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One ‘Ncredible Experience, Inc., also known as O.N.E., Inc. (the “Company”), is a multifacted

international company which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. O.N.E.., Inc. is comprised of several

significant components (radio network, a publishing entity and two not-for-profit organizations) focused

on the personal, professional, communal and spiritual development of direct and global communities.

O.N.E., Inc. was founded in early 2011 by Samuel L. Crumby Jr., from the influence of previous career

endeavors and his personal mission to Inspire, Motivate, and Heal Lives and Relationships on a much

larger scale than he was able to solely accomplish. His goals for this company do not merely consist of

his own ambitions as much as his desire to empower other creative beings and extend opportunities to

others,” states Mr. Crumby. “I felt it was time to align the mission with the unique genius of others to

create a global outreach permitting an awakening of greatness of all mankind, with the focus on

commonalities versus disparities. As this world becomes more accessible, largely due to the emerging

digital and social media age, we have a responsibility to be the change we desire to see.” Through the

utilizations of established mediums, the limitless access of the Internet and inclusivity of social media,

O.N.E., Inc. is uniquely positioned to extend its holistic approach globally.


One ‘Ncredible Experience, Inc.

A holding company created to fulfill the role of “principle shareholder” of entities created and/or

acquired under its corporate umbrella while holding assets such as real estate (domestic/foreign),

patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as well as receiving income generated by its

holdings (royalties, dividends, interest, capital gains, rents). Additionally, O.N.E.., Inc. provides corporate

support for corporations (for-profit and not-for-profit) with whom they share a vested interest. These

services are extended to ensure maximum profitibility. Competitively, O.N.E.., Inc. and its components

shall continue to distinguish itself as an International entity through its mission: Inspire, Motivate, and

Heal Lives and Relationships across the globe. This philosophy, alone, will invite succes in a world that is

longing for alternatives to that which is currently being offered.

The Company’s subsidiary entities include a radio network, a publishing entity and two not-for-profit

organizations focused on the personal, professional, communal and spiritual development of direct and

global communities; all of these entities bearing the identity of “O.N.E.”.

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One ‘‘Ncredible Experience, Inc. CORPORATE STRUCTURE

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The following provides a brief summary of One ‘Ncredible Experience, Inc. subsidiaries:

Onc ‘Ncredible Experience – The Movement – “Your Best Life NOW!”

One ‘Ncredible Experience...a life-changing movement demonstrating that happiness overcomes

sadness, love erases hate, hope and faith trumps fear, and abundance eradicates deprivation. The

mission, Inspire, Motivate, Heal lives and relationships across the globe, fuels the movement compelling

awakening through vehicles such as the radio network, a publishing entity and two not-for-profit

organizations focused on the personal, professional, communal and spiritual development of direct and

global communities; all of these entities bearing the identity of “O.N.E..”.

O.N.E. Radio Network , Inc.

A premier, empowerment radio broadcast with the mission to provide programs that will inspire,

motivate and heal lives and relationships across the globe. O.N.E. Radio presents some of the nation’s

most influential authors, life coaches, transformational leaders and change agents. The programs are

uniquely designed to radically transform lives and relationships, providing avenues for open discussions

on various life issues.

O.N.E. Radio Network does not merely consist of a series of self-help programs; each show is designed

to take “real-world” issues and translate them into ways of empowerment, easily understood at “street

level”. Each O.N.E. Radio program is supported by a well established and loyal listening audience, with

show hosts well respected in their fields of specialization.

The goal of O.N.E. Radio is not to produce and air shows based on guessing what will or will not attract

an audience; but to take a variety of content that relates directly to audience needs, put it in the right

form at the right time, and use this information as a tool to develop personal connections, thereby

empowering listeners to make their best decisions.

O.N.E. Radio maximizes the use of a variety of social media platforms as a comprehensive extension of

each live program, making each available to anyone, wherever they want it, whenever they want it.

The shows produced are programs extended in the spirit of excellence, whether there is one listener or

one million. We believe this approach will develop and expand the audience base in the long term as

each program stands on its own merit and has integrity of purpose. Conversely, the audience

appreciates the “being true to thyself” philosophy, as the shows are authentic in subject matter, as well

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as interactive between the hosts and their listeners. Fiscal Year 2013, the Spanish companion of will


O.N.E. Publishing, Inc.

