
... " " '



Circuit court (iiiivriic 1rl Mom) IIImill third Monday In April,

Probata court In snaalnn flrot Monday In eachOtolith.

(tniHinlaalnuiira iwurt lui'iils Ural Wednesdayaltar Oral Monday of each monlh


I'mi'tlia In nil I'niirls nf tin' Kluli',

Olllcclll Hunk (it IIixkiim fit V IH'H'k WilliI.. I I'iiiIiT.

Orntftm ('My, dregim.


NOioilY I'l IH.Ii:CANBY, .... OHKIoN.

Will prartlea In nil courts nf r M'Ml0.

lu.ursiice written III nil leadingAl, lru-l,,- t . lie r t loll.

I'u lentiunaa

S Ki7. I.. H I lilt Y,jATTOHNKY AT LAW.

I'palalra iippoalte Court limine,

Tlllra raatuliird and ahatrarta inn.lf. MoneyLoaded, Morlagea forcclnai-- and a

general law Pualucaa.


NOTAHY I't'lll.Il.' end ION VK. YAMKH.

Heal ratals handled liiaiiraiii' written In(In- - Hartford, nl Hartford, pala'lne. NorthJlrlllali Ji Mercantile, Hamburg nl llri'Uiall

Ofllca with II. K. Cruse. Oregon Cllv. Oregon

I.ACKAMAH AHHTKACT A TlilbT CO.0Alia'trade of Clackamaa rouiily properly a

laity, wood work, reaannani cnargea,Work guaranteed, ttlve lit. aa trlaal 1

0. IjilourcUB, P. K Donaldson, J. K.Clark, Dlrm-mra-

OMKlloN CITY. .... (imilKiN



Hallway location ami cmatructlim, bridgesplana ami eatlmatra for water tuppljr,

Iralna mul street Improvement nl towns.

Special attention given In nraoihllng mid Milpriming.


I.AWYKR.Curuer Eight ami Main streets, Oregon City.




ATTORN KY AT LAWamnaacrg or rmimiTT rraxiaiixii,

Offlc iiafl In Oregon CltT bank an 6ih street.



A good line ul business, residence ami suburbanFruperty.

Farm Property In tract to lull on easy terms.

Correspondence promptly answered. Office,aeil door to Ceutleld A Huntley's drug alure.

1). 4 D.O. I.ATOl!ltK1"IR.Q'




Furiilah Ahatracta of Tltln. Inan Mnniy, Fnre-Olu- ac

Mnrlgairea. mul trauaact (luucralUualneaa.


Wilt PlUCTirg IH An Coi'BTl or Tll 8TT1

Ki al Katate and Inaurnnff.

Omi con Main Hiroet . HUlh and Hnventh,ohkhok i itv, .


. i iitnona. r T. uiurritii

o NK11X, IIKHUM, ,,

ATTORNEYS AT LAW.)fllM ln llarkli'y Building. Oregon City, and

A 0 U. W, Temple, Portland.

Do Oeneral Uw Hint I Money, L'rgeColliH'llona.

Forwliia iiiorignKM, Prolmlp (iriu'lpce,


COUNSELOR AT LAWOflloBover Oregon City Hank,




Will praotlce In all the pourta ol the door to Cmirluld A lluiitlvy'a drug





Will practice In all cnurti ol the itate.

Office In Jaggcr Hullillng oppoalto Court limine.



Capltnl, 1100,000


liomit mado. llilli dlannunlod. Mil ken col-

lection!. Iliiyaand aolla oxcliiingc on allpolnuIn the United Hutoa, Europe and Hong Kong.

Dopoalta rcol"cd iiibjcet to chock. Bunk

open from 8 A. M. to 4 p. at. Hnlurday evoutugnfrom S to 7 P. at.

D. 0. LATOUItETTE, Prealilent.f s Donaldson, ciiior


Oldest Banking House In the Cltr.Paid up Capital, ffiO.OOO,




CABHIKR. c.o. CAurmi.n.HANAQKR. H, CAUriXID.A general banking bualneaa trauaactod,Dopoalta recolved nibject to check.Approved bllla and notcidlacounted.Count; and olty warrant! bought.Loana mvlo on available leourlty.Exchange bought and aolil.

Colleotloni mado promptly.Draft aold avallnnle In any part of the worldTelegraphlo exoliangoa aold on Portland, Ban

Franolaco, Ohloago and New York.Intereat paU on time dopoalta.

