Page 1: Our digipak image choices

Our Digipak

Which photos are we going to use? Why?

Page 2: Our digipak image choices

We didn’t choose the last three images because in images number 3 and 4 the artist doesn’t look that natural. We thought her head was tipped back too much. We didn’t choose image number 5 because we thought it was too dark. We decided to brighten the picture but it didn’t look as good quality as the original image. Therefore we decided not to use these two images based on the quality of them.

We liked image number 1 because we thought it looked natural and her expression is quite sad which follows the theme of the video. The Digipak is going to follow a black and white theme with the exception of a green triangle on the back cover.



3 5


Page 3: Our digipak image choices



We liked image number 2 because we thought the background with the tree makes it look interesting and unique. It also makes the artist stand out as she is wearing very bold and striking clothes. We thought that the black and white version looked good for a front cover of the digipak because it is not completely dark and you can still see detail.

We didn’t choose image number 1 because she looks too sad and doesn’t show much of an interesting background.

We liked the colours of the background in images number 3 and 4 because it looked autumnal and the light coming through the branches gives off a hopeful vibe. The images are taken at unusual low angle which makes them unique. The artist looking up in the images suggests that she is looking up for guidance of what to do.

4 5

We made the images black and white to follow the theme of the digipak. However we may use one of them for the back cover because we would like to get the colour of the trees in it. If we included the triangle of colour it would look like the artist is looking up at the light as if she’s looking for hope.

Page 4: Our digipak image choices

We thought we could use image number 5 for the inlay of the digipak. This is because for the front and back covers we wanted it to follow the theme of being hopeful in a time of darkness and sadness. In image 5 it is more happy and playful because she is smiling. This shows a more hopeful and happy side to the artist.



4 5

We liked image number 1 because we liked the background of the leaves on the ground and the green canopy of leaves from the tree above. It looks like she’s closed in but the light shows that there’s hope for her.

For images number 2 and 3 we thought that her facial expressions were not that natural and not as sad as we wanted. In image number 3 you can see a bit of her stomach in which doesn’t send out a very appropriate message to the target audience of the song (14-16yrs). We wanted to put across an image that shows that the artist cares about her body image respects herself.

We didn’t like the long shot we used for image 4. Therefore we cropped it to see if it looked any better. We liked the cropped version as it doesn’t show her legs or much of the background. It is mainly focused on her and her expression which is important as her sad and thoughtful look fits the theme of the video.

Page 5: Our digipak image choices

We liked these images, especially number 1, as she looks very natural looking off to the side. However we thought that the images weren’t that high quality and that they’re slightly dark. We made them a bit brighter but this decreased the quality of the images.

We didn’t like these images as we thought they were low quality shots and we didn’t like the look of the background. We thought the tree blocked out the light in the background and thought this contributed to the lack of quality in the images.







Page 6: Our digipak image choices

We wanted to see if we could get some images for the inlay of the digipak by asking the artist to run up and down so she looked like she was having fun. We wanted to have some fun images so it shows that she is letting go of all the lies her friends had told her. However these images are not very good quality therefore we are not going to use them for the digipak.

Page 7: Our digipak image choices

These shots were also in order to have some fun and more laid-back images of the artist. We may use them for the inside of the digipak and the inlay. However some of these shots are quite dark such as number 1. We could brighten it but it doesn’t seem to be of high quality. Furthermore these fun images shows she is letting go of all the lies her friends had told her.

Page 8: Our digipak image choices

1 2 3 4 5 6

We liked these shots because they look unusual and interesting shooting them through the leaves. We wanted to be creative and unusual as we didn’t want to get mostly plain shots of the artist. Through the leaves it’s as if the artist is hiding away suggesting she’s hiding from the lies and wants to be away from everyone. Furthermore she wants to be alone and reflect. We are not going to use number 6 as the artist accidentally looked at the camera. We wanted it to look as if she was looking of into the distance in thought about her situation. We decided we liked images numbers 2, 3, and 4 as she looks natural and puts across what we want to show.

We liked the colours and the brightness of these two images. Again it looks like she is hiding away and the light which represents the hope coming through the leaves.

These three images are quite dark and may not be suitable for our digipak as we can’t really see the artists face that well.

Page 9: Our digipak image choices

We decided we are not going to use these as they’re too blurry and out of focus. In the bottom images the artist is either looking at the camera or not looking natural enough.

We thought we may use this image for the back cover or for the inside of the digipak as the artist looks natural, sad and in deep thought. We are not using it for the front cover as we want a medium close up or a close up for that to show off her emotions more.

Page 10: Our digipak image choices

We’ve decided not to use these two images as the lighting is too bright and you can’t see the neckline of the top starts. The background is quite dark however the brightness of the light could symbolise hope in which she is looking for as part of the narrative.

