
(photo courtesy of @thatgirlcrystal) Online Community Unconference 2013 Book of Proceedings May 21st, 2013 Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Organized by #OCTribe


Online Community Unconference 2013 Dear Community Tribespeople, The document you are reading contains the thoughts, notes, photos and diagrams captured from an amazing day of sharing and learning among the assembly of community professionals held on May 21st in Mountain View, California. The Unconference would not have been possible without the efforts of a core group of dedicated volunteer organizers that spent several months working with me to help plan and evangelize the event:

x Randy Farmer x Scott Moore x Gail Ann Williams x Susan Tenby x Kaliya Hamlin x Maria Ogneva

We also had an amazing team from producing and facilitating the event, and big thanks goes out to Kaliya Hamlin, Jean Russell and the rest of the Unconference staff. The event would not have been possible without support from our generous sponsors & partners:

x Lithium x Netbase x Inversoft x Metaverse Mod Squad x The Community Roundtable x The Creamery

Lastly, I would like to thank those that attended the Unconference, and extended participants (that means YOU reading this) for continuing to evolve the practice of Online Community building & engagement. Let’s keep the practice moving forward, together. Best, Bill Johnston OCU2013 Chair


Brand Evangelism Brand Evangelism Working with brands and sponsors that want to engage communities How do brand engage with communities? Understanding the role of the brand Finding advocates to get them talking about what your company is doing. If your company is Rebranding how do you get the word out? · Announce branding at a conference · While customers are there drop a curtain and change the brand in front of them · Do it live with customers and media present, getting the word out by ripping the band aid off and revealing everything at once o Track the difference between web traffic in the old platform and in the new o Time on site as bench mark o Social content plan to re-communicate about the new platform · Messaging is important – does the tone change when the rebrand happens o Ex: Citigroup – changing tone, voice, mission, values – review copy and creative · You want your community to have an experience with the brand · how to bring experience into your messaging · How to get brand evangelists – promotions and sweepstakes · Get employees on board · Find a publication that want to have your story and invite them to party or conference · Leverage your advocates within your community How to get influencers on board · Understand who is blogging, influencer ranking, and tracking influencers · Find 2nd tier YouTube bloggers who already have an audience and want to work with you and know how to create content o Teach people how to engage fans on your behalf people who like to make content (U Stream, Live Stream – broadcast channels) · Find bloggers and see who is motivated by what · Get referrals from other bloggers – who do they recommend contacting Make great content that can go viral and promote the hell out of it!


Learning the Group Works Pattern Language Notes: MariannaSchwerdtfeger

Lead: Chris Allen

· Online community manager since 1980… · Co-author of SSL standards · More recently, helping people codify how this works… standardize terminology ӑ Part of Bainbridge Graduate Institute (Seattle) · More recent project: Groupworks – a non-profit

Topic: Applying the Group Works Pattern Language developed for Face-To-Face Facilitation to Online Communities

· Why is it that some meetings bring life to your soul? While others leave you wishing you’d never stepped in the room. · 50 facilitators with many diverse backgrounds and ‘language’ for what they did, came up with 91 patterns – what they feel makes the face-to-face group process magical and work · Each one is described, e.g. “holding space”, with a website behind it. · This project is in Creative Commons: ӑ Can use freely as long as we credit these folks ӑ Creative Commons: If your intent as an author is to make things broadly available, you ought to be able to do so, copyright shouldn’t restrict you to doing what you want – to grow the community, grow the art. Creative Commons is a copyright license that says – hey, make copies, do things with this, let’s change the world together… · Chris’ minimum for consulting on online community is 600 people - . Face to face can be much smaller obviously – difference in behavior. · Goal then: ӑ For Online Communities to learn this language – to adapt this Pattern Language to Online � Examples: � Add: ‘Scale Matters” - � Things around identity, like ‘anonymity” – this is different online than face-to-face ӑ And maybe in a few years to merge, e.g. “scale matters” also applies to face-to-face · Suggestion: Create a Google spreadsheet where people can comment on each item – it’s the same, it’s different, new suggestions – brainstorm for the new items, and edit the existing ones to apply to online. · They don’t do anti-patterns… But online we have more issues (e.g. trolls) that are a bigger part of the issue/ management – · And governance is different. Internal Wikis work well, because there are more limits on what you can do (if you misbehave, you get fired)


· These have been tested. · These are being mapped to processes, like Open Space… Some patterns more applicable than others… · Pattern map of World Café vs. Pattern Map of Braid – there’s one pattern that’s different – do I want to use a Braid or a World Café. · Face to face facilitation is full of interesting processes…eg. Unconference is a variation of Openspace. – so you can do a process map of Unconference and Openspace. There are a lot of interesting processes – e.g. Braid, World Café – maybe these could be brought online. Appreciative Inquiry – another technique. · Another example: Tumbling Offline/Online. ӑ Real world: affect is important. Different to do online. People who are not socially adept are building social systems. · There’s also interesting cross-over – ӑ Online class that Chris teaches. Example – put the names in a circle ӑ To transfer the ‘circle’ that we sit in, in group – to online ӑ Creates psychological container ӑ Discussion around whether you can get someone to feel like they can sit in a circle… in real space, there may be someone in the next room. In the brain: not that much difference between what you imagine, vs. what’s real. So being in online community, we are running two circuits… Might be helpful to look at each layer – each layer of interaction something is happening. · Tumblevision: When you’re doing a show: you have a goal, to get someone to feel something. Each layer affects what you do to get to the goal. · Chris online teaching: ӑ Be conscious about mental overload, e.g. start with his face…but then turn off the face video, when they’re supposed to focus on something else.. ӑ Like theater: trying to figure out how to get someone there. ӑ In technological space, you can play with rules – make some things available, takes some things away – have more control…eg. Can turn off video. · Conversation online/offline: ӑ Time is different too – Check in at the beginning of each class – check-in – face-to-face, takes time, but good. Online check-ins: three and a half minutes – open a google doc, and 40 people check in at the same time…. Commenting on each other’s. He’s reading through and maybe highlighting some – it’s not the same, but it’s different in a good way. ӑ Simultaneous editing: in person, when we interrupt each other = rude. But online like this, works. ӑ Online conversation -= you can scan – more people can contribute. ӑ Every channel has a different capacity: � E.g. video – a few people… but more than 10 people or so on Google Hangout, the info quality goes down. � E.g. chat room – up to 25 it works…past that, it becomes disjointed… by the time you get a chance to respond, it has become disjointed. · Scott:


ӑ Working in communities… previous patterns: small cadre of people with hierarchy of use/ participation / interest in the function of the community. Scott gathers them as a group, names them, etc. ӑ Then a community that wasn’t used to being online… the entire concept of being online was completely online.. .and everybody was coming in and saying you mean I can talk to other people online… Dispensed with that, generalize setting an example working with people and developing this broad sense of support – after a couple of years, new people in the community would come in and talk to the older people – and ask them how you do / how they dowhat they do… Setting the example was the best way to teach in a context where there were no preconceived notions. Wasn’t helpful in this case to build a language, or use language. This was ad hoc , adapting to this group. ӑ Chris: Hm. When I’m bringing new moderators or want to bring people – teach them the cycle of Flames – a language, flames, how they work, the psychology of it… when I give them this model, or the different parts of the cycles of flames, when people have this, they feel like they can do something about it. · Life-span: is another pattern. There is a pattern card about ‘cycles’ – online cycles have some differences. What’s interesting about this deck – I’ve been working with another person on this deck –a lot of this is oriented towards advice to the facilitator, but is also advice to the participant. · Some discussion around what ‘facilitation’ is real world vs online. ӑ Example: Offline community around parents of children with disabilities… ӑ People who buy this deck – people who have an ongoing community or other kind of ongoing ӑ Want to add things…from art, from music… if you make a mistake, repeat it, then it’s not a mistake. · Goal discussion: ӑ If you’re trying to sustain a community long-term… what a facilitated community does is find points of dissatisfaction is force those to merge in a way and not spin off… “walk around and say “oh, yeah, that’s bad…” – listen and collect … ӑ Processes that work outside – again, example of body language – we don’t have that offline, so how do we bring this in. · There’s a lot of stuff from offline that hasn’t made it online, but there’s a lot of stuff that should go back to face to face from online. · E.g. “I’m a little annoyed” button. E.g. real life Red, Yellow, Green cards – now there’s an iphone app to do this same thing. See the lights… Using this online as well. App: Collaborate, owned by Blackboard. · Scott: Having worked in groups online, offline, phone – what is being described is conscious indicators of how people feel. What is missing online is the unconscious indicators . ӑ Chris: Online classes: ‘rule’ to have an interaction point at least every six minutes. E.g. a line to say I agree / Disagree… or can be two axes. These are features? No, this is a slide. A lot of the chat rooms have the ability to put a mark on the screen. ӑ And video of course. When a person is speaking. – Bandwidth. ӑ Not on unconscious communicators: they are learned. So: we may be transitioning to a place where we are learning how to communicate online. Different if you grew up communicating online vs. if you have just been doing it a week. There’s a long way technology can go to build mechanisms to support this ‘new’ kind of communication (and may or may not be all video).


ӑ E.g. Like button and all its meanings – Like also means an acknowledgement, not just a Like. · Discussion of reputation systems… e.g. at SAP · Political Futures forum , Dan Rink: One of the main issues: anonymity, and people sabotaging / hacking the process. See this in the real world – have online communities that are secure, private, anonymous where we can be open. Key is not anonymity, but is persistence. Many people don’t want their comments out there… how to manage this. Older demographic that wants to engage in conversation (including online), but have ambivalence. ӑ Note: We don’t teach this. Different way of communicating. … Schools still learning this is different. ӑ Chris: Cycle of Flames blog article – some studies that show that you have a tendency to over-interpret the emotional content of things… and have a tendency to then respond at the same emotional level as you think the other person did. And less than 50% chance to get right the emotional content (in the absence of smileys) – this escalates. ӑ Online engagement creates real-world vulnerability…


Implications of changing enterprise platforms – key takeaways

Augmenting implementing content management

Pick it up and move it approach

Natural lifecycle approach – set two systems side by side (will take a lot longer – could take 2-3 years)

Do we want to move (work/discussion/blog, what do we want to bridge, what can we keep, what kind of


Using Jive internally – not a clean integration, clean interface

Why move it at all? What’s the value of the content and what’s the driver?

Switching from one tool to another, what do you take with you? Cost $100k to move content!

Platform – we wan to migrate knowledge base – migrating a social community is different to migrating a

data store.

Governance, senior leadership – what drives decision? Move content and lose the context powerful


Migration VS Natural Evolutiion

Break to small pieces

Is it worth keeping old content? If it’s archived like a library organized – conferences protect from

‘vandalism’ rename and could be turned back on. If conversation stakeholders can be discoverable via


Who owns content? If every piece of content has an author?

Moved by excel open hour session and round robin shifts – community documents (4-5000 docs)…

Event – need new platform, or can’t host any more – 4-5 year lifeline...

Sharepoint 2013 and Jive at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – change how often do you change?


Platform vendor: How will you let us reveal “how to get content out of old system and empower users

what’s valuable and what’s worth keeping.”

Content curation: user sensibility

Managing users and expectations

Hope that vendors will be able to e.g. IBM making available connections (sharepoint/oulook) have more

integration. People using it should be seemless and let me get my job done.

“People overall want things to stay forever”

Example: 1600 groups – only 600 have been active in the last 6months…

Groups are adhoc and spaces are curated (Jive)

Protocol: time based trigger

SAP overall external community – communities on Jive

Evaluate if this makes sense, whether what they want to do is a community

One space (with1600 groups) easier for users to manage vs 50 spaces how to manage

Give it a timeline and close it – e.g. give it six months (tell them) keep it going for nine months

Legal – what legal says you can / can’t delete how long you keep it for.

Recurring subscriptions


Preventing Community Manager Burnout / Scaling Community In this session, we got together to discuss issues that community managers face as they try to scale, achieve more, with few resources. If left unmanaged, these issues can add up to serious burnout. To come up with hard-hitting solutions, it’s imperative to first examine the source of burnout. In a brainstorming session, we identified these problems as causes: Problems:

1. Community management is often a bolt-on to other jobs we have to do 2. There’s a lack of understanding in our organization about what community is, why community

management is important and what a community manager even does 3. Lack of clarity around community and how it fits into the organizational plan; lack of clarity

around goals 4. Lack of exec sponsorship 5. Too much focus on tools, and not change management 6. Return on relationship is intangible and has a much longer time-horizon until ROI 7. We are too invested in communities emotionally 8. Processes don’t scale and job gets harder 9. It’s difficult to scale relationships 10. It’s very cross functional, and it’s taxing to keep all these interests balanced 11. Not empowered to create change, when change is necessary 12. We are bad at understanding our own limitations and letting go 13. Being an always-on, always-positive cheerleader is exhausting 14. Too much institutional knowledge means that everyone is always pulling on our time and

resources 15. We don’t give ourselves nearly enough permission to take a vacation, take a break 16. It’s hard to be the advocate of both company and customer at the same time

Solutions: Here are some solutions that the group came up with to battle the above problems:

1. Create a documented repeatable process 2. Job description, industry standards 3. Make implicit knowledge explicit, document best practices 4. Align expectations 5. Don’t try to help all the time; sometimes you have to let people / orgs fail 6. Stop being a fixer and stop internalizing 7. Be clear and realistic about priorities and nice-to-haves 8. Measure ROI -- make sure to have a nice blend of qualitative stories, as well as quantitative

results (oftentimes causation is hard to prove, but correlation is still a great thing to understand) 9. Create systems:


a. WŚLJƐŝĐĂů�ƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ͕�ƐƵĐŚ�ĂƐ�ƚŝĐŬĞƚŝŶŐ�ї�ŚĞůƉƐ�ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚ�ƐĐĂůĞ�ŽĨ�ƉƌŽďůĞŵƐ͕�ƚƌĞŶĚƐ b. People systems -- working with other people in the organization and advocates inside

the community 10. tŚĞƌĞ�ĚŽ�LJŽƵ�Ɛŝƚ�ŝŶ�ƚŚĞ�ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͍�ї�DĂŬĞ�ƐƵƌĞ�ƚŽ�ƚŝĞ�ƚŽ�ŽƵƚĐŽŵĞ͘�dŚŝƐ�ǁŝůů�ĚŝĐƚĂƚĞ�ŚŽǁ�LJŽƵ�

measure and whether or not you are on the same page. Have a goal! 11. Break silos through:

a. relationship building b. empowering people to act in the community c. aligning priorities d. xec buy-in e. productive communication f. reward recognition (on their terms -- make the reward something they value) g. build credibility by speaking the language of the group you want on your side h. think strategically -- make time for strategy, alongside execution. Don’t let the “doing”

interfere with the “thinking.” Force time into your schedule to think big picture. Ask yourself: if money was no object, what would I do?

