Page 1: Online Campaigning Examples

Take back the Tech (global)

Create your own postcard campaign

• Create your postcard | TakeBackTheTech • Create your postcard | TakeBackTheTech • Create your postcard | TakeBackTheTech • Create your postcard | TakeBackTheTech

Take Back the Tech (UK)

Featured campaigns included -


A campaign by a group trying to raise awareness about the the true nature of Playboy Enterprises, using satirical humour - YouTube - A Nightmare on Oxford Street

For more on the rest of the campaigns see which also includes a list of online tools used by the organisations in innovative ways for their work.

Support the Monks Protest

An example of a campaign that used Facebook very effectively to harness support for a campaign to support the Burmese monks during the uprising last year.

• Facebook | Support the Monks' protest in Burma

which now points people here....

• Burma Global Action Network ( BGAN ) - Home

Burma Global Action Network ( BGAN ) Supporting the Burmese monks and civilians through internet activism by brining solidarity and unity to the Free Burma Movement.

South Africans Against Xenophobia

• South Africans Against Xenophobia, Racism & Tribalism | Facebook

This group was started by a bunch of south africans that wanted a space to express their outrage at the xenophobic attacks that came to light in June. It would make an interesting study to see if this spontaneous gathering of (slightly) like-minded people use their togetherness to do anything more than be part of the group.

Page 2: Online Campaigning Examples

Campaign Against the Arms Trade

An example of a low-budget, simple - but very public online presence - supporting an extremely well crafted campaign to reopen the SFO inquiry into corrupt arms dealing by BAE systems.

• CAAT - Control BAE - Main Page

• CAAT - ControlBAE Petition

This is a page from the Campaign Against Arms Trade website. Campaign Against Arms Trade is working for the reduction and ultimate abolition of the international arms trade, together with progressive demilitarisation within arms-producing countries.

Love the 1 you're with

A campaign with a simple message, imaginatively presented and fired off around the world through YouTube - picked up on, and subsequently highlighted by us at GreenNet

• YouTube - Love The 1 You're With computer fears it has been abandoned by its owner for a newer machine. Oh no!

AVAAZ - Give Peace a hand

Avaaz put their online publicity machinery behind an offline action timed to coincide with the Dalai Lama's visit to London

• Give Peace A Hand - London

Using instruments which are out there for free..

• Introduction to e-petitions - Petitions to the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street • Newham Council's planning application and comments facility - although each

council has its own version of planning application forms, it's worth remembering that comments can easily be made by members of the public via these forms, if you do the work of distributing the links amongst affected communities

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