires. His replacement is Rev. Charles

Noyes. Meanwhile Sethom continues his lay preaching.

Increasingly Noyes allows Sethom to preach at the

church, while he looks after business interests in Boston

and begins to establish a new church at the old Bayfriar’s

Church, 540 E Church St, Arkham.

Aleister Crowley's (flawed) English translation of theBlack Book of the Skull is published by Starry Wisdom

Press, with offices in Los Angeles.

People have begun to disappear in Vermont.

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1921: Rev. Walsh arrives, hears rumours of strange

practices in the area

1920s: A Los Angeles-area branch of the Starry Wisdom

Cult reaches the peak of its popularity, lasting through the


New York jazz musician Leroy Turner buys Lightning

Billy Watkins’ unusual trumpet from a curio shop in NewOrleans.

May Eve 1922: Rev. Duganne witnesses ceremonies in

the hills

Walsh and Duganne believe there is a survival of

witchcraft in the area

Walsh begins to preach against the Spiritualist Church of

Astral Communion and to publish sermons and letters in

the press about it

A correspondence possibly begins with one of the

investigators. Walsh starts to be spied on and

intimidated. He is not sure who to trust any more.

Walsh asks the investigators to help.


AKELEY’S RECORDING (Indistinguishable Sounds)

(A Cultivated Male Human Voice)

… is the Lord of the Wood, even to… and the gifts of themen of Leng… so from the wells of night to the gulfs ofspace, and from the gulfs of space to the wells of night,

ever the praises of Great Cthulhu, of Tsathoggua, and of

Him Who is not to be Named. Ever Their praises, and

abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. Ia! Shub-

Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young!

(A Buzzing Imitation of Human Speech)

Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a

Thousand Young!

(Human Voice)

And it has come to pass that the Lord of the Woods,

being… seven and nine, down the onyx steps … (tri)butes

to Him in the Gulf, Azathoth, He of Whom Thou has taughtus marv(els)… on the wings of night out beyond space,

out beyond th… to That whereof Yuggoth is the youngest

child, rolling alone in black aether at the rim… 

(Buzzing Voice)

… go out among men and find the ways thereof, that He inthe Gulf may know. To Nyarlathotep, Mighty Messenger,

must all things be told.

And He shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen

mask and the robe that hides, and come down from the

world of Seven Suns to mock… 

(Human Voice)

(Nyarl)athotep, Great Messenger, bringer of strange joy toYuggoth through the void, Father of the Million Favoured

Ones, Stalker among… 

(Speech Cut Off by End of Record)

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CONTEMPLATION Several clues relating to this scenario can be found in The

Haunting. These are as follows:

The Corbitt Diary

Found in the old Corbitt Mansion, Boston. The three

volumes are in plain English, though sometimes strangely

phrased. Accounts of his occult experiments, morbid

sacrifices of children, magic rites and summonings, his

ambition to surpass the boundaries of mortality, reports

of law suits waged against him (protectors in high places).

  Corbitt sees himself as a servant of He Who Waits

in the Dark.

  Details of involvement with Chapel of


  Mentions Starry Wisdom in Providence.

  Mentions summoning of ‘Walker Between theWorlds’ 

  'Shining crystal' and describes communing with

'He Who Waits in the Dark' who grants his

followers profound secrets in return for sacrifices

(especially children).

  Mentions names Prof Bowen and Dr Flagg.

  Box found in Egyptian ruins.

  Haunter summoned up in darkness, can't tolerate


  Mentions rivalry or split between Eddy and Flagg,

and death of Eddy.

  Mentions ‘On Resurrection’ by Enoch Bowen.

Also discusses his work with Rev Orin B. Eddy,

Rev Elisha Bishop and Rev Michael Thomas on

Ancient Egyptian methods for establishing

eternal life.

Sanity loss 1/1D8; Cthulhu Mythos +4 percentiles; Occult

skill check; 10 weeks to study and comprehend/20 hours

to skim. Spells: "Summon Walker Between the Worlds"

(Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler). There's no

further elaboration on the nature of this entity. This spelltakes 2D6 weeks to learn after the diaries are read, likely

too long to be useful in this adventure.