JiiKiailiit Iioiii J.'ie. a yiwd elr.Tli

g y1.' . x . iMc




71 ?


torcolds and



CLEAN JUMPCli'iira tlm hiinlUi. We now pri'MHiititiK

u HiiM'k n( Curpi'tH, Itiina, cli:., tiiut inuknna cli'iin iinii ovit coiii'tilliiii. ,lunl u kimihln'iit tliu Imjw mul arrow, no we piirianH allrivalry In tint article hiuI pit'i i)ri-ju-

nltrni:livt'iit'BH of mtw piilloniM in WiltonH,iiKritlin, i'U:,, run n u fuel n tim!

for our trii'lo, To muko your homeili'lit'liiful ami room" an ili'HKiii anili it v iiitr an iiohhUiIii, kivh our curpiita tlmHour. Our lull In cvi-r- maltiriulMtrikn tliH lop notrli in dilniliililv an wiHI

in olfKHiuiH, Wh now olFcriiiK michtcintitini prirt'N hh I irtlxxi'l h forl).5Ua

& DU8Ch,llimKt'furninlir, Ort-ifo- (Mty.

and thoKo who watch and wait for timewill only discover it flight. You candinoover an clt'iint collnction of

in our ntock of ladi;H' andcold and nilve watclitfl.

fiHBortnient of lanhionablo jewclcry and Bilverwaro is very completeHUUMKIMTICH & ANDUKHICN.

FVrnT OSR NTKPB A WfUNEH B EDUCATION. Many yonna men andwomen can ai'end but on or two year at oriool why not take a eoiinie thatbe completed In thai time? The oolleoti Include a abort FJNOI.IHH COUR8B

a IM'RINKHH and RIIOHTHAND COfrtHK. For calaloriea addreaa.


9 9Will buy more at

PARKER & HOWARD'SThan any other plat In Oreifon City.

Hot k t'lnhracea every tiling nmult'd in the houre, work chop,or on tho larm.

All nood na






j t w y "i







. . . . . -

in all cum-- are of ac-

curacy, kavm tiiucrto well thatlwO it. We can reC- -

OmillCIld our WatcllCH and flockn, too, t mul uwirl li v uml tn,.,.fino-- ""VI --.." o.1 ... i"V i.l.i i ..toe ii ecu a oi iiio nour mi a bucoiiu. our

' n

all orders.


twenty-hv- e Th season for

Exaiulne our 8iH'k am) K(,t tnii:ta ami you will beaurtirinoJ at Hie Ur.titH,

Remcmkr the place, Seventh St. near the Depot.


ForReal Life



Now and Knlarged Shop with aliappliances for


All work executed in tho best possible. Promptness guaranteed

REPAIRINGPrices tho lowest to bo hud in Portland. Shop n Fourth Street,

near Main, Oregon City, Oregon.

1. ROAKE & CO.. Proprietors.

Uow you Can Save Moiey

When your children need a laxati or stomachand regulator, buy

BABY'S FRUITFifty doses


Baby's Pectoral

which nioldthey





is upon us. I n orde to be pre-pared emergency, get a bottle of

Syrup,The best in tho market. Price 2") cents, or saleat tho CANBY PHARMACY, Cany, Or.

DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.

Do You Need

Tho, ENTERPRISEClackamas county.


Legal Blank?

has the only st

Selectionsj n r -

Estate Pealer, farmer or

Nearly 200 Different BlanksMake

TVnrv- nf fl. Want nopflod hv a Jnrlfl. Jns--

tice. Lawyer, Real








One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at PortlandPrices to Your Address.



gins,For the Year 1894.

