  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931





    Price, Five Cents


    Prominent PlayersCelebrities toAttend


    Many Attend Anniversary Ban.que t Last Fr iday a t Meth.

    odist Church

    Loyalty CrusadeIs Well Supported

    A very encouraging re\>resentationof the Narberth M. E. Churc h wasp re se nt a t the delightful annivcrsarybanquet held at the local church lastFriday night.This banquet, which was plannedan d p rep ar ed by the AnniversaryCommittee, received many favorablecomments and f rom ev er y viewpointwas a very happy par ish event. Severa l hundred assembled in Par ish Hal lfor the occasion. The various interes ts o f t he ch urch were presented.Th e principal address of the eveningwas delivered by Dr. H. C. Leonard,of th e Home Mission Board, a nd wasa stimUlating effort. Rev. SamuelMacAdams acted as toastmaster. TheRev. John Van Ness and the Rev.Rober t E . Keighton, pastors of neighboring churches, brought greet ings .The' excellent musical program addedvery much to th e pleasure of all.This banquet was th e formal launching of the Loyalty Crusade for thebuilding fund of the new church. Thiscrusade wil l be vigorously pushed during the next two weeks by a numberof team s of canvassers, who will visital l members and friends of the localcongregation. Th e practical nature ofth e p lan is receiving general endorsement. A share in the loyalty fund is$36, or a donar monthly for t he nex tthree years. An are b.eing' u rg ed to

    Cont inued OD PUlI;e 13

    ATAttention. Narberth basehal1 fans!Next Thursday evening, October 15,is the time and the occasion ili theannual baseball banquet to the Narherth basebal1 t eam, and the place isElm Hall.I f you haven't already procuredyour ticket you can ge t it from any

    of the officers of the club or at Davis'store on Haverford Avenue. And If,by any chance, you have made anotherengagement for nex t Thu rs da y evening, the only t hi ng t o do, of course,is to cancel t he " ot he r e ngagemen t"and come to the basebal l d inne r. AIIy ou r " br ot he r fans" an d r oo ters willbe there, and all t he p laye rs on theNarberth team, and several membersof Connie Mack's Athletics, and otherbig stars in the baseball world.vVilliam H .. Durbin, pres ident of theNarberth Club, who wi ll be th e toastmas te r, a nd W. G. Crowel1, another ofNarberth's cel eb ri ti es i n the worl d o fathletics and sport s, const itute thecommit te e on speakers, and they arearranging a fine program that no re alfan wi ll wan t t o miss.As "we go to press" Mr. Durbinannounces tha t two of the principalguests at the dinner will b e Geo rgeEarnshaw, who pitched the Athleticsto that phenomenal. two-hit shutoutv ictory o ver t hc Cardinals on Tues-Cont inue on PnKe :.

    Meet Next ThursdayA mceting of thc Home MissionarySociety will be held in the NarberthMethodist Episcopal Church on Thursday afternoon, October 15, at twoo'clock. Every member is u rged t o bepresent.

    Epworth League SundayThe regular meeting of t he EpworthLeague wil l be held on Sunda)' evemngat 6:45 at the Methodist EpiscopalChurch. The topic will be given byMr. S. S. Gulic, on "Vocational Guidance." A 11 are welcome.

    Christian Endeavor ReopensThe Narbe rth Pre sbyte ri an Chr is t ian Endeavor have reopened for the irfall and winter work. Almost all of theold members were in thei r p laces lastweek. Mrs. John Havel ick will leadthe discussion at this Sunday's meeting at 6:45 P. M. The topic wil l be,"What Is Expected of Us as GoodCitizens." On Friday, October 16, asocial and elect ion of off icers for theyear wil l take place. On Saturday, th e17th, t he Endeavor wil l join w it h th eYouuf!' People's Class in a "doggyroast.

    and good fel lowship. vVill iam Kirkpatrick is the chairman of th e housecomm ittee and has associated withhim on that committee George Supleeand Arthur Cooke. Three other members will be appointed to that com-mittee. .The husiness session was speedilyconcluded and immediately after therewere four tables.of bridge in p lay withenough membe rs ava il ab le fo r a dd itional t ab les had they not been inc li ne d t o d evot e the time to gettingaCCjuainted and watch ing the play ofthe other s. There is no doubt thateach of those' spectators learned whatis going to be an importan t a spec t ofthe club, and tha t is that i t wil l alwaysbe possible to play with a g roup whoar e of about the same skill a nd pro f ic iency in the game as any n ~ e l 1 1 b e rma y r at e himself. No one who considers himself a dub is going to bemade to feel embarrassed by an ydemon fanatic who quotes.all the rulesal l t he til:ne, forward and back.

    Earnshaw, Dykes and Wilson, of Cards, toBe Guests at Baseball Banquet Thursday

    The bridge luncheon held on Monday in the library of St. Margaret'sS choo l was a v er y suc ce ss fu l a ffair.Seventeen tables were in play andmany beaul iful prizes awarded.At the business meeting of the Guildheld on Tuesday cveJ:ing the followingofficers were elected: Mrs. C. J. Good

    year, pres ident; Mrs. F. X. Purcell.vice president; ~ rs. C. B. Stoudt,secretary; Mrs . J . M. Henry, treasurer,and Mrs. J. M. Townsend, chairmanof hostesses.Mrs. Pierre Laird wi1l be the hostessat a b ridge t ea at her home, 112 AvonRoad, on Friday afternoon, October16, at 2 o' cl ock for the benefit of theGuild.

    Mrs. C. J. Goodyear Elected OtherSt. Margaret's Guild Head Sport

    Narberth, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1931

    ( ; "nt l l l1 l" ' l .. n PnA"e 13

    Narberth Whist Club Adopts By-Laws;Chess to BeAdded; NewMembers EnrolledThe general rules and by-laws of t he

    Narberth vVhist Club, the new men'scommunity organization, wer e una nimously adopted at an enthusiasticand largely attended meeting in theclub room in the Elm hall b u i l d ~ n glast Monday evening. I t was voted to.add che ss t o the list o f games whichwill be officially indulged in by themembership and a full set of chessequipment was contributed.Six new applications for membershipwere received, including on e f rom aman who had come personally in response to the published indicationsthat the club membership would beopen to any interes ted man living inNarberth or this vicinity. It was votedthat from now on the club roon1 willbe open every week-day evening forbridge and other games a nd t ha t onemember o f t he h ou se comm itt ee willbe in attendance each e ve ni ng t o int ro du ce member s to e ach other andto promote .a lFother 'a ims of recreat ion

    I IV DAVI '; C,\.SBYNarberth 's rosy hopes of a fourthconsecutive Main Line League titlevanished last Sunday a fternoon undera flood of base h it s from Pao li bat s.The magic spell exercised over Paoli' sbats in the earlier games of the seriesdisappeared completely as the determined men of Madden hammered thep it ch ing o f Reynolds, J ack so n an dMcKee for nineteen hits and t en runs.Four inexcusable errors committed bythe collapsing Narberth team alsoaided the Paoli cause considerably .Meanwhile, Jimmy Nobli tt was pitching a game fully as distinguished as

    Dave Trost hurled on S aturd ay andNarberth's batting efforts were limitedto five scattered hits, Bob Martin getthlg two , a t ri pl e and a single , the firstof which, following Jack Jefferies' hardhit two-baser g ave th e borough boyst he ir one lonely run.Th e largest crowd of the yearthronged Swampoodle Park and thePaoli sectiou of it went wild with gleeas their representat ives batte red theoffer ings of Gene Davis' hurlers t o allcorners of the field. Girard, Trost andthe youthful Harbutt led t he a tt ac kwith three hits apiece, while Umbach,Verna; Davis an d E ach us e ach contributed a brace of bingles t o Pao li 'stremendous total. The western club


    Madden's Sluggers Pound Out aTentoOne Victory inFinal Game.

    Paoli Captures MainLine League Crown

    Elected Class PresidentMiss Madeleine Baughman, daughter of Mrs. Helen G. Baughman, ofNarberth, has been elected president ofth e ) unior Class of Wilson College,Chamber sbur g, P a. M is s Baughmanhas held numerous class offices previousto this year. She wa s treasurer of thefreshman class, and was elected vicepresident in her sophomore year. Inaddition to these hqnors , Miss Baughman is a member oT the 0 mega Thetahonorary l i terary society.

    OmtToVolume I i , No. 52

    Mrs. A. A. Crooks Speaks on.Club Essentials, Stressing


    C a r n i v a l ~ ChairmenReport on Work

    Boro Community ClubHolds First Meeting


    The Mulieres of the Narbe rth F ir eCompany held a meeting on Thursdayafternoon in Elm Hall, when thechairmen of the booths repor .ted ontheir act iv it ies in col1ect ing donationsfor the tables at the coming Firemen'sCarnival on Oct ober 23 and 24, to begi ven in Elm Hal1 for. the benef it o fthe Fire Company.The cafeteria supper will be serveddownstairs and the radio game willalso be downs ta ir s. Those who attendthe suppe r and game must go upsta irshefore leaving the hall.Mrs. Charles E. Harnden , who isin c ha rge o f t he a pr on commit te e, h asabout lOa aprons. Those in chargeof the groce ry booth have also secureda good ly supp ly , a nd t ho se in chargeo f t he toilet goods table will also havea fine display. A feature of the carnival will be a variety table, consisti ng o f odds and ends which cannot bephided on the other tables. Therewi1l be a spe ci al table for the kiddies,at whieh t he y may buy a tt ra ct iv e toysfor as low as t cn c en ts . This is inc ha rge o f Mrs. Robert J. Nash and

    Mrs. Alberty Nulty.:Mrs. Cli fford Bates and her aidesh ~ v e dressed a n umber of a"ttractived()lIies, for which there will be a special booth. There will also be delicious

    CODtinuea on Pall;e 13

    Many Booths at Affair onOctober 23 and 24 atElm.Hall

    . "One of t he mos t essential things ina c lub," said Mrs. A. A. Crooks, in hertalk on Club Essentials at the meetingof th e Women 's C ommunit y Cl ub ofNarberth on Tuesday afternoon, "isfor the pre sident to see the interestedfaces o f the club members. The second e ss en ti al is l oy al ty , loyalty ofeve ry membe r of th e c lu b t o the president, whose regime will undoubtedlybe stFengthened; loyalty to the Boardof Direc tors and t o t he chai rmen of' the various committees." Other essentials she mentioned were tact, dependability, responsib il i ty , k indness,charity, leadership and self-control andmany other things which make a clubsuccessful.According to Mrs. Crooks, 'WelfareWork should come fi rst on the clubp rogr am thi s year . Another subjectto be discussed should be Economics,which should' include "The Cash orDeferred Payment Plan." Mrs.Crooks, having heard the reports ofthe various chairmen, commended thec ha irmen on t he work p la nned for thecoming season.Mrs. C. Fred Kuebler, )r., was thesoloist , Mrs. Kuebler has a sopranovoic e of great flexibility a nd b ea ut yand sang three selections. "Sylvan,"b y Sin di ng ; "Little Damozel," byNovello, and "I. Dream of Jeanie," byFoster. He r accompanist was Mrs.