O.N.E. Publishing, Inc. is committed to providing audio, digital and print literature which empower,

enlighten and motivate lives; keeping in line with overall mission of Inspiring, Motivating and Healing

Lives and Relationships across the globe. Offered are wide selections of research-based and practically

sound books contributing to enhancing the quality of lives, relationships and health; notwithstanding

literature positioning entrepreneurs, small and midcap businesses worldwide. The foundations of the

selections are the everyday challenges of life and the positive messages of empowerment. O.N.E.

Publishing is a name you can trust in publishing.

Our flagship publication is O.N.E. Magazine, a full service magazine, monthly global distribution,

committed to provide an alternative, non biased revelation of politics, entertainment, health, fashion,

business, good news from across the world, real everyday heroes, among other interesting topics.

O.N.E. Publishing with also utilize emerging technology to provide a on - demand delivery system to the

end user, permitting continued access to materials aligned with the mission.

O.N.E.. Entertainment Complex

This entertainment complex, “O.N.E.” which is the acronym for One ‘Ncredible Experience, will be the

premier, high energy focal point of entertainment consisting of a nightclub (with five themed rooms), a

three-star, 175-seat restaurant, and sports bar and lounge in the Metro Atlanta area. The goal is to

remain a step ahead of competitors through exemplary service as well as providing guests with options.

The expectation is for guests to thoroughly enjoy their time of leisure. The venue will provide more

video and electronics per square foot than anyone else within our region; while being one of the largest

venues in the region with separate areas for dining and musical tastes. Guests can also expect valet

parking, happy, enthusiastic employees, visible security, a simple, yet uniquely themed menu of events,

and a safe and pleasant atmosphere, creating an environment of belonging to local residents and

tourists alike. There is a significant amount of the community within the Metro Atlanta region that is

unrecognized by competitors. O.N.E.. Entertainment Complex caters to all races, creeds, genders, and

belief systems. The mission is about uniting people under the umbrella of good times, good music, and

quality service.

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O.N.E. Television Network, Inc.

One ‘Ncredible Experience Television Network, Inc. is positioned to be the “tiffany network” of emerging

television, and the industry’s leading producer and supplier of empowerment programming to

the domestic and international television marketplace, in keeping with O.N.E.’s mission. In addition to

programming similar to what will be provided through O.N.E. Radio Network, the television

component consists of a multifaceted digital and virtual studio and production facility with the diversity

to accommodate full-length features, special events, sitcoms, commercials, music videos, still shoots and

a variety of other projects.

O.N.E. Resource Center, Inc.

One ‘Ncredible Experience Resource Center, Inc. is a not for profit entity and global resource center,

created to focus on the personal, professional and spiritual empowerment of each individual, family and

community. This is achieved through the vehicles of education, community advocacy, mentoring,

coaching & counseling, workshops and training sessions. Such opportunities are available via

collaborations with corporations, community organizations, other nonprofits and local/federal

programs; thus granting access to everyone who desire to experience their greatness.

We are dedicated to be of service to the entire planet; however the Creator would have us to be so. We

are committed to being a tangible manifestation of God/Universe reflection of unconditional love. Our

purpose is to be a haven where people from all races, cultures, ethnicities, creeds, sexual preferences,

socio-economic and/or spiritual practices are welcomed and enlightened.


O.N.E.’s mission is to inspire, motivate, and heal lives and relationships all across the globe. This will be

accomplished by assisting each participant with creating, the essential, balance of their spiritual and

natural being; with a focus on self realization, holistic living, acts of service and empowerment

(personally, professionally and spiritually).

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The keys to O.N.E. Resource Centers' success are four fold:

1. Personal Development - Focus on spiritual empowerment, creating positive relational

experiences, contribute to rebirthing healthy and happy families, self realization and holistic

living; Transformational Coaching and Counseling (Singles/Couples/Marriage/Family);

Mentoring - At Risk Youth, Men and Single Parents

2. Professional Development - Discovering Purpose, Career Diversification, Entrepreneurial

training, Computer/Job Skills, Workshops and Training Programs

3. Community Resource Advocate:- Communal empowerment, job training, community

partnerships, food pantry, rental/housing assistance, health & dental drives, homeless and

prison outreach.