XTOTK K lit KKI'.KHY OIVKN THAT BY.A.1 virtue of a warrant for the collection of

l4 n(He:itTx('aof the Aaaenarnenl oflWIIInthe County of Clackamai and Htat of Oregon,which Warran; It uow In my handi, and la Inworda and flgurea aa lollowa, via:HTATE OF ORKff )S. I

( on ill)' of Clacamaa,To t. :. hUwxH K. MiKRirr or CiACKAMAa

Coi'wty, OacKiN, Okritimo:In the name of the atate of Oregon, you are

It. , . . , .1 J" '""'u'chattel of the , ',""'vjriu',u

p.irera named,, ,b. following iiat..udiiDo;..b.fouod,ihn

upou the real property wt forth tburoln.oraoj"'Ph '' aalt aaiialy the amount ol

' charged, with coata and exu:a,and

"" pay over all monay ao made to theCounty Treaaurw of aald county, aa required bylaw

Wltueaa my hand and the aeal of the CountyCourt tbla day of July, W)

GEO. F. IIOKTON, County Clerk,SEAL

W hich warrant ia attached to the Hat of un-

paid and DellDiiieal Tun for the year 1WM Inaald Clackainaa Count;, and not having taable, alter diligent search, to Sua any ceraonalproperty within ild county, out of which tomake the taiea berelnaltcr mentioned, I harelevied upon tbe land deacrlbed In the annexedHat being the property of the within named

aa the lame appeara aaaeaaed on tbedellnqueut tax roll, and will, on

May, the 24tli Hay or September, 1895,

at the frant door of tha couuly court bouae inOregon City, Ciavlumaa county, Oregon, begln-nlu- g

at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon olaaidday,aell at pubilo auction, to tbe hlgheat bidder,forcaah lu baud on the day of Bale, all theland deerlled below, or ao much thereof aa maybe nereaa try to pay aud aatiafy tbe aum taxedagalnat aald property in aald Clackamaa couuty,for the year IhW, together with coata and accruing coata of ale. E. C. MADDOCK,

Sheriff of Clackamaa Cuuuiy, Oregon.STATE OF OREGON.

County of C ackamaa,)I lereby oortliy that tbe above la a true and

eorot copy and the whole thereof, of theoriginal warrant for collection of delinquenttaxaa for the year im.

E. C. MADDOCK.Sheriff of Clackamaa Couuty, Oregon,

rami ad ixacaimoM. total tax.

Abbott John pi of aace 24 and 2, t 4 aa aa duacrlbed In book 61 Dace

j.l aim book I6 pase 1J0 raeord of deeds I SI 19Aiiair, B A O aw' of e J, t i a, t 5 e lu)

arriea i 00Addlugton Alios K.PIeasnnt Little Homes

No a Iota 6 nd e blk 69Alberg Auua. Kubortson lots 3 and 1 blk

IS 2 61Alexander J w. pt oKieo Brock II L C as

do.cribt-- In book 48 page 4A9 reeord ofdewla;t 3 s r 1 e fAL'iaores 14 40

Allen it C, H Indaor lot. S and 6 blk 2 I 18Ainu A air., t' ol ae'i ec , 1 9 s rse, w

acresAodcrson Almeda M, s of ae1, and lotl

except beKlnulug at oeu stake of abudy nl sc ID, thonce to co road nwlyby lollnwlug lentjr of county road tobeglnutns, aee U, 1 1 a, r ge, 15 acres 8 40

Aiiueraou John, tte'i olseuol Be1! ofsec 14, 1 4 a r J e, 10 acres 1 35

AnilreMS Darcy M Mrs, t ol ae'j andan1; ol "I'1, of sue SJ 1 1 s, r 6e 'u acres 4 80

Armstrong C n, Cauby, lot "onw'iauJ ue'and

that part of 't of nw' lying weal ofright bauk ol I'uddlug river and landdeacrlbed In book M page 70 aud book49 pane '26, see 2V t 8 a r 1 e,U7 acrea 83 86

Armstrong Ueo, pt ol Albert right D LC aa dfscrlb.d lu book 64 page li record ol deeaa suo 8 1 8 s r 8 e aoroa 65

Arrlngmn Koberi, Sliutborn. Iota 7 and8 blk 77 I 81

T) alley C M, n' of ue'i of, ax 40 acrea.I J aec 7 I 1 s r 6 e 40 acres 7 20

linker Horace H, l'lea-a- Little HomosNo. I lota 21, at, 1

Baker ljiwreuce, aw', ol ne'i seoW 1 4a r4 e 40 acrea 6 40

Baker T ll,fi, o( sw see 9 1 8r 1 w 23 40Hall v t , so i ol se J and lotto, 7 and 4 ex-

cept op. acrua lu Hook 63, page 201,ol Hood a see 19 t &s r 8e 6.' acres & 40

Uannon J 1 and Henry L C, a Uol a W olue t ol ne ec il 1 1 a r ill) 10 acrea 4 80