    Cont inuedloDPnll;e 3


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    October 9, 19J1

    S I ~ 1 I or t i le DeN t i UenfN

    Rump of Veal .lb., 25c

    Rib Roast (thick end), lb., 20cPin Bone, 5 to 6 Ibs., lb., 30cRump Steak 35cBeef Kidneys each, 15c

    Try our celebrated BreakfastBACON, whole piece, lb., 30csliced, lb., 35c

    SPRING LAMB:Shoulder .Ib., 16cNeck, 12c; Breast, 6c lb.Neck end Rack Chops........20c

    Deliveries Twice Daily ill YourNeighborhood. Our service is

    as Near as Your Pholle

    Try our Quality Meatsat these low week-endprices, and you'll find outwhy Bradley's enjoys itshalf-century-old reputation as Philadelphia'sleading house for the'sale of best meats:

    Narberth 2430-2431

    Bradley Market2106-08 Market StreetRITTENHOUSE 7070

    TRADITIONTradition, as indicating honesty and value,grows in esteem withthe years. The highquality of Jed doHighland coal, bornof a great naturalpurity and an unchangingly high standard of preparation forseventy-nine years, hasbe com e Tradition,highly cherished bythe . Jeddo - HighlandCoal Company and itsdealers.

    2 0 ~ ~ ~ B


    Narberth Coal CompanyRALPH S.DUNNE


    .. - ,


    OUR TOWNage "lwoRotarians See Pictures

    of Canadian Forests

    9th District Commander toAttend Post's MeetingAdjutant C. J. Clarke, o f t he Har ol dD. Speakman Post , announced the receipt of a cc ep ta nc e of the DistrictCOlnmander of the 9th Dist ri ct to at tend t he nex t mee ti ng of the Post onMonday evening, Octobcr 26, who wi lluftlciate at t he i ns ta lla ti on o f the n ewofficers for t he comi ng y ea r.The gue st wil l be t he Eastern ViceCOllllllander, F ra nk Kan te r, of theJames J. Barry Po st of Philadelphia.Charles Greyer, who is in charge of acommittee who is preparing for theannual armistice dinner, announces thepreparations for the dinner are proceeding in a satisfactory manner.As in pre vio us y ea rs , attendance at

    the dinner will be l im it ed to a groupof outstanding c it izens o f Narberth.Frank A. Schrepfer, cOl11mander, willannounce a t the dinner the winner ofthe Americ an Legion Certificate ofDistinguished Service to the COI11-munity. At the banquet of 1930, theAmerican Legion Distinguished Certificate was awarded to Mr. J. ]. Cabrey.

    I T u e ~ d a y evening Communi ty B ib leG C'l- h Class led by Miss Harrison.o to rtUrC I Wednesday e v e n i n ~ - - - < P r a y e r meet-______________ 1ing. Subject, "The Epistle to the--- IThessalonians."An exhibit of Illotion picture films Baptist Church of the E'I'angel _taken in the Canadian wilderness made Hober t E . Kei gh to n, M in is te r. i Holy Trinity Lutheran Churchup the program of the tlrst supper Sunday, October II : I Sunday, October 11, 1931:meeting of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth 9:45 A. 11 . -The Church School., 9 :30 A. M.-Bible School for allRotary Club, held in the Cynwyd Club- The contest between depart- Monday night. The speaker ments begins with thi s meeting 11 :00 A. M . -The morning service.wa s Ph ili p A. L ivi r. gs to n, loca l pub. of the school! Theme: "All-Powerful."Iisher. 11 :00 A. !\!.-l\Iorning worship. Ser- 6 :45 P. M . -Luther League de,:o-The films included over 1100 feet of , mon: "The Character of Wor- tional made in the Mississagi Forest' ship." 17:45 P. M.-The evening service.Reserve, Ontario. They were taken in 7:45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser- Theme: "The Appraiser."1930 during a t ri p in which the speaker 1110n: "The God of Nature." A Tuesday, 8 P. M.-Luther Leaguewas accompanied by Edward S. Weyl, prescntation of the first two Ibl1siness meeting at the home of Mr.Philadelphia attorney. The Indian chaptcrs of Genesis from the and Mrs. Theodore F ischer , B-308who acted as guide assisted in the modern point of view. I Narberth Wedncsdav October 14 8 P. M'- I Thursday, 7:30 P. M.-Choir re-The pic tu res s howed a part of the Prayer servfc'c. A d e v o t i ~ n a l service hearsal a t t hc home of 1\1 iss Squicr, 305forcsts rarely visitcd by whi te mcn . with Biblc cxposition. These services Grayling Avenue.Excellcnt shots were obtained of lakes, are receiving good support frol11 our I -------rapids and great watcrfalls, with a run- pcopl e. Arc thcy rcgular appointments Methodist Eplscopal Churchning i llust ration of t he l ong por tage s f r ou?and overnight camps. The audience 0 y . I Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister.looked with envy at the. pictures of Sunday, October 11.two-pound speckled trout being pulled First Church of Christ, Scientist 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School.' into the canoe. Athens and Linwood Aves., Ardmore. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worsh ip . Ser -I n a b ri ef i nt roduct ion to the show- Sunday services, 11 A. M. No eve- I mon by the Rev. H. C. Leonard,ing of the p ic tu res the speaker de- ning service. I D. D., of the Board of Homescribed the location of the country vis- Sunday School, II A. M. I Missions. Dr. Leonard is a dis-i ted and gave a shor t account of the \Vedn esday evenin g testimonial tinguishcd preacher and shouldwild l ife encountered. Several excel-. meetings, 8 o'clock. have a large audience.lent pictures of moose were shown. Reading. Room, 19 \Ves t Lancas ter ' (i :45 P. M.-Epworth League.Avenue, opcn daily, 10:30 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.-Mass Meeting under the4:30 P. M. VVednesday evening, 1):151 ,auspices of t he Men 's Club. Ad-to,?:45. . . I d r ~ s s e s by the Hon. Fletcher ~ V [h e suhJect for the BIble lesson ser-I StItes and Dr. Frank MacDalllel.

    1110n ior Sunday: "Ar e Sin, Diseasc\, The l'l'laJe Quartette will sing.and Death Rcal?" 1\1 iss Ernestine B. Bacon will be thcIsoloist o f t he mor ni ng .The Presbyterian Church ' Tuesday, October 13.John Van Ness, D. D., Minister. I 8:00 P .. M . - ~ f e e t i n g of t he Lad ie s'Mectings for Octoher II : I AId SocIety.9:45 A. M.-Bible School. As a re-I Wednesday,. October 14. . .snit of the proll1otions of Rally 4 :00 P. M .-1\1cetmg of the Kmg sDay, several new classes will be H eral,h;.fOrllH'd today. I 7:30 P. 1\1 .-Preparatory Members'II :00 A. M.-Morning worship. com-, Class.mun ion medit at io n on "Christ 8 :00 P. M. -Prayer Meeting. ParishOur Passover ." There will be Loya lt y Ni gh t. The wholea pub li c re cept ion o f n ew mem- mcmbership invited.bcrs followed by the celebration Thursday, October IS.of t he Lord's Supper. 2 :00 P. 1\1 .-Meeting of thc Home11 :00 A. M .-The Junior Church con- Missionary Society in the,Iucted by :M rs. A. S. Digby and Church Parlor. E v e r ~ ' member

    1\1rs. H. A. Smith . ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ I S ~ ' ~ u ~ r : g : e { : l ~ t : o ~ b ; e ! ! I ; ) r ~ e : s ~ e n ; t ~ ' ! ! ' ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ t:45 P. M.-Mcetings of the three I _ ,._ . ." '_ .. _ .. _ Chrishan Endeavor Societies. I" --7:45 P. M.-Evening worship. Amus ical scrvi ce with speci al i n- J dd H - hI dtrU1nental an:1 vocal selections. e 0- 19 anr. Van N css will s pe ak on thehistorv and message o f the beau- u1n th r t l c t- t eiful . hymn, "Lead, KindlyLight."

    No Squeak for aThousand Miles!

    Guaranteed Perfect $1GREASING andLUBRICATIONOur Ser"ice Includes:1. Greasing:-Alemite, Zerk, Dot, etc.1. Spray ing Spr ings , Brake Connections and Chassis forsqueaks.2. Servicing and Greasing Steering Column and UniversalJoints.4. Oiling:-Generator, Starter, Distributor, Fan, Door a ndHood Hinges.5. Service Bat tery with Pure Distilled Water.6. Inspect and Report on Your Transmission and DifferentialLubricant., - All Cars $1.00We guarantee perfect lubrication for 1000 miles. Should anyadditiopal greasing or spring spraying .be necessary in this t ime,there will be no charge. Five differentgreases are necessary for aperfect job and we use them.Sunshine Service

    R.ROY KESSINGERMontgomery Pike at Old Gulph RoadN b rth::' 2'229 We'll call for.and deli.ver Ifar e .., ,. your car, 1 you wtsh.~ _ ~ ~ ! ! ! i ! _ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! - ~ ~ ~ ~ I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    ,. ;;.

    'l;, ~ ~ j ;

    \ L , ; ~

    Page Three

    Girl Scout SundaySunday, October 25, will be GirlScout Sunday a t Vallcy For ge an dwill mark thc inauguration of GirlScout \Veek. A l ar ge gat he ri ng o fScouts from the Main Line and Philadelphia is ant ic ipa ted. The Rev. W.Herbert Burk, rector of the Washington Mcmorial Chapel , wil l make anaddress at 3 P. M.

    These are products of the American OilCompany, which is owned jointly by thePan-American and the Mexican Petro'leum Companies. Its merchandise islike the company itself-liberal and onthe level.