THE CHAPEL OF CONTEMPLATION Here follows a more detailed treatment of the Chapel of

Contemplation than found in The Haunting. Note also the

mythos tome in the original version is Liber Ivonis,

whereas here this has been substituted with De Vermis


BROTHERS OF THE Y ELLOW S IGN  If the investigators enter the Chapel then leave it for at

least two days before returning, the break-in will have

been noted by The Brothers of the Yellow Sign. Two

agents are dispatched to investigate. They enter the

basement, a couple of days after the investigators,

possibly taking photos of evidence and removing

anything readily portable. They then take turns to watch

the place from an old Model-T Ford parked nearby.

The agents are out-of-work actors who’ve worked on

Guidicianni’s productions in the past. They don overalls

when they enter the basement and try to pass themselves

off as City of New York workmen conducting a ‘safety

inspection’.  If an investigator is alone, the actors may try

to apprehend and interrogate him or her. They may also

tail the investigators. If they are able to gather enough

information about the investigators, where they live etc

they may be able to spy on them for a few weeks or

months. There could be break-ins attempting to locate

evidence from the basement. They could even be followed

on their next investigation.

Dan Sherritt, unemployed actor and agentof the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign

Sherritt is intelligent and overweight. He gave up medical

school to become and actor and is now unemployed. After

attending a read-through of The King in Yellow he has

become a drug-addict, haunted by strange dreams and

manipulated by… 

Age 28

STR 10 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 15 POW 8

DEX 14 APP 14 EDU 18 SAN 25 HP 14

Damage Bonus: +1D4




Skills: Acting 70%, Singing 50, Bargain 25%, Disguise

61%, Drive Auto 30, Electrical Repair 20, Fast Talk 65,

Jump 35, Listen 35, Mechanical Repair 40, French 26,

English 100, Persuade 55, Psychology 50, Sneak 20, Spot

Hidden 35

Sandy Barthelemy Frost, unemployed

actor and agent of the Brotherhood of the

Yellow Sign

Frost is fairly handsome, but sickly and down on his luck.

He attended the reading of the play with Sherritt and is

obsessed with it. He is desperate to get hold of a copy.

Age 27

STR 11 CON 7 SIZ 12 INT 12 POW 12

DEX 14 APP 14 EDU 18 SAN 45 HP 10

Damage Bonus: 0


Skills: Acting 60%, Dancing 40, Bargain 50%, Disguise

66%, Fast Talk 65, French 31, English 80, Psychology 15,

Sneak 20, Spot Hidden 35


Ground Floor:

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This floor is almost completely destroyed. Fire and time

have reduced it to a scattering of bricks, a few remnants

of charred walls and blackened timbers. Most of the roof

is completely absent or lying collapsed on the ground.

There are no doors remaining. Grasses and weeds grow

up through the ground, hiding the decayed floorboards


1. An empty doorway leads to the first open area. Over a

low wall lies the remains of a washbasin and a toilet

2. The largest space here. Under a collapsed section of

roofing is the remains of a central pedestal and the

remains of black paint that once covered it.

On the wall on the left is painted a symbol – a stylized

representation of the Three Lobed Eye. It was created

quite recently by Charles Noyes and Dr Hayes with white

paint. It is intended to show that the sect survives.

Spot Hidden reveals the remains of some words on the

walls of no known language (and now unintelligible).

At some point they become aware that the earth they

stand on is covering weakened floorboards: call for D100

rolls equal to or less than DEX x4. Those who get failing

rolls are unable to grab something secure when they feel

the floor give way. They fall ten feet into the basement.

Each falling investigator loses 1D6 hit points. They end up

in area 10.

If the floor is excavated, Spot Hidden reveals a decayed

trap door which would have to be dug through leading to

the passage below.

3. This passage once led from beneath the central stage in

Area 2 to the secret stage effects in Room 5. The passage

is partially filled with earth and water. Some of the

controls leading to Area 5 are here.

4. The wall on the right hand side has collapsed revealing

Room 5. Spot Hidden and Mechanical Repair reveal that

this wall once opened with an unusual pivot system.