12. Focus on outcomes 13. Benchmark 14. Give yourself permission to.... (take a break, take a vacation, not always be on, not have all the

answers, not solve everyone’s problems) 15. Live in day- tight compartments 16. Figure out what’s out of your control and stop trying to change it. 17. Trust others

Other takeaways

Ɣ Content and communities always existed Ɣ Channels are new. Ɣ To help bridge the gap, narrate change and connect to previous changes


Twitter Best Practices Session Introductions MARC Session Leader Sonoma State Has three twitter accounts Widget to keep website up with news I don't use Twitter and I should MIKE KING - Inversoft Company and team members have accounts Balancing One Twitter Manager but folks support with personal brands Green 360 Careers It's time for us to start using Twitter Court the professional Green workers Outreach to teens GCX Corp Trying to figure out what to do. LEWIS - Adobe Many Twitter Handles - Too many Each product once its own Twitter handle Interested in finding influencers Don't disappear because the product is. It might be the most important time. Folks need to morn a ending product CHAD CROWELL - Clearfire I've been on Twitter since 2007 I'm interested in how businesses in different worlds use it. How does that scale down to smaller companies SAP I'm still trying to learn how we use Twitter. Should there be a consistent voice? UC Berkley The organizations are limited with resources and there is a broad customer base. I'd liker to help them find the right balance. Twitter to broadcast news etc Need to coordinate our online presences Needing to explain the ROI to generate funding for community management. With 360 developing a Personal Brand A brand of interest around sustainability I use Twitter to get information I want to learn about giving information around the realm of sustainability.


EAMON ARMSTRONG - Fest300 I previously promoted events and mentioning a performers handle while providing content Wondering how to start a twitter community before a product launches KEVIN MARKS - Sales Force Web standards I live on Twitter We have tools you can look up if you like I'm interested in the sociology of Twitter It scales by default We can have a visible chat The subtle dynamic between who you choose to follow and discoverability. The difference between Twitter and Facebook Twitter delivers the possibility of having a conversation with someone you'd like to meet. You can have bridging conversations in public. Looking for people talking about you. SAVING TWEETS: Use Pocket or Instapaper for saving tweets and other documents. Also you can favorite them and then review. HASHTAGS Work well on Google+ and Instagram People are using it in tow ways To clump themes in the short team (events etc) Or they use it to clarify something they're saying as an aside. I think the noise deletes the message They work well for organizing around events They work as banter concentrations Hashtags attract spammers when they take off LISTS I use lists to filter noise. I have a "World's Best Festivals" List for retweet fodder. OTHER STUFF Personal vs Business account is important to me How do you switch people when you've developed a voice? How many people should you follow? Whom you follow is a public performance and expressive your personality Have a sense of the ton of Twitter - Banter. It is where folks speak as friends. Should you let everyone who wants to follow you? I block brats but I don't actively look for bots. Sometimes mark as spam. I assume that Twitter is public. I don't put up a gate.


USING A TWITTER WIDGET AS A NEWS FEED I can put breaking news on my website by updating my Twitter handle. You can use a hashtag to activate a widget but be careful because others can use the hashtag Be careful about "Twitter Speak" If you do this because folks will be reading who are not native to Twitter. ROI You need to manage reputation. You have to be on social networks because they have become part of the support network. Community Managers need to be able to mirror language. WHERE ARE THE TWITTER OPERATORS IN THE COMPANY Sonoma State Academic affairs Inversoft - Content Marketing and social media Salesforce - Official handle is owned by marketing, but others are in other bits In small companies it's in product. Don't assume you can speak with one voice. BEST PRACTICES CASE STUDY - A distributed sales Medical manufacturing company has had trouble getting a foothold on social media Who wants to find out about our products on twitter? What do we say? How often do we say it? Who do I follow? Let's talk to folks using our product rather than folks buy our product. Nurses etc. To get the conversation going within the environment What are your peers doing? A lot of our competitors are not on twitter There is one that overdoes it (They are B to C) One thing GE is doing is giving a specific product it's own feed. The product has its own personality Weird anthropomorphic accounts seem bizarre but are followed. Aha Moment Create a conversation between intra brand twitter accounts Lists Using a Twitter widget


Filter/Moderate profanity product by Inversoft (event sponsor)

notes by Lynn Abate-Johnson @peoplefw on Twitter, Instagram.

Marshall from @Inversoft provides monitoring tools to gaming businesses like Animal Jam, as well as

companies using forums for connection.

Inversoft and Animal Jam (ages 7-12), partnered with National Geographic (currently 10 million users,

free game to play with added Membership Model by subscriptions, retail cards, retail store selling

apparel, plushies, etc) Animal Jam is based in SLC, Utah

Partnered to create a product to anticipate language created by kids online, and protect brands,

educate, and work with responsible, involved parents (interacting especially when child is banned).

Tunnel Town for iPhone – a spirited spin off of Animal Jam. Same age group and a little older…

Examples of Key things being monitored:

Street address

Phone numbers


Swear words

Animal jam teaches (approx 30) moderators to

Assume innocence

Recognize developmental models

Emulation of parent and older sibling/friend behaviors

Recognize red flags

Where chats happen – as it gets more private (in “dens”)

User tripping flags – they issue bans and warnings, create lines of communication

Filter tools (automated) require moderators

Reinforce POSITIVE behaviors as well as negative.

Allows you to track users who are enjoying, utilizing new content (games for kids, for example). No

longer named “black list” – looking for other “keywords”.

Monitoring adult forums for all types of potentially “damaging” speech, different arena than kids space

“no shirt, no shoes, no service” analogy as it applies to adult forums.

Eg. Amazon filters consumer generated reviews.


Doco Film: “Terms and Conditions May Apply” – recommended Marshall take a look at it.


Question from Carter (animal jam Community Manager) –

Analytics – how do you rate/measure the data being collected on the “latest” hot button words,

phrases, behavior.

Be cool to have a chat sentiment tool that analyzed your chat and gave a vibe/feeling of what users are

saying. “what are people talking about this week?”

Marshall: trending analysis, for example: “strawberries” trending this week…just educating


Two sides of the coin:

1. what we know we want to track and block/disallow

2. What we don’t know we don’t know

e.g. sexual, vulgar, grooming words go into Meta data category


Community Listening Convener: Malcolm DeLeo Note Taker: Crystal Coleman Participants: Susan Tenby, Ally Dukkers, Jen Kirk Netbase software helps understand how audience speaks. Getting people to understand what’s being said. Listen vs Push. Participant Concerns: Ally is with The Hunt, a social commerce site that allows users to upload pics and community members will find the products. Mostly fashion. Strong community, wants to learn more about listening, uses Uservoice. Susan Tenby is working in a new division, wants to learn about listening better to a close-knit community she doesn’t know anything about. She’s using hashtags, but wants to know if there’s a better way to infiltrate. Crystal Coleman wants to know how to better focus on valuable feedback and weed out feedback that’s not constructive. How do you determine what to focus on with listening ? Social listening = getting people to do something different. 80/20 – Push/Pull – why is that becoming more important. Social Media Fog = too much content created. Build use cases for pulling to push better.

The Crowd My Crowd (external)

My Crowd (internal)

Netbase Lithium Spigit

Netbase specializes in natural language processing for emotion gathering. TacoBell used Netbase to hear complaints of free tacos during hurricane Sandy (bad timing); responded and changed date. Processes which emotions are expressed. Agnostic of brand… can look at forums. Find influencers, brings.


Helps figure out trouble spots, to determine what you want to push. Reframe mindset to become a pull advocate – will help you pull better. Pull exercise: Question: How do I learn about a group of people to eventually influence the dialogue? Learn: (Pull) 1: What do they talk about? 2. Who talks the most.? Dialogue test (Push) Push – to influencers with knowledge. Test bombs Build (Pull) Study and target response to your test. Grow (Push) Starting to look at audience insights. Look at where your demographic is. Twitter, internal forums, Facebook, etc? Tools: Pick a __ Process: Build a __ Culture: Influencer out __ (Tools, Process, and Culture, Oh My! by Malcolm De Leo on Social Media Examiner) Ally sent out top 100 hunters survey to users. Is a survey a good way to listen? Perfect for specialized sites; very on-target. Survey is a pull technique. Community manager my crowd external (that’s where your influencers lie). Jen uses surverys for targeted problems. Prioritized engineering team reactions. How do you prioritize feedback? Have to be ingrained in community. Power users understand the product better, more priority. Then numbers game, obvious responses. How do you identify and reward ambassadors? Profile badges, intro to their name (platform specific). Gamification. Can you tell through Netbase? You can see conversation, how often they posted, what the sentiment is. Bad data = pushing wrong message.


Social Media & Traditional Communities - How do you mesh?

Convener: Nicolas Leduc, Autodesk @nikleduke

Note-taker: BJ Wishinsky @leapingwoman

Hashtag for this session #soctty

Overview: This session was about managing hosted communities (e.g. discussion forums, private social

networks, customer support communities, etc.) versus managing presence on social networks like

Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Discussion topics: Ɣ What’s the difference?

Ɣ Who has Community responsibility in your organization?

Ɣ What kinds of engagement levels do you observe in your community or do you use to move

people towards deeper engagement?

Ɣ Content

Ɣ Challenges

Ɣ Best Practices

Ɣ Tools

Ɣ Session Participants

What's the difference?

Ɣ Nicolas is responsible for B2B programs on both hosted communities and social networks. He

sees different customers in each. Many of the long-time participants in email lists and discussion

forums don't want to use Facebook or Twitter, while newer/younger community members join

Facebook but don't want to use the older formats.

Ɣ David sees social as a set of technologies and sees community as something else; the

community can work on different tools. Their support team has data showing the cost savings of

moving people from social to their support communities.

Ɣ Chip feels there are both hosted and social media technologies that can create communities.

Neither is "just a channel". Twitter is an interesting case since following is asymmetric, but

hashtags and chats are community-building tools.

Who has Community responsibility in your organization?

Ɣ In some organizations the developer community is run by product marketing, while the social

media channels are managed by PR and used for promotion and outward messaging.

Ɣ In small organizations it's more likely that one person does it all.


Ɣ At VMWare, the online community used to be part of Support but moved into Marketing. The

Community team had to become more marketing-focused.

Ɣ Traditionally Autodesk forums were in support and social was in marketing. With newer

products esp. SAAS, they're starting community from the beginning:, getting

product feedback, QA teams are on those platforms listening and responding.

What kinds of engagement levels do you observe in your community or do you use to move people towards deeper engagement?

Ɣ Hosted community members have to sign up for it, so they're already (at least initially) more

engaged/committed than Twitter followers or Facebook Likes. The challenge then is to keep

them engaged.

Ɣ Betty: Influencers see there's a vacuum that they can fill.

Ɣ You need to provide things for people to do: Broken things they can fix; gaps they can fill.

Content: Ɣ Social is more of a flow/stream; hosted is more long-form, long-lived content.

Ɣ Content in a hosted community can be driven by the organization or members. Which one

drives content makes a difference.

Ɣ Interesting content in the hosted community then gets pushed to social channels (where

confidentiality is not an issue).

Ɣ As a user, Chip goes to the hosted community for a purpose. Being community-minded, if he

posts something there, he then also shares it out on his social channels.

Ɣ Programmatically, Edutopia provides modules where community members can teach each other

(and get paid), guest blog, etc.

Ɣ Nicolas at Autodesk shares best images created by community members. It's always about the


Ɣ Autodesk User Group International is an entire user-run community producing content. They

used to do face-to-face events when there was money and online meetings when budgets were

tight. Now they do both.

Challenges: Ɣ Companies think of online as cheaper but don't always understand the costs involved in the

platform, content, moderation.

Ɣ Tailoring posts for different channels: hosted, Facebook, Twitter.

Best Practices: Ɣ Take group photos at events and post them in the online community. It helps people remember

those they met and continue to see themselves as a part of the community.

Ɣ You need one or two champions to keep an event-follow-up group going.

Ɣ Chip ran Obama campaign online for Northern California. They'd go into different communities

and do training sessions. They had people introduce themselves and inventory their skills, and


someone would immediately assign them a responsibility based on their skills. (For more on

how they did Camp Obama see the work of Marshall Ganz).

Ɣ Provide different ways for participants to contribute. Those who aren't speaking aren't

necessarily unengaged!

Ɣ When people first come in and start listening, they don't necessarily feel like a member until

someone welcomes them.

Ɣ How do you welcome someone in and make it not seem like an automated marketing message?

Answer: It's not about you. It's about encouraging them to participate.

Ɣ Cultivate lieutenants who can help with welcoming new members (e.g., look at their profile and

tailor your message).

Ɣ Recognize people.

Ɣ Connectors and glue: You might develop these internally or they might develop naturally.

Ɣ Earl: The Well has individual conferences, and each has a host who welcomes people.

Ɣ Edutopia integrates Twitter hashtags with blog strategy. In Facebook they only do 2 posts a day

with questions, based on what was popular on Twitter.

Tools: Ɣ Tools are getting better (e.g. Facebook segmentation by geography) for tailoring messages for

communities, tools and individuals.

Ɣ We also had some discussion around Dunbar's number (150) and how/whether this is of use in

community management. Ray said he finds 1-9-90 (or 80-20 or such) more useful than Dunbar's


Session Participants: Ɣ Ally Lorentson

Ɣ Betty Ray

Ɣ BJ Wishinsky

Ɣ Chip Roberson

Ɣ Dave Mills

Ɣ Delfina Dares

Ɣ Earl Crabb

Ɣ Jeff Richardson

Ɣ Jeska Dzwigalski

Ɣ John McDonald

Ɣ John Troyer

Ɣ Kevin Merritt

Ɣ Kyle Dykes

Ɣ Lyne Arseneault

Ɣ Maryann Hulsman

Ɣ Nicolas Leduc

Ɣ Ray Eisenberg


Ɣ Robert Dell'Immagine

Ɣ Stacy Stella

Ɣ Tajalli Love


Herd Mentality

Notes: michelle.schlachta

People like to follow role models

The organization has an agenda, maybe tries to steer the herd. The topic/issue/interest gives

followers a cause to rally around.