    Bala-Cynwyd, Penna.Greenwood 7484

    Narberth Bridge Garagec. P.COOK

    Narberth Avenue at the BridgePhone: Narberth 3775


    BLUE GAS-l Ie per gallon, or5 gallons for 50c, or 10 gallons for$1, until further notice at the tank.AMERICAN GAS, 13c per gallonAMOCO GAS . . . . 18c per gallon

    Cynwyd 700-701

    I COA LFUEL O ILCOKEAt Philadelphia Circular Prices

    May We Serve You?

    - ' - - - -.- - - - - - - - -








    The NarberthNational Bank

    HWhen my ship comesin, I will start that sav-mgswait-start . antoday. Add to i t regularly, and your ship offinance will be ready toweather any storm.Know the thrill of having money in the bank.

    Earnshaw, Dykes, Wilsonto Be Banquet Guests

    everyone who has e ve r a tt en ded one Iall a good hand a n a rousing .cheer. .of "Charfey 's d inners" knows that he .Remember: The baseball dlllner ISsure makes the table "groan under t he next Thursday evening, October 15, atweight of good things" and t ~ a t n o ~ h . 7 o'C lo ck i n Elm Hall. I f you hav'en't

    Continued from Page On e ing wil l be w a n t i l ~ g in the cuhnary Ime already ~ r o c u r e d your t ic ke t. g e t i t. to make .the af fair a grand s uc ce ss . immed ia te ly , e ith er at Davis' s to re o rday, and J i m n ~ y .'Nllson, the star In adchfton to the gue st s o f. ho no r, f rom an y o f the

    Continued f rom Pn ge On e

    October 9, i9JlBoro Community ClubHolds First Meeting

    IEvangelist to Speak I

    Robert Fraser, Radio Gospel Singer Iand Evangel is t, wil l speak at a rallyto be held at SI. Luke's M. E. Church,Penn and Montgomery Avenues, Brynl\hwr, on Thursday evening. October15. at 8 oclock. The rally is in chargeof th e Main L in e Ass oc ia ti on of EP-Iworth Leagues. ,To Stage Farce I II

    "The Woman le ss Weddi ng ," a i MEMBER FEDERAL If arce sponsored by the Gladwynne I RESERVE SYSTEM ICommunity Club, wil l be presented at IGladwync on October 22 and 23. Sixty~ h c ~ h m e n ~ i l l bke part ~ h ' l t h ~ a f f ~ ~ I < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ,ic promises to be very I anous. " . _ . _

    ~ ary Lockhart l\f arch.Th e surprise of the afternoon was afashion show staged hy l\f rs. JosephH. 1\[iller, chairman of th e FellowshipCommittee. Costumcs worn by thc

    mcmbcrs o f t he c lub wcr e d is pl ay ed ,dating f rom a pcriod o f s ix ty or moreyears ago. Mrs. Georgc Norman Gillgave the introductory speech as wellas the d es cr ip tio ns of each gown.First was Que en Victoria, impersonated b y Mrs. John W. Joyce, and herlady-in-waiting, impersonated b y MissAlberta Davis. Mrs. J oe ph H . Millerwore a quaint gown o f th e 70's wit.h a.unique ha t of lace straw of that period.I t was a large pancake af fair , w ith alarge brim.1\[ rs. John Orth wore a model of theyear of 1875 in b la ck decorat ed withbeads and. jet. Mrs. Walter Schlippand 1\1 rs. James B. Smith woregowns o f the 8 0 ' ~ , whil.e Mrs. ~ F.Stevens appeared 111 a bright red Jacketand black skirt of t he g ay 90's. Mrs.Havman wore a 1900 d inne r f rock fol lowed hy a maid of honor and a brideof 1915.. Mrs. C. Arley Farmer woreher OWII b ri da l co st ume, wh ile M is s

    Virginia Burgstresser appeared in adainty 11I0del of pink taffcta as themaid of honor.As a c limax, The Fashions of Todaywere shown. The model s were Mrs'lEdward Larney, Mrs. E. Guy Steinford Mrs. F. P. Barke r, Mrs . FrankC. Stiefel and Mrs. L. J. Cowie.Previous to the program, the reportsof the various committees for t:.hcirwork for the coming year were heard.Th e Fel lowshi p Commi tte e, Mrs .Joseph H. Mil le r, Chairman, re'portt;dthat her commi tt ee was keep ll1g 111touch with the members and that a Inumber of card parties were beingplanned for the coming season. !Mrs. C. Arley Farmer,:Chairmali of iCivics, gave a brief r ep or t o n- the;Health Center. Other chairmen who Imade repor ts were: Mrs. E. C. TOWII, Iof the Amcrican Citizcnship and IEducation; Mrs. William J. Lo\tghlin'iof the American Home; Mrs. Joseph 1

    Aiken, on Welware; Mrs. M. M. LIVingston, on Con se rv at io n; Mrs . J o h ~ 1Nash, of Dramatics; Mrs. E. M. Sulhvan, Cha irman o f Membership, whoreported two new c lub membe rs , Mrs.A. R. Adams, of Ove rh il l Road, CYII-lwvd and Mrs. Cha rl es ""Valsh, ofG r a ~ ' l i n g Avenue. Mrs. V. O. Krouskop and the members of Hospita li tyCommittee served tea. Irs . Car yl E. S ta rr , Cha irman o fLiterature, will hold a meet ing of thereading class a t her home, 151 MerionAvenue, on Tuesday afternoon, October 13, at two o'c lock, to discuss thep lans for the coming year.The Executivc Board of the Clubwill hold a mce ti ng on Tuesday morning, Octobcr 13, at the home of Mrs..\V. C. Ncwman, 439 Anthwyn 10:30.The Annual Fall Luncheon and Entertainment will be held at the Nar-

    I'berth Methodist Episcopal Church.

    Every member is urged to attend theMontgomery County Federation Meeting at Pot ts town , o n October. 22.Those desiring transportation shouldcommunicate with Mrs. Hayman, ofAvon Road.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page:Four OUR'TOWN" October 9, 1$131

    .. ; . ',( .......

    -------- j r---------------------- l lI Benefit for St. John'sEvents in Brief I OURTO\\lN ,Church Auxiliary Will Be- - - - - - - - - = - - - - at Egyptian, 14th and 15th'Would aid depositors. The Wayne I A Co-operati'lle (;omrnunit., N e f l l s - M a g a ~ i n e , founded in 1914 b., the Narberth I'Title, and T ru st Company has an- Ci'llic Association, and published efer., Frida., at Narberth, Pa., b., thenounced that i t will lend depositors of At the Egyptian Theatre. onthe Main Line National Bank, at LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY IWednesday, October 14, and Thurs-~ a r 5 n e p e ' ; h ~ ~ ~ t ~ f c ~ h : i r d j ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ t ' f i ~ ~ I PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager I~ f Y ' s : . h e J ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ t ~ i n l ~ : h : 1 H C ~ ~ 1 \ ~ , d ~ i l ~ ~ i r ;deposits. The Main Line National was! ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor participate in a benefit performance of. II k . I "Huckleberry Finn."taken over by a natlOna >an examll1er THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Advertising ManaRerat the r eque st of t he Boa rd of D ir ec -


    \' Because of the unusual appea l oftors, in order to conserve its assets. Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth this fill)] to persons, of all ages, inaddit ion to the r egu la r even ing per -Dedicate fire house. With a parade Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 Iforl1lances at 7 and 9 o'clock, an "after-which included many pieces of fire I schoo l mat inee" will be given bothapparatus and a banquet following, the , SUBSCR I PT ION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE days, at 4 o'clock, in order to a ffordnew home of the Penn Wvnne-Over-I Ihe chi ld ren an ol>por tunity to enJ'oyJ IllI.tcre.) nil "ccoI..l-clnl1l1 mntter, Octobcr Ja , J9J-I, n t t l. e POllt Office ntbrook Hil ls Fi re Company was form- I Nnrl.ertl. PI I under tbe Act of I\lnreb a, 1819 . this ever-popular comedy by Mar ka1ly dedicated last Saturday afternoon. \ Twain.I nspe ct ion of the p rope rt y was made I I Ticket s a t the ordinary price ofby many residents ~ t h community, October 9, 1931 thirty-five cents may be obtained fromwho expressed satisfaction over the members of the vVoman's Auxiliary.attractive layout. I IFif ty per cent. is a1l0wed for benefi t,Escapes prosecution. By surrender- II October and the Neighborhood Brats II but no percentage is given un less the. I ' If t L r M rio ol'ce S f 1ft ' I II . t l' 't leT I tickets are bought before the day of'mg lII11Se,. 0 owe e. n .p I 01l1e ew years ago >e ore we at allle( co egm c (Igm y, :l a - I performance; readers are requested toalnd . p l r o . l l l 1 s L I I ~ g to1 m,ake resetltultelon"htoo lowc'cn was a n e vent t o be allticipated. \\ 'c thought fo r days of methods Ibuy ti cket s not l at er t han Tue sd ay .t le "" am me >us1l1ess p op \'. ' . f a I 31 .cash ed wor th les s che ck s for him two whereby the n C I ~ h b o r s could, be annoye d on t he cvcnmg 0 cto ler '1 The special c O I ~ l I l 1 i t t e e in 'charge ofyears ago. Iver H . .Breckwolst, form- V\'e concoctcd tlck-tocks. sWiped field corn and a rr anged cans of water the b e n e ~ t consists o Mrs; H e n ~ yerly of ,Narherth, Will e s c ~ p e prosecu- to he tiplled against f ront cloors. ' ~ r y , president of the oman s A n ~ l l -tion. Edward Kane , Menon attorney,! I lary; Mrs. S. Harold Croft, Mrs, ~ 1 1 -represented.Breckwolst at a hearing I .:,\11 of it was very c.hi.ldish; most o,f it was. harmless; of t l ~ e liam Tuttle, Mrs. J. B. S. R o b i n ~ t ~ :before MagIstrate ~ H o ~ a r d M ' : . r ~ - I actIvities were pret ty maltclous. Th c POlllt we Wish to emphaSize at thiS Mrs. C I ~ r ~ n c e G a r d n ~ r , of C Y I 1 ~ ) 1,1:dith at Ardmore poltce statIOn lastFn-. f 11 'd . - Mrs. Wilham Cornehus, of Menon,day night. stage IS that such sport was care u y rcstncte t o o ne ev enmg . Mrs. M a u ~ i c e Long. of Bala, and Mrs .