Barron Mary, 1,8 acrua described In Cir-cuit Court Journal No. 9. naitc H03 sec:0, 1 8 a r 1 e w 83 acrea 12 00

Barlow J 8 k Y, Cauemah, lot I and 2blk 22 i 97

Barngrover John L, ot of O P Goodall DL C a deacrlbed in Book V, pKO 'AHKcoord ol Deeds sees 10 aud 20 t 2 a r 1

K2.M acrea 17 40Batten b J, Clackamas Klverslde lot O

10 acres 6 75Barlow K T, truateo, Windsor, lot I blk 7

and lota 7 and 8 blk 21 3 58Batos 1'SiJM, Stokua' addition to Or-

egon City, blocks A, H, C, D, K, F, W, H 49 90Baty Charles K, a V, of ne aud nw 'i of

ae aool 1 2ar Oe lJOaares 4 80Baty T J, aaiguee, ne - of ne J; sec 23 1 2

r & 40 aorea 1 11Bauer MarRaret, Pleasant Little Homes

Na 1, lota 10 aud 20 69Boatie Robert J truateo. pt of as deacrl bed

lu Book 41, page 127, Kecord ol Deedssec 2 t 2 s r 2 e 20. Is acres 6 80

Beal C, ue y. ol ae y4 aco : 1 1 r 4 40 acres 2 80Bellinger CB.Pt 01 W i Matlock D L C

as described In Book .12 page 154 Kecordol Deeds 1 2 s r 2 e, 6 acrea 6 00

Bender Benjamin, nt ol sec 15 and pt ofN J Ijimb D L 0 as described Book 53

411 Kecord ol Deeds sees 15 and 16Fuge r 3 e, 1 tiuW acres 14 40Bono Ni & Co, Mlnthorn, lota 21 and 22

blk 43 1 31Burner Conrad, partnf Jacob Scott D L C

as deacribed in Book 4o twge 2ti0 andBook 30 page 98 Kecord ol Lleuds sec 3 t2 s r2e. 20 acrea 17 60

Berry Angelina, Kedlaud, tracts 1. 3, 4. 5,6, 7, 8 and 9 29 12

Beverldge J W, Plcaevnt Little Home No.8, lot 15 blk 5 33

Billings U M Mrs, Iota 4, 5, 6 and sw 'ofiiv1, see 15 1 4 r 1, 07 acres, pt nf J110UrlbbleDLCas deaorlbed In Book apage 123 Kecord of Deeds 1 4 a r 1 a, 143aoroa 4s 62

Bingham E W, beginning at iron pipe Insection Hue betweeu sections 13 and14, 26ohus south of corner toaecttoua11, 12, 13 and Is; theuce north 33 feet;thence east with meander line ot O &W Walling D L C 90 ft; thence south 47deg east 516 feet: thence south 65 dear 6mill woat 873 feet; thence north 24 deg51 min west 808 feet; thence north 20deg 10 min west 193 feet; thence north85 deg 20 min woat IK feet; thencenorth 81 deg 55 min eaat 616 leet to placeof beginntug.

aisoi i..i. i ai j .

henoe isomn hi x 6& min west uwfeet: thence at right angles northerly 50eei k low water mark 01 nuiainetteIver; tnence easterly np atream traoig low water mark to a point on Hue'tweon sectlooa 13 and 14; thenceicing eectlon Una to iron pipe andtea of beginning.

alsobeginning at point on west aide of newcounty road leading from Oregon Cityto Portland, aald polr,t typing 40 lentsoutherly from compromise lino ofWal ing and Bullock 1)1, C meordat rlgntanirle. to aald compromise line:thelic, south 81 dog Vi ol : paralei with and 40 feet ill.tant from saidcon prom line 127 44 feet; toeuceaoutli 2 ueg :n mm east :i feet; thenceaiuth .12 leg m inln et ll It; th .'licesouth II deg 33 rniu eaat I mi ft; thencasoutn 25 deg 1 min west MM ft; theueasouth Uidog 12 min west IV, It; Iheucaaoutli 7 ' deg 42 mill woat 4, It; thanessouth 77 ue 38 min w;st 1.5 v ft;thence aouth 40 ileg 48 min w lufrj-l- ift; tlienoe aouth 71 deg VI mm east inIt; theuceeMt 3 'I ft; theiiee north 'lUeg 51 nun w 411.3 ft; thence north 20deg 10 min weal Wi.ta It; tnence northa.', deg 2U rnm wett 145 feat to begin-ning, 1 2 a r 1 s, 14.78 acres 21 75