5. This room contains the rusted remains of several

machines of unknown function. Mechanical Repair and an

Idea Roll may reveal that they included various special

effects machines. Well buried under these remains is a

trapdoor are the stairs to the inner circle meeting room

(Room 8). Again, the floor would need to be excavated in

order to find this.

6. Empty. Excavating the floor turns up a trapdoor to

areas 9 and 10.

7. Empty. A stairway completely choked with debris at

one end leads down into area 8.

8. Basement: Sealed off from the rest of the underground

areas, this area contains a furnace, a bookshelf and a few

pieces of broken furniture.

Secret Basement

This part of the basement was sealed off from the rest,

reached by separate stairs now buried under tons of


10. Prison: In front of where the investigators land is a

locked cell with rusted floor-to-ceiling bars. The cell-door

is ajar and iron. Scratches on the walls remain. The doors

at either end are made of iron. Spot hidden reveals traces

of bone, which forensic examination will reveal to be


9. Chained to a pedestal at one side of this area is a large

book. Examination proves it to be a Latin work, De Vermis

Mysteriis. It is the prize of those who can break the chain

(STR 30) or carry the pedestal out of the building(characters’ STR versus 36 on the resistance table to lift

up through to the outside world, no more than 3

characters may work together). No lock is present; the

chain is literally welded to the pedestal.

On an ancient-looking table, next to a silver candelabra,

rests a cup carved from black onyx, among the muck on

the floor is a six-inch, large-gauge needle.

There is a blocked trapdoor visible in the ceiling (STR 30

to open).

The bookshelf holds mostly works on theology, Middle

Eastern and Egyptian archaeology, and Spiritualism in

various shades of disrepair. An Occult, Archaeology, or

Theology (replace with an Idea roll by a clergyman if that

skill is not relevant) establishes that the books on that

particular topic are largely out of date.

In a file cabinet, (with Locksmith to open) is an extensive

set of notes on many prominent members of the

community at that time. An Accounting roll turns up the

organization’s mundane expenses, which areunremarkable save for a great deal of “donations” from

unspecified sources, payments for a safe deposit box

(where the leader keeps On Resurrection).

Library Use reveals the following items:

  A journal of cult activities states that Walter

Corbitt was buried in the basement of Corbitt's

house "in accordance with his wishes and with

the wishes of that one who waits in the dark.” 

  A letter (Providence postmark) from Dr

Raymond Flagg to Orin B Eddy, pertaining to the

dispute that existed between them at this time

  A letter (Townshend postmark) from Rev.

Abednego Akeley about arrangements for an

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upcoming visit, after which the sender plans to

spend several weeks in ‘the church in

Providence’.  [see handout]  

  A photograph of a golden sarcophagus-shaped

box (The Sarcophagus of Nephren-Ka)

  Timeline of Chapel of Contemplation

o  1851 Founded

o 1854 Elisha Bishop ordained

o  1858 Orin B Eddy died, Bishop takes


o  1865 Michael Thomas ordained

o  1866 Michael Thomas takes over

o  1868 Visit from Abednego Akeley

o  1912 Charles Noyes ordained

o  1912 Chapel shut down

11. A Spiritualist connection between this realm and the

realm of The Haunter has been created here. Anyone who

enters the room sees lights, even electric ones, dim. For

every few minutes spent in the room, a Sanity roll of 0/1

should be made.

A low stone slab occupies the center of this room, with a

few small wooden tables around it. At one end is a large,

dark mirror, now cracked. The walls are painted with

Egyptian hieroglyphs; appropriate skill rolls (Hieroglyphs

or halved Archaeology) establish that these are funerary


Within the this room are two skeletons dressed in

fragment or silk robes, perhaps cultists who hid from thepolice and then perished in the fire.

11B. Buried beneath this chamber is the secret tomb of

Elisha Bishop who ‘haunts’ the Chapel in much the same

way that Walter Corbitt haunts his house. He will become

active only if he feels his entombment is threatened.

DE VERMIS MYSTERIIS (incomplete)—in Latin, by

Ludwig Prinn. This worm-eaten folio was copied

imperfectly, and after further damage over the centuries

is missing great portions of the text. It describes itself as

containing "spells and enchantments", particularly those

that can summon strange entities. One such spell,

included in a "chapter dealing with familiars," summons a

"shambler from the stars. It contains references to "such

gods of divination as Father Yig, dark Han, and serpent-

bearded Byatis. The author "awesomely implies his

knowledge" of Nyarlathotep, "the oldest god of all Egypt".