    I In recent years the J'ovs of malicious mischief have led to t he exten- C. T. Fanes , of Wynnewood; ~ I r s . , }.Greet peace caravan. Students of . ': " . 'S. Ketcham and l'\,[rs. Delancey".Bryn Mawr College. President Marion Ision of so-called Ballowe;n pnvtleges to a greater and g reat er pel:lOd. Cameron, of Narberth.E d w a ~ d s Park and Dean H e l e l ~ Taft, At first merely a n e xt ra mght or two were reserved t.o annoy th e neIgh-I A phone ca1l to Cynwyd 373 \Viii~ ~ a n n m g greeted the t r a l 1 s c o n t l n e n t ~ l , horhood' thcn a week was found all too short. .TIm; vear, before the Iinsure prompt del ivery of t icke ts for( I h s a r m a l ~ l e n t l cLaravan Off thepVvomendSIdawn of' th e mont h o f Odoher grouI>s of J' uvenilc llesti were abroad to , anyone of the four performances.nternat lOna eaguc or eace an , L IFreedom in front of Taylor Hal1 on s ee how much damage could be done uncler th e excuse of a holtday stili Ihe college campus Tuesday afternoon. Ia month distant. News and ActiVities at1Iicmhers of the caravan addressed the ,. .. I L M HO h S h I~ s 5 e m b l y . .It later' proceeded to I . Ts no t the averagc citIzen cl1tltl.etl to th.c samc sportll1g consldcra- i Ig C 00Swarthmore Col1ege. i : I O I ~ as a .duck, a cleer or a I ~ ? h - w h l t e ? , \Vtll ~ I ~ e r e soon be no closed I .Memor ia l window. Dedi cat ion of a Iseason fOI the harassecl motOllst or h O ~ l s e h o l d e l . I , A Columbus Day program was h ~ l dwindow at St. Mar y' s Church, A rd- I Th e d ay s o f costumed visits to b eg a few nuts or apples ar c giving: II I the w e e k l ~ assembly of t h highmore in memory of Adam Averell', I d ' f . . I . I t I - Ischool on Frldav. After devot ions, aR ' k I ItS d TI way to t le eSlres 0 a ncw generatIOn-a generatIOn w lIC 1 secms 0 >e !>rogram in memory of ChristOl>heross. too p ace as un ay. le d fl" f 'II I I d d dmemorial window, the gift of the Ross ma e up 0 a com lll1atlon 0 I -mannere( lrats an arne poor sports. I Columbus was presented by, is placed iii the west side of I The i rate fannel ' who found his gat e on top of the barn after Hallowe'en I The program was as fol1ows: Orathe nave. Mr. Ross was a . v e ~ t r y m a n at least knew he was f ai r game on t he fat eful night. The man who comcs tion" Mary Jean , !"oorman; Poem,?f the church from. 1919 U1.1t11 hiS death ou t of his house weeks hefore Hallowe'en to find the ai r missing from his! "Columbus,". John GII1; Columbus, by111 1929. The wmdow IS from the . , I fi"1 fl'. . 'd d I" If" _ -I d " Angelo Patn, read by a student; Song,studio of Nicolai D'Ascenzo. Itires. t le illS 1 0 l I cal nune an lIS Jlorc 1 ulmture smas le cannot My Country ' ti s o f Thee.T h t . k Th fi t t' be expected to takc It so calmly. I ' J-eac er 5 nc en. e rs case infantile paralysis to be admi tted to I Unless we all dec ide tha t every part of the year is opcn fo r destruc-I The election of officers of the Juniorthe Bryn Mawr Hospital from the tive mischief and allot a cer ta in amount of ou r income t o r es to re the I Class was held ear ly this week. TheMain Line s ince the epidemic of 1?18 damage wrot:ght by the neighborhood children the t ime has c ome to step returns showed .that Tom Kennedy, .ofwas taken there 01.1 Monday, accordmg I . . . .' fi _ ' . . . . . I Bryn Mawr, Will be Ihe class chal rto the Lower Menon Board of Health. on thiS grmyll1g practice. . \ .few Stl ff n e s ~ 01 ,sUIts to r damages wouldIman; Pat Pat te rson , of Bala-Cynwyd ,The pat ient is Hel llY C. Evans , 28, : wake th e gUilty parents up a bIt . no douht. I'ew fond mothe rs can protest will officiate as vice-president; Beckya. t c a c ~ e r at Penn. C h a r t e ~ ~ c h o o l , who Iignorance ?f what is goi ng on if little V\i illie begs candle wax and soap I SI?eer, ,o f ~ a r h e r ~ h : wi1l .keep thehves m the JUnior B u ~ l d 1 l 1 g C!f the from thc kI tchen and parks a l arge bag of s to len corn on th e porch weeks' mll1utes as secretal.y, and Dick Rock-Haverford School. He IS married to 1 f H II ' I wel1, treasurer, wdl have charge ofa graduate student at Bryn Mawr Col- le or e a owe en. , the c lass funds.lege. Perhaps, fo r th e sake of sentiment , we can concede one day each yea r I J-. Get headlights a n $7.35. Two men for youngsters to ruin things belonging to other persons. This year,! A new ~ c h o o l bus has made its ap

    111 an old D o d ~ e With headhghts out above all others, 110 person should be subjected to extra expense to repair: pearance 111. the fleet o p . e r a ~ e d by . thehaled Dave , mght watchman a.t the malic ious de -tr cti 11 I Lower Menon School plstr!ct. It IS aCynwyd Garage, Montgomery Pike at I suo . 1General Motors chaSSIS WIth a DodyP e m b r ~ k e . Road, C;ynwyd, .sh?rtly !,f parents, instead of dos,ing their e ~ e s and saying "we a re only young! b the Franks Body Works. This busafter nlldl11ght last Fnday. and 1I1slsted lonce would curb the destructIve ten(lencles and pOOl,' sportsmanship o f t he Iwll1 be o p ~ r a t e d by F r ~ l 1 k Ruddy, theI ~ unlock the place and sel1 them head- ten-vcar-old theY would have less cause for unhal)l)incss when the llOlicc i vet.eran dnver. and WIll be used forh ~ h t bulbs, As he rang up the sale I '. ' . . , < - I r elief work to t ak e care of extra runsand opened the cash register, they ~ a i d Icourts II1tcrfcrc With the darhng s more grown-up annoyances. ! and will serve for t ransportat ion of ."That's what we want!" and made II athletic teams. The purchase (>rice isoff with the bulbs and $7.35. Police reported to be $4800.were ca lled hut the car had van ished. I A Contact With the Normal J-. An i n a u ~ p i c i o u s start.. Fire p r e v ~ n - Tn this " ca r o f s tress and strain the re turn of thc fall season hring-! A drive f?or. s u b s c r ~ P t i ? n ~ for thetlon week III Lower Menon opened 111- 1 T d- f . I d . _.' "1 I. ' school paper he Menomte l l a ~ beenauspiciously on Monday with two fires, \I g a peno 0 socia an artistic contacts, s lOUIe be more than ever held during thIS week . Pos te rs 111 theone in Ardmore and the other in Rose- apprecIated. ha ll s of the schoo l bu ilding announcemont.. The. first at the home of C. This afternoon the baton of Leopold Stokowski wil l ca ll fo r the the. fact that "now .is ~ h time to sub-Frederick C. Stout, 214 Glenn Road, y 1 . I '. . I I ' I '11 I ' . k' I . ISCribe to the Merlomte at $1.50 theArdmore. was extinguished by the 1 l l ~ g l c w llC 1 IS I 1 1 U S I ~ . am w lIC 1 WI (0 I ~ part 111 ta \Ill? t le worned sub. The staff of the paper repor tsMe rion Fir e Company, and the o the r, ITIlIld away f rom hus\Iless and finance and mto a wor ld whi ch may seem I that it is trying to have a c ircu la tionat the Rosemont statiOll of the Penn- extraneous, bu t which is. after all, the essential one. 1of at least 600 pape rs p er week, andsylvania Railroad: was put out by the Fo r after 'all f ood f o til I (I d f d f tl ' I . > tl ft. f I t h i ~ number will probably be clearedBryn Mawr FIre Company. Bu t . ' ' . r e lO yan 00 or . le Sou .al e l ac sO l eaSIly.s ligh t damage was done . litfe, and paper profits 111 t he s tock market arc dIstorted 111 theIr values. 1In general's memory. Eight stained 'l;'he happiest man nowadays is th e one who has the least material posses- i Att end S ta te Convention. Georgeglass windows will be dedicated in st.1 slons to worry ahout, and the grcatest reservoir of appreciation of life. i Gillespie and Earl Miske, of the Na r-

    John's Church, Cynwyd, this S u n d ~ y i No one who g et s t he fullcst sensation from Illusic art o r nattlre c 11! be rt h Fire Company, and Malcolm111 memorv of General Wende ll Phll-, . . ' a ! Boyd and Charles '/Volfe, of thelips BO\Vlilan and his wife El iz ab eth pu t to.o Illuch stress upon yacht s, e st at es and secunt le s. Conve rsely, the! Merion Fire Company of Ardmore. arcMalcolm Bowman. .The' 1edication guard!l1g of these material things r o b ~ one of the joy of emotional I representatives of t ~ l e Main Linea lso marks three anl llve rsanes . The expenence. That may be poor consolatIOn to the man who has had his Iv

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page Five

    (ltrw.rirryIrsitttiusirrLocated on B elm ont Avenue above City Line:Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessiblefrom all points. The Westminster landscape hasall the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.


    Majestic Electric ShopA11l1OUHCeS its Removal from Narberth Avenue to250 Haverford Avenue

    Yal l are invited to drop in and see our new models ofMAJESTIC Radios which range in price from

    $44.50 to $290.00 Complete....HOUSE WIRING:: ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ...