Blnirriarn E W, nw sec 16 1 4 a r 5e, 1Waore. 6 40

bird J A Mrs, pt of sec 25 and pt of WmKantliam D L C aa decr.l,'.d in llwik 43liana ill and Book 34 page T1 K curU ofDeeda, aec 25 1 a r I w 9 45aeies 8 81

Bla:k C P, t4 of sw 14 and s 14 ol se '4and a ol nw and tit of aa de-

scribed in Book 35 page 4J2 Kecord ofDee'lB, eo 36 1 5 s r 1 s316arre 27 DO

Ila"K weil Celia. A indaor, lots 17 and 18blk 11 and lots 1 and 2 oU l 3 82

BMuch.--t P A, Orrgou city, lota 3, 7and 8blk Hand lot 1 h,k 21 83 79

Bioomar Ueo K, ginning at ne cornerol blk 4, Dirnall'a ad dition Ui OregonCltv; th.-uc-e south loll ft; thuice west100 ft: thence north lou ft: tbenoa east

100 ft to beg.unlug 8 55Blount Dudley, nt of, de.crlbed In book

39 page Kl, record of deeds, aec 1 1 4 a r 1

2uacrea 5 40Iloeu Permella A. s V$ of te4 and np ,iofsesecai4ariel20 acres 11 52

B ggesa Jaiue. U, w '4 ol us aec 18 1 2 1

t 4 a, 80 arree 1 84Holds Dorcas, pt of Jamas L Williams

D L C as described In book " T" page500 lecord of dee la, aee 13 1 6 a r 1 a and

aec 18 1 1 s r 2 e, 292 acrea 29 52Bolds Charlea.Oiegon City, Iota 3, 4, 5,6

bik 17 and pt of lot 2 blk 24 39 33Bond A H. Oichard Hill, lout 13 and 14 2 16Bonney Geo, s ! oi s S aec8 1 7 r 3, 100

acrea 472Booton Maria, Clackamas Heights lot 9

blk 38C 71Bowers Ltu e, West Hide sdditlon 10

Oregon Cur, lota 8 and 9 blk 2 2 14

Bowman C E, pt of aa described In book49 page 289 records ol deads sec 20 1 4 ar 2 s, i) seres 2 40

Boyer David, Oregon City, lots 5 and 6bla 172 6 84

Boy lea I M and Sophia M sw and seof se and ewoi aesecl2,t6sr2 a 210 acrea 21 46

Brandt, Km ma and J W, Mlnthorn, lota 3aud 4 blk 15 1 31

Bredemier D, New Era, lot 5 blk 6 30Brewien II C and Foris 0 M. all of see

36 t 8 s r 5 e, 640 ai res 19 20Brideiiatina Martin L. ow sec 24 t 4 a r

4 e 100 scree 4 80Brldgeford Mary A, Mlnthorn, lota 33, 31,

35 and 3', bloca 16 2 61

Briatertteldt Anna, Windsor, lot 8 blk 21 95lirltuug Laura, se '4 ol oe ssc 16 t 2 a

r 4 e 40 acres 3 60Brock Ueorge, nw of nw sec 36 1 1 s r

4 40 acrea 2 88Brooss E D, Marabfield, of lot 1 blk 4 16 20Broughton W l liam. esute of, Oregon

City, ail blk 160 27 36Brown T J. Oregon Iron i. 8teel Co'l 1st

add to Oswego lots 15 and 16 blk 14 10 83Buchanan Ueo W, Windsor, lou 17 and

18 blk 18 2 39Buckles Charles F, pt of Wm Holmes D

L C aa described in book 40 page 356 re-cord of deads, aec 32 1 2 a r 2e 9 65

Buelton Frank II, w of ne and w Kof ae W, seo26 1 1 sr 8e, PUaorra 5 40

Bunnell Charles and Louisa, pt of GeoCrow D L C aa described in book Cpage 4.2 record of deedst 2s r 1 34 80

Burke John E, pt oi Geo Brock D L C asdesoribed lu book 5u page 90 record ofdeeds 13a r la, I7 acres (00