Example: Calamity strikes and social media responds fast and visibly, and now there is a feeling where

if you're not responding quickly enough (or at all) people criticize your lack of involvement in the

global effort. The cause can also allow people to piggyback off (create tangents?) from the original

issue and participate in issues that are not relevant to the original cause.

Herd around something tangible? Or just an idea?

Herd has a leader, there's also a shepherd (CM). Shepherd can leave leader to do their work.

Shepherd role is to protect, redirect, lead.

Herd leader (influencer) gets attention from company through personal relationship and high volume

of activity.

When influencer leads herd in a direction thats negative against the company, company can reframe

complaints as "well, if you were doing it or building it, what would you do? help us improve" and get

them to share ideas and be involved in the process. Package up the feedback and lobby internally. Get

them to do QA and beta testing. Give them something exclusive to bite on and make them feel heard

and their concerns understood.

Enable them. Make it a symbiotic relationship.


Before you make big changes prepare for feedback and monitoring the reaction, get people internally

involved and informed.

Are our efforts nimble enough to steer herd mentality?

Solution. Tell them what's happening ahead of time (i.e. product changes). Explain why.

If stuff happens that you can't predict, create an action plan of what do we do if a,b,c,d happens,

what do we do, who are our points of contact, what's course of action, is there anything we can do

now to prevent predicted thing? Turnaround should be quick, like 24 hrs or less, for reaction time.

Volunteers. If people show an interest, give them something to do. Give them tools or access to

things. They will put out fires, police themselves, bring issues to you, be eyes and ears of the

community for the company. But must vet out people's background first, screen them and make sure

they are trusted (to the best of your ability & the resources you have). If they show good will, have

history on the site that is positive, or on other sites.

At the end of the day if you have a good product, that will save you.

Engage. Empower. Enable.



Notes: Caroline Abellar

GLS: Social change, how games fit into society, rockstar tech educators

Jane McGonigal

Scott Nicholson: 90 minute talk about meaningful gamification (Anne will send URL)

Gamification is okay but they’re all about extrinsic rewards

It has become an addiction to want more and more

Example: Students aren’t doing as well because getting good grades is no longer intrinsic

Studying motivation: self-determination theory – good read is Daniel Pink’s “Drive”

Online safety is important but it is not the goal; goal needs to be safe participation

A reward that is based on just completion is more damaging to your intrinsic feeling rather than your


Focus on 3 things:

autonomy (choice and control = intrinsic rewards; extrinsic gives into addiction of more more more)

competency (mastery = skill developing/meaningful learning rather than just getting grade)

relatedness (engaging with the world and the community; engage people in things they’re passionate




Give your users the choice to determine what their goals are rather than making certain goals for them –

let them create their own path

COMMENT- Youth: they’re digital natives, all about that gamification in contrast, we try to create certain

community / SO how do you include brands and expose them to it without them getting bored?

Can’t help gamification from occurring but we need to find a way to make it more meaningful

COMMENT- if you create competition, it fails. Make them work together as a group toward to a bigger


COMMENT OF ATTENDEE- there’s a relative need in that community that needs to be solved so how can

we create a collective effort to solve that (eg. Forums that are helping others solve their problems)

COMMENT- create leaderboards help recognize and bring people to be rewarded for things they were

already planning on doing

COMMENT/QUESTION- you are what you measure so think about why do people participate in a

community to begin with?

COMMENT- Asking good questions, giving good answers – all things that are being rewarded are things

that are be

COMMENT- leaderboards of your friends is more effective than leaderboards of all users in general (too

many super users, bringing it close to home makes it more reachable) – reward improvement –

COMMENT- create an incentive to change behavior in a meaningful way that gives people a choice to do



COMMENT/QUESTION- Frustration: so many behaviors that happen on sites in your communities that

we take for granted; if we just make it transparent instead of invisible – why do we only focus on

number of followers, etc. – what’s your REAL objective though?

COMMENT- Dr. Woo at Lithium – making gamification sustainable:

Attention attribution

Incentivize paths to intrinsic values – how do you get them to start down the road and incentivize it to

your end goal

Using game mechanics to empower type of abilities you want community to manifest; creating missions

and challenges, asking them to create the goals themselves/for their communities. DON’T ALWAYS ONLY

GO TO SUPER USERS. (figure out social currency- example: if friends help move, you don’t pay them a

check, you’d give them pizza – they don’t want the pizza they want the helping you and then spending

time to eat pizza that is the meaningfulness)

COMMENT- the ongoing vibrancy of a community is important, various motivations but you must

understand the lenses of your audience

Cool company to look toward: Marketo

How do you get lower end/tier users to go up/help them see that value? – understanding your own

dynamics will help you figure that out


Guest/prospects, members, superusers, internal users -- Rewards should be proportionate to what the

audience values

Nearandfar blog – how to create behaviors around apps that people want to come back to

Coursera – they have a session on gamification (great to learn about the theory of gamification) – how

to make a behavior happen and importance of tiny habits to move along behaviors

Bunchball / Badgefill -- leaderboards, add-ons to social things

Notice when people comment, are they asking a lot of questions

Don’t look when, how people post, look at WHAT

Start encouraging welcoming behaviors among the communities/community members

Contributors: are they casual, regular, etc.

You want people to know you’re approachable – how do you then put badges on profiles, then what

does it mean as far as showing on profiles?

Badges: create stronger ties – example “here’s a likeminded person that I can connect with”, find a way

to bridge the gaps

What is the difference between positive and negative addiction? Pos- making our own choices, Neg-

wanting more and more more

Jim Bauers – whyville – how


i18n Communities

Xavier’s Notes


- Identifying challenges


- To determine best practices for operations


- How to address cultural differences when applying best practices

Topics: Localization

-Localization is easier, you can buy tools, but this is not a strategy

-Supporting the community requires more thought and planning

Content is expensive to localize

End product is often culturally insensitive

- Best practice is to create at source, use community to crowdsource this process

- Best practice = give local responsibility to the countries

ӑ�DĂƌŬĞƚŝŶŐ�ŝƐ�ĚŝĨĨĞƌĞŶƚ�ƚŚĂŶ�ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů�ŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶƐ Content pipeline is difficult to source, you can overcome by using social medias platforms as

opportunities to fill the content pipeline [faceŬ͕�ƚǁŝƚƚĞƌ Need to standardize on platform


ӑ�WĂLJ�ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ�ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌ�ĂƐ�ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ�ŵĂŶĂŐĞƌ�ϭͬϵͬϵϬ Their job to source content

ӑ�EŽƚŝĐĞ�ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚ�ůŽĐĂů�ŵĂƌŬĞƚƐ�ĂƌĞ�ƐĞǀĞƌĞůLJ�ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂĨĨĞĚ͕�ŽĨƚĞŶ�ĐŽŵŵunity members play a huge role

in staffing events



- New tool: geofluent - ďŝŶŐͬŐŽŽŐůĞ�ƚƌĂŶƐůĂƚĞ�ƉůƵƐ�Ă�ŐůŽƐƐŽƌLJ�ŽĨ�Ăůů�ŽĨ�LJŽƵƌ�ƚĞƌŵƐ�ƚŚĂƚ�ĐĂŶ�ďĞ� ƵƐĞĚ�ƚŽ�ĂƐƐŝƐƚ�ŝŶ�ƚƌĂŶƐůĂƚŝŽŶ�ϭϱŬ�ƚŽ�ƐĞƚ�ƵƉ�ĨŝƌƐƚ�ůĂŶŐƵĂŐĞ͕�ϱŬ�ĨŽƌ�ĞĂĐŚ�ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂů�ůĂŶŐƵĂŐĞ - DŽnjŝůůĂ�ĨŽƌ�ĞŶĚ�ƵƐĞƌƐ�ĂƐŬƐ�ŝƐ�ƚŚƌĞ�ƐŽŵĞďŽĚLJ�ǁŚŽ�ƐƉĞĂŬƐ�ƚŚŝƐ�ůĂnguage who wants to engage in



- Legal would love to be a resource for community but currently not involved

- KƉĞŶ�ƐŽƵƌĐĞ�ĂǀŽŝĚ�ůĞŐĂů�ĞdžĐĞƉƚ�ĨŽƌ�ƚƌĂĚĞŵĂƌŬ�ŝŶĨƌŝŶŐĞŵĞŶƚ - Depending on internal or external may be a lot of legal ramification





Global purpose:

How do yo identify the global purpose of a brand

DŽnjŝůůĂ�ŚĂƐ�Ă�ǀĞƌLJ�ĚĞĐĞŶƚƌĂůŝnjĞ�ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ͕�ŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ�ŝƐ�ŐůŽďĂů�ĂŶĚ�ďƌĂŶĚ�ǀĂůƵĞƐ�ĂƌĞ�ŐůŽďĂů͕�ďƵƚ� communities may help to manifest the aesthetics of the brand ůŽŐŽƐ͕�ĞƚĐ

Community purpose: Support


- ^ĞĞŵƐ�ůŝŬĞ�ĂĐƌŽƐƐ�Ăůů�ĐƵůƚƵƌĞƐ�ŝĚĞĂƚŝŽŶ�ĐŽŵŵƵŶƚŝĞƐ�ŶĞĞĚ�ƚŽ�ŚĂǀĞ�ĂŶ�ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ�ĨŽƌ�ƚŚĞ� differences between collaboration models or appetitie for collaboration

- tŚĂƚ�ĚŽĞƐ�ƐƚĂĨĨŝŶŐ�ůŽŽŬ�ůŝŬĞ�ĨŽƌ�LJƵŵ�brand-we have one global community manager but she

ŚĂƐ�Ă�ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ�ŽĨ�ƉŽǁĞƌ�ƵƐĞƌƐ͕�ǁŚŽ�ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌ�ĂƐ�ĞdžƉĞƌƚƐ͕�ƚŚĞƐĞ�ĂƌĞ�ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂů�ƵƐĞƌƐ�ǁŚ�ĂƌĞ�ƐŽůĚ�ŽŶ�ƚŚĞ� concept of social business, these users are using a combined tool,

- In terms of scale yum brands lets ĞĂĐŚ�ŵĂƌŬĞƚ�ĚŽ�ǁŚĂƚ�ƚŚĞLJ�ǁĂŶƚ�ǁŝƚŚ�ƚŚĞ�ŝĚĞĂƚŝŽŶ�ƚŽŽů� ĨƌĞƐŚĞƌƐ͕�ƚŚĂŝůĂŶĚ�ƐĂǁ�ƐŽŵĞ�ŽĨ�ƚŚĞ�ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĞƐ�ĂŶĚ�ŝŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĞĚ�ƚŚĞ�ƐĂŵĞ�ŝĚĞĂ�ĂŶĚ�ƐĂǁ�ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐ�ƚŚĞƌĞ� as well.

- DŽnjŝůůĂ͗�ŝĨ�ƐŽŵĞŽŶĞ�ǁƌŝƚĞƐ�Ă�ƉŝĞŶĐĞ�ŽĨ�ĐŽĚĞ�ŚŽǁ�ĚŽĞƐ�ƚŚĞ�ƌĞƐƚ�ŽĨ�ƚŚĞ�ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ�ƐĞĞ�ŝƚ͕ŝƚ�Őoes



Knowledge management





Continuing Community after the Event is Over

Opening ideas…

Ɣ Continuing to relate to the content of the conference afterwards is key to skill improvement & ROI

Ɣ Need to engage different generations who have different concerns and communication preference

Ɣ Short term and long term goals and connections to be addressed Ɣ Need to tap into the energy of the moment (a week later is too late)

ż Stage content (ppts) in advance so you can announce at the event ż Develop specific links later on to provide quick access

Ɣ Prolonging the experience, stop thinking about the event in finite time parameters (1 day) Ɣ Association connections that blend online and offline

ż Multi-cultural, generational, roles ż Different experience based on their age, tech experience, past experiences

Ɣ Hybrid model of continued learning (universities and corp) – f2f monthly + online weekly Ɣ Launched platform to connect high school program members with working professionals

ż Once the “program” is over (no more requirement to be there) people dropping off � Ɣ Design for interaction

ż Before the event begins to learn who’s coming and what they want to learn about ż Via an online café to engage throughout the event – capture insights and experiences

while the feeling is HOT ż Dedicated monitor with twitter feed running live as a reminder, reward system and

inspiration Ɣ Difficult to get the individuals who were NOT able to attend the event to feel a part of and start

interacting with the community Ɣ Creating intimate relationship communities Ɣ Annual conference model is challenging – maintaining connections and energy vs renewing in 9

months Ɣ Creating cohorts of participants from different sessions the same class – encouraging past

graduates to help new graduates to apply key content/tools and gain lessons learned from those who have been doing it

Ɣ Going from f2f model to an online environment Ɣ Preparation before people show up – set the tone from the moment they walk in the room

BEFORE THE EVENT – Goal: increase enrollment

Ɣ Prework assignments that individuals have to complete or think about in advance ż Share with others via online forum or do on their own

Ɣ Collect topics of interest that they want to learn more about via online tool ż Address issues that won’t be covered at the event with value adding content/link ż Start engaging with individuals before they show up ż Create energy and excitement about the session ż See who else is showing up ż Prepare for networking by learning more about other attendees in advance


Ɣ Intro slidecasts and/or short video to set the context – can be for sales/marketing or context setting

Ɣ Understand the REASON people are showing up so you can create meaningful subgroups ż Get to know what stage of their project/career they are in

Ɣ Give potential attendee “selling points” to share with their boss to help them get approval Ɣ Collect the powerpoint files from presenters in advance so you can share immediately Ɣ Set expectation of building relationships and continuing to connect after the program from the

very beginning

DURING THE EVENT – goals: increase engagement Ɣ Find other people “like me” early in the conference/workshop to allow time to build

relationships with throughout Ɣ Start building relationships early and help make it easy for people to meet others Ɣ Designate specific times to engage different types of people

ż Tech enthusiasts – “stump the experts” event with panel from tool vendor Ɣ Survey – ask “what do you want to continue to learn about”

ż Post boards (physical or virtual) and way to identify people (biz cards or online profile) Ɣ Identify key “lieutenants” from the group of attendees who are willing to help moderate online

ż clarify specific roles and expectations ż Divide and conquer by areas of interest, division, etc.