    To an Exhibition of Paintings byMARTHA FLECK BROWN

    bGing held in our Studio of Art. Lovely bitsof local scenery, by a local artist, hang sideby side with quaint portraits and brilliantfloral pieces. Come in and enjoy the restful atmosphere of beauty. The room s areopen from 8 :30 to 5.1 _ ~ ~ ~ ! ! _ L u m b e r C o m p ~ 2 9 Bala Ave., B a l a - C y ~ ~ ~


    Consult Ticket AgentsPennsylvania Railroad

    From NarberthEVERY SUNDAY.' $1.40{ Atlantic CityWildwood, Cape MayAsbury Park,Ocean GroveLong Branch

    "Basque People." by Dorot hy Can -fil'ld: "Dot and .WiII at Home." hy Pleasing Luncheons Awa;t ,),ouFannie Kilhourn; "Flower o f L ife." hy in the SODA FOUNTAINThomas Burke ; "Scaramouche theKingmaker." by Rafael Sahatini; "John at Shea'sWil l Rogers at Narberth IHemy." by Roark Bradford; "l\Iexico." ~ ' Y Y F 1" "T'II }' , by Stuart Chase. Pharmacy. oung as ou l " ~ . vv I \.ogers I },Tystery and Detec tive Stories:latest comedy, will amuse and enter- New Books Listed "About 2 A. M.... by C. F. Coe; "Mur- We Deli'l'ertain at the Narberth Theatre this Fri- Books added to the Narberth Li- der of Steven Kes te r. " by H. Ash- Phone: Narberth 2838d ay and Sat urda y. Recommend ed for hrary during September include the !l!ook; "Sape Cod Myster) :: ,' by P. A. We Specialize in Caref"lt lw entire family. Ifollowing; "Bayberry Lane," by S. \V. Itaylor;I' ~ l Cold , , ~ I f o o d l ' Thy ~ n l l 1 - Prescription Compounding. Bassett "For Sale" by Compton s rong_lvlllgston; ,,' un er ree, >y Ina Clal;e, Rohert Ames and MYI:a. ~ . ! ~ ~ k C l ; z i c ; "TcII COl;lIllandlllcnts." by I . I ~ . e ~ ~ ~ l i ~ c ~ i \ ~ " ~ c ~ F ~ ; j ~ r l __a J ~ l e ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .Loy s ta r 111 Donald Ogdell Stewart s I\Varwick Deepi ll g; "Be ll e-Mere ," by II ------- . - "sparkling comed)' , "Rebound," a tale I K a t h l C C l ~ N,orris;" "I n for a p e l ~ ~ l Y , " I YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITEDof matrimony, coming to Narberth' l ~ SophIe K ~ ~ ; , ; Story of J ~ I I , I . a l l . by Inext Monday and Tuesday. ISusan Ertz; .I hllrsday Apnl, I , ~ y A' I., . " P. Hannum; "Dance Partner. by ITheIr Mad Moment. at the hor-, Berta Ruck: "Hatter's Castle." hy A, ].ough playhouse next \Vednesday and Cronin; "Concave 1\lirror." by VI/. B.Thnrsday. has \Varner Baxter, Dor- iMaxwell; "rr I Were You," by P. G.othy l\lackaill and Zasu Pitts in its I\Vodehousc ;"Brothers in,the \Vest,"! . hy Hohert Rcynolds; 'Flower of Icast. Next Fnday aneL Saturday, Thorne." hy M. C. OCl11lcr; "Finch's I\Yheeler and \Vool sey will amuse in Fortune," hy Mazo dc la Roche; I"Caught Plastered." ~ ~ I

    FRIED OYSTERS,. dozen

    Luncheon, 35c, 50cDinner, ~ O c , 75c, $1Special Dinner Sunday

    12 to 9 P. M., 75c and $1

    that it .is more economicalto eat here than at home:

    ArcadiaRestaurant239 Haverford Ave., Narberth

    Here's Proof

    Vegetables ser'l'e:l are all fresh. T ryour freshopened oysters anel clams.

    Three tBests' at Eg,),ptian Jack Oakie, Eugene Pal le tt e andMitzi Green star in "Dudc Ranch," anamusing comedy, at the Egyptian inCynwyd this week-end. Next week thrce of t he season's hestlfilms will appear at the Egyptian.Monday and Tuesday, Edmund Loweand Lois 1\-[oran will star in "Transatlantic," a striking tale of adventureon shi pboa rd. u nu su al ly wcll photographed and directed. \Yednesday and,Thursday, i nc lu di ng 4 P. M. ma ti ne es IIboth days, Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Grecnand Jackie Searl will appear in "Huckl eher ry F inn," which is nca rly as guod Ias "'1'0111 SawYer." And on the wcek- Icnd bill a re Eddie Dowling and Hay IDooley in the plcasing cinema version I~ "Honeymoon Lane." I


    5-== -

    I1 ~ & 2 . _

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    Page Six OUR TOWN

    ' ; ' : '

    October 9, 1931

    YOUR EVERY NEED Best Granulated With a reputation for the BEST in FOODS- A VarietySUGAR consistently maintained-this store is completely

    IOlb bag, 49cstocked to fill your every food need and at prices of Suggestions for

    I within the reach of every purse. Substantial sav- Moner:mgs are assured-and the greatest possible Gulden's MustardPark's Newport service! 2 jars, 25eSPICES Hershey's Almond Bars

    Black Pepper, Ginger, Allspice Prices /;sted here are among those effective now 3 for lOcand Cinnamon to next Wednesday night, October 14. Sunmaid Seeded or2 cans, 25c I Seedlels Raisins, pkg., lOeMeats at Low Prices Washing Soda, pkg., 7ePark's AA Party MintsFreshKilled FRYING - 2Y1 to 3 9c; 3 pkgs., 25eVANILLA CHICKEN lbs. average . . . lb., 39c Shoe Peg Cornbot,l9c . . . . lb., 29c 2 cans, 23cSTEWING Tiny Peas, can, 17c

    Boneless Stewing 25 c \ Plate Beef, 25 c American Beauties CatsupJELLO Beef, lb................ 3 lbs................... 2 large bots., 23c3 pkg., 23c e small bot., 9c; 3 for 23cAnd a lelia Mould FREE Rib Roast of Beef (Thick End) . . . . . lb., 25c Ivory Snow, 2 pkgs., 23c.SPRING LAMB: Leg, lb., 29c; Shoulder, lb., 19c Selox, 2 pkgs., 25c


    RITTER'S Duz, large pkg., 19cBAKED BEANS Tender, Juicy SIRLOIN . . . . . . lb., 59c Guest Ivory Soap2 cans, lIe Steaks RUMP STEAK .lb., 39c 6 bars, 25c- Reiner's AmmoniaSPAGHETTI qtbot., 15cOXYDOL Camay Toilet Turkey Syrup, can, Hc3 cans, 20cpkg,19c SOAP, bar, 6c Aunt Jemima PancakeFlour, 2 pkgs., 25c

    California Lima BeansTOMATOES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 9c lb., 3 for 25c2 1g. cans, 23c I Campbell's Tomato Juice3 cans, 25cCalifornia Tokay GRAPES, 3 lb.. . . . . . . . 29c -Yellow Corn MealCHIPSO California Iceberg LETTUCE, head. . . . . . 10c 3 lbs., lOc3 sml. pkg., 25C Harting's JelliesCalifornia Sunkist ORANGES, doz . . . . . . 19c Sot. glasses, 15cFlakes or Granules19. pkg., I9c Hard heads new CABBAGE, 3 lb......... 10cBest No. 1 ONIONS, 2 lb.............. IVORY SOAP

    I P & G NaphthaJ9c

    U. S. No.1 Grade White . ....... 10 lb., 15c med. bar, 6cjSOAP,3 bars, l_Oc POTATOES 30 lb., 39c 2 Ig. bars, 23C- -COFFEEJ!

    SOAP FLAKESASTOR, lb., 33c PEABEANS OAKITE 3 pkg., 25cBOSANT, lb. , 25c 'lb., 5c 2 pkg., 25c 19. pkg., 19c

    COTTER ' S M A ~ ~ u ~ TQUAKER STOREIndi,!,idually Owned Forest Avenue, NarberthBuying Co-operati'JIely PHONE: NARBERTH 2250

    A!'WOOlIll\''9IIMM'l$RII$ n e \ ? ! l l 9 . f . \ A M \ J m \ n p \ n l M 1 M ~ I M ~ m p ) J M N ' M M B $ J I ! M p ' n ! " n B ' _ J I ! l $ O O l ! P 1 B ' "'TeeM' Dr,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page Eight OUR TOWN October 9. 1931

    " '

    T h e M ain L i n eS to re P re se nts th eMode in i ts Mos tAUrac : l i""e ForDl s

    T h e M i s se s ' andJun i o r Miss ' Dresse sSketc :hed a re 516.50

    AsWe IIDagined ) \u tUD lD S tylesAnd As TLey Really Are

    Everybody has been wondering about this so-called Empress,Eugenie vogue. Certain women have been looking askance at anAutumn that offered them early American styles; some havereckoned the rrRennaissance" as absolutely impossible. Ther debs" have been cherishing their s impler frocks as somethingthat could not be replaced.Then came the rrseventies", the rreighties" and the gay ~ ~ n i n e t i e s " ,chasing each other in a bewildering fashion circle. What, oh!what, would this, new season be like! And now they find that itis the most charming in years. Dresses, presenting every acceptedstyle, here, from . $9.75 to $59.50.5TR1\.WBRIDGE & CLOTHIER

    The U'rCain c(,ine e J t o r e - ~ r d m o r eMONTGOMERY AV'ENUE & ST. JAMES PLACE

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page Nine

    Phone:Trinity 1030Ardmore 2550

    Cont inued on Nex t PlIge

    guests wi1l be Miss Florence Travi1la,of West Chester; Miss Ada Riaser, ofOreland. and Mrs. Alexander Mackie.of Sha ron Hill.Mr. and Mrs. James L . Bat es . of

    In ou r own great modern country creamery, we separate this wonderful cream frommilk of strictly Abbotts "A" quality, withina few hou rs a ft er milking, every day.This vast supplyof pure, fresh tuberculin'tested milk is produced on farms where thesame system of sanitation, that surroundsAbbotts "A" Milk, is rigidly enforced. 'We pay ou r dairy farmers a bonus for.extra cleanliness and our c r ~ a m e r y laboratory makes sure it is earned.Each day, in ou r creamery, we churn thispure , fresh, sweet cr eam, a fter pasteuri zation, into Abbot ts de luxe "A" Butter.

    L et y our f am il y try this wo nd erful b utterSold only from Ollr milk \vagonsa gllaranlee of ilS daily freshncss

    Ask Newton howy ou c an I nsta llsafe automaticheat - $75. up .