Burke Wm E. pt of Cyrus Wadaworth DL C aa deacrlbed In book 35 page 244record of dead, t 2 a r l: 60 acrea n K

nur.eii at. Holme, addition to Ore-gon City, pirt 01 lot 1 blk 19, aue-acrtbe- d

in book 42 page 154 recjrl ofOeed j 42

Burna Wm J, pt of Julia Ann Lewis D LC as deacrlbed in book 52 page 419 re-

cord of deeds aec36t2arle, 40 acrea 26 50Buiuey W 1, e S of ae '4 and lota 3 and 4

sec 26 t Jarn'j. 161.87 s'a 6 76" fe !4 o ns aec 36 1 3 a r

'i e 40 acrua 1 44" E of ss i,4 and lots 1 and 2

sw W of s 29 t 3s r8 a 181 acrea

" Sw i of uw y see 32 t S r8 a 40 aorea

' K'iOleHofn.UscoSltSs 1 e, 40 aorea

" Nw yol aw W and nwand s of aw sec 5 1 4 sr 8 a 280 acres 17 76

" Sw l4 except 1 aore aec 84 1 4a r 3 e, tut) acrea 7 20

' Nw of sw t and nw W aeo33 1 3 s r 3 e, 200 acrea

" Se'olne', and lots 1,24 5aec27t8ar3a,6i acres

" N S aeo 35 t 3 a r 8 a, 320acrea 13 80

" W S ol se !i and nw ',' andIo.3foci3r3e, 270 as" Lota 2,3, 6, 7 aud 6 sec 15 1 3sr 3 , 67 aorea

" W H oi se 4 aud lot 3 sec 2913s r3 e,119 acres

" Pt of David Cutting D L Caa described in book 37page 45 record of deeds t 3s r 8 e, 187 acres 20 80

' Ne i 01 ue 14 sec 27 1 3 s r3 e 40 acres 1 38

i. '1 01 uw ' . sec 21 1 4 s r 2 e80 acrea 2 40

" e 4 01 nw and ne !4 tea21 1 5s r 8e, 200 scra" All ol aec 16 1 6 r 3 610 acrea 27 60

11 01 B 11 Kodg?rg ULC 11described lu book 42 page143 record of deeds 1 2 s t2 e and t 2 s r 1 e 75 aorea 62 50

' U tut in lot 5 sec 36 1 2 a r 1a 1.90 acre-- , M

Btirnoy wm 1 as Boon v p, if of n w :auu w 01ne li sec 2 1 5

r8160ac'a" Allot sec 15 1 5

sr8e 640a'a 21 GO

" SHofuands", sec 85 t 4a r 8 t 480acrea

" W Wot nwtand a 'i aeu21 t 5 s r 3 e4.0 acrea 38 10

" N 14 and n V)

ol a J. and aM of aw isec 8 1 5 a r 3 a5J0 acres

" W i. of w Usec 11 1 5 s r 3e 160 acrea

" Nwi4andwof sw yi seo10 t 5 e r 3240 acrea 39 60

" E S seo 4 1 6 ar3e320 acrea 10 80

" All of aeo 9 1 5a r 3 640aorea , 15 60

Burney W T and Simpson Nora, ptof A FHedges D L C aa deBOribed iu book 49page 219 and book 36 page 300 reoord ofdeeds 1 3 s r 1 7.92 acres 9 90

Browner M, aw '.of ne '4 and nw 1 of aaja aeo 25 1 2 a r a a 80 aurua 480

C" J L, neVi sec 34 1 7 a r S e 160acres 7 20

CallrTEllMbeth, OrejonCity, lota 1,2,5auu e uik 27 85

Campbell John, se!,' of the ne' and lot4. aec 29 t 1 a r 2 a, 74.33acres

" aw'i of of neVi ofsee 28 1 1 a r 2 e, 10 res 58 65

Campbell Julius, part of Wm FordycaD L C aa described in book 39, page 2,record of deeds, aec 5 and i. 1 3 a r 8 e95 acres 18 40

Camnboll Merrttt, part of Wm FordvceO L C aa described iu book 39, aga 4,record of deeds, aec 5 and 6 1 3 a r 8 e105 acres 19 80

Campbeit Morrison, Albert Lees sdditlonto Cauby, lota 1,2,3, 10, 11 and 12, bik1 t 21

