

Soumya Sunder Dash



SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report

We – the Optics Students Karlsruhe (OSKar) – are a group of enthusiastic

students coming from different academic and cultural backgrounds, united by

our common interest in sharing optics and photonics knowledge.




SPIE Student Chapter Annual Report


There are five officers steering the organization:

President — Soumya Sunder Dash

Vice President —Mahmoud Joz Tavassoli

Treasurer — Philipp Brenner

Secretary — Sandeep Ummethala

Public Relations — Johannes Konrad

Faculty Advisor SPIE – Prof. Dr. Uli Lemmer

There are two kinds of membership: Active members have the right to vote during

elections and have access to the Wiki and the download section on our homepage. In

order to become an active OSKar member you have to be an official member of either

OSA or SPIE. Being an OSA member and SPIE member is a great way to connect with

the optics and photonics community. The benefits include a substantial discount on

meetings and conferences. In addition, you may easily stay informed of technical news

and job opportunities by magazines and databases. Moreover, as a student chapter

OSKar receives many benefits like activity and travel grants, guest lecture resources,

networking opportunities and much more. An OSA student membership is $35 USD

per year, an SPIE student membership $20 USD. Everybody can become a passive

member and get access to the minutes of past meeting and our collection of exam

protocols from some KIT lectures. This type of membership is free of any charge1.

OSKar officially accepted as SPIE chapter – 7th May 2012

We are looking forward to working with the SPIE





The current chapter SPIE members are:

Name Asiful Alam

Dagmawi Alemayehu Bekele

James Boettiger

Xavier Borrega Sabaté

Philipp Brenner

Anirudhan Chandrasekaran

Soumya Dash

Yao Fu

Cesar Garza Lozano

Nico Heussner

Andrew Katumba

Johannes Konrad

Enrique Llanito Caudillo

Ding Luo

Sambit Mitra

Mohamed Mohamed

Amardeep Pal

Tuan Anh Pham Tran

Roman Popov

Elena Rachkova

Elisabet Rank

Johannes Rebling

Vivek Sharma

Leilei Shinohara

Abebe Tarekegne

Youzi Wang

Sentayehu Fetene Wondimu

Guozhang Yao

Guan Ni Yeo

Yuedi Yu



Our group, apart from the official meetings, holds a Stammtisch as an important

social event to chat and discuss in a relaxed atmosphere, commonly accompanied by

a drink or a nice meal. The Stammtisch takes place regularly usually on the first

Thursday of the month2.



Excursion Fraunhofer IOSB – May 23 2012

Looking for new contacts with students in the field of optics, the Fraunhofer institute

of optronic, system technic and image analysis (IOSB) found the OSKar website. The

follow up of the first emails sent was a invitation to join one of their weekly seminars

and a lab tour in the group of adaptive optics. On May 23th, a small group of students

from KSOP, physics and electrical engineering went to Ettlingen to visit their labs

and get in touch with the scientist. If you have an interest in the field of adaptive

optics, they are looking for internship, thesis and position



Case Study “James Webb Space Telescope” – May 25th 2012

This case study is based on a real project in the field of aerospace carried out by the

technology consulting company Altran. The all-day event is divided into two sessions:

The morning session gives the technical basics of optical system engineering and is

open to anyone interested without registration. In the afternoon a technical and

economical solution for given customer requirements is worked out in small teams.


A Tour to ANKA! – June 28th 2012

On Thursday 28.06.2012, a lot of KSOP Master Students joined the excursion to

ANKA – the synchrotron facility at KIT campus north. This was quite exciting for the

students since it was related to the lecture “Mircooptics and Lithography” by Dr. Timo

Mappes. The tour started with a brief introduction of IMT (Institut für

Mikrostrukturtechnik) and the on–going research of the institute. This was followed

by the detailed tour of the synchrotron facility. Here the students had a look at the

storage ring as well as e-gun, microtron, beam lines, different types of magnetic poles,

and booster synchrotron.


OSKar Pizza Party – 16th August 2013

OSKar organized a Social Meeting to facilitate casual interaction between student

interested in optics and OSKar members in a beautiful summer evening to talk about

Optics over pizza aka OSKar Pizza Party.