Ɣ Capture the social scene in photos to make the session easier to remember ż Photos with background “logos” ż Group picture to show the whole community ż Action shots of small group engaged and having fun

Ɣ Record summary videos from top attended event speakers (separate video room) to share afterwards

AFTER THE EVENT– goal: convey value and increase utilization of lessons learned

Ɣ Don’t just create a wiki and hope they come - it doesn’t work Ɣ Leverage online networking tools – vizzio?? (confirm) networking software Ɣ Let people know where to go when they are ready to apply – situational Ɣ “How to” videos and valuable links that participants can use later on Ɣ Sharing videos or audio after the event is over

ż Small group “watch” parties to review and discussion ż Change design to be 20 min talk with facilitated group discussion guide ż This can be done LIVE too

Ɣ Graphic facilitators to capture the “story” in images Other Engagement Opportunities

Ɣ opening and closing f2f with online in between Ɣ create some follow on projects for participants to engage in Ɣ partner a live ONLINE event at same time as f2f event Ɣ Create “drip content” campaign to keep top of mind Ɣ People often get more out of the social time at conferences than the sessions

ż design in more time in between ż create ways to make it easy to meet new people at lunch/break


Balancing Corporate vs. Personal Brand

hashtag for session - 2personas

Brand voice vs your own voice

Ɣ What makes your business your business

Ɣ Create a voice different than your personal voice

Ɣ What type of voice do we want to have

Which messages to push through which channels?

Encourage personal brands and cultivate it – harnessing and supporting the brand, rally around the

main brand. Org culture needs to be cultivated around this strategy.

Case Study: TechSoup Twitter

Twitter profile has tweeter byline - the community knows whoever is tweeting behind the

brand, and who the voice is associated to – I may personally get to know who I am speaking to.

People get more interaction than the brand on twitter

Organization is full of really passionate people – the brand can bleed with the personal


Passionate followers are brought into company with your personal brand

Brand Voice = culture

Quotes Captured

“Give more to your ecosystem than you take out of it.”

“Our struggle is in becoming a socially integrated self.”

List of participants

John Troyer @jtroyer

Lyne @autodesk

Ale Bezdikian @techsoup @alebez

Merith Weisman @ssucce

Sean Bryant @SeanBobby1

Comment [1]: Merith Weisman: I did this, thanks for the tip!


Cheryl Rogers @cheryldactyl1

Rachel Friedman @rachshredgnar @good people

Chip Roberson @chip-roberson


Notes by: Sean Bryant

Identifying Culture of a Company helps to facilitate the voice the brand carries and how those directly

associated with the content strategy /social media learn how to identify their individual voice from that

of the business.

How to contribute original content -

Article - personal my blog corporate / balance

To Corporate

Response and interaction - cult of people

Community implications

It's not just about marketing efforts but about community

Chip Brandle -

Identify and track the web properties-

Ɣ nucleus corporate identities

Ɣ Branded people

Ɣ et the employees own the accounts

Ɣ dell changed the policy / persona management

Ɣ identifying the champions

Ɣ Eagle vs Morgan

Every organization has to solidify the online presence for online community

- policies

- company needs to decide what levers are in place

- persona identity



- business is much more free society when considering online awareness

- ownership of certain accounts

Clarification of what is corporate

- course and scope

How do we keep the presence of organization separate from the individual?

Brand Channel

- interesting resource

People Channel

- community


- when the boat rises so does the tide

- don’t scold the hand that made the mistake but rather allow them to learn and re-approach the

situation in a different manner next time.

-We try to identify where the line is as the social environment grows -

rather than reacting immediately / take some step sback and correct the mistake

A company is not an isolated fowl

Tim O Reilly -

Give to your ecosystem than you take.

Cultivating the personal brand while creating separation from individuality

Your personal bleeds with the brand -

It's important to recognize that we are growing and continuously learning



Design Thinking for Community

Convener: Betty Ray



Miscellaneous Notes from Crystal Coleman

Design Thinking Process:

Empathy – Understand needs

Define – Single Problem statement

Ideation – Rapid Brainstorming and get feedback

Prototype - from feedback, doesn’t have to be sophisticated.

Testing – Working with prototype and more feedback.

Not a linear process

Our job is to understand who our users are.

Interviewing Power Users to run the five steps to solve problems.

Have participants interview each other and design for one another through the five steps.

Edutopia – In building their community they found that users wouldn’t really use the

community/discussion part due to other venues. Led to changing model because discussions don’t work.

Topic based communities instead of groups.

Topics can be really targeted. Why would they use both? Is there a pain point that you can solve??

Formalized way of getting feedback up the stream.

Post-It notes as part of design thinking.

Focus vs Flair - Dedicated times for flair (thinking big, brainstorming) and focus.

Empathy Flair

Define Focus

Ideate Flair

Prototype Focus


Test Flair and Focus

Big Ideas Fest conference – three day design thinking workshop.

Start to think about problems as design challenges. Solve for one problem statement.

Build into your calendar… culture change. Parallels to an editorial calendar – Pull (from previous session)

gives you the empathy step; identifying the problems.

Additional Notes by Mia Kossiavelou

Session 2

11:00 a.m-12.00 pm

Design Thinking – Betty Ray User investment – creation

Overview: Model invented in 1970’s 5stage process from empathy and talk to user, define single specific

problem statement, ideations and feedback from user, go back and create prototype you can use and

engage with (last phase testing). For the purpose for community – as community managers we listen,

how do we use it? How might we help integrating to boost engagement?

Work with 100’s communities on Jive (SAP) use design thinking with community. Templates and mold

and discussion functionality, how to facilitate engagement.

Casestudy (SAP) 1-2million people in community farm out – external / users

Game design – learning opportunity and figure out how to expand design outlet experience and drive

people stay longer

How to create something of value with big group – find one and use empathy portion, define asking

question and getting social psychological motivation – on the phone and face to face listening (scaling to


Chad window in ning to listen / to listen to

Interview each other – builds empathy

Tech soup talking about three overarching themes asked 5-pointed questions matched and had open

conversation with art community

Designing new community at Edutopia – why do we need this? Teacher can get expert education

through expert build topic based communities.


Crediblity – design thinking is formalized it’s tried and tested Stanford uses it.

Costs money but saves marketing later Resources that you need to allocate to make this work. Pre-


Community management after the fact – align more with corporate taxonomy lost some of the

granularity people couldn’t find things – lost on UI didn’t speak to users. Didn’t test it and needed to

calm users down and are doing that.

Events help – physical a lot of that happening, improving online. Physical events to do that – post it


Design thinking steps: Dedicated times for flare (ideate big open empathy), focus (defined) and testing

prototype (both)

Map it to a calendar.

Background from Edutopia Betty saw at Big ideas fest Half Moon Bay

Google hangout – bring on people and have them skype

Grew community from 5000 to 50,000

Challenges – keeping them engaged

Use design thinking – what challenges are within group online design thinking

Doing a redesign – UI getting feedback when there’s change. Build something that’s effective – approach

as an anthropologist (not defensive)

Resistant to change – vs new users

Find out what needs are – what they love and are passionate about, can start to see themes and see

emergent needs.

Taking design thinking and applying to different areas, proven approach and it’s going to help. Build a lot

of things use to get possible product

Making time and allocating resources to use Design thinking a challenge, good to start small.

Resources to use (Betty to send).


Creating a Community Plan

Notes: Caroline Abellar Lithium tech: Create a 12 month rolling plan and have that to communicate with stake holders Ideas of community plan: plan to expand and grow the community over time figure out your community organizational values and plan around those values utilizing calendars for certain topics is there a diff between community plan and a road map? Yes: rolling plan, constantly updating (road map tends to be a larger picture) No: Two sides of trying to plan for a community/things that go on in the community (road map: provides functionality, seasonal events/calendar but a plan is more about the philosophy about what the community does and is that augments that road map) Missions or values are strategy while the plan can maneuver around, overall goal doesn’t change Having a planning process to touch base and re-plan; must be flexible You’re planning and moving and pivoting for shorter term rather than a plan for the entire year Your plan has a mechanism but must be agile and flexible Before you make a plan, you must really listen It’s important to incorporate listening before you project what can happen so that your plan reacts to what is actually happening rather than what you think it’ll do Part of your plan must be to morph your plan Plan to have your plans knock off course Planning exercise gets you out of today and into how to start Also able to be held accountable to your stake holders, “didn’t you mean to do “this goal”, what’s next” Broad strategic objectives, plan shouldn’t be too detailed Plan be super simple along a timeline Framework: 1. Company one time: plan for things that might effect us 2. Company recurring: things we know that happen annually, quarterly, etc. (meetings, conferences) 3. Community one time: plan for things that might effect them 4. Community recurring: things you’ll do regularly for your community, MVPs/VIPs 5. Community Life cyle: things we can do now because we’re able to scale things we weren’t able to do before, more features you want to deploy since you’re can now **industry one time could be merged into this framework: it’s out of control, externalities (ie. Legislation, things that you know are coming that your community will be affected by but you don’t know when/how)


**top to bottom: top happens within organization and toward bottom happens within community Operational plans include moderation, things that happen every day Tactical plan is how tomorrow is going to be different than today How to tweak framework for a smaller start up? layers still exist but are not as complicated Community plan drives to enact some kind of change whereas disaster plans happens more in real time Crisis can even help shape your community Changing strategies may raise question of where we’re going as a company Look at your plan is for initiatives, what came up that wasn’t involved, what would be beneficial to be aware of for next plan Planning for 3 months is good, quarterly planning ** Susan to share googledoc Jan-Apr: A, B, C (events/initiatives), then create way of grading/points (you’ll know what is successful) Is this right on mission or right off mission? – does it allow for new projects to spin off? – review past quarter and then plan for next quarter – how to work on something and then decide when to axe it or not? – create a transparent way for people to know what’s going on Having things happen in the public and creating reflective pieces really makes us evaluate and check what stage our organization is Who contributes? Organization and even getting users to participate is beneficial Find a way to include people who may affect the community in this planning process Bosses are trusting you to understand the community because they don’t always understand it or what questions to ask You don’t get resources unless you discuss it and understand it ROI: discuss metrics to go along with your plans, this and why, can be challenging but it is important Give a reasonable goal, make it easy Have a regular conversation about ROI and metrics is important in showing the value of it and continuing conversation into the next goals and plans Being able to answer why we’re doing something and looking at why things are costing what it is really shows the values and benefits; need to be able to speak in BOTH numbers and community values Qualitative AND quanitative measures adds legitimacy to the plan Must be aware of what is relevant to stake holders; know what they care about Assigning monetary/numerical value to each individual as a starting point can be useful Consistency is a metric that shouldn’t be ignored—numbers not going down is significant It doesn’t always have to be about growth and scale—creating an intact super user group that are evangelists can be very essential to your goals



Tummeling or Why Community Manager Is a Sh*tty Name

Convened by: Deb Schultz, Heather Gold, and Kevin Marks (hosts of Note-taker: BJ Wishinsky Session hashtag #tummel "Community managers are the web masters of Web 2.0." - Deb "Community managers are the CEOs of tomorrow." - Heather Community is a very specific thing, not a separate vertical. People who have community manager skills are the connective tissue. "Tummlers are those people within communities, companies, organizations, who make shit happen." - Deb. We need more tools for tummlers. Heather: Great example of a tummler (watch on tummelvision): Andy Carvin, journalist, NPR digital strategy Assumption: If you build it, it will come. Heather, Deb and Kevin think that's not the case. It's the tummlers who make it happen. Some people do this naturally. Heather and Deb do this naturally. Kevin says he had to learn; he's a programmer at heart. That led to blogging and answering questions on mailing list. "I don't really have small talk but I can talk if I find people I have something in common with." Online community in a business setting seems to live in either customer service or marketing. In early stages, it doesn't make se nse to have customer service and marketing as separate from the development cycle. Who are you bringing, and how do you get them to stay? Dan: You can get community tools anywhere (Lithium, Drupal, etc.). People come to companies like Lithium because they have the domain expertise. Michael, their neuropsychologist, looks at things like what makes an influencer an influencer. In most cases, community managers are implementers but not the purchasers of their products. Talking about the importance of early stage, where startups don't have the resources for a platform like Lithium. Hopefully you'll never again have the same ratio of employees to customers. "You build authentic networks before you need them." - Deb Schultz Can you learn how to do this? Yes, but you need to be outward focused (i.e., on the customer) to build an effective communal space.


Lithium has about 300 employees but platform runs communities of 90 million participants. When a company wants to hire a community manager, what do they think that means to them and what is the purpose of the community? Need to nail that down before you get into the tools capabilities piece. Also critically important how that plugs into the rest of the business. Deb: My role is to connect the customers to each other. To listen to the community and bring everything back to the company. It's the most strategic role in the company (but never gets funded that way). Heather: But most companies are looking at it as marketing. I don't understand how anyone builds a customer base without making real connections. Van: Because of all the talk about agile and getting input from customers, the time is right for integrating community into the product design cycle. Being selective about who you invite in and amplify at the beginning is very important. Industry right now is focused on ramification but needs to be focused on product design. Need tools that make the spokes and member-to-member communications more evident. Participants:

Name Twitter Email (dot com except where noted)

Heather Gold @heathr subvert at subvert

Kevin Marks @kevinmarks kmarks at salesforce

Deb Schultz @debs deborahschultz at gmail

Anne Collier @annecollier anne at connectsafely dot org

Eamon Armstrong @purplegandaSF eamon at fest300

Grace Chang gracechang121 at gmail

Van Riper @vanriper vanriper at google

Dan Ziman @lostinthefog dan.ziman at lithium

BJ Wishinsky @leapingwoman bj.wishinsky at gmail


Engagement Mountain

Lead: Evonne, Eddefy


· Traditional pyramid model - … not necessarily reflecting the up and down / come and go of what


· Pyramid of engagement: laid out in strata: four levels – volunteer hours / donations /..:

ӑ low-level people, just watching –

ӑ second level – paying attention, sharing a link or two, etc.

ӑ third level: people are doing more, evangelist, events –

ӑ tip of the pyramid: fans and superfans – small number of people

· You can look for signposts / markers to see where you are in the stages… think about what the

stages are, where they get stuck, and then they don’t know where to go… Want to create signposts so

you can understand there’s a fork in the road. Where to send people.

· Our role (as community managers) as guides.

· So our goal here: steps in the mountain, where are the chasms, and what is our role as the



· Looking at this as a mountain hike (feedback)

ӑ Great story: need to communicate to people about their new role as a community manager, so

having this story is great. Currently use ‘gardeners’ a lot.