Campbell, arah A. Oregon City, lota I,2, 3. 6, 7 and a, b.k 06 4146

Campbell, Duncan Brnach .part of CW.d.wor'h DLCaaI'usc'llwd In took37 age 67 recrrd otdo d , sec n i 2s r2e, ,.i acres

" pa't ol isom Crsn- -lieid D L C a d ri

ed lu tKik 46,rage 36 recori old elst2sr2 a litai rea 32 M

Carson A L, First adilaion to Bar ow01 l ts 3 and 4 lk 15, 1 89

" Or gon Iron Jt tel Co'a 1staddition 10 Oswego, lota 1

and 2 blk 30," iron Bleel Co's 1st

addition to Oswego, lot 3 blk45

" Oregon Iron A at e! Co'a 1staddition to Oswego, ', of lot2 blk 45 x flt

Carter Marg ire', Mlnthorn, Iota 37 and 38bla 44 1 Ji

Caaad aamuel, p irt of John Th ma D1, C aa In book 36 pane 143,ex-e- ot 10 a res in u' u3 ,age 4 and31.11 te, paid ou by Juo Praous 12aI 2 a. 20 acre, (29

Caaiello Alice, Oregon Iron A Steel Co'a1st addition to Oawegr, lot 16 it k 48 2 61

Catiln J .hn, m sen 27 I tar 8 a 165acres 19 20

Chami-erlal- Boll Mrs. Fall Viewto Ore (on City, lot 4 and 14,

blk 11 g 51JChanman Jes-- A, Orcg in Iron A 8t?el

Co'a 1st ad lltlon to Oswego, lot 9 bik' 1 83

Chapman Ellen Mrs, estate of. part of aadeacrl bed iu book 34 page 144, rec r l01 d.ed., and bo-i- 2 faae 141 and 145,record of wills t 2 ar 2 e 184 acrea 106 00

Cnapman W L, Mar.bSe d, east nU of lot1 blk 6 4 74

Chapman E C, Marshfleld, waat 'A of lotlblkS 8 19

Charlton Callle B, Cambridge, lots 13, 14and 15 blk 31 1 IS

Chriateusou Anna, Pleas int Utt a HomsaNo 3, lot 7 and 8 blocks (9

Church, First Congregational, OregonIron A bteel Co's 1st ad J I Ion to

7 and 8 b.k 15 1 H H, 10 acres a. described In

eire ilt court Journal No 11 page 808ec 35 1 1 s r 2 s 2

Cbynowlth Jamee and Wm, part of I MFoate- - D L C, a deacrlbed In bok Vpage 496 record of deeda, aec 27, 34 aud35 1 2 a r 3 160 acres 13 80

Clackamaa creamery, paitof Wm HolmesD LC aa decrabid in book 80psgs41Srecird of deeds, t 2 s r 2e. .57 aer;a 15 20

Clark Ada Mrs, Cla, k imaj Klveraide,tract Q and part of t a t N 9 45

Clay-o- u A H aatata of, part of Jnmas y

D L C as bescrloedlu book Xpage 37 record of deeda, 1 2 a r 2 e 478.78aciea 215 00

Clements M E Park Plac, bik E 5 7Corll n W V. Minthorn addiilou to city of

Portland, lot 23 Dlk 71 67Cohn L. Kteo, b and Danowaky, nt'l

of am'4 and wUof w' of awU of un'212ar2e'50acrea (80

Cohn Lewis an Koraway Simon, awo nw';, e 36 1 2 a r 2 . 40 ace. 12 80

Collins dwln. South Oregon city, lot 11b k8 91

Comer J H. se'-i- ' aec 8 1 5 s r 3 a 11 alComer Luke, Oregou Cut, p irt of lot 8

blk 22 10 atCone Joseph H, part of aa de crlbwl In

000k 51 pge 121 record 01 Jeaus sec 71 2s r8 626 acres 1140

Confer John A. Oregon City fraction lota8, 5 and 6 otk 136Fall-- . Vew addition toOregnu city fract.ona lota7, 8 and 9 blk 15.Fails View addition toOregon City, lot Ij blk 15 15 30

Copball L A, South Oswego, lou 8 and 9blk 86 1 31

Cornailua Chaa W.awseo 14 t4ar5e160 acrea g 00

Cox Elisabeth, t4 o' vw'4 and niofivU aee '2 t 2 a r fi a l.TO hit 7 onCox Jeaaie A, Cam y, i.e,1, ol lots 2 and 11