    OHl BUTTEROF REALLY DE LUXEA QUALITYChurned from fresh,sweet tuberculin..

    tested cream


    de luxe ~ 1 t ' BUTTER


    Order from t he Abbot ts Milkman or 'Phone EVErgreen 4461-62 for ServiceABBOTIS DAIRIES. Inc., Philadelphia, Camden. South Jersev. Seashore

    '\t}Our CfC'omcry laboratory mokrs fur" 0/ 'hC' daily purity 01Abbousde luxe "A" Cream and Abbou. deluxe itA" BUICtr


    349 Bala Avenue, CynwydPhone: Cynwyd 1988Instruction By A.ppointment


    THE FIRESIDEOctober 9, 1931- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 ter-in-Iaw. Dr. and Mrs. Garth Boe - t ho se pre sent were the Misses Gracericke. of Kenilworth Road. Mer ion. and Eva Lawrence, Miss Sarah Hoak,and who has heen v i s i t i n ~ in t he Eas t Mrs. John Caldwell. Mrs. Agnes M.this snn llne r. l ef t on Tuesday e v e n i n ~for her home in San Francisco, Cal i- Rose and Mrs. Louis Shcneman.Mr. and Mrs . C arl C. Boyd and fornia. Miss Laura M. Brown will enter-their daughter Polly. and Miss Alberta Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Torrey, of tain at l un ch eon on Tuesday. TheDavis return ed on Monday evening Brookhurst Avenue. will spend the _ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = ~from a week's s tay in Pittsburgh. week- end in Mon tc la ir. N. J . whereMiss Lencre Voyer. of Doy le st own, t hey will be t he guests of fr ie nds . Mr.was th e guest o f Mis s Emi ly Titus , of and Mrs. Torrey recently closed theirChestnut Avenue. over the week-end. summer cottage at Echo Lake. Pa.Mr. W'illiam Reinhardt. o f Bowman I Mr. Wes lev P. Bai lev. of NarhrookAvenue. 1\1 eric'n, was the host to the Park. has as 'her guest i-.frs. Etta LayInter-Fraternity Sorority meeting on ton. of Bridgev il le . Delaware. She hasMonday e v e n i n ~ . also had as her ~ u e s t recentlv MissMr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. E d ~ e r t o n , of Ida Mart in . of Brooklyn. N. V: Mrs.C lw stnu t Avenu e. left hy motor on Bailev spent a del ight fu l SUll11l1er in\Vednesday for Columbus. Ohio, where the Middle West.they will stay for a week. . Miss Laura ~ r Brown and 'MissMrs. J. R. C l a u ~ e n . of Mee!Jng Mahel Brown. o f E lmwood Avenue.H O l ~ s . e Lane, e l ~ t e r t a l l 1 e d at luncheon entertained the members of their cardon 1 uesday.. 1 he guests were Mrs. cluh on Thursdav evening. AmongKenneth MclI1ken. 1\1rs. C. Carter 'Bond and Mrs. John \V . Dennis. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Mrs . Clausen and 1\1 rs . Denni s lefton Wednesday for Atlantic City. wherethey will he the guests of Mrs. A.Clarence Burke. of New York. at thePresidcnt fo r s ev er al days .Mrs. G. Howard Reese. of HampdenAvenue. spent the week-end in Concordville. Pa.Miss Ehlla Reese has as her guestove r t he week- end J\Jiss Anne Reihl.of Olne\,. Miss "!\ Iary Dighy. of t he Berkl eyApartments. entertailled the membersof her bridge c luh on Tue sday evening.Mrs . Wil li am Roericke, who has Ieen the guest of he\' son and daugh- ,, ,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page Ten OUR TOWN October 9, 1931

    THE FIRESIDECont inue. ) f rom Preee.lInp; Pnll:e

    \Vashington, D. c., were the guests ofDr. and 111 rs. G. E. Roher tson , o fHampden A v ( ~ n u e , ove r t he week-end.l\Hss Eleanor Black. of Penn StateCol lege , wil l he the guest o f Miss AnnSpeed, o f Chestnu t Avenue, over theweek-end.Mrs. Arthur J. Yunker, o f Righter'sMi1I Hoad, Penn VaHey, eutertainedat a luncheon last \Vednesdav. Th eguests were Mrs. George Latch, MissAnna I.e;ltch, Mrs. George Floyd, Mrs.Na th an Mon tg omery, :Mrs. Jacob

    Greiner, Mrs. Sellers Hansell and Mrs.E. S. Deubler.Mrs. F. E. O t t i n ~ e r , of Ocean City,is visiting her daughter, Mrs. \VillialllC. C laghor n, o f Chestnut Avenue.M r5. C. R. Graham, who has heenspending the sumlller a t Haddon Hall,Atlantic Ci ty, is the guest of her soni n- law and daugh te r, Mrs . H. \V. P fe ffe r, of Mil l Road, Penn Valley , for the\1Iouth of Octoher.1\'1 rs. 1\-la1col\1l Burnside, of \Vill

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931



    Page Eleven


    NARBERTHPASTRY SHOPPE243 lJaverford J \ v e n ~ ePhone Narberth 3694

    Special Pies and Cakesbaked to your order, in ourhome bakery.

    . ------- - ------------- --- .. -----_.-- - - - - - - - -

    ~ ~ .

    a day

    ~ , ARDMORE

    pro tection fervaluables

    This complete safe deposit service costsyou less than a cent a day, less thanyou pay for 'your daily newspaper.Bexes rent for as little a s $3 a year.

    In one of the Merion Title & Trust Co'smassive vaults, your important pap,ersand other valuables are always conveniently accessible to you-and ONLYto you; yet safe-guarded against fire,theft and loss by every modern protective device-huge doors of steel, multiplet ime locks , sensitive alarm systems,thick "steelcrete" walls.

    Your insurance policies, leases, mortgages, deeds, private correspondence,stocks and bonds, treasured heirlooms,jewelry-these things belong in a safedeposit box.




    lJOWJ\RD C. FRITSCHJustice of the PeaceREAL ESTATE

    Fire Insurance-Best CompaniesNarb.4049.W 215 Haverford Ave.

    OUR TOWN_ .--- ---------------- ....-- - ----_.-- -'--"-"-- - - - - - - - _.. --_ . . . .

    - -DRY (tellnlnliT"t BE:5T stRVICf:

    Entrust YourGood Clothes toAdelizzi Bros.

    TAlLORS, FURRIERSCLEANING. DYEING10 2 ForeHt A'"e., Nnrl,ertla 260:':

    ~ : : O Unln A,,e C,'II,,,-d. n:.:s

    Philadelphia Schoolof Office TrainingA Modern a.ld Select Sdwol lorPartieulor Peo"le. ACCREDITED.Intensive 3U,DAY COURSE-Xllorllu""t((,rl '; ':J{. H f l ~ l l . I'itllllllil. B { J d k k t ' t ' p J n ~ .T"IH'Writillll. l ~ I I t I l . a . : : . A"(OtllltiuJ.:.2ist & Chestnut H l t f t l I h u l l ~ ( -ISUi

    Advertisements co ntain in terestingnews: read them, too,


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    OUR TOWNage Twelve.The .. .c.l fron' PI l I ;C 10who have been spenc!ing a weck at theMarlboroug-h-B1enheil11, Atlantic City,

    returned to thcir home on DudleyAvcnue this week.i,[ r. and !virs. Richard T. Odiorne,who havc hccn Iivinl.( in Germantown.movcd to Narberth 'recently and are

    occupying an apartment on Essex Avenuc.l\f r. (;. H. Hcnry, of ]\[ ecting HouscLanc, will spcnr) thc wcek-cnd in NcwKcnsillgton. Pa .Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Macoley, of

    October 9, " ~ J 1Meeting House Lane. and Mr. andMrs. R S. Tomb, o f C)'nwyd, werethe gucs ts of Mr. and :M rs. M. Holdroyd. of Trenton, N. ] .. on Sunday.

    Con ti nued on Nt':d Page

    A m e r i e a ~ smost economical. t rnckis ROW avai ' .ble i. 25 Ilillere,.t modelsp,-ieell a 'Oi l ) as $440-eomplete ",itll bodll

    NOTE: The modelpriced 8 t ,UO is th eopen cab pick-up.}llz-ton 157-inchStake Truck$810*

    (Dual uJw,sU IImUIDrd)

    4D7 By ac tua l road performance, week0 after week, month after month -

    th e six-cylinder Chevrolet ha s proved it s rightto be called America's most economical truck.Owners have found that on a ton-mile basisChevrolet costs less for gas and oil, less forupkeep an d less for service than a ny o th ert ruck-regard less of the number of cylinders.And price-comparison will show tha t this big,sturdy Chevrolet Six is one o f t h e lowest-pricedtrucks you can buy.Today, an y truck user can apply this economyto his own particular work. Th e curr.ent Chevrolet conunercial car line covers practically

    every delivery and hau ling need. Twenty-nvedift"erentmodels. Half-ton an d l1!z-ton pay-loadcapacities. Three wheelbase lengths. A widevariety of Chevrolet-designed and Chevroletbuilt bodies. Just name the type of truck youneed- and yo u wil l very likely f ind i t inChevrolet's all-inclusive line.Each Chevrolet t ruck has a 50-h.p. six-cylinderengine-25% more powerful than a ny o th erengine in a truck priced so low. Maximum loadcapac ity i s assured by unusually large bodies,supportedby long rigidframes an d long parallelmounted springs. AndChevrolet truck prices ar eamong th e lowest in the commercialcarmarket.

    Half-ton 109- lneh$355heelbase e ~ s l s(D,.c ",he." standard)

    *AU truckchain. pricee/. o. b. F/int, JIoIichi,an.

    l 'h- ton 131- lnch $ ~ 2 0 I 'h - ton 1:57-lneh $ ~ 9 0wheelbase chassis d wheelbase ebassls. (Dua/whee'.$25 e.stra) (Dua/whee" . tandard) .All truclc body pricee/. o. b.lndlaRGpo/i., IndlaRG. Specla/ equipmente.stra. l.o1O deI/tieredpric.. . an d eaay G .M. A. C. terma


    KIRSCH CHEVROLET COMPANYPhone: Cynwyd 81 208 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd

    .~ H E V R O L E TFor o"'ellt 'Cr.lUlport"t'oD Cost

    " ... .....

    f . . . . . .[ f f i ~ ~ See your dea le r below

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    Page Four te en OUR TOWN. \.

    October 9, -1931


    NARBERTH 2340

    Girl Scout RummageSale October 22 and 23

    was a series br ight spot for Narberth.'Jaek was fighting hard for every gameand never s topped h is efforts unt il t helast putout was made.

    JoA t ribu te to Umpi res C lark and Burton. Although they received theirusual share of epithets from botht eams . i t is the writer's opinion thatt hev handled the dif ficult ser ies withcOlilpetence, courage and complete im-partiality. -.'1-"It was a hard b low to Manager GeneDav is to ha ve his championship streakbroken. However. Gene deservesgreat credit for his team's splendidfighting finish which put them in theseries after a disastrous. first half , andwe have every confidence he wil l starthis club on a 'new streak next year.