ӑ Love to hear more about the forks in the road. The structure doesn’t matter as much as these forks in

the road.

ӑ Note: Along with forks, we need signposts – having a person at the fork, or a way for people to

reflect. A mirror or a sign.

ӑ We need to get them safely up the mountain and try not to lose people – help them find their right

people – e.g. need people at base camp. Help people get down the mountain without losing them. In

non-profit (and business too), this is a huge issue. Need a way to back out / have a safety net. Especially

if you’re at the top and you want to leave – how do you do this… not knowing what to do, people just


· Apply to both new / and managing existing. Think about:

ӑ If I’m a superfan, this is what I need to stay engaged…

ӑ If I want to volunteer more, this is what I need to do that…

ӑ Leads to – create an incentive here, reach out to people there…

· Responses:

· Initiation Stage: ӑ At the bottom (entry point) – I need a map. Initiation. Is this education about the community, how to

use it, purpose, features…

ӑ A person a little higher up saying hi. “Welcoming agent” . Answers newbie questions. Only thing in

someone’s example: the only thing that drove the numbers up was a real person saying hi – a virtual

community called SecondLife.

� Automated this: Small business users trying to get online. Negative reaction to the automation.

ӑ New users may feel overwhelmed. Not know what they don’t know. Why am I here? (Purpose)

ӑ Sherpa / Guide / Friend – Community Member – can be here.

� Can be part of Community Manager’s role, or can be other community members.

ӑ Have to define where your online community is… e.g. technical support forum. – fluid between social

/ technical circles etc… Is the facebook page the same level of community as the technical support


� So there’s a need for triage.

� Bottom of mountain: general social media channels, facebook, etc.

· Forest of Forum

ӑ Higher level – people are looking for something in particular.

ӑ What is the role here? Posting, sharing, commenting… moving up the mountain.. as soon as they

share something, they’re moving. Do we have a clear way of capturing these people?

ӑ Tools out there where you can capture names… but something Big Brother about this… so we are not

doing this right now (at Adobe)

ӑ Here: What’s in it for me. Why – why am I bothering.

� Communities of practice / Communities of interest.

� Need some sort of reward… Incentive.

� Here starts to be gamification/ badges / shwag


� These people are bought in.

· Grow

ӑ For a Support Community – people get their answer and they leave. They’re busy and they’re

annoyed to be there.

� 90% will always come and go

� 9% will stick around

� 1% will answer all the questions… that’s OK.?

� But I want people to stick around.

ӑ To build forum into community – this is where your service-level question comes in – e.g. if you

answer their questions quickly, that makes them come back. Maybe you don’t want them to come back,

maybe you want them to tell their friend. ‘amazing service level’

ӑ = Need hooks. = “Leap of Faith” – This is where the community manager or the company takes a leap

of faith, to give the community member more responsibility, e.g. to make the moderators or let them

blog, etc.

ӑ Access to Content is an advantage. Can bring people in, let them rise up.

· Money

ӑ Grow the community: Throw money at them… But that is not organic/sustainable.

ӑ Early on this can really help. Not necessarily sustainable – e.g. a model where they took a picture of

everyone’s house,real house. Built it up in the beginning.

� Also raises question of “quantity vs. quality”

� But on the flipside, Photoshop team is spending money and doing good campaigns, e.g. furry cat

partner with cat adoption organizations… not cheap to create, but it’s really fostering engagement.

ӑ Note: kudos are great for reputation systems, but may not incentivize enough engagement.

ӑ Other example: $5 starbucks cards helped people fill out their profiles. / Offered $5,000 if we got

85% profile completeness and have people vote for the charity.

ӑ So, back to how do you get people from base camp to the next level: Start with a thank you.

� = Gratitude. This is a fork where you may lose them (send them down a chasm), if you do not thank

them. Can automate this and it can work… Very very small where they thought the email was coming

from the founder, it wasn’t and still led to a conversation. Sneaky way to do this.

· Real-life Events

ӑ As a catalyst… step above…once you’re in conversation, you want to meet these people.

ӑ This is a fork in the road: you may decide these are not your people or get really more engaged

ӑ Base camps. – think of creating more than one base camp.

� E.g. base funnel from social media to the higher levels.

� Top base camp: superfan base.

· Vocal minority: ӑ Have to educate executives. Have to have senior execs that are willing to back up your analysis.

Example: Hand-counted negative responses to have real data.

· Responsiveness: ӑ Executives dealing with some (superfan base), while others – community members or community

manager responds at another level.

ӑ Or make people feel special at the top


ӑ = Events

· How to get people at the top to check out ‘gracefully’ in a way that we don’t lose them


ӑ E.g. give them a basecamp to rest at

ӑ Need a technology alert: Jennifer hasn’t posted in two weeks… Need to know. Trending up, you want

to reward that; trending down, you need to know.

ӑ E.g. “we notice you haven’t opened yoru emails in a while. Do you want us to unscubscribe you?”

Maybe you’re done and maybe that’s OK.

ӑ Then a communication strategy. – can’t reach out 1:1 in a large company, but in smaller

communities, you can.

ӑ Alumni status – still status of some sort, but a recognition that they are not as active as they used to


ӑ Goals:

� Protect the reputation.

ӑ Lower base:

� Can empower the top level people have the connection with the lower-level people. …

� Empowerment as an incentive. Not as something you have to do. Supporting people who are

supporting you. Usually they’re up at the top. But wherever they are, be sure to recognize people who

are helping other people unsolicited.

� Especially in person. ӑ Gratitude – all along the way.

ӑ Food!

· Bridgebuilder on the side of the mountain – network to other communities or bridge builder.

WE’re sorry to see you go, but if we can be here for you in the future, please come back.

· Entertainment

ӑ Personal voice that is not a robot…personality… enjoyment…

· Somewhere a role for subject matter expert – they are also at all the different levels..

· Have an Expert Hangout –

ӑ This is also a good place for the Executives to hang out then.


· How to transfer reputation from one community to another (technical)

ӑ We need to supply a landing page…

ӑ Coming in at a different stage


How to turn a Celebrity into an Interactive community Getting a community around the celebrity Celebrities get tired really fast and have someone else post on their behalf Celebrities can’t figure out how to spread themselves They don’t know how to do it on a consistent basis Celebrity needs to broaden topics …possibly by doing good Have to make sure the brand or celebrity that is involved with your community is involved - create a contract, set expectations … or create an exchange where you promote their “brand”, project, or philanthropic endeavor Needs to be on a semi regular basis - be authentic and bring personality and humanize Google loves wordpress/SEO Make it easy for them to reach lots of people … when trying to get involved with celebrities make it easy for them to get involved · Find all the tweets with possible responses and email to them · Hold their hand through the entire thing so you get what you want · Write out in advance and have them approve (scripting to make life easy) · Find a celebrity that cares about your brand and then make their life easy · Ghost writer for a blog post – tell celebrity to gather random thoughts and have someone else write and then have celebrity approve it · Just get it out and make it simple · Find the best process Celebrity judging for contests - text them photos, mobile Have fans get together for meet ups at events 1e) xgames, concerts, meet us at our merch stand for free pizza … if you join our meet up you get a special prize - an exclusive benefit to being part of a meetup --- notes by Lynn Abate-Johnson @peoplefw on Twitter, Instagram. Led by John McDonald and Allison Leahy from Ning Has been used to build communities, but still, celebs are not transitioning to building an interactive community on Ning. Often, the reason is to get to a better monetization strategy, getting your most ardent fans to interact with each other.


e.g. Bands – ecommerce, ticket sales Authors – building discussions and sales around your newly published book Celebrities “Divalicious” moved from Wordpress blog to Ning, allowing her to hold regular chat sessions. Deepens relationships with her community. Celebs don’t want to personally post so when kids go online to interact with favorite celebs, they get discouraged and stop visiting that platform. Ideas to generate more celeb involvement Offer endorsements Don’t think so much Make it easy for them to do “business” with you Hire monitors to comb through posts on FB, Twitter, Ning, other platforms How to get the fans/advocates to Small, scalable steps. Try lots of different things. Listen to what they are doing Make it fun – gamify anything you can – things people are doing at the moment, use images, create meet ups at different locations, wherever the celebs are or are traveling. Photo contest JUDGED BY the celebs (lingo: “shine” – as a verb...getting shine from 50Cent, for example) Food – people on tour as fans and celebs are always hungry. Meet at our “Merch Booth” and grab some pizza! WiFi – provide a hub for people to come to physically and connect You don’t even have to promise anything in advance Can offer follow backs – especially #FF Casual conversations between friends on any platform, especially between celebs, can attract more advocates. Social ecommerce – net platform being birthed based on Action Sports niche. Involving brands, non-profits. Website launching in June. Started 4 years ago in Buenos Aires. Engineers are there. Appearing at various XGames trying to connect with athletes and fans. First focus is on board sports. Rachel Friedman @RachShredGnar


Jennifer Lowe (10 years in a punk rock band), now with “Metaverse Mod Squad” – Outsource moderation. Carnegie Hall is one of their clients. Focus in on international music exchange, focused on kids (quantity over quality) who then become associated with the Carnegie Hall brand. They manage communities on Ning. They love it because they are so familiar with it. Part of what she does is “therapy” for social media Especially when haters/trolls show up. Sometimes, the best approach is to take a breath and give them a little attention, and then they can become your biggest proponents. Big Hotel chain “cat crisis”. Turned it around by going out directly to the most vocal detractors and explained some of the “behind the scenes”. People in business get so nervous about negative comments but they reversible, in many cases, if you do not RUN from them. Transparency is the word of the day. Keys: be adventurous. Try out various approaches, come up with tricks of the trade, most effective ways of getting celebrities and fans involved with each other. You gotta PLAY with people. Find out the celeb’s lifestyle so they can EASILY incorporate social into their lives, even if they can only start from their smart phone. When planning an online event, be sure to prepare in advance, write scripted questions as starting points then allow for the convo to flow. Murray Newlands from The bigger you get, the more haters you’ll get. If people don’t hate on you, you’re not doing anything. Celebrities want to be recognized/announced. Acknowledgements before, during, after.


Social Customer Service

Convener: Erica Galarco Note Taker: Crystal Coleman Participants: Caty Kobe, Lizz Peter, Joe Cothrell, Lynn Abate-Johnson, Bill Johnston, Bradley Rowe, Jennifer Lowe Intros and concerns from the participants: Managing Angry people – turning into fans. Making service a non-entity. Bill looking at metrics: first response, time to resolution, build library of answers. Getting a pop of social love currently because the way they engage. Internationalization of presence Support on a small scale. Cross pollination between social customer service and traditional. Friction; does allowing negativity encourage authenticity? Processes Erica has spent 8 months building documents of processes for this new channel. Very manual still, use triage model to escalate through social lead, who sends to customer service team and then original team closes loop in social space. Larger groups have customer service people dedicated to social who do it all. Social lives within marketing, but has cross-functional team. They have to touch social and they are the ambassadors of social within their function. Bill talked about the Autodesk processes – Radian 6 for listening, also use Lithium, Get Satisfaction. R6 ingests everything. Most routed manually. Adobe knowledge base content evolves within Sales force, then pushed out to social channels. Experimented with Sprinklr, didn’t feel like it stuck. At Dell, used Sprout/Sprinklr. Compliance, such as in financial companies, is a host of new challenges, Sprinklr may help document. Social Support used to be peer support forums, now off-demand direct support through channels. Negativity Looked at goals, customer service/advocacy floated to the top. Citigroup approach: We get it, we let it sit (re Facebook page postings, etc). Unless violating TOU, let it sit. See if actionable from customer service perspective and if so, pull to PM. Get Satisfaction – with FB and twitter, have tools in app to turn that communication into ticket. If they can resolve publicly, they’ll do it; If personal information, take offline, email, salesforce. Look past four letter words to discover the pain point, root concern, and have compassion. Get back to them fast with acknowledgement, and then follow through with answer. Works closely with product and engineering (can get away with as smaller company).


Autodesk – From forums, will escalate to a case if fits criteria. Originally, Bill told the social media guys not to respond to blind hate; Instead of stopping engaging with four letter words, they continued to respond and had a lot of positive return. If you can get the tone of a response right, you can turn the conversation. Erika thinks that about 40-45% of people who bring up a problem in social bring it up in social, they engage, but never get back to them. Do you close the loop and say they didn’t respond publicly? Get Satisfaction has 5-7 day archive window; will check in before closing it, give a few other options. Want to be the one who ends the conversation… last response. If they respond with a “thanks,” Like it to let them know you heard them. Try to discourage internal bad mouthing … feeds into the way you respond to customers. Social dynamic across the wall and inside. Mantras from Joe and Crystal: Twice as Nice as Real Life and Assume Good Intent. Issue resolved, customer still unhappy?? What do you do? Depends on situation, how much time and effort are you spending? Do frontline support reps feel empowered? Can they escalate? Do they know when? Frank with Comcast story…, they turned to him when someone was so angry they turned to the CEO. He was empowered to go to whoever he needed to to get the problem addressed. Empowerment is important. Any good social strategy is grounded in customer service. How do you deal with a venter who’s not against you but using your channels to vent? Case Example: a company turned their support voice from male, dominant, know everything, to a Mom. Page went from extreme hate to people communicating more civilly. Sign your name, offer to give them your email address. Ted Rubin – gives his cell phone everywhere. Talks about this in his book. “Just Be Nice.” “You” makes people defensive. Validation, Empathy. Using “We” and making “I” statements. Small things you do that make a huge difference. Can’t cut and paste, have to use a human voice. Adjust boilerplates; Here are the three things to include in your message, you choose how to include them. Bill showed a great infographic that he’ll share. Keep a “warm fuzzies” file: Those emails where someone responded in a really great way, told you they made your day, etc. We have a million stories, just capture them; we don’t often think about that. Empower everyone to make it right.


Case example: Company had everyone in corporate handle customer service tickets. Developers did not respond well to customers. Suggestion of retail having corporate work in stores once a quarter. Harley Davidson does that. Undercover Boss mentality; gets that connection to all parts of the channel since it’s all on the backs of those customers.


Tools List: Top Fans, Customers, etc.