01 a laCa .b'. lotl bl 12 4 51

Cramer James B, part ot 1 Craufleld D LC as deacrlbed in book 41 pigs 18 re-cord of deeda 1 2 a r 2 e 12 acres 13 80

Crawford 51 V e' of ai; s.-- 9 1 4 a r 3wSofaayiaeo 10t4r3e160 acre. 10 20

Crlsswell Ell aud Evallne, lou 1, 2 and 3,sec 23, l 5 s r 2 en'., and lots 1 and Iaec 26 1 i a r 2a 262.60seres 33 60

Cross H E. trustee, Darnell's addition toOregon Cltr, l it 1 bik 8 1 36

Cross a F Mr nU ae! ; sec 23 t 2 1 r2a 540Oregon C.ty, lots laud2. b;k20

City, lots 1,3 aud 4 blk 124 29 M

Cross HE, Oregon City, It, 3, 4, 5, 6, 78 bla 100

Lou 5. 6, 7, and 8 blk 124Alt 01 blk 145

Lots3nnJ6bklll 129 28West 81 eaiditiou to Oregon

Citrlot6bk2 05" Cauemah lota 1, 2. 7 and 8 b! k

17 4 48" Part of MI t n Br urn D L C aa

deacrl. ed iu book 28 page223 record of deeds, 1 8 s r 181 acres g 33.

" Part ol Geo Abernethy DLONo 58 as d crib d in book43. lajo 363 record of desds,1 2 s r 2e 10- Crea 12 80" Lot 5 aec 29 2 a r 8e

" bwt.,'of net,- - and wofeetaud lota 1. 2 and 3, sec 30 1 2ar 8 e 202.50 acre. 05J gn

Cummtngs Ne lie, p.rtoi aadeacribed Incircuit court Journa. No 9 page 203 seoSO 1 8 a r 1 w 14 acres. 1 92

Currie Jsnuie, Matohbanks.l ts 33, 34,35,36,87, 88 and 89 blk 7

Ah of bl 9Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

12, IS, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 28, 24, .5, 27, 29, 30. 31, 82,83, 34, 35. 36, 87, 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, 4i, 50,blk 10 18 W.

Campbell Harry H, undirtled .12?$ In-terest iu part of W T Matlock D L C aadescribed in book 57 page 113 re ord ofdeeda, 1 2 s r2e, 27.61 acres 1185

Chapman E C and W L, undlrided .19interest In part ot VV T Matlock DLOas described In book 57 pi e 118 recordotdeedjt 2sr2e4L4Jacres 17 79

DarlR J P, pt of as described in bookpage 351 record of deeda seo

11, 1 2 a r 2 e 50 sores 18 95Darling Ame la Mrs, w' of nwW sec

1 4 a r 2 e 80 aoroa 13 OQ" Part of Bwufl'ord DL

C as deacr.bed iubook 36 page 116 re-

cord of deeds, t 3 a r2 e 71'5 acres S3 75

" Dar.iug a addition toOreganCiiy BeV, b--

8Darling's addition to

Oregon Cily, s'sande1 o! blk

Dariing'. addition toOresou Citr blk 5

" Dar ing's addition toOregon C.ty. all olbik A except thatdeacrl tied lu book 50page 404 reoord ofdee la 41 04

Darls LW Central addition to OregonCity lota 9 and 10 blk 36 5 itDaardoff Bertha M, pt ot aa deacrlbed Inbook 52, pages 107, 109 and 110 reoord ofdeeda sec 2. t 2 a. r 2a 1' anrea QOA

Deardoff, J E, weat 60 acrea ol n'-j- sec 9, t2 s, r 8 e, 60 acres 13 00

Deardoff Roaetta A, Pleasant plaoa addto Oregon City lot 7 blk 8 1 nDednian Ueorge R, Clackamas Riverside

oi blk CClackamaa ttireraldew! ol bik JCiackamaa Rirersida

X blk N 21 m" KeJlandb'.k2 mveumaa ciara o, uiaikamaa Klveraidefrac blk K 15 00

DeLashmutt A Oatman ae'of ns'i andeH of ae' aud nw of ae!seo 21 1 3 s. r 4 a 160 aorea 11 52

Part oi b MuMahou D L C aadeaortbed In book U page

Continued on sixth page.

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