This event attracted young student, who weren’t aware of OSKar and helped Oskar

to increase its outreach.

OSKar Pizza Party



OSKar – KSOP orientation party – October 2012

OSKar introduced itself in front of the new intake in the KSOP (Karlsruhe School of

Optics and Photonics), a graduate school of KIT and gave a warm welcome to all the

master degree students. Here Oskar and the young students had a great opportunity

to know each other.

OSKar also organized a games Nite as a part of the orientation phase and OSKar

recruiting event. This social event helped students to know each other and get

accustomed in the new environment.

OSKar members along with KSOP master course intake of 2012



OSKar Travelling Lecturer Program – November 2012

OSKar invited Prof. Dr. Masud Mansupuri, from the College of Optical sciences, The

university of Arizona, to give a talk on ‘Trouble with the Lorentz law of force:

Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation’ on 15th November,


Oskar also made the arrangements for a Pizza Nite after the talk to facilitate the after

lecture discussion.

More than 50 interested students participated in the talk followed by the Pizza Nite.

OSKar travelling lecture flyer



The OSKar Board members along with chapter advisor Prof. Dr. Uli Lemmer and

travelling lecture guest Prof. Dr. Masud Mansupuri

Student’s participation during the OSKar traveling lecture talk

Students participating in the Pizza Nite after the OSKar Travelling Lecture Talk



Excursion to INT and Nanoscribe – 15th November 2012

On Thursday, the 15th of November, OSKar went with 20 interested optics students

to Campus North of the Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in order to visit the

Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) and the KIT Spin-off company nanoscribe. At INT

Dr. Wolfram Pernice gave a tour through the labs of INT and explained the current

research projects of his group.

Later on at the KIT Incubator, Martin Hermatschweiler, CEO of Nanoscribe,

presented an introduction to two-photon lithography and its application. We could

also visit nanoscribe’s labs, experience a live lithography process and had an informal

discussion with the CEO Martin Hermatschweiler about his company and


Students attending the guided LAB tour at Nanoscribe, Karlsruhe, Germany



Visit to Christmas Market – 18th December 2012

On Tuesday 18th December 2012, OSKar members planned to meet at the evening to

enjoy the Christmas atmosphere near Marktplatz, Karlsruhe.

It was a great relaxation time before the Christmas break to enjoy and talk about

Optics over some “Glühwein ”

After the social meeting at the Market Platz, members joined the Christmas party

organized by the master student of KSOP (Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics),

a graduate school of KIT.



Fraunhofer IOSB: Talk on Adaptive Optics – 31st January 2013

On Thursday 31st Jan 2013, OSKar welcomed Dr. Szymon Gladysz from the team of

Forschungsinstitut für Optronik Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung in Fraunhofer

IOSB to give a talk on Adaptive Optics. This would be a great opportunity for all

students interested in Optics to know more about the futuristic application related to

field of Adaptive Optics.

Title of the talk:

“From Star Wars through exoplanets to supernormal vision: the history of

adaptive optics.”

OSKar scientific talk invitation poster



Fraunhofer IOSB: Lab Tour – 31st January 2013

On Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 12 students visited the Fraunhofer IOSB adaptive optics

lab in ettlingen. The tour started with a short presentation on Introduction to the

Fraunhofer institute and then proceeded to adaptive optics lab. Here the students had

a wonderful opportunity to have a look at the experimental set-ups as well as directly

interact with Dr. Szymon Gładysz on the topic. Later there was a wonderful

presentation on holography and its application. There were quite a few demonstration

of various aspects of holography and its real time application.

Students attending the guided LAB tour at Fraunhofer IOSB, Ettlingen, Germany



Internship Icebreaker – 11th April 2013

In order to bridge the gap between internship or job applicants and the industry,

OSKar organized the contact fair “Internship Icebreaker”, which was succesfully held

for the fourth time on 11th April 2013 in the Hector Auditorium, Karlsruhe, Germany.

