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Out of all the senses, there is a significant amount of people who would say they rather lose everything but their sense of sight. The ability to find something with the help of light, or technically being able to do almost everything, is through this powerful sense.

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Consequently, the eyes are also the most commonly used and abused organ for this purpose. They are overly exposed to different levels of brightness that people forget that damage to the eye is irreversible.

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The eyes are given too much to handle at extreme situations. Usually, the realization that damage has been done will be slow but truly painful. Headaches would start to disturb, Vision will become blurry.

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The pill will help at times but just as temporary relief. If these symptoms are already experienced too often than usual, the next appointment to make is for an eye examination with a trusted optometrist.

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Unlike in usual laboratories, the appointment with the optometrist painless. No need for an 8-hour fasting or holding the bladder before going. Anyone can come to the clinic and get their eyes checked without much fuss.

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Those who get their eyes checked regularly for their prescription glasses know very well that this exam only takes a few minutes.

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There is also no suspense for results for they are given on the same day. The only requirement for every patient is to know the alphabet. There is a lot of identifying letters through a dummy-looking pair of glasses.

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This is where the optometrist shifts the lenses as the patient reads. Even kids enjoy having this exam because they get to sit on a big chair and read their ABCs on a big screen that looks like their kindergarten blackboard.

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There is an additional step done in eye clinics with the height of technology nowadays. The patient is asked to place his face near a machine.

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The optometrist will adjust the machine from the other end. The machine not only diagnoses the eye grade but also checks the eye focus among other eye details.

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The results are printed in a small sheet in less than five minutes. The final stage of the exam is just to check if the graded lenses are the right fit for the eyes in normal lighting environment.

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They are to be used all day and night after all. The patient’s balance is also checked in order to avoid sea sickness. Wearing incorrectly prescribed eyeglasses can sometimes cause headaches and dizziness.

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The exam is finished once all of these stages have been cleared. The arrangement for the new set of eyeglasses is the next process.

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It is still possible to care for the eyes even if the problem cannot be repaired completely. With the expertise of a trusted optometrist, having that 20-20 vision again is possible with the right set of lenses.

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It all begins with the right inspection. Start taking care of your eyes today as a preventive measure for further harm. Make that appointment right now and see how clear your environment can be.

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Medical & Fitness Centre Cnr Bringelly & Northern RoadsKINGSWOOD NSW 2747 Phone: (02) 4736 2115

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Hours:Monday – Tuesday 9:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday – Thursday 9:00am – 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am – 12 Noon

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