There is a chapter called "Saracenic Rituals", which is said

to have "revealed the lore of the efreet and the djinn, the

secrets of the Assassin sects, the myths of Arabian ghoul-

tales, the hidden practices of dervish cults" and "the

legends of Inner Egypt". It describes cults of Bubastis and

Sebek, and on the Pharaoh Nephren-Ka's worship of

Nyarlathotep. Prinn's chapter on divination has some

information on "The Star of Sechmet", a mysterious

crystal. An invocation from the book: "Tibi, magnum

Innominandum, signa stellarum nigrarum et bufaniformis

Sadoquae sigillum ("To you, the great Not-to-Be-Named,

signs of the black stars, and the seal of the toad-shaped

Sadoquae"). Sanity loss 1D2/1D4; Cthulhu Mythos +5

percentiles; 18 weeks to study and comprehend/ 36

hours to skim. No usable spells.



Spanish editions. Twenty-four cheap, paper-bound

volumes available as a correspondence course covering

such topics as secret societies, telepathy, astral projection,

yoga, and root races. Aspects of the Mythos are alluded to,

but never fully revealed. The reading time given does not

include the time for mailing and to finish the

“examinations” and “exercises” that must be reported for

the next section to be sent. Sanity loss 0/1D4; Cthulhu

Mythos +2 percentiles; two Occult skill checks, one

halfway through reading; 12 weeks to study and

comprehend/24 hours to skim. No spells.

THE BOOK OF THE DEAD—Sanity loss: None; Occult +3;

Spells: None


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Dr Raymond Flagg


Rev. Orin B. Eddy

Chapel of ContemplationBoston

February 3 rd  1858

Rev. Eddy,

The secrets of the Divine Principle cannot be spread

haphazardly about the world. Please respect the wishes

of our esteemed founder, return to the fold and restore

the integrity of the True Church. True and deep

communion with The Divine Principle can be found o nly

through the Shining Crystal. You cannot operate

independently. Without true communion religion is

empty and false. Do not speak against the interests of

the Starry Wisdom Church again. Do not create further


If you fancy any possibility for your restoration you

will respond within one week. Do not forget that y our

 power is pale next to Ours. Your chapel exists only byOur tolerance.

 Raymond Flagg

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Rev Abednego Akeley

West River Valley Church

West Townshend


October 19 t h  1868

Dear Rev. Michael Thomas,

It is my understanding that Dr. Flagg has

spoken to you o f my wish to visit the Chapel of

Contemplation ( Church of Our Lord Granter of

Secrets) next month for a period of study and

reflection in preparation for my ordination in the

Church of Starry Wisdom.

It is with the greatest sadness that I witnessed

the passing on of my father, Reverend Samuel

Akeley on October 5 th . Responsibility for the

immortal souls of the congregation weighs

heavily upon my heart and I cannot in all honesty

put full faith in the Congregational Protestantism

in which I have been raised and ordained. It is

with profound gratitude that I look back upon the

teachings, wonders and revelations of Dr. Flagg

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during my visits with him at his vacation ho use

in West Townshend, for it was through his

generous exposition that my false world view and

faith was shattered and true faith born in its

place. Mankind at large truly is lost, being cut off

from the Divine and I have come to see the

Church of conventional Christianity as a pale

shadow, almost a mockery of the Divine Truth,

with false prophets at its head. With Dr. Flagg’s

generosity I have come to know the DivinePrinciple myself directly through and as He Who

Waits in the Dark and through communion with

the Outer Ones. It is to the Starry Wisdom

Church, perhaps the sole heirs of the wisdom of

the Magi, that I owe the greatest gratitude an d to

which I offer my life in service.

I sincerely hope that you will accept my

request for a visit of study and contemplation of

one month before I move onto the Mother Church

in Providence. I hope that the date of November

10 t h  is convenient for my arrival. A fter my

ordination, I shall return to Vermont to spread

the Joyous Truth to my kinsmen in Vermont.

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