O.N.E. Spiritual Center, Inc.

One ‘Ncredible Experience, “O.N.E.”, Spiritual Center is spawned from the experience and desire of its

founder, Samuel L. Crumby Jr. - "Sameon"; who understands the necessity of inspiring, motivating and

healing lives and relationships all across the globe. While there are many who profess to fulfill this

mission, individually, it is extremely rare to find "one" organization providing all three of these

elements. O.N.E. Spiritual Center is truly a place where an individual or family can find refuge; some

may embrace the center as a launching pad; while others find it to be a learning annex; as the spiritual

center resonates differently with each individual based upon their personal experience.

Sameon, being a vehicle of empowerment, aims to empower individuals, families and communities with

balancing the spiritual and natural being existing within each and every one of us. This balance creates

the heavenly experience many build their lives to receive in the afterlife, in our current existence.

Mission - The goal of O.N.E. Spiritual Center is to create an inclusive environment where everyone,

regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and religion can co-exist.

Sameon believes there is too great of focus given to our differences - "It is time to create a paradigm

shift where we focus more on our similarities than the disparities. Love is the common denominator."

We are dedicated to be of service to the entire planet; however the Creator would have us to be so. We

are committed to being a tangible manifestation of God / Universe reflection of unconditional love. Our

purpose is to be a haven where people from all race, culture, ethnicity, creed, sexual preference, socio-

economic and/or spiritual practices are welcomed and enlightened.

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Purpose – As a spiritual center our purpose is to assist with the remembrance of every individual being a

“Spiritual Being Engaged in An Human Experience”; thus creating the understanding of the

interconnectedness of Man/Woman and the Universe through Spirit.

Spiritual Principles and Practices of the O.N.E. Movement - The following are core principles and

teachings of the O.N.E. Movement and its founder Sameon Crumby. Through guidance of spirit and

experience, being our best teacher, these principles are the unifying truths leading to the actualization

and alignment with one’s best and highest self.

1. There is one Master Creator and we are created in his / her image. Regardless of the spiritual

foundation established throughout our journey, everything began with ONE. Many identify with

this energy as God; while others use names like Allah, Jehovah, JA, Buddha, Universe and so


2. We are Co-creators! For centuries we have found ourselves operating our experiences on

extremes; either we are sole creators or participators. We remember we are created in the image

of and it is important for us to continue the creative process and how we are a part of team.

3. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. The misconception of our roles have lead us

to believe we are here to do rather than BE; which has many of us connected to the outcome

versus embracing our experiences. This illusion has disallowed us to disconnect from the

perceived experience and comprehend the lessons; while continuing the mission we agreed to

before we manifested physically.

4. Personal Responsibility – Every person is responsible for his / her personal evolution as we are

gifted with free will – allowing choice; therefore personal responsible is required for self


5. The Importance of Balancing the Spiritual & Natural Being. Many have taken a vow of poverty

with the thought it will assist them with being closer to God (God will provide all my needs);

while others have been in the pursuit of money – placing their spiritual needs on the back burner.

Neither extreme is creating the balance needed to afford us with the personal satisfaction we

wholly desire.

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O.N.E. Spiritual Practices

The following seven practices create the environment for a full manifestation for self actualization and

balance for each individual.

1. Mediation – This practice allows the practitioner to awaken awareness, still the mind to assist

with the connection with spirit for guidance and opens the heart desire to serve as a beneficial

presence on this planet.

2. Affirmative Prayer – Affirmative Prayer sets in motion a process of healing false beliefs which

prevent an individual from fully realizing their spiritual inheritance. Prayer is an intimate and

affirming connection with the Spirit.

3. Visualization – Intuitively opening and embracing consciousness to align with Spirits vision for

one’s life which is applicable to all aspects of life – spiritual, emotional, financial, relational,

professional and communal.

4. Act of Service – This is meditation and visualization in action. As one come to the understanding

that all is “ONE” the beginning of extension of service becomes a natural desire. This is provided

without seeking anything in return and extending with tangible and intangible items.

5. Study – Every stage of growth and development on the spiritual, personal and / or professional

path it is important to maintain a “beginner’s mind”. Remaining teachable acknowledges truth is

limitlessness, so there is always the opportunity to expound to a more profound level of

understanding, wisdom and practice.