Notes: Lewis Haidt Create List of Tools to Find Influencers in Online Communities - ConnectedAction: tool for network maps/network analysis. contact: Marc Smith. - Use Twitter/netvibes/hootsuite to build lists, see who gets most RTs. - Social Bro.; – analyze your own platforms/reach - What The Hashtag and - find hashtags to follow - Listorius - analyze lists - Sumazi - analyze networks, connect to key influencres O Old School: Analyze Google Group and Yahoo Group, See who’s sending messages and sort. - Look on slideshare under topic and follow those with most downloads - StackOverflow: see who's followed Open question: - tools to analyze Pinterest


Community/Social & Marketing Automation

Notes from: Sean Bryant <[email protected]> Changing behavior in a free way - intrinsic - connector of action - the most interesting are spokes of a bike - enter is a hand shake - gamification - lithium - chief scientist - over justification - intention retribution - game mechanics - insentivise - to create intrinsic path - allowing the community to create the goals - don't only go to super users - social currency - moving - 10 of friends - the pizza is currency Goal Setting - multiple bottom lines - how am I being measured - esctetic metrics - 3 view points - guests - members - super users / internal users View points can be very helpful to create migration path and multiple bottom lines Bring out humanity not the business or technology Bill - Practice of Welcoming - lurker population - ramification - is used sparingly - honoring a new product


Web reputation - Building Web Reputation Branding Farmer Gamification - Theory and application Elicid behavior~


Community Leadership from Within


Lead: BJ Wishinsky

· @leapingwoman


· BJ.wishinskyATgmail

· gailwilliamsATwellgail

· heathervancura –

· rachelleentwisleATgcxcorp

· jeffrichardsonATjefferson20

· Michael delong –

· Marianne Schwerdtfeger

· Cheryl rogersATcheryldacyl1

Article about Attention



· (unintended) double entendre meaning of “leadership from within” – within the community and

from within ourselves…

How to cultivate leadership from within community …

· Because we don’t have enough staff, and because it’s about community…not about us..

Cultivating leadership

· Globally / Cultural aspects

· Gender ?

The Well

· One of the things that cemented community was a community-initiated a drop-in party at the


ӑ This started a monthly face-to-face event tradition… People talked about it before, talked about it

after…story-telling event for those who didn’t participate…

ӑ = meetup groups…


· Overall, what people get from organizations – slightly cynical description of organizational


ӑ The group gets together because they want to do something. At first the group is about


ӑ Second stage: the group is successful, I want to be a part of it, tell my friends about it, etc.

ӑ Third stage: the challenge: where it’s only about the credential. The group loses its core value.

ӑ Through these phases – look at the roles and whether someone wants to be a leader… help them be

there for the original purpose and the people, and not just ‘the brag’.

· Example: Ambassador program:

ӑ Worked on for a non-profit, initially a member of the ambassador network, came in as a volunteer…

When BJ was responsible for the program, there was a period of growth, people would put on their

profile, but we never ehard from them again.

ӑ So we sat down and looked at =- what does it really mean to be an ambassador –w aht are the

characteristics of a leader in your community (e,.g. someone who is contributing of value, or going out

of their way to help people)

ӑ And then making sure there are ways that exist in your community that makes it easy for people to

make these contributions (e.g. make it easy to respond to other’s questions). Others can rate the

content that the community values… etc.

ӑ I.e. who’s already demonstrating leadership, and then make it easy for them to do that ..

� Question: You don’t really need to put an incentive for the ones already doing it. You need to provide

incentive to get those who aren’t participating to participate.

� Even the quiet people – may be talking about it somewhere else

Leadership : real world / online – a difference?

· Gail: Noelle / peacenet – People who were really sure of themselves, aggressive online, in

person were sometimes very quiet and shy in person. People let out the other side of their personality

online. …

· Also cultural differences… Bay Area – I don’t have to think that much about the ‘attractiveness’

of the person; in other cultures, the person in person has to have a certain look to match the

“leadership” role…

There’s leadership in everyone… how do we pull that out?

· Leading from any chair… in face-to-face – the extrovert who thinks while they talk who

dominates the conversation; so online environment is good for introverts – to cultivate leadership.

· Rewards and recognition to encourage .. small acts of bravery that we see.To help people

recognize leadership. Help people ramp up quicker

ӑ Important to have posted guidelines. And enforce them. Successful communities: Mutual respect for

divergent views is part of the ground rules and makes it safe for people who are more shy about

contributing. Have clarity about boundaries – can make it easier / safer to participate.

ӑ Recognition: to acknowledge the person who contributes (or added value or whatever)


ӑ Recognition: to help others recognize what leadership looks like here.

· Online recognition:

ӑ Thank you goes a long way!

ӑ Quoting people – often community members can express better than you can.. .use them!

ӑ Do blog posts with highlights – may I quote you on this – get permission.

ӑ If people are really articulate, ask them to do guest blog posts..

ӑ Next level: Give them a login and make them a regular blogger

ӑ Sometimes might need to talk to the more vocal ones – “don’t know if you realize how much

influence you have here” - < not to shut them up, but make them more aware of how they can help

nurture more participation by others

Giving attention in a sincere way is what builds community

· Really listen… listen to the voices, notice who’s speaking, how they’re speaking..

· Article about attention way back – and you can refer people to it… “Innkeeping in Cyberspace” –

at the end there’s a bunch of principles. John Coate

· Note: In real life, often the people who don’t say much, and are quiet, when they speak, are

really worth listening to. Find a way online to make sure the quiet person is also contributing, or

consider how this maps to online.

· Leadership the same as contributors / engagement? / or Top Fans.

Back to leadership

· One way to recognize someone is to give them more leadership responsibility …can also be a

burden… something to keep in mind. Could be that they also resist doing more.

ӑ Listen: Find out what their interests are and shape something around that…

ӑ Being part of a special group – can be a motivator. People want to volunteer to be part of a special


· Intuition…. Think about who will be offended and who will be delighted. And give people always

a graceful out.

Distinguish between high engagement and leadership.

· High contribution not necessarily leadership.

· Leadership may be quietly – welcoming newcomers, noticing what they are posting about, and

make a new thread to create an environment that the new person can engage in…this is not just

engagement, this is making an environment where other people can engage..

· A way to encourage that kind of leadership is to give them more hours in the system… all the

levels are good! ӑ We want the person who is just reading

ӑ The person who is just posting

ӑ The ‘leader’


ӑ = Value everyone’s contribution; recognize that not everyone will contribute at the same rate, all the

time, may come back later…

· Leadership stimulates exponential engagement.

· Peace keepers as leaders - the person who’s making peace – another leadership quality.


· Sometimes put in charge of a community because you have a lot of expertise. But you are

cultivating community, so sometimes you have to leave some space for the community to respond.

Which they will.

ӑ Sometimes people will ask her a question privately…and she would encourage them to take it to the

community. Foster dialog. Empower the community to show their own leadership. Sharing something so

everyone can learn from it. < Leadership.

ӑ A lot of times, the community grows up around a charismatic manager, and yet it’s still not about that

person; it’s about the community.

Roles / Titles

· Community Manager …

· Moderators…

· Conference host… (conference is the word for ‘forum’ used at Noelle

· Fair Witness title created some side-effects that weren’t good – some though too geeky and

some took “witness” too seriously..

· Peace keepers as leaders



Bring your own social in the enterprise

Corporate VS Private



Core Owned properties

Corporate Owned vs Employee Owned


Channel Partners & Brand Advocates

You have our permission – some of it is roll your own. Example Tory Burch, page of counterfeit to show

that these are not authorized.

Example: Green 360 careers

Obama Camp: 2008 Messaging to would be advocates that their behaviour reflects the vision/brand

Taking responsibility – assigning simple / specific piece of the pie

Social and community pushes message out outbound vs inbound

Went through inventory “What are your resources/what are your talents?” Bringing people together to

build a community.


Content Strategy and Endorsement Strategy

Help build their community so you can help

1-9-90% pyramid rule

1% most active brand advocate – evangelist original content

9% producing the bulk of the content

90% visits

Example of: Gary Vaaynerchuk @Garyvee turned parents liquor store and started generating content he

used on social media and he tries to respond

‘the thank you economy’

Ɣ - Engagement (instantaneous)

Ɣ - Conversation

Ɣ - Relationship (duration)

If you ask for something you have to give something in return – reciprocity

What’s in it for them?

Two types of advocates –

You bring your social network your own ‘rolodex’ or own social

Grey area of ownership

e.g. 1. Phone Dog vs Cravits (twitter consultant) ownership – got resolved out of court

Wanted to take twitter handle with him

e.g. 2. Eagle (ex-CEO) vs Morgan combined personal professional use of Linkedin profile.

Went to court and judgment was made they had to give Eagle her LinkedIn profile. Got to keep her

connections because there was no policy in place.

Need to set up a policy / terms of agreement / why relationship can be terminated


party policies

Unclear who owns property…

Traditional barriers are getting blurry with social.

Web domains fall into intangible property

Ownership and relationship around intangible property


Social Media started up organically – then marketing / PR / sales / market research / customer service /

HR / legal / got involved

The whole enterprise is involved and what do we do, what are the relationships?

Managing the change in this enterprise whether you’re small or huge all have visibility.

Presence audit – around brand identity

1. 1. Yard sell of campaigns – adhoc must have social

2. 2. Need to go through change – I’ve got to become a social enterprise, devise a social

strategy etc.

3. 3. Social enterprise (e.g. Dell mature)


Why do people volunteer?

Ɣ To feel good about yourself Ɣ Reflects your values Ɣ Mandatory participation for work or school

It’s important to notice how people naturally identify themselves - as volunteers, as ambassadors, as peripheral staff, etc. Observation: Open source culture makes it so that people want to help each build and learn based on user experience and personal expertise Recognize and acknowledge - don’t provide an incentive for doing. Award the doing behavior once it happens. Cluster your activities for volunteers - once you have a volunteer, you need to have a built place to steer them for possible opportunities. Xavier’s Notes: Mandatory reading = Dan Ariely Predictably Irrational Human motivation, grad student menial task, What happens when you run a contest w/ a cash prize Finding people vs. volunteering on your own? How do you get programmers to write documentation? What is a volunteer? - Contributor, Be careful about limiting the value upfront, con sider setting terms upfront for the benefits received by participation Good reputation decays Taping into an existing network How do you channel motivation How do you understand what motivates your commuity, how do you evaluate the need for a rank and reputation hierarchy?


Intrinsic Extrinsic --- Notes: Caroline Abellar Successes and failures using extrinsic rewards: GOOD READ - Dan Arrelly (sp?) “Predictably Irrational” – don’t assume that points are different than money; money/points can sabotage in a volunteer space The extrinsic rewards can ruin the intrinsic motivations So what currency can you give (if not money)? Likes, thumbs, social status, etc. Are people self identifying them as volunteers? People know they’re doing it for free but they’re also aware of the fact that they’re sharing Group dynamics are important—if you think about the roles that they play; there’s a difference between requesting to create versus requesting to just do something – social dynamic can also change things as well Joining used to be the hurdle; social obligation plays a big role now Targeted invite is the way to bring in people, friends, etc. What exactly is a volunteer (in this sense)? Contributors without pay When recognition stops being enough and things are in lieu of payment (paid doesn’t necessarily mean money): AOL example You can pay people with money, you can pay people with privilege You don’t want to tap into people not already motivated to volunteer because then it’ll be a transaction versus a shared value If the activity is not inherently interesting to them, (ie. LinkedIn profile completion), then they won’t be motivated to do it Acknowledgement gets people to do more rather Nonprofit side: struggle is wrangling all the volunteers, how to you channel that motivation into something constructive Creating vs curating content Instruments: find out what they’re doing and gauge it that way; direct them to what’s appropriate – people are waiting to hear what they need to do, need to properly align roles Develop a system of value for the contribution and established before allowing into the circle Prevent badgehunters and increase quality Look at the quality versus just numbers/points Understanding what is motivating your particular community Create a shared purpose within a community, not just a shared purpose to do something – then utilize the tools to do so It can be very dangerous to hire your community staff out of your online community; resistance to change rather than openness to innovation – better to hire outside and train about your space rather than hire inside and have to retrain according to goals




Customers are changing – personal transformation How do we help lead our customers? Example: Dialogue within ebay about community hasn’t changed over 4 years. Re-educate vendors – having same conversations Companies are stuck what to do with social Start up conversation – people don’t understand but they want ‘it’ the value of community Being a different company doing community – if people’s jobs haven’t changed they think it’s the features and functions Company culture – community value and most community use is casual and most people tend to flow where it’s most convenient Should be creating a better experience – coming to community for expertise Have customers/behaviour changed? How do you approach it – it’s got worse easier to complain, it’ll get 1000 times worse Setting expectations with community – next release, training your customers Help people understand when community can’t understand the problem – thread that doesn’t have a response. Could we shape the experience? Root cause of negativity – inaction, service has got really bad – disconnect that sales and servicing customers Culture of service – opportunity to shine Built participatory and key to differentiate (listened) at start up level, as they got bigger wander off in own division


Executives and change – 5 CMO’s at Ebay - culture comes from the top. Fish rots from the head. Do I have to care, do I have permission to care, how to shape and incorporate the social? Culture of social, don’t know what it is opportunity to shape culture – how can you sneak in a new way of thinking. Aligning yourself with objectives and can ask people for help. Can ask for help and piggy back – don’t you have a survey, analytics group? Get to same page and don’t forget your agenda! This is where the company learns what customers think of something in product group (easy to piggy bank). Added value and replicated for other launches – so much experimentation going on Culture allows you to change, learn, fail – some are welcoming of mistakes, others are punishing How often you’re using something (beta) noone took it seriously – cautious how often you make those changes How do you differentiate a community to a customer – not the same? Especially for a company that values community, how is it different? With enterprise communities and the company itself and every decision you make plays in both directions. Shared value, deliver tough answers to customers or to companies Enough good will on the side of the customer and enough good will on the side of the company Prepare for change – people want things to be better Community managers – how do I take it from the transformational to the operational? Social / mobile and new platforms – how they perceive content.


Hiring, On-Boarding, Mentoring Community Managers


Lead: Scott Moore

· Job descriptions · Once you choose someone, how do you onboard them… · Are there other things to look for in addition to two to three years experience… · Training / Mentoring people… Priorities

Job Descriptions

· Couple of years ago, the job was still forming… · For hiring: Figure out what clients want (outsource community positions). Two areas: ӑ Really looking to hire voice and tone of community ӑ And someone else who’s hiring someone to report metrics and numbers and all that. ӑ So – need to figure out what position this person is really going to be doing… so you don’t want a ‘voice’ person if what they want is a metrics person · Clarity on the role is the · Moderator , manager, strategist, all these job descriptions are very different depending on the company.