    -Let our experts lay it at ourLow PriceARMSTRONG'S

    Haverford Ave., NarberthNarberth 4134--We

    W. H. Haws Hardware241


    Let Us Make Your HomeMore Attractive!

    We specialize in.quality wall paper atmoderate prices.


    WINDOW SHADES-.PAINTING'To save money, let US estimateNow! Estiynates C ~ e e r f u . l l y Given

    EDWIN Mo POOLE '& CO. - Decorators


    H. B. WALL

    Elcctr lehm-PJ, . Ardmore 1 1 2 ~49 ANDERSON AV E .. ArdmoreElectric 'Vasher and MotorRepairs-Armature WindingEs t ima ting Wl thon t ChargeCon tr nct l ng , Wi ri ng" Jobbing

    Jobbing Carpenter.Phone: NARBERTH 4163.W~ ~ GUS WELSH

    iPlumbing : Heating IF !100 orest Avenue, I

    Phone: Narberth 3652~ ..:I~ ~ ~ ICHAS. So EBERT Ii

    McKEEExtra dry!

    II Y IC () lIIm 'I' .J. I';1)(; ,\ II.Dry!

    IMake Bab y C lo th es . !

    The Ardlllore-\Vynne\\'ood Branch io f t he Emergency Aid 0,f Philadelphia Iheld an all-day meeting at the hOllleof Mrs . John A. Lafore. Penn Val ley ( ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! ~ IFarm, Penn Valley, on Tuesday. Thisgroup of women arc holding meetingsevery Tuesday and will meet duringOctober at Mrs. Lafore's home. Mrs .Lafore entertained them a t luncheon' lThis branch is making I)aby clothes,Mrs. J, Clifford Jones, 'of Wynnewood,is the pres ident ; Mrs. Lafore, th e secretary, and Mrs. Michael Ritter, ofArdmore, the tre,asurer,

    [Trost Blanks Boro I was the o,ne N a r b e r : ~ ' batter undauntedby Trost s shoots, as he pounded outNme m,Fourth Game a single in. addition to the two-base, clout ehrolllcled above.___ I Outside of this chance, however,

    P 1 H 1 All F ' H ' , Narberth never threatened unti l in theao I ur er ow s Ive Its, nin th inn ing after two were ou t WaltI 'Fans Eleven and Scores IMacGregor ra ise d t he ~ o p e s of theborough fans hy hammenng ou t a two-Team's Run . Ibase blow. 'Vith Barney Slaughter ,always a dangerous batter, following,I,chances to tic the score looked good.WELL However, Slaughter's best was a fly to. short left, which was gathered in byITompkins and Trost had won a wellI d IlY 1),'\ \'r,: C A S l ~ Y d . 'n Ian Sl1l1l1l1er. ,deserve victory.I- Dave Trost, grizzled v et er al l o fl The box l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    let us



    Page Fifteen

    C"nwyd 280BALA.CYNWYD

    ,Bala Avenue at Union


    more economical. For heatsatisfaction, why notfill your bin n o ~ ?

    BECAUSE Lehigh Valleyan th raci te is harder andcleaner,

    WHY let ou r reliable mendeliver coal now for yourwinter's needs?

    ,), .,

    a reverse play ending in a later passwhich cOl11pletely fooled the opposition,Buck did his hi t nicely, cut t ing. backafter crossing th e scrimmage line, an d


    Iii L. ~ : , , ! ~ , ~ ~ r s o nI v I"The coal.I' thatI Satisfies"III



    ./ F IVB . . .11 , fifreenyarda body ef sreel.legs of muscle, heart 01oak , go r ea ring byl .. brain and brawn a functioning in unison.It's all a matter of cond it io ni ng r e g u 1a rtractice and systematicuilding withGOLDEN GUERNSEYMILKr.:;;:1:J,...." 'ood . . . . I J Gold.n Gu.rn , Milk com . ./) ONLY from Gu.rn, c at tl ..n d carri. . tho olliclal Gold..Gu.rnv trad.mark.Visit th e Dairy BungalowBrookmead GuernseyDairiesw. Lancaster Ave., WaynePhone Wayne 1121CIA Complete, Dependable DairyServica"

    GOLDENGuernseyMILK III.~ l k r O J / I A 1ltlkrtJIMJlJt iI

    .. .~ - - ' I I - I:) iii,


    .- .l



    Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100

    General Nott"ce Classified Advertisements will be vharged only- to residents of tb e Mai n L in e wh ose name sappea r In th e telephone directory: to persons maintaining an account withUE, or to regular SUbscribers t o e it he r THE MAIN LINER, OUR TOWN, orNEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.Rates 10 cents a l ine In e acb Pllper; 25 cents a line In ail three.- M i n i m u m charge, 35c In one paper : 75 cents tn al l three AV..erage of five words t o t he line. No blacktaced type used,Deadline (OJ' Inse,"UOnS- Classified advertlsoments will b e a cc ep te d u p t o W e d n e s d a t ~ 6o'clock t or OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock, for TnEMAIN LINER; Thursday. I) o'clock to r NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

    October 9, 19J1~ O O ( ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ( ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ISmart Play GivesI Lower Merion VictoryI twist ing out of the hands of a tacklcr--- a nd a cr os s th e g oa l line with a daringIBuck Scores Touchdown AgainstI leap .which s howe d d es pe ra te d ct er -

    I .' I mination. Buck's kick from placementWest Catholic on Lat. bounced through the uprights aftereral Pas striking th e crossbar, and the gam es. .Iooked good f rom t he n on.To p ass u p some of th e other boysGAME in the gam e would be h ig hway rob bery, for t he re w er e heroes on bothsides Sat ur da y. P ar ti cu la rl y p le as in gn , '1'Oltu[Y I t I A C I i : L I N ' was th e work of Buck Ryan at tackleAlbert Adam and his eleven or morel fo r Lower Mer ion, Mike locavelli atI football players amply atoned fo r their I fullback, and Talley and T itlo w. end, defeat a t t he h an ds of Episcopal Acad- and sub t ac kle respecti\"ely. These

    Iemy two weeks a go by bowling over a boys worked inte ll ig ent ly an d hard.dangerous rival in \Vest Cathol ic Captain Rinehart p as se d f rom center~ 0 i ~ 0 i l ~ 0 i l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ) C ! ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 l O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~High School last Saturday ~ f t e r n o o n , w ~ t h precisi?n, n ot m ak in g a singleH I W d S' t t' W t d 17 to 0, before a c rowd es tImat ed at 1mIstake dUrIng th e game.e p IInte . ' UII ,ons an e 4300 people. Fo r \Vest Catholic, Captain Fahy,W A N T I ~ D - M o t h e r ' s helper, hght houNe IMAN an d wife, l ight ~ o l o r e d , de .. lr e Th e game w as a beautiful exhibi-Iof B ry n Maw r, wa s a va li ant t ack leworlt a nd c ar e of baby in exchange o"ltlon to talte e nt Ir e c ha rg e of, f' I I ' . 'for board al,d ...mall salary. Ph. Narb. II f II . G d I tl h ff I hon 0 lugh s choo l foo tba ll and the ane lIS next door neIghbor , \Vholey,Nma a m ) . .00 )U er , c au eur, I f I f h 1\1' I' tl I I 1 I f I 1 f .2975-.J (omb-10-9) cook Ph A lI eg heny 4160 BeNt refer Icrowe 0 peop e rom t e am ~ m e l le ene, payee a wane er u e e ensl\"eand th e western sections of Philadel- I game. 1n th e backfield },[c Fadden andphia who filled th e s ta nd s o f P en ny - 1\1cGuire were two t er ro rs . Their ballpacker Field w it h t he e xp ec ta ti on of I carrying w as b ea ut if ul to see, an dseeing the 1\1 araon bulldog take a! mighty troublesome to the 1.ower

    trouncing, were g i\ "e n a huge surpr ise I Merion as each dangerous gesture o f t he \V e ar e g la d s uch a large nl1lllber ofheavy, fighting force from P hi II\" was fans turned out to see t hi s g ame, f ordefinitely repulsed. . I we believe it will remain th e hest"Vest Cathol,ic !nae!e ten first downs I played and most spl'ctacnlar !{anll' ofto Lower .1\1 erIon s eIght, bu t the r un -, t he c ur re nt h ome season.

    ning plays o f t he M ar oo n w er e p ot en t It hroughout t he .contes.t, parti.cularly in I Mrs. Schwartz Hes s t o Speakt he s ec on d penod drI\"e whI ch end ed I ,,vith Harvey Buck g oi ng o ve r t he goal I . Th e L o w e ~ Merion-:-.Jarhe.rth Connline in a smart exhihition of ball toting 1 1:.11 o f Rep ub hc an "yomen WIll hol d i tsafter he caught Herb Thomas ' l a te ra l f ir st luncheon meetlllg of t he sea son atpass t en yards from t he s co ri ng line. the ~ r e e n Lantern Lodge Te a Room,This play wa s th e smartest play of the 305 hast Lancaster Pike, \Vynnewood.afternoon, an d i t g i\ "es us great pleas- on \ V e d n e s ~ l a y . October 14. Th eur e to talk about it. for after critici7. speakers ,VIII he Mrs. I-Iermaning th e quarterback's work in th e ISchwart7. :U1d Peter C. I-less. Fo rEpiscopal game. we see him COI11C reservations phone !II rs. Theodorl' E.back 'wi th SOIllC s ma rt w or k in this IBenade. Cynwyd 7H-W. Th e tickl'1smore important contest. Th e "Vest ar e fifty cents each. -Catholic l ine had g rouped in to a s e v e n - I - - - - . --- - . - -l11an fortification with th e expectation I._- ----of. a series of l ine bucks , bu t t h e young I i - ~ 3 ! l ~ ~ " ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Herb f rom Cynwyd smartly called for I 'I~ = = = = = = = =

    -HOUSEKEEPER-Refined woman In ence". (omb-10-9)home of business couple, 2 schoolchildren. Fondness for children es - WANTED-Smal l "alary an d malnt-sent la l, p refe r one who cou ld s le ep o ut . nance h)' ) 'o un g man with plea...ingNo Sunday work. Refs. Call Merion al)pearance and per ...onallt), who can1439-.J. fo r interview. (omb-tO coml)etently "douhle" aN Neeretary andchauffeur. Own portable typewriter.