6. Community – Participation in a spiritual community accelerates our spiritual growth. The more

we fellowship, meditate and pray with likeminded individuals the greater the evolutionary

experience. The community also offers the opportunity to cultivate patience, humility,

compassion and selflessness, as we are our brother / sister keeper.

7. Tithing - As we gain a greater understanding of the Law of Circulation, it will become obvious that

the sharing of our financial resources, our talents and skills is at the heart of tithing. And, in

grateful recognition of the teachings and teachers who have been and are our spiritual

benefactors, we give to support the dissemination of their teaching and mission.

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The Board of Directors

Samuel L. (Sameon) Crumby, Jr.

Chairman of the Board and President and Chief Executive Officer,

One ‘‘Ncredible Experience, Inc.

Mr. Crumby has over 24 years of combined business and professional expertise,

including 19 years in management. He brings extensive business acumen in the areas

of telecommunications, sales, marketing, public relations, retail and entertainment. In addition, he is a

widely popular and well respected Transformational Coach & Speaker, Spiritual Leader, Author and Talk

Radio Host whose personal mission is “Inspire, Motivate and Heal Lives and Relationships across the


As President and Chief Executive Officer, of O.N.E.., Inc., Mr. Crumby provides guiding stewardship for

the overall vision and direction for O.N.E.., Inc. Sameon’s training includes Entrepreneurial Studies,

Sociology and Communications at Grand Canyon University and leadership training in the United States


Chassydi Denise Butts, MPA, MBA

Chief Administrative Operations Officer for Health Sciences, Howard University

Business strategist and healthcare administrator with Six Sigma Certification, Ms.

Butts assumed the position of Chief Administrative Operations Officer for Health

Sciences at Howard University in November 2009. In this role, she manages the day-

to-day operations of a $400 million Health Sciences enterprise, including Howard

University Hospital, The College of Medicine, Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library, The College of

Dentistry, The College of Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health. Ms. Butts has achieved many notable


In 2010 she successfully led the acquisition of two additional facilities on the Walter Reed Army Medical

campus to create satellite outpatient clinics. Ms. Butts has been recognized nationally and

internationally within her career, and is the recipient of the Power 30 Under 30 award in Washington,

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DC, which honors thirty outstanding individuals under the age of thirty around the world that have

achieved extraordinary success.

Daniel Crumby, J.D., MBA

U.S. Attorney, Department of Justice

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, is a 2003 political science graduate of the University

of Texas at El Paso, and received his Juris Doctor from the University of Texas,

School of Law in 2006. He recently earned a Masters of Business Administration

with a concentration in International Business from the University of Texas at El Paso.

After Daniel was admitted to the State Bar of Texas, he rejoined the Army ranks as a Judge Advocate

General (JAG). He was stationed at Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range, serving as the Deputy Staff

Judge Advocate before joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office in January 2011. His awards and decorations

include two Meritorious Service Medals, a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, the Fort Bliss

Ambassador Award, a Distinguished Military Graduate, and the General George C. Marshall Leadership

Award. He is married and has two children.

Kelvin Othello Crumby

Tax Consultant, Beatty Balfour

Mr. Crumby is an Assistant Tax Manager for an international construction,

engineering, military housing, rail and Investment Services Company. He has

extensive experience in numerous domestic and international tax related

projects. Mr. Crumby has four years experience as a Corporate Tax Accountant, and seven years as an

accountant in both governmental and private companies. Prior to joining his current firm five years ago,

he honorably served eight years as a United States Marine. Mr. Crumby received training as a Fiscal

Budget Technician from the Financial Management School, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC. He holds a Bachelor

of Science in Accounting from Ramapo College of New Jersey.

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James M. Harvey, Jr.

Vice-President, Operations, O.N.E.. Radio Network, Inc.

A seasoned media professional, Mr. Harvey serves as O.N.E. Radio Network’s Director

of Operations. In this role, he provides daily oversight for the organization’s facilities,

radio operations, the organization’s internship program and strategic planning. James

has served in several leadership positions in communications in higher education and

public service, and brings to O.N.E.., Inc. over 20 years of experience in administration, communications,

and public relations ranging from traditional to emerging media. James holds a bachelor’s degree in

broadcast journalism from Troy University.

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