  • 1. Jonathan Jenkins Founder / CEO [email_address]

2. 3. Reason for Failure Too much inventory & QC Issues Sourcing Direct from China Reason for Success Sourcing Direct from China 80% - 95% Gross Margins

  • 2007 - Zida Fashions
  • $75K first 20 days
  • Stores nationwide
  • $1.5MM first year

The OrderWithMe Beginnings 4. OrderWithMe =$8 China exporter/ sales rep=$6 $4 $6 $12 $20 $40 Factory Sales Rep US Importer Wholesaler Retailer The ProblemThe Solution$40 Retailer China factory =$4 $4 Factory $8 Order With Me 5.

  • Curation
  • Quantity
  • Trust

VIDEO OF AMERICAN BUYER IN CHINA Online Trade 1.0 Online Trade 2.0 OrderWithMe is the natural evolution of online sourcing. 6. VIDEO DEMO OF THE SITE 7. OrderWithMe Numbers Gross Transactions $125K+ new items per week100+ product categories 12 factory partners 20 8. With OrderWithMe, I can cut out a large number of middlemen, my financial outlook is dramatically improved.- Tess Rodriguez, owner of Contempo Fashion OrderWithMes Customers50% Gross Marginvs75% Gross Margin! Danielle Jenkins - Head Buyer 9. Jonathan Jenkins Founder / CEO [email_address]

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