We quite liked image number 5 as it is quite a low angled shot and is in quite an unusual location on a bridge. The bridge can symbolise the artist crossing over to a new place of hope and getting over all the lies her friend has been telling. The trees behind her let a bit of light into the shot which can symbolise the hope that she is making her way over the bridge to.

1 2




Page 11: Our digipak image choices

1 Image number 1 isn’t as good quality as the other 3 images, therefore we have decided not to use it. You can’t see her face in the image either so we haven’t decided to use it because we want to see the emotion in her expression.



4We may use this image as she looks quite natural. The background also looks quite nice for the artist to sit and calm down.

We may use image 4 because she looks happy as if she’s found the hope and strength to carry on without her friend. However in image 3 she looks too sad and slumped over.

Page 12: Our digipak image choices

We loved these images as the angles were quite unique and unusual. We liked the leaf prop in image 1 as it is not just the artist standing by herself and posing.

We liked the bottom two images as we thought the background was pretty and quite creative. It could show the lies trapping her in and the light coming through the leaves could symbolise hope. Therefore there is still hope for the artist to get out of the mess her friend had created.

In these two images it looks like the artist is looking back at the lies and walking forward and away from them into the hopeful light.

Page 13: Our digipak image choices

For the top two images we thought they were really dark so we changed the brightness of them. However they lost the quality and were still too dark to see the artists expressions clearly. This means that we might not use them in the digipak.

We liked this image as we liked the rows of trees beside her. We thought this looked quite creative and could show her going down the path of escaping from her friend and all the lies. However you can’t see her face very clearly because of the poor quality of the shot, therefore we may not use it in the digipak.

Page 14: Our digipak image choices

We liked the lighting from the flash in this image. However we would get rid of her red-eyes as this makes it look unprofessional. We thought it looked dark so we brightened it to see if it looked better in which it did as you could see more detail of her face and her clothes.

The first image here we liked as the artist looks natural and as in she’s in thought about what had happened between her friend and herself. However we disliked the second image as it doesn’t look natural and she is looking to far to the side.

Page 15: Our digipak image choices

We liked all of these shots as the artist looks playful and natural. We thought we could use some of them for either the inlay, CD or the inside cover of the digipak.

Page 16: Our digipak image choices

We liked this image as the artist is relaxed and is looking up into the distance as if she is looking up to the light of the sky. This light can represents hope and in her situation she needs this hope in order to move on and let go. She looks natural and we can see her pensive but also quite sad expression on her face which is what we want.

We have decided not to use these three images as we didn’t like the angle and the artist looks too sad. In the bottom image her hair looks too messy and is covering her face too much. This doesn't show off her sad and thoughtful expression.

We didn’t like this shot as much as the artists hair looks quite messy and her she looks kind of tired.

Page 17: Our digipak image choices

We liked the angles of these shots as they are quite unusual being a low shot. We liked the light which was coming through the tree above her. This can symbolise hope and encouragement for the artist to move on.

We liked this picture s it was similar to that of the draft digipak mockup back cover. It is like the lies are trapping the artist in but the light through the trees can represent hope coming through for her.

Page 18: Our digipak image choices

We narrowed it down to:

Page 19: Our digipak image choices

Front Cover

We chose these two images because we liked the angle used. They are also of high quality and the colours are beautiful even though we are going to change the colour of the images to black and white. However we can only choose one image for the front cover so we have decided to use number two as there is a lot more colour and more of the tree in the background. There is also a lot more space to insert the title of the single and the artists name. The image looks as if the artist is looking up at the light coming throught the trees. This can show that there is hope for the artist and she can in fact get through the tough situation.

Page 20: Our digipak image choices

Front CoverWe started to make the front cover for our digipak on Photoshop Elements 9. We made the single name ‘Everything Lies’ bigger than the artists name however when we erased part of her name so it looked like it was behind her head you couldn't read much.

Therefore we swapped it round so the artist’s name was bigger than the single name. This way people could identify the artist and read her name more clearly. As she is a fairly new artist we made her name bigger so she stands out from the well-known artists and catch people’s eye.

Page 21: Our digipak image choices

Back CoverWe chose this image for our back cover as we used it for our mock-up and most people in our survey liked it. It also follows the theme of the forest setting from the front cover. We also liked the lighting and the colours in the image.

When we turned the image black and white we decided to stick with the idea of the green strip in the corner of the image as it gives the digipak a bit of colour. It also doesn’t look as boring as it would if it was all monochrome.

Page 22: Our digipak image choices


We didn’t really need an image for the spine as most spines don’t usually have one. In our survey we asked the target audience if they liked the mock-up spine idea. Most comments said that the colour combination went well and they go together. Positive comments also included that the text was clear to read and was very pretty. Therefore we decided to stick to the same idea for the spine.

Page 23: Our digipak image choices


We are using the same image for the disc as we used for the back cover. We wanted it to match and to follow the same theme. However we are going to include more colour on the disc to suggest that the music represents hope for the artist. We haven’t decided to use an image of the artist for the disc as it is not very common to see.

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