Skills looking for:

· Writing: / Ability to express well ӑ Common thread: you have to be able to write and not sound like a jerk. ӑ Be able to succinctly and eloquently respond to people ӑ Writing is probably one of the biggest skills… ӑ Are they a good communicator ӑ Hired a couple of journalism students. · Psychology / Anthropology: ӑ Community platform forum-based world -= the element of psychology that come into play: anyone who is really patient and interested in understanding different personalitys – an added bonus. Not the first priority, but a good skill to look for ӑ Have hired anthropology students. · Employers may look at social channels – you have to be able to express yourself. · Look at how well they express themselves in their community, how they conduct themselves as a member … · Listening ӑ Are they able to listen and translate what they’re hearing back to the organization

Type of Community


· Eg.. virtual world is different from business… “voice” is different. (Metaverse) · So it’s back to: you need to know what you want, including your voice. · Might create a “co-community manager” role… if someone has the right voice… young student e.g. who has the right voice, but won’t be able to communicate the metrics back. · Scaling model – the metrics person can be matched up with the “voices” – e.g. stay at home Moms have great voice and tone for certain facebook communities. But someone then to oversee them to get the metrics. ӑ Example: Put a ‘coupon’y Mom’ on as a Facebook presence instead of the formal finance tone. · Working with other community managers – best way to learn

Subject Matter Expertise

· Need for this: depends on the community · A nuance. Need to be trusted. E.g. community needs to trust you if they’re bringing bugs and wishlist items that you understand where they’re coming from. · More customer support / social support – you can learn what a product is. But if you’re doing blogs – you need to be more an expert. · But example: Scott worked as community leader with 100% Moms, with kids, with learning disabilities. · If the role is facilitating – the knowledge of facilitating is more important. It’s a strength = I’m not telling them how to be a Mom, or a parent, or LD… not there to be an expert. But I can listen to the experience that is happening and connect them with other Moms… etc. Support of the foundation that had experts in the organization… they had just done a lot of ethnography on the Moms, so this was the first three months, getting a grounding in that. ӑ The core skill: here: is you have to know how to talk to the group. So you could hire someone who is a ‘fit’ for the group, but still not a good facilitator … · Community Manager as connector – when they’re not the SME, this may be more important. In the above example, Scott knew this was the job description upfront.

‘bad’ hires

· Someone who was already a bit of a celebrity in the area and made it all about them… · Another example – a bad team fit (the person had a different personality in the interview than once they started) – but key is to look for fit.


· Start people as a contractor… put them on an easy project. · Sometimes have someone who’s a superstar on one project, and then doesn’t work out on another project… · Be transparent when it’s not the right fit


· Give them something to do, let them run with it, and talk about it at the end…


· Building their confidence.. · Take time to teach the skill set if there’s a skill set involved…

Mentor an end user to being an advocate user / or an advocate user to the lead…

· Gregg has a program: Getting an experience person – pair them up with someone newer – look for the traits that make them alike – match them up so that the most experienced person can walk the least experienced person through becoming a top notch community members. · Best: cheer leader. You’re not a coach / teacher / … you’re showing them and encouraging them … · Gregg’s mentoring program is finding a good match and then let them work out a plan to get to the end. How they get to the end is fluid depending on their relationship. · How do you identify mentee? ӑ They show a desire… ӑ They show effort…they show up every day.. . ӑ There’s a spot on the site where they say I want to be a supervisor. · What type of communities does this work best in? ӑ E.g. kids – doesn’t work as well. ӑ Gregg’s community: have different levels of responsibility / capability. It’s a Q&A website. ӑ Show a good history etc… you can find them or other community members can find them… one path headed towards becoming a power user … (= moderator, content creators, spam vandal catchers) – demographics are all over the map. ӑ It’s a wiki-style Q&A – so there’s editing, any Q&A, no specific topics, 10s of millions of questions and slightly fewer answers … ӑ Platform: Custom platform based on mediawiki � Site visitors – younger than the answerers. � Building a knowledge base as it’s a wiki ӑ Kids’ Virtual Worlds � When they started off, they gave the kids moderator ability, didn’t work, kids banning each other cause you’re not my friend… � You have to be careful about who you bring into the circle – kids, volunteers – ӑ Hiring practice makes a difference, but also how you mentor them. Also true for online volunteers – as for mentees 0- give them room to grow. · Mentoring: ӑ Here’s how to use the tools, and here’s when to use them.

On-Boarding / Training New Hires

· Is there a process. Operationalized. · Moderators , customer service agents – coming in in big numbers… junior roles where it’s their first time doing this… Policies, procedures, a lot about privacy, dos and don’t’s. Web-based training, cause it’s mostly remote. Systems in place, shift reports, project managers, etc.


· Basecamp as a tool – questions to moderators who’ve been there a few years. Take a moderator who’s been a superstar and make them a PM. · Note: training people around the privacy / terms of service.

Real Name

· Don’t use real name in customer support so that you don’t get blasted e.g. on LinkedIn · Proposal: Usereal name – first name; but not last name. · How to manage this … · Employers have a responsibility to protect the privacy of their employees. · Scott’s first community: double-blinded my name; a made-up name in the ‘world’ and in the community another name. then pseudonyms. Then in non-profit world (e.g. Moms community) – used real name. Decision ultimately based again on the type of community.

Example of on-boarding / training

· Mark story: ӑ Laid off all moderators ӑ Then realized that was a mistake ӑ Then had to rehire a bunch ӑ So had to train them ӑ Figure out what it was he was doing each day ӑ Had to put together a training manual… still using parts of · Jennifer’s team is doing crisis simulations. · Way back: no tools. Conflict management training. Then go the tools, which was then the tool of last resort – first use the conflict management training. It’s bad when people are banned too soon. The why is so important. Again: what do the clients want.In some cases, it’s fine to swear and post certain pictures… you can’t just remove things on your initiative.


B2B Community Building: Tilting in Windmills

Notes: Caroline Abellar Build a group, add the content, bring them in Use these groups to actually do something and physically get Harder to get the scale that you want, challenge with B2B: unlike personal product, the person buying it is also the user… when you’re onboarding people, sometimes the information is difficult to differentiate SAP social selling: how to use social media to find prospects How do you make sure you’re staying on social strategy? Just let it grow and as more people use it and it becomes trusted you can see where it goes Any good B2B suggestions: Marketo Becoming a contributor to publications that relate to your cause Learn about CMOs that are doing something similar in that space; interviewing CMOs is interesting to other CMOs Advertise a bit in publications Ask about targeting campaigns with these people you create content for (to become a trusted source) and create those relationships with people Channel B2B and have the right conversation Tell people why they should do something Social strategist isn’t the driver anymore; teams that integrate social into their day to day practice The Power of Habit: add or modify an already existing habit in order to identify triggers and promote whatever change Contagion (marketing book) Host a contest, challenge, deepen the relationship, activate the customer base, engage


Just Breathe Convener: Michael Van Riper Notetaker: Crystal Coleman Participants: Lynn Abate-Johnson, Kyle Rogers, Lewis Haidt, Rachel Friedman, Nadine Mindfulness practice You don’t need to take a vacation; take 5 minutes. Conscious breathing. Sit up straight. Take a full breath and slowly exhale for double the count. Can do this anywhere, driving, on the train, walking, few times a day. Breathing is unconscious, but deliberate breathing triggers the nervous systems to calm down. Good practice is something that’s good for you and good for the world you live in. Yoga = connecting with body, also being present in the community and able to respond to it. Michael’s strength. Brian Sharp - Concrete Practices to be a better leader. Had mindfulness in mind. Mindfulness helps to be more present, and more community concerned, more confident leader. Actively doing nothing. You can’t force it to happen. Repetitive actions can be the stepping stone to meditation. Laughter Yoga – release endorphins. Can you unplug on the weekend? Do you feel refreshed afterwards? Since cmgr is so mobile, how do you deal with feeling “always on?” If you have a healthy community, you don’t have to respond immediately. In meditation, sometimes even though you’re doing nothing, thoughts will arrive. If you’re agitated because you’re not getting enough time to yourself, that tells you the balance is off. You don’t jump into a marathon, you train; same goes for meditation. Happy people are better workers. Find a buddy for exercise, meditation. Meditation allows you to slow things down, see the space in between and respond to what’s happening. Foundation Training (Foundation Method) TED Talk


ROI Convener: Paulette Bleam, director of community at Sumazi Participants: Kevin Merritt, Brian Checkoway, Sahana Ullagaddi, David Wagoner, Lyne Arseneault, Rachel Friedman, Bill Johnston, Allison Leahy, Delfina Daves, Michelle Schlachta, Britt Bravo, Nadine (I know I missed some people; please add yourself) How to deal with social media ROI Do you feel like you can actually measure ROI? Increasing Brand visibility vs. increased sales What if sales is only increased by 2% and Brand visibility by 80% What can social do? What is the end result of the social interaction? At what point does it make sense to start tossing dollars towards social media … When you frame conversation around ROI they turn very transactional – fairly straight forward and not super engaging Value Framework- communicating a spectrum of value: what value gets customers excited? Encourage thinking not about ROI but a framework from coming from a value stand point Community and their purchase path (psychatalist, Radian 6, Crazy Egg) Engagement = value Doesn’t matter the total members, but how active the members are – sustainability Getting people to come back to your FB is a big thing Brand recognition and brand equity (talking about your brand in a positive way) Look at full potential of growth and then move down to active members


How to get massive engagement Xavier’s Notes. Questions: Looking to scale internal use of community applications What are the risks? How do you get employees to see community as a resource? Core challenge is getting salesforce employees to create customer facing groups. Answers: Start by making the discussion inside your company about "what's in it for them?" Ask for the problems that internal users are facing, and determine whether community has a solution for this. Allow groups to have ownership of their own group and community development Be careful about allowing everyone to create their own groups, community managers will need to manage group creation. As a community member we are always thinking about what's in it for me, what is the shared purpose. How do you define engagement. When you defin e engagement define the shared purpose for the group or commun ity first. For internal communities you need a success story before you can drive adoption Every community is a snowflake Think about how to use gaming mechanics to incentivize taking the first step along the community managers specific long term value path Think abojt the differenet types of behaviors that you will need to providing on goin g training support Start with engligh first, then localize,


Customizing the community to drive specific behaviors will be inportant for scale, ex. In a support community , being able to sort by unanswered, solved, open to allow superusers to quickly come in and view areas where they can jump in and help. Thinking about how to deploy gamification will be critical to drive superuser behavior Levergae current notifications and email behavior to get people to participate on community. Think about creating a welcome ort onboarding flow for new users to get them to complete a specific set of tasks that are required to com e {notes missing}


Events for Online Community



Bay Area CMGR Stone Soup

Notes: Caroline Abellar Stone soup fable (look it up if you’ve never read it before): scarcity and no one will share any resources (even if it’s a little) and the stranger in town creates stone soup. Creates stone soup that tastes gross but all the community people share and contribute what they can to the pot and it ends up tasting delicious Community Leadership Summit West by Van Riper Quarterly potluck for community managers – wants to find someone to host in their home and create a community, Van will help organizationally Community gathering to share over a meal, share ideas back and forth, etc. Van believes community managers need a community themselves; we see values of forming communities of support and yet we don’t have any ourselves – that’s what he wants to create Proposing that we are supporting meta community events Dinner then discuss what events we want to take part in the Bay Area, where we want to go Who is interested? =)

Comment [1]: Merith Weisman: Sorry, I had to leave due to a family emergency, but I'm very interested. Working alone to build community is hard. Also, I host the Sonoma County Nonprofit & Governmental Social Media Professionals LinkedIn group ( -- we meet monthly. Feel free to join if you're interested.


The Social Enterprise

Group Leaders Chip Roberson, Brandle - @chip_roberson Janet Church, Brandle - @janetchurch Attendees: Sheetal Singh, TechSoup Global - @multi_tude Christine Merten, SAP - Jen O’Neil, NewsGator - @jen0neil All enterprises have communities, whether that enterprise is large multi-national or smaller, regional business. Not only are there communities outside the enterprise but there are communities inside the enterprise as well. This is because communities organize around shared interests and social media has become one of those interests. Social Media is web property and as such is an asset of the corporation and with any asset there is competition for access and control of those assets and risks that come from not properly managing those assets. With social media, there are many stakeholders who have an interest:

Ɣ On the tool (asset) side: ż Product marketing - for product messaging and product research ż Corporate Communications and PR - general corporate messaging ż Customer Support - responding to customer complaints ż Sales - for lead generation

Ɣ One the risk (liability) side: ż HR - are we doing things properly, what are people building for us? ż Legal - are we violating rules or regulations or risking our IP? ż IT - how do we manage all this cross-functional need? ż CFO - are we managing our assets and liabilities appropriately?

These stakeholders define a community that needs to come together within the enterprise to at least define a general framework of policy, procedures and strategy for how this community will function effectively. Ultimately, they need to understand how the members of this community can collaborate towards meeting the larger goals of the enterprise. The folks at Altimeter Group, (e.g. Susan Etlinger, Jeremiah Owyang, Charlene Li, etc.) have been working on defining “social business” and what the social enterprise looks like. Generally, there needs to be some “center of excellence” where these stakeholders are represented and how policies, procedures and strategy are coordinated. Some examples are: centralized, hub-n-spoke, dandelion, etc.


Organizations generally go through Three Phases of Maturity: 1. Just get out there (i.e. lets get our brand out there on social media) Estimated at about 60% of most enterprises Growth tends to be organic 2. Chaos Zone Estimated to be about 30% of most enterprises Applied social tools Haven't established real social change Haven't brought social stakeholders to the table 3. Dell - went through Dell Hell, Burberry, P&G, those who use social for product ideation / innovation, 1-5% Then developed policies Has about 3-5k social workforce - gone through training, endorsed to be speakers, advanced social media policies Have a social control center All these groups have roles but need to develop one Center of Excellence around social * Marketing * PR/Corp Com * Sales * Customer Service - who's yelling at us and why and how do we fix it? * HR - employees creating external accounts with the corporate brand, not following (or knowing) policies, BYOSocial * Legal/IP - * IT * CFO/CIO Who has the budget? Who has the pain point? How do you get these people together and create a community within the organization Everyone has different needs Realizing they need a top-down strategy often comes from a legal issue Andy Grove - Intel wrote a book Only the Paranoid Survive - Inflection points and how they affect the enterprise Generally the Risk Management folks realize that we have to be a social enterprise Don't just consider the assets we are building with social media, think of the liabilities we are mitigating Taking a corporate look at social value - for the C-level to listen to consumers is a sign of that shift from social media marketing to social organization


Rolling Stone article - Machinery of Hope article


A Day In the Life of a Community Manager

Notes: Marianna Schwerdtfeger


· Mike: Sales: Inversoft –Profanity filtering and moderation software.