In an exclusive session in the morning the KSOP and Erasmus Mundus students

introduced themselves while the companies had the opportunity to get to know the

applicants in an interview. Other KIT students from different fields interested in job

or internship offers in an optics related company joined the contact fair in the


OSKar thanks Precitec and Osram for participating and we hope to see you again next

year! For more information (

4th OSKar Internship Icebreaker – 2013 flyer



Students and Companies participating in 4th OSKar Internship Icebreaker – 2013



Trip to SPIE Student Chapter Leadership Workshop (SCLW) in Munich,

12th May 2013

In 12th May 2013 a group of 16 OSKar members participated in the SPIE Student

Chapter Leadership Workshop in Munich. Here the students had a chance to interact

with popular lecturer Jean-luc Doumont, who facilitated the leadership workshop.

OSKar chapter member along with other participants and facilitator Jean-Iuc

Doumont at the SPIE Student Leadership Conference in Munich, Germany



Excursion to Leica – 10th July 2013

OSKar, along with support from KSOP, organized a visit to the German lens

manufacturing giant, LEICA on 10th July 2013. Leica’s factory at Solms is one of its

biggest lens manufacturing units with capabilities to produce the complex lens units

for its M9 series cameras. About 20 students from KSOP had the opportunity to

witness the whole lens manufacturing process starting from the grinding of lenses

until their final assembly into cameras.

OSKar excursion to Leica



1st OSKar Poster Competition – 5th – 6th November 2013

During the Karlsruhe Days of Optics and Photonics on 5th and 6th of November,

OSKar awarded five KSOP Ph.D. students for presenting impressive posters. The

poster’s accessibility and the oral presentation of the Ph.D. students were rated by a

panel of Master students. OSKar congratulates Robert Schittny, Andreas Merz,

Michael Bachmann, Aleksandar Nesic and Felix Nickel as the winners in their

KSOP research area. We would like to thank the Optical Society for supporting this


OSKar board member presenting the BEST poster award in the 1st OSKar Poster




OSA Travelling Lecturer Program – November 2012

OSKar invited Prof. Dr. Mo Li, from the College of Optical sciences, The university of

Arizona, to give a talk on ‘Photonic devices in motion’ on 12th November, 2012.

OSKar also made the arrangements for a Pizza Nite after the talk to facilitate the

after lecture discussion.

More than 50 interested students participated in the talk followed by the Pizza Nite.

OSKar travelling lecture flyer



The OSKar Board members along with travelling lecture guest Prof. Dr. Mo Li



Optics  Students  Karlsruhe  e.V.  –  Financial  Report  

Year  2012    Balance  1.1.2012     4498,50  €  Income   SPIE  chapter  Grants   678,40  €     Reimbursement  of  Homepage  2011   71,26  €  Balances  of  Activities   Youth  Hostel  membership  fee   -­‐30,00  €  

  Stadtmobil  Carsharing,  used  for  excursions   -­‐634,05  €     IONS-­‐Germany,  sponsored  by  OSA,  KSOP  

and  industry  partners  22,16  €  

  Welcome  week  Erasmus  students   -­‐72,00  €     SPIE  Student  Leadership  conference,  

Brussels  -­‐21,00  €  

  TRUMPF-­‐Laser,  Industry  excursion   -­‐185,87  €       Internship  Icebreaker  company  contact  

fair,  sponsored  by  OSA  -­‐58,05  €  

  Pizza  Night,  sponsored  by  OSA   4,49  €     KSOP  students  welcome  week,  sponsored  

by  OSA  119,23  €  

  Traveling  Lecturer  and  Nanoscribe  excursion  

137,60  €  

  Homepage  www.optics-­‐   -71,26 €        Balance  30.12.2012     4.459,41  €  


Year  2013    Balance  1.1.2013     4459,41  €  Einnahmen   OSA  chapter  Grants   845,59  €     SPIE  chapter  Grants   829,37  €  Ausgaben   Youth  Hostel  membership  fee   -­‐30  €     Bank  account  fee   -­‐6,02  €     Stadtmobil  –  Carsharing,  used  

for  excursions  -­‐199,00  €  

  Internship  Icebreaker  company  contact  fair,  sponsored  by  OSA  

-­‐183,37  €  

  Munich  Excursion:  SPIE  Student  Leadership  Workshop,  Laser  World  of  Photonics,  Max  Planck  Institute  for  Quantum  Optics  

-­‐516,64  €  

  Homepage  expenses   -45,78 €  


Balance  14.07.2013     5153,56  €  



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