    At Your Ser"ice Clean --Year driving record. gxceJlentALI. kindN of carj)entr.y work. CellarN ref. Write or Ph. Schwartzer, 4550cleaned, lawns cared for, painting, Gratz St., Phila. (omhIO-9)Yen' reaNonahle. C. Mar"halL Ph . Cyn. WOHK of an)' Idnd , v ~ l n t e d fo r Wed.,1170-R. (omh-tf) 1'hurN., Sat. BeNt ref. Ph. Ard. 2782,I'LORA GEROLD has opened for th e 1'rlnlt) 4252, ArcL 440 or write 34 State lfall seUHon with an entire new line St., PhiJa. (omb-10-9)of curtain ..., draperies, s lip cove r s andupholstering fabrics which wl1l be WOMAN deNlre ... to take care of chil-brought to you r h ome f or d is pl ay . Es - dren in t.he evenings. HefN. Ph. Ard.t lmates cheerfully given. All wurk 1765. (omh-10-9)guaranteed first class. Wide range of YOUNG coluredprices. 344 Trevor Lane, Cynwyd. Ph . lnan wl"heN insideCyn. 1595-W. (oll-tf) ,vorl i , \v:tiling- or hnUHtilnan, driving,tend fu rnaee .... Y e r ~ ' wl1ling. ref. Ph.DRESSMAKING - lDllzabeth Pearson, Ard. 1765-M. (omh-10-9)216 Dudley Ave., Narb. Ph . Narb. I2728. (o-tO 'VOMAN deNlreN genera l houNewol ' lc lGOTTLI1JJB ESSLINGER, carpenter, Hef. Ph. BI'yn Mawr. 2153M.jobbing, alterations, 122 C o n w a ~ ' Ave. (omb-10-2)Cal1 Narb. 3748-R. (11-20-31) MAN deHires pUNition butler,s gen-DRESSMAKING an d alterations In your eral houseman, do garden work, takehome or mine. Mrs. M. Redl1ch. Ph . care of furnace, etc., ref. 'Vrite Har-Narberth 2365-W (010-9), \'e)' Garry, 1540 No. 11th St., Phila.LOCAL and long Distance Haul lng- (omll-10-!!)Th e Service Co., F. H. Seely, Jr., Mgr.,

    WOMAN, exper ienced to aSNi ... t in ll1un-j5 Bala Ave., Cyn. 877. (ob9-25)SEWING wan te d b y t he day, regularly. agement of r es tau rant o r te a rooll1.Family sew ing and mending , a ls o ex - Hef .... \\ 'rite "C," Our ')'own. (om-10-!!).Iperlenced In . making curtains and WOl\lA:o\, middle aged a ... companion, Idraperies. Mrs. Emma Hess, 108 Chest hnuHPlieeJjer, "elined, c ap ah le , re t Ave., Narb. 4161. (ombiO W"lte ":\1" eHI'l.lo of 0,,1' " 0 \ \ , 1 1 .ALL kindS oC carpentry worlc Cel1ars (om-10-9)cleaned, lawns cared for. C. Mar- I...hall. ?h . Cvn. 1170-R. (amlJ-tfl W A N T I ~ n - ( ) o w n ... tair ... worit 01 ' cook- IIng. Fl r ... t-cla ...... re f .... I 'h . Ar d. 4171 i

    Instruction-Schools (om",H) IPIANO lessons In home. Call Granite YOUNG married Scotch woman would1849 fo r appointments. (omb-10-9) like light houNeworlt, hy day exceptLIMITED number of piano pupils Sat. Would taly experienced teacher, Call hour. Ph. C ~ n . 1180-R. (omh-tf)Mrs. ,r. R. McLaughlin, Narb. 3815-M.. PHACTICAI. nurNe wishes position as(010-9) companion or ca re o f Inval id . DOC-I

    Rooms lind Boarding tor's ref. Ph. Narll . 2537. (omb10-2)WANTED-High ..chool girl desireN Iroom and boald. Mus t b e near school IhUN line. Very reas. Ph. Mr .... Berry, Milk Report jmornlng ..._ Narb. 2425. . (010-9) IROOM fo r gentleman, next to bath; --- IOOM for gent leman, with or without Arrangeil lel l t of milkNboard. Convenient to station an d according to Ibus, 108 Chestnut Avenue, Narberth. ..anilal') grade, Borough of Narher th . IAverage IPhone Narberth 4161. (omb-tO Sanitary By Analyse ... 1

    For Sale Gracle Butter I'atV.'rtlll..d ItlllkPORTABI.E Electric Sewing machine. 91. Abhott (Walker Gordon) .. :lOc 3.7 IURed only short time. WIl1 sel1 fo r 89. Supplee (Wall,er (Jordon) .. :\0(' 3 .81$25. Ph . Cyn. 1785. ( o m b ~ 1 0 - 9 ) 84. Scott Powell (Delche... ter) .. 25c 4.0,;YPEWRITERS-Sold, rented and re - 78. DelcheHter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 4.1 I. paired. Reasonable. Ribbons and 75. PenNhurNt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20(' :I.Scarbon paper. Ph. Suburban Typewrl t - II.HI'... t"oI nn... lUllkIng Co.' Ard. 1378. (omb-tO H2. Bl'onlonead " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1c 4.7 iApartments for Rent !IO. Scott Powell (D"lche ... ter) .. 20c' 4.1 I90. Brn.HHon'H FellnwNhll) F . . . . 20(' 4.7

    HOUSEKEEPING suite or single room 81. Delche... te r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20e 4.:1 \furn., or unfurn., con\"enient to train. 77. Penshurst . . , . . . . . . . ,"; . .. 18c 3.7Ph . Narb. 2829-.J. (010-9) PUHt"lIrlzt'd lUJlkFIVE rooms, bath, porch. One m o n t h ' ~ Butter Fa t I_rent free. Come and Nee them h)' Anal)' ..e;1 IColonial AptN., 134 N. Narberth A,e. 97. Abbott . . . . . . , . . . 3.8 He 4.1 INarberth. (010-9) 96. Ahbott . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 1!Ic 4.71Garages for Rent 96. Wawa . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 12c 3.895. Scott Powell . . . . 3.8 14c 3.9flARAOE l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 9, 1931


    OUR'TOWNage SixteeriQuaker Store ope ni ng s, done in the:69th Street manner. Fre ihofer andI vin trucks made great hullabaloo withloudspeakers of music-and they wereplenty loud. Throngs of people wereto be seen o n t he street a nd in HowardF . Co tt er' s an d Joseph J. W h i t e s i d e ' ~ -food markets. These two stores, 'whichdespi te the ir co-operative buying r e t ain the ir ind iv idua l owner sh ip , p r e ~sented last Friday, as . always,eommendable cleanliness and modernity intheir appearance.

    If you have a chai r that needs painting, or some' other small article ofwoodwork, take it to Haws' Hardwarethis Saturday for a free demonstrationof pai nt ing. . For one day only, thestore's publicity is for Wetherill'sfinishes that dr)' in four hou rs.Advertisements coritain' interestingnews; read them, too.

    No Vacant Stores onHaverford Avenue NowContinuing the steady growth ofNarberth's business section, last weekGeorge Albert occupied HaverfordAvenue's las t vacant store, at Number 250, near Narberth Avenue. HisMajestic Electric Shop, wh ich has ,afine assortment of new rad io s andelectric ref rigera to rs and other. ap

    pliances, was forme rly up the hill onNarberth Avenue. Although business'is gradually invading side of Narberth,Forest a nd E ss ex Avenues , the . t endency recen tly as originally has beento concentrate stores on HaverfordAvenue, wi li ch has become 'an attractive shopping center, with many business folk taking ever greater pride intheir window and s to ck displays.Las t F ri day n ight Narbe rt h' s busin ess d ist rict was. enlivened with

    Penn Valley Garden ClubShow Held onMondayf lower show, and made the followingawards.The F ir st Class, flower arrangementfor th e gues t rool1l: First, Mrs. Rober t ). Nash; second, Mrs. John Holt;The Garden Club '.If Penn Valley third, 1\1rs. Lester Col li er . Specialheld a verv beautiful and gorgeous mention . Mrs . ~ r t h u r Goldsmith andflower show on Monday morning at Mrs. John A. Lafore.the home of Mrs. John A. Lafore, Second Class, cut" flowers in a bowlPenn Valley Farm, . for . the l iving rool1l: First, Mrs. A. B.Miss Bertal1lann, who is associated Waul\vnght i second , Mrs . E d w ~ r d. PI' I I f H Lamey; t hIr d. Mrs. Lester Colller.WIth the ennsy \'a11la Sc 10 0 0 or- Special l1Iention. Mrs. Rohert J. Nash,

    t icul ture for Women at Ambler, gave Mrs. G. interest ing lec ture on Fall Garden- Third Class. howl or vase of outdooring. in whi ch s he .spoke o f t he proper field f lowe rs : F ir st , Mrs . B r u ~ e Ryall;seeds, plants and bulbs to be placed iil second, Mrs . John Holt; . thIrd, rs.the so il at this time which would r e- Edward L a r ~ l e y . .SpeCial mentIon.suit in gorgeous blooms in the s pr in g. Mrs. Arthur GoldsmIth.She al so spoke o f t he putting to sleep Fourth Class. miscellaneous flowers:of the plants ana seeds for the win- First, Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith; second,ter, on pruning and many other inter - Mrs . Robert Nash; third, Mrs . Robertesting phase s of late gardening . 1\1 iss Nash. Special mention, 1'1'r rs. ArthurBertamann was also judge of the Goldsmith.

    TheMerion .Title A Trust (;0 .NARBERTH .ARDMORE BALA(;YN\VYDStatement of Condition Close of B siness

    SepteDlher 3 0 ~ 1931

    Reso rt!es Liabi l ides






    DANIEL LEITCH,'Treasurer

    Corporate Trusts, '$330,000.00

    Capital .Surplus .Undivided Profits and ReservesDividend Checks Outstanding ..Bills Payable .Mortgages Payable ..Unearned Discount ..Letters of Credit Issued ..Deposits .



    Cash on Hand and in Bank .Investment Securities : ..wans ..Title Plant ..Bank Buildings .Other Real Estate .Furniture and Fixtures .Spec. Admn. Acct. Ard. T. & T.Interest Accrued ..Cust. Liability on Letters of' Cr.Other Resources ..

    Trust Funds, $2,751,947.55

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