· Steve Mellon

· John Troyer

· Kevin Reid – Bottlerock festival, and winery

· Lynn Abate-Johnson. Consulting with small/medium businesses mostly – teach social media,

how to humanize the brand, bring personality to the brand. Style: not rants.

Topic: Where it ends and stops…

· “On” all the time as community managers… self-care is a topic.

· The degree to which we take care of ourselves… affects how we show up for our community

Online vs. Offline

· Going to conferences – a good ‘live’ event.

· One side strengthens the other… now the conference (after social) is a ‘homecoming’ – a whole

different feel because you’ve met everyone online… And then once you’ve met people offline, the

online has a different life.

Movie recommendation: “Terms and Conditions may apply”

Community Manager

· John:job is to humanize the corporation

· Publish content / solve problems – visible person

· Kevin: Relationship with the customer, teaching, 1:1 – anything we’re trying to get done, any

way to communicate is welcomed. Learning this language, doing it online. Ultimately comes down to

relationship management, and I like to help foster that. Used to teach music – from real community to

virtual community.

What do actually you do during the day…

· What’s working, what’s not working.

· Look for small tweaks that can make it work

What is a community manager?

· Make sure you’re clear about what this is – e.g. Facebook page owner is not necessarily the

same as the community manager


· At John’s company (VMWare): Branded community that we host – the person who manages

that is the community manager

· Trends: Seeing community management as a lower-valued job, less pay, ‘female’ job.

ӑ An issue when upper management doesn’t understand the importance of this role (especially


· John: see it as a great humanizer, adding value to the company.

· John’s day:

ӑ Mix of internal / external

ӑ External: Twitter communication – main chat channel for them. About 10 to 20 tweets a day. I don’t

run the brand channel; I’m the hands-on dude.

ӑ At one point – five pieces of info a day, twitter, facebook, and something else, and then I stopped and

nobody cared, so we dialed it way back. There were other ways to get the information that he was

putting out.

ӑ Do you do manage retweets etc. We found we were doing a lot of reporting that nobody reads, so we

are doing less of that. WE do measure the ‘easy stuff’ / health – followers, how many unanswered, etc.

Helps executives know that we have reach.

ӑ When we work with a campaign team when we have an action that people sign up for, we measure

that. It’s really about making our customers more successful and that’s hard to measure directly.

ӑ I wake up, twitter, scan all my blogs, what’s going on in the world, … miss all the traffic, then go in


ӑ Then internal: Meetings: Community-consulting, marketing-consulting , we want to add social last-

minute… we gave the agency 100K to do something, can you fix it…

ӑ Have become the face of the community at the company internally…

· Schism between old-world marketing and new social? This company has directive to include

social component in each product / campaign

ӑ Doesn’t mean everyone at the company has to be on Twitter….

· Evangelist inside and out.

· Facebook page isn’t necessarily a community, but the potential is there to interact with people


Kevin Reid

· Humanization – I feel like this concept is the same, no matter what size the company is.

Company not in charge of brand; the people are.

· Maintenance of human relationships is the goal.

· Morning: check in (dopamine rush) …getting the messages good or bad. Never really on, never

really off.

· Bottlerock – Facebook page, marketing on the FB page, promoting sponsors, etc. in addition to

customer service, mix of PR, Marketing, customer Service… If I’m doing all these things, do I need to be

in all of these meetings?

· On a daily basis, figuring out what’s my most pressing responsibility … e.g. sell tickets to this



· Example of adding value, not flooding: one post to share about the winery, and the band that

will be there, and something else.


· Social Media – put out the fish food…. Let people fish there, but don’t elt htem over-fish, cause

then they’ll screw it up… dance between promoting yourself, promoting others. .. Putting info out that

we want them to have. Vs. what they want to know…

· Key: Adding Value

Social strategy pre, during, post example of bottlerock

· Pre: funneling ticket sales

· During: field, tweeting, sponsors, bands, one central computer sending out official tweets and

manning the FB page, but we took a break there – we had people uploading photos and downloading to

dropbox; but we weren’t doing a lot on FB during.

ӑ Customer service: If people were tweeting about portapotties being full, they’d respond.

ӑ Immediacy of response. … “don’t even bother having a twitter account if you’re not going to man it’

· Post: Just Kevin following up. …starting to ‘sell’ for next year. “here’s what you’re missing out

on” …

Lynn’s day

· Check email first .. international business – all inquiries come through email. It’s in New Zealand

· Responsible for a couple of channels beside my own personal branding

· Partially automated and “all the time” responsive

· A tool to do the responses – gather RSS feeds, post in bundles, five, six days in advance.. If a

crisis happens or a tragedy, I have to go to the prescheduled posts and take them down. …

· Agency is responsible for everything – content, .. the advantage of working for a larger

company, I’m excited to not have to do every part of it. Eg.. content comes from content providers.

Right now it’s just me and I’m constantly online.

· Road trip – e.g. burning man… off the grid… Going to be working 24/7 until they hit the playa;

then back on it as soon as they come off.

· A few things every day:

ӑ Make sure I get some exercise, fresh air, and some education.

ӑ Every day either taking a course or reading blogs. Every day!

· I find social media people attracts people are self-learners, have fingers in a lot of things. aSk

more questions than you could ever answer.. .because the nature of the business that we’re in is

technology, as soon as you learn something, it becomes obsolete –

· Education piece alone – to bring fresh perspective to my clients is worth a lot of money , and

they don’t pay me enough.


Designing a Community of Shared Purpose - Creating Movements

Convener: Maria Ogneva Note Taker: Crystal Coleman Participants: Kirby, Lynne Arsenelt, Lewis Haidt, Betsy McMullin, Sahana, Grace Chang, Rachel Luxemburg, Dan Rink, Paulette Bleam, Emery Leek, (I know I missed some people, please add yourself) Well designed communities should start with movements, what is that tipping point? How do you get people to move beyond interest to action? It’s their shared value. What your product helps people do… your community should be an extension of that. Strong Communities Example – Second Life. Diverse, passionate. Lots of individual actions being organized within the community. Coalescing and moving into action ingrained in the community. Meta community known for spawning movements. (NonProfit Commons as an example). Is the type of person who comes to Second Life already naturally inclined to activism or does the environment make them more inclined? Betsy says that early adopters were tenacious and active; good synergy with what the platform allowed them to do. Next circle were people who wanted to join the culture and follow their lead. “You jumped into the water and then the water started seeping into your pores.” Sometimes so much going on, you didn’t know where to plug into it; users who had a friend to guide them in had better involvement. How did culture come about? Early adopters were deep community people. Literary movements, big fan groups, had no other place to go. There has to be a catalyst. A tool can be a catalyst, but it only enables people with a desire. BJ Fog behavior model Behavior – motivation and trigger happening simultaneously. Why do some initiatives like CIPSA work, but others struggle? Ingredients for a community based movement: Base – Have to have, sometimes a minority Interest - that engages Base Hook - to connect people Trigger – specific and actionable. CISPA, something specific you could do to fix it. Opposed to Global Warming, too big a concept. Has to be a small enough action for people to tackle. Definition of movement: series of actions and events taking place over a period of time moving in a direction. That has many of the ingredients from above. How Actions Mobilize Community Action you take should be visible and make you feel you’ve made a little bit of change in the world. Reflecting back to you who you are. Your idealized self (vanity appeal). Demonstrating momentum – One action prompts another, prompts another. This makes you feel good but does this actually solve the problem?


HRC Equal Sign Marriage Equality Campaign - shows solidarity; boiling the water a few more degrees toward a goal. It can shape acquaintance perception of self because of past association. Tangible Enemy can help mobilize because if gives community something to work against. Us Vs Them mentality ala Android vs Apple. If you’re always reacting, you won’t stand… you have to have something solid behind you first. Examples of Community Mobilizing Wellseley - girl who had been accepted spoke out to her principal about her high school’s abstinence only sex education. Principal threatened her, threatened to tell the colleges that accepted her. Word got to Wellseley, their head of admissions reached out to the girl on Twitter to say that they’d be welcoming her. This was such an egregious confrontation to their brand, they chose to step up to it. Being presented with a challenge and stepping up to that. What was being attacked was the community’s own goodness… what they were offering to the world. Flash developers fought the perception that they weren’t good… Evalgalized community, show them what you got. Galvanized them at the core of what they consider their strength. You can take advantage of a catalyzing event, but you can’t manufacture one. Catalyzing event. How do you sustain it? You have to expect that you’ll have trail off. Do you just let it die? Yahoo Answers… power users want to protect reputation, continuously reported abuse. Had big malware attack, wouldn’t give up: unified passion of going against the trolls. Just let the people who are going to go, go. Be the storyteller of the community. After it dies off, know how to take that thread and weave that into the overall story of the community. Enrich the identity of the community. Reflection of the community. Timeline of our history of who we are. Living entity. Your actions that define, not what you’re saying. Jewish saying: They tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat. Celebrating achievements is important too. Cyclical events like annual conference are very important part of life cycle. Plays into larger psychodynamic. Shared vision and shared artifacts – community roundtable definition of community. Bringing real life, personal details (professionally) into the sight of the community. Those bits knit us together. Are there a finite number of people who will get passionate about any given topic, but is there still a goal worth achieving? Don’t forget the small movements. Small groups can also achieve larger goals… people who feel they are making the world a slightly or largely better place. Never doubt a small group of committed individuals can change the world.


Social business & the sharing economy

Xavier’s Notes … Where do gift economies break down? How does the creation of new value play in the economy Youtube, market money, Personal data is the new asset class What does it mean to have a "reverse TOS" Does a sharing economy require open personal data standards




Closing Thoughts

Notes from Marianna Schwerdtfeger

· Hack the tools out there, be creative.

· Don’t put developers in support, no matter how good their ideas seem.

· After every event, there should be a story file of the tweets sent out right away so people can

learn, follow on, continue the hashtag conversation later

· Got validation for the role.

· Listening should be 50% of the role, but doesn’t always happen

· Got insights into what makes people in a community move to action

· How come so hard for community managers to be in community

· Note: you can get conferences to pay you to do this -- ie take notes aand do social coverage -- (ask

do you need someone to help aggregate everything that’s happening and create this social curated

community with you)

· Learning: Though dealing with negativity sucks, and it’s a pain, if all you’re getting is 100% positive,

you can’t learn and you can’t grow…

· Using events online and offline to sustain interest in the community and keep the conversation


· When putting together your community plan, it’s important to have a plan, have milestones, etc.

· Really plan for the evolution of your community, plan for the road signs of community membership

falling off, create a long-term action plan / evolution strategy

· Don’t lose touch with the community… don’t lose touch with the people, the users, the

contributors – remember what’s in it for them.

· Time expectations for community involvement can sometimes be limited rather than long term –

will be building in this aspect of planning – some community interactions are like a short story or

summer camp, and wrap soon ; some are like a long multi-year expedition.

· Good tips about twitter, especially use of lists…

· Continue finding ways to show and demonstrate the value of community management… don’t get

burned out or you’ll die sooner. Understand and revisit your brand and your initiatives.

· Social media gets a lot of the press – but community has a lot of what social media wants, and

that’s the people.

· It’s hard to find one person who can do it all.

· Make a plan, stick with that plan, but be ready to adjust and be creative daily.

· Strategies for hiring community managers – how they match the community they’ll put them into

and the methods they use for doing it.

· First Unconference style event for me – want to take pieces of this to my own community

· If you’ve built a really strong community, it is possible to take a three-week data-free vacation

· You can’t do everything yourself, don’t get burned out, when you need to, just breathe

· Numbers – consistency is a metric that shouldn’t be ignored. Numbers not going down is just as

significant as numbers going down


· Skills that we have as community managers and social media managers can play a role in the

collaborative economy

· Reminder: Those who are quiet are not necessarily unengaged

· Validated a lot of things we’re doing: don’t take for granted that you have the community; reward

the influencers; and figure out how to get power users to Influencer status – have a plan, don’t take

them for granted, talk to them.

· Constantly remember to think of the community members first; and then think of what’s in it for

the company.

· Reminder: we are not islands, we are not alone; there are great resources in each other; in the

company we find ourselves in right here!

· There was a book’s worth of content in every session

· Meeting other people doing B2B community management

· Various industries, various disciplines, change agents – it’s exciting.

· Community managers help to answer questions – help to humanize the corporation and the brand

in general.

· Imposing things on community is doomed to failure; you have to let things come up and emerge.

· Learned about hosted community and Social and how they can play together .

· When you’re in the weeds, doing all the jobs – really important to do strategy.

· When you’ve got a team, doing all the work, you sometimes have to step back and stop filling all

the holes, see if you need a new person.

· If you build it, they might come, but if you build it with people in the community, it will be lasting.

· Email is not evil; irrelevance is evil. Got more out of today’s sessions than the Gartner conference.

· Unconference boost: anything other than the co-created experience falls flat. Bring into work too.

One of the primary things as community manager: to facilitate creativity.

· OpenBadges Mozilla has been working on. The wisdom of the crowd; so much knowledge within

any community, if you can identify and tap into it, you can always learn something.

· Don’t discount the effect of small, passionate communities and small movements.

· Connections – sharing economy / online community / personal cloud – how this may all fit


· Add old info (from four years ago) to the wiki – so we don’t lose info

· Idea: Wiki curation party! When?

· Tips about developer communities: look at how the up and comers are; not just the top tier of


· Randy said that everything can be categorized as goodness.

· Push and pull concept: more on marketing… if you’re going to engage your users – you can’t tell

them what you want them to hear; you have to listen; and how brand and culture truly go hand in

hand. Your brand/culture goes with a community that you create.

· Community managers = powerful… relationship with customers…but keep up that responsibility

· Closing:

· Network of relationships this group is responsible for … 100s of millions of lives we’re collectively

touching. This implies a level of responsibility and that we do good, noble, and impactful for


· Building on what Randy said: Let’s keep the conversation going and not have a 4 year break again.

Let’s all try to connect the dots and vector towards